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Flesherton Advance, 26 Nov 1930, p. 8

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"WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26, 1030 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE $25. 00 AN APPEAL TO THE GOOD PEOPLE OF FLESHERTON AND DISTRICT The following group of Flesher ton's and Markdole's leading business men: H. Down & Sons Ford Garage Flesherton & Markdale Oliver's Furniture Store, Markdale R. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale have in operation the Child's Saving Plan System Which makes it possible for every child in thic tov/n, and district, to have a sav- ings bank account. The account will b established, and maintained solely by the above merchants. This system is fast being adopted by th leading and most responsible business men throughout Caada. Its operation undoubtedly offers an opportunity of the most beneficial ana far-reaching possibilities everfy placed before the Piblic of this Country. Na Expense No Trouble No Obligation, in any way Call At Any of the AbDve Pjaces of Business Where Th'ey Will Be Pleased Fojaive You Full Information f $25.^ FREE T< ) THE FTH6T TWENTY-FIVE (25) CHILDREN OPENING THEIR BANK ACCOUNT WITH A DEPOSIT OF $1 SCRIP. WE WILL ADI) TO EACH OR .MORE OF CHILD'S SAVINGS DEPOSIT $1.00 IN CASH. IE YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY ENROLLED YOUR CHILD, DO SO NOW WILL MAKKET ONTARIO CIDER Hon. Thomas L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture, ha* announced that un effort i.< MOW under way to put Ontario cider on the market "in a IJK way." The province has complet- ed arrangements whereby the Can- adian Wineries at Oakvillc will put 500 barrels of apples through their plant under the best English recipe. The resultant product will be inatur- "cd until about April and then put under a government label and exten- sively advertised in the hope thai a i wide scale production and sale can In- eticeted by the fall of I'.llll. In this venture the government has a U.ofold objective: first the establish- . --'nt of a hip market for surplus "cull 1 apples, and /secondly, reduction of Ontario's annual beer consump- tion. The product, according to the Ivi mister, will bo something never be- fore produced in Canada, the best quality of sparkling cider as produced and bottled in England, with low al- coholic content similar to a light beer. This product has become en- ormously popular *n England 1 ami its consumption is increasing every year, while beer .onsumption is fall- ing proportionately. Osprey Council Osprey 'Council r.'.-t in Maxwell on November 15. Members all present, minutes of last meeting read and con- firmed. Communications War Mem- orial Children's Hospital, requesting grant; K. L. Gauld,, resignation as M.O.H.; Dept. of Highways, re placing of culvert opposite Poole and iSuckingham farms. Grummett Heitman That the Su- perintendent be authorized to take ac- tion regarding fences on road allow- ance, and when such fences are caus- ing excessive accumulation of snow endeavor to have same set on proper line. Wilton Winters That the Super- intendent be instructed to procure 100 rods oi snow fence and have same di- vided between the several divisions. Heitman Grummett That Dr. Gauld's resignation as M.O.H. be ac- cepted and that Dr. Carr-Harris be appointed in his place for the balance of the year 1930, under the provisions of Bylaw No. 804. Bylaw No. 17, to pay school rates, debentures, Etc., and Bylaw No. 18, to appoint Deputy Returning Officers, and Poll Clerks, were read the re- required number of times, signed and sealed. General Accounts Ed. Madden, Sheep Valuer, 89; Eli Robinson, stamp.", $5; C. M. Heron, stamps, $5; Wm. Fadden, wire fence