The Bishop Murder Case A PHILO VANCE STORY BY S. 3. VAN DINE Keep Your Children Healthy and Happy ; ; child's game, business." Vance nodded abstractedly. "A child's game is sometimes the most serious business in life." His ' words held a curious, far-away tone.! The many silly superstitions which "I dont like this thing. I don't &t all j still exist in regard to babies are a like it. There's too much of the child j danger to their health and develop- i n it the child born old and with a ment. For instance, the senseless be- diseased mind. It's like some hideous i lief that a baby must not have its fin- perversion." He took a deep inhala- j ger nails cut or it will grow up a tion on his cigarette, and made a slight gesture of repugnance. ''Give SYNOPSIS Philo Vance, wealthy New York Bachelor recluse and student of crim- inology, itceives a telephone call from John F. X. ilirkham, District Attor- ney of New York and his friend of 18 years standing, regarding a startling, fantastic crime ju:t perpetrated. had anything to do with his being " Ton my word, old man, I'm sug- gestin gnothing. 1 ' Vance shrugged his shoulders slightly. "Im merely jot- ting down, so to speak, a few facts in connection with the case. As the mattr stands now, u Mr. Joseph Coch- rane Robin to wit: Cock Robin has me the details. Let's find out where we stand in this topsy-turvy land." Markham again seatd himself. "I haven't many details. I told you practically everything I know of the case over the phone. Old Professor Dillard called me shortly before I communicated with you '' 'Dillard? By any chance. Profes- sor Bertrar.d Dillard?" CHAPTER I. (Cont'd.) It was not surprising, therefore, that Markham should have turned to Vance at the very beginning of the Bishop murder case. More and more, I had noticed, he had come to rely on th? other's help in his criminal investi- gations; and in the present instance it was particularly fortunate that he appealed to Vance, for only through an intimate knowledge of the abnor- mal psychological manifestations of the human mind, such as Vance pos- sessed, could that black, insensate plot have been contravened and the per- petrator unearthed. "This whole thing may be a more's- nest," said Markham, without con- viction. "But I thought you might want to come along " "Oh, quite!" Vance gave Markham a sardonic smile. "Sit down a mo- ment and te'.l me the ta'.e coherently. The corpse won't run away And it's best to get our facts in some kind of order before we view the remains. Who are the parties of the rfist part, for instance? And why the projec- tion of the District Attorney's office into a murder case within an hour' of the deceaseds passing All that you've told nu so far resolves itself into the Otterest nonsense." Markham sat down gloomily on the edaie of a chair and inspected the end of his cigar. "Damn it. Vance! Don't start in w'th a mysteries-of-Udolpho attitude. 1h<? crime if it is a crime seems clear-cut enougr.. It's an unusual method of murder, I'll admi r : but it's certainly net senseless. Archery has become quite a fad of late. Bows anrt arrows are in use today in practically every city and college in America." "Granted. But it's been a long time since they were used to kill persons named Robin." Markham's eye? narrowed, and he looked at Vance ssarchingly. "That idea occurred to you, too. did it?" "Occurred to me? It leaped to my brain the moment you mentioned the victim's name." Vance puffed a mom- ent on his cigarette. "Who killed Cock Robin?" And with a bow and arrow! . . . Queer how the doggerel learned in childhood clings to the me- mory. By the v 'i.y, what was the un- fortunate Mr. Robin'.* first name?" "Joseph, I believe." ''Neither edifyin' nor suggestive. Any middle name?" "See here. Vance!" Markham rose irritably. "What has the murdered's middle name to do with the e:ise?" "I haven't the groggiest. Only as long as we're going insane we may a- \ic':l go the whole way. A mere shred of sanity is of no value." He ranp for Currie and sent him f^r the telephone direct. TV. Murkhivn protested, bat Vance pretended not to hear, and when the directory arrived lie thumbed its pages for several mo- ments. "Did'the departed live on Riverside Drive?" he nsked finally, holding his fintcer on a name he had found. "I think he did." "Well, well." Vance closed the book anil fixed a quizzically triumph ant gaze on the District Attorney '.Markhair." he said slowly, "there's only one Joseph Robin listed in the telephone directory Ho lives on Riv rside Drive, and his middle name is