WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26, 1930 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE f LESHERTON ADVANCE I Pvbluhed on Collingwood street, t Ftaherton, Wednesday of each t week. Circulation over 1100, I Price in Canada $2.00 per year, , wfcm paid in advance $1.50. In U. S. A. $2.60 per year when paid in advance $2.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly Newt- paper Association) W. H. THURSTON, - - Editor r. J. THURSTON - Assoc. Editor H. Corbett Reeve ! Election For Reeve By Acclamation In Flesherton PLANT TREES AND PROSPER. After cogitating over the matter for several years, the County Council of Dufferin at its meeting last week, ' resolved to proceed with its scheme of reforestation. The county will ac- quire one thousand acres of land, to cost about $7,5UU, in the township of | Mulrnur, and will begin the work of tree planting early next spring. The enterprise of our neighbors is to be commended. We presume tne territory to be acquired is of a kind that can be easily spared from ordi- nary farm use, and there can be no doubt that the people of the county will in due course reap a full iru.n. from their enterprise. Jn thi.; connec- ' tion might we ask what progress has been made by our Grey County legis- lators in their reforesting projects? Vfe trut the County Council will not weary in well doing. All over the county they have opportuniay to plant trees that, ii taken reasonable care of mny at a measurably early date prove <>t great advantage to the taxpayer, nntl incidentally a source ' of revenue to the county. There art- hundred!' of spots throughout the county where nothing i; now pro- duced, that might hav- tiec.; gi^-winfe, and there are many farms on which formerly mfgnifi .ent trees grew, now covered with scrub, and t<><> stony to clear as farm land, that might xvell be taken possession of by the author- ities and planted with trees that in due course will be of much value 1= Die community. In central Europe they have to-day tragnificent forests as a result oi publir ypiiited action in 'turning t<< account siu-h lands as could not read- ily be ei'Hivated as farms. In Ger- many and Fiance, indeed, many of the ( highway .> arc lined with fruit and nut trees, and made jre liable to the , Riicultural population. Great Bri- tain wa.' rather backward in affores- tation, hi., since the war, and es- pecially in Sv-.-.tland. a big expansion has taken pla.e. The people in the mrtherlund have taken to heart the advice of the old Scotch laird t> his sen: "Ki-<-jt i lantin' Tees; thi-vlll jfjuw e\en while ye're n.sleep." (lood advire for us in Canada, ton. We have the vacant lands, and the provin- cial authorities make it easy to get the tr"fs. Herbert Corbett was elected by ac- clamation as Reeve of the Township o; Artemesia for the year 1931, but I. B. Whittaker is coming out against J. A. Davis, who has rcresented the township as Deputy-Reeve for the past year. In the council Elmer Warling is in the field in an attempt to enter the council, so an election is to be held, to take place in the var- ious polling places on Monday next. The following is the list of nomin- J. A. DAVIS. FOR REEVE H. CORBETT Nominated by W. J. Caswell and E. Stinson (Elected by acclamation). FOR DEPUTY-REEVE J. A. DAVIS -- Nominated by E. Warling and W. G. Bowles. I. B. WHITTAKER By George Fisher and J. K. McLeod. FOR COINCILLORS WM. BURNETT Nominated by W. Meads and D. Muir. GARNET MAGEE By Wallace Graham and Albeit Williams. C. D. MELDRUM By J. W. Mc- Kee and Thos. Phillips. ELMER WARLING By Os Wal- ker and Harry Shaw. The village hall was only half fill- ed with those interested enough to attend the nomination, and every member of the 1'JSO Council gave an excellent report of his stewardship during the year, Reeve Corbett deal- ing mainly with county matters and the township road system. Mr. T. R. M.-K(-nzie gave excellent service as chairman of the meeting. The National Anthem brought the pro- ceedings to a close. The village nomination took place on Monday evening, when the following were nominated: FOR REEVE McCAULEY, H. A. Nominated by John Pedlar and W. S. Inkster. , McTAVISH, D. Nominated by J. H. Field and R. Fisher. FOR COUNCILLORS DARGAVEL, J. 0. Nominated by G. Mitchell and D. M:-Tavish. MATHEWSON, J. F. By J. H. 