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Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1931, p. 5

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7 j THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1931 Local d HPeismra I i - - - : . I * < The skating is siiUiJ till fine it throe rink. Mr. Alfred Dem rrwn was in OTo Tronic * for a couple of diys swslastwtl;. * 'Miss Agnes Irwi rtin of Ora_nse.vile spent the weekeii: be) lit herten .me here. The first official lalday ilspr^ri^ig is this coming SaltidsBb-diy. Order your EiitsJeter Lifca-jnc3 cut flowers now. ff, AA A, Haita, tphonc 17w. Flesherton. hats and dresstit'J to wet. E=\ G. ' Karstedt, Fleshntonom 1 Rev. W. J. &ott Jztii . tending a meciiig aj of a Con*rfe Tence , committee. Springhill people* a enjoys! a s st atin? party at the rinkra nn Thursday e^v^nins - last. Do your wall tag .eoaperinglefoor^ the busy season. All /( II new pjtteaerar.s at * Karstedt's, Price'felUllt. Miss Hattie )IcLH~Jae of Toro-ormto is . spending a cotplt ae of web a^ her home here. Mrs. Cecil Metoivevish sptjt tF_he past week with her siitsJster, Mn.ll- ler riam, in Markdale. Karstedt's ntPriesoncevilleiive w re-tluced the prices of m'&'arli and loy^as" work shoes, far belw a P'esent lev-^eMs, to meet the farmer 1 ! p? i pocket talk ;as. Mrs. Ellen Che!len9erof Ajico ourrtand Mr. Wm. HopkiM MS of Worrm spent the week end wilht 1 nlke forwr's: s mister, Mrs. John McDualfsaali Mr. Wm. Moon 9- has ben I la. id off his bus line throi(tsinj|h ilta a^n^l Mr. Fred Mathewsonis eiiscanyiijtr^heMiiail from the station, Tl-c membenol lot the LO.B-S..^. will hold a sale of tanrn raemadelakr -in. g and candy on SatiirfaxElay, Mirth - 21_st at 3 o'clock p.m. alMrKJIrs. MfDona^al<a's tea room. The W.M.S. nill If II meet ii thrzie Unit- ed Church on Hiimutnisday at 3 'flock. It i? hoped there w erill be i gSRo-cd at- tendance as this is is the tot ~ m. ecting in this quarter, Master Ben MsIMtoiy telehr* at_ed his eighth birthdavftS rSaturil;a:-ft^rnoon : last by staging in a party fir h^iis=. play- , mates. As i! isauz.sul atfeo-e affair? the youngster! liaii>8iaJ a god tS.irrme, The- Ladies AUiAJW of Ike TJnited Church Flesheiton-non, will !trv--sre a hot j meat pie supptri'i ii thexhcvoot. room, of the church os ff.VrWneta)',N^Ii3*reh 18 Supper will be iir^isen'ed ton 5 o:30to S p. in. Admisinrrolor. 35:, Mr. and MrU, .D.Thibmleauj- u Mark- dale, attended a eitlire--^ party given by their* ./mSIr. S.Thi^-^b^udcau. and wife on Wbiridiy cV(i!i4r? T- The decorations \vci(iri in ketfiif " with the St. Patrick soaiosnocs, An auction die slalt of used fi fu rniture will be held ky " - Mr. 1 1 Oennett aboi:t the finU"w nek Ij Aprs>rk.l, If you have some w&esed furniture ; ycr>uwish to dispose of((t Jt in track v wkthMr. Bennett, whoiills Illirranpto s^llitat the same time, A St. Patrick') a"s propmsiv -_-c euchre will be held inBeisSeimett'iHiil'Ill -on Fr! day evening olthi-iH his week, SIa.^rcrh 20th in aid of the kWoockey ci, W E'^'eryoni come: everyone v~a wlconit. ~ Ls-inch t^ be ser\-ed. Gorf bocd prim A-^d niission 35 cent*. There is still 10 fcUtUlMMa on the books of the hottest ley chAind tr-ienmn agernent is dfiiiooitncs ofdeawni TII; thi: up and are sljsr,:j|ing i pr*T-ojsressiv, euchre this FtiJj>v6.a)' evening. Help tc clear the debt of 71fl!