Aol. 50, NO. 22 Flesherton, Ontarie, October 29, 1930 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors V PRICEVILLE I - t - ' i ~ (Intended for Last Week) Miss Dorothy Carson and friend and Mrj. Pedlar and Mr. Clifford Hincks of Toronto spent the week cnH here. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Campbell re- turned home after visiting friends in Niagara. Misses Jessie Nichol and Olive McMeekin spent the week end with their friend, Mrs. Art Richardson at Swirton Perk. Mr. and .Mrs. 3&s. Sturrock and family of Swinton Park were recent visitors at Mr. Dan Campbell's. Mr. and Mr-3. Ambrose McKee motored from Toronto and visited at Mr. Ed. Everist's. A new fence is being erected by Mr. Robt. McConkey around his property, and the fine new barn er- ected by Hermie McLean i-3 now ready for the roof. A bad auto accident occurred on Monday forenoon when a car, driven by Mr. Wm. Mather went out of control while coming down the hill just west of the village, upsetting. Miss Ludlow, an aunt of Mr. Mather, had two ribs and her collar bone broken, while the other occupants of the car were bruised and shaken up from the accident. The car was repaired .at the garage and taken home on ita own power. We are glad to know that Master J-ckie McConkey is feeling better trfter an attack of pneumonia. He was attended by Nurse Marshall of Ceylon and we ar? glfd to know that the little fellow is around again. Little Betty Hincks has been under the doctor's care for the past two weeks with a heavy cold. Mrs. E. Ward is in attendance. .Mr. and Mrs. George McLellan of Niagara spent the week end at Mr. Dan Campbell's. Mr. Bob* and Ella and Laura Mc- Kinnon and Miss Johnston of To- ronto were recent visitors at the home of Mr. Wm. Aldcorn- Mr. and Mrs. Archie B. McDonald and family of Owen Sound were visitor.? here last week. M-. and Mrs. Robt. Fettis at Owen Sound visited the first of the week at the home of David Hincks. CEYLON Mr. George Bellamy of Winnipeg, a former resident of this place, railed or old neighbors hero the nast week, who were pleaded to see him. Mr. and Mr?. Luther Torrev ami son. Jack, of Lauriston visited, wit* Mr*. H. Piner on Saturday. Miss Elsie White of Springhi:i oent the week end with her cousin, Mis" L-xu-a Whit". Mr. r-nd Mrs. J. Stewart and Mr. nnd Mr- George Cairns motored to Toronto last week. Dr. and Mr*. Patterson and son. George, and Mr. Armstrong of To- ronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. O. McLeod. ,Mrs. A. C. Muir visited her par- ents at Berklev last week. Misa Vera Marshall. R.N.. left on Monday to visit her sister at Bolton. Mr. Thos. Thomr>on and tw> sons of Ripley were callers the first of the week (>t R. Cook's. Mr. and Mrs. Will McFadden and daughter snd son of Orange Vallev were also visitors nt R- Cook's on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair mot- ored to x Harriston the first of the week. V " The Ladles' Aid is holding a Hal- lowe'en masquerade social on Fri- day evening i the school house at 8 p.m. Lunch will be served and a *>roeram given if -you have 15 and 25 cents to spare. The ladies are hoping for a large crowd to help swell thir funds. Rev. Kitchen c Holland Centre will have charge of the service here nn Sunday afternoon next, while Rev. Scott takes his work at Holland Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Curry of Owen Sound spent the week end with Mr. an^ Mrs. George Snell. Mrs. Hislon of Eugenia M visitm? >r brother, Mr. George McKenzie.^ BUSINESS FOR SALE Billiard and Pool parlors, four tables, good opening. Nine hundred. - Sydney Smytho. Market Lane, London. NOTICE A iowl supper will be held on Thasksgivinp night, Monday, NoVem- N". 