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Flesherton Advance, 22 Oct 1930, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1930 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE High School Soccer The football season opened for the local hiirh school in Markdalo two weeks ago when neither of the teams scored n goal. The grounds were wet niul sot'Ky ami the ball heavy, partly explaining the failure of either team hanging uj> a score. Dumlalk visited Kk hcrton and left the local etadium on the small end of of a 3-0 decision. The local gladiator* clear- ly demonstrated their superiority, their combination and team piny car- rying them again and again into truvr rival's jrozU mouth. Feri'is scored early in the panic and repeated later. Akins seord the third and !a.*t goal, and the Dundalk youths departed humbled and despondent. As Dun- dalk eked out a 2-1 decision over Markdale on their home grounds la^t week and the local siji'ad is confident of winning the group and travelling to Thornbury to decide the Georgian Bay district champions. Markdair i scheduled to play Flesherton Wed- nesday of this week, hut the inclem- ency of the weather will probably postpone their slaughter for a few days. MaAdale has to win to remain in the ract:. The local brigade is as lolluws: Goal, Phillips;; backs, Morton and Itanium; hah l>i;c-k ; , .Stewart, C. Cluui. ntnl F.. John.-Qii; forwards, Akir.s, Mfl-'aililen, Kern:-, Fisher, Haw; sub.*, M. Johnston. I'alton and McMaster. Checque Artist Arrested John Heard, formerly of Markdale, was arrested in Ov.-en Sound last v.-eek fur forging cheques at various bank* throughout Grey County. It is alleged that he was attempting to pass another cheque at a Meaford .bank when the suspicions of the tell- i r were aroused and the man left the 'ank at once, promising to come the r.'-xt morning after the manager made an investigation. He was traced to Owen Sound and was later arre.-ted. Fie had previously secured money from the Flesherton and Dur- ham banks in this manner and "the employees at these institution;-, were tailed to Owen Sound on Thursday- last and identified their man as the one who had visited their local branch. Use The Advance Smajl Advts. SHINGLES and More Shingles Vernon Bishop Drowned ! in Lake Simcoe The community of Kimberley WBJ I plunged into deep gloom over the v.tcl: !(! when it learned that a i.:itu. .-on, Wallace Vt-rnon Bishop, had been accidentally drowned in ! Luke Simcoe while duck hunting Vernon, with two companions, was in a ir.iioe, with the wnv'es reported to be running high, when it over- turned, throwing the occupants into the water. One of the men touM not Mvi'.n so Vernon and the other companion struek off for shore, but failed to roach there. The one on the boat was rescued in an exhausted condition. Dragging operations were commenced at once, but up until the 'time of going to press the bodies had i not been recovered. Veinon was born at Kimberley and was the only son of' Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bishop, now of Aurora and tormer residents of Flesherton. He attended public and continuation Eehools at Kimberley and was prom- inent in all forms of athletics, more paiticularly in ba.;eball. Lately he I has been employed as an engineer i with the Hydro Electric Commission in Toronto. He was married and leaves his wife and two small child- ren and also his parents and one sister. Much sympathy is extended v to tho bereaved parents and family ?