It gives more pleasure than you thought tea could give ii SALADA" TEA Fresh from the gardens' The Bishop Murder Case A PH1LO VANCE STORY BY S. S. VAN DINE SYNOPSIS A man known as Cock Robin is shol through the hear, with an arrow. The body is found on the archery range be- side the home of Professor Dillard, where Robin was well known. The crime seems to be the intentional dramatization of the old nursery rhyme "Who killed Cock Robi.i?" Dis- trict Attorney Markham is puzzled by the apparently senseless circum- utances attending it and asks the aid of Philo Vance, wealthy younp bach- elor who dabbles in the solving of unusual mysteries. CHAPTER II. (Cont'd.), "Wh^ts the domestic situation there?" "The professor, as you probably know, resigned his chair some ten years ago. Since then he's been liv- ing in West 75th Street, near the Drive. He took his brother's child a girl of fifteen to live with him. She's around twenty-five now. Then there's his protege, Sigurd Amcsson, who was a classmate of mine at col- lege. The professor adopted, him dur- ing his junior year. Arnesson is now about forty, an instructor in mathe- matics at Columbia. He came to this country from Norway when he was three and was left an orphan five year* later. He's something of a mathematical genius, and Dillard cvi- d ntly saw the makings of a great physicist in him and adopted him." "I've heard of Arnesfon," nodded V:ince. "He recently published some modification! of M <.'.-, theory on the electrodynamics of moving bodies. . . And do these three Dillard, Arnes- !on and the girl live alone?" "With two servants. Dillard ap- penrs to have a very comfortable in- come-. They're not very much alone, however. Th-> house is a kind of flhrine for mathematicians, and (jui'.e a n niirlr has developed. Moreover, the girl, who has always gone in for out- door r.ports, has her own littl?- social wt. I've been at the house several times, nnd there have always been visitors about eilher a serious stu- dent or two of the abstract sciences upsi-airs in the library, or some noisy young people in the drawing room be- Icw." "And Robin?" "He belonged to Belle Dillard's *( -an oldish youn-g society man who ) Id several archery records. . . ." "V.s. I know. I just looked up the name in this book on archery. A Mr. J. C. Robin seems to have mad-e the r.igh scores in .several recent cham- pi'-rvhip meeL. And I noted, too, thr.t a Mr. Sperling has been the runner-up in several large archery tournaments. I -Miss Dillard an archer as well?" "Ve. quite an enthusiast. In f .-!, Mi.- organized the Kiversido Archery the body was found he had disappear- ed. I imagine Heath will have news on that point." "And wherein lies the possible mo- tive of jealousy you referred to?" Vances eyelids had drooped lazily, and he smoked with leisurely but precise deliberation a sign of his intense in- terest in what was being told him. "Professor Dillard mentioned an at- tachment between his niece and Robin; and when I asked him who Sperling was and what his status was at the Dillard house, he intimated that Sperl- ing was also a suitor for the girl's hand. I didn't go into the situation over the phone, but the impression I got was that Robin and Sperling were rivals, and that Robin had the better of it." "And so the sparrow killed Cock Robin." Vance shook his head dubi- ously. "It wont do. Its too dashed simple; and it doesn't account for the fiendishly perfect reconstruction of the Cock Robin rhyme. There's some-thing deeper something darker and more horrible in this grotesque business. Who, by the by, found Robin'." "Dillard himself. He had stepped out on the little balcony at the rear of the house, and saw Robin lying be- low on the practice range, with an arrow through his heart. He went lown.-.tairs immediately with consid- erable difficulty, for the old man suf- fers abominably from gout and, see- ing that the man was dead, phone:! centre-table smoking, his thumbs hook- ud in the arm holes of his waistcoat, came forward and extended his ham! in a friendly greeting to Markham. "I'm glad you got here, sir," he said; and the worried look in his cold blue eyes seemed to relax a bit. "I'v been waiting for you. There's some- thing damn fishy about this cass." Markham sensed the Sergeant's mentaHnsecurity, and asked somewhat abruptly: "Just what Sfems to be th.> difficulty in the present case?" "I didn't say there was any diffi- culty, sir," Month replied. "It looks as though we had the bird who dij it dead to rights. Bui I ain't satis- fied, ami oh, hell! Mr. Markham . . . it ain't natural; it don't make sense." "I think I understand what you mean." Markham regarded the Ser- geant appraisingly. "You're inclined to think that Sperling's guilty?" "Sure, he's guilty," declared Heah with over-emphasli. "But that's not what's worrying me. To tell you the truth, I don't like the name of this guy who was croaked especially as he was croaked with a bow and ar- row. . . ." He hesitated, a bit shame- faced. "Don't it strike you as pecu- liar, sir?" Markham nodded perplexedly. "I see that you, too, remember your nursery rhymes," he said, nnd turned away. "You referred to Mr. Sperling just now as a 'bird,' Sergeant. The designa- tion was most apt. Sperling, d> ye see, means 'sparrow' in German. And