Cochrane!" "What rot is this?" Markham's tone was almost feroctous. "Suppose hi* name was Cochrane: are you eriouriy suggesting that the fact been killed with a bow and arrow. I "Yes. The tragedy took place at his Doesnt that strike even your legal ; house. You know him?" mind as deuced queer?" "Xot personally. I know him only "No !" aMrkham fairly spat the j as the world of science knows him so long, costs so little or does so n. i.U for you. WRIGLEYS Promotes good health when used regularly after every meal. It cleanses teeth and throat, wcetciu mouth and breath, and ttrengthens the gums. Your health is aided while vour picas- tire is served. Good ami Good for You 1SSUK as one of the greatest living mathe- matical physicists. I have most of his books. How did he happen to call and water touch their bodies: but even to-day there vouv mothers who will negative, "he name of the dead man is certainly common enough; and it's a wonder more people haven't been tilled or injured with all this revival f archery throughout the country. loreover, it's wholly possible that tobir.s death was the result of an i at Columbia, and later did somi legal j ^ n scar cely breathe. When this is thief. One has only to walk through a clinic or hospital to see the mischief caused by babies' dirty finger nails. A child develops pimples, due prob- ably to wrong feeding; it scratches them with its dirty nails and septic sores are the result. The number ot babies covered with septic sores brought about by dirty finger nails is a disgrace. Then there is the ridiculous super- stition that a baby must not be wsigh- ed at birth, or it. will die. No doubt this ! had its origin in the dim and dark I A blend of green tea that surpasses all other blends II SALADA' GREEN TEA 'Fresh from the gardens 9 II 870 Old Plant Lore Will Aid Modern Science Recovery for use- ia modern medi- - past when people were afraid^to let air ! c , ne of , he tfue fractl<m Q( "I've known him for nearly twenty years. I had mathematics under him u ' p in sue! Vway that the poor mites ara hundreds or not allow their j babies to be weighed, and for the first few months of their lives muffle them ccident." "Oh, my aunt!" Vance wagged his ead reprovingly. "That fact, even fere it true, wouldn't help the situa- on any. It would only make it queer- r. Of the thousands of archery en- iiusiasts in these fair states, the one with the name of Cock Robin should e accidentally killed with an arrow! uch a supposition would lead us into piritism and demonology and what- ot. Do you, by any chance, believe n Eblises and Azazels and jinn who ?o about playing Satanic jokes on ;ankind?" "Must I be a Mohammedan myth- logist to admit coincidences?" re- urned Markham tartly. "My dear fellow! The proverbial ong arm of coincidence doesn't extend o infinity. There are. after all. laws f probability, based on quite definite mathsmatical formulas. It would make me sad to think that such men s Laplace and Czuber and Von Kries ,ad lived in vain. The present situa- ion, however, is even more complicat- d than you susp?et. For instance, ou mentioned over the phone that he last person known to have been with Robin before his death is named Sperling." "And what esoteric significance lies n that fact?" "Perhaps you know what Sperling means in German " suggested Vance ulcetly. "I've been to High School." retortid ilarkhem. Th;n his eyes opened lightly, and his body became tense. Vane? pushed the Germa-i diction- ry toward him. "Wei!, anyway, look up the word. Ve might as well be thorough. I ooked it up myself. I was afraid my magin.uion was playing trick; on me, and I had a yearnin' to see the worj n black and white." Markham opened the book In sil- ence, and let his eye run down-ihe >age. After staring at the word for several moments he drew himself up resolutely, as if fighting off a spell. When he spoke his voice was defiant- y belligerent. ''Sperling means 'sparrov/.' Any school bv>y knows that. What of it?" "Oh. to> be sure." Vance lit another igarette languidly. "And any school y knows the old nursery rhyme en- titled 'The Death and Burial of Cock Robin,' what?" He glanced tantaliz- ngly at Markham, who stood immo- jile. staring out into the spring sun- shine. "Since you pretend to be un- familiar with that childhood classic permit me to recite the first stanza." A chill, as of some unseen spectra! presence, passed over me as Vance re peated those old familiar lines : "Who killed ock Robin? 'I.' said the sparrow. 