PETRIE BARGAINS /i Ton Differential Chain Hoists with 28' of Chain . $ 8.50 1 Ton Differential Chain Hoists with 32' of Chain . . $10.50 Cord Wood Saws, Angle Iron Frame Ball Bearing, Complete with Saw $60.00 10" 3 Square English Files, Bastard or Second Cut, ea. 25c 12" 3 Square English Files, Bastard or Second Cut, ea. 30c 4" 3 Jaw Universal Geared Scroll Chucks, with 2 Sets Jaws $10.00 25 Ib Anvil and Vise $ 4.00 50 Ib. Anvil $ 5.50 75 Ib. Anvil $ 8.25 Forges. IS" diameter, One Piece Steel Hearth, Com- plete with Fan $11.50 Ball Bearing Post Drill, drills 0-'" holes to centre of 11 >/ 2 circle $ 9.50 5'/ 2 " Jaw Stationary Machinist Bench Vises $10.00 6V Jaw Stationary Machinist Bench Vises ... $12.50 ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GASOLINE ENGINES, BELTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, SHAFTING, NEW AND USED, AT SPECIAL PRICES. R W. PETRIE, LIMITED Phone ELgin 1271 147 FRONT ST. W. Toronto 2 Owl La ff s not in a position to purchase such plants as Petunias. Zinnias, i.arl- | golds, Cosmos, Asters, Tomatoes, ! - Cabbages, Cauliflowers, HeaJ Let- 1 There was a time when the millers > tuce and similar things, a hot bed is sold shorts. Xow they can be bought essential, The construction of such only at the department store". an affair Is neither difficult nor - expensive, and In addition to grow- ' "Papa left me four hundred dollars ing such plants as the above It may to buy a memorial stone for him after be used to produce early lettuce, onions, radishes table. Secure horse manure which has been turned frequently to prevent burning and store this In some sheltered spot, he died," said Darling Dora. "How and melons for the do you like my new diamond?" a 'apply of fresh Teacher "Johnny, if your father earned $40 a week and gave your mother half, what would she have?" ! turning over occasionally until ready Johnny "Heart failure." to nse. The hot bed should be lo- cated where it will be convenient for the person looking after It during all sorts of weather. Preferably, It should have some shelter from north The peculiar characteristic li the : one somebody else- has. - 1 Daddy "I greatly disapprove of , OXMOKt ! and west winds by fences, buildings young Darlington, and one particular j or shrubbery Select or prepare a ! well-drained site and make a pile ef ! the manure eighteen Inches deep when well pressed down. On top of this, place a light frame of wood any desired site and cover tighMy with a window eash. The reason is his lack of interest in hie calling." Daughter "Why father, his calling! He calls on me seven nights a week." Advtrtjaaf T AV "I Just, love these big cave men." ) Father "Why were you kept in at school?" Son "I didn't know where the ' A*ore were " ' f OB MACHINE OR HAJrDKJUTTiNa rather-"Well, 1. future lost re- . --"*' "" .* member where you pat '.hinge." ail color*, so Ib. Stocklr.r * Tarn a, Oct. A -1 BABY * I 1BTIE3. Garden Talks i Put Th, e VegsUtafee en List Tfcs average gardener i* often be- latter sighed Gladful Gladys, as the guide Women, Eiephants aad should slope a few inches toward the led her through the Mammoth Cave, j never forget front which mnst be south. Cover j the manure with three or four Inches Gif Definitions of fine soil. The bed will heat np | Dub "One who piays golf the way f jj^lT* B a( j V rapidly at first but by the fourth ' you did last year. | ^ c ^ ew B utcher-"No. v dear; j A "usFof day should have cooled down sucW A Good Lie When the la*t man mi ni%v _ m _ _ ,. ; TnformaUon ently for planting purpose?. One . the foresome tells his score, can plant in rows quite close to- i Sand Trap A device placed in the gether so that a bed three by four j fairway to Increase the vocabulary of head sort is wanted; Muckmelena, ; ee t will produce ample plants for the player. BABY 3BZCU. Lattie Girl "Please, have you a Mo(her 'HICKS :N SIX VA&- loo and jp. ...