* in the great IOFS they have so sudden- ly sustained. Every Time The Price of Shingles Drop I^W ^" Fa |[, You Receive The Benefit * Prize Winners Every time the price of shingles drop you et the Drop. A car of 5x 3x and 25x 100' "\ F.djrc grain clear and 100', no sapwood to arrive Auir 18th. I will deliver these shingles at the following prices: No. 1 3x at $3.50 per sq. cash ~ No. 1 5x at $4.10 per sq- cash '%._, No. 2 5x 8in. clear $3.40 per sq. cash A square covers 10 x 10 at Sin to weather Also gal. nails at 7c. per Ib. Don't lay a 30 year roof with a ten year nail and it take only 2 Ibs. to the square to lay No. 1 shingles. The last car sold out in 3 days so place your order early. Telephone 24 and k reverse the charges H. A. McCauley Flesherton Planing & Chopping Mills Flesherton, Ont. X HORSES HEAVY DRAUGHT Team, Jas. Barb":' & Son; 2 year old, Wilbert Fulford. Mrvi Davidson. AGRICULTURAL Team, R. J. Morrison. Jas. Barber & Son; 3 year old. Clifford Bristow. G. W. Ross; Brood Mnre, 2nd R. J. Morri.son; 2 >tar old, Hurry Hannon, Mervin Dav- idson; 1 yeai "Id. Clifford Bristow, Keith Robertson; Spring Colt, R. J. Morrison. GENERAL PURPOSE Wilbert Fulford. G. B. Welton; 2 year old, Wilbert Fuiford; 1 year old, John Hale, G. W. Magce; Spring Colt, Gladwy:- Camnbell. ROADSTER 2 vear old, Gladwyn Campbell; 1 yea:- od, Win. Faddcn, Keith Robertson; Single Driver, Geo. Wilkinson. CARRIAGE Tram. Wallace Skip- pen, JPS. Barber & Son; Single Driv- er Cliff. Bristow. Wallace Skippen; 3 ynr old. Jfs. Barber & Son. SPECIALS Carriage Team, Wall- ace Skipmn, Jas. Barber & Son; Ag- ricultural Team, R. J. Morrison, Jas. Barber & Son; General Purpose team Wilbert Fulford; Agricultural Brood Marc, II. .1. Morrison; Heavy Draught 2-yr.old, Jas. Ottewell Sr.; Agricultural I! year old, C. Bristow; Spring Colt, R. S. Morrison; Carriage .Single Driver, C. Bristow; Roadster Single Urivei, Geo. Wilkinson; Heavy Draught Team Barber & Son; Lady Driver. !:;;. Js. Davidso; Double Ti. :"'tnit, i'-rb'T & Son. CATTI ' .... HOLSTEINS Cow, G. W. Magee; Yearlmg Heifer, G. W. Magee. .SHORTHORNS All prizes to Jas. Oi.te.well Sr. IIEHEFORDS Cow, W. Fadden. JERSEYS Joseph Racik-y. GRADES - - Cow. Allnn McLean, J. A. Kernaliarv, 1 year old Heifer, n. W. Magce. F. Snofford: 2 year old II;:i.V.T, G. W. Magce, John Hale; Ift'fer undtr I year, Jad. Ottewell, G. V/. Magee; 2 year old Steer, Jas. Ot- tewell, J. A. Kernahan; 1 year old Steer, 0. W. Magee, E. Hawton; Steer Calf, Allan McLean, Jas. Ottewell; Best Fat Steer or Heifer,, J. A. Ker- nahan, G. W. Magee. SPECIALS Best Herd. G. W. Magee, E. Hawton; 2 year old Short- horn Heifer, Jas. Ottewell; Shorthorn Bull Calf, Jas. Ottewell; Dairy Ca!t'. over 6 nios. "nd under 1 year, raised by boy or girl under 18, G. W. Magee. SHEEP LEICESTER All prizes to R. H. Ht"-d & Sons. SOUTHDOWN- All prizes to D. Armstrong. OXFORD DOWN All prizes to F. Snoffird. SWINE BERKSHIRE All prizes to Jos. Radley. Northern Spy, J. D. Lougheed, Mrs. A!(\-'. Mo'-ri.son, DAIRY lit Ucr 10 Ib. crock, Mr;. D. Ring, E. Hawton; o Ib. prints of butter, E. Hawton, Ella. Morrison, All'. Hawtan; '.Hrd. Alex. McMullin; Maple Syrup, Klip, Morrison, J D Lougheed; Maple Sugar Ella, Mormon; Clear Honey, J. D. Lougheed, Mrs. D. Ring; Honey Amber, J. D. Lougheed. SPECIALS 10 Ib Crock Butter, Mrs. Dave Ring; lOib. Prints Butter, E. Hawton LADIES' WORK (l.SEFUL) Cotton Pieced Quilt, Mrs. Chas. Long, J.Mrs. J. C. Acttams; Cotton Quilt fancy quilting, Mrs. Adams; QuiJt. a.o.k., Alex. McMullen, Mrs. J C. Adams; Comforter, cotton, Mrs. Adams; Comforter, wool, Mrs. R. J. Morrison, Mrs. F. D. Cairns; Fancy cotton Bedspread, Mrs. Adams Mrs. H. A. McCauley; Fancy Bed- spread a.o.k., Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Wm. Hcitman; Sheets Hand Hem- med, Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. N. Hindle; Hemming on table linen, Mrs. Champ, Mrs. Collinson; Serviceable Work Apron, Mrs. W. G. Kennedy, Mrs. Champ; House Dress, 11ns E A Ruttle, Mrs. F. J. Wiley;' Child's' Dress from old garment. Mr*. Ken- nedy, Mrs. Nicholls; Child's Coat from old garment, Mrs. Ruttle, Mrs. R. J. Morrison; Coarse Wool Socks, Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. Adams; Fine Wool Socks, Mrs. Adams; Pair of Coarss Mitts, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. N. Hindle; Pair Fine Mitts, Mr*. J. C. Adam.