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Flesherton Advance, 21 Jan 1931, p. 1

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r 1 ; 4 Vol. 50, NO. 34 Flesherton, Ontario, January 21, 1931 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors Osprey Council The inaugural meeting of Osprey Counc'l was held at Maxwell on Jan. 12th. The members were all pres- ent and filed their declarations of office with the Clerk as follows: Goorge P. Short, Reeve; Wm. Heit- man, Deputy Reeve; Jams Monahan R. J. Morrison and Albert Wilton, Councillors. The Reev e assumed the chair and briefly welcomed the mem- bers to the board, which was followed by a few remarks from each member and the Clerk. Minutes of the las meeting were read and confirmee Communications were as follows Lauchip Cameron, re cheque for wor on road; Municipal World, solicitin subscriptions; Department of High ways, re Superintendent; Dominio Insurance Company, re insurance Scholo Trustees' and Ratepayers' sociation, re organizing rurai trus tees; Treasury Department re licen ing public halls; S. A. Morrison, E A., re appointment of school attend ancc officers; Edward Taylor, re ex cmption on reforestation; Hospita for sick children, requesting grant Ontario Good Roads Association, re annual meeting; Andrew Hood, re dog lux; Department of Agriculture re weed inspectors. Heitman Monaghan That one cony of the Municipal World be or t)red and that the same be sent to th> Cl-k. Mcrrisor Heitman That for the six months commencing Nov. 1st, am ending April 30th the wages for work on roads be four dollars ncr day for man and team and $2 for mail rlone; and for the six months from M-y 1st to October 31st, the wages to be $4.50 for man and team and $2.50 foi m"n alone; and that sub-overseers be paid at the same rate as a man alon^; and further, that this motion be not retroactive, but take effect immediately. Morrison Heitman That the Cle"k be instructed to write Lnuchie Cameron advising him to have his accourt for work on rr>">d submitted through Jpmes Gillies, the sub-over- seer at the time the work was per- formed Wilton Monaghan That the Trea- surer be instructed to take proceed- ings to collect the 1!>30 taxes on lot 18. con. 4, immediately. Heitman Morrison That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign and submit to the Minister of Publ'" Highways the petition of the corporation of the Township of Os- prey. showing that during the period from Jan. 1st 1930, to Dec 31st, 1930, there has been expended upon the township roads the sum of $10,57-1 81, and requesting the statutory gran on that amount. Morrison Monaghan That i jrrant of $10 be made to the Badge ro s public library. Heitman Wilton That the Clerk bo instructed to order 450 dog tags from the Toronto Stamp and Stencil works, design No. 119. Heitman Wilton That the Treas- urer be instructed to prepare his books so that a financial statement cnn be produced showing the amount received by pa<eh person. Th" following bylaws were read the re George Woods, ?5; Lucas & Henry, legal services, $7; Wylie Trudgeon, wire fence bonus $7.50; Municipal World, one subscription, $1; Wm Hargrave, School Attendance Officer^ tUGENIA VANDELEUR The Eugenia U.F.O. and Unity U.F.W.O. held a very successful social $10; Wm. Heitman, cartage, $2; Max- evening in the L.O.L. Hall on Tues- well library grant, $10; Badgeros li- < f "V evening, Jan. 13. Mr. Lewis, brary grant $10; Road accounts Genoe. President of the U.F.O., acted Thos. Hollingshead. pay sheet, $4; -s chairman in a most capable mai-.