< A. H. Sw;u*r. Grantor, Ontario. ^ ,. on t do wantg OIK w(Ttl brain$ in , t . Com- J-J Kink Improved Montreal and Estra Early ; the ordinary garden. in cold or | Fairway The long narrow strip of| March Magic Knight are good varieties; as well j stormy weather, water sparingly and < grass which the bail occasionally One* more the fickle birds recurs as Golden Champlatn. Miller's Cream only on bright days Ventilate a crosses in its flight from the rough on or Osage; Onions, Yellow Globe Dan- i little every day by raising the sash. ; one side to the rough on the other. > vers. Red Wethersfleld, Prtje Taken i Taker Red th following j Ulooe; re s, inomas Laxton, Lax-! information is tonian - Gradns. Uttle Marvel, Lai- wildred by the Urge number of. vegetable varieties offeree ana o for Y llow Glob and "* hw particular benefit *>> tn\\nar>nr i Globe; Peas, Thomas list based on expert , offered : -Asparagus Mary Washing-, ton P*'" i of one. Amerl- . _ T : _ r. 1_ TW -.11 f* Across the sloping seas. Aa4 strew the tender field* W!'h tjrir old melodiec. keeping It open longer aa the days j grow warmer. The plants should ( When the young mother begins to i not be removed directly from a hot talk about lessening the risk of the ' The sky is magic a the month. bed to the field, except In very far- baby's second summer you may know; orable circumstances, but should be ! right well she has been talking to the , ton, satisfactory from the standpoint i ean w '> Dder : Parsnip. Hollow Crown; 'hardened off for a week or two in j baby's grandmother Low tun. high stars between, The icy winds have washed It clear; Bat it. too. dreams of green. of disease resistance and a eropper- Beans. Pencil Pod Wai. Round Pol Kidney Stringles. Green Pod with good I R adish . Scarlet White Tip. Black Breakfast and Scarlet Globe; Spin- ! \\- ai ; ach, Bloompdate and King ot Den- Ken' i marlt; Swiss Chard. Luculliw, the] a cold frame same as !U manure. which is exactly the t hot bed without the! Girl's Dad "So you're the young. The boats Are b.-ain:i:< on 'c man with both feet on the ground.! They cannot wait for men; SC1TDI4I. TOMATO SMOOTH ROUND TOMATO. Medium us*, -.cry Arm and Mild, years' ^!i>c*lon. Kx, ellervt . hipi/r. fln i- :i>at-a and grown T N. H. Caesar. Okanatur. Centre. B.C Seed II J5 ounce. Try it lucky Wonder Wax and Kentucky i leaf y P ot th!s *table is used ; Green Pod as pole sorts: Beotg. ai a spinach while the fleshy stem Early Wonder, Flat Egyptian Early i ma ? & cooked aa asparagus and is , I delicious served with cream sauce; I Tomatoes, Earliana, John and Detroit Dark Red, later; Cab- bage, Golden Acre, as a round-head- ed first early, followed by Coppen- i Bon "7 B * f - Chalk's Early Jewel and' hagen Market and Enkhulzen Glory How the Alphabet Came Into Being eh? Wha; do you dc for a living?" Sir! s Bey Friend "I take orders from a man with both feet on the teak." Some undertime has brought 'hem Straight from a blue-starred fen. Too much time oil the hands "Influence of mouth gesture on the toe feet wobbly. as mid-season with short e tern Livingstone's Globe, while Grand development of the Alphabet." was the Rapids and Sunrise are two of the subject of an address by Sir Richard What has brcome of the old-fashion- Peget before the anthropology section eii woman who made it a point of pride- to have her wash first on the Unpiloted they steal away. No man shall see them s The sea b.ixs follow for a Then !?. 'horn ro ! < > . mi'.e. AOBNTS TO SELL WELL KNOWM highest quality XIREH. No IUMTIV- m-iit: crtnmiyslons paid wkiy. Rx- ceiient opportunity to earn t^md money. W.i: Mayall. s Elm t;., Toronto. MARRY RELIABLE M.