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Flesherton Advance, 15 Apr 1931, p. 2

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^LONE SCOUTS This week brings us news from our most northerly L-.MH .Scout, who VTBS at the Hudson Hay Pout at Landsdown a Huns... m Northern On- tario. His name I.s Waiter Wralpht, and Wa.tor In quite an outstanding Sc -sit :n other res] be Id. , his northerly location. Coming from (]>. "Old Country" last year. Ii. r ;l very line ro- cord with him, and he I.s tho posses- sor of th.< , ivetpd 'Sllvtir Cross for Bravery" which -A a.s bestowed upon him for taring tlm liio of a do?. The L. t ('.niiiiiis-iloncr lias a picture cf \\'a!!.-r with (he doi;. a cocker .-|>;i:uel, -iiiu lie .SIIVIM!. On arm a! n, Canada, liu W.IH sent to one <if ili.i Hudson Hay i'ri m . pany's Northern Ontario Posts, aud he has I n i;. that part .if tho coun- try ever n!n .-, and N'il, u.s that ha quite onjoy n ih.. life, although it l:s a little lono'.y at times, especially In the wii,!i<r time whi-n travelling U difficult and ho baa to wuit for a long time for bis ma I. Walter lias l.-.-ir:.. d t i drive a dog team, but be says that If you talk kindly to the dons they think that you are a weakling nnd Just Me down on the track and won't budge. It 1 ; neci lai ; t.j u quite -in. UK lang- tiuee to th-m. before tb-v will take any tioti.o of Tli- List mull ilio 1'ost received was hiought In by dcg t-arn, driv<-:i by an Ita'ian I': ' n:id h<> -was quite embarras- sed by 'ii.j ! ' ii t that Hie dog-, would take no .mtico of ordinary language, > < Jini'i i/mi.i.-d by s.vKiriiii; at them in ^i' W: 1 Lone Scout in Lately -,v,j iiave noticed h e\eral P'--"lde eng iged In thc;r nar- i' ' ' 1 t:i'.( r.-miails us tliat every Lone HI o:r \\ ','. ,{ i,.inse have a t "f h!i v.-ry .'.MI, wh ., t and pliinl !,j !,is own .. And ' .... . : I.-, i,, S. i || Mo'iid qualify for the (iardenur'g Undr;p, and now Is the time to coin- :iiei!"e oporatlons to earn thin badge. Like (julte a few of tlio other Scout ll:i I [ea the Clardenern requires quite a 1'ttle patience, and cannot be <-arn- .] i.v.-rn^'hf. Ii Is iH'Ci.s.-.iry t.i )ia\,. suniu kuowl- <t soils. ;i;id to actually grow a r.' mber of llowivs anil iilaiits from BPe<i. hut all tills is very lutorestiiit; woi!. which w.-juld 1 enjiiyed by evi .. I/orie. fli-t busy and ask your Scoutmas- I.M- to send you particulars of the li.i! di-ni-r's KadgK, no thin you (no can qualify for It. And talking of tJanl.-nitig rominds us of a very good turn that was per- i'onn'd last yar by tlio Lone "Wolf Patrol" of 1'jrls. tint lonnders of tho present Paris Troop. These Lonies looks about them and discovered some old folks who weie too feeble to dig and plant tlicJr own uiird"iis, so they 'irmf-d themselves with spades and rakes and al'. the ary tools and sot to work to plant these old peoples' gardens for thum, and then later on they also tended them when w<-<-s<ary. Wasn't that a real good turu? Maybe >->u c;in do the same thing this ;. car. And still talking cf Rood 'urns In (tin Sprlngtluie, liavo you noticed how tln bright Htinshiiio Bhnws up that dlrly rubbish heap iind untidy scrap laying all around tlm liouno and which was pi.-vlouily burled un- (]riK:a'h the HIIOW? How about making this \\o-k a I^one Scout "Clean Up" week, and so ;<iit uv.'rytliiiiu Klilp-sliapn for tho brUht weather whli-ii Is ahead of us? <!o to it, Lone Sen Its, and then .vrite to your Seoul master und tell him what you are doinx- LONK K Man's Sight Expended By Ten Basic Devices Ntw V>rk Tf. i. (\lcoa pr- C; ^ in:in to i'r.)j'-c[ ii|., ;,,, i, ., Bon ,., <' t Into b . !< .' IHc won- ' 11 ' been . . 