WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1931 THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE ficalf H >c nice OFTnB (Sauabian flebtral A00ariatimt GRANT FLEMING. M.D. ASSOCIATE SECMCTAMV INDIGESTION. Indigestion is a w rd that has no particular meaning beyoad convej- ing the information that there is an come the constipation, which accom- panies the condition is likely to m- foit, the addition of roughage so often taken by the sufferer to over- crease the irritation. It is a smooth, uncomfortable feeling in the abdo- 1 soft diet which is indicated in snch men, which the sufferer attributes to , cases. These points arc sufficient to High School Reports French, Form I. Honor.- Merle Allen 76. Pass Everett Talbot 74, Mary Wilson 73 Robert Bellamy 65, Evelyn Brown 51. Fail Mervin McFadden 48, Bill Par- ker 48, Marion St&t/ord 47, Delia Value 47, Frances Collinson 44, Jim McCormack 42, Dick Stewart 41, 1 Ronald Middleton :::>, Helen Moore 33, Catherine Stewart 33, Angus Tuiney 29, Hugh Bibby 27, Robert Pkster 27, Wesley Littlejohns .24, George Boyd 22, Lloyd Archibald 16, Wilfred Best 16, Harvey Croft 14, Milford Piper 12. Form II. Geometry Honors Doris bannon 84, Monica Lambert 75. Pass Earl Ottcwcll 74, Bob Phillip 70, Cecil the stomach or to some other part of make clear that the proper treatment) Chard 65, Christona MacKinnon 64, the digestive system. Discomfort in of indigestion depends, first of all, Bi " F 'sher CO, Stanley Hunt 69, the region of the abdomen may be upon finding the cause. Careless 01" t>oroth y Jamieson 57, La Verne Piper 56. Mervyn Johnson 55, Daisy Mr- due to one of many conditions. It improper treatment may rresult may be caused by an ulcer of tho actual harm, the condition tending stomach, inflammation of the gall to become chronic and increa.-ingly bladder, appendicitis, constipation or difficult to treat successfully. to some one or the other of the many i Indigestion which occurs repeat- conditions, sometimes trivial, some- 1 cdly after the age of forty should MacMillan 40, Ed. Patton .19,' Aima times serious, which are responsible never hi* neglected. The cause 1 MacLran 2.'t. Mnr<rai.. Vi/>iir in for what is popularly known as indi- should always be found. This fact _ -)o, I Fadden 55, George McMaster 64, ' Rowena Magec 53, Dorothy Wolsten- i croft 52, Joe Gibson 51, Frank Eagles : 50. Fail Lucy Mac Donald 47, Fred I Faw:ett 43, Almcda Hineks 42, Isobel ! gestion. is emphasized because attacks of in Ttere is only one way to treat tad I- ( digestion at that period of life may gestion properly and effectively, and I>P the first symptom of cancer, and. that is to find out the cause and then if attended to without delay, there is remove it. The general tendem-y is every chance of cure. The whole for the sufferer to dose himself with trouble may be due to had habits of medicine*, or to try some kind of e Uinj,, rather than to any internal diet which his well-meaning but mod- condition. Rating too quickly, wash- ically ignorant friends, will suggest irg down food with fluid instead of chewing it properly, making meal- MacLran 23, Margaret Nichol 10 Upper School Geometry Honors I. Graham 84. Pas.i Bert Morton 73, Evelyn Turner C3, Bossio Beard 58, Reta Fawcett 57, Marion Bihby 5(3, Chris tena Magce 50, H-r- ohl Tumor 54. Fail Lesli? Ferris 1, Jim McFadden 38, Form I. Latin. Honors Merle A He- 88, Mary Wilson 80, Ronaid Middleton 70. Pass Marion Staf- ford 73, Frances Cnllin^on 71, ?>ier- vii: McFiidden fii>, Kverett Talbot 69, - , F'-clyn Brown 67. Robert Bellamy 07, Delia Vause 07, Jim McOorma-k **? ' , P ' IV "' . 5J - " as a cure. Soda is often taken in large amounts, regularly and frc-j time the occasion for unpleasant fluently, !y those who think that) discussions these bad habit.s cause thtir trouble is an "acid stomach,", trouble. Thc;v are some omlitions with the idea of neutralizing the which i-soqivro medical or surgical! ^M .^Robori pfcsteV^George arld ' rllp >' Vtnovt car '- and when such treatment Is \ Boyd 40. Wesley Littlejohns 10. Dick the fact that if digfsti!i is t'j t&kp advised it bo undertaken witih- f Stewart 35, Hi'gh Bibby ;!:!, Harold place in the : tomach, acid must buM-ut delay. Self-iiudicrtio'i is a^'rcf't 33, Angus Turncy 31, Catii- prc-tn 4 . an 1 ther/Vrc largo dose? I m'ttakc; drugs should oily be pV4" 1. Stewart ol, Robert Dargav'el of soda ivcrcly inter/ere with normal | cribed by a i''u'Mc!an Much can bet'"' "'' O1 ' ! '' c Akin 20. digesti.