Aol. 50, NO. 2! Flesherton, Ontarie, October 22, 1930 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors EUGENIA Miss Georgina Smith of Toronto ROCK MILLS CEYLON PROTON STATION i^>a i_i v >./* {) tiic* vjiinvii ' * . v v*w isiting with her parents, Mr. and for a few Mrs. Adam Smith. Mr. Donald Henning, teller in the Bank of Toronto, Feversham, visited with Messrs. Ken Kaitting and Bert Kerton at the home o'i' Mr. Wm. Kaitting. - f f% '} Messrs. Bates Fawcett and Ralph Largs are visiting in Toronto a? present. Don't forget about the chicken pic supper to be held in the basement of the United Church on Friday even- ing, November 7th. Mrs. Middleton and daughter. Xancy, have gone to Toronto. Mas- ter Ronald remained here and i-s at- tending high school in Flesherton. The teachers and pupils are busy preparing for a Hallowe'en social to be held on Friday evening, October 31st, in the school house. Every- g will be in keeping with Hallow- e'en. Lunch will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Falconer and We have had a real taste of winter s and there is quite a depth cf snow, and at time ctf writ- ing- it is still snowing heavily. Anniversary services will be held in 'Rock Mills Baptist church next Sabbath, October 26. at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. W. B. Walker of Chesley will conduct the services. All are in- vitad to attend. This community extends its deep- est sympathy to Mr. and Mi j. Alex. Cameron and family, in their hour of such great sorrow, by the sudden pa;. Ar.% of their only daughter, Mu- riel, at the early age o,f 16 years. The annual meeting of Unity U. F. W. 0. will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 5th, at the home of MM. Thos. Betts. All members are requested to be present. Mr. A. Talbot and Mr. Moore, fron. near Dundalk were recent visitors with the former's cousin, Mrs. Waltei Rujsell. Miss Viola White of Markdale was a visitor at her home here over the of Oshawa is her Dever Bros, have purchased Mr. R. While'.; stock of frroeeries, ni-.' it lo their store across the str:et. The W.M..S. ar.nua: thankoffering- service was held in the United chu^h !ajt W^dnesdav afternoon. Owing left Friday svemng for a two weeks - -. . ' to so many other everts takmy place Mr. J. B. Cur.:mins ->; king friends here. Mrs. Sinclair visited with daughter in Toronto last week. Mr. F. Marshall and son, Clarence, of health ors with Mr. andifrs. Chris. Thomp- passing of their beloved daughter, son l?st week. Muriel. Mrs. Sai-ecri 01 Khedive, Sask., is ' *'* ^ 3 sorrv to "P " Mr ' Thos ' riail : :u-:. and aunt, Mr. and Drcwn in a verv poor Mrs. Chi:.. Thompson, Present. 'r. a^'i M:-.-. Moore of Collingwood were recent visitors with Mr. Samuel Brownriilge. children are gone to Egremont j Township to be with the former's I week end ' grandmother. Mrs. Harrbon, who is j Mr - and Mrs - Ellwood Partridge quite ill at present. We hope she i visited for a few days with Toronr, will soon recover. uriends. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McMillan and Margaret of Markdale vuited over the week end with Mrs. Wilson. Our beautiful autumn weather was soon curtailed by the entry at Sir PRICEVILLE Intended For Last Week. There are a number of people W)r)'i, who. we believe, was just , around here sick with the flu. around the corner, by the amount of ; Mr M|1|Tay Nicho , n3 been snow he bestowed upon Old Mother ;ed to tes ,. h at ^Tiite Fish, near Sud- Earth. We hope for a few fine ! bury. We wish him every succsss. days, as there are many turnip crops This is his fi r st school. in the fields yet. A "umb>r from here attended the Mrs. Percy Magee is laid up with 3 "" 81 * " 3 shower on Tuesday ev- ~ a severe cold at time of writing. We 'ening for Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lin- ton, pee Florence McCannell. at her a f W h llda> ' S at hope she will soon be better. home ir Proton . A ver> . i arKe num . Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston of her was present. The bride and Flesherton visited with the latter's groom received many beautiful and sister, Mrs. Bert Magee, and fam-'-ostlv pifts. Uy, recently. i Mr. Clifford Hincks and sister, , 'Beth, who a>-e attending the Toronto We offer our heartiest congratu- XT . ,, . ., . . .Normal School, soent the week ena lations to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith, at tneir home. who are ctlebrating their 50th wedd- ' Master Douglas WVir. second son ing anniversary on Thursday. Oct. . of Mr. i>,'d M*-s. Jim Weir, and tw u 23. May they be spared many more children f Re v . !