'With my bow and arrow. I killed Cock Robin.' " work for him. When Robin's body was found he phoned me at once about half past eleven. I called up Sergeant Heath at the Homicide Bur- eau and turned the case over to him although I told him I'd come along personally later on. Then I phased you. The Sergeant and his men are waiting for me now at the Dillard home." (To be continued. 'I What New York Is Wearing BY ANNABELLE WORTHINGTON done, their lungs fail to expand prop- plant lore possessed uy the moaks. physicians and 'herb doctors" or herb- alists of Uie Middle Ages was urged by Dr. A. V. Hill, distinguished Eng- lish botanist and head of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, in a recent address to students of the School of Pharmacy ia that city. Use of roots, erly, and they develop chronic com-j seed leaves {ruit3 and other part*' plaints which cripple them in later' life. A baby must have a "taste" of | evervtLing or it will grow up witli an ; inability to earn enough to buy such j things for itself! How many babies' j of plants as ancient drugs was domin- ated largely, Dr. Hill said, by the so- called idea of "signatures." which imagined each plant to carr. some- where about it a sign of what it was good for. A plant witu a blood-red digestions are ruined and stomachs j root> ij]j d a garden beet, would be permanently injured by giving them : imagined, for example, to be good for "tastes" of the family dinner at a ; hemorrhage or for disease of the time when they should be having D i oo d. In spite of this baseless idea. | nothing but their natural food? however, tha monks and herbalists People fail to realize that a baby's j wio actually gathered and prescribed stomach is a delicate and sensitive ; these drugs acquired, a surprising thing, and that to load it with all sorts : amount of accurate knowledge, Dr. of things the child does t.ot wact in- j Hill maiatained, concerning the real Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Fur- nished With Erery Pattern stinctively gives the- nerves of the . effects of these stomach such a tremendous shock that; ___^^^_^^ the ill-effects are carried to all parts ot the body, with disastrous -e=u!ts. Some mothers believe t'lat a child will not rise in the world If it goes down first, and a nurse who deliberate- ly mounts a chair with a new-born baby in her arms before sbe takes it downstairs makes herself ridiculous. When people- persist iu making a child go "Up: Cp! Up!" and throw It, into the air, it U too muds for Uie infant's nerves. A small child is ol'oa terrified as it finds itself to*3.J'.l in the air. and its nerves are strung to a fearful tension. One has only to wauh a baby's face to sea it. Observe the look in the eyes: the strained appear- ance othe> moutb. even although it may laugh afterwards. P Treat your child naturally. Let i: . develop on natural lines. Forget old superstitions and give your baby a chance to grow up unhampered by old :ns and tradi'ion*. 'ir'u- on the human body. Much of this knowledge al- ready has been embodied in modern medicine, like the modern use of such ancient plant drugs as strychnine and opium. Dr. Hill believes it probable, however, that some useful drugs known to ancient physicians navs been abandoned because modern medi- cine has not studied them sufficiently. Some kinds of plants, for example, seem to vary in medical potency de- pending upon the rariety of the plant, the place where it was grown, and so on. When a single modern test fails to confirm ancient ideas that may be because the wrong variety of tha plant was tested or because the tested sample had. for some other reason, i potency less than was familiar to tha ancient physicians. Use Minard's Liniment for Toothache. Forceful Freddie "I mean to marry your daughter, sir, anu what's more. I'm going to do it. Do you follow me?" Proud Parent "Yes. as far as tha door." Lieutenant "When is a man Jn- titled to be buried with military hon- ors?" Recruit "Whan he is dead. PUBLIC NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS OF LABOR Attention having been directed to the scarcity of work in this City at the present time, employers of labor are ask- ed to try and help to relieve the situation by engaging on!y bona fid'e residents of Toronto on any available work. NON-RESIDENTS Notice is hereby given that no assistance or relief will be given to non-residents of the City of Toronto on account of their being out of employment. BERT S. WEMP. Mayor's Office. Mayor. Toronto. October 24th. 1930. *gv -SXL -a=L jarr :^-= - n -~3=T~ :3S. .3 ATLANTIC OTY>. i Just Oft the Boardwa k Fireproof Construction On a Residential Avenue Harmonious, restful surroundings with recreational advantages. European Plan from $4 Daily American Plan from $7 Daily WEEKLY OR SEASON RATES O t APPLICATION CHAPTER II. Slowly Markham brought his eyes back to Vance. "It's mad," he remarked, like a mai confronted with something at ouce inexplicable and terrifying. "Tut. tut!" Vance waved nis hand airily. "That's plagiarism. I said it first." ( Hi was striving to overcome his own sense of perplexity by a light- ness of attitude ) "And now there really should b* an inamorata to be- wail Mr. Robin's passing. You recall, perhaps, the stanza: "Who'll be chief mourner? 