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Flesherton Advance, 11 Feb 1931, p. 1

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. Vol. 50, NO. 37 EAST MOUNTAIN Miss Anna Thompson has returned to her home in Acton after a coupU of months visit with friends here. Mr. Charles Thompson spent a few days with friends in the Kimberley valley. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smart and family visited with Mr. and Mrs B. Prentice cf Duncan. Mr. Len Haines Khnberley was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thompson. A number from here attended the concert in Kimberley Friday evening'. Mr and Mrs. Clarke Teed and Son Kenneth, of Duncan, spent a day 'ast week with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. P. Prentice of Duncan snent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smart. Flesherton, Ontario, February II, 1931 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors tUGENIA Mr Willie Wilson and sister, Miss Jewel Wilson, of St. Catharines, vis- ited with their grandmother, Mrs. \v . C. rianley, 8th line. Wo ".e very sorry to report Miss Isla Magee quite ill. She is under the care . . Dr. Milne and mitre Burritt. a: the home of her aisle.-, Mrs. Oliver Turner. We wish Isla p. speedy recovery Dr and FEVERSHAM to the Valentine social in the schoolhouse on Friday, Feb. 13, given by the Ladies Aid of the Pres- byterian church. Mrs. Frank Hollingshead and little son and daughter, visited visited with the former's parents, on the 10th line, for a couple of weeks. Mr. John Conn is slowry recover- ing from the bad accident which he had last October, when he was thrown off a load of timber. Mr. and Mrs. Boice have become residents of oar village. Mr. Boice is on the job at the barber shop over the bank every day. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Boice to our village. Mrs. G. Eby has returned home r. a few days' visit with her daughter. Mrs. Thomas Forsyth, in Oven Sound Mr. J. A. Davidson has gone to Buffalo, where he has secured a po- sition in a flcurmill. PORTLAW CRADLE OF THE RACE. BOWES STILL PROPHESIES. Mr. Wm. Brown of the South Line where dy thc worW - s f;rst was taken to Owen Sound hospital , ;v . e? A famoai French for treatment last week. ! believes that North Africa is the Mr. and Mrr,- J W- Lyons are cra dle of man, and he has just led visiting with their daughter and an expedition into the Sahara des- other relatives in Toronto c; ~ l3 make excavations that he feels Misg A very dry spring that will likely men ! seriously affeit the crops tor 1931 explorer ^ pre ai c ted by Mr. J. B. Bowes, the Iocs distance weather prophet, who states that has just issued his predictions for the year. Mr. Bowes says that the entire spring season will be very Many oM by-laws, musty with will be put before Newmarket coun- cil for repeal. One :n particular is the ancient parking law. According to Clerk N. L. Andrews, the by-law no vehicle shall be park- street unless a horse ic attached. Tho oily significance f lif- con- Wraggett of BeHiel is vis- will prove his theory to be correct. dry and particularly so during the uh r^^ina: ,t, v.=, , A/~ TJ T T,,-. IT- >. , t;~A , lor rv,mhpr ni> . ^: s:sts helping to establish tae King- iting with her aunt, Mrs. R. J. Tay- He hopes to find a large number of lor toob used by prehistoric man. In We understand that Mr. Bert Wy- the world's early days part of the CEYLON Mi-s Bhnche Gcnoe of Orangc- ville business college spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rutledge and two children of Holland Centre spent the first of the week with their re- rpcctive parents. We are pleased to report Mr. C. Mr-. Little are spending i Smil?y i mprov ing after a cccple of at: has sold his farm to Mr. Richard Allen Mr. F. R. Boland. assessor, paid us an offkial visit last week. Mr. Bolar.d ij a budding weather pro- phet. He predicted a storm in this cart, and it cau-.e alon? ia all its fury according to schedule. Mount Zion entertainment on Weu- resday night promises to be a good An entertainment will : >y .