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Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1931, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1931 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE \ J > n 1 i r. 1 FREE FREE Solid Oak Cabinet of thr la-h-sl style and most conven- ient cabinet ever >ltViv<l HIV sale by Knechtel !<>r only $38.50 Free with this one f . cabinet only $7.50 of. groceries. UKMKMI5KK - - This free offer is for thi, " cabinet unlv. E. J. BENNETT Mirniture Dealer -:- l-'uneral Director I'h.. IK- 7S. FI.KSllKRTOX 5%ice OF THE (Sattabian iftrbirai Aaaanatimt CHANT FLEMING. M.O. ~ ASSOCIATE SECRETARY THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on ColHnywood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In U. S. A. 12.50 per year when paid in advance $2.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association) W. n. THURSTON. - - Editor F J THUKSTON - Assoc. Editor Roses For The Garden HAKi) TIMi:S Dl'RATlON The Chicago News reminds us thai- There was a business depression in J857 Hv.ting 12 montlu. There was a business depression in 186! lasting 8 months. There was a business depression in 1873 las:...*,' 30 months. There was a business depression in ( 1884 lasting 22 months. There v.a . a business depression ir< 1887 lasting 10 months. There was a business depression in 1893 lasting 21) months. There wai a business depression in I'.xi:; lasting l. r > months. There was a business depn ;tion in l'J07 la.-ling H months. There was a business depression in 1!M4 lasting H month*. Thore was a business depression in lt>21-22 lasting 14 months. Bu'. all oL these depressions, which wen- experienced, to a frraater or less extent, in Canada, as well in the nd- join'mg ic-pul.lii 1 , fame to an end. The present one is now running its t our<e; It will end too. But he is a rash pro- phet who undertakes to prognosticate when. EDITORIAL NOTES. Everyone who has a garden wants roses in it ami there u no reason why they should not have some. A rose In: ' will i"">\v almost anywhere, cx- i j<t in R plaro v. hero water lie.;. The (,!.jo ', to being constantly wet. If the soil was not prepared in the i'..!l, then dig it over well t ) the depth of eighteen inches and, if it is very ; >". brirg hotter noil from the veget- abli- jjarden to put around the rDots. As sr>r>n m the soil is warmed enough the liur.h should be planted. The hole shorM be deep and \v:io enough so that the roots can be .prend out ard the plant buried a little deeper than it was in the nursery. If the i !.:,( . arrive before they can be plant- ed , a trench should I o dug and the plants heeled in. Tha roots should never be allowed to dry out. When they arc growing well a top drc .uinjr o.' pulverized sheep manure is beneficial. There avc several classc ; of roses l-ut the one most in favor a.'e Hybrid Teas. The-c can not he grown very satisfactorily in the coldest sections 01 tho country, but in other parts, by giving some protection in the winter, they do well. Some of the best ones tested in the Central experimental Farm, Ottawa, arc: Lady Pirrie, Los Angoles, Ophelia and Souvenir ck> Claudh's Pernet, in the light .shades; (ieneral MncArthur, K. of K., Gruss Ti plitz nrd Hawlmark Crimson, red; Betty Uprichard, Mr.?. Henry Morse, Mme Leon Pain and La Tosra, pink; Dainty I5eas, Isobcl and Vesuvius, single. '111!) HI'.AHT ! Tho heart is one of the vital organs o." the body which contribi tcs to the \vork when \ve are asleep, just as i'. does. when we a'.vake. The heart .is a muscle organ. \Vhon it contract?, it acts r.s u pi::np circu!