'NT for tin; timo in a display at the Kx- J i of tha S. Icii. e and Art of C'"'>T at the Mu.scuin of Scloneo and Industry. , The Stiobo.,1 O[MS v. !ILI h blows up th- motion of objects moving too ttiftly for the oy to soy; tlm 1<;!1- loscope which catches Ihn inovyincut ' . . ct.s 'oo vibrant; the micro- cojio which rovoals the intlnltuly mall; the telescope to HMJ distant t . the radiometer, wliii h de- te<t t'.ie InvislMu Infra-rod, or heat, T'avi^i; tho photo-cell, which onsnoron the uti.oi.i-n '.ira-v|.di-t radiations; the X-ray, whlrb n.-vcaN thinm through OP'i'l'ie nmliTlals, the Hiier'r-iHi-.jpe, which HMI-S out Mi,) mixed radiation Of Ahlto light; tho pyrometer, which i '' things too radiant for tho eye to i;n2e upon, and thn spoctro- photnmeter, which in-rfornm fi-ats of color analysis b 1 ;. o;id 'iie power of the human oy, ani tlio ten m Byrd Now Positive He Flew Over Pole Washington lit) probably already kiiuw It, but the Nailonn! (i>-oi;rapbii' Society IKIS told |(oar Admiral K:'!I. aid H. lloyd when h< tle.v ovr lb<* Nautilus Named ; crurk--(l i . >...,., :i..c.| i... : - ,': v\- 1 .-ii'iii y. til New Vof!; of 8i.:.niariiia Nautilus for Sir lluberi \\'ilkiii' trip to North 1'olit this sumiui-r. J...;ni Juli-n Vi-rno. Kramison of famous wriier. aid*"! Lady Wllklns in otllriatlir,'. Captain Ducovers Land In Arctic Oslo, Norw. -Captain baoh'.l. Nor WKiaii OoTnrnni'-nt. whalliiK insiiec- tor, who roturiied rcoi-ntly from visit- IDK Hio herding Knuinds of tho north Atlantic. olalm<>d to have dUoovor- d n hitherto nnkriown land with lofty peaks In the arctic rc'Ktomi. The land, ho said, liiy betw ii lon.i'liiidcs 27 nnd 72 wont, nn ara Which Include* moit of ".re. la Baffin Hay and th( oast coant of Badln Iynd already. Captain l)a(-lill told rldeiiH Tegn. OH!O dally, that he had noted the ex- act position of the territory on m.'.ivs nd had taken photographs, but bo refused to dlvulse ItH oxnct poHitlon All details and documents havo benn fcanderl to the Norwegian (io..irn- ment. Grain Transplanted Gives Finer Yield DlrniliiKham, Knj?. - - Transplantrd grain ylolds a coiisldnrably better crop than crops allowed 'heir normal growth, according to expei-linenta that choolbnyo In tlio Siiiffordnhlro vIlbiKO Of Kluver have bei.n c.irrjli-.i! out. For three HuaHons In succession Uio boys havo Mown wheat In Or-tobcr, aud in the following Felnuiiry have trans- planted part of It In another plot. Thny havo treated the two pints of wheat laclly alike, but tho transplanted oorn IHIH always been much finer. Course In Leadership Outlined For Women Hyracus". N.Y. What IH nald to b the llrnl course of It.i kind In the United States, combining practice and theory In leadership for womon stu- dents, will be started nt Syracuse Uni- versity noxt fall. Tho objective Is to propuru womon for eiitnun-K Into per- sonnel work nnd for positions in ad- Vlserx nnd dciins of women In high ch"ols, normal schools and colleges. TI-II oiilHtandiiiK wcnnuii In educa- tional work will receive graduate as- lH!;uit..;ii|n e.|in,:iieui to nearly ^1000 . yearly. The society's -re.sear<-li conim.' ' <i. rpor1lng on its study of tha explor- ' er's r.icord, iiKreod tlint at 1:14 p.m., Cif.-n.vlrli olvll tlfiio, Nov. '^9, 1929, I' Hyrd was "at tli'j s-iuth pole, in so far as an observer in an alriilano, using the most accurate in- struments and mo! hod -i available for rletermlniiiK bis position, could ascor- tnln. ' W". thi-rnfore, fl sur iliat at ".-]. point in the coiir.-.o the piano flew within four nautical miles of tho south polo, with the probability that It passed much nearer than tlili" Neglect of Cemeteries Montreal Piesso: (A bill li.m lie-Mi inti-odin-.