-.ven urder the auspices of the Woman's Association of Mount Zion church in tho Hall en Wednesday e"eninc. Fr~> ISt'n. A f-r 1 prozrarr" is being p:o- pared. which will ir.:luJe vocal anii : r-Tumer'il Tnujic. dia'oirue*. re .-- n; ami 3 mocV court ".t which His Honor. JHgo Beacon * field. preside. Adrr.issior. 25 arid 15c. Sahara was unde- water. Later dried up. and tribes of fierce cave mc " lived there Now i: U on? o our most tar tracts is almost impossible to get water ninths of May and June. This con- dition will exist all over the North Ampricpn '-ntinent. In view o.. the. prospect of serious Croc:rht. Mr. Bowes urges that far- mers make a special effort to ge: i their crops in early this spring. >Ir. Bo es also predicts that the ilail dworn of God: and this can be done only by means of the acknowledge- ment and profession of the troth b;, each .ne of us. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ^ e this desert-There are small oases in ninths will be very dry. fertile areas, and these are .. Ia vi e ~ ot tne prospect of con- inhabited by grorps cf natives, but i,r, u .-^ dry ^vuather. perhaps :t would IT the middle of thi desert vou may n(>t ^ 3UC j, a ^ad Idea for those so f.:r rrar.v thousand ; ri miles v .j, cwn w ; lea: it ; ;- 5 -resent time without findir>jr on-? drop of waier. ' to i lan w. on ,;, r a nhiie; certainly Few explores dare cent 'rate into con; i -, - . . - goo a the heart of "ho desert althouarh --,. rr:o a -ra:r -rop for the great scientific discoveries would ;; eaS j H- doubtless be made because of th< L Only a har ;:'..! ,a-ra:r -rjo :a!d Mr terrible heat. r/ : d=. who '.'vi-d ' borr. i-a-i rt ot no- :'-.ev Ii In the matter of the Estate of Thomas Guy, late of the Township cf Osprey in -.he County of Grey, Hotel-keeper, deceased. NOTICE L- hereby ? ; .ven pursuant to Section 51 of the Trustees' Act. R.S.Q. I'.'iT, Chapter l~>0, that all creators and others having claims coming or deaian ^ against tr- -state of the said Thonus Guy. who died on or about the 28th day <-;' October, 1930, at the T v.-r.ship of Osprey. in the tii? tcmrw-ar ; , U c--er TOO lieer-^Oj , t:sm of .'..res throusii w'-i'.-h Fbhrenheir. Bv nieh' it has drop- ' have rass^'i. 5ur\>-. ped below freeiirg point. _ Book?, like -Tovcrbs, receive their County .;:' Gray. are. on or before the ~ 1 . required or de! : .'-"er a few days in Owen Sound. We are pleased to see Miss Marjie Park able to be out again after her illness. Wo hope she continues to regain her usual good health. Mr. Neil M-.icDor.ald spent the firs: of the week wiith friends in Dundalk. Mr?. V-'Koe has returned from v.s- iting her daughter in Toronto. Mi. Josoph Sherwood has secured Mr< Weatherall as housekeeper, wao is accompanied by her two children. Mrs. \V. Sloan cave a o.uilting 0:1 weeks illness. The Ladies' Aid intend holding i Valentine s -clal. M:s. Kro:;' many friends are very I'k'assd to sec her home again after al weeks' absence at Swinton Misa Lottio Whittaker spent the c-k end r.oar Priceville and M-. Robert Whittaker of Priceviiie st)*nt lhe week er.d \vitih his grandfather her". .V and Mrs. Jchn Whittaker -t HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY. . . Filday aficrnoon of last week. Tnc . p ^ t . ville v . ere visitors in "town here ladies pre;->nt spent an cnjoyaoie tim-- Mr Wallace Graham had the fortune to lose a fine young work horse which \vas accidently killed ia tho bush by a falling tree. Miss Reta Genoe of Orangeville business college spent the week end at her parental home Mrs Will Gordon and son. Ear*, visited her daughter. Miss Hilda, in Hamilton iast -.