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Flesherton Advance, 1 Apr 1931, p. 4

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'31 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE - SPECIAL '^ FIRE INSURANCE Solid brick dwellings with 1st class roofing and lightning rods Insurance 70c per $100. or $7 per $1000 for a term of 3 years. Frame barns on stone work with lightning rods and fire ex- tinguishers, $1.05 per $100, or $10.50 per $1000 insurance for 3 years. The Company supplies the fire extinguishers at cost. No premium note. Straight cash rate, and can bo divided for three payments. No policy fee. CAR INSURANCE Auto Insurance being re- dured in price, \ve are in a position to offer the public service - - Special ratings for farmers. A general insurance bus- iness transacted. A. E. BELLAMY FLESHERTON THE FLESHERTOH ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Fleaherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, u-hen paid in advance $1.50. In U. S. A. $2.CO per year when paid in advance f'-J.W (Members of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association) W. H. THURSTON, - - Editor F. J. THURSTON - Assoc. Editor roads to swamps that are impassable. One traveller reports that his car took twenty-th'Ce days to negotiate !>. piece nf load that ordinarily muld I.e passed over in two. His motor "< a sight to behold. After all, the wise traveller will probably pre- f<-r to travel by tiain or fro down south bv sea. OF THE (iattabtew fflr total A00arf attatt Kililrd'hr GRANT FLEMING, M.D. ASSOCIATE SECRETARY KLI. MI NATION OF BODY WASTE , )!ood ( . arries tho , arbon dioxi(ie Ras to the lungs, where oxygen is taken There are two sources of body un.iTi-.ji i on. M j * up bv the blood in its place. The blood waste, one of which consists ol the n. stream then carries the oxygen to the undigested portions of the food we , , , ,, use, md the other, of the substance* Thc t6 otner waste producta O f cell given off by the body cells as a re- work amj ,. fe an , also caiTie(] away suit of their activities. from U]e ce]b by the b , of)d stream Whenever work is done, there is Tho ki( , neys rcmov(? most of guch some waste, as, for example, when wagU , material from thc blood . coal is used to produce heat, ashes E)imination of body waste is a reR . are left over. u]ar normal f uiu . t j n of the body. If Food whi.-h is taken into thc body howwer too hcavy a burden is thrown . . L i _ ff t ' . . 1 . " goes through the process of digestion. From our food wo secure thc energy on ^ orfjans wWch takp cftrc of such t ,j m j nBtionf thoy are apt to break ' we need in order to keep warm ami down or fit , east to wea ,. out sooner lo our work. Our food also sup- than thcy shoi)]() |.hos us with the materials our body The nee( , f()r rpasonable care in the requires for the growth and the keep- selcction of food has oftpn been inl . mi; the body cells in repair. K , ()Ut The use rf proper f()0( , s In our food, as we use it. there are jn prf)pcr amountp a!ds in e l iminat ion THOl (,IIT UK STOPPED TIIF, PAPER parts which cannot be digested and These and, at the same time, does not over- ED1TOUIAL NOTES. An aijuaintance nu-t Horace (Ireeley one day and said: "Mr. (ireeley, I've r-topped your paper." Have you?" said the eilitor; "well that's too had," and ne went on his ! If it 13 true, as the friendly Toron- wa > to Mail and F.mpiie suggests, that The next morning Mr. Crt-eloy met Mr Bennett is responsible for this >> ls *">'*cnber again, ami said: "I year's crop of spring poetry, then lhol ^ ht >' ou had Bopped tho Trib- assuredly the Premier ha- :> har.ler me? burden to bear than could be wished So l <lul - ' by his