-d In tho Ontario ParMain'Mit providing for the creation of local i-iiMimissions for Inn ninintenauc,. of Kravii.vard.s.) This example not by ilio Covernni'.-ut of Ontario deserves to be followed la other provinces. t->r tboru are many old ci'inelorles throughout the country where thu <!< Holatlnii of forgotfiilnoas la manifest In Iliti Had Hpeclaclo of abandoned Kra\eM. The upkoep of ceniettM -It:.s Is a sacred trust not only for fa|ii- Illi-s, but for public authorities families dia out, or for other reasons the ,'.': tombs huvo liui-om tlie pro> of t!mo nnd disordered vegeta- tion. Britain's Oldest Store Now Closes Doors London. I!rit:i!n'- old' ;t bi xiore, Jamot Shoolhied ti- Co., which has car-' ried on bti:-!n--^s in Tot!..idi:im Co::;t Uoad Mini-o 1M7, ha.s |>;i-~ci| i.-no thi? bands of Kavrod* Ltd, th iai-i;.; "shop" in the UriiUii chain;.'. -n:'ii!ii;i; n-moVii hied stock to Ktii-'lit ibr sltaled by the w.--t\vai-i| m.iv.-in.-n: of 1. nidon' i .-hopping urea. Tim locality w;is ^einin J.iliU's Sijo<ii:.]...l. ;i Si-o'.s liis in, ill .--hop as "Dealer in l; ; : i-n Lai ." In L'M years Ih, l.u iiii h i :iliorli. d .'ooii c|ii].! . |] was tlie lirst stoi-rt to b.i liubted by cli-ciririiy iu Hriialn, and nl-o jnirn.ln. .1 the llrnt weeklv liajl'-hoii'lav. mpii ... l of t!i" Shool- -di:-, i~ ucc. - when ope ..... I The Canning Industry Qui.liec \'e.:e(iiiilrt in Canada had ;ui ctiv- y 19.1U, increasing f,l < p,.r c,n'. 19'".>. The prick of to:n,i .), im i>d by nearly HU p-or ciit., and by almost 1'i.". per cent. Tb. pack for thn Dniiiitilon pr.ictieall proxltuatod onu can per he:id of ulatlou. Il tHtallcil ln,i;,;..;i4 In 1JI30, coinpured will)':>T In \92<>. can ar I-. , . Ye, ; A Sower Went Forth I'nd'-i- th.' t'.-i-'ind .irro.vs of t!ie sun A la'-mi-i- plants Vs ' irr iw i>.r '-tu- i.v So \\ent i In- ;ii;c;.- n V.IA.T of the .s.-ed !'. fora !'IM dawn <f Karnak'a dy- iiaMty. D Ions v .-:i^i.)ii of ib fruitful .s 1:1! ii ...!'. 1 -. :. I of the q-;ickeiied !i:-i.|; ' lire !; -.yir. M-.IS -the .-y.-Vj .if ;' : i,j corn: The s I . . . ':i.! Min . . . the full 1 '. 1 : ]i'-:i.'d yield. K.* \.i/.:i.e!:i, Tim r!i; 'hni of tho -. ical 'I 10 "''d . . I I.- i^io .Ver .ill I ' . .-.'II- 'h . . . thn .* ::i:io.\ed qra i. I'hara liu. prl.-ls ;i!!d peoples) change - nut tin .sc: 'l In- so*.. r and tho .s I. t'e) -,un mid rani! .\^ii"rt Kendrlck Cray, In :lio Now York Tillies. "Laughter A Boon to Mankind" Declares English Professor Laughter I* a pocullarly humau But when, thanks to the perseverance phenomenon, declares Alirabam Wolf, Professor of Louie and Scientific Meth- od at the University of London, iu an article in the N.Y. Times Magazine. Some monkey:) may grin, but man 13 the laughing auimai par excellence. He i.s also the laughed at animal, of the pioneers, tha novelties succeed in establishing themselves as new habits, (hen the older bablu of the old-fashioned may be laughed to acorn because of their contrast with the newer aud more widespread habit*. Here it is to be noted that usually the rhlef butt of the laughter of hU ' It is only fashions of no very serious fellows. Hence thw general human in- j moment (long or short dresses, .short lei-est of the .subject. Indeed, it has ( or long hair, for example) that are been said with some justice that laugh- j matters of laughter; the reaction U ter Is one of thr-- gifts given to different iu more serious matt&rs, un- iii'-n to enable them to counter the , less some genius of a humorist suo miseries of existence. Forgeifulneas ceed.s iu showing vividly that they H our protection against tlie haunting