\vek. We hope HiUa will j-oor be able to return iu-.m.. Mi-. Joseph Weber is at present ill in bed. DANCE A i!ance will be held in the L (V!.. li.ill. Eugenia, en Friday. iVb. 13. Ladies bring lunch. Aa- icn 50.-. l.'K'rc has been obk-.'tion in S. S. No. 17, Artemesia. Class 4 Leslie Seeley 68. Jack English 60. Leo Patonn <50, Leila Clark 37. Laurie Russell 4:. No: Ranked Murray Fisher '3:*, Stt .vart Foster 37. S:. U Lawrc-nce Phillips 7S. . Iva English 75, Jack Monaghan 74. Robt. . ':!. Lloyd Partridge 5.'J. Not Ranked Lulu Russell 39. Jr. 3 I!eno Rus.-e'.l 74. Ruby ' aghan 71. .A'ary C!ark t : ". Not R.inked Roy Fisher 31. Eb- raour Shier oi 1 . Mabel Shier a'vept. spending ^ c:ond Cla^-R-.:sll rhi!ii t , 8 . Toliie oreen E"*' 1 -'* 1 ''^ f"^ Bt? '- t -- : '' FT od Partrul-- Si-. 1 = : GlenaH C. n'; 53, r'i-.- Partridge 5^. Bes-i- K Tucsuay night saw a t'asi ,. : bu-key between Markdalc and Fleshertcn hish schjol boys Both a.iy chieJ vaiuo :.' "-. tin. 1 < and es- !?".h d-y ::' February. by post, pre- . to Lucas. Henry & Lucas. < -ho Exec-.:' : r-:u:e of the -" . .i-ed. their christiB names -jrr.nmes, addre? r^ ar.d descrip- aa - ;-'. rarticui-'rs :i writing I a.-!- instructed by the comnusaioner ' - - laima i stst -.--.-: of their .>:' Division 5 to have second growth i - . ' -.he se- NOTICE. r along bcth sides of the Vailey ny, hel'i by them, duly ver- Rjad cu:. ,'.r. i :-ny person wishing to ifi'-d hy i'?.t': - - -i-ution. this up for wood notify the un- A- ta! B -.::? :ha: a:'te- -uo"- : ; ' ,-r-ed da- E Jtor will a , d , a ,. , . . Mr . wh :':-' : the M^ dale ; ro red i Flciherton a . -. Mark- :ach in the second per- _ T . H . PATTOX. 3 .' .-.-ore ?einj 3-1 la - * w o *. k Mi<s Maud Hemphiil | ? week with her friend, ford, at Feversham. Mrs. George Cairns spent ; week with Toronto friends. Mr. George Sr.cll spent a few days i Jr. 1st Teii i" ir I'oronr 'st \veek on business. , ? ;,. Cn.'>t<-r Shier 7t), las: y kd-r-. The hijrh - '. . n-cn v.i;h the _ '.-. THe J-.-CTV W3- 0- I ' i z.\rr - cf r "larki'iL-. \!:.e Heard- . -.' hocXey for Ficjhc- My v.-iiV '- -j ' . my u eo and . i. I her.. i . si'jl" :' .racted : ; r..i-u. L. MEGOOT. F'.-jshcr: r.. '.-.-. ; '. :,. Mr-. J"!:n Kennedy left on Weu- ..y ta vUii friorii^ in Toronto. ' o hu , r - p hyl; ^ Mr. F. Ma-^hall spent the wet:. '-i \- i:h !-i> son at !'..'' ' :. WiU Croskea of Toronto !s v : --tir'r h ".' en.rdp.'.. M" R. Cook, v, ho ha-- bter- ill v.-ith r'o-'-ir'isy but ia nov. ir.:prcivinjr. Betis ::l Shi-'r 50. Harry Pishtr ~2. ^ IN NOTICi: TO CREDITORS THE Eugenia P S . : Arsry'e ^:a:ti:- PROTON STATION ta t'v K-vy tastJ on shareholders oJ | Thj .. , : .,. hv ,, . l!u Sydenha:-.'. MufJixl Insurance , ., x . t . l!: ., \ lr .!,,.> ij ;1 . -. . Company. Dcltfjrutcs fro:., thi; vicin- I nr -i family ' . ' i.y \v::.i aitoi'iU'd lhe annual meeting ' th> d.." ' r. i>v-.<\.f v. ifo ar. ' in SOUTK! on the 6th ;nst. v. t I tor. ' > pesd av,.-. k ::i Sur..lay. Me-"- - V.,-:. i Matreo. UnmcL >i:- ! ' ' "- B*, r-,i Ped IT, Uwia Geno t >. J. '- ;; '" '' '- ^>"- i'aiu:*oll and Will Ma g ee. Tlu d< V ^ ! ' Jr. Pi-. OrviKe R" -ell S". ' V.'il'sir- - 7-; v :arda Fish-jr ">.i. N'arr- ; in ivjf- c merit. T'r- - tal ' - - : . c '- -n ro'.l it*: ava .-.;.- .-;: - :- . . . T t d Jr. I Delia Sr. - I.O'-r-e -. !!?rb:? I ' -'.'.'.it Ca K.r.tti-c Puc'<i'tt . ': .Ar--- - T.:- .: i. s -- . S. S. N,. U. Artemesia. S;. . -I. - - F . | Martin . J:. ! John Colar.J. L: yd Uola-..:. F.i-. '. '' .. - : : ,:,-,, :r^,rt w a , a.scuM.