10, at Providence, urder the aus- pices ot the Ladies' Aid. A play en- titled "Eyes of Love" will be g.'ven by the Kavcnna y.nir.iT puoploi Sup- per will lo served from 6 to 8 p. m. Admission Adults 50c, children 20c. WODEHOUSE The real winter weather with a real fall of snow has given the farmers a jolt to remember. Though the moisture will make the land fit ior plowing it will make -slush and mud for gathering- the roots of which very few are yet in. The anniversary services at Nw England church on Sunday were much enjoyed by the large er~wHs which attended. Rev. Warren of Markdale delivered a fine address in tho afternoon, while Rev. Peters of Meaford did likewise in the evening. Both services were very helpful and enjoyed by all. Special music ws given by the choir and a thankoffer- ing of $104 was received. The ffmrch was nicely dd-orated with flowers, frrit and evergreens. Visit- ors wno attended the services were Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Carruthcrs, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Erskine and Mrs. Clara Wiley of Markdale, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wiley and sons, Elgin and Clarence of Eppiner. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of Flesherton, Miss Nancy McAfee c" Grici;ville Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnson of Vandeleur, Mr. and Mrs. Will Heath, Mrs. H. Sewell, Pearl and Laurie of the townlrne A. and E., and Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Erskine of Rocklyn. Miss Vera Fawcett has returned from a visit with friend-j in the West. Edgar was also home from Fairmount with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Fawcett, on Sunday. Messrs. Will Brown and Wea Fothergill have been in the neighbor- hood finishing un the threshing. Miss Elsie Wiley spent the last woek end with her aunt, Mrs. Clara Wiley, in Markdale and attended the anniversary services there. Much sympathy is extended to the family and relatives of the late Mrs. Willard Gilbert of Kimberley, who passed away in Markdale hospital, after a critical operation. Miss Vina Wiley attended the re- cent teachers' convention at Clarks- bu r " Miss Eva Symes of Barrhead is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. Harry Cherry. Harry had his foot jammed in a tru_-k last week while working with tho apple nick- ers at Thornbury, but he is still on duty. K spent tho n-cck end with his wifo and 'amily her'-. The lr-al bram-h o." th^ W. I. will meet this Thrrsday. October "Oth at the home of Mrs. Ernie Boyle. The Layette is now in preparation for sending to the needy in the north. Mr. Aaron Thompso" 1 had t*+ ro : - fortune to ha'-" a coirplc of his ribs h-okon reccntlv. Mr. a"d Mrs. Job" Wyville of Cherry Grove were visitors at the home of Mr. Robt. Brown on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith Celebrate Golden Wedding PROTON STATION Plan to come to the special child- ren and family day service in the Anglican church next Sunday, Nov. 2nd at 3 p.m., following the Su-nday School at 2 p.m. All families are invited, when the pastor. Rev. M. F. Oldham. will deliver a special sermon for children and familiei. In appreciation of kindly service cheerfully given the Anglican ladies presented Mr. Alex. Stewart with a basket of iars filled with preserved fruit. Oh, but those ladies know t!ie way to a man's heart. Mrs. Baguley of Coldwater was a caller in Proton one afternoon last week. ^ Mi;s Leila Jackson and"*Miss Gertie Irish have entered a New York hos- pital to train as nurses. HOLDFAST U. F. W. O. A very j-'casant afternoon was spent at th" home of Mrs. J. K. Mc- Leod, when th- Holdfast U.F.W.O. club held their October meeting Ten members and sever-xl visitors were present. Mrs. B. McKenzie presid- ed. The roll call was ansvered vith '*A man or woman in public lif'-." Mrs. B. McKenzie answered the Bul- letin puestion on "Legislation.' 