bonus, $4.80; II. G. Burke, telephone account, $2.50; Municipal telephone system, phone in Clerk's offhe, $5; J. A. Kernahan, assisting Provincial Auditor, $5; C. M. Heron, stamps, $10; Bank of To- ronto, excise stamps, $2; Joseph Wright, wire fence bonus, $14.40; W. Lcwlor, wire fence bonus, $8; J. A. Kernahan, telephone account, $1; W. Wm. Thompson, wire fence bonus, $9.60; H. Wetherall, wire fence bon- us, $8.96; H. Wetherall, sheep valuej, $7.50; H. G. Burke, trip to Markdale, $3; Mrs. Sarah Guy, room for meeting S3. Road Accounts James Gillies, pay sheet, $20.35; Edgar Belts, pay sheet, $10.95; John Stephen, pay sheet, $16.60; E. H. Guy, pay sheet, $37.80; Phillips Wood, gravel, $12.70; Gee. McDonald, pay sheet, $48.25; C. W. Long, pay sheet, $4.95; Geo. Robin- son, pay sheet, $4; W. J. Reid, pay sheet, $8; Wm. Wilson, gravel, 20c: Canada Cement Co., cement, $376.25; Alvin Grummett, tile, $135.80; D. E. Seeley, cartage, $47.Gfi; James Moore, lumber for bridge, $8.25; Mrs. J. Hys- lop, winter road, $5; Ei'<?ene Connor, cartage, $2; Hector Mclnnes, Super- intendent, $50.75. Council adjourned to meet again at Maxwell, Dec. 15, at 2 p.m. were Mr. Hay Hunter, Miss Margaret Lowthorpe. Mr. Claude Glover ami Miss Lorna Chard, all of Gait. Misses Edith and Mabel Belts spent ' a week with friends in Shelburne. i The Baptist Ladies' Aid held their November meeting at the home ot Mrs. K. Clark on Wednesday last. I Mrs. Wm. T. Pedlar was in Owen ' Sound one day last week consulting j an eye specialist. Mr. Ned Croft made a "business trip to Owen Sound one day lastweek. Mr. Thomas Fisher held a shooting 'match on Tuesday last. Unity U.F.W.O. will meet al the hme of Mr. A. F. Pedlar on Wednes- day of next week, Dec. 3rd. Visitors always welcome. Miss Doris McMullen visited rec- ently with her sister, Mrs. Frank Belts. erected at any time if the concrete is laid before the frost. These build- ings are inexpensive, especially if the owner is handy with the tools. Lumber dealers have plans and can -.upply bills of materials and estimate of cost, so thai the owner will know pretty accurately what his expendi- ture wil be. Choosing a site for a hog house or a poultry house requires care. A high, well drained spot is best, while Ihe buildings should ex- tend east and west and face south. Convenience in caring for Ihe hogs and poultry also should be considered. FALL BUILDING OPERATIONS Building operations on the farm during the late fall are confined principally to hog houses, poultry houses, implement sheds and other small buildings. Those that have concrete foundations or foors can be It is interesting to note that the Chevrolet is now selling its STT-cyi- inder motor car for less than the- four-cylinder car at the time of the change over in 1928. At that time the four-cylinder was priced from $625 to $880, while the nine different ' models ip the six-cylinder line, occor- ' ding to Chevrolet's price reduction announcement, to-day range from $575 lo $865, al Ihe factory, Oshawa. In fact, this latest price reduction move makes the present Chevrolet the cheapest in the history of the comoany. Small Advts. Lost or Strayed LOST On or aboul November 20th, Beagle dog, answers to the name of "Jay". Any information as to its whereabouts will be thankfully received. A. Sparks, Flesherton. STRAYED Two yearling red heifer calves from lot 40, con. 14, Artemesia, during the summer, each has split in left ear. Finder please communicalc wilh Herb Maxwell, Healhcole. STRAYED Small 2 year old brindle heifer, tag on right ear with the name R. Allen on it, (from lot 3 Con. 13, Osprey, about Oct.l6th. In- formation thankfully received by Jos. Sewell, Feversham. NOTICE I hereby forbid trespassing, cutting timber or in any way illegally inter- iering