Vol. 50, NO. 46 Flesherton, Ontario, April 15, 1931 \V. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors It PROTON STATION EAST MOUNTAIN KIMBERLEY VICTORIA CORNERS n | Jack Keith of To FEVERS HAM a:-. : mar-. Mrs. Thos. McCullough and child- Gordon McGee. of Toronto is > / guest of Miss Jean McConnell during Mr Cecil gmith and frielvl ,, f in M.. -ch, 184)3, -o yt-iir- .>. . . ' . Wednesday afternoon. After the work We w , sh to congratulat|? M ,. and was done they were entertained at , r ,, ., D .y_ , t Mrs. Cecil Beits who were married tea by Mrs. McConnell and daughter. Th- sain.- afternoon the Ladies' Saturday, March twenty-ei? Guild, of the Anglican Church had Mr. T. Allen, Mrs. Thos. MjCullough a quilting at the home Mrs. Charlie and children ar.d Mr. Harry Hoven:i- " "' Lyons. At thr closi, Mrs. Lyons srerlt Ea3ter Sun( : av with Mr. and and her daughter entertained at tea. M[ .._ r ,. lri . n .. e Srl! art." Last week was a moving TW'' ot ~,, ' - "i Mr. J. .,-. v, .. ...^ \\nt-e r<- Proton Station. Mr. amiMrs. Thos. ^t*viith line : Osprey. on Friday In !>'U Mr- leal EH: 111" LINE NEW 1 ? ' ' ' a how . to the masts ar.d r .- - ng __^_ or the vess< '.. T'.. y '.an,:!..: in <_"a:> :; !a and ea:-.-.e :o T : ;r.to. -. - <. S. S. Bar they sn 1 - Making maple syrup is the ord - r . M.-. p, .-A;-,. - ,. .- ncv day. It lias an appetizing .- . -"-- thing for - - ; . " Quite a number f, I I | j , ' the sale -n Mr. J. Ha:->-.,,uie. on tiu- ,,.h, - \- n V. ' Waui-hone moved m.- Dever Br-.' Presented Mr. and house on the back line near the viil- with r. miscellaneous shower on Mon- W a:re. dav -. The evening v.-as ' xr , -i, T TJ ., , , Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Wnyte and fam- :n , ram(? .. and dancing. ily moved into Mr. Edward Ruther- r ani : iCcurvoiser and daughter to our Err.ie - - 'I . . v. ;: . . . . - - ' ' - of Mr sympath their h fire !ast Friday night. khar * itingr her sister Mrs. Hayes who is ill. j hav . v :,: t(JlI .-. .,, i . sympathize with them , n the loss 01 Miss violet Paiker suffere,' with M A M Cal the:-- home which was destroyed by an attack of appendicitis last week n e P. I - - . .. ' . 4th Vic- Mrs. Ren A - " - ' - - - - -' -. 'leonre- res -. : this -. _-h> . . -, v - . Treas . ".. ''-.. , N " * appendi Inn w e h.i|v f.'r a sneedv recovery. er D- :ln '' * Madden. has M:. J. W. mij _ .- A- A Surplus of Power And Nimble in Traffic stor .- M 1 "-:. K - u-"''i . a me. Mr. and M . l.\:--< V . M :i!id Mrs. Th- F'-vsyth f O v .> - S : :'ani:!y. | \r ami M.-. ILI-IV.C M - : ' ' ' \i"s. M, ;-- ts. Mr. and Mv ; i.- Short. .-. -.-.. -. -.as.-n ':-> - '- !': - LOWtR PRICES GREATER VALU!! St:v;cc P.'J.-J Enquire ,i t>ou t rtur Mjirt fn.>.-t k o Sc^(c< f!mn . I:' 000 m..v. V, v . f ' .; . c^nf a />u/ L. V tRY Durd.it tradition cf inbuilt quality and value finds cxp.-csiior! in the improved onJ rcnncd Durant 6-14. I he Durant 6-!4 is <: c^i of qLict clcgjnco. Vv itn its sutp'-.i? pov.cr it K sv/ift and smcotri, nrrrble in tidific c.:d easy to handle. i he Durant 6-14 mciit^ v-^-' i^iTiediate inspection because of Is exceptional value end it> proud ownership record. ^ec it. Drive it. Yeur Durcnt dealer will oblige. EOILT BV A Canadian Compiny Conirofied by Cancdi^n Capital DURANT MOTORS of C^ADA, LIMITED TORONTO aEASIPt) CANADA D U RANT A O O D CAR GEO. F. BRACKENBURY Flesherton, Ont "-:--'.; M:<. R . n :>TV{ ' :ay- -. ith i, - ' ' ' son, issistaat Miss M p 'A" - ..r - p Mrs . . ..