have a funny side. stings of the past; hope enables us to i Thin brings us to the .special mis- face the future with all that it may . slon of the greatest humorists. It 1* have in store for us; laughter helps us ( probably the special gift of a geniui to set over the trials of the immediate like Mr. Shaw that lie can deal with pi'-.vut. And the greatest of these is serious problems In a laughable way. laughter, for present evils always ' He usually scores his laughs in the "pern to be the worst; Iu: "a nv.ry ways already Indicated, especially by heart goes all the way." ! showing the Incongruity either be- Over and above its general human , twe?n proteased theory and actual l:i'. i-.-st. laughter also appeals to a practice, or by disclosing the disguises number of specific interests. As a by which ugly ducks masquerade In highly complex group of humau ex- ' fine feathers. Of course, no problem. perlencea it is a subject of scieu.tific social or otherwise, Is solved in that utert-st, aud as such appeals at once way. But it is a great accomplishment to the biologist. It has also an artistic ; forcibly to direct people's attention to iu'erest. for it is intimately connected with certain types of literature, music and the pictorial arts. Lastly, It has the existence of certain promises and 10 prod them to face tha problems in- .-lead of pretending that they don't even a commercial interest, for the exist rather like the man who used production of laughter is one of the : to burn all his bills and so made light great industries of the world of enter- of his troubles. tainmeut. The and n: about laughter is th u It Is a physical or physiological activity which is gen- erally found to be very pleasant and Such laughter cannot, from the na- obvlous thing j l ure ot the case, b purely joyous and g nial laughter. Tears are ape to mingle with It. There are miny forms of laughter which are closely allied to refreshing. The belief that laughter ] 'ear. And some of the greatest serves as a tonic is very widespread, humorists have mingled them freely. Popular philosophy ha* testified Co *?- this belief iu the proverb; Laugh and Q . grow fat. This, of course, was iut-iul- Celling Bait-Latest ed to express the common faith iu the I Industry In Georgia health-giving properties of laughter. Tii'lon. Ga. Down in South Georgia In an age In which slim figures are the j n-here the crops were not good and rage, the proverb might prove n dan- : where folks have had to workout new w to luuuln-r. Perhaps we ou-ht to pi atta [o eara ft living through the ' y ap- ;mp- cans cuns lr .:,n : . ,.!! \\e;i sai.l that no nmn ever sank under din burden of the lay. It is when tomorrow's hurdon is added to tlio bunion of today that tha v.-eiirht is more than a man can Ip.M'-. (l.'or^o MaolVnald. substitute it for the motto: A laugh ,i day keeps t:ie il'X-'.ir awav. The reason why people enjoy iaiu'h'--r as Summer, a new industry is being built up. The following advertisement has :ip|..<:ir>d in The Tifton Gazette: .su.-h, the :>M-'..n why it really does 'Fish bait The latest thing Juflt out them good: is i>ii> -'ioj^i, -.illy quite Lf ,],.. mound. The very best 1331 clt-:ir ami weil i- ' ..i.'i -U.-d. I' -;r. dves m ,,,i-! far. juicy and tough the kind P ' -'- -f "i respiratory j- ou have been lookinsr for. Just call H, mi extra in:ak.< of oxy-i-n in ,, kd at -ri,< (.; azt >tt> office and have the lungs, stimulation '<> th-> him put you .p a cup full when you latory system and to (lie nerve*. M ire- art , ; , M ,i y tj go fishiug. dtf." over, hearty laughter la generally ac- j y ow . t)la[ country folks have begun companied by a dirYu-e, activity of the ,,j| lm . u ,,gle worms -hat used to ba aims and body, conducted perhaps f ree f or t - 16 ,|j g i;| U g. i t would not be with the play Impii'.