>nd Mrs. Bartleti. years of happy wedded life. ' had their tonsils removed in Durham hospital last week. ^^~~~~~~~ Mr. John Brown is visiting Ms , niece-, Mrs. Peter McDonald, Booth- Mr. ad Mrs. T. J. Maynard, An- vill - nan, announce the engagement of ' Mr. ard Mr,. nn Campbell are en their sister, Helen Isabelle. to Mr. Robert Henry Linley of Maxwell, the ' M . and Mrs. Allie McLean ami marriage to take place the latter part Mrs. Smith were up in Owen Sound of October. last week. _ Mrs. Charles Tucker and Mrs. Stanley Harrior and Mr. Alfred Hincks -sne"* the week end at their home:: here. Mr. Geonre Arrowsmith. Ceylon, is building an addition to Mr. Hermic McLean's barn. Messrs. tVm. Ramage, H. B. Mc- Lean. and Wm. Aldcorn. took in the Owen Sound fair. Mr. Win. Ramage spent th? week end with friends at Annan. Mrs. St?phenson and son. Bob, and Jim Stephen-son. Markdale. spent a few days *t Mr. D. Hincks'. Mr. and Mrs. James Oliver and daughter returned after spending- three months visiting ir the wester- provinoes. Subscribe to The Advance Telephones : Business 78 Residence 6&. Emerson J. Bennett Furniture- Funeral Service Hon. Graduate of Ontario School of Embalming & Funeral Directing OUR SERVICES ARE REN- DERED AT MODERATE CHARGES MOTOR EQUIPMENT EXTRA FINE QUALITY Men's Gaps Fancy Pure Wool Sweaters and a full line of Men's Winter Underwear W. G. Kennedy Phono 37 - Kl.KSHKRTOX hunting holiday trip in the north, j Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith of To- ronto were week end visitors at Mr John Gibson's. Mr. John Melia and son, Charles, ol Toronto motored up the first of the week. Mr. Jchr. M'jWi'Viams purchased the residence he is now occupying from Jas. W. McMullen l'/t week. Mrs. Cecil Archibald of Proton spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cushnie and Mr. and Mrs. Will Crosken of To- ronto were week end visitors at R. Cook's. Mr. L. Wauchope of Proton has charge of the section here during the absence of Mr. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs Walter Griffen and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Griffen and son, Donald, of Toronto were vi-sitors Saturday with their sister, Mrs. White. Mr D. Muir rrd Stanley Chesr.ey motored to Toronto. WeKand and other points with a truck load of potatoes on Saturday. Mr. Crdft of Rock Mills was s week end visitor at Mr. Chesney's. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fletcher was invaded by brothers anci sister? and close relations on October 15th. it being the occasion of another milestone being 1 passed by Mr. Fletc'her. he being 80 years age on that date. The house was prettily decorated and at hijrh noon 24 guests sat down to a sumptuous fowl dinner. The table looked lov- ely with asters and dahlia;, the centre being adorned with a three- ffory birthday cake with SO pink candles thereon. The cake and dec- orations \vere the work r\" Miss Ida McDonald. Cre.'more. After ample justice had been done, all repaired to the living room, when a splendid program was disposed o' consisting of speeches, musi . song and rea i- injr, along with prod wishes from the coimany for many mor? hapny birthday-. Many photo snap* were token, 'which in the year? to come will he happy reminders. Mr. FI:tcher also received many beautiful gift?. The euests present wore Mrs Vc-DonaM. daughter, Mis< Ida. Mr. John McDonald. Mr. and M^s. Hood "f Creemore. Mr. nrrl Mrs. H Prll, Mr. ard Mi -. Jir.i FLtcher and Miss Poo!o it Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. Wolfe !<."<] (ia'-^hter of nrhnm. Mr. O r iver, Mr. Ridsdalc and daughter. Norms, of Gait. Mr. nml Mrs. James Bratty of Orange Valley. Mrs. Glen McGce and daughter IVrothoy. of Vandeleur. Mi . R. Whittaker and son. I. B.. of the 4th lino. This com m unity also extends it best wishes to Mr. Flet?her. Mr. George Snell had a very suc- cessful barn raising the past week. Mr Whittaker of Pricevillo visited his sister. Miss Lottie, at Mr Henry Stone's the first of the week. Miss Blanche Genoe. who is attend- ing business college t Orangeville. spent the week end at her home here. IN MEMORIAM McGIRR In loving memory of our dear husband and lath. r. Robert S. McGirr, who passed away Oct. 25, 1928. Memories always wander When twilight shadow.? faH, Ba.-k to the days of happiness, Days beyond recall. When a vision comes before i's. So calm, so dear, so sweet. Of those dear lips so silent, Whose eyes were closed in sleep. Sadly missed by Wife & Daughter IN MEMORIAM MUNSHAW In loving a"d affec- tionate memory of our dear mother, who pos.