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Flesherton Advance, 7 Jan 1931, p. 2

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k Rhodes Scholarship Again Awarded To Trinity College Student Fourth Consecutive Year 1930 Produces Highest Academic Record Since Federation of College With University A Stidy In Contrasts Toronto. T!ie award of a Uhoden Scholarship to a Trinity College Stu- drill fop the fourth consecutive year )m- drawn attention to the hih aca- Speaking and many of Its members have taken part in the Mart House Debates. The women students were iiarticn- Idiiic record of the members of thej lurly successful in athletics during the Co!Ii-t>-. At Hi.. . \nniuil Kxamlniitlons ! past year. St. Hilda's won the Inter-. 01 t'u I'liiver-ity of Toroiilo in May! faculty Hatdielhiill Champion , hit) aud I!'"" . tffetfindini; ,,f Tiinity Stud'.-nts w.-re runner* up Iu the Intel-faculty ,i 'ilnher than In any year since Hockey .Series. St. Hilda's also won the federation of Ihe College with 'the lnlerfa< ulty T.MIU'S Chunipion- the l ; i. vinciiil t'nlversity. ' ship. idt'UU- olil<oi,ei| the | The nH-niliers of tl'o Teaching Staff whole I'niver-; of the Collie have in addition to their In (lie fourth j work in the College made important *. in I'hysics aud |. contributions to learning. Special \l year. Miss A. j mention should be made of Ilr. Mer- 'lansics; in thej cei's expedition to Abyssinia where lie }'.. C. (!wyn in i discovered the oldest known Kthiopic I''/'-'', .:-'!. M. UousUis In I'ol- j Manuscript of the Bible. He will pub-| /, '.'Arc and KcoiKimics; Mr. J. ; lish immediate!. throni;h Luzac and >tt:iit in Law and Mr. A. H.I Company of London a new Kdilion . i','i;. ,-jck In I'hysics and Chemistry; of (he Text of the Book of Ki[-clenl- in the first year. Mr. J. K. A. Crake ; astes. Professor Hicks has with Pro- 1u it is Interesting to note' t'essor Ford published a new French that Trinity College Students secured I Header. The Time Kducalioual Sup- tin- i: Viiest place iii Classics in the' plemetit devoted a lengthy leadiuu ar- lirst. tf.-oiul .mil Third years. In th tide 10 a mosl favourable Review of fourth year Mr. II. It. S. ll.van wa< this work. nerond in the tirsi da>s in the same Th Corporation or Governing Body il> in-: 'nieni i of Ihe. College now Increased the value In other student activities in I he 'of Trinity College Open Matriculation iii\,--itv of Tnroiito. Trinity Stu- Scholarship.-* by adding " e Tuitlun Rents 'ook their full pan. On the for four years. They will now rank I'n '.;.::>- of Toronto I nlei collegia) among the most, valuable Scholarships 'iVaiii in all the matches ' offered In Ihe whole I'nlver-tity. Ad- Queen's, McCill and the I'ni- ditional Scholarships have been (-slab- ver.-itv of Western Ontario, four Trin- ity College, Stndenig look part. Farmer's Wife Made $10,000 in Turkeys 1' of educutio,*. ,\ wa recently held, and alstX Abo i n <j is showi. old Inii'-T kip school, near Woodstock. Ont.. in a w school now oue ned to pupils. which last lished in thu t'mlergradnate Course. Trinity Stiid'-nN are also eligible for Tim Trinity College Literary lusti- all Scholarships offered by the I'll I- tin-/ curtiniie* to be one of the most versily of Toronto at Matriculation Impiir'ant iiHlnini; centres for I'ublic ami during the I'nd'Mgradnatf 1 C'ourse. Underworld Films ! Canadian Radio Pasteurized Milk Banned by Ottawa League Established Most Necessary * . . . w w 1 fioy 1 -it. Sixty-five Out of 2,022 Holly- For Promotion of Canada's wood Films Rejected by Interests in the Radio World To Public Health Canadian Woman Started Business With Pair of Fowl Won in Raffle Nine years ago, Mr*. \V. -V Fre*-/ man. of Ardenode. Alberta, won a of bronze turkey? iu. a raffle. She has the largest turkey ranch in ' ada. Her turkeys will return venue of $10.0w this year, bulletin of the Dominion Cove The winning of the pair otfrtof* in the raffle suggested to M* Free- man the idea of raising tnr-i * * side line. She applied to V Cana- dian Federal and Alberta J:rtiuent of Agriculture for literaturfon rais- ing poultry, turkeys iu par*iiar. Her husband, a farmer, encouuffed he; to experiment iu the bu studied the literature c: followed the advice give Her ranch,' says the famous. She receives 1 parts of the world aud tends to all parts of th She Jfiillv and I - tin. i-i now rs from all market ei- ortli Ameri- Censors Ottawa. There are too many revol- vers iu American motion picture Him* to suit the. Ontario Boar dot Censors, which has rejected sixty-five Hluu out of 2,022 submitted because of their . , i can continent and to o.'*r countries. Canned bubstitute Advised .. ThJ3 veap she rai ,^ 2i50 o birds. Ottawa, Out. AvjKviujc It* purpose ', to be the promotion of Canada's in- terests in th" radio world and the es- Where Safety Process Impossible Three hundred hens, inspected, have suppi ( for eggs in 1930 and Every village, town aud city iu Can- mos[ per f ect aens U3 'f excessive gunfire and permitted 48G of eipvessiou for those interests, other* to be shown only after deletion i Cans liai Kadio League ha* come i tablishuient of an organization which ada should iak immediate steps to f or first-class breed prohibit the use of unpasteurlzed milk, receipts from the . in the opinion of Cr. Fred W. Routley, for t[l(? holidays are might vii!iall. become a medium the into or revision. They lament the prevalence of pic- tures exploiting crime, gangsters and .'I :ii-.-i i ;! definite shape *' a meeting her*. Temporary chalr- maa of the executive committee is the underworld because they "offer | Graham Spry, with Allan .flaunt tec- constructive su^Kestions to break the law" and "tend to create the impres- sion thai such conditions are normal." rotary. Jj a memorandum announcing the rauoii d'etre of the league, its atti- They are cnlarly concerned with tiule inwards national broadcasting Is German Railways the promiscuous use of firearms in scenes supposed to portray contempo- mosl entirely small branches. Be- 1 rary domestic life which they find suit- cause of overlapping among coverall able for this country "where the car- sei out iu the following terms: 'Tbe solution the radio league sees of the present radio problem, the one mean -i 'owards making the radio a S|H "' Iailwil - vs w:ir Ihei 41 ;rease in Re- ^{,.| l .|, s |,;,| n , iniinrl It had more than $180,000,000 Dec ceipts is F.xpected at Close of Business Year rying of a weapon is an unVnr and [great instrument of entertainment, where confidence in the law U such that the citizen is unarmed." As a matter of fact. American un- popular in Canada, dealing as (hey do with subjects finite foreign to the ex- enonnh locomotives and was able to re (luce by ;'..iinii to ";!.7-f> and still con- siders it has 1.100 too many. New high-powered hub-speed pus- <cin;ei- locomotives and extra heavy I'rciKht engines have been added, butl perlence and interest of most I 'ana full replacement beiiis unnecessary, itldiang. undertaking in the. world, faces tlit,," 1 '- 1 l'**">l to make considerable J ^_ prohiibilily of windini; up its business | savings here. This helped to flnaiic yenr with moie than a *1 de- ' an '''' easp '" passenger cars by 1,000 c|,.a-- ,n receipts, a.-cordim: to fore-; "> '"'> " f '""" '"' "' (ll "l' old hi i' ' i and national unity. Is the establishment of a national broad- casting company with the powers of derworld picture* are not especially a private enterprise aud the functions iii. The (ierman Ihe biggest siugl. Slate Kail commercial of a public utility." A national broadcasting system would ensure, according to the Cana- dian Hadio League, that every Cana- dian could hear Canadian programs. but not in broadcast!. the exclusion of other ca-H from railway officials. This fall irif riff, despite an iiu-r.