Vol. 50, NO. 26 Flesherton, Ontarie, November 26, 1930 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors EUGENIA Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Quesnel and family of Owen Sound visited Satur- day last with Mr. Jos. Sherwood. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Kaitting were Mrs. Robinson and the Misses Amelia, Dorothy and Annie, also Mrs. F. Wiley of Fevershara. Mrs. J. H. Seeley and children of Markdale visited a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Parson. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford and daugh- ter of Whitby visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. Park and family. As November 23rd was the proper day for the golden wedding anniver- sary of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith, Miss Margie Park was entertained to tea and enjoyed a pleasant time in music and social chat. Other callers were Mrs. Hopkings of Toronto and Miss Patricia Morgan of Flesherton and Master Arthur Proctor. Mrs. Robt. Osborne and daughter of the 4th line visited recently with Mrs. McKee. Mr. Peter Munshaw has returned home from the north and was success- ful in bagging an antlered beauty. He gave several families in the village a generous treat. Mrs. Large has returned to her home in Niagara, after a fortnight's stay at the Eugenia House. Mr. Orville McWhirter of Red Wing and Miss Leila McKeown of Duncan visited on Sunday with the latter's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Will Kaitting. Mrs. Clarence Biggar, Owen Sound, is spending a few days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick. Mrs. J. Boyes. accompanied by Mrs. Campbell of Duntroon visited the former's daughter, Mrs. F. Young. Messrs. Bates Fawcett and John Park went to Owen Sound last week to secure u position. Success, boys. Mr. Robt. Young of Maxwell and daughter. Miss Jean, of Proton visited on Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Jacob Williams has bone to Toronto for a visit. VICTORIA CORNERS Elvin Moore is attending the Royal Winter fair at Toronto. Mrs. Ross Stevens returned with the baby on Sunday from a Toronto hospital. The baby is doing real well after its operation. On Saturday evening a car travell- ing :it terriiie speed, going to Owen Sound, turned around and upset just at Victoria Corners. Mrs. Stevens, who was crossing the road at the time, witnessed the accident. Call- ing help, she went imemdiately to the car. but no life was apparent. When help arrived one man w-as tak- en out. but he was not badly injured. Mr. Will Acheson is on the sick list. Georgre and Myrtle Moore have been real ill with jaundice. Miss Beatrice Moore is in DundalV No wonder that pork is dropping in price. We noticed Fallis Acheson's report last week. This week we are sending in a close second when re- porting that Milton Bannon owns a sow that had a litter of It) pigs, 17 of them now living. EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. Len Haines of Kimberley spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thompson. Mr. Alfred Graham spent the week end with friends in Kimberley. Mr. and Mrs Bobbie McClusky of Clarksburg were recent visitors with the latter's- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fawcett and son Delbert, visited with friends at Union Hill. Mr. Harry Thompson and sons and 'laughter, Mabel, attended the funeral last week of the former's mother jat Acton. Miss Mabel remained for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harbottle and children of. Duncan spent the week end with Mrs. Geo. llarbottle. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smart at- tended a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Prentice of Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Ruthven Hindle ami son. Ronald, of Duncan spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smart. CEYLON Mr. J. A. Knox. mining engineer ol the Yorkston (Construction Co., lat Bradley visited his mother a couple of days last week and then left for t Toronto, where he attended the I Carson-Pedlar nuptials. Mr. Knox srpported the groom. The wedding took place on Friday. This com- munity extends its best wishes to the happy couple. Miss Tollie Spofford of Osprey spent the week end with her friend, Miss Maud Hemphili. Those who attended the Winter Fair at Toronto, from here, were Messrs . Stewart Muir, David Hincks, Ja-jk Sherwood and Allie Muir. Miss Agnes MacPhail, who has been for several \veeks on a speaking tour through the United States, returned home on Wednesday last. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Stewart for the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ferguson, Miss Annie and Mr. Roy Ferguson of Erin, and Mr. Farquar Baxter of Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Will Carnahan and two children, oi' Orangeville. spent the past week with Mr. Angus Whit- taker. Mrs. Cecil Archibald of Proton spent the week end with her parents and two sons. Mr. Gordon Muir of Fort William spent the week end with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs^ Robert Camp- bell, and also visited with other rela- tives. Mr. Muir, in company with thirty other young men, on "judging 'cmpetition," were given a free trip to the Winter Fair in Toronto. Mr. Robert Cook and Miss Millie motored to Glenelg the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair motored to Harriston on Sunday. Mr. Plcster held a successful shoot- ing match on Tuesday afternoon. Messrs. Angus and Arthur Whitta- ker held an auction sale of farm stock, implements and furniture. Messrs. J. and S. McFaddcn also held * sale on Friday. Mr. Peter Muir attended the fun- eral of Mrs. (Rev.) Paton at Godericn on Monday. The many friends here of Rev. Rob- ert Paton will deeply sympathize with him in the death of his wife on Sat- urday. The funeral took place at Godorich or Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stevart and family visited friends near Eugenia the first of the week. It was learned with deep regret ot the serious illness of Mr. J. B. Ega.- in Toronto last wec-k. We hope tu- may soon be restored to his usual gooo 1 h'-^lth. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith of To- ronto spent the week end at Mr. J. M. Gibson's. Mrs. Gibson returned home with them for a week's holiday. Mr. F. Baxter of Brampton and Mr. ami Mrs. Norman Ferguson of Erin si> were callers at .Mr. Gibson's. Rev. Scott preached a very edifying sermon on Sunday afternoon on "The Mission of the Chur.-h." Miss Maud Hemphili favored the congregation with a very sweetly rendered solo, "It was For Me." which was enjoyed by the congregation. IN MEMORIAM GIBSON In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister, Mrs. Ella Gibson, who passed away Nov. 29, 1928. Oft and oft our hearts do wander To a grave not far away. Where we laid OUT dear, kind Ella, Just a year ago to-day. Sleep on, dear one, your cares are ended. Rest in peace, your work is done, You have gone where those who love you Will some day meet you, one by one. Sadly missed by Mother, Dad, Brothers and Sister. NOTICE The annual meeting of the Eiifrenia United Farmers' Club will meet in the Orange Hall. Eugenia, this Sat- unlny evening, Nov. 29th, at 8 p.m. All members are urged to attend. WODEHOUSE The lovely weather of the past has enabled th'j farmers to finish their fall work. Though many wells are* vpry low. and sorr.6 dry. none com- plain yet. All expect that each day to be the last fi"e one, and rain or snow is looked for. Mrs. Clara Wiley and Miss Ha7.el of Markdale spent Thanksgiving and the following week with friends here/ New England Sunday school is hav- ing a Christmas tree in December. Mr. Willavd Wiley has installed a [ radio, * FEVERSHAM LADY BANK Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thibaudeau and little daughter, Frances, of Markdale were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Col- uette over Sunday. Mr. Ivan Alexander of Owen Sound visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiley visited with the latter's sister, Mrs. (Rev.) A. Mills in Markdale last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Colquette and two children and Miss Jeffreys of Owen Sound visited with Mrs. Col- quctte's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander, and other friends over Sunday. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. H. C. Francis last week. The officers elected for the coming: year are: Mrs. Will Heitman, President; Mrs. H. C. Francis, Treas- urer, and Miss Lillie Thomson, Sec- cretsry. The Aid announced a baz- aar to be held in the Ornasre Hall on December 13th. Everybody come. Mr. and Mrs. Will Moore and Miss Mae Moore and Miss Merrylon of Meaford visited with Mr. Eli Robinson and family over Sunday. Mr. Burton Henderson of Detroit and sister. Mrs. Frank Curran. of Dundalk were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burk and other friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Beynon and family ot C^llingwood visited their daughter, Mrs. H. C. Francis, over Sunday. PROTON STATION This small village has been under an order by the M.O.H. for a month. The school has been closed and there las been no church service or public vent of any kind during that period. The epidemic was not very serious, though no doubt those who were ill ii-itht they were sick enough. We are glad to report that they are all able to be around aznin. Rev Oldhani has been notified by the Medical Officer of Health that the church services will be allowed to continue next Sunday if there a:o > fresh outbreaks cf the epidemic. Mr. Oldhani will bo with his people .:'. > ,m. on Sunday v.-ith Sunday school at 1 p.m. Mr. Prosser of Victoria Col- ego will preach" in the United ,-hureh it 7 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mine of Owen <ound and Mr. and Mrs. Ar.hio M>> lorald of Priceville were recent ^it- ors with Miss Lena Park and her :: valid mother. Mr. Lloyd Wauchopo h:u been re- icvir;i .o>- a few weeks on the Shel- >urr-e .-ee'.ion cf '.h.- C.F.R. Mr. Resell Acheson spent a few i:iy- in Toronto ::r.d attended the \oval Winter Fair. TORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Va:u-ise of Stay- ner and Mrs. J. H. Newsome of Smiths Falls visited with the latter's brother. Mr. T. Sled, recently. Mr. Robt. Richardson spent a fow days with Toronto friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood of Mark- .lale visited on Sunday at T. Lever's. Miss Elizabeth Moore of Brampton visited with her sister, Mrs. George Stewart, recently. Miss Gertrude Lever spent the week end with her sister in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart are in Toronto attending the Royal Fair. Mr. Geo. Pritchard was taken suu- Jenly ill on Friday and suffered a stroke on Saturday and is very poorly at present. Mrs. Reid of Lapeer. Mich., arrived to be with her father. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the Ceylon U.F.O. Club will be held in the Park House on Nov. 28. at 7.30 p.m. sharp, for the purpose of electing offieers and genera' business. T. SLED, Secretary. READ THE SMALL ADVTS. The fowl supper held at Providence church on Thanksgiving night was a de.ided success. Everyone seemed i to enjoy the supper and the play given The proceeds amounted to almost$75. The church was filled to capacity and j everyone enjoyed the play that was so well rendered. It is now November 24th and we ! are still blessed with most heautiful weather. The dandelions and lawn ' daisies arc blooming. There passed on to tha^ Great Be- yond on November 5th at Collingwood j hospital, Charles Hambly, a lifelong resident of this neigiVDOiTiood. Mr. ' Hambly was stricken with a paralyt- , ic stroke early in September last and since then suffered a great deal, until ' the end came. The late Mr. Hambly '. leaves to mourn his. loss two son^, William of Red Wing ar.d Lome, near Feversham. and three daughters, trwo ; who reside at Sarr.ia. Ont.. and one at Markdale. The remains were laid to rest at Providence beside those of his wife and ore daughter. Much sympathy is extended to the family and friend?. Mrs. Jos. Sewell and daughter, Velma. visited over the week end with J the former's mother, Mrs. J. Patton. i at Flesherton. The Ladies' Aid of Providence church held their November meeting a- :he home of Mrs. Walter Wilson, with a fair attendance of members and visitors. The next meeting is to be held at the church on December 10th. All members are requested to attend, as it is the annual meeting and there w-ill be the election of offi- ers for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs Byrel McConnell of Kimberley spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Per;y Semple. Congratulations to the recent bride and groom of this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Benson (nee Miss Adcll Roberts). Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson and son. Donald, spent a day last week with the former's mother. Mrs. Wil- son, at Collingwood. By Buying Gifts-Early See our window display this week | "Gifts For Christinas" NOTHING OVER $1.00 A small deposit will hold anything in the store for one month. W. J. W. Armstrong Phone 13w - FLESHERTON IN MEMOR1AM GORDON In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister. Eunice Gcrdon, who passed away Nov. 2Sth, 1929: Like a flower cut down in its early bloom We IP id her to rest in the silent tomb, Bri we know she- is safe on that happy shore, Where pain and sorrow will trouble r.o more. As time goes on we miss her more; Her cheerful voice, her welcome face, No one can take poor Margaret's place. Her memory is as dear to-day As in the hour she passed away; When days are dark, and friends are few, Dear Margaret, how I long for you. Ever remembered by Father. MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. Will Hall visited Sun- d.iy with Mr. and Mrs John Priestly. Mr. Garfield McLevd < -f Mclir.yro sritnt the week end with his sister. Mrs. Johr Priestly. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Long of Dundalk on the giu if > son. Mr-. K. TV.TS. Mi.-- = Annie Friesiiy .-.:;! Miss Mabel Ross are spending >hi-.. v.-ot-k in Toronto and are atlo::d- k; the Ir. --:itute convention. Miss Bertha Pallister spent tho .ft week w : -.h relatives in Tor into. Mr. "Bus'.er" Kadley is visi: ; .->r ;:? f.v --Ho at present. Mr. Fred Brown has commenced hopping at Maxwell and is ready for il' comers. VANDELEITR In a few short years we all shall meet And join our songs at the Saviour's Till then our loved one will peace- fully rest. Redeemed from sin, on her Saviour s breasr. We loved her much, but God loved het best. S;u"y missed by Father. Mother. Brother .ind Sisters. IN MEMORIAM FERGUSON -- In ' my daughter. Mantaref. wife of J. . McMullen. 1 Ore With the approach of winter, the danger of carbon monoxide gas pois- oning from motor cars increases. Al- though warnings have haen widely broadcast in recent years, the pre- cautions that must be taken against the insidious action of the gas which irets in its deadly work when a motor is allowed to run in a closed garage, cannot be too greatly emphasized". Because carbon monoxide is a color- less, odorless and tasteless gas it gets in it. ; killing work frequently without warning of :iny kind to the vic'.im. Motor vehicles, therefore. should never tv >tarted and warme-.i t rp or run : elose-.t or public irarage.; loving memory \vhiL adjustments are beinj? made. The wiso pro.-edurs is to open th :.:riiire doors always before starting year has passed, our hearts are ;:v sore, n.'.wav.-- .i:nl to shut off the engiro t-efo'v shirting the doors. Beautifv.1 weather sti'l (.oiuin.te . Miss Jean Wright of Toronto spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Ready and fam- ily and Miss ""lorenco Davi.* of St. Marys visiteu a short time aco with the Johnson, Davis and Buchanan families. Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnston n:ul family visited recently with friends in Owen Sound. Mr. Albert Buchanan of Toronto spent the week end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buchanan. Mr. Howard Graham was elected Recreational Convenor for Toronto Conference at the recent convention the Young People's Union held in Brampton. BATES BURIAL CO'V I DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PARLORS > 122-124 AVENUE RD. * TORONTO J. W. BATES. PHONE: Night cr Day KI. 4344 * Formerly of Flesherton B. MADDOCKS. >>: ***<-/ cn.-kle when the job is done. A hen is dumb but she can always Use The Advance Small Advts. Rubber Bottom Special A special in Rubber bot- toms, re. $3.25 and $3.00. st'lling now for $2.50. Just n | tV\v pairs left. Come in r\nd j,vt a pair \\ hile they last. I W. L. MORWOOD Fle&herton - Ont. -.^ SECRETARY You can get the special training to fit you for s>ucli vork In a sbort llrae at th Northern Business College OV.'EX SOr.VD If you liavc a good general education. \Vriia for information to C. A. Fleming. K.C.A.. Prin- cipal, Owen Sound. "House of Quality" ^- _ Purina Chows PIG CHOW COW CHOW, STEER FATINA. LAY CHOW, CHICKEN CHOWDER, CALF CHOW CHICKEN FATINA SHORTS. FI-KH. FLOUR. OATS. ri'KlTY & PILOT K1.0UR. BRAN. WHEAT & BARLEY CHOP. TERMS:- Strictly Cash Jas, A. Stewart ! GROCERIES PHONE 46 I WE DELIVER IN TOWN