political enemies. " T ^' lhw '''*' l >" s ' llp mistake" ... ! said Mr. (Ireeley, for I just came from The Department ,,f Highways has ""' "<""' and the presses were run- been attempting, during the past ning, the clerks were as busy as ever week, to open up the King's Highway tho compositors were ha.d at work No 10 from Owen Sourul to Toronto, an <' tht ' biwinew was going on the but thc plow broke down two or three I* " ywterday and the day be times between here and Owen Sound. lort '-" On Monday morning it was just this "Oh! ' ejaculated the subscriber, "I side of Markdale when a Lad break lll(ln ' t nu>:in that I had sl PI"' '>. pa- oc-urred. It scem.s rather foolish to P-: ' Bopped only my copy of it. be- Bmash a road through on the high- ~ I 'n't like your editorials." , wavs that have been heavily blocked * sh w - -"etortc..! (In, ley. and packed during the winter. This wasn l ""^ tak ^ "<< '">' 'i'"" to hnring is a repetition .' la- year, tell me such a trifle as that. My dear , ,."'.v perators failed t> "-'en u, '"' * you expect to control the utter- the road m time to be of much l.ene- anf * a " f ""' Tribune by the purchas- ill and bad to allow nature to finish ing of one copy n day. or if ym, think the iob Thc only satisfactory way '" lm '' '">>' newspaper ,., :i-u/.ine IB to keep the highway open all xvinter worth reading that will nc-vei express :>s has been done on other lines of conviction* nt tight angles with your own, vou are doomed t,, disappoint- travel. ' , ,, ... ment. Meaford Expre: Sir (In. ii I' 1 "". though ri-.w | tiver v l years "f age, enntinin- to Sl'RVEl OF CA'I i'l.i: lake :ir> active interest in the welfare of his fellow Canadian^ Hi- no I'..-. Thomas I. Kennedy h-i longer bothers much with purely ni.iinci-<l hi.i intention in political matur-. In:' lie i~ :>- :1 ''' 1 ' 1 -.'' iviiili of caltli in tin- :is ever in I" oir.oi i-i-r tin' inoi" 1 wel- virce ' .' v ' . i fan- i,f liis fellows. Speakir.e :i: Hie pr annual . ..nvi n'i<m of the Ontn/o Prohibition l'i. :..<. K- iirtfii-d 'hut the nrincinle of i ..!npet:.-atiop should be applied a^ain-t those \vh> IM:UIU- ) facture intoxicant-- and ilu govern-' pi dl'cti-in is li,w, fanners u:>\itd he ment that sills li<|-. |ir. When a ; -i<i ' in :"-,;.:,: i- !. ; ' having :i bet- mado use of by the hotly. may lemain as undigested material and, as si::-h, pass along lw(( bpfor< , the intestinal tract and are eliminated !'* intervals by the body. This waste material does not serve as food, hut it is needed to stimulate tho intestinal tract to move its con- tents through the tract. It would po'. do to use o"ly su.-h as green veg- etables which leave such waste. A goose owned by Mr. and Mrs. As th" body doos its work, the cells Duncan McQuarrie., died last week give off their waste products. Ont at the age of Al ycais. She laid reg- | burden the organs concerned. The waste usp O f su ffj c i cn t. water - a glass or breakfast and between each meal - is another way of helping tliminntion and preserving the health nf the body. Above all else, regular- ity in habit will assure proper elimin- ation from thr irtestinal tract. Buy For Cash & Save Money PORTLAW HAS SOMETHING TO OFFER THE PUBLIC AT RIGHT PRICES. .- ,_ No. 1 Patent Flour per cwt $2.50 Pastry Flour, 24 Ibs _ 65c. Shortening, per Ib '..'.'.'. 15c. Raisins, 2 Ibs. for 25c Crown Tea, per Ib '..'.'.'. 