\rRlia>N- lALt paper mttil<-<l 'rtf Aj.- , .endshii) Ue^Siae, Medina, NtwTo.k A.N WANTED IX YOLR COMllCS. iT> f.> tak car of paints ..nj rnoflnff retiuirementa u? f.trm an<: i>.- prty <*n?r. Whois cr part time work 4-tli mrn vuu Vdad rcmmlbion. Mut b well known ; ml of i o<l repuMii'it. Send inir'.ii'-.Iars a'. out yourself, ngr a\- M submit :! ..! ** Toronto. l' !i i;-i r n > .1 'an. best forcing sorts. It should be re- membered that this seed is suitable for Ontario. It is also well to re- in London. It was pointed out by Sir RichirJ line Monday? Danish Ballnead for winter storage; Cauliflower. Snowball and Earliest Dwarf Erfurt; Carrots, Chantenay and Dauvers; Corn, of the early varieties Golden Sunshine, Picka-| est Qatv are the ones that are ninny. Early Mayflower, Early Map. j tTOWB the most rapidly. The soil ket and Golden Bantam are recom- niast be w " Prepared, well fertilii- mende.l. with Stoweirs Eve^reen for d and well cultivated, particularly later use; Cucumbers, Improved ' during tho early stages White Spine and Davis Perfect; Cel- j Rardens it Is often >;ulte practical ery. for the first early GoUleu Plume ( or Woi'Jerfnl. and White Plume, for \ dry weather in order to make sure .tag sympathy of movement early member that vegetables of the high- that, just as speech appeared to have developed from pantomimic gesture, owing to an unconscious sympathy between the movement of the human hands and body with those of the hu- man mouth and tongue, so the de- , _ , r v,j'.opmit of alphabets appeared to 'and very advisable to water during have been influenced by a correspond He "I like jour ba-.uiag suit." She "It doesn't take tuucii to please you." First Lauy Bridge Player "1 say. 1 wish to goodness you'd hold your baud up. I can ''e your cards." Second Uu:y Hr-i-n.'? I'. aver "All W':;h amber a : .ls blown wy.e; sh.-.!'. ('.op. > "- < '' moon. B>irn . . r aicd .. > An ' ' i- ' 'a;s us :'.: '1'e jams . - .,!!*ic:n '; n: 45 (i.'.wn to 20 per cent, of fruit content. One ran i.T:miv what the ,*> > - , ..av i :' -->-rvt. " 1'arls Golden fallow or : ll at the vegetables come on without the human mouth and tuiisiifi and rhe light, only you ue^du't be >o suapi-y. * - V.AII ' ii. _ H . i ! 11 L nu i-. . 11 f c Easy Blanching. for winter keep- a ing ilium Pascal or Winter Queen; Lettuce Grand Rapids is oue of the most popular leaf varieties wiMi New York ainl Non-Pareil where a human hand. 've, been showing me yours all Kennedy & Menton 421 College St., Toronto Harley-L-svidson OistribUvOr* Writ* at one* for our unrRain li.-,t of used motorcycles. Termi arnntteu. Spring Work With Lawns A good lawn will require a little attention every spring. There will always be bare spots to be reseed- ed, paths to be broken up. weeds to be taken out and fertilizer to be ad- ded. The roller should be used at Mii-* time so that the tine roots which have been heaved out ot the ground . pro j lVtedi or ou ^e point of opening, by the frost will be packed into the Fsanlples g iven i rom our own alpha- soil again. Dig out the weeds, rake be[ b sir Richard were: the bare spots and reseed best seed pro- I{ the alphabets of different nations afternoon anl I haven't complained.' wpre> examined it was found that in the tetters standing for t'ie -omul-, uf P, B. M. and W, ami al-n 'iiose lor the vowel sound L' iu all ol which the two lips are morj or le*s protrud- ed and brought together the symbols are commonly suggestive, either of a close mouth, or of two lips closed or it is amazing to ee how much mis- information may be uccnnr!!.i-i> i<v on*> wuo diil.-fut'.y seeks it. She "Oa. ?o aud commit, suicide." He That's :he last thin? I'd do." llj \Vf. tOO, -' on : .' her pilol on . i -:<!es A m.:gv u-:-,,) of moon. William Alrx".r!