-asf in |>a--,-n Imprcivenients in swiiihing and re- BDd freight rate- h,si Summer, is !'''' slll >l' enabb-d the lleichsbahn Jirimarlly xttrilMlfd t,, the With it til, n jij.oi Us annual with trelf:llt cars and curry the same amount, more <!erman passenger trains cover The .:.- worth of property and <>"''''" miles yearly against about 40, iMMi.niiii covered by United Slates trains, which, considering the relative si,> t the countries and the fact that of $1,260,,000,- Hc'it the Kcii-hslinhn not only above all privately-owned cor- |Hiiirioii!i but leaves its iienre>i S'at,-- ov, r-rl rival far behind. I '"K. indie-ales H considerably larger 1 service. American freight miles. Birj Dram for Reparations aluminum: l<i fOO.OOO.OOO tons, are said Airplanes Feed Men on March War Chests Thrown I Opn to the Needy i-j.. / rj i A n r\ ' Ottawa The Department of. Na- Pilots of Royal Air Force Drop |jo|ia , Rations by Parachute London (Irea! Mriiain's increased ability 10 control India from the air be- came known her following additional j information about recent acllvitle, of i "*>* '* n if ' ln ' lsed - for il taclnta Defense lias been authorized by order in council to llirow open it* war chests to the Canadian RedCross Society that th* peace forces may benefit. Thiti anioni; Ii Hie popiilalinn is a little less than half ! two s,,uadrons of .he Hoyal Air Force i 4S - 00(1 " a "' s "-rmsers 42.000 pairs insid.rablv larger on the northwestern fn.,,.ir. !" f >Ck. r.'.miO suits of heavy under- The two squadrons fed a column of j <"" ***> '" "ndershirls. 18, 1. men for two davs as the column " 1)() khilkl nalinel s! " rt(1 - ma - v ' hu - f ,.<! with the primary Obligation not ,;,.,.,., tollll . mia,,,! waterways and elaliorati- canal .system partly ac- to be twelve times as high as the I marched from Dargiil, a town iiorlh of of ' adequate trains hut of pro- 1 d'l' ini: iit-iirly f:'."iii.iioo.iiiMMi annually to IIP p.-iii into the Itatik fur Interna tloniil S'-'tlfinenls against reparations charnes. This luinlen accoiinls for lh>- noniewhxi imvl organization of the ); N Ii ii.-l.ii and explains Its tariff p'l'j, y. IN strife with th vovernnient ! .Mi'LiiK these tariffs ami Hie coin Peshawar, to Chitral. The planes act- sands of .stockings, sweater Jacket*, overshoes and other useful articles director of the Ontario Division of the Canadian Red Cross. "For 25 years we have known that raw. unpastemized milk is unsafe and yet there are few localities which hare by-laws to prohibit Its use." There were only two kinds of milk which could be used with safety. Dr. the year's tot&l up "The Free-man ( turkeys are raiserl nlng through it. w slant and plentii water, an essenlii key raising. Th* assures good dn^g Routley declared, pasteurized milk or t .|,j cks are hau . canned milk. . j ter hatching th Canned milks, he i>ointed out. are' fof a()O[U ten di( prepared under the Dominion pure then a i lo wed to< foods act supervision, and are ciuite is kept fenced on aba ID. Sf| roosts, etc.. shingle oil fn troy fleas, lie Mrs. Kreenu man on the f.1 dependable in contrast to the dange-r- ous uiipastenrized mik for adults aud children, healthful or undernourished persons. Germs In milt that has not been pasteurized, he declared, can lead to such diseases as streptococcic infection of the throat, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, diphtheria, most of the conta- gious diseases, and even bovine tuber- j t ' h 'e" bt ^' jn p',|!,' culosls. Dirty, unpasteurized milk, he ra|ae 5 ^ asserted, was "the most terrific cause" | |nfa| r ' ar<i of intestinal and other diseases of in- fants. Very few centres forbade the distri- bution and sale of mipasteurlzed milk,! Dr. Routley