1 The topic was impromptu speeches, all ladies responding to the subject given her. Som^ interesting discus- sions fallowed. Mrs. E. Purdy gave .lomc interesting pioneer stories. A contest was put or by Mrs. J. K. Mc- Leod. Three prizes were given 1st Hiss Lottie Whittaker, 2nd Mrs. \V. .'Jilv rn, 3rd Mrs. G. Fisher. The a;;- nuu' mc*>tinff will be held Nov. 12th at the home of Mrs. Jake Lever, the roll call to be answered by sugges- tion!- '' next year's work. Lunch was then served and a social hour A very happy time was spent at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam 'niitK Eugenia, on Thursday, 0:to- ber 23, i: being their Golden Wedd ing day. The bride nnd groom "f bo years ago were in good health ami the best of spirits. Mr. Smith, tho' getting close t) 90 years, is still smart, with as strong a mind a-.? ever He is the last survivor ol" a family c ? twelve. Mrs. Smith is still the same bright, cheerful friend as she was fifty years ago. Though he: mother heart Ins sustairoH many crushing blows, they have not crush ed her . She has never lost tha' well-known winning smile. Besif- themselves there were three others who attended the wedding fit.v years ago. being Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Madden. th-> former performing the ceremony; ard Mr. R. SmitK now ot Toronto, who was groomsman. The friends who came from dif- ferent part--, ti tender their 'ori"ratn- lations and wish Mr. ard Mrs. Smith many happy years together, were Rev. and Mrs. G. Sidney Smith and son. Raymond, of Meaford; Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Madden. Mr. and Mrs. E. F,. William?. Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith. Mi-ss Ina Smith and Mr. A. Bates, all of Toronto; Mr. Malard of Cold- water, who came to represent Rev. F. W. Madden, who was prevented hv afflictions in his family: all the children living and nrrandchild'en. were present, thcjp beine M *. Ern- est Morgan, her daughter. Pa'ri<-ia nnd son. Douo-lar. Mrs. G. W. Graham nnd her r^ughter. Phylis; Miss Geor- cena Smith of Toronto. These sat down to one of the most dainty and appetirine repa-sts to be desired. Af- ter all had partaken of the good things provided. Rev. W. H. Mddei was constituted toast-master, and al- ter he had delivered a very stirring address to the bride and orroom pro- nr*ed a toast to them. Then he cal- led on the following people to respon^ to the toast: Rev. ad Mrs. Smith of M>for(I. M-. nnd Mrs. R. Smith, Miss Ina Smith. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. M- A. P~N>s, --<! Mr- W. H. Madden. These -.11 brieflv ; n a *ew \vel' "K^sen words expressing )p h"'^ delurht at 'ipi-n- present on such a happy oc- '~f>ion. '|'h" gifts to the hapvy coup!" were varied, suitable and very mu:h ap- orr -iatod. The following addrc-rs was then re--* to Mr. .T-d Mrs. Smith. * ;. which a very happy compar.y broke up and departed. Tc Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith: Dear Friends. Having learned that you were drawing near to the close 3i a half century i. ' your married life, we, your very intimate friends and well-wishers, desire to embrace this opportunity of expressing to you our congratulations at having arrived U your Golden Wedding anniver- sary. Our Heavenly Father has grr.- ciously sustained you during nil these years, granting you health a-d strength according to your need. t"<retr"-r in peace and good-will. No do; "jt. like many ethers, you have had di'ferences in thought, plin- and purposes, but with due consid- eration each '-ir the othr, you <-<une to a harmonious blending o f tne whole. Your life has no' been ;-~i sunshine. It is not well that i f should be -so: but th?re hns been p*> more night than day. The first 25 years of your married life broueht to vou mv ;h of sunshine* joys were multiplied, and hopes brightened. The coming into your home of the young lives