<, Mrs. Hindle; Hooked Rug, Mrs. McCauley, (Mrs. B. Ritchie; Braided Rug, Sam Mullen, Mrs. E. A. Rnttle; Kitchen Curtains, Mrs. McCauiry, 2nd No Name; Mending Worn Woollen Hose, Mrs. Ritchie, Mrs. Collinson. SPECIALS Best Homemade House Dress, Mrs. Ruttle, Mrs. W.; Best Child's Dress made from old <jarnient, Mrs. Kennedy, Mis. Heitman; Best Child's (Coat made from old garment, Mrs. Ruttle Mrs. P. J. Morrison. FINE ARTS Hand painted china realistic, Mrs II. W. Kernhin, Mrs. Cairns; Con- ventional design, Mrs. R. J. Morri- son; Stcnsil drsign for wall border, G. W. Ross, Sam Mullin; Poster De- .-ign, Sam Mu : .lin; Pen and Ink Sketch, No Name; Pencil Drawing, architectural design, Mrs. Cairns; Charcoal Skttch S*m Mullin, Mrs. Cairns; Sepia, Mrs. Hawken, Sam Mullin; Basketry, Mrs. Cairns, Mrs. Morrison ; Wood Carving, Mrs. Cairns. Mrs. Morrison; Collection of Snapshots, Robt. Vause, G. Ross. (Continued Next Week) - ~-~^W*.*VW~S M :~M^~:~X~XK~X I Small Advts. Losf or Straved THE STORB WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Big October Sale Ladies' Fine Quality Mroadcloth Coats lavishly trimmed with fur consisting of five different styles, all this season's best '.numbers. Coats that are selling for a lot more money Colors black, navy and brown. Kxtra special $24.75. GIRLS' WINTER COATS Ciirls' Coats, sixes H to 14 years. Nice quality materials, well made with fur and cuffs. Wonderful value 1 . Specially priced at S5.S5 and Sn.X5. LADIES' DRESSES 30 F .alies' Dresses, all different styles. Tin the lot are Dresses that sold up to S22.50. Made of the finest silk mater- I ials. r.rouped in one lot. Your choice , for $495. I Underwear Specials Men's Fleece Lined Underwear Men's popular warm Kleccc Lined Underwear in all sixes, shirts and draw- ers. Sale price 59c. a garment. Men's Mottled Fleece Underwear Men's Mottled Fleece Underwear, Ti- #er and Atlantic and other well known brands. All sixes. Shirts and drawers. On sale at 89c. a garment. Men's Heavy Ribbed Underwear An outstanding value. .Some arc all- wool and wool and cotton, extra heavy winter weight. All size's. Shirts and drawers. 95c. a garment. Boys' Fleece Lined Underwear A nice quality, j^ood weight Fleece lined Underwear for boys, all sizes 22 to 32. On sale at 49c. each. Women's Winter Weight Underwear Wonderful values in Vests and Draw- ers. Lines that sell much higher. On sale while we have them, vests and drawers, o9c. e'ach. Children's Unrerwear Children's Vest and Drawers, good heavy weight and the price much less than you usually pay. Vest and Draw- ers each 30c. Sow, R. J. Morrison. G. W. Ross; Sow 1 year old. G. W. ROM, R. J. Morrison; Sow Pig 1930,' E. Hawton, R. J. Morrison; Herd, G. W. Ross, R. J. Morrison. TAM WORTH All prizes to Gen. W. Ros*. SPECIALS Best Brood Sow, G. W. Ros:', R. J. Morrison; Best Pen of Bacon Hogs, G. W. Ross, E. Hawton. POULTRY Brahma, .Ta-j. Berber; Barred Rock, W. D. Connor, Mrs. Chester Long; White Rock, Connor Jas. Barber; Rock A.O.V.. Connor; Silver Wyan- dotte, Connor; White Wyandottc, Jas. Barber; Rhode Island Red, Barber: Brown Leghorn, Male, Connor, Barbel- Female, Barber; Buff Leghorn, W. D. Connor; White Leghorn, Connor, Mrs. Alex. Morrison; Black 'Minorca, male