THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDN-ESDAY, APRIL 8, 1931 Shot In Head James Harbottle of the third line, Euphrasia, met with a painful acci- dent and narrow escape from death on Monday, when a 25-calibre rifle ball, fired by a neighbor, Mr. John Welsh, struck him in the forehead and lodged just inside the skull, where it remained. Mr. Harbottle was ta- ken to Owen Sound, where the bullet was extracted without much difficulty and th^ patient will be around again in a few days. It is said that Mr. Welsh was firing at a bird, when the bullet missed the mark and travelled a distance of 750 yards before it hit Mr. Officials who investigated believe it to have been purely accidental, and so far as they are concerned the inn- dent is closed. Highway Opened Provincial Highway No. 10 is now opened for motor traffic again. This was accomplished by the Provincial snow plow on Sunday. Friday after- noon the plow opened the road as far as Inistioge and it took two full days to reach the Dundalk from there. J As one travelled along the road on Monday there were high walls of snow on each side of the car six to eight feet high. Another plow had come north from Shelbume and they met at the Dundalk corner. AUCTION SALE Ed Harbottle will hold an auction sale of stock, implements, etc., on lot 4, Con. 13, Osprey, on Friday, April 10th. See bills for particulars. W. Kaitting, auctioneer. An auction sale of farm stock, im- plements, etc., will be held on lot 9, Con. 1, Euphrasia, on Wed., Apri' 15, by Ruth. Kindle, at Duncan. Wm. Kaitting. auctioneer. Clerk of Session For 32 Years In connection with the regular quarterly meeting of the Session o-f St. John's United Church, preceeding the Preparatory Service Thursday afternoon last, Mr. T. R. McKenzie, honored Clerk of the Session, received expressions of congratulation and fel- icitation on the long record he has achieved as Elder and Clerk of the Session. Mr. McKenzie has held the office of Elder for thirty-eight years and fcr the last thirty-two years has had the unique distinction of being Clerk of the Session continuously, serving in the Presbyterian congregation be- fore Union and in the United congre- gation since that time. The Minister made special mention of the scrupu- lous care and neatness with which the minutes have been recorded, not- ing that few records presented to the Presbytery for examination are so splendidly kept. Mr. McKenzie keeps faith in this with an honored tradition and in his own person worthily maintains the reputation for reverence and devotion which holders of his office in the days gone by have unpretentiously built up. The hope was warmly express- ed that he woud be blessed with health and strength to have for many more years to come the joy which such service affords. Local and Persona! Mrs. C. J. Crossley and daughter, Janet snent East;?- in town- Miss 1 Ma;-io M'.'Eachnie of Toronto spent Good Friday at her home here. Mr. Ted McDonald of Pickering war, home for Castor. Miss Helen Ho?.rd, who is a student at Toronto Normal School, is holiday- ing at her home hort- Mr. and Mrs. W. (;. Kennedy anil son, Jack. s[-er.t the past few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Wright and fam- ily spent Eastc: at Mrs. Wrights Died At Thornbury The death of Mr. John Alexander occurred at his home in Thornbury on Saturday. He had been a sufferer of rheumatism for many years but hemmorhage of the stomach wa? the cause of his death. Deceased wa; in his 73rd year and was born on the townline of Euphrasia and Coi- lingwood, a son of the late Mr. anil Mrs. John Alexander. His bereaved wife's maiden name was Hannah Walton of Kimberley to whom he was married 30 years ago and they have resided in Thornbury for the pas; 25 years. One brother Joseph f Vancover, B.C.. puivives The funeral was held on Monday. The late Mr. Alexander at or? thn L - iiv. ,! in Kimberley and was a brother- : .n-!a\v cf Mr. Henry and Miss Lucy Walton of Kimberley. C. P. R. Changes Taking effect April 26th, a change in routing will be made for C. P. R. trains running between Toronto anil Owen Sound. The new routing will be by way of