the Heavenly Father so lov- ingly committed to your care, not only brought upon you increased re- sponsibility, but they brought fre^h ioy and deeper love. As those young lives unfolded yot- came to realise more frlly what family life really meant. Not only did you feel that additional burdens were laid upon you. but with the incoming of eac.i new life there came increased love i'nd joy. Life has its changes, th" shadows fall, and your life has been no exception. . Just when IVMIOS were the brightest am' love th" most intense, the dark clouds ectheretl and sorrow deep and "lultiplied sha>" owed your home. These were per- mitted to come upon you because your boys, ss the sins of Canada, re- sDonded to the call to wms in de- fence of our nation's liberty and s. They were permitted to fall, which brought sorrow to all of our hearts: nd we love to think what t-liov were saved <."Voni of pain an'i :.u(Tcrinjr. which so many others have h->rt to endure as the rcsul f of v?.r. May vs not cay, "I 1 ; is Wf-11?" We io;.)gtiize tne fact that you have come to eventide of life's day. You will soon be called upon to pass over tli<> li'ip that divides t\\Yif> from ot<>"- ' nity. We wish vou both that ""t ivontide it mav be Herb'.' 1 Wihin* to show our esteem for you both and ':'.: iK.preciation. If the j enjoyed by us all, we prc.cnt to you I these token.-, of our love. May many happy hours crown th remaining years or your life. Signed G. Sid- nrv Smith, E. L. Williams, F. Wr-lter M:idden, Wm. Henry Madden. About 4 o'clock p.m. a number of ladies asd gentlemen of the village entered their home and pave thorn a little surorise. They beheld in t'ae cornei of the parlor the Golden Aini- [ vcrsary bride and groom seated be- j neath a beaut' jl arch of evergreen j which y.'PS bedecked with flowers of srol<)e:i hi' \ The room was beauti- fully decorated for the occasion. From the centre of the ceiling the ".:mbcr "50" in srolden letter.; ---as suspended over a little table on which were plp.ced the mnr>y gifts. Con- eratuitions were bestowed upon the happy couple, who were rfterwards showered with confetti. Rev. Mad- ^sn Sr cave a h norous and pleas- ing addrer- wh : 'h was listened to attentively bv nil present. On be- r-a'. ' of the old friends of Eueenia ri irrscntatior v*s r.inrfe by Mr. W. Slo-<n of n silver suarar bowl ~id 'reani nivher \vi*-h "old colored ''nine, while Mr-^. Len Larimer read rhe zi'<lri- *. Owin? to Mr. Smith 'iHntr h nr "li.'ar>ned h" deafness, nnd was unable to he-- U' address. Mr*. 'mitV 1 rn hehalf of her husband, heartily thanked, in a few well rhos- .-P word", the Hori-i in- their pift. Both Mr. nnd Mrs. Smith are en- 6*yiB* rood h"ltb i r d on the-'" p-il- den weddinsr <).iv they were the <- P . cinients cf many expressions of the esteem rp<! good wirhes of their "lany friends far "iH near. Amone f he mn-v g' f t : which they received were silver vases, silver trays, gold nieces, towels with gold colored l"ce. bnuouet of daffodils and ionquil-- sid many other pretty things Tho mother was nresented with a lovely ring from the daughters, who also eavc their father n pair of fttt warm blankets of golden tinge. I Before departing the iruests p f the afternoon, some of which were from Flesherton. received a cup of t"?. and a Irnch. which included a piece of the rich wedding cake. A social half hocT of chat was then enjoyed by all. Your correspondent, Mrs. Charles Martin, wrote th followine best wishes to the "Golden Weddinir" miirle am) attached it to her gift cf flowers: i On this, your Golden Wedding day May joy and peace abide alway. And often come on golden wings To bring you life's most precious thingrs. May r>*>eels thei* soft .'vings '' -nlay To guide vou safe o'e- dargi"-'" way; May happiness be e'er your lot, An<! if away forget us not. "y yoc live and heaven's