>y prismt^-ting your contribution. Pipe Dream Shattered Mrs. W. L. Wright A lady living not more than three! I 38560 AW3V miles south of this village diacov- ere^d a black fox in the yard a few Jt was ^ feelings of regrret that j da^-s ago, and succeeded after some the p^p^ of Flesherton learned of d.f iiculty in chasing it into the barn. the death of Mrs Eleanor Wright . ' Phoning to the next farm she in- widow of t ,, e , ate Wm Loudcn ; vit *d some one to come over and Wright of F i es hertcr.. Deceased had ' apture it. In the meantime been jn fai!ing health for some tin , e ' vs. ions of a new fur coat for next but her illneM Wa3 not known to be I v.imtcr and a. few dollars for house- so serions For the pagt year Qr M: hold needs flitted through her mind. Mr: Wright has been ^^ her j Tw^o of the neighbors came along. fcome in windsor . The ret , ains are ' one carrying a long pole with a wire bein( , brought to Flesherton and in- loop at the end to capture sly rev- tement wi ,, toke p , ace jn FleshertOR ; - ' ^-d aive, -or other armed with Cautiously cctr . etery to . day . Wednesday. with thei other appliance. ^"'^'y ' ser vice in St -John's United church. I =era,r the ban,, they discovered ( . nder sh of Rev Mr , dham of at t ho ox was no other than Wm. Dundalk _ ft u about three M j . Moore s black Persian cat! i "' 1 "' And thus v.-a. 5 another pipe dream shatterc-d. hall years since her husband prede- ceased her. Died From Pneumonia For Sale By Tender ~%Vord was received in town Monday ^t Mr. Wesley White had passed at hi? home in Toronto from the effects of pneumonia. Deceased was a -son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John \Vfcite, and -was born in Artemesia to-rnship some fifty-six years ago. He worked in Flesherton at one time as cheese maker in the factory owned an -d operated by the late Georee Stewart, and later worked at his trrade in CIrar.d Valley. For the pa. ,-t twenty -five years he has been rnriployed as a niotorman with the Toronto Street Raihvay. lie leaves to mourn his wife and ort daughter. Edna (Mrs. H. Cap- 3t-ck), also focr brothers, Ezra of M -ari;dale, James and Ben of Arte- mesia Township and Edward in Cali- fo -rria. The funeral is taking place this W~edr,e=dny afternoon. March ISth. at 2:30 p.m.. interment in Park Lav.-r- Cemetery. Toronto. FORMER METHODIST CHURCH AT PRICEVILLE Size of building 25x40 fee:, scant- ling frame, boarded inside ar.d out; brick veneered; double floor. Th!s building contains the following, ap- proximately: 28 pieces 21 feet long 2"x8" 32 pie:es 20 feet long 2"x8" 28 pieces 14 feet long 2">:6" 14 pieces 12 feet long 2"x6" 36 pieces 13 feet long 2"xlO" Plank 234 feet 2"xO" Studding 1120 feet. Brick 9000. Sealed tenders will be received up to Monday. March 30th. Address all tenders to Wm. R. Meads. Secretary of the Board of Stewards. Priceville, R. R. No. 3. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Building open for inspection. Foi further particulars apply to \V. G. Watson. Pricevi'.le. MAXWELL PUBLIC SCHOOL Mary Bemroso. Je n Ross. Lo-jgheed. 1 - Marie Chard. Ethel Fen- Irene Parker. I<=abelle Paliist^r. 4 - Kobt Priestly. Billie Kcrton 3 - Delmtr Secley. \Varren. iy, -Mabel Bemrose. 3 Tom Ben-.rose, Rab;. Fen- Jim Poolc, Noreen Grummet:. Loujrheed, Tom Pallister. - Mac Stephen, Bob Allison. Duckett snd Charlie Grummett 1st Katie Bemrose. Nellie Allison. Sr. Pr. Jim Brownridire, Harold ESrownridge. ESTHER Mac LEAN. Teacher. 