- j The local Orange Lodge held a very Thos. Beatty, pay sheet, $20.55; Dave f" 71 '- A fine program was prepared Rintr, grader to shop, $2; T. S. Free- ', i ? r the occasion. The Misses Edith thy , tile $7; Sidney Priddle, gravel, ard Mabel Be'tts sang a duet, receiv- $1; Hector Mclnnis, superintendent, 335.00. Notice of Motion. ing an encore. The audience was de- lighted with a song from Mr. A. F. Pedlar. Some fine instrumental mu- To the Reeve and Members of th, '. sic was rendered by the orchestra. Municipal Council of the Township ; One of our amateur violinists, Miss of Osprey: i Bclva Genoe. gave a pleasing violin Gentlemen, Take notice that at the f ^o, Miss Milligan accompanying on next meeting of this Coun:i! I intend to introduce a motto*- to rescind the bylaw appointing a Clerk and Treas- urer with a view to reducing salaries. (Signed) Albert Wilton. Council adiourned to reassemble at Fvrrsham on Saturday, February 7th. at 2 p.m. PROTON STATION Lprgo shipments of live stock are leaving this station each week since the new year. Miss Margaret Still returned from Toionto general hospital last Satur- day night. Margaret had her appen- dix removed on Jan. 7th and on the I 15th her tonsils were taken out. She rutu'-nrd home on the 17th wonder- fully well. We trust she will con- tinue to improve until she has her usual good health again. M". R. G. Acheson is spending a !"* days in the city. The Proton Station Hockey team played a Dundalk hockey team on the Dundalk ice last Wednesday nigh:. At fhe end of the third period the teams were tied. Ten minutes over- time was given them and Dundalk made two scores, making the result 5-3 n f-vnr of Dur.d->lk. Mr. James Neilson is very ill. Mr. Thomas Wau.hob hos returned Frcm a visit with his daughter, at Dobbirton. The annual business meeting of the Anglican congregation here took place on Friday afternoon under the supervision of Rev. Mr. Oldham. The chuich is in good financial con- dition. tha or~;an. Recitations were well giv^r- bv Mrs. D. Williams, Campbell and Irva Magee. LitMp VenN Genoe gracefully danced the Highland Fling. The main feature of th evening was an excellent 'enort rf the annual convention of the U. F. 0. in Toronto, given bv thp dele- gate. Mr. A. F. Pedlar. This was lis- tonrH to att"r;ivelv. A hearty vote -f thanks was tendered to all who nirlfd in making the social a success. All did ami'le justice to the dainty birch sp-vod bv the l"di<>s. Mr. Ro?ell Conn and Miss Mrrv L"THJ of Feversham -spent S>mdav with M-. a"d Mrs. Will Kaitting and family. Mr. -rid M-s. W : ll->rd Ber.?o- of Fcvcrsham visited recently with Mr. and M-s. Court Smith. iJIiss Acheson and Miss M. Cnmp- be'l called on Mr. and Mrs. Kaitting o*> Sunday. Mrs. E. Doupe is spending a few days with her niece, Mrs. James Por- teous. Mr. Sam McDonald, teacher in To- rorto. his installed a radio in his fath^-'s homo. 8th line, so the ODPS a: home can enioy many pleasant hours "l ; ptcnir.!r in." Last year John nd Sam has purchased a sedan, which has indfod h"en a greit ple->=-j'-e and help to th" f-nv'lv. The McDornld Bras. TC example* of fine manhood, ?nd rr-v oth<"-s follow in th-ir foot:- Jens. . Miss Geonrina Smith. nur=p. of To- -onto. a-'iivpd home to attend her m t!'-. lVIr<= SmiMi, who is ill with to"silitis. but is on th? road to Mr. Ed Bake 11 visited recently with b'r. mother, Mrs. Baker, sr., of To-' ronto a"d h'! sister. Mrs. Frank Dove, cf Port Huron, both of whom [ ^ , r-p very sick. 'CliriS ruccessiul box social in their lodge ! mom on Friday evening of last week. I There was a good attendance and a ' good program was provided. Miss Violet Fitzsimmons, a puoil i of the lo ! nublic school who obtain- ed the third largest numbpr of points ! at tho Artemesia school fair, was rr-mtlv presented with a bonk cntit- ! )pd "This Canada of Ours," which was donated by the T. Eaton Co. Con- gratulations. Violet. Vardelour Sunday school is being conducted during the winter months in thp c;lnol house on Friday .Vter- p--ons. .A-rane-ements for teachers were recently made. School Bags for Boys & When you want a good schol b?.g you can get them at this store. Prices ranging from 50c, 65c, 85c, $1, $1.25, $1.50 W. L. Norwood Flesherton Telephones: Business 78 Residence 69. Emerson J. Bennett Furniture Funeral Service Hon. Graduate of Ontario School of Embalming & Funeral Directing OUR SERVICES ARE REN- DERED AT MODERATE CHARGES MOTOR EQUIPMENT I ! I PRICEVILLE The school has been closed for the past week owinjr to ira-let fever in " village. There aiv? a numbpv of cases. We trust ."11 th" patients will soon be better. There \va : rv< churcii services on -. Soeday owing to the epidemic. i ^ Mr-. Russel Bai-d free Gi-rtie Mc- Cunig) ci 1 Pontis:, Mich., is spending a couple of weeks visiting her brother and sister and relatives. Miss Isabel MacMilhm spent the wopk end v.