with the tenant on lot 2, Con, 8, Osprey township Jas. M. Burns, proprietor. NOTICED Any person or persons found cut- ting wood or logs, posts or poles, or molesting timber in any way, on , Lot 2, Con. 8. Osprey, without my i permission, will be prosecuted ac- cording to law. By order of Cath erine A. Haley, Eugenia, Ont. R.R.I For Sale FOR SALE Quantity of dry hard- wood Charles Doupe, phone. BOAR FOR SERVICE Yorkihir Hog for service on lot 40, , Con. 6, Artemesia. Terms: $1 cash, $1.25 charged. C. S. MONAGHAN, Prop. f Till STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Positively the Last Week of This Record Breaking Sale Sale Positively Ends Nov. 29th. COME AND SHARE IN THE BARGAINS LADIES' WINTER COATS Positively the last time that Ladies' Winter Coats will be offered at these low prices $40.00 Coats at $31.95 $30.(X) Coats at $23.95 $25.00 Coats at $16.95 MILLINERY Our entire stock at two prices only .... $1.95 and $1.49 DRESSES! DRESSES! Big M special purchase of crepes in the newest styles $5.95 WINDOW SHADES Best Roller and Oil Painted cloth at .... , 59c. each Cotton Crepe, per yard 29c FLANNELETTE Ketfiikir 30c. Flanelettc 22c yd. Regular 25c. Flanelettc 19c yd MEN'S WORK HOSE Ribbed wool hsc 3 pairs 49c Ribbed Hose 3 pairs 69c MEN'S WINTER CAP $1.19 ( hir latest stock of Men's Heavy Win- ter Cap with close fitting bands, regular $1.50 to $1.75, each $1.19 GROCERIES Robinhood, Purity, O'Canada Flour at.... $2.85 per bag- I Vas, choice No. 4 3 for 27c ll.iiu-y. 5 lb. pail 50c. lieans, choiec hand picked 5 Ibs. 27c Flesherton High School MIDDLE SCHOOL ANCIENT HISTORY Hon. Mon- ica Lambert 77. Earl Johnston 75. Pass Sadie Carson 73, Elda Frook 73, Jim Haw 69, Jackson Stewart 08, Marie Fonwick 67, Jack McKechnic f i4, Monica Rac 61, Patricia Morgan 59, Audrey Brown 58. Fail Emery Fiohcr 42, Bob Phillips 39, Georgo McMavter 31, Earl Ottewell 28. FORM 1 LATIN Hon. Mary Wilson 92, Merle Allen 89, Mervin McFadden 88, Ronal<l MiildlHon KG. Evrrett Talbot 80, Dell? Vause 75. Pass Frances Collinson 74. Bill Parker 69, Dorothy Itadgerow 68. Dick Stewart 68, Hobt. Bellamy flrt. Milfurd Piper 62, Hugh Uibiiy i.o.Jean Wnlstencroft 5, Cath- arine Stowan 56. Wesley Lilllejohns 54, Wilfred Best 53, Roht. Plesler 52, Jim MeCormack 51. Fail George Boyd 47, Helen Moore 47, Kathleen Warling 46, Harvey Croft 45, Lloyd Archibald! 43, Robt. Dargavel 38, George Akitt 33, Bill Welton ?9, Angus Turney 29. FORM 2 PHYSIOGRAPHY Hon. Bill Fishor 8;?, Doris Bnnnon 82, Stanley Hunt 76. Pass Fred Fawcett 73, T tn edlar 70, Frank Eagles 69, La- Verne Piper 69, Mervyn Johnston 67, Bessie Cairns 63, Alma McLean 62. Gordon Patterson 62, Lucy MacDon- nld fi 1 ?, Hazel McKillop 58, Dorothy Wolatcn.'roft 57, Joe Gibson 56, Cecil Chard 50, Ed. Patton 50. Fail Christine McKinnon 41, Phyllis Gra- hma 40. MIDDLE SCHOOL ENG. LITERATURE Hon. El- more Fisher 74. Jean Hincks 73, Estella Marshall 70, Monica Bamhert 66, Almeda Hincks 63, Ellen Parker 63, Daisy McFadden 62, Jack Mc- Kcchnie 61. Mervyn Litlle 57, Jackson Slewarl 56, Emery Fisher 54. Mon- ica Rae 53, Dorothy Snell 53, Rowona Mageo 50. Fail Verdun McMast- er 48, Murray Stuart 1 . 4fl, Clifford Allen 44, George McMaster 39, Jean- ctte Mcl.eod 37. Macil Snell 35, Mar- garet Nichol 30, Earl Ottewell 28, Donald *Hiley 26, R. Phillips 21. Jim Hannnn 15. , i, FOR SALE Oxford Ram, 2 yrs. old. Fred Jamieson, Eugenia. FOR SALE Range stove in good repair. Mrs. G. A. McTavish, town. FOR SALE First class fox hounc'. R. L. Alcox. R. R, 5, Markdale. FOR SALE Two Brood Sows. G. A. Hutchinson, Kimberley. ~FOR SALE Mixed wood, cedar and furnace blocks, all dry. Alfred Ha.