^- P-rcy. in pho in "vkas." po, '.o . ->!; are b - .* gar.]-* within rt.i- ::a'.:ltf h. . ; -. v\V ^X;H- "o lie.i" any day ?; .1 r'.iy. . ;cht<?en h" - FREE TRIAL OFFER KRUSCHEN B . NO SNOW ON THE BOARDWALK over the bare heavily with the very curable. Give the lawn au anplica- tion of fertilizer. Well-rotted manure is good early in the spring t i but may be some .vhat objectionable 1 1 in certain places and often It re- Tue last word in preparedness was undoubtedly achieved by the sleigh- 1 ing party which hooked its sleigh on behind au amiMi'.ani'e. If your over- coat is too loii'i. Tv-ear a mi ?ap If you have ro er trlt-l Krjs. ' > 11 try it now ..' <-t;r t\; :-?. V. e have cii-t. biitwi . | many "GIAN'l "' pu>'kage wh >. .ie it easy for ;. "ii to prove out r-fA IJAXT" 7'5c. .- f ' . .,' - * : : < ^ Ihr : - - - ' ; Kr' - . . . . c tthan bad lucli > " ' _ p _ > _^__^^^ __^_ ^^___ ; t j it i ' ^ ' r - . : v .- \Vu Xl v. \ ' - :- .: - , -^ Wha- I- I . IE?!.. : .>- . L. . made ! v |i \y I t sW t 1 suits In adding more weeds. ^ Pal- ^Ight? as in"proiiouuclng"the sound of STRAND Atlantic City, New Jersey A. which was originally writ-en ly- ing on its side, suggests au open mouth facing right. B is the pronie of two lips, pointing Fortune doi-s uot smile ou tho^e who towards the right. , '. It laughs at them. K represents a mouth pointing to ; . the riyht. with the tongue at mid BLACKHEADS ..--. u - >; tly blem - . - :-.- . . .j!!-.-' -Tof ; ci '-..\:- I'c-vvtlor froi : egiai -i' .^ "n ^ NEURITIS Sends Qrtetlngs to Its Many Frienda in Canada. We are quoting such very low American Plan rate thit you will find It cheapar to stay at the "Homelike Strand" than staying at home. Write us 10 we may quote them to you 10 you will know the exact cost before leav ing- Music Salt Sea Batns Compli- mentary Tea Daily. 4 to 5 p.m. We will personally see to your comfort. T. K. >A\T>O\V, M;rr. U. PRADFi-.RD RtCHM'WD, Pra-j. ! vcrized slieep manure Is recommend- ed because this fertilizer is steamed before being put up so that all weed seeds are killed. N'itrate of Soda or a good mixed chemical fertilizer is often used as there is no objectlon- i able odour and no unsightly appear- lance following the application. If the position of the lawn is open and exposed to plenty of sunlight ordln- | ary dawn seed will do, but if shaded. | select a special brand which all ' seed houses carry for this purpose I Too much emphasis cannot be laid 1 on good lawn seed, as this is the ' only kind which will result hi a ' permanent, nne and velvety sward. Constructing A Hot Bed Where one plans to use a large ' number of those plants which must 1 be started indoors, or where one is I is an elevattJ tongue, a* in the sound ot ea iu eat. L is another vertical tongue sign. M represents two lips In profile, pointing upwards. is a front view of a rounded mouth. T is a vertical tongue, touching the horizontal palate. U and V are both pairs of protruded lips. W is a pair of lips, like M. but point, ing down instead of up. Every lette of our alphabet, except I possibly H au.l Q, said SIT Richard,! was closely related to the tliape of' mouth which produces it. AGENTS WANTED c"nn you sell a small rti--ti> . \- In- stantly r-I'.cves rain. It s^lls '".u- *l.i)v. You K>"t 40<\ A real rood inonu*- '.nit a huclness of .. i;r <>wn. You h.i- e no ":n- petltion vnU ' erybnjv Is i \Ve warn -n ..