-ith her friend. Miss Bessie C-'irns. Mr. and Mr--. Henry Tucker and BATES BURIAL CO'Y. DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PARLORS 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day Kl. 4314 :. W. BATES. Formerly of Flesherton > R. MADDOCKS. required numbe-' of times, signed and sealed: Bylaw No. 1, appointing Dougald Stephens Assessor at a sal- ary of $90; bylaw No. 2, appointing Alex. Mclntyre and Emerson Wright as auditors; bylaw No. 3, appointing R. J. Morrison a member of the Board of Health; bylaw. No. 4 ap- pointing School Attendance officers .-s follows: S.S No. 8, 10 and 14, Archie Mclnnis; 'S.S. No. 3, 4. 9 and 11. Wm. Hrgrave; S.S. No. 5, 6 and 7 G H Burke; S.S. No. 1. 2 ?nd 12. Wm. Norman. Bylaw No. 5, ap- pointing Commissioners as follows: Div. 1, Wm. Heitman; Div. No. 2, R. J. Morrison; Div. No. 3, Geo D. Short; D ; ". No. 4, James Monaghan; Div. No. 5. Albert Wilton. Bylaw No. 6, appointing overseers o r highways as follows: Div. No. 1, Joh > Moore; Div. No. 2, Wylie Trudgeon; Div No. 3, R. J. Talbot; Div. No. 4, 'Wilbert Scutt; Div. No. 5, Thomas Ferris; Div. No. 6, Marshall Menzie; Div. No 7 Marshall Armour; Div. No. 8, Herbert Poolo; Div. No. 9, Alex. Ste- venson; Div. No. 10, Hector Mclntyre; Div. No. 11, John Stephen; Div. No. 12, Archie Campbell; Div. No. 13, Geo. Mclntyre; Div. No. 14, Elmer Arnold; Div No. 15, Ed. Madden; Div. No. 16 L1"V1 Moore; Div. No. 17, John T^ougheed; Div. No. 18, Leslie Smith; l)iv. No. 19, John Hudson and Leslie Poolc: Div. No. 20, Wm. Esland; Div. No. 21. James Fawcett; Div. No. 22, Df-vid Roberts and Arnold Hutchi"- son; Div. No. 23 J. T. Davidson; Div No. 24, W. J. Bnnnerman; Div. No. 25. Geo. E Miller; Div. No. 26. Angus Bell: Div. No. 27. Angus McDonald; Div. No 28, James McDonald; Div. FEVERSHAM The Presbyterian congregations of ^eversham, Singhamnton and Maple 'alley have given a call to the Rev. Vm. Swales, an ordained minister, rul will have a resident minister mm now on. Miss Annie Robinson is visiting with Mrs. Hewgill of Heathcote. M-s. Charles Wcldrick has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. W. Fulford, and other friends near Ra- venna, for f time. Mrs. Wilbe-t Pool.; visited with he r part-Tits. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Down of Flesherton, for a few days b.s: week. Vis* Nellie Wright of th- Gospel Workers church, is visi'ing '"Hi the Rev. A. and Mrs. Mills, in Mark- dale, at present. Mr. Lpn. Cox of thp 12th line hap- pened with a painful accident last week when he got one of his hands We v.'ould like to <=ee Miss Mariorie p ar>r restored to her usual h->!th igain. Mrs. H. A. PavV is *--ublc'l with isthma and neuritis. \\*e hope f-- K-v soepdy recovery. Wo are pleased to report M". I. Bcttv were recent visitors at th- JIo- Cuai". home. Mr. and Mrs. He-b. Mclnnis .it fhe Station were recent guests at A L macks'. Murray Nichol left on Thursday to I teach a school noar Montreal. t I WODEHOUSE health. recovering from impai-ed caught in the knives of a root pulper and wis badly lacerated, requiring a number of stitches to close. We understand that Mr. Joseph Barber has received word from his ('auehrer in CoIIingwood that her husband. Mr. John Smalley, is again a patient in the hospital there, and much sympathy is expressed for them as Mr. Smalley, who is a young mars and well respected in his home town, had to have both feet amputated some time ago, and has a wife and four small children. Our township fathers surely went on a rampage at their first meeting on Jan. 15. They fired all the sub- bosses on our road divisions, reduced the pay for bosses and workers fifty cents per day and asked other offic- ials to intimate that they would take a considerable less salary and, gave MiT Muriel Fenwick is assisting '' houpehnM duties for a time .