t was a sparrow, you recall, who ;illed Cock Robin with an arrow. . . \ fascinatin' situation eh, what?" The Sergeant's eyes bulged slightly, nd his lips fell apart. He stared at Vance with almost ludicrous bewikler- nent. "I said this here business wa fishy!" "I'd say rather, it was avian, don' y' know.'' TV V nctc Kitchen Help will save yoi 7 -> I She MAGIC COOKBOOK This A'etc Magic Cook Book contains more than 200 tested recipes. Your copy is all ready for mailing. Send for it. BAKlH POWDER Keep a copy of the New Magic Cook Book handy and you'll never have to worry about t i-h tti to serve. Whether you need a suggestion for lunch . . . for dinner. . . or for your tea guests, you'll find the answer in this new handy housewife's help. It's a compact, complete direr lory of all the good things you'll ever want to make fur any occasion ... and it's FRt K! Send us your name and address and a copy will be mailed. Vv rite to-day. 3 out of every 4* Canadian women, who bake at home, gay they use Magic be- cause it gives consistently better bak- ing results. If you use Magic Baking Powder, it will ensure better baking results for you too. 'Thufaet ira rfrealefi in r rrcrnt Dominion-uide invettigalian STANDARD BRANDS LIMITED GILLETT PRODUCTS TORONTO MO.NTREAL WINNIPEG unit /,rori' /. . . inallthf principal Canadian cittern Look for this murk on erery tin. It is our guarantee that Magic I Baking Powder does not contain alum or any harmful ingredient. me. T . ,, . '- jou my minute now; U -s all the advance informa- don't see what good they can <]< "You would call it something no- body'd understand," Heath retorte< truculently. It was his wont to be come bellicose when confronted with the inexplicable. Markham intervened diplomatically "L'et's have the details of the case Sergeant. I take it you've questione, the occupants of the house." "Only in a general way, sir." Heath flung one leg over the corner of the cntre-table and relit his dead cigar "I've been waiting for you to show up I knew you were acquainted with tht old gentleman upstairs so I just di< the routine things. I put a man out in the alley to see that nobody touche the body till Doc Doremus arrives- - he'll be here when he finishes lunch. I phoned the finger-print men before I left the office, and they oughta b on the- job any minute now; though I tion I have." "Not what you'd call a blindin' illu- mination, but still a bit suggestive." Vance got up. "Markham, old dear, prepare for something rather bizarre -and damnable. We tan rule out acci- ne prooao.y dents and coincidence. While it's true mighta had " that ordinary target arrows which are made of soft wood and fitted with little bevelled piles could easily pen.-, tiate a person's clothing and chest wall, even when driven with a medium weight bow, the fact that a man nam- ed 'Sparrow' should kill a man nam-d Cochrane Robin, with a bow and ar- row, precludes any haphazard con- catenation of circumstances. Indeed ! Thy this incredible, set of events prove*! "What about the bow" that fired the arrow?" put in Vance. "That was our one best bet; but old Mr. Dillard said he picked it up from the alley and brought it in the house. He probably gummed up any prints it ad." (To be continued.) * A Man to His Old Airedale Mr*. K. A. Oehrke Alas! thou hast grown old. Old Shaggy Face, Thy golden sands have ran too fast apace. and graying head, hy som- - . ... v**rui.i |iruvc.s i bered eyes. Sf&SS ilrt b^he K " ret "" hy Wi * """" : ""' ""< whole affair." He moved toward the Thy mellowing goodness IK a, wine grow old, As autumn's frost bring, out the at Club. Its permanent ranges ar .Sperling* home in Scarsdale, but Mi^s Dillard has rigged up n practice ranee in the side yard ( ,f the professor's Street house. It was on this range that Robin was killed." "Ah! And, as you way, the last |*TM>n known to have been with him was Sperling. Where is our sparrow BOW?" "I don't know. Id- was with Robin Shortly iK.for-. the tragedy; but wh.-i police officials xitnit friininis. e door. "Come, let us find out something more about it at what the Austrian eruditely call the We left the house at once and dro\v uptown in Markhams car. Entering Central 1'ark at Fifth Avenue we em- erged through thj 7:nd Street gate and a few minutes : a ter were turning n f r .r tir iT^ " off West Knd Avenue into 75th The Dillard house, -number was on our right, far down the block toward the river. Between it nnd What New York Is Wearing BY ANNABELLE WORTHLVGTON Illustrated Drtumokng Lesson Fui: nished With Ertt-y Pattern Surgeons to Study Care of Costly Minor Wounds Philadelphia. Common wounds, so frequent they cause loss of time to millions of workers are to be an Im- portant consideration when the Am- erican College of Surgeons meets here shortly. Like the "common cold," common injuries have been somewhat neglect- ed by medical science, according to Dr. Franklin H. Maitin, director- general of the college, and their care has not kept pace with other develop- ments of surgery. Statiscipns of the college estimate! the compensation cost of these wounds at $104,000,000 yearly.' Unusual Dessert For a dessert that Is different, peal and slice some of the big Japanese persimmons and serve with thick cream and powdered sugar. A new paint brush Is the bes'. imple- ment for dusting carved fupniture it reaches all crevices be'.ter than a duster will. For Dry Skin Minard's Liniment. ICIO.US forest gold; And clows as sunshine in thy wintry fare. The steadfastnesi of all thy friendly And mrw no crown for all thy deeds well doiic, Nor promised worlds beyond the set- ling sun; Not as men demanding j-tars for shab- |, y worth, K " - "- shadow of this hnjr,, The Dillard houso was of \ 1> 1)1 weather-darkened limestone, ami e- onged to the days when homes were built for permanency and comfort. thy starry paradise I Tin- memory thy master has of thee. He'll not foi'net thy nose within his hand, Thy eager gaze that sought to under- stand This vast and capricious world god less, nor Full . ,.