Brampton and will connect up with the main line at Orangeville and travelling time between Toronto and Chven Sound will be practically the same. A despatch from Bolton intimates that the passenger service between that place and Orangeville will be dis- continued, cutting off Caledon and Mono Road. A mixed train will be run three times a week to accomodate passengers. On the Teeswoter line or.e of the two passenger trains will be discon- tinued. The train will run from Tees- water to Orangeville in the morning and return at night, if present ar- rangements are carried out. On the Saugeen line no chancre is anticipated, except that the train usually referred to as the "peanut." rurninar from Saugeen to Owen Soutu; each evening will be cancelled. These have been under con- sideration By the railway officials for some time, but there have been a number of difficulties to overcome be- fore definite plans could be put into cfi'ect. The new schedule, to take il'.iJt April 2*3th, is understood to contain these changes. Whether this step in economy will be in effect for winter schedule is not known. Rumors are also in the air of cut- ting down the number of extra gangs this summei' To take effect April 1st the number of section hands in each section has to be limited to two mer.. the foreman and an assistant. A num- ber of stations which have not been paying their way may be closed, too, we understand. New Goods for Sprin Reasonably Priced PRINTS Sun and Tub Fast PRINTED DIMITICO PRINTED PIQUES XE\V RAYOXS PRIXTED SILKS DRESS CREPES XE\V SILK SCARVES HOLEPROOF SILK HOSIERY SPRIXG MILLIXERY FELT HATS AXD CAPS SILK NECKWEAR SHIRTS AXD PAJAMAS FAXCY HOSIERY NEW CRETONNES CURTAIN* NETS FRILLED CURTAIN'S FLOOR OILCLOTHS LINOLEUMS PAINTS & BRUSHES VARNISHES XEW WALL PAPERS \VIXDO\V SHADES BRASS CURTAIN RODS P< 'LTSHES FLOOR MOPS P. ROOMS & BRUSHES GROCERY SPECIALS 25c Lux. 3 pkg< Life Buoy Soap. "4 bars .............. 25c Pear! \Yhite S< >ap. 7 bars.. Granulated Suirar. per bag c F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO The Old Boys' Picnic A meeting of the Flesherton Old Home Week Committee and Flesher- t.-n business men will be held in the Town Hal! at 8 p.m. Friday. April 10 for the purpose of making arrange- ments to co-operate with the Flesher- ton OK! Boys' Association of Toronto % n the occasion of the annual picnic. wh!:h is expected to be held in Flesh- cvtor. this summer. Everybody i-ome. T. H. \V. HICKLING. Ch ; \V. A. HA WHEN. Secretary A Hanover girl, about seventeen years of age. laid an information against three Hanover boys for spit- ting on her. utilize the skimmed portion of their crops, as well as the cream. Utilization of the by-products of farming is one of the solutions to successful farming. Farmers should The Flesherton High School Annual Commencement and Oratorical contest will be held in the Auditorium on Wvinesday. April 15th. at 'OO p.m. Contestants are to be chosen, for Miss MacPha:!'s Contest. Admission free. All Welcome. L"nK-js something happens to upset the present intentions of the Cem- etery Commission, a modern mor- tuary w-.ll be erected i n Shelbume Cemeti-ry :h:s summer to replace the r.sonr. "dead house". Spirited. Flexible. I _.*:.-. * Quick-Handling M. 5. II. J. Johnson ar.J Mrs S. Irwin -:' Dundalk arc visit irvr Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wilson. Mrs. Lloyd \Vaiu lv:v and daughter. of Proton a:v visiting the ;'" : : -ei-s paror.ts for a t\>\v days. Wi> arc r'-i^i^d t (1 >=OP Mr. Mal.-olm Leitch able to bo up town, after being so seriously ill for the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gamble of near Dundalk were week end visitors with their daughter. Mrs. J. R. Wil- son. Mr. Goo. \Vy:u; returned last week to his home at Hillarulale. Sask., after spending the winter with his mother in town. Mr. Wm. Gibbs of the local Bank of Commerce Staff is spending a three week vacation at his home in Wood- stock. _ Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Perigee and two daughters of Delhi spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Master Bill Hyland and Mac and Betty Keith, of Toronto are visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling. Miss Marion Stuart, student at To- ronto University, spent Easter at her home here, returning to her studies on Monday. Misses Kate McMillav and D. Thurston, teachers in Toronto, are spending the Easter vacation at their homes here. Miss Brydon and Miss Lightheart of the high school staff are spending the vacation at their respective homes at Milverton and Guelph. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Thibaudeau and two children are in Toronto this week, the former attending the con- vention of the Ontario Educational Association. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Merriam are in Toronto this week. Mr. Merriam is attending the Educational Convention s a delegate from the East Grey Teacher's Association. H. C. Radley & Son of Shadow- brook Farm have leased for a term of years from the Ontario Government. the farm known as tho "Harry Genoe Farm" and will operate the farm until Mr. Genoe has regained his health and is capable of running the farm feimself. .,-.- .:* BORN HINTKS In Artomc>!a on Sat- urday. April 4th. rj:!!. to Mr. and Mr.-. Amirow Ilir.-ks. a daughter. MeTAVISH At h on Tii.siiuy. April 7ih. l:>:31, to M:. ard Mrs. Stewart MeT:iv.-h. tlv o a sen. WILSON' In Floshorton on Sun- iav. Apt-il 5th, 11)31. to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wilson, twin daughters. or Jack and Misses Florene, Betty Down of Markdaie a-v vis- ' - ' grandpaivits he:-.'. Mrs. Frank Lcav e l! u:Torod a very iu-ni'ul aci-ident on Saturday when a r -.:. of partly boiled sap ove: turned o.r.ii scalded her K L,-S aix A progressive ev.ohiv is hvirhr lieM in Brrnett's Hall this Thursday niffht the auspvos of the Eastern Star. Admission 30 cent?. DIED WILSON* In Flosherton on Tues- day, April 7th. 1:>:U. infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wilson, aged two days. The fi'neral took place on Tuesday afternoon to the Dundalk cemetery. ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY P>uy your Flour ar.d Feeds from the Osprey Farmers' Milling Co. FEVERSHAM Family Bread Flour Made from No. 1 Western Wheat Pastry Flour Made From Choice Ontario Wheat Cracked Red Wheat, Grits, Trail, Shorts and coarse feeds Farmers, LOOK! IXSUKF, YOUR Bril.DIXGS IX THE WATER- LOO MUTUAL FIRE IXSURAXCE CO. AT YF.RY REASOXABLE RATES. \Ye also insure your car or truck against property Damage. Public Liability, Fire and Theft. W. J. W.Armstrong Agent for 17 of the Leading Companies Flesherton Start 'Em Now Flower and Vegetable Seeexls Earthenware Hanging Baskets at 25c. 60c and 85c Earthenware Flower t'ots of all sizes SPECIAL FOR THIS \YEF.K Large Pitchers for 25c- each. A. EHAW Ceylon Store closes every evening except Wed. & Sat. Cf Z7orv,>i Across the Dominion i* - --r> . wav cf national enihuM.ism . . . fr* and unbounded. Canadians every- where are striking forward on thi? rising tide of 3 fr**h and vigorous prosperity. General Motor* of Canada, Limited, pays tribute to Canadian achievement with "Canada on Parade", a radio hour cvry Fri- day evening, typif \inu the spirit of Canada'* progress. You are cordially iavited to tune in on thij all- Canadian broaduut. A r K A C T ii V . S !! \ W A . F A X. t S K X T K A TT is a real pleasure to drive a car so alert and capable in performance so quick to respond to your fingers* touch as the new Chevrolet Six. When you drive it you will discover agile acceleration . . . sustained speed . . . ample power . . . and smooth, silent operation under all conditions. You will be pleased with the larger 3-spoke wheel and the newly- designed steering gear, which permit finger-tip control in turning and parking. Gear changing is exceptionally easy. And the big. four-wheel weather- proof brakes grip instantly and evenly, even on wet pavements. Come for a Chevrolet ride. Know the thrill of driving this Six which is unusually econ- omical to own, and easier than etcr to buy. Ash alwut the <" .V .-4 C plan of deferred payments . . and the General Motors Owner Service Policy, The N E W CHEVROLET SIX GENERA I. MOTORS VALUE C13-3 D. McTAVISH & SON, Chevrolet Dealers - Flesherton, Ont. !