39c Hersley Blend Tea ptr Ib 55c 1 We have a few men's Mud Rubbers at 50c per pair while they last HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR EGGS PORTLAW Phones: Dundalk 71 r 5. Flesherton 76 r 22 Store closes Wednesday at 12 p.m. and Friday at 6 p.m. J. H. WALKER Small Advts. **********************##******#* ~ r, , BOAR FOR SERVICE. For Sale Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- FOR PALE Heavy ClydesdaJe vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, mare coming six. Bill Weber, Markdale the property of the Ontario Depart- Phone, 48-r-22. ment of Agriculture. FORD CAR FOR SALE A 1 con- dition, never run since overhauled. Claud Mariot, Flesherton. FOR SALE Stack of mixed tim- othy and alfalfa hay. Frank Betts, Flesherton R. R. 1. FOR SALE Fordson tractor in of these waste products is the carbon ularly until 1929. and for the past A 1 working order, for sale at once. dioxide given off by the lungs. The has been blind. Farmers, LOOK! IXSUR1-: YOl'R HUII.DIXGS IX TF1K WATER- LOO MITUAI, FIRK 1XSURAXCK CO. AT YKKY KHAS()\.\r.I,K RATKS. \\\' also in>urc your car or truck against property . Public Liability, Fire and Theft. .Armstrong \L;VIH for 17 of tlu- I^cadinfj Companies Flesherton G. F. Brackenbury, Flesherton. WANTED Pasture farm, will C. STEWART. Caretaker. BARRED ROCK BABY CHICKS Barred Rock Bred-to-lay Baby Chicks, from registered, blood tested birds, all government inspected and approved. March and April chicks $15.00 per 100; Mfcy and June chicks $12.00 per 100. lO'i- with order, balance on arrival. Guaranteed 100 per cent safe delivery. ARMSTRONG 'POULTRY FARM & crop some if necessary. Reg. Boyd,[ CHICK HATCHERY Flesherton Ont. Phone 65w. , Phone 13. FLESHERTON EGGS - Can supply a few sett-! FARM F0 SALE-100 acres, ! ings of Jersey Black Giants, on order l ta ^ 8 T and 167 ' lst ra ng" west of ' N 10 Hvhw-. Artemesi. Tp. Z This Office. i miles from Flesherton, Vi tilizer drill, 11 discs, nearly John J. Meads, Phone 21 r 12. rnii e culti- ;.' r.'iuli of call! '.v.tli ,-i v \v ' . . -t ; ':- nl tuill:. ( : . '';; t,.:iei v. ill ' jn -i . ( n t| ; cuan';.v led l,v :!]! :.-nl t'l^ i. r ,!, tie i.y. it. I.; < tn.n. ; . ' '. . :iif JK * swamp i offer will be con- particulars apply to SALE Barred Ro:k baby ' L - R- Thistlethwaite, 24 Conner chicks from a good laying strain. I Ave -' Toronto 6. Order now for April and May delivery.! TENDERS FOR FARM~ MRS. CHESTER LONG, Feversham. FOR S \LE-Shorthornbulirroan, Ten ders will be received for the vcar old: 2 Shorthorn Bulls, red, 10 P urchase of lots ID on the 6th and months' old, all eligible for registra- ' th c n<*ss,ons of the township of ti,,n - Donald McMilllan, R. R. No. JJW, Containing 200 acres, up to 3 rr ;c.-villc andmcludine March 10th, 1931. The highest or any tender not necessarilv FOR SALE : -.Bvcd-to-lay__Barred ac c c _ pted . AddreM ^ J. J. i>rs. BOAP. FOR~SERvTclr Ro.-k eggs for hatching, 40 cents per j. c . MilnCi sett'mr.-Waltev Russell, Rock Mills, H islop , Singhampton, Ont., Executor phone 11 r 24. vife loses her husband thmuirh- . ng i ; <lripl:, or a Mother and father a son, ' ' of ii H : iir it -huiild be lawful fur these victimS| ' ' prmli'-lion ' !' {if the traffic to sue the makers anil the government who a> i - a- their agents and distributors of the liquor. These \ietims. s0 (ieirge maintained, should have the air. , 111 \' -A not milk p> :!in-!ini, to sue for and obtain indem- nity from tho.'-e who wronged them as a farni.-r ha" I" s'ie a larg? raii- wav 1-nrporation ior dair, >.