5th Eiith Si. w ick. Jr. Sr. P'rii Jr. w- ick, T- A. 2nd \~ioiet Farms Were Sold Another farr.i deal has ju-.r been by Mr. Fred Taylor o: the Xa- i tiona! Farm Agency when he sold the j 100 acre farm owrved by Mr. George i Bank* of town, situated south of Ceylon, to Mr. Wilso?. V.S.. of Tit- bury, Essex County. Mr. Wilor. intends moving to Mr. Bank's farr.: 1 near the end of this week. Mr. Taylor has also sold the farr.i earned by Mr. John McEachnie. or.e | mile west of Hopeville. to Mr. Walter Ber.ham of Toronto. BORN THl'RSTON - On Tuesday March 1 7th, 1M1. to Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Thurston, Thornbury, the gift of a sjn. Quite an inl(res9Trt wi!likz:er in the speech of the Prii'Prince (I IVaeafes from Argentine. South rittk Amerid, tr>n Sat- urday. The !pq[(efh, jiverr n at the opening of theBnaBritishEnpixrre- exhibi- tion at Buenw Aft. Aires, timea* in very well, but w uttonol dislixt e-senoufrh to distinguish tvtry yy'ordftr-=:etd. The Cran<IOianrr8-iife Lod(Kx_-)f Ontario West is rr.eolinir ~ani at Strth n lay on Wednesday ltd M Thimdiy -of this week. Mr. Fire-auk Sctley_ , County 'Master of EailfrO Grey, bin a endance along with II, C-O Corbet!, ip=5r^senting Artemesia Boyafevil Scnlet CThapter. Ernest Stinsoi,\K Master of L-Z..O1 No. 244. and jMftilAfllMttyr.JML cfL.O. L. No. 2855. Flesherton Old blld Boyi ar-m* Girls Association rilh H hold the mnKiuail meet ing in Toronto c-o on Thdauay of this week. March Ute-9lh. ! BOGD p.m. in room 307, Conm/nieree i Ti aMisporta- tion Bldg., \l)Y Tongt'si, All th,. old residents of tt ? Ihis viciiitsc^ Ttjiding hi or near Toiortnctjnlo aw irgaacecd to at- tend this aiillail meeliij;, .s there is a place for y O'O'ou thert, ETDi stusjion will take plawoo on varitu amglcs of proposed acti'itii thli yeET T. Mak* an effort to illevsMd and kiv^ve the or- Cmnization wiin n i imo itijiiivj i! work. r IN THISTLElWVr WTE - I -n kin* memory of Alfrfo-yrtJ ThisUelhw-wit(, who passed awayNinsIarch 22nd, IS 9!fcO, "In memory yj daily Iho-oufcjkt, In heart nil Hwilent strrw_-." F'amily. ENGAGEMENT The ens-agement is announced of VYir.etta Fern, youngest daughter of ^Ir. and Mrs. R. M.- Mullen to Cecil t-eonanl, son of Mr. Levi Betts and the late Mrs. Betts of Flesherton, the r-r.arriage to take place quietly the f^nd d' Mar-, h. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be ro.-eis-ed by me up to six (6) o'clock of the 20th day of Mar^h inst.. for th? purchase of Village lots 13 to 17. S.E. Durham St., Flesherton. and Blocks D., F. and d, Flesherton Survey. TERMS : Cash, the highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Dat.\l March 10. 1931 W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. Literary Society Met The second meeting of the Hiifh ) S.-hool Literary Society was held on : Wednesday afternoon last. Mild-.-.n! | Whittaker. president, occupied ;he j chair. Form one hd charye of thf meeting and presenteil a short p!a> "The Magic Shirt." A vote was tak- en on the advisability of prodr:injt a yearly magazine and practically all the pupils were in favor of the vcn- i ture. However, a further discussion i is necessary before the work will be I proceeded with. Robert Plester gave ' E violin solo accompanied by Wesley jLittlejohns as pianist. Ronald Mui- dletcn enlivened the meeting with a slep dance. Cow testing is very important. Xot al! cows that give milk are profitable. The only way to make sure of these unprofitable cows is by the systematic use of the milk -scales and the Bab- cock test. TREASURER WANTED TOR VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON Applications for the office will be received by the undersigned up to and including Friday, March 20th, Council to fix remuneration. I^ated March 10, 1931 H. A. McCAULEY. Reeve