^ J. In am- flavor and made of pure chicle and other ingredients of the highest quality WRIGLEYS comei to you in perfect condition. "AH of ir* goodneos in Healed tight In the clean wax wrapped pnckageo. The days work goeii much cailer with WlUGLEY'S to luitaln and i refresh. 3 HANDY lor PACKS I he lot on which it stood had a thirty five foot frontage and the lioue iKe'l was fully twenty-five feet across Th other ten teat Of the lot, which formed a:i areaway separating the house from | the apartment structure, was shut off 1 TI from the street by a ten-foot stone! *' ' " K " < " f "" " ln ; '"'t he should wall with H (Hi-ge i n ,n door in the centre. The house ., of modified colonial architecture. A short night of Cal of men; Nor loved thy mortal ilri'amed, then, That de.-p in iliy lirow.i eyes he'd al- ways see A smart dress need not bi expen- a low steps led from the .street to a na. row brick-lined porch , four white Corinthian pillars. () n th< NOnd floor n series of casement, win- dows, paned with rectangular lead.-,! glnss, extended across the entire width - In "Our Dumb Animals.' * Perambulating Tanks Little Lottie, aged four, of the , ouse. (These. I learned later, were the windows of the 1'hrary ) I'here was .something restful ., m | ,jj s . tmctly Otd-faahiomd about the place- it appeared like- anything bin. tin' scene of n gruesome murder. Two police cars wore parked near the entrance when we drove up, and a do'/.etl or so curious onlookers lui:l gathered in the street. A patrolman OUngad nuainst one ( ,f (he fluted col- minis of the |w.:vh, gazing at. th- crowd iM'Tori' him wilh bored disdain. 1 An old butler admitted us and lei I us into the drawing nom on the left counts It of the entrance hall, where we found ""*" .,...- , , wo was with spending a week with her aunt In the country, had developed a great, fond ness for ,,illk. One day, having Inink as much as her aunt thought good for her, sho wns Informed Hint shn could not hnvo any more. "Pshaw!" exclaimed tho Indignant Hide, miss, "! don't sen why you want to he no stingy with your old mllK. There's two whole cowfuls out In the barn," Brooklyn Kngu>. House Plants To clean the leaves of house [ilnnls. apply equal purls of milk ami lake- warm water Renlly with u s|)om,',> about onco a week. A machine which takes your niomy. 1 discards had coliiH, and Klves a llrket aim any necessarv This model in double-breasted coat type is especially suited to the crepy woolens, featherweight tweeds and jerseys that are of prime importance in the Kail wardrobe. It is faultless in its new line for spectator sports, street, travel and college wear. The skirt flares in a becoming new manner. The narrow belt gives a slightly bloused line at the back. Styl..< No. 'J7-11 m.iy be had in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 and Id inches bust. It may also be made of canton crepe, velveteen and flat crepe silk. Size 16 requires :';, yards 3>)-inch material with i yard ;!i)-inch con- trasting. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS t Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of suih j patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in 1 stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, anil address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 711 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Use Minard's Liniment for Toothache. He Knows Better "\Vo have been married a year and never quarrel. If a difference of opin- ion arises nnd I am right, Felix al- ways glv. s in immediately." "And If he Is right ?" "That never occurs."- Fllegemle matter (Munich). Packed full of tender, plump, uncrusbed Sultanas, retaining the fine flavor of the fresh fruit. Just as wholesome it they are delicious. isd SAFE Tablets Aspirin - "M>[ IS ,'NAOA For HEADACHES udte ISSUE No. 46-30 Sergsanl Heath anil two ((her men I chaiiRi', has been Inslnlled at Victoria friiin the Homicide Hureaii. Tli.- Sec- Station on London's Underground tjcant, who was itanding beside thy lUilway. Jutt Off the Boardwa'K Fireproof Construction On a Residential Avenue llannonlmii, rpstfu) RurrnunUliiRi wilh reeifallonal nihantngcs. European Plan from $4 Daily American Plan from $7 Dally WEEKLY OR SEASON RATES O I APPLICATION Prompt relief from COLDS SORE THROAT . . RHEUMATISM . . . LUMBAGO .... NEURITIS ACHES and PAINS Does not harm the heart ASPIRIN TRADE.MARK REG Arttpt pnlu "Aspirin" package which contains proven directions. Han "Aspira I bosca ol 12 tablets. Also bottles oj 24 and 100 All druggist*. Handy