- Jitin 1 ,' the blood to all parts of the body. Every part of the body needs blood, because it is from the blood that the cells of the body select the nourishment they need, and it is into the blood that the cells d!:sharge theii 1 waste products. A good circulation is necessary if the tissues of the body -are to ba healthy. A pood circulation cannot ! ? maintained unless the heart is in proper working order. In other v. ords, the general health cf the body requires a ooimd heart. The heart, like most organs of. the body, is capable of doing more than ii usually demanded of -it. The'. H why it is able for a time to do extra work when it is called upon to do -so by sudden or severe physical eTort. It ts not advisable, however, to over- strain any part of the body, because : '.ifh strain rroy be- too great or too prolonged, and permanent harm may result. of its reserve power, n (bningcd heart rsn live lorti; jnd r;cful lias i" they avoid such efforts as heavy lifting which throws a sud- den or extra load on tho heart They must -avoidi doing anything v/hv'-i causes shortness o.' breath, and they should leam to stop and rest immed- iate!/ if they experience shortness <>i breath or pairi. They must realize their, limitations, nnj not try to, do more than they arc able. Infection in any form is frequently responsible for heart disease. In- fected teeth, tonsils or head sinuses may be foci from which poisons and germj are given off, causing damage to the heart. The prevention of heart disease begins with attention to general health through proper food, fresh air, res', and play. Any focus of infe:- tion. such as diseased teeth or tonsils, should be removed before there is a chance of its causing damage to the heart. The heart is often damaged e."3 the result of acute rheumatism, which is an infection. Growing pain* and chorea, or St. Vitus Dance, are evid- ence of rheumatism in children, and they should be troatr/l ns serious conditions in order thnt the heart may be protected. Other classes of roses whi.h are rat>?r hardier than those mentions! arc the Ilybird Perpetual-. These make a great show of bloom in mid- summer but have few, if any, blooms later. Some of the best of these are Fraii Karl Druschki, white; General Jacqueminot and Hugh Dickson, rod; and Coronation and Mrs. John Lain?, pink. The cla.'.s of rose which gives the most bloom lor the least trouble is the Polyantha Pompon. These are dwarf growing so are easily covered in \vint- er. They are hatdier than eith?r II. T. 's or H. P. 's and bloom continually all sea on. The 11 wers arc in cluster., and are not very fragrant. Good varieties are Coral Cluster, Ellen Poulsen, Chatillon and Mrs. W. H. f'utlu:.ih, pink; Rosters Orleans, Rod- hattu and Edith Cavell, red; Kfth- crine Zeiinet and Betty Bland, pink, are also hardy without protection at Ottawa. Of the climbing r.ises the following are recommended: Dorothy Perkins, Dr. W. Van Fleet and Crimson Ramb- ler, red; Goldfinch and Pemberton's Whiti Rambler, white. CREDIT AUCTION SALE of 34 Reg. Hereford Cattle GUARANTEED UNRESERVED (Fairfax Breeding) & other valuable Stuck & Implements AT LOT 8, CON. 22, EGREMONT (Six miles south-east of Durham) Friday, March 20 Reg. Hereford Cattle: 23 Females, all ages, from selected Fairfax breed- ing. 4 young Bulls, 8 to 12 mos., Reg. Herd Sire "Fairfax Jim" (57071) sired by Imported Fairfax bull. This herd sire is of excellent quality and a proven getter of high quality stock. Grade cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Horses & Implements. See bills for full list. TERMS: 10- mos.' credit on bank approved joint notes bearing interest at 6 per cent. Everything must bo sold as farms are rented and the proprietor is giv- ing up farming. W. A. LAWRENCE. Prop. Prone: Durham 604 r 31. Varney. . E. DUNCAN. Auctioneer. Buy For Cash PORTLAAV HAS SOMETHING TO OFFER THE PUBLIC AT RIGHT PRICES. , No. 1 Patent Flour per cwt S2.50 Pastry Flour, 24 Ibs 65c. Shortening, per Ib .'.". 15c. Raisins, 2 Ibs. for _ 25c Crown Tea, per Ib '..' 39c Hersley Blend Tea ptr Ib , 55c We have a few men's Mud Rubbers at 50c per pair while they last HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR EGGS A. H. WALKER PORTLAW Phones: Dundalk 71 r 5. Fleshertor. 