-d at some , ;; . .. . x ^ ,, A ,. MBgU a"d r 'L rosults wtro o?tam \ r ... ... , , . _, i.i*, Mitcti . . i ' ' a Cargo v.v a Ca Hi'linrJ '' Jr. 3 All in Taylor. At .-..'; ttfe. C ' | ] ' . ' ' . ' ' i .-..._ ....-., Ss P Gcrd ' ESTATE OF BETSY STO.vr. : ;- . Artt .-.. . tho S : Grey. - -ie-.i vrotnaa : ..-ei. TAKE NOTI 'F - th -:.' Ct'tsy ^ full p v - ro ;h.' ' ' Al-'TSI ! .-. it - "- ' - ' ' . . - - en- .;.- to the claims '" ' - ' " ~- Exee- ~.-.d - - - - - .- any pr- ^ - ;e claim notice them . . -LUCAS. i LVC.V. Dundalk. On.t. . . . v, p- lay of ' - School Bags fcr Boys & Girls ' . . . " . St, W. L. Morwood F n S. ; ! k -pir"r ;it Mv. ..n 1 Mr... v : ' ' . ' " wu tha lar-ost r^vmtnte- i,,,;,, H d^rinjrs 1 fc ' . ti.m i ' har'.;Ki,k-rs that has been . ; - T "-..nci-. U. A.. i - for soir.e time. Tho meet'-.: o r ;-. a '. the h : I: ' w -. ;i.lj-.iNr:-.o.l from tho city Chi b*r to city h-.'.!!. on account of in. I.; i-rc> ctter.i! .,-. Our ili'i.'satcs succi^dwl in electing Mr. Frnl Ped- for .1 term of throe Hughte Wyvi!;.-. p. RU.-iMiV..- .-; E . ,] . - > -. Ei i She- I Sr. P.-.-.: . .. . ROCK MILLS Thc c \\a* no school here IV r a couple of days last week, owirr the illncs- i-f the teacher. Mi's. S.-elev. Thc Rapti-t Ladios' Aid will nice: at th^- hoaio of Mrs. Lcs Chard, o;i vu-: kkqK who i-npn.vcd. Mr. K. G. A.-hoson. .* r .. .-.' ,' :. : I Ijiyu! " . ..';'.'. ... . j of with - jMV s--h^ M ' Piir- (": i ' V.'ed- .'-> : - :-'. Try ' l ~' K " ' " ' l.-r- th- sra-iie. bal ^~r-.n, Eillio J: : - :-. ' .; . - " . ' ; :.! try ;-.. ' - N;:::'l :; or: ;-. " :?:V attf ml ir- v .T. - -'-: > ',.. . ..,.. i > \ ' BATES BURIAL CO'Y. f rrv Fi'icERA A: M.--nF.r:.vTE COST $ NO E: LA -.''VK PAKLC;:> :: .M AVKM E K;I. t TORONTO PHONE: N ;h; or Pay K!. 43! I ^ er'v of Floshcrton W. BA1 '. -. F. MAPPvVKS. VICTORIA CORNERS W sre ^'.a^l to r- boip ill are mi Mv. Roy Tri v.ipson, saK'sn;;ui i.u- x \ ;<tk..-.x' Pr->du; w ts, was working on this line las' week. I'nity I'.F \V.O. at tho homo i-t Mrs. I.. Ger-pe for th.'ir Ks\. u . . nico-.ii'.j,, v hea a goodly number o ladies Y.T.s present ar.d enjoyed the spK-iuiid program of music, singin.s:. i . jdii:gs a:ul a contest. Thy ho:toss .-v.vod lunrh c.r the do.:? and i> so- r : .'' tin'.c was spent. The next ing will be bold at the home of Ca-i'bt'll on Mixr.-h 4th. Mi' on i- '.-.r :i s;- \r> To M-< R' ; insor> ha.-- \i-ii' ti: Bci-kK v. M' .-. Z-.l'.a Lon-r of 0: v . .-e >ront M he friend Mrs. Rt-n. Born To Mr. and tnee Stella ' "th. ; s^:' E. Prown. To. Subscribe to The Advance . - -f .'.r.,'. I ; .. - -.. -V .' - . -.. .-il busi I X..>^O^N A [louse of Quality Achoso-v Ru - J S. S. No. 3. Art.' -.- .- (. ii; ! Mar'orio Wyatt. H.'ro!-.? Johnsor. !v-ri< Waller. Sr. o Gcorginn Blv kburn. Elsie White. P.ii;ic : a Bean'. Rr. ^se!l John- *" ' " * * J.. "- r.i:l-y Vause. Bcatri.'o Cjr- netf. Class 2 Everott Parker. Eileen Jchnsor. l:\-re DOUDC. Wi'liaru Wy- ; ntJ. Etlirar l\>u-e. Muriel MoMuUen. Pll nna lows COW CHOW PIG CHOW CALF CHOW i \v STEER FATINA CH'CKEN CHCWDER NOW IS THE TIME To buy an occasioiMl Chair tioor Lamp, table Lamp, or sn;!l tnbie. Tu. > nty-five prr ct. off for one week only. A litmteJ number; first her* first served. EMERSON J . t Rov Best. J.u-'< MoMullen, Ivan WalU-. I.orvr.c Johnson. Mar- ;:"> I ,'Ur'v-e<i. Sr. P-.-.Kpirh PRi-koi-. i,i>>vd Allen ccril, Krr.est Loi'irhct-il. l.lovj Waller .I,-. P-- _R r -, < v B eiu .rf. Billi l. ol .. K-eJ, Fl-: Wi"--. J. W. McKcchnie. Teacher. PURITY AND PILOT FLOUR now in hooJ Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 46 t WE DELIVER IN TOWN 550 r C ir Grev County enew your daily newspaper subscription at this office

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