lamented, and this was ; even more serious when it was real- j ized that th diseases carried in tin- government the demand ty.flve of rb leeu selected stock. The ot table birds pec ted to bring Ifl.OOo. on waicb. the i a creek ruo- supplies a coo- supply of good r successful tur- I is saudy, which e. Most of tha .11 incubators. Af icks are sheltered iu large coops and m. The main flock 300 acres of land, iiilous attention it paid to the dullness of the sheds. with an equiJ lotal revenue are sprayed with [time to time, to dea- Kc. believes thai any wo prepared to give th aid attention rau meM r.iasure ot success in : year she plans to or eating aud her 1 like-ly he about France-Ijtly milk mishi attack anybody ^ as ,;;;^n maThlneVin ',,,; line of of clothing to the value of ,250.000 count for the difference. N'oi wit hslaiiilinii Ihe snuiity of communications, from the base. bringing up food Behind the experi- lunrls M cany out expansions, railway [ ment of rationing ibis force for two proud of the safety, resu- ilays by use of planes, military men Indicated they saw "new streimlh in llritain's machinery for controllini! In- and cleanliness of pass the comfort of s|,-i-|i,-rs. larity Irain.s. mem|() ,,,- (lil ,| I1B ,. llrs ,.,.,.., s ,. ( | ..,.,.,, ,, f iho and the in- T | 1( . K,.|, h- dia. P 8 vely slow pac ill .'MMlll-ion of s|iah|1 h( . VH| . s ,. ( . ms , () , |)SM jrl ,,.,.. s| f Its invi-iuiiins and sxperlmeiitu which pi'o- inise to improve etllcleiicy. safety and I -01111111 I . !' jiiiiir and in moderniziillon , M" nt. |-',,i|tl> i-li |i,-|- ii-lll of all |iassi-n>;cr : : tries f'ir reparations. I'l per com. of Hie fieinhi rale.- and -'i |e-r cent. of bairnane and i-xpres.n chari;>'- IA.i-f merely pass tliniimb the lianrls .if the lii'ii h ili.ihn Ki'li ni'iii'h the Jtcli'hshahn mil"! pay to the V,'oi-|d Hank ."..'..rlKi.Oyo marks and .... ii j.ny a K'ivermn>:iit transport tax.'' loallllJJ v. ilch i also used for reparations, I iiniiliitlnr to fill |yr c, -MI. lii-ruie it can l>"^i;i ':i'i.ii]i; ran- of iis own debt scr Vice charge*, !.IIIMI.MHO marks annual ly, or Iliitik about ilivldend" Replacement Needed in 1924 \Viir-n the Helclisliahn h.'i'ame a cor- t ).,.,, ,, 1)( ,,. ,j :!n | ami. If tioveriiim-nl ])','.,'}, ,n IM IH2I II found a treat need nnanc | a | support. Is not marie, avail- f.,i " placement.* In roiidbeds, rol'ini; j a |,le, such stations .should I -tab and sliillon efinipmeiit. u liu.h |j s |,,.,| ], v private capital. bad iieen Ti.'Bledeil dnriiiK tho war] '|-| 1B c ( ,nnress endorseil the Dual aim - ; ,f> inHaliuii |ii,|i,,(| Tin. direct- ,.,,.,, i , M ,.||,,,,| ,,f traininj- pilots and' in beRBD "\fiTMiiK tb" (ierman advocated a mluimum as*' of 17 years i UMiii'i- tcr orKani/Jni; ;MII| soon hud ' f,,,- prolessiona! Iliers. It also adopt- Driving In Winter The added .strain placed on the auto- mobilo slorane hallery in winter, by IliB increased use of liithls. frequent and often prohinRed use of the starter. and Himilar hardships of cold weather Weather Stations Tr Airl Aviafirtn rar operation. Is apt to result In- a pi* i o /Aia /\viaiion m;ilm ,. lv rilll .,, owll ,,,.,->. u ^ or ti-ii ixissiblt. to avoid this inconveiii- BlireaUS Essential, r-m ,- In UeepiiiK an eye on Ihe am- Says Air Security Con- gress at Paris meter. If (he Indicator tells you that These supplies, in stork since the clos,. of the World War in 1918. are in excellent condition. After allow- ing for the needs of the permanent militia force for the next decade thviV remains such a "stocking" as enumerated. The department states that "It Is considered that in the pre.teut circumstances the public wel- fare will best be served by dUtrihut- itiK this clothing to those in need." Huge Wolf Shot In Milton District Milton Marry Hitsoii, Sr.. a well- know u M.ipp'i and hunter of Milton Heights, is the possessor of a pelt taken from a female wolf which he shot and killed in the mountain tluvo mil.s west of Milton. Hn will apply P.i!.