Connor, Barber, Female, Connor; Puft Orpington. Barber; A.O.V. Orpington, Turkey Male, Mervin Mullin; fem- ale. J. D. Lougheed; Toulouse, Mrs. F. D. Cpima, J. A. Kernahan; Gcest A.O.V.. Barber. Alex. Morrison; Pe- kin Ducks Male, Barker, J. A. Ker- nahan; female. Barber. Mrs. Alex. Morrison; Rouen Duck, Barber; Pig- eons, Mrs. Alex. Morrison; Chin- chilla Rabbits, G. W. Ross. SPECIALS Pen White Leghorns, Mrs. Alex. Morrison, J. D. Lougheed; Best pen 6 Market Chickens, Mrs. Chester Long; Best pair Geese, Mr*. F. D. Cairns, Jas. Barber. GRAIN Whit? Fall Wheat. Alf. Hawton, Robt. Vause; Amber Fall Wheat, A. McLean; White Oats, D. Stephens, Mi.;. F. D. Cairns; Barley, Alf. Haw- ton, Andrew Morrison; Large Peas, A. McLean, D. Stephens; Small Pens, Corn in Stalk, J. I). Loughced; Oat SheaV, G. W. Ross, E. Hawton; Bar- dog, black and tan i short hair and tail. Answers to name of Mickey. Finder please notidy E. Proctor, Eugenia. CAME ASTRAY Came to my premises some time ago a yearling steer. Owner prove property and pay expenses. Percy Magee.Eugenia. FOR SALE Pastry flour 75c. per J3.25 per 98 Ib. bag; Bran $1-25 per cwt.;Shorts $1.30 per cvvt.; Middlings, $1.50 per cwt.; Bar- ley $19.00 per ton; Oats, Wheat Coal. Phone 38 r 3, C. A. Muir, Ceylon.. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, on Highway, A Any information thankfully Levi. Duckett, Maxwell. STRAYED Small 2 year "old brindle heifer, tag on right ear with the name R. A>len on it, 'from lot 3 Con. 13, Osprey, about Oct.l6th. In- formation thankfully received by Jos. Sewell, Feversham. Tp. Z mile- swamp and pasture. , Any reasonable offer will be con- sidered. For particulars apply to L. R. Thistlethwaite, 24 Conner Ave., Toronto 6. For Sale FOR SALE Good driving Wm. Inkster. Flesherton. FOR SALE Choice Oxford Down ram lambs Geo. Stewart, phone 33 r 21, Flesherton. FOR SALE Reg. Oxford Town ram lambs and ewe lambs. Claude Akins, Phone 41 r 12. FOR SALE 2 yearling Oxford Down rams, eligible for registration. --Robt. Gorley, Eugenia. BOAR FOR SERVICE Young Registered Tarn worth Boar | for service on lot 160, Con. 2, S.W.T. & S. R., Artemesia. R. J. STEVENS, R. R. 3, Proton Station. BOAR FOR SERVICE i Boar for service at Lot 177, King'* , Highway, purebred Yorkshire hog, bred from prize winning stock. RUSSELL HILL FOR SALE Good big work horse about 1600 Ibs. Jas. Ferris, phone 40 r 4. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Berkshire Boar for ser- vice at lots, 161-153, 1st in 16 months class at Royal Winter Fair 1929 and (reserve grand champion. Fees, $2.00 | at time of service. H. C. Radley. FARM FOR SALE In the Township of Artemesia 120 ' Armstro "g- Flesherton. . W.T.&S.R., half mile from station, FOR SALE-About 20 bred-to-lly J V' le9 /J Flesh ton. ami buik - Goo-t SOM HERE ARE A FEW GROCERY SPECIALS .Granulated Sugar 10 Ibs. for ............ 47c. Purity & Robin Hood flour, bag .... $2 95 Shorts, per cwt ................................. $1.20 P>ran, per cwt ................................... $1.15 Hulk Dates .2 Ibs. for ........................ 19c. Seedless Raisins, 2 Ibs. for ................ 21c. Concentrated Soups, assorted varie- ties, 5 pkgs. for ...................... 25c. Imported Valencia Raisins 2 Ibs ..... 23c. Lran; Oats. U. Stephens, Mrs. F. D. Cairns; Coll. of Grain, A. McLean. ROOTS f VEGETABLES Potatoes Dooley or Delaware, J. J. Ottewell Jr., Robt. Vause; Green Mountain Potatoes, Ella Morrison, J. Radk-y; Irish Cobblers, Mervin Mul- lin, J. A. Kernahan; Celery, \V. A. Hawken, Mrs. J. C. Adam.;; Mangold Wurtzels long, Robt. Vause; Mangold Wi'i-tJ-.els Globe, Sam Mullin. Joseph Radley; Swede Turnips, A. Hawton, Jas. J. Ottewell; Sugar Mangolds. Mervin Mullin, Jos. Radley; Blood Beets Long, Robt. Vau.