76 r 22 Store closes Wednesday at 12 p.m. and Friday at 6 p.m. MAXWELL We extend our sympathy to 'Mr?. Basil Sornberger in the death of her mother, Mrs. James Milne. Mrs. Renfred Acheson and daughter have returr.U home after spending the past week at her parental home. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Priest- ly, on Saturday, the gift of a daugh- ter. Mr. and Mrs. James Radley have , returned home after spending a few wr^ks in Toronto. Mr. Radley is much improved in health. * Mr. Joseph Langtry wishes to thank * his friends and neighbors for their ' kindness during his recent illness. <-<rfr*^,-<r&><>Sr>*W&.:^^^^ Small Advts. Lost or Strayed LOST Between Chas. Moore's and Goo. White's on Toronto High- way, on Fri., Feb. 13, horsehide robe without lining. Finder notify Chas. Moore or leave at this office. BARRED ROCK BABY CHICKS For Sale FOR SALE Good work horse, 6 years olJ. Wilfred Magoe, Eugenia. FOR SALE Stack of mixed tim- othy and alfalfa hay. Frank Belts, Flesherton R. R. 1. Barred Rock Bred-to-lay Baby Chicks, from registered, blood tested birds, all government inspected and approved. March and April chicks $15.00 per 100; May and June chicks $12.00 per 100. 10'; with order, balance on arrival. Guaranteed 100 per cent safe delivery. ARMSTRONG POULTRY FARM & CHICK HATCHERY Phone 13. FLESHERTON HAY FOR SALE - Clover and FABM FOR SALE 100 acres. timothy at the barn $6.50 per ton. loti 166 and 167 - lst rai >e west of F. C. Karstedt, Flesherton. i No ' 10 Hi ? h way, Artemesia Tp. 2 ! miles from Flesherton, *4 mile FOR SALE Sow and nine young from school, 70 acres under culti- pigs. C. S. Monnghan, Flesherton. vation, balance swamp and pasture. FOR SALE - Massey-Harris fer-'' A " y * s bl offer will be con- tilizer drill, 11 discs, nearly new.-' 8 ' .I' F . or J^* 1 *" PP'x to John J. Mends, Phone 21 r 12. I L. R. Thistlethwaite, 24 Conner ; Ave.. Toronto 6. FOR SALE Mare, 8 years old, : r ( Wo make "'" AU-rt Flower*, the pione-r in Toronto, died in that citv ,,l week. He * a nallVC f neighboring. town of Durham. rn.rm.ny is roHeclinK a H P ,cial U* baehel-n, and .oH.Un,. ever * " they rlaim they are, ** the Scot h P> _ it "over young Uc marry ye . ;'r B ,vert,ment. continue the.r hunt ?or Sources nf taxationthey may fol- low the Herman example. T I Church. K.C.. who war. f^ vcars Mayor .f Toronto and an ,n- irtic member of P.rh.ment for city crt* that the gaolme ta* J2* by the Provincial Government 1. illegal. because th.- I'rovmce hw no right to impoe indirect taxes. Thomas is ngbt ml some of the vie limn of thin tax resists it., imposition. and upMtn the apple cart, there surely would bo a fla.o-up. This tax brings millions into the rash box of th* C Urio Government and the ease with which it in taken oyt f the consumers is n dirrc-t incentive to extravagance in administration. LINE NORTH Mr*. Wm. Reid of Ann Ar'>or, Mich., returned to her home on Tues- day after spending the past wMc with her mother, Mr/. George Pritch- aitl, who has been il but is improving nicely. Miim Gertrude I-ever spent Sunday with her sinter, Mm. Hoy Wood, at Markdalc. Mid Iva Wiekens of Kimberley li Bssiittinr Mrs. R. Richnrdon for a time. Mr. Delbert Alcox, who has been very ill for the past couple of weeks, Is improving. Mrs. W. Alt-ox, Sr., U also ill with n nurse in attendance. We wish them a speeJy recovery. II WHATEVER WILL I DO?" TENDERS FOR FARM. general purpose; one Jersey cow. Tenders will be received for the J-JT. ,_McKenzie, Feversham, phone.^ purchase of lots 19 on the 6th and FOR SALE-Two lots in Eugenia. ^ concessions of the township of Apply to Mrs. .E. Morgan, Flesher- **?* c i ntaln ' n * 200 acres, up to to n and eluding March 10th, 1931. Tha I highest or any tender not necessarily FOR SALE Mammoth clover seed. cc P ted - Address tenders to Mrs. Chas. Doupe. Phone 32rl4, Flesh- J ' C Mllne . Flesherton, or J. J. j. erton. [ Hlslop ' S'nfrhampton, Ont., Executors. FOR SALE - Number of hogs,' . BOAR F R~ SERVICE. 