< Floating meteorological lions are essential to transatlantic I air travel, the Intel nat jniiHl Air Secnr- illy Conuies- as-died in a resolution the tteneraliir is not charsitiK :il the |() , he (; 1)von , nuMlt f,,,. (),,:, houiity. ma\inium rate -PC. iiled in your in- | -^^^ is ,| lt> llrst Wl ,| f sllot |,, . ]li3 Ii;in stu-i siniction manual, you miiy save the (lf (,( iu ,-,.,. e ,,t years, and has lift, of your battery by having the- caused considerable exclteraen geiieial.n- set ahead. \Vlieu this has been done, the battery will regain its . among farmers residing iu (he district. Sev- eral weeks ago Ililson killed a golden- driving. after a few hours of j headed eagle near the mountain at Spcyside, si\ miles north of Milton. drinking it. 11,950 Mijes of Roads Maintained in Quebec] Rome Pn Quebec. Tlie total length of road* meut bet .ve maintained this year by the Depart- "a bit mor ment of Roads and at the expense of time since i a foreign oil ign Pact Sayj the government was 11.950 miles. Beginning iu 1917. the Department ( respondent of Roads was authorized by law to j "" ou D '' maintain the provincial highways and' 'I'' 19 P re Authority ft Rome Naval Paf v Negotiations resaing :s for a naval agree- France i'i 1 Italy are ptimistic than at aujr London Conference." spokesman told a cor- the Associated PreM 26th. ":\aval holiday" accept- to lie regarded by the municipalities ei1 bv tu as ?-esponsible for 30 par cent, of the n| er expii cost thureof. The law further accord- j eminent ed to tha in tnicipaUlies a subsidy ot j ma!le an up lo $400.000 for the l llans fo if improved municipal , ll!ont '* ! but tiie here thl ship* i?j 50 per ceut. maintenance ro.iiis. In ]'.<--, tho extent of roads In chavKS of the inu:i:?ipall'.ies having incrta^i'd cousUlor.ibly, the subsidy nui'nleii.ince wus pla.-ed at 50 per cent without limit as to amount. At the bosiuuoig of 19"- the govern- ment took over, for maintenance at | its own expense, provincial and ivgum- al highway*. In 1927 it took over for the ;-anie nuiv<>.st all improved ro.ids. Riviera Lifts Ban on Sack Suits Nice, France. The man iu a sack i suit is welcuuie alone: the Riviera in i wo countries last Sum- in five days. The Gov >:'ospntativa declined t. statement ai to Italy'* const met ion if an agree- roao'ued by December 31, was a Rfinerai impression the laying down of any iiiiKe'.y for the time bein<. Negow-iotis between Italy anJ Krance.ial;9d several times ira again m'-iz :i and it ii considered just pJib'.e that they mar reach \ aeti!;i'../s-ag-> by the lime of tlta meet itf of the council ot ths I.eagua of N'afi:'.s ,'.t:v.:ary IS. Thorecent here of Robert I. Hr;i:sh nava". expert and office representative, created of lira'.vLiin I'.ia two countries alons compromise proposal*. sent ti"s;otlat;ou3 have not yet C'rai :\>rei a ho tofa The Convalescent! ihe wlK'i- leilin-ed and ellii iency In- ci..' j ed to a point when- vital Im- ed a rr-solnlion Insist ing upon a wider knmv b'dgi> of every! Ming perlaiiiiiig to ]' ' meutl i oulrl I,- carrlid Ollt, SIX I flying as a requisite for professional Hi'. u and miles of tlu> total nf :n,<i25 ' licenses. h.r.-- hail IK-W trucks, and normal r- ji. II iiii-nis have hceii k.-|il up. l-'oiliinal' 1> . ow mu to the conipleli- 1 >- - nf lint system, it has heeu n-'ccs- 10 arl,| inily .'inn mill-, of new tirlly," I nf ar .mil this w:is nl- whi't-e. Dirigibles, another resolnl ion said.: oiiL-ir! to expeiiinenl In laniliiiK on water, and the use of helium. "Ihe only nan \\ith absolute aeronaut i,- see- should be advanced Pigeons 300 Miles at Sea Land On Fishing Schooner n losscd Birds Show Reluctance to Lcavi- Wlu-n Sliip Arrives in i'ort Sailors Care I' or Chance Voyagers -ion. Tune hundred nille.s at tlfli , n PUTIHIS, i'\ -.tcd anil .'r-d In a IKlit \\ith struiiK winds, fiiiinil hiixeii iiboiird lhi Hn.sioii llsh- In 'iu ..... r. I,. A. Diiuton. which nr- k'hi'il .ii-n. ici-eiilly. (.'hiinci' broiiKht th ' -cl In id,, ji.ttli of Ihe blnlM, w'l'i " im,,i> ''award by off"hore Vlnil'. '!,i<> ..