- - ' ' : - --er--:>law IT his ' - ' ' -. .r-. '- - -; : . j . . ' i -. -.. '- :he - ' ' V u:~ LADY BANK Eas * - t M - F.i-'tfr H .. -.-(! away - " .K-- . n >f the V\l M >K- *'. ' Dougi - -. ' M.-. ' '. i - - ' .- :ui '. :; \ej . .. : . . " . - . v. '.: i( - Mi.- P . thy H I Mis* a> - ! '.'. in i : vp-i?p\i-r bran - - l ^^*-' w ' ..e. Mot-- ' - : h . v -- p . . - .- . . - - -va. - - - M ...--; . >r . " - - M:--i. W-v Poo! ting IhlS ' -.1 : '.o - : - , . ' . t "I Us spcni the liolida Li .-* 1 . C'- ! " "t '-.ere. M - i.; LINL NORTH i'. A. i ' -.. ntion in To '. ^lesatc !!: our School 5< ll ,i - nna. '' ami ''. - I - ' I .1:- i M:-<. >; ( 1 " ;nd :> ' ' . iv r. i-: - :-. ' , , .x ' .- ' Eas' - : Mr. - M . Wm - V \ ; :\s a \V:<.-- M '', " \\ ' ' .' - V .A V - . of ^ii. Alb< -t Hoi . iniM - ' M'- !'- - N '.-.. - th.- lat.- M . ;l< ' '- ':> R1 cast of -h's - :'!a_ ..- : has iase:i Dossessior. M: Roy I. tn <? tikdale spent Sundaj at I'. ' " ' - ; -. _ returned to Mr. .rvi M:-. Roy Wood a- Lever's. We are c'.ad t,> '.earn that M -- (leo. ' Mr-. W. \'. \ 'I - Sv.. an . . are all '- - c '- ---' Iv v cturned to ness - - ' CEYLON Mr. l'l. r.i:v."i v'i iu- Mrs. .! 'iir. . . . G son aitir.ilcu '.hv ;'u:\o::>i .-.' Mrs. I BATES BURIAL COT. i away her ; -> St;injtvr who h>:!ie :; Tor-'.:: . TK- remains were breutrhl 10 Caledon >-n S.i-.-.: ; -iiay a' : r.oan ;'o:- burial. M'--. Strinci"' i -' ' :'. - -te "'. M.. t'-ir-n'i-e'.:'-. Ti,:- v->- I munitv -A'..' 1 . ;is -- . -iiTiathy to h'ni and lelatiVs. ^'- >. i-'.e.i ' [arshaii an ' - .. rii'TINCTIVE KVNERAI. SKRVICF \T MOPFUATE COST NO EXTRA CHAKl=K FOR THK T'SE OF OUR PARLORS UM-Ji \VEMK KI>. TORONTO J'HONT.: N: :ht " -v KV 41t W. K \ ITS. Fonivr'v of Ft R. MADDOCKS. i o xx~>->**->* i mi \vith d:i.:_-bi.- \vee . i B * Mi M:v I Pona! I -.vho has spor' ::! -'- !iv ". ' : -i i'.'ronli' < ' .- ' :.:' f hor ;'3'. outs. M-. Frank P. Cai:-:s --10- Ka . wosk \\ i:h !i-u-:\ ; .- .;'. foi - - ; ar.i > t House of :~x~:~><-:'*<-x^--:~C"M-<":-c.M- i . Im \vell fed! 1 * My mother trades at ' Ken Kennedy's FRESH HEAD LETTUCE \ CELERY SPINACH ONIONS TOMATOES NEW PINEAPPLES Real Nice ORANGES J5c doz. Phone 37 SPECIAL EXTRA PANTS FRl-K With evcrv Tailored-to-tncasure Suit ! at $25.50 for this week . .% Moiu!,:v ; h-.- - studies ..-. i' >; - - i Xrrn:;-.! Sc:-ool. ^ Mr. .I-.-hr- M.-Millan of Owen - : M.. A. (.'. Muir paid :'. 'n:sin. 1 ' - j J t-;.. t> Thirnbury OTI Mor.lav. |* Mr. (.;,'"-.;, Sp.ell learned Mon,!.'.. . from ' i-'tinj: friends m Toronto a- i SEEDS! SEEDS! KR AI.S1KK S\\ 1T.T Cl.OVKR Mi*s Norton, who has hi'en as-'st- inc Mr. A. C. Muir for a few week-;, vetnred S.iuirtiay to her hon^e -vav Walters Falls. Miss Vera Afarshall. R.X.. who has been visitinx: her sister at Bolton fn;- n few weeks, returned home on Monday. Mrs. A. C. Muir and little son. Ken- neth, snont the week end at Br"kelv. Wood cutting bees are the order for this week. TIM< >'nn Ki-'n ci MAMMOTH Cl.OYKK \\'c have \iv 1 utul No. J Seed. ( Hir prices arc right ! Terms : Maple sap has had a good run this season. Quantities of syrup are ' ', ', >' still heinn offered at $2 for No. 1. ; GROCERIES MMAAttAAAAMMAMMMM^^tf^^^^tt^t^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^***** Orangeville will pur ha^ - - ne- :i:j engine at a cost of $t>..iOO. PURINA ALL-MASH For l>abv Chicks I > Jas. A. Ste\vart PHONE 46 ^ WE DELIVER IN TOWN