100 to 140 Ibs.; also several young pigs and a work horse.-Frank Taylor, Flesherton phone 63J. Berkshire Boar on lota 151-153. Grade sows $2, purebreds f5 cash in advance. H. C. RADLEY. FARM FOR SALE In the Township o/ Artemesia IN wxls.; tV 43 -'' M " FOR SALE Purebred Mammoth Pekin drake and two turkey hens. H. J. Courvoisier, Eugenia, Ont. Phone Feversham, 9 r 32. FOR SALE Good timothy and alf- ' m miles' from aalf at $10.00 a ton. Cash in the bam buildings, 12 acres "of "bush- in the valley. Minnie Graham Mark- J on Ca9y termg dale R. R. 4. or apply to Jack Graham on the farm. Phone 73rl2. i _. _,... ' . r UK *-NT A good six roomed FOR SALE About 6 tons of al- "J5 clrte , 2 lots, good garden, falfa and 20 tons of timothy hay at sUh ' e . hen house and garage, op^ $9 per ton cash at the barn and a pj^n R R 9eho<> '- W. J. Caswell. quanity of straw at |2 at the bam ' ' - near Portlaw. Thoa. Taylor, phone 63 J, Flesherton. FOR SALE J1300 buys house and ] ine lot in Flesherton Electric lighted, i hard and soft water, small stable, and about two acres of land Good invest- ment, bringing in 8 per cent. net. Must be quick sale to wind up estate of W. A.Armstrong J.W. Armstrong, Executor. F R SERVICE Re sistered Yorkshire Baton ho* for service on lot 136, West Back- FOR SALE New cotton bags, $3.55 per doz.; Pastry Flour, 65c per 24 Ib. bag; No. 1 hard wheat Flour, $2.65 per bag; salt, $1.50 per 200 Ib. bag; mixed grain, $16.50 per ton; UEO K. DUNCAM DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Terms: cent. Satisfaction guarntee4 made at The Advance office M1DDLEBRO & BURNS Barriiten. etc. Oficee Owen Sound, Durh Flesherton. Flesherton ern oats, coal, fertilizer, etc. Steel j Brig**' and Rennio' Seeds at special PI-JITS. A. C. Muir, Phone 38 r 3, Ceylon. 9 rt'r*i*R rattt on "Any- e*t" t ftalinn In Italian) ttlli hfgia at 7 p.m. Night rain begin at HJO p.m. J*tt gift "Long Diitanci" ibt number ynu mtnl ipeedi up Ibt Jininiy had been ailing for a couple of days . . . but she didn't think it was serious till this afternoon . . . she called the doctor . . . hospital tomorrow . . . just a minor operation, but it couldn't wait. Whatever would she do? She must be with Jimmy . . but there was the baby too. If mother were only there . . . but a letter couldn't reach mother rill late tomorrow. Then she thoucht of the telephone. In two minutes she was speaking to her mother. Yes, she could catch the evening train would be there at 8 in the morning. What a relief! Now she could go about her prepara- tions for the morrow. The telephone had made everything easy. And the cost of the call had been less than u dollar. Miscellaneous WANTED - Young calves, week old. Reg Boyd, Flesherton. ROOMS FOR RENT Suite of 4! rooms on ground floor. A. Shackle- ford, Flesherton. FOR RENT Apartment for rent, suitable for light housekeeping ami small families. Mrs. M. Mi 1 Donald, Flesherton, Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkihire Boar for ser j vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club ' the property of the Ontario Depart I ment of Agriculture. -C. STEWART. Carotaksr BUSINESS CARDS Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S.. D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray. ToronU street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Arthur. Lodge, 838, A. F. * A. M.meets in the Masonic Hall, Arm. strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. M.. W. R. Meads; Secretary, H. A McCauley. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioned for the counties of Grey and Simeo* Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and date* may be made at the Advance offic,o* addressing me at Eugenia, telephone 43 r 11. Flesherton bf - -

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