WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1931 ~T1 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE High School Reports $t. J h n ' s Services BUY A BETTER FLOORTHANA* SEAMAN-KENT ~ so WHY TRY? SEAMAN-KENT HARDWOOD FLOORING .Sold in Fleshcrton by FLESHERTON PLANING AND GRAIN CHOITING MILLS s. s. NO. 0, ARTEMESIA Cla-s 4 J. D. Campbell 7J, Elsie Fi: her 71. .7, Irene Fisher 6(1, Joe Campbell 40. 1 Isabella Camci-nn 65. Class 2 - Allan Cameron ">>, Khesa McLean. Primer Arthur Fisher. M. MACImNALD, Teacher. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Bruwnridge, St-ayiief. (Int., announce the cngagc- nient of their daughter, Grace Anno, to Mr. An hie Soinervilk', son of Mr. and Mis. James Somerville, Barrie, Ont., tlir marriage to take place April 8. Sp )rmg in "Freshen Up" INSIDK AND OUTSIDE AM) WIIF.X YOU USE SHERWIN-WILLL1AMS PAINTS AND VARNISHES Y< ,[' AUK ASSL'UKI) voi' AKF: rsixr. TIN-: ISKST MOXT.C c.\\ IIL'Y. TilF.V C.Q I-VRTHF.K: TIIF.Y STAXI) I'l' S-\\ .1'. for inside and outside Marnm Floor I ; .nanu-l and F'lour Varnish HutfU'y and Auto Knanicl l ; lai Tune for Artistic Decoration Slier \\ il (<|iiick dry) Stain and Varnish \\Y have a brush for F.very Purpose Flour \Ya.x. I'olish, Oil and Turpentine 1 F. W. DUNCAN HARDW.A.R.E -:- Phone 54 FORM 1 "ART Honors Jim McCormack 1 82, Wilfred Best 77, Merle Allen 76, 1 Evelyn Brown 76. Pass Bill Parker 71, Milford Piper 71. Dick Stewart 71, Bill Welt- on 6'J, Mary Wilson C8, Bob Bellamy fifi, Mervin McFadden 65, Frances Collinson 03, Bob Dargavel 02, Ev- lerett Talbot 62, Lloyd Archibald 58, . Angus Turney 58, Ronald Middleton Ti7, Catherine Stewart 56, Harvey Crcft 55, Marion Stafford 51, Jean Wolstencroft M, Delia Pause 52, George Boyd , r >0. P'ail Helen Moore 40, Hugh Bibby 48, Wesley Littlejohns 44. FORM 3 LATIN* Pass - - Ellen Parker 73, Eldzi Frook (>8, Jean Hincks 63, Monica Lambert 63, Jackson Stewart 00, Annie Akins 58, Daisy McFadden 57, Dora Stewart 57, Sadie Carson f). r ), Almeda Hincks 55, Murray Stuart 'M, Stella Marshall 54, Macil Snell 50. Fail Herb Akins 48. Rowena Magc-e 43, Donald Reiley 37, Monica Rae 35. UPPER SCHOOL FUKNCH Pass Earl Johnsoi: 70, Alice Heard 67. Patricia Morgan r,7, Jim McFadden 61, Jim Haw 59, Marie Fenwick 56, Christcna Magee ">;, Evi-lyn Turner 5.'!, Marion Hibby 50. Fail -- Audrey Brown 45, Harold fumer 41, Bert Morton 3!, Mildred Whittaker 25. Bessie Beard '2'2. CPPER SCHOOL (Mark based on work for term) ENGLISH COMP. Hon. Alice Heard 77. Pa.-s Patricin Morgan 67, Jim Haw 61. Eltla Frook ">'.. Karl Johnson ,")", Audrev Brown 56, Mildred Whitt- aker 55. Evelyn Tumer 51, Marie !Vn\\i-.-k 50. Fail Annie Akins !!i, Dora Stew- art !'.'. Sadie Carson 48. S. S. NO. .'!. AKTEMESIA Sr. Uh -- Harold Johnson, Doris Waller. Sr. :iid Elsie White. Georgona Bla. kbui n, J'atrk-ia Ho'.d, jRussc-11 John on. J,. :ird - Ruby Valise, Beatrice Cornell. '.5ml Eileen 'Johnson, Everett Parker, Muriel McMullen, Edgar 1 Dolipe, Ir< \ - Doupe. ; 1st - - Roy Best, Jack McMullen, Ivan WalU-r. Lorene Johnson. Marg- aret l.oughceil. Sr. Primer -- Lloyd Allen, Keilh Parker, Ernest Lougheed. Jr. Primer Bruce Beard. Jr. Pr. A -- Lloyd Waller. Elgin Waller. I. W. MCKECIINIE. Tea her. The fallacy ( holding egr.; for n rise in the iiiarkel has been fre- quently shown, a tbc-e e 'ivs inva- liahly grade re.