-t tho horro rf M-. Percy Mairpp. Miss Selinn MfDor-Id. who has b.-er with Mrs. Magee for the rinst tw weeks. has returner! to her homo. Mr. and M-s. .Tnmes McKp-lte of and " traw Live!;, v/inte- wenthcr. Mr. and Mrs. James Wiley an' 1 iion.Ciarenc-e, of Hpping, wer- c"!Ie-s here on Taesd-xj l~3t. Mr. Russell Fawcett and sister Hazel -pent a few days with thc'r cousins a'. J. Cherry, T. I. Fawcer rml Rich. Faw.ctt h-n-e r-ch had extenjive buzz bees this last week. Messrs. Will I and Dick Irving did the work. They have an able outfit and are hustl-rs on the iob. Mr. RLhard Fnwcctt gave a danci- at h''s home on W.-dnesday evening. Messrs. Ernie Boyle and Alvin Sew- ell have been delivering baled hay visited on Sunday with M- r-id F--S. J. Parsons. Messrs. Ri V Genne and John Park are in Toronto. Messrs. R. Park and I.on vi<=itp'l on Sund.iv m t\i with r.Tr. Rbe-t Plants vi, , has bee:: <~uitc "11 but is '^covering. T ati~er .1th lire CEYLON Miss Maut 1 Hemphill left on Sat- uiday to visit her sister in Toronto. Mr. Robert Rutledge spent the week end with his family t Holland Centre. Ho was accompanied by his brothers, Messrs. Melville and Roy Rutlcdge, for the week end. M . John visited his week. Whittaker of Priceville brother here the past them one month to make up minds. Last, but not least. their thev made a substantial reduction in then- own salaries. Nice winter weather prevails hero present with a fair amount of snow, but no extreme cold. We are sorry to renort Mr. Cam- eron Smiley laid up with a sever? cold. Mis Margaret McMullen visited with Proton friends last week. Mr. John Oliver b^s returned from Toronto, where he has been visiting his wifo. Th Ladies' Aid will me<H on Weci- n^sday of next week at the horn? of M--S. Marshall, the first meeting of the year, when a good attendance is honed for. Mrs. Cecil Archibald of Proton Miss Vina Wiley was the prize winner at a crokinole party put. on by th> I -'.ciie.;' Aid ol Temple Hill. Th" young people of th" commun- ity gave a crokinole party "- Friday f cning of lust week. All enjoyed the evening. Alvin Thompson and Vina Wiley were the winners o ' the p-ize. each getting a box of choco- 1:'U"-. A dainty lunch was served. M-. Wiilard Gilbert and family wpre guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. Wiley M"-'S"3. Harry Cherry and Edgar j F.'-wcett attended the box soci-' and i (1-ncp at Vandeleur on Friday even- j ing, put on by the L.O.L. of that I place. Word cornps t" hard of the suddetr c.'t-ath of one of our most esteem*"' residents, Mrs. Georire Lawson. early this Monday mornintr.De:easpd ^ad ; bnon in her usual health, retiring Fri- j H~v night as usual. During the I night she became seriously il' a*"' re- 1 niained so, passing away as above [ plated. Sh was one of our gra-"M old ladies, having passed her 89th j birthday last month. She had IH>--I p" exceptionally healthy woman al' | her life and of later years -h smart and active, always en ri"ing her bit about household duties. Hev eyesight had become very weak, and of late she -ould not do any ' reading. Shp had been a irreit rend- ! or all her life. A great deal o? the CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many spent the week end with her parents, I time spent thus was with her Bible. | and two sons. ' | She was very familiar with the On Saturday afternoon the Ladies' , Scripture. The New England church Aid will hold a cake sale nt Mr. Me- ' rn d community have had to part with | i Tnvish's service station. FIesh<>rton, ' one f their dearest friends, -'nd one] 'when all are asked to help make it f the early pioneers, who. w'Mi herj I a success. i husband, who preceded her 12 vearsi I On Thursday, Jan. 22 at 2 p.m.. ' a^- were regular attendants at the j the members and congregation will o'd log