-v . . n , r i s i, 1; ; if farmer charges a do^'s. then. One curious. but interesting result of this is that Takon in modern's I* Joy-givlne. iii)lghb,ir for a 'mess o' greens" or a lialf-doz'.Mi "roastin" ears" for dinner before 'hn Summer is ^one. The whole siuco we feel glad when we lungli, w- | orhl (end to laugh when we aro rflad. And i i/.-d so lauRhter tin- become an e\pi.--, i^n ' as well as a .source of joy. The kind of association, ( <r inentni a'-.-tiemy. by wlili.h this i^cirt of thing happen U 'o ha ?->rting commerclaJ- P ** ' r Look To Your Laurels K5/5 London- Australia Airway Is Planned London Two exixTimonlal flights uudor the Air Ministry's nu- plces, In each direction bolwoi'ti Lon- don mid Aii.Hirului, worn recently nn- flounced by Hon. V. MontuKiio, utidor- SecKilary for Air. in Mm Ilmixe of Ooramons. The llrnt Illghl froin Lnudon Htart- od on Saturday, April 4th, and is Hchednltid to roach I'ort Darwin, Ana- tinlia. on April 19. The second Illght from I/ondon will start April 25. and will be duo in Tort Darwin on May 10. Tho prt.'jjout Bngland-to-Iudln air mall roulo will bo fullcwcd ns far as Kuiadil and Delhi. Tim loule will then bo lo Allahabad, niu'iitta. Han- KI.OII, Vlrtorla Point. Slug.iporo, Itaiiivia. I'ounibaj'H nnj 1'orl Darwin. ~^- 100,000 German* Expected To Visit Paris This Summer Pnrls. One hundred thousand (ler- HMMH are expected to vlsli Paris this Kiiniiiu-r for the Fionch Colonial KxpoHltlon. and the Rr.-atui' part of tlioni will como by bun. I Tha Hftine busc'i will run nil Su i mer from Warsaw to Ilerlln mid from i llarlln to Paris. These M* r'rs, ' containing thirty Boats and equipped In every way to iinnuro '!> I'onU'ort :,f ihn passengers, will nmlin Iho trip from War ; -,nw to Uprllli In twMve hours mid In iwnnty-four from norlln to Paris. The price from Paris to \Vnriww will b |12 unrt from Borlti to Paris |U. . _ tarthquake rrecautions Auckland Weekly News: No anmuat familiar to psyc'.iolosists who have of argument about New Zealand's com-. studied tlie cxpit' of (be eino- ! partitive freedom from serious earth- tlous. (juakfts can dlspijse of the necessity For various re.! :au.;h'..-r ha* | of taking the of them into ac- bocn largely displaced by the mare I count. As thrt details of the Hawkd'a .smile-, which reives as a kind of gen- I^y dl-a-.t.T become more fully known teol n nd rellncd substitute for it. One 1 it is pitifully evident that the terrible of tho i-hi-f cause.! of this fact i* the loss of lii. would not have occurred ;-.e'i-ral tendency for cultured jn-opl.) ; l>d the prlnclplns of earthquakeproof to i.ecomi! (Hii.trr in thdr muuiiers J Construction been observed in bulld- and hiibits of lifo. 1'iofi s,!oiial ;>eo- ings of comparatively recent erection. pie inevitably pass much of their tiui-i' With eyes upon the future of Napier in louely occupations, and so :i.-iiuire| "d adjacent towns In the region so e habit of quiotne-.-. ll.ibit >ome- sadly overtaken by disaster. !t must times becunies a cult. ;'o ' loudness" be suid Unit the promised body o< of every kiiul Is regarded a.s i.r.hor vu!- building regulations is absolutely s- Ail. i.. - l.r.iua, 1 1 year-old St. LOUIM high school Rlrl, whose targe -I shonilni; has eanied her title of one of best marks- man In country. . c 'li!> hns Hliot her way to .stardom almost over night, nerer having tltvd a gnu until two years ago. gar. \Ve aro couseuuenUy not sur- 1 sentlal, not for application ther only. j prised to tlnd that the Ronterl Lord \ uut throughout the Dominion. Lia- Chesterfleld claimed It ;us a limit that bllity t cariluiuak.