-'inds. Fanner^ ai urged to market their i g)r< in the v< rv l>< t tl t "n-liticiii. wh: -h n ; >tin- allj i^ ' .'ooii after laying '^:- p<>s>i- hle, s,> that Ihey will j;et the bent-fit of official grading. 1I1E STORE WITH BEKVICB 01 R BUYING F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd , (MAIN STORES SAVES YOU A LOT Markdale, Ontario F MONBY SPR Ladies Millinery and Dresses SIMvlXC. DKI-'.SSI ; .S S7. ( '5 | n r;.im and Mn\M-ied 1'iepes, New Colors and made in tl" ' "H' Styles. Special at ?7.'.t5 i-:ieh. ;.\I.\UT K.\ SK \ir.i. KS In p,|n, i .ci.d .til IK v. Spring Colors, made prom I' :i;!i. Caniop with of c-intrai ting , ,,|,,i ThcRC r.i -.- Spring (iannents priced at $1'J.!(5 l(. *14.!i.".. SI 'K IXC. MII.I.IM-UV New Spring Styles in Straws and Tweeds, nil newrnt shades, made by one of v'amula'H fore- mont tyle artists. Come anil look them over. AI-TICKNOON' C.ONVNS Designed by one of the foremost .style ex- perts of Faille Canton combined with lace. These gownn are priced for quick le. , . .GROCKKY SI'KCIAJ.S Sodtt Biscuits, 2 IhH l)ometic Shortening, 3 Ibs Me Peas, No. 4 niev.-, 3 for 20i- Tomatoes, 2'/4 size, 2 for 25c Corn, 2 tins for 25c MKN'S SI ITS II. 'i, .Mm. i. Ill-- chnncc to di'e: s up t'o r Sinmr;. Suits inadi- I'roiu :. II \ve.ol llotany Cloths nf imported manufactures in smart stripes and embodying the newest in styles at : i . 15. SI'KIXC, O> \TS : : 1 1-95, SI \. ( ^ Three Day Spc i il in 'Kn's Spriiv; Coats, all n i- xv cloths in natty Spring Slylc.;. 5>ll.;i5 und ijtll.115. I'KIXTS 1'V A Y.\KI> Tub fast Prints, 3U-inch \\idth in attractive designs at l!c per yard. C.IN'C.IIA.MS JJr A YARD Anderson'* Gunranteed Scotch (iinghams in new designs and coloring. Priced at 22c a yard. I'klXTS 25c A YARD Hero's the best procurable in Wash Prints, every piece guaranteed washable. 25c a yard. KKI/r HATS $2.95 Men's Fur Felt Hats in 11 new shades', made by one of Canada's foremost manufacturers. All nt-w shapes. |2.i>5 each. Special services marked tho com- memoration of the Easter event in St. John's United Church on Sunday last At the morninjf service a num- ber of the- young people were re-reiv- ed into the Church hy profession of their faith in Christ aftf-.r which the Sacrament of th_- Lord's Supper v.-as observed. The minister preached on "The Power cf the Endless Life." Special Easter anthems were present- ed by the choir under the leadi::ship of Mrs. Blackburn. At the evening service the program was varied by the presentation of the Easter pageant "The Challenge of the Cross 1 ', by iieven members of the Young People's Class, under the' leadership of Mrs. E. C. Munay, and iissist-d by the choir. Easter an- Ihenis and the singing of the great familiar Easter hymns, together wilh the most impressive lessons of the Pageant, left an impression of ser- vices of rare beauty and effectiveness. Large congregations were in at- '< tendance at both services in spite of the bad condition of the roads and the prevalence of illnesses. Among other intimations made by the Minister was one announcing the coming on Sunday, April 19th of Rev. C. L). Donald of India. .Mr. Donald, having spent 14 years in India, is keenly alive to the problems facing Church and Empire in that land and will speak to us concerning thai situation both morning and even- ing. In the evenirrr he will erivo an illustrated k-ctive, Uiinjr the lantern. No one should miss hearing