-rison, phone 41 r 4. FOR SALE 2 yearling Oxford I Down rams, eligible for rcgistralion. Robt. Gorlcy, Eugenia. BOAR FOR SERVICE I Young Registered Tamworth Boar 'for service on lot 160, Con. 2, S.W.T. & S. R., Artemesia. R. J. STEVENS, R. R. 3, Proton Station. BOAR FOR SERVICE Bor fcr sen-ice at Lot 177, King's Highway, purebred Yorkshire hog, bred from prize winning stock. RUSSELL HILL BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Berkshire Boar for ser- vice at lots, 15M53, 1st in 15 montht class at Royal Winter Fair 1929 and 'reserve grand champion. Fees, $2.00 I at time of service. H. C. Radley. STRAYED On or about October: FARM FOR SALE 16, one black year-old steer, from lots j I n the Township of Artemesia 120 5 and 6, Con. 19, Proton Wm.McCor- acre farm, lots 143-46, 3rd range S. mack, Proton. j W.T.&S.R., half mile from station, -FOR-SALE - Plir p ureb7ed Ox- J* d "" F '^' *"* ford Rama, one lamb and one shear- acres cf bush. Sold , ling, also ten purebred ewes for sale asy terms - or to let on shares. F. Spofford, Kugenia, phone 2 r 2 Feversham. L. McMULLEN, Ceylon. FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Bacon ho FOR SALE Tom Baron English Leghorn cockerels, shipped on ap- , for service on lot 136, West Back" proval, $3, $5 and $10 each. F. ; line, Artemesia. G. H. Cairns. Brnckenbury, 327-5th St. East, Owen Sound, Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for eer- FOR RENT A good six roomed j house, cistern, 2 lols, good garden, j vlo bv Hesherlon Bacon Hog Club, stable, hen house and garagre, op- j Ihe property of the Ontario Depart* posite high school. W. J. Caswell, ment of Agriculture. Proton R.R. 3. FOR SALE 75 Barred Rock Pul- lets, 30 yearling hens, two young Cows due to freshen in December, Richard Allen, ring 45-21, Flesh- erton. FARM" FOR SALE in the i9th con. Proton and the second lot. This farm has a lot of good timber and there are 15 acres of cleared land. Apply to Mrs. Catherine Stewart, Proton Station, for price and i terms. C. STEWART. Caretaker. FOR SALE Barley $16.50 per ton, Peas 85c. per bu.; Ontario Wheat 75c bu.; Pastry Flour 75c per bag; Eclipse No. 1 hard wheat flour $2.90 per '.mill bag; Sugar $4.90 cwt.; Salt $1.50 per 200 lb. bag; Coal $11 per j versi 'y ot Toronto. Gas administer- ton; special prices on C. I. L. fertil- ed for Mctten. Office at the rest GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK | LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Terout 1 per cent. Satisfaction guaroteed Dates made^t The Advance- office. M1DDLEBRO & BURNS BarrUters. etc. , Oflees Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton Saturday afternoon and evening. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D s - dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- i izer. A. C. Muir, phone 38 r 3 Miscellaneous NOTICE Chopping on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. G. Eugenia. C. dence of Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 388, A. P. * A. M. meets in the Masonic Hall, Arm* strong Block, Flesherton every Prl day on or before the full moon. W. M, C. N. Richardson, Secretary, E, IA. ROCK MILLS Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chard over the week end Avc., Toronto 6. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, lota 166 and 167, 1st range west of | No. 10 Highway, Artemesia Tp. 2 Wm. Kaitling, Lfeemed Auctioned miles from Flesherton, /i mile , for the counties of Grey and Simeoe. , from school, 70 acres under cult!- j Farm nnd stock sales a specialty. [ vation, balance swamp and pasture. Terms moderate, satisfaction ffuar- ! Any reasonable offer will be con- anteed. All arrangements and data* siilorfvl. For particulars apply to may be made at the Advance L. R. Thistlethwaite, 24 Conner i addressing me at Eugenia. i telephone 43 r 11, Flesherton or by

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