-n. A ' certain amount of .done, however, to prevent digestive Schood English LJternture Para Alice Heard fi8, Jim Haw roughage m tho diet is generally, troubles if tho individual will lti- 62, Marie Fenwick 81. Elda Frook 61 desirable, but. if the intestines arc vate proncr rating habit.; nrd cxer- . jji.ii Akins CO, Mildred Whit laker irritable and are causing t'.iscom- care i:i the selection of foods. DURHAM ST. vs. FLESHERTON Sr. Friday Feb. 13, 1 IN FLESHERTON'S ARENA ,00, Audrey Brown ~>'J. Evelyn Tur- !ner f>8, Sadie Carson 05, Dora Stew- Si it 55, Bessie Beard 52. Fail Karl 1 Johnson -SO, Patricia Morgan -lit, An- r,i Akins 48. Bert Morton 4. r >. .Middle School English Litc.aturc. Honors Monica Lambert 70. Jtan iiii.-l 75. 1'as- . - Klrmr-e li. -her TII. !-:.ste!!a Marshal GO, Ellen Parker 00. Mervyn Little GO, Almr-da Hincks "X, .larkson Stewart 54, Emery Fis- 'icr 51. Dorothy Sncll 50. Fail , Dais-- M-.-FafMen 48, Rowena Mage. !. Clifford Alloi 38. Gcoraro M?Mas- 1'fr ::2. Mopiei Rne 32. Farl Ottowcil .'". MiiTi-ay Stuart :;!. IV, i, Phili.p i -'iO Jeanetto McLcod :"i. Verdun ^ic- i Mastcv 127. Margaret Nichol 27, Ma- !<i' Sm!l itf. I),,aald Kiiey 20, Jack i McKe lini;- 'J2. Jim Hnnnori I". Price Reductions s> Now Effective This is the N. H. L series group play off If You Want to See a REAL Game of Hockey See This One ADMISSION 35c and 25c f,f all the fi lend:! you : . it is .fr lo .ay tli.-U you li-ink m-si. of the nre v,in say.i the luas'. unkiivl things I about tithcv:-. 'Hie s.xr.-isti.- pcrso-i, j the gossip, the tale-bcariT.raiik l>clj\v 'li sc v.-hi have plcrsing di:r,> ).<ilions. ;The ni"s< '.f us li! , !i. ,- , |,ji ,,i' |)?o . ip- oven II-IUIT'I v. e Ou.n :M>(! ,'ia;- !(lu< on- -.v'-.u bring:: i!. It' yiii- would I'jpnlTr in vour cro' say no u,;- I kind things about anybody. If you ciui't say nice things, be silent. The world will learn to like and to respect 1 .'ti. tllK STORE WIT II SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES IVlarkdale, Ontario 01 R BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OK MONEY Granite ware, Stoves, Hardware Oil Stove Heaters Utuular $H.50. Special SI.H'J Tin' handy stove that can be u'ed for beating tho harrl-to- heut places. Now i.~ the time to buy them. NYvcv will they be .hcaper. Special $!>' i>;'.ch. Clearing Sale of \Vc\llpaper 10c and l.">c n Double Koll I', ir.ust go to make 100111 for m-w stock. Now is the time to yavf mi next spring's papering. Rpttial double roll, 10 anil l">r. Platters 29c each Platters in Cl'jverleaf Pat- tern, best quality Special 29c Nails Job lot of Nail, all sizes, mixed. Special per Ih 3e Paints iOr n Qunrt All good colors, made by tfce beat manufacturis. $1.35. Special 50-_- a quail. GRANITEWARE SPECIALS \VIIITi: WASH BASIN'S Si/.c :,0 Itegular '15c. Special 28e Size IJ1J liegular 50e. Special .'We. \vnrn-: ITDDINC; TANS Sir'.c 18 Regular 25c .Special 17c Size L''> Regular UOe Special20c Si;-c 'J'J Regular 35c Si'.c 21 !1; v;ular 45c W1IITK OULONG Pit Size Si:-..' 22 2-1 Regular 25c Regul-l" .i")f PITCHERS Regular $1.25 Special 2-lc Spe.'inl 27c PLATKK Special H!c Special 18c Si/.e IH Regular *1.25 Special Kite Size 17 RcKi'lai' $l.-- r > Kpetial $1.08 SINK STRAINERS Si/e lO'^i Regular 4Bc Special Jilc COVERB:D SAUCE PANS Size 11 Regular 45c Special 3oc Size 1(5 Regular fiOc Spe.ial 40c Size IK Regular 75c Special 47c Size 20 Regular 86c Special fi'.lc LIP SAUCE PANS Size 12 Regular 30c Special l!)c Sizr 1 I RoTtilar SBc Special 23c Size Hi Regular 45c Special 27c Sizt- IK Regular fiOo Special 38c Size 20 Regular (!5c Spe.ial 4'2e Special Sale Crepe De Chine & Crepe ?1.00 - ynrd All Silk Crepe and C'repe Do Chine. All new Sprint-; shades just arrived. Spec. $1 a yard. Buy Your Curtains Now fi9c a pair Fancy Frilled Curtains wilii Valence and Contrasting Trim. Special, per pair ................ ti9c. Men's Winter Caps t'3c c-'ch Ifeiivy quality Cup with Clinjftite Ear Bands. Il5c each F'rinfs New patterns in Prints. Reg- ular i'Wc a yard. Special per yard ........................................ 29c Grocery Specials Bran.-, hand picked, 5 Ibs. 26o. Shortsning, 3 Ibs. for ........ 