him. . hatevcr your, I color scheme Walpamur, the famous flat finish for walls and ceilings, forms the most delightful background for your treasures. The soft light-diffusing effect it produces, and its egjj shell bloom, give a new beauty to your rooms. It it so easy to cpply, and has such covering power, that it in most economical in rnate- rialand labour. In addition, it is permanent, washable, fire-resisting, and non-absorbent to moisture. It can be applied successfully on a wide variety of surfaces, such as smooth and rough plaster, wallboards, etc., and permit* of textured effects. ( oniuli your dtcorator or dealer at to Iti tnuny utti. Aik him far a shad* card, or write to us dirtct. Arlemesia Council Thr Council of the Township of ArU-mesja met at the township hall, Flesherton, on Saturday, April 4th. The members were all im sent, the Reeve in the choir; minute;; of last meeting read and on motion adopted. Communications presented as fol- lows; Treasurer of County of Grey, an account for maintenance of John Whittaker, Durham hospital, S1B.3C. Holdfast T.F.W.O. Club, resolution asking Coum-il to reduce officials' salaries; Miss M;-Lean, Priceville. ask- ing for road to her property: Clerk if Proton, plans, etc., of the Carson Drain at Proton Station; R. C. Muir, re by-law for estimates for I'.i.'M; By- !aw <iOf!, to provide for expenditure on roads for I'.t.'M, was introduced and passed in the Uf;il form. Davis _ Warline: That the Road and Bridge Com. ask for tenders Tor tract or to operate grader for 1031, at 1 k-Rst 120 horsepower on drawbar. Carried. Runiftl - Magco That the ac- ' remit of (lie County of Grey fur main- tenance f one. John WhitTakc"-. in Drrbam hospital, $18.118, he paid. Cai ried. Pa\ ; s \Va:lin^ That the pro- ! ini im '-f e.n Township Tlnll in he " ; . r.-hants' Insiiran,.-c C.i.. be paiil. -Carried. Mag<-- Waging That [he follow- ing committee woi-k he paid: II. Cor- I rlt, crmmittec and telephoning. iJ.'iO; F. Davi'i, (ommitti,- S'J.7".; \V. Burnett *:' '."-. and t!"- Cl, -k Si 1 .::.. Carried. Da-, i . Ma irev That report No. I of l!ad Superintendent, sho'.vin.v expended $-J:;S.TI> 1 . adopted and the-! a.voimt.s paid. Carried. \Va:li-i:.- Magee - That Troasuivr | he rtnuircd to furnish this Count-ill with ;i monthly statement of moneys! expended in en di month anil showing balance. Carried. Burnett Magec That the reso- lution of Holdfast Clul> sponsored liy Mr;. Tucker and Miss Ma.-phail, asking Council to reduce salaries !,> official:: and Councillors liy ten per t-'-nt.. IK- laid on the (aide. Carritcl. j Urrnett- Magcc That this Conn- j cil nu-et as a Court of Revisii-n on the Carstin Drain at the township hall, on Monday, the 4th day of May. at 10 :''', vk a.m. ''.i d. Tl ( 'oiincil ad lournedi Walpamur a product of The Crown Diamond Paint Co. Limited Toronto - Montreal - Haiifa t hi famous flat finish for vails *nd ...:.