>r.Tt 'n Tour . : -r :( t* r f .!;-.:' irmatlon SANIC A I. KEAT PAD O.. 189 Tonr* s-r*c- - Toronto ACID after meals 1UD of your dread of pain ! acid-soaked Tt>r eating. Eat without fear O f: as * let * "indigestion," sour stomach, disagree- th *y h ooM- ahle gas or headaches. When your food ferments, "dls- ngrees." lies like .. lump ta yonr stomach, it's a sffn of too much acid. Ton need not resort to crude methods 'take instead an an'l-acid that will correct the condition Phillips' Milk ot Magnesia. A spoonful of this p>leasant-tast- Ing. soothing fluid neutralize* many atomadi or * ns ai..l to lunetl n Building Statistics Montreal. Quebec. The building permits issued by 61 cities in Decem- ber represented construction work valued at $15,439,9<i4, as compared with $11.791,478 in November and $14.- 6SS,6Si in December. 1929.. Tbere was, therefore, an increase of $3.648.- j 486 or 30.9 per cent, in December asj compared with the previous month.' and of $751.28:: or 5.1 per ceut. in com- parison with the flsrures for December. ' 1929. In the record going back to 1920, the December, 1930. figure was j only once exceeded, the total for De- cember, 192S- having been $16,095,-' 160. ---- * ---- j i If all you need is opportunity, get busy at once and make- one. EAR Oil. n-Mt n rram t fiirTVmporar d Mr.- \otr* t due I* .-m. i-^i i, .1, ....:.. i b .-olaaaad Fin. A. O i FO\ARD I-.:. , r ':h A^t . Kc York Hty Phillips' lillk ot Magnesia is what you need when a bad breath, coated tongue, headaches, nausea o: biliousness indicates an over-aci.l condition. Take a spoonful today and tor several days and see how i: sweetens the system. Yoa won't bo r.early so liable to oolite OT sickness. All drugstores la the r*srnln!ou sell in (Oo bottles. Wife: And don't come home so late. Husband: I shall come home when I like. Wife: But not a minute later. Chapman returned from lunch aad Anyone call while I was out?" he miled his new secretary into his room, asked. "Ye." replied the girl. "Smith came in about hit account. He want- ,i it settled." "And yoa told aim that I had left tor America this morning'.'" Restless CHILDREN CHILDREN \\ill fret, often for no apparent reason. But there's al- ways Lastoria! Harmless as the recipe on the wrapper; mild and bland as it tastes. But its gentle action soothes a youngster more surely than a more powerful medicine. That's the beauty of this special children's remedy! It may be givcu the tiniest infant as often as then- is need. ID cases of colic, diarrhea or similar disturbance, it is invaluable. A coated tongue calls for just a few drops to ward off constipation; so does any suggestion of bad breu'h Whenever children don't eat well, don't rest well, or have any little upset this pure vegetable prepara- tion is usually all that's needed. READ OF A CASE LIKE HER OWN i Decid<i to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound limp- its volume in t.M it restores tte proper alkaline balance to an Genuiu MOk of 3lagnei it always said Chapman. Tb 1rl nodded and a Ji^uirf name r eft tvr A< . rep4 1 ! ; and that you wouldn't { be back nntfl thU afternoon." CASTORI A ISSUE No. 1.1 '31 Genuine Gratitude Compels Tribute. Mr. Victor Hills, of Thornton Heath, writes: "For many years I have suffered with that distressing complaint constipation, and its at- tendant effects of sick-headache, and indigestion. It was a red-letter day for me when a friend recommended Se a treatment of Carter's Little ver Pills 1 , and I can honestly lay that result* bar* been truly mar- velous. I HOW enjoy good health and feel that life Is worth living. The relief I have experienced com- vels me to aUd my sincere tribute." fake Carter's little Liver Pills. 2Sf aad.?d( red pkgs. I saw MoiVoti. New BruuiM< k. > (ore i M ir'Sivwasborn I -is vry w f ik. r>trv.-;:!> and dis- oouraged. an . a won. mi *<" had been like me so I bought a bottJe ot Lydia E. Pink- hanr* Ve). tsble (Vnipo'liirl. 1 took thnv bo'tles and it carried rue ^fe- (v through 'ht cnti t -l tinn' have ;iirf rln'ilrcn ti> rare 'or iiiil 1 i(v\ \\v\\ and smmg. 1 have told two other wouu-ii about New