-.e, Mrs. F. D. Cairns; A.O.V. Blood Beets, Robt. Vause. Mrs. John Smith: Carrot-.!, tarly Horn. G. W. Ross. Mrs. W. A. Hawken; Field Carrots, Robt. Vause, Sam Mullen; Parsnips, Robt. Vnuse, J. D. Lougheed; Onions from Seed, Mrs. H. A. McAulay, Sam Mullin; Top Onions, Robt. Vause, Mrs. N. Hindle; Potato Onions, A. McLean, Robt. Vnuae; White Beans, E. Haw- ton, 2nd ; Butter Beans, M. Campbell, Alex. McMullin; Table 'orn, J. D. Lougheed, Mrs. Norman Flesherton, phone 11 r 24. FOR SALE Standard cream sep- arator in good shape. Mrs. E. Mor- ' gan ( Eugenia, phone 23 r 12. J. L. McMULLEN, Ceylon. FOR SERVICE sA,,r r ,.,. JJSS. **. ?. sur^ .! - A " em ""-^ cita " bett, Cloverbrae Farm, Proton. Hindle; Wnningstndt, No names for 1st and 2nd; Red Cabbage, W. A. Ilawken, Robt. Vause; A.O.V. Cab- bage, W. A. Ilawken, Alex. McMuI- len; Cauliflower, Rob" Vause, W. A. Hawkcn; Squash, J. I). Lougheed, W. Heitman; Pumpkin, Myrtle Campbell Mr.!. John Smith; Vegetable Marrow, Alex. McMullen. Sam Mullin; Water- melons, Sam Mullin; Citrons, J. D. Ixnigheed, Ella Morrison; Cucumbers, Sam Mullin, E. Hawton: Muskmelon, Mrs. J. F. Collinson; Winter Radish, Snm Mullin. SPECIALS Coll. Roots, Alf. Hawton, Allan McLean; Best Half hu. Potatoes, Jas. .T. Ottewell; Best !1 Head Cabbage, W. A. Hawken. FOR SALE Two Oxford Down ram lambs, well bred, also 20 cords of dry wood. George Thompson, phone 31, Feversham. ~FOR SALE Pnir purebred Ox- ford Ram-. o" lamb and one shear- ling, also ten nurebred ewes for sale or to let on shares. I? . Snofford, Eugenia, phone 2 r 2 Feversham. FOR RENT A good six roomed house, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, stable, hen house and garage, op- posite high school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. 3. lets, 30 yearling hen?, two young Cows due t'i freshen in December, Richard Allen, ring 45-21, Fleh- erton. FOR SALE Purebred Hereford bull calf and purebred Leicester ram lamb. Laurie Pedlar, phone 42 r 3, Fleshcrton. "FARM FOR SALE in the i9th con. Proton and the second lot. This farm has a lot of good timber and there are 15 acres of cleared land. Apply to Mrs. Catherine Stewart, Proton Station, for price and terms. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ar- ivice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Terms: .1 per cent. Satisfaction guarnteed Dates made at The Advance office. M1DDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc. Oficea Owen Sound, Durh*n Flesherton. Flesherton eveiy . ^ , * Saturday jrfternoon and BUSINESS CARDS Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. i S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- |versity of Toronto. Ga^s administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto street, Fleeherton. APPLES Talman Sweet. Mrs. A. ; Morrison; Wealthy, Mrs. Wm. Fuddrn Iv Hnwton; Dvlies'i, Kiln Morrison, G. W. McDonald; Alexander, Robert Miscellaneous WANTED Box stove. Mrs. W. J. Stewart, Flcaherton. NOTICE Chopping on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. G. C. Graham, Eugenia. Prince Arthur Lodge, 833, A. F. $ A. M. meets in the Masonic Hall, Ana* strong Block, Flesherton every Frl day on or before the full moon. W. M, C. N. Rkhardaon, Secretary, B, A. McCauley. Wm. Knit t ing, Licensed Auctioneet for the counties of Grey and Simcoe Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terma moderate, satisfaction guur- and dates Snow, Mrs. Alex. Morrison; Rtissett. nnd , . Robt. Vause, Mrs. Alex. Monon; Mitelu ' u - Flesherton. uewUM from Geo. addressing me at Eugenia. telephone 43 r 11, Flesherton or by

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