44c. Aylmer Pork * Beans 2% sire, per tin .................. 15e. DtLUXE ROADSTER ROADSTER PHAETON , DcLUXE PHAETON COUPE SPORT COUPE DeLUXE COUPE TUDOR SEDAN 3-WINDCW FORDOR SEDAN TOWN SEDAN CABRIOLET VICTORIA STATION WAGON COMMERCIAL CHASSIS . 1 3 1 y> -inch \Yheclhase MODEL AA TRUCK CHASSIS 157-inch Whcclhasc MODEL AA TRUCK CHASSIS $665.00 609.00 614.00 790.00 679.00 695.00 724.00 679.00 800.00 851.00 805.00 805.00 836.00 506.0U 716.00 769.00 ( All prices delivered at Kit-shorten, including license) H. DOWN & SONS Flesherton, Ont. END OF COUNTY COUNCILS Mayor Den Johnson, the stormy ptrcl of Orillia, invaded the holy of holies at the Simcoe County Coun- cil and said a few things. Amongst his statements were that the "end i.f the county councils is just around the come;-". This wa^ accompanied !>;> the advice to mako hay while the si:n s'lires. \Vhcthcr tha demise 01 these county bodies is just as clo a; Orillia's chit. magistrate \v..uld h:Oc i ( l.'-ii; vcd, none can icli. Th- fac ; . i-- th::t ihi-,if-rlriu : . Ontari) there i.s much ;.i,i ati'.m for their (!iminalio;i. As th Acton Free Pros.-, ff.y:-: "Tlv i;r.-tant piling up 01 the c:mnty r.iti- ir all counties !.; had the effect of forcing the atten- tion of the ratepayers to these bod- ies." Further, in continuing the dis- iission, the Free Press, while admit- ting that "the county councils h"v<? lonjr been the goats for making the direct levy against the municipali- ties," intimates as its belief thai; the latepayei'j are out to "get" them. Still further, it points to the unrest a:; b^rne testimony to in the county of Wellington, where, at the recent i: ti>.p . Kit one reeve who went to a vr.U-. was returned, and concludes "mere and more will this same move- :r>rnt !>' nolii'fyhle in other c unties unless the county and bodies hiuii up demist from their practice of shoving the In;, den back on the ratepayers. Collingwood Bulletin. Georgetown United Church congre- gation gave a special contribution of Sl.OSii.OO to help Mission fields in the Wc-st. Buy your Flour and Feeds from the Osprey Farmers' Milling Co. FEVERSHAM Family Bread Flour Made from N'o. 1 \\Vst-jrn Wheat Pastry Flour Mnde From Choice Ontario Wheat Cracked Red Wheat, Grits, P>ran, Shorts and coarse feeds BRITISH EXPLORER TOURS AFRICA OVER "IMPASSABLE" JUNGLE TRAILS LIEUTENANT Oommr.nder Glen Kidslon, millionaire British Bportsman, racing motorist, big game hunter and airman, has just returned from a 4, 000-mile safari in East Africa, frankly astonished at the perfnmance against "incred- ible" odds of four Ford cars which hauled his equipment. Lieutenant Commander Kidston is famed for his almost miraculous escapes from death. He was the only f-urvivor of the crash of the German passenger plane which was wrecked and burst into flames last year when it stnuck tree tops in Surrey after departing from Croy- don for a cross-channel flight. On another occasion, his racing auto- mobile, travelling at high speed, Btrurk r, telegraph pole, yet he es- caped with only a few bruises. "Having just completed my sa- fari, I feel I must tell you of the T wonderful behaviour of the four Ford light deliveries which I pur- chased from you last year," Lieu- tenant Commander Kidslon wroto to Nairobi Motors, Limited, Ford dealers, at Nairobi, Kenya Colony. "I motored almost 4,000 miles over Kenya, Tanganyika and Uganda en safari and I thought I had a pretty good idea of what a car could do. Frankly, however, I have been astonished by the re- markable and unfailing perform- ance these four little cars have put up. "Loaded right up, if not mora often grossly overloaded on account of cars of another make being bogged and their loads having been transferred, these cars have been driven through incredible places, suffering the most violent joltings without murmur. The Narok Kila- mafeza road has regularly been re- Lieutenant Commander Glen Kidston ported as 'impassable' for almost the past two months, yet these can nave managed to get through, pas- sing other cars bogged, stuck in rivers, and in many cases giving ! them a helping hand. "I have driven cars in Canada,' Australia, New Zealand, China and | other countries, and am acquainted > \vith tho grmelling they are gener- ' ally put to, but the performance of ! these four little cars has bn a 1 revelation and I want nothing bet- ! ter." j