'I.' said the love, 1 mourn my lost love; I'll be chief mourner'." Markham's head jerked slightly, and hi* ngers beat a nervous tattoo on the table. "Good God, Vance! There is a girl in the cast. And there's a possiiblity that jealousy lies at the bottom of this thing." "Fancy that, now! I'm afraid the affair is going to develop into a kind of tablean-vivant for grown-up kind- ergartners, what? But that'll make our task easier. All we'll have to do i.. to nd the fly." "The fly?" "The Musca dvmtstica, to speak pe- The lengthened line is apparent at a glance in a rusty brown crepy woolen with coin dots in lighter shade. It has the new circular draped skir: in wrapped arrangement that flender- ires tic figure. The bodice moulds the figure wifi swathed treatment across tha front with lower part in diagonal line that minim'zes the breadth through tho hip.-. l-e flared cuffs of the elbow sleeves are a smart new detail. The shaw, collar is of plain woolen matching the dots. Style No. 35(JT can be had in sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, 44. 46. 48 anc 50 inches bust. The 36-inch size requires 4"^ yards of 39-inch material with 1H yards of 39-inch contrasting. Black canton crepe with self-fabritf collar ami cuffs is smart for all-day occasions. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred: wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service. 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Give a Thought sL~ OLD AGE Make sure now that when the time comes to retire you will have an income that will make you independent for life. The M.,I ihi. Canadian Government Annuities System toopoo .. ia a sure, simple and economical way of POSTAGE doing this. Small sums placed now and at 65 you will be in possession of a depend- able income for life. CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES Branch. Dept XMVt, Department of 1 Labour, Ottawa, Please send m Complete Inform- ation about Can* achan Government Annuiuen. Name Print cieariy AJdr Department of Labour. Ottawa Hon. C. D. ROBERTSON. Minuter A Santa Fe Ticket to California Will take you through Phoenix on Santa Fe rails "aH the way" from Chicago and Kansas City. You leave on the Santa Fe and arrive on the Santa Fe. Warm days in th desert and along a sunny seashore. t FREQUENT PAINS? i dantically. . . . My have you forgotten? "Who sa^- him doe? I.' said th* fly, 'With my littl* eye; I saw him di*'." -i_. "Omo down to earth!" Markham with acerbity. Corn Cake Three-fourths cup corumeal, 1 cup flour, Vi cup sugar, 4 teaspoons bakiug i powder, *4 teaspoon salt, 1 egg well j beaten, 1 cup milk, I tablespoons I melted fat (I used butter). Mis tud| sift dry ingredients; add ess. well beaten, milk ami melted tot. Beat. Markham. Bake- in a shallow, greased pan in aj hot (450 degs.) oeu 20 minutes orj more. One cup sour milk may be used ; iu place ot sweet milk, using l j tea- , spoou soda and only 2 teaspoons bak- iug powder. Golf and horseback ing keep the pep up and the pounds down. t Fred Harvey dining another exclusive feature Mok your Pullman rMWvatioiu early. "This is'n't ' Fff Dry Skin Mlnard 1 * Liniment. F. T. HEXDUT. Con. SANTA FE Kt. SIM Transportation H', !g , DKTROIT. MICH. Pboue: ttAiidolph S748 iw The Chief Railiraii NEVER lt a throbbing trad interrupt your shopping! Or other pain that Aspirin ends 90 quickly. These harmless table** are an antidote for the most acute pain. Relief is almoet instantaneous. Taken in tim, they will break up a cold and head off discomfort. They'll relieve your suffering frpai neuralgia, neuritis, or the lik$, at any time. Thousands of WOQKQ dpnd upon tablets evWy ruotuh to spi them from those pains peculiir to women. These tablets do no* depress the heart ; they may b , used as frequently as th*ct naed of tlWir quick so, it's folv to endure pain tbat Aapii relieve so dki._ genuine, w&ojti '{' be had "at any dr9to, , ASP