-.. if sparks from the railway engines < -"use his bains to he burned d AVII. mi' 1 just as u mining company, a short time ii"o. in Wnshini'to:i State, b;>d to pay $:if>0,00() (liunai;es to fruit vrrowers for damages f-oni -.nn-lti'i-s to fruit trees. Si'- fJeorge has ever been loirical ard. in this argument raise.H a point that nuiy well set the legislators thinking about ir-tinn. f- * * T'-avel by road and air ; inakiir/ ntmnrklblfl I ri.gress bo"i fir ar.fl near. We learn, for example, that Vasolir" filling stntions are being established in Baffin Land, Greer- lanfl. Spitlbergen nnd other ehi'."y peaporls, thronirb the enterprise of the Imperial Oil C'omnanv of Canada. The stations will likely have consid- erable traffic this year, as the Anirlo- C'anadiar Artie Air Expedition is ex- pected to come from London to Can- ndn. and then follow the route sup- posed taker by Liew Ericson a thous- and years ago. The longest sen 'nn-p will not bo more than 450 miles. Fo much for the north. In tho far South they nre now boasting of Hie completion of the longest taxi route in tho world, enabling motorists to complete the road trip from the Cape to Cairo. To make this long jour- noy requires eight wee'v, if the traveller has good luck in the central portion of the highway. In the wet season he may be detained indefinitely by the heavy rainfall that re:U'?e the lii-'l'e blitte' f:;t c llten . Di iri-: the | :; -t year L'.HiH nioltir 'iccps' ; were i ar -ellei], 1.7-1-1 of which v. ere l'..|- rtckl ; drivini; and S7K for beini;- under "f licun?-, while il- iv'.n SMALL ADVTS. FOR SALK Two yearling calves. Cordon Lng, Fleshcrl'in. FOR SALIC Or will exchange a pander for a goose; also a ouantity t ' roed peas. Mark Murphy, F.ugenia i' >!! !-ALE - Quantity --f table cru-rot.s. cheai', out of pil. Lesiv^ ;. o.ii- otdvr with C. W. Hellamy. to'.vn. NOTICE - I have hired a first cla- s blacksmith and horseshoer, and s- ilicit your business. II. Wilson, Flesherton. FOR SALE Cedar rowboat with ii'aple pnddles; Studebaker cai 1 ; quan- tity of tools, drills wrenches pinchers, cold chisels, pipe wrenches, also mach- inist tools and small radio wit'i ear phonos. S. W. Sloan, Eugenia. FOR SALE- Banner oats for seed. "he so ats were 1st i- ij2ir and and ir I'.i.'iO ."tarding field crop competi- ton, pOsrye Agriculural Society; !>l -o tf rk f mixed liav. Gc >. W. lioss. Maxwell P.O. pho.-.e ! r L', Feverbham. pi \ -.,' ;iis in 1932 v/ill I-cwonly r-irnic-n "i- t i;., . I. in, :,.,,| i ,,,, ,,)),, > , .. l ' ' . Cllllil >i I l : . I- ,.,n .!...! (,, .! : V\ ' . . I ,- ; t-l \. l'i I'-,' IM.. |. .- .1 -i- 1 II ..I II > i >-.-. . i-oi , .--..- ... , . Iliii i .,..;.;.. r'l-ll n I'tnt I-. M'l.ip-t...l I.I rVTl ; ...|.|.,:,|i, \> . ;-- '- ihlj (he n it i- pa - : -'.- in ilai , I i- v - i :- ir . mil ..ivn i., tli.. V.TV . l-i.i.-,'st ill in i! nnlv |ir, ;,!.. f I ,; ju'ily f.-u:. :-,.,:, M .. I. f ( r li,.\t >.nriiii;'i hCOlliti^. l>dt u winni-:,- i, n.iiil f, r , In! ili, .1 t ; if j-h to ThU for th 4'ai.a1U: r T csii*3 !5Ji23^ ci?id Conf&retice , JULY 25 to AUG. 6. 1932 rfil World nihtlt'tlon nn.l i rn ulnin ri p*. t. 1 tlon nn. I Ccnfi TCIHV U < rganl/eil o l i-rni'T*. t >r tlu nit > 4: iff men t of "iii-TMlrtlf tf fliipt r'ftrlty of C'nn- Ut--rna l U . *g4..!i*i til win iho ii>M'>-r awtiT'U. fbiltiitc.n . . .5200,000 in Cash Prizes $7.500 a f.n\ nlje lor 50 Ibi. of wli.-al; 30 lit. of oiti 11.500 for 40 Ibi. cf I..., I.--. . 50 I'.-i. tl rv) 5 800 lor 1C *mn tf corn S 330 lor 30 Ills o< peu: 30 li>. ol llm; 20 Ibi. o! clovtt- Ail |,r lulriull lit lielplm iulunil!t.-i.< havt iiwiUI lltrraliiro fn evhlbltwi. *-->r tin. tiifria*lUni \.>.<- ll.^ tul luu. ONTARIO J. A. fiirri'll, 1'crt. uf Arl- rulluri', TiNuntu. yl Kl;i:e I'nul XK-iiii)'. Dtp! i.f A K \i- CIlHun, 14'icl-,-; NOVA -sl'dTIA W. V Luuile.,. Cc.lkfe i>( Airlciillurt, 'rrum; NK\\ UUUN8WICK: r UL-k4 Di-tit. cif Acrlcullura, Frrilriktun. .MANITOBA N c ii.. ;,,.. Iji-Pl of Airnriillim, Wlniil|w|: KlIITIMir eol.lMHIA I 1 . JT. rma rmin CanmtHlmm, virmrin; I'ltixcn KKWAIUI 181. AND .1. W ,.|.|l,r. |l,i,u|) M|,,l,l,. r ,,| Aurlcullure. Chirlnllttown; SASKATciU'WAN- H. 11 viinr Hi-lit of Atrl.