church and helped to estab- 1 lish the one which took its place. I and lived to see m.nv changes. She; was tho mother of eight children, six ! friends and neighbors for kindness meet in the cnureh fr 'he purpose and assistance during the illness of our late brother. Andrew Kennedy. transa;t i"K business for 1931. Mrs ' Mepll ail and daughter, Mis* . Sisters, Bella and Mary Jane A K" es McPhil. M.P.. have returned Kirls and two boys, namely, Annie j Rutledge and Family nome frnni Toronto, where they have (M-s. Will C->>Tuthers) and Edith! been visiting. They attended the fu- (Mrs. - ) both in the West: Sarah NOTICE. , I am instructed by the commissioner No. 29, Harvey Pedlar; Div. No. 30, of Division 5 to have second growth Joi'iih Wright; Div. No. 31 Leonard timber along both sides of the Valley Seeley. Bylaw No. 9, authorizing the Road "t and iny person wishing to Mr - Rix n Rafter, editor of the Ar- b^rrowmg; of $25,000. dean this up for wood notify the un- thu- Entrvpr.Ve. was elected bv accla- 'General ac.-ounta were pa^l .- . dcrsigned or Mv. r.\ iwr Warlin.^. mation as a member of the ' follows: Dr. T. P. Carter, certificate -T. H. PATTON, Supt. Kvth- Co ml ,-i, s i;n. neral of the late Mr. Bxiley at Dun- (Mrs. Wesley Breadner) of this ; dnlk on Saturday afternoon. place; Adeline (Mrs. James Wileyl ' Mrs. Finlay of Toronto visited with Owen Sound: Nell (Mrs. Rourke) Mr. and Mrs. J. Patterson last week. wno cared for the mother; Emily . | n' ivesent OP Markdale hospital staff : John of Harknway and Will on the hompstnd. The funeral 'J v rapsre- "icnt-. have not been completed at o.' writing:, awaiting wo ,! front BUY NOW! c Xot in many years have prices been so low on ;t vrt.-t number of merchandise items as at present. '" Xot in many years has there been such an opportunity to get so much for so little money The thrifty are seeing the advantage of buying now yhile prices are low. knowing that these prices cannot remain at the present level very lontj. ' r.iivers are eayer to buy when they find bargains or hear of them. The merchant who has bargains and advertises them well, cap- tures the buyers. BUYERS READ The Flesherton Advance FOR BARGAIN NEWS the We"t. For $200 . . . Can you equal this? For 5200 invested yearly, a young man can capitalize his youthful vigour and effectively prepare for. life's contingencies through the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. BENEFITS He can secure fur his dependants immediata protection of $10,000, in- creased yearly thereafter by accumu- lating dividends. This $10,000 estate is created instantly by the first pay- ment. The assured thereby obtains maximum protection for his family at minimum cost at a time when protec- tion is the greatest need. In a few years he may stop paying, take a paid-up policy for $10,000, and thereafter receive regular dividends until his death when the full capital sum of $10,000 is still payable to his dependants. By middle life (if he has not selected the last-mentioned plan) his policy will mature as an endowment for 810,000, returning to him a sum far in excess of the total premiums paid.. This investment settlement comes at a time when personal and farm'ly maintenance have become more" im- portant than protection. The above policy , like all Sun Life policies, can on maturity be paid in monthly instalments over u period of yeare.instend of in a'lump sum. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL For further particulars, fill in and mail the attached coupon.- 1. NOW $10,000 Immediate Pro- tection and 2. I N A FEW YEARS $10,000 in Paid- up Assurance, earning Divi- dends. or 3. AT MIDDLE LIFE $10,000 in Cash. StlM LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Montreal, Canada. I am interested in your $.'00 yearly assurance plan. Without 'Dilation on my part, please send me particulars as outlined in your advertisement in (N'ameof paver) N'anie (Mr., Mrs. or Miss) A.K!rc (Street).. . (City) ...

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