Alfalfa hay reduces the cost o' production of live stock products. Crow alfalfa! I The heavy hare that has been giving sportsmen some enjoyable cutings in counties along the Grand river has made its way into Simcoe county and during: the winter some fine specimens have been secured by town devotees oi the gun. J. S. Ellis got ? ten pounder last week and several an- imals weighing six and eight pounds have been bagged by different hunters of town. The largest hare yet seen in tnwrw WIB hivmjpht in Ky Alex. Freeman. It weighed twenty pounds. Alliston Herald. Make That Quilt Now CIIIXT7 Clearing: price regardless of cost 2 yds. 35c PR I XT A eood variety of patterns 17c yd. OIX'CiHAM Extra gfood quality, clearing price 15c. BATTS-3 sizes 80c. 25c. and 2 for 25c. A. EHAW Ceylon Store doses every evening except Wed. & Sat. A FARMIXG JOURNAL. An example which rrugrit well be followed in other counties is that! of the Norfolk Chamber of Com- 1 meree in issuing an annual Agricui-j tural Journal. The third annual issue J has just been distributed free at charge to 5,000 farmers in the county. It is an eight-page publication and contains a wealth of information re- lating to the farming industry. Al- rr.ost every phase of agriculture as carried on in this county is discussed -,uch %s poultry breeding, reforesta- tion, tobacco-raising, fertilizers, fruit and vegetable growing. It also car- ries several informative articles by O.A.C. authorities. t^umerons nie lures of local interest are used to brighten the pages. The local agri- cultural representative, F. C. Patter- son, who is also secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, has been largely responsible for the success of this valuable publication. ains in Wallpapers CASH GROCERY SPECIALS Fresh PRUNES, good size 3 Ibs. 25e. Hand Picked \VHITE BEANS. 6 Ibs 25e Fresh ROLLED OATS 8 Ibs. 28c MACARONI, 10 oz. size, 3 packages 29e GRANULATED SUGAR $5.25 bag Sweet MIXED PICKLES, 40 oz. si2e, jar .... 49e Choke PINK SALMON, Ib. tins 2 for 39 PURE CLOVER HONEY. 10 Ibs $1.00 Quick QUAKER OATS, large package .... 25c To make room in our storage racks i"r our new Spring Wall Papers we are placing on sale this week a large collec- tion of patterns of which only a few rolls were left after last season's selling. The quantities are suitable for small rooms, clothes closets, summer kitch- ens, and so on, and are offered without regard to their cost. Come earlv for the best choice. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO a u ii ul I if setts sas oot h PRICED FRO>I 01O At Factory. Oshawa Taxes Extra ;tronslL of \h: ne-./ Chevrolet chaL; ha* a counterpart in the rugged power of it? six- cylinder motor. The extra horsepower obtained by the proven valve-in-head engine design result? in a sure, steady flow of power sheer pulling ability that you can depend on to carry you surely through sand and mud. or up the steepest grade. V A Quietness and smoothness at all driving :. Dually ren-.r.rkubl: featujvj of Chevrolet's cagiue de>iTi. It takes^ six cylinders to give the restful oomfort and freedom from vibration you will be quick to appreciate iu this new Six. Own a Chevrolet Six at it? n*tr low prues. it is a value that deserves your first consideration. Ask about die O M A C plan of deferred payments . . . "and the General Motors Owner Sen ice Policy. NEW _/ CHEVROLET SIX ,-. , A' GENERAL MOTORS VALUE/ ^., S JJ N1 MOTORS -<*r D. McTAVISH A SON. Chevrolet Dealers - Flesherton, Oat. -

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