Your every care and rrief be(r''ie. An<' who" vo:i" wedded 'lavs are o'er And earthlv tir--. f-an bind no more. 1 May heen's brcrht gates be opened \V' - ? rt To hail the bridegroom and the bride.' ROCK MILLS Anniversary services were held* in the Baptist church here last Sabbath"! at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. W. B. Wrlker of Chesley had charge of the services and delivered two won- 'ierfr'. p/.er jages, which were greatly enjoyed. The choir sang "Stand up . .r Jesus,' 1 at the morning service, No Paper Next Week and in Ihs evening "When the peai'y gates unfold." Goodly numbers turned out for both services. Mr. and Mrs. Winte-. M-=. Stoness and Mr. Campbell, of Ottawa, visited! on Thursday last with Mr. Thomas) Betts and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whitmore and lamly. of Durham, were visitors *he first of the week wit* Mrs. Whit- mo '* brothers, Charles and W. J.! Newell. Frank Betts was in Toronto on Monday. Dick Cl^rk wa: in Toronto one day, la**, week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar enter- tined a few neighbors to -i pancake sunper Friday evening, '.vhi-.-h was thoroughly enjoyed by those present. Visitors r.t the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Foster were Mr. r>"d Mrs Speer and family, and Messrs. Doug- las Lowry and Bruce Duncan, ofj Corbetton. Miss Audrey Osborne. Centre Line visited with her cousins, Li-lu and Bessie Russell. | Mr. D. Kinnee, of Durham, spent aj few days last week at the mill here.' Messrs. Ned Croft and John Har-; grave made a business trip to Walk-| erton one day the past week. Following our usual custom The Advance staff will take their annual holiday and the paper will n it be published next wek. November 5th. The office will be open for business as usual and the receiving of J".!) work and subscription ac- counts The next issue will be on November 12th. Hunters Leaving The deer hunters are leaving this week end for their respective camp grounds. The High Falls Hunt Club :s this year composed of P. Munshaw, A. Sparks, C. Stewart, R, McDonald, E. Thompson, W. Lever, and George McTavish. The Dargavel Clufc is composed of Jas. Dargavel, D. Will- iams, W. Phillips, Ned Croft, Geo. ^rackcnbrry. R. McMullen nnd three men from Palmerston. WANTED 20 Cords of dry wood in exchange for furniture. Come in and make a deal. EMERSON J. BENNETT Furniture Dealer - Funeral Director Store phone 78. R es . Phone 66w FLESHERTON, ONT. BATES BURIAL CO'V TORONTO .". W. BATES. PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 Formerly of Flesherton R. MAD DOCKS. J ><^"8^>AA t v >x> ^' *******^-0*<9-0-<~0-<~><-**. " House of Quality" Thc annual fo\v4 supper of the East Grey Agrl.-L'.tural Sc;iety will -be held in the town hall, Flesherton, on Tuesday evening o.' next week, Nov. tth. Supper served from 6 to 8 p. n. Aftr the supper commencing at , S p.m.. a program will be given in .1 HIIMI 8 l{.'Il{.tt -, >;_:>! 'U - TUOJtpnB 9"^ ' will fcc given. Both ' round ana squaw dancing wiil be on the card and fin music will be supplied by the "Whirlwind .Orchestra. " Ad- mission: Adults 50c., children 35c. Purina Chows .A car of Purina Chows to arrive in ten days, consisting- of Pig Chow, Cow Chow, Lay Chow, Steer Fatena, Omolene, Calf Chow and ROCK BOTTOM PRICE ^ Cash off the car i Shooting Match | rRnrF ^ s - A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 46 WE DELIVER IN TOWN A Shooting Match will bj held on Friday. October 31st. at the farm of Archie Currie, South Line, Arteme.-ia. Ducks and geese. Shot gun shells supplied. KENNEDY'S GROCERY PEAS 29c 3 Tins Pork & Beans 29c 3 Tins SOUPS 29c 3 Packages Handy Ammoih 3 Packages MATCHES 25c. 2 Dottles Tiger Catsup 25c. Ready-Mixei Cak; Regular 25c. for 23c V * C -> /> - lins CORN 25c 2 Tins Tomatoes 25c 3 Packages RINSO 25c.