< ii,i,iiii>r nas mi thn e\ treme iinriii-r ..,! co, ..... ;,f Ceoi'KO's Iliinlis. 'rii, liny was one of the mean- e-i i vf i :, need ,i,i r he Hfhini! iiroiiin! ; lllU .' > 0,1, fi|C|.!i I'.-llV Hill 1 ,. Ill s.l'il Out nf n hca\y vapor which IIIIIIK over tho w liter Ihe idi(t!oti werti lllerall.\ hurled on tint ship. Homo of them struck lh to the deck nnd foil oxhauNteil Other-, were blown piisl liirned to nuiko a landliiK. Meinbers Ihn MI -liooner into llni wind nnd then of the CIHW leiulerly carried them I" thr> riiRiiif room, where they were cured for. When thn vestol made port Captain HOKHII cndeiivrired to set them frne. They seemed reluctant to no anil \vfr perniitled to remain as long as i il-'-licd. ' -H * - r . - . reac'l.i tha aiase of actual discm- Hi. evening now. Two years ago he i ^ | f (ha n . imlier aad (onuag9 a| would have to club his way into fas- 1 , )(J aUo{ , e( , each COUBt b , [t !,i,.ii:ible resorts. The- maa 5 e say jn l,,, ua[io ti . vles ft ,, f-u that they want to attract the great mass , ha I. ospect3 for an as , ee!Uellt are Hint never owned a dinner coat. mac/brighter thau at any time It. re- centbnonths. C >n't Wate Anti-Freeze Y: m three to four inches below ilia top <! the overflow pipe la the conv.-r. level for keeping the raJlaKtr tl.ied witliwater aud radiator glycWiue. T be ^xaot, three inches for rfrap sy- tenU and four Inches for thfmo-siph- on ^steins. The reason fofthU pr i.r ' .in Is that when tha *lutlou i "World's Fattest Man" Die. Portland, InJ. Tha "world's fattest man." (!eorg;e Bulterworili, 6%, who travelled for years with show* and (irnlvaU, died here ou Dec 2lst after a stroke of paralysis. Butvrworth ixeiithcd more than 51)0 pounds. Statue to Karl Haig The Prince of \Valej and hlith dig- ini.iries i)f the British. French BadiWaru expansion will caustftie lavnl nations will attend the un- to ri<i and overflow it th,*dlator ! veiling of the bronze emu-strum sta- tute of Field Marshal Karl Mai* In ihe principal square of MontrtMillsur- ! Mer on May :tt. 1!V!|. above these poiuts. \\haf* Up ik< a headline With th I'mbrel Weather?" Krances McOiiHti. Chicago nurse, stricken with Infantile par- alvsis over throe miintlm ago, who him been livliiK III "breather", or I rosiilnilor. since that time, i said by doctors c bo on road to Red Men Criticize Fashions Favor Plump Figures in Faf North Vancouver. The Indian trappers of Wftsson in the rescue Jceiuly of t-v> Ihe Yukon would award uo beauty survivors of the Burkrfparty. lOiit- l>rize to the slim or even moderate- sule to the native niefns all country 1 ly plump women of fashion from oth- i lvyoml th Yukon). | IT parts of Canada, but rather InrKe ! Thui ( told by Wnk la a letter them to the North, where they mish? ! to his old frieud i i.>t<Un Qr*?t* i acquire llgurs more lotund. | HUick. Hoth are former New Brun- 1 What for. all women him so ihin[ who have roained th Tuio outslda no urubT Why he no come' ti^ether. and Walsh j lettt glT llt- ] In here? Ixits of cariboo and moose, tie word-plot ures jiut satch ot ; Him get fat." a red-faced native QUWhl humor from life t!uvi>: picture Honed it h poured over Ihe fash- tu Sftga of the t)ti' ka s.-areh; of Ions depicted In a nmgazlua supplied j ind oil galore ,>:i 'he Arctic ilope: to him by Joo Walsh, vntaran Yukon-) roatulns; the hills with pick and ' V. who *>> f*i w<tli iMl^t fc). I,. I a;ij roj. * .1 tl J r 1 k. * & Ittt!

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