'Field and D. McTavish. ! RICHARDSON, C. N. By D. Mc- Tavish amf Geo. Mitchell. i WELTON, G. B. By E. C. Mur- ray and R. Fisher. i The after meeting was presided i over by the old standby, Mr. John Pedlar, who, as is generally the case, kept the audience in good humor. The attendance was not large, and ; only one of the old councillors, Mr. Fred Mathewson, was present to give an account of their stewardship. Reeve McTavish dealt at short length with street work, but did not touch ! or> county matters. H. A. McCauley, who opposes him for the Reeveship again this year, ci itici/.ed the work done during the past year. The meeting closed with the sing- ing of tha National Anthem. At the village nomination Monday evening two new public school trus- tees were appointed to replace two who dropped out. The new men are Robert Richardson and W. S. Inkster. Thoy replace F. Stuart and E. Mc- Killop. Charles Stewart was re-el- ected as trustee. EDITORIAL NOTES. Only a month t. Christmas Eve. and five weeks to the Scotchman's Hogmanay. The muni inal optimist enters the election r:u-e on his record. Some- times he is kvpt guessing to say what it is. Some people may lose the use of their !<' by over-indulgence in the motor habit', but not so the town pontiian. H<- plod* his many li-m- drcds of miles yearly in the public service, and thrives on it. The rural postal sei vice, however, is ever being performed with greater efficiency by motor or buggy. Our greatest need now is n revival of the one-cent postal card. "Thwi-'s millions in it!" if the Postmaster-General had courage to re-establish it. And then, too, we would have a revival of the picture postcard industry. Messieur Post- masror-Generale, please get a move Election For All Offices In Osprey A fight for all positions is being wuiied in O-prey Township. W. L. Taylor is being opposed for the Reeve <ob by (ieo. Shoit. This year there i > t>) be a Deputy-Reeve and Wm. licit man, along with John Grummett, i< sec-king election, while five candi- date; are attempting to find a seat on the civu.iHl board, only three will be chosen. The follov.'in;: i:; the list nominated with those who are runn- ing: for office in capital letter.): FOR REEVE SHOUT. (,K(). D. - Nominated by \Vm. Osborne and Wm. McQuay. TAVLOK, W. L. Nominated by Archie Mclnnu and John Stephen. FOH I)K1TTY-HKKVE .OnL'MMKTT. JOHN Nominated by E. II. (iuy and II. M. Grummttt HKITMAN. WM. Hy Melville Douglas and J. K. Rinn. LockhaV, John M By S. H. Clayton and Ilo! '. Patterson. rop rorNOi.i/ws CL.MJKE, SYLVESTER By .las. Radley and Wm. Parker. PINDLAY, WM. ~ By Robt. Hill and Thos. Blakey. MONAGHAN. JAS. By J. K. Rinn and Melville Douglas. MOIfKISON, U. J. By Wm. Har- grove und John Stephen. WILTON, ALBERT By Marshall Arirou.- and Leslie Smith. Gtummett. John By Alvin Grum- i:'etl and Waltci- Sceley. Ilritman. Win. By G. H. Burke ami Wm. Osborne. Winters, Jame-s By S. J. Arnott and Herb Poole* (TRRENT CROP REPORT Fall plowing is nearing completion in most districts. The continued line weather enabled farmers to get the odd work finished and they are in fail circumstances to greet the win- ter months. One reprrettable feature has been the lack of rain, as a result of which many \vrlls and cisterns have run dry. The dry weather, however, has given the farmers aii opportunity to kill out twitch grass nnd dpstru.-tive weeds. The mild wtatiier enabled farmers in mjmy regions to delay housing their stock, thus !ivtnp: a considerable quantity of feeds. RAISED 2.000 TURKEYS in iU effort to promote the profit- ill.!'/ raising of turkeys, the Ontario Government established n turkey farm in Norfolk County. The object was to show that birds of this var- iety can be raised vuth profit. The fxvriment has proven quite sucess- ful. This year .more than 2,000 turkeys were hatched and raised on the farm. A. short time ago one thousand of then wore sold at 30:. re;- H>. What ii possible on the Norfolk farm is equally so on other farms in the province. Turkeys can bo raised and sold profitably at a much lower price than that demand- ed about Thankgiving and Christmas. PRICEVILLE Mr. end M-s. Allic McLean, Mrs. Smith and Delbert Smith and Mr. Colin McLean, spent the week end in Toronto. Rev. Mr. Bartlett ,Mr. P. Muir, W. G. Watson and Jack McMillan atten- ded the funeral of Mrs. (Rev.) R. Paton at Goderich on Monday. Miss Meuser of Owen Sound spent a few days visiting her sister, Mrs. Archie McCuaig. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carson spent the week end in Tronto and attended the wedding of their daughter, Dor- othy, on Saturday last. Visitors at Mr. Allie McLean's last week were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eng- lish and daughter, Bernice, of Col- lingwood, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hous- ton and son of Duntroon, Mr. and Mrs. I. Smith and son of Flesherton, and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Archie McKechnie on the arrival of a baby boy on Nov. 17th, in Durham hospital. Mr?. Colin McLean returned home from Toronto after spending a week with friends there. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks and babe visited Tuesday with friends In Collingwood. Messrs. )an Campbell, David Hincks, Win. Burnett, and Mr. ana Mrs. Allie Muir are attending the Winter Fair in Toronto. Miss Fibre McFarlane has gone to Toronto. The Sunday anniversary will be held in McKinnon Hall on Dec. 22. Mrs. Meyer and son, Walter, of BufValo, were recent guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Robert Short- reed, who returned home with them for n v : sit. A shower was held on Friday ev- ening for Mr and Mrs. Lochie Mc- Kinnon, who were recently married, when n splendid time was spent. Th? bride and groom were the recip- ients of many beautiful and costly gifts. government. Wishing you a prosperous year for 1931, I am Your servant, HERB. CORBETT. Councillor and one as Deputy-Reeve, in serving the people of the Township of Artemesia, is before you, and I again solicit the continuance of your support by re-electing me Deputy- Reeve, in an effort to keep the ex- penditure of the township as low as possible. ThanWng you for past favors and wishing you all prosperity in 1931, I remain Your servant, J. A. DAVIS. To the Electors of the Township of Artemesia: Ladies and Gentlemen, Your vote and influence is respectfully solicited as Councillor for the Township of, Artemesia. My record of the past year is before you. CECIL MELDRUM.i Township of Osprcy To the Electors of Artemesia: Ladies and Gentlemen, Please ac- To the Electors of the Township of cept this medium of thanking you for Osprey: your co-operation in permitting me Ladies and Gentlemen, Your sup- to be retui ned as your Reeve for the port and influence respectfully soli- year 1931. I assure you that I will ' cited on behalf of SYLVESTER in the future, as I hv e endeavored CLARKE, as Councillor for the to do in the past, give you sane year 1931. Village of Flesherton To the Electors of the Village of Flesherton: Fellow Citizens, I respectfully sol- icit your vote and support in the coming election on Monday, Decem- ber 1st, for the Reeveship of the Village of Flesherton, and I promise i2 elected to do my best to fill the position with credit to our village. Yours sincerely, HOWARD McCAUI ~Y. Whon is n king not a king? When ho is Carol of Houmania. Buy your Flour and Feeds from the Osprcy Farmers' Milling Co. FEVKRSHAM Family Bread Flour Made from No. 1 Western Wheat Pastry Flour Made From Choice Ontario Wheat Cracked Red Wheat, r.rits, Bran, Shorts and coarse feeds always on hand . ; IN MEMORIAM GIBSON 1n loving memo-y of our dear mother, Mrs. Klla Gibson, who parsed away Nov. 29th, 12H. J<hr gave no one a last farewell, She waved her hand to none Her spirit flow before we know Thut fho, ivom us, had gone. Wn loved her, ye.*, we Inved her But' lnved her more And lie JWH sweetly called her home Beyond thai shining shore. loiiiemhcri d liv your Children Business 7S Residence fi'J. Emerson J.Bennett FMrr.iUire-ru.ieca! Service lion, (irat'ualo of Ontario Hrhool of Embalming & Funeral Directing OUR SERVICES ART REN- DERED AT MODERATJ: CHARGES MOTOR EQUIPMENT Where the Title becomes good on the First Payment '"pHIS is an age of * ment buying. Furniture, homes, motors-even cloth- ingis being bought on time. If income stops for any reason and funds are insufficient to meet payments, the home or motor or furni- ture is forfeited, and the money already paid is lost. Life assurance is merely buy- ing an estate on a yearly pay- ment plan BUT. . . Life assurance is the only form oj property upon which unpaid balances are cancelled by death, and the pro- perty trans/erred, unencumbered, to the heirs. TALK OVER YOUR ASSURANCE PROBLEMS WITH A SUN LIFE MAN. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL ELECTION CARDS , Township of Artemesia To the Electors of Artemesia: Ladies and Gentlemen, As a can- diilixii 1 for the office of Deputy- Reeve I solicit your vote and influ- ence at the election on Monday next, and I assure you of my best efforts to farther the interests of the township. Yours sincerely, I. B. WHITTAKER. To the Electors of Artemesia: Ladies and Gentlemen, Ouring the past year we have endeavored, in evei y way possible to give the rate- payers full value for all money ex- pended and at the present time, from the policy adopted, we have the fin- ances of the township in better shape than they have been for some years. My record of five years, four as a loyal Purple Poultry Specific KeepsPoultryFreefromWORMS Mr. Win. J*rrott, of Brizdra, wrote us yrr ago stating that hi poultry hod become bdly infected with worm*. We advised him to use t lJs. of Royal Porple Poultry Specific in each ICO Itn. of Laying Mash for two week* n-id continue throughout the Winter with I Ib. A*er using it for three iKtln he wrol* as sottina; that in three days he blood streaka in the droppings, and that his egs pro- duction had gone up 100' i. During the Fall, Winter and Spring months he pur- chased 600 lb. of this Poultry Specific. We received a letter froj> him the latter part of August, stating that he was amaied at the results he obtained, that hit poultry were entirely free from worms, and that during August of thif year hi production wa* 1'X) larger than last year. It will pay every poultrynum, no matter what feed be is using, 01 if he mixes his own. to add one pound of Royal Purple Poultry Specific to each hundred pounds of feed during the whole season the poultry are shut in. While this great tonic de- troya the worms, it at the some tL-jie tones up the birds, keeping their digestive organs active the same as if they were on range, compelling them to take from 15% to 20 mere good from the feed they cat. This is naturally reflected in increased eas production. Worm* in poultry is often mistaken for other disemes. The birds becotre very thin and show symptoms of diarrhoea. When badly infested they will die. Put up in 30c. and 60c. packages, $1.75 and $6.00 tins, also 100-lb. air-tight bags $14.00. For sale by 4,600 dealers in Canada. If your dealer cannot supply you, write direct. Royal Purple Laying Meal We con uirp'y >'u ****** Royal Pur?!e Lay left Mcftl with or without the Poultry Specific mixed tn. Mr. T. L. Matheson, loncrkip, Ontario, tel'.a us that he fed Royal Purple Laying Meal to 600 pullet* lost year with the Royal Purple Poultry Specific and got an average of 74% production from the middle cf Decem- ber until the middle of March. He al.~o statei that he has received the KM lit pro- duction of c&gi he hi ever had during the twelve months he hai been unir.3 Kuyal Purple l.a> l.ifL Meal, and that it keeps his poultry healthy during the entire season. If your draler Li&nnot tuppty you we will be p!caed to quote you a price, freight paid to your station. VIMLITE (formerly known as Vitalite) I* for this wonderful wn,- liKr.l product used for windows in poultry houses, barns, si*-n-ruom, etc. It let* through the ultra-violet, growth rays from the aim that will not pcs through ordinary gbas. Write for descriptive circular. We will be very pleased to tend you one of our 32-pace bcok* with illustrations in colour, desrribiim the common diseases of Stock and Poultry with particulars of the Royal Purple remedie* for each, anU details of all the duTercut lines of frol we manufacture. It deals with U6 s'-bjects of vital interest to every firmer and peultryiiian. 10 THE W. A! JENKINS MFG. CO. LTD., LONDON, ONT. Christmas Greeting Cards Are an Exceptional Value Quality and Beauty We are offering Personal Greeting Cards with your name printed on them for 15 Cards for $2.25 25 Cards for $2.75 : LFAVE YOUR ORDER NOW The Advance Office Flesherton, Ont. > . i ' -.