-,. \\'alpaniur products are sold by Albert E. Haw, Ceylon, Ont. Fighting Rural Fires Fbr several yeais u determined fight against rural fires has been carried on by the Ontario fire mar- shall, K. P. Ileaton. and his assist- ants. The barn losses in late- sum- mer and fall he blames largely on spontaneous combustion, the result of storing green and damp hay In the mows .For general protection the fire marshall recommends more care in the handling and storing of gasoline. This, he would place at a safe distance from inflammable ma- terial and would store in red tins, so it could not be mistaken for any- thing less. Many rural fires he blames on poorly constructed chim- neys. These should be built right to the ground floor, for the masonry is liable to crack and allow explos- ive gasses to leak out. Long pipes leading to the chimney are condem- etl, and also the careless leading of these pipes through partitions. Ho \\ould place properly insulated skivis in | ntitu r:>. l.V uVgc*' :"lopt;i>n of community fire-fighting apparatus or atv. angcments with the nearest l:iw i; or village so that the apparatus would be at the call of farmers. For this work he ivcom. inet-.tls a light truck. e"U';'i>cd vith cheii'icul apparatus ami several Miiall extinguishers. Several organi- sations have already been formed where a score or more farmers have jdir.e'^ in purchasing fire*-figHtingj equipment and transportation. The truck is stored at a strategic place and is summoned by telephone. S. S. NO. 10, ARTEMESIA !th Class - Harvey Archibald*, Margaret Collinson*, Olive Marshall* Mabel Haw*, Nellie Genoe, Laura White*, Sherman Piper, Alex Marsh- all*, Ernie Mathewson*. Sr. 3rd Jean Collinson*. Goldie Kennedy*, Mabel Adams*, Jean Mar- shall*, Murray Marshall', Cafc-lotta Plester', Mariorie Duckett*. Jr. 3rd - - Mellville Hunt*. Betty Stewart, J. P. Stewart*. 2nd Class Jim Kennedy*. Laurie Gcnoe*, Allen Haw*. Emerson Plest- cr", Irene Mathewson*, Doris Marsh- all*, Jack Adams. 1st Class Billie Marshall*. Char- lie Mi-Williams*. Doris Duckett*, K*rl Plester*. Primer - - Venn Kennedy', MarJ- . :ie Stewart. Keith Cairnes. Present t very day G. B. L1TTLEJOHNS. Teacher. Two pupil-; of the Fleshor'on High School, Alice Hi-au^ ard Herb Akins, wo:< :>d aiu! f>th prizes respectively ir Miss M-i-Phnil's Essay Contest. JiMiies Palmer of Duntlalk won first, ard Hanover students won third and ft urth iii :cs. S. s. NO. 11, OSP'jrv Mb Mary B.-mivu-. .! .111 l!o-s. Edith I.oiij-hecd. Sr. lib Mario Chard, Irene Park- er, 1 :'l eli ' I'allister, Ethel I'YnviA*. Jr. 1 Billii- Ktvton, Uobe.-t Piicst- loy. Si. ;!rd Delm.-r Seeley Mabel Bemrone, Warren Priestley. Jr. ;!rd J. A. Lougheed, Noreen Gruinmett., Jim 1'oole. Tom I'allister,) Tom Benirose, Hobt. Kenwick*. 2nd Bob Allison, Mac Steuhen, Chailie CJriimmett, Violet. Huekett*. 1st .. Nellie Allison, Katie Bcm- roso. Sr. Primer Billie Stephen, Jenny Guy, Mabel Fenwick*, Laura Port- eons*, Jr. Primer Jim Brownridge, Harold Urownridfre. A Class Ila Sornherger, Evelyn St:riiberger. Those marked * were absent. i:sTEK MACLKAN, Teacher. ADVANCE ADS. PAY " To The Motoring Public i; the slack si-usun \\t- have availed ourselves ul' the opportunity of preparing our personel and premises to better lake care of nur service obligations to our customers. A complete renovatoin of >ur premises has been made and \\e have also had three of our men at the (ienenil Motors Service School, and we know these men are now better able to handle your service prob- lems- ( Hir equipment ami methods are such <is to war- rant perfect satisfaction and first class work. Mav we hope to have a call Irom you, TIRES AND BATTERIES \\ e have a heavy stock of (loodyear Tires and Presto- Lite latteries ready for yonr needs at prices the lowest thev have ever been offered in Klesherton. D. McTAVISH&SON Chevrolet Dealers, FLESHERTON