-iilliin-. llrilnc ALItiJIITA E. L. Ory. Kepi, of Asrl- culliire, IMnu.iioti. On llppllcttlon, Ihe S.vri'larv. WwM's Onln Kihlhlllini nd Conrtrancf, Impniil inii Cbimbui, u.-jina. iii <ma )ou |irl/e Iliti, rules ami i.-nulallum Kini-ruliu rompctlllio intnw ami nil uilur InfcrMIUB. FARM FOU SALK I .11 ne'-e farm fc-- .snle or rent on shares, lots li;5-Gi5-i'.7, :ird range S. '". T. & S. R.., Artomesia. J'-hn Hogarth, Proton Station. FOR SALE .">0 acre farm Lot 156, Con. 3, N.E., Aiiemesia, good house and bam, well watered. Mrs. Mary Beecroft, Flesherton, phono 45 r 3. FOP. SALE Purebred Mammoth Pekin drake and two turkey hens. H. .T. Courvoisier, Eugenia, Ont. Phone . '.' r 32. Registered Berkshire Boar on lots l 1-153. Grade sows $2, purebruds 5 cash in advance. H. C. RADLEY. FARM FOR SALE In the Township of Artemesia 130 acre farm, lots 143-46, 3rd range S. NOTICK - Commencing April 1, W.T.&S.R., l ul if mile from station, miles from Flesherton. Good my implement shop will be open each evening from 5 to 10 p.m., to continue buildings, 12 acre3 of bush S^lH . .1 t ..I-. oOlfl j until July 1st. John Plester, Inter- on easy terms, i rational agent, Flesherton, 44 r 4. __j L FOR SALE Young General Pur- POR RENT A good jTcMULLEN. Ceyloa Pekin Duck eggs. ' Eugenia, Out. Mrs. T. lots, good garden, garage, op- FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Baoon ho 13-disc grain drill; Kemp . f " r serviee on lt 13B. West Back- reader; span of good work ' ^A****i*,-G.JI_. Jhirns. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County ct Grey. Term*: FOR SALK Good timothy and alf- Per cent. Satisfaction FOR SALE McCormack-Deering fertilizer drill, good as new; Peter Hamilton manure sp horses, and cow, due in April. John Plester. International agent. Phone 44 r 4, Fles'!.n. aalf at $10.00 a ton. Cash in the barn Dates mad e at The Advance in the valley. Minnie Graham Mark- ir-r- k i IT. dale R. R. 4. or apply to Jack Graham MIDDLEBRO & BURNS on the farm. Phone 73rl2. I Barrbtera. etc. FOR SALE About 5 tons of al- Ofiees Owen Sound, Durham falfa and 20 tons of timothy hay at and Flesherton. Flesherton $1) per ton cash at the barn and a Saturday afternoon and evening. quanity of straw at $2 at the barn ------ near Portlaw.-Thos. Taylor, phone BUSINESS CARDS J Fleshert0 Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., . D. D. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- Gas administer- FOR SALE $1300 buys house and lot in Flesherton Electric lighted, versity of Toronto. hard and soft water, small stable, and ed for extraction. Office at the resi- about two acres of land Good invest- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto ment, bringing in 8 per cent. net. street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Must be quick sale to wind up estate, - - - __ . _ - . . of W. A.Armstrong J.W. Armstrong, Prince Arthur Lodge, 383, A. F. A Executor. _ ^ , A. M.meets in the Masonic Hall, Arm- " strong Block, Flesherton every Pri- ---- ~^ day on or before the full moon. W. JM., W. R. Meads; Secretary, H. A! _ ; McCauley. Miscellaneous NOTICE After Saturday, March ~ j 21st, I am closing my chopping mill Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneei for the summer months. G. C. for the counties of Grey and Simeon Graham, Eugenia. Farm and stock sales a specialty. ~FOR RENT Apartment for rent, Term a moderate, satisfaction guar- suitable for light housekeeping and ** All arrangements and dan* small families. Mrs. M. McDonald, nla y be made at the Advance offic,o Flesherton, Ont. j addressing me at Eugenia. .telephone 43 r 11, Flesherton or *| I ' '

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