< varies locally, no slucrt ho had come to tlio full use of doubt, when the wholtl Dominion Is hi* reason he had never been heard considered, but the simplest and sur- to laugh. He. does not say when ho ost way to safety should be taken hy cnmo to the full use of his reason, making the regulations compulsory !*oonor or later we all reach an age everywhere-. If action of the sort be i when we drop physical i'xerci.*'-s and not taken now. the outstanding lesson | loud laughter is one of :'i t:>. "f this calamity will b* lost. Although laimliinr ' a physical ,ic - > tlvu,. It ta mare than that. It Is usual- Re t Showg w p ly associated with mental e.vper-Mice*. ... n-ir o i This may boat a minimum in merely | Nine Billions in Mates boisterous luuuhtor. <>irii as cfien HC- , Washington. The in -oinej o[ wage companies sheer rnggiug and rnugh ''arners In tho United States are estl- hor.seplay. Hut with the growth of mated a.s having been $9,000.000 lower aturity and culture the langhtiM- that ' l 1930 than in 192<i. in a report i>re- Is mainly physical tends to be ro- ( Pait'd l-y its Geneva Research Commit- placed by what Is mainly a laughter | ' -'e. the League of NV ions Association of thd mind. What is meant by announced here- recently. "lauKUl-.T (if thv> mind" is perhaps Ttl 's estimate was $1,000,1)00,000 un- most obvious when, exhausted with (1 r that of the American Federation phyxlcal Uughter, we go on listening "f Labor, made public, but both or- to funny sturlos and MO their point, ganizations figured the decline at 20 but cannot hingl* at thorn. Merely I >t>r cent. I boisterous laughter, of course, lias a, > n>ng hold on most people. And so Moose Jaw, A new imlu.strj shoor fooling, smacking, beating and '* { o be added to Moose Jaw in the ragging generally, constitute a largo form of a grist and flour mill, to he ; part of the stock iu trade of the circus erected early this Hummer at ft cost j i .d the pantomime. Hut such laugh- f about $2r..iimi. i ler 1* at host short-lived among Intelll- > neut people. It soon palls on them. ' Moose Jaw, Sask The tlrst factory And even those who slum anything In the Province of Saskatchewan for i "high brow" in the way of entertain- H<e manufacture of ne.'ktios, waa nieiit still look for something more oponed in Moose Jaw recently by the j Intollec-tual than the fun of the old Imleslructable Neckwear Manut\ic- I typo of circus clown or pantomime, but- turers Ltd. Tho factory is turning; I footi. i out around loo dozc-n ties per w<ek, | Thero can be no doubt that laugh- 1>ut ' is ll * hil > l1 in tilling Us orders. 'tor is au important social weapon. It wnloh liav e 1)l<cl1 larger than expc-ct- Is employed tu discourge both the, new- ''' (angled and the old-fashioned, and so : helps to pronuittt steady ]iroi;ii.'S.s in Saskatoon, Sask --The- Saskatch- uccordanco with tho old adage. "HaM- ewan Tower Commission la consider- on Hlowly." New fashions in ilress, \ ttK an addition of machinery to the bearing, mods of s pencil, or manneis S:i-,katoon plant, to cost In the neigh- are nearly always laughed at to begin borhood of $400.000. No additional with. And the laughter Oftftn has the buildings, however, will bo required, effect of killing mere affectations an, I Construction of additional transmU mannerism*. Such launhler Is mostly ;oii 1'nes throiiKliout the Saskatoon provoked by Incongruity or contrast istri.'t nert .ssitated the enlargement with established cuHtoms and habits of the plant.

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