-ed to the beautiful home be- yonH three years ago to-day, October 23"d. 1 927. Three years ago to-dy our darling mother passed away; What would we give, her hand to clasp, her patient face to see: Ti> l-c-,r hor voicp. to see her smile A i" lh^ dnv? tr-"' t: -.;' to ho. Remembered always. The Faniilv. at the same time, it was not as well attended su usual. Mrs. (Rev.) Baker cf Dundalk district gave an interesting ta.k on the theme, /What the W.M.S. stands for." Mrs. Will Acru:on gave an appropriate read- ing. AVcernoon tea was served at the close. Our teacher. Miss Webster, is on th: iick list. Mr. Lloyd Wau-hope of the C.P.R. : section here is retiring this week for : the forcmanship oj the Flesherton < section. Mi j. Wau.-hope is visiting ! her parents in Flesherton. Miss Margaret Turner spent last v.-cek with her aunf, Mr:. Vause. Mrs. Hemphi.l returned le:-: week fi;im a visit to Toronto, bringing with her her baby granddaughter, Gra.t Glazier. Arnold Hevcott rv Toronto spent Sunday at the parental home. Mr. and Mrs. McAllister of Dur- ham were ca!lers in and around Pro- ton one day week. Mrs. Mc- Allister, whose maiden name wa; Eva Rutherford, was many yean ago a resident of this v.llage and was re- newing acquaintances with some of her girlhood friends. Intended For Last Week. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Pallister and dar?hter and Mr. Sugecn otf Khedive. Sask., motored here last week and are visit.nsr with friends in this locality at 1 ton's mother. Mrs. j resides with her daughter, Mrs. Allan McLean, Anniversary services were held in Mount Zion church a week ago Sun- i; . Ri-v. \V. J. Scott of Flesherton preached and his messsage was very much enjoyed by a large attendance. The choir rendered special numbers suitable for the occasion. Miss Johnston attended the Teach- ei i' Convention at Clarksburg and we present. Thorn- understand contributed something to Geo. Pallister, the program. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Visited their son, Dr. Robert Morton and his wiie Mr. anH Mr?. Ebv --ner.t Sunday in Pittsburg. Pa., They were ac- with friends ir. Port Elgin. companied by Dr. and Mrs. Murra> Mr. and M-s. Frank Uawes ann and in their tour passed through five little daughter, Nonv.a, of Burford 3t ates. enjoying the trip immensely. Intended For Last Week. Threshing activities <,ire nearing completion in this neighborhood. Mes- srs. J->ck -on and TMbot have been doing jrood work, ard leave behind them wl' f'll*-' 1 c'-a"aries. Mv. ar' M"s. Lome Hodgin. who were recently marrird. are moving into th"'- "'w home in this village. Ma\ they have a happy and prosper- ous life together. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. nnrf Mrs. Hueh Hod?in were: Mr. and Mrs. Herb. McCIure. and Mr. and Mi--. Howard MeClu-e anti two chil- dre" nf Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. McAllister of Dundalk were callers o- Mrs. Park and daujrh- to- Guests frnm Toronto at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Park are: Mr. -H Mrs. Geo. William-.;. Mr. and Mi -;. Harold Shuger and babe, and Mrs. McBu.-ney. Mrs. Turner sntnt the week end with hei sister. Mrs. Vause. Miss Gladys Whitn. B.A.. who has been the caoab'e tea.-her of th; hi.srh school st'.uiies in the Bible school here, has taken a position in a school i- Kentucky. v/ere visitoi with Mrs. D-.y.ves' aun:, Mrs. Coluusttf, last week. Mr?. Bl-ck !>r.d three children 01 .A Hertford vi.iifi' with th^ former's ^:ster, Mrs. G. Eby, ar.d family las; week. Our nublie school teacher* attended the teachers' convention -t Clarks- burg on Thursday and Friday last. Mrs. White r>f Hen*a! was the guest of Mr. .\r.d Mrs. Eby last week, recently. Mr. J->s. Ebv. who hns been in the employ 01' rho A. & P. stores in To- ronto, has been moved to Colling- wood with -promotion. Another of oui- Feversham boys making gooo. Congratulations. James. Splendid congregations are attend- ing th<> meetings in the Gospel Workers,' Mrs. L. Lyons and children visited* with relatives at Meaford. Mr. Willard Blakey has gone to Toronto where he has secured employ- ment. Mrs. R. Me Master. George and Verdun of Flesherton and Mr. and Mr.-. Wilfred McMaster of Meaford were visitors with friends here VANDELEUR church here. ROCK MILLS PUBLIC SCHOOL 4th Murray Fisher 88. Jack Eng- lish 85. Leslie Speley 79. Leila Clark 71. St"w-rt Fost- 60. Ruth Russeil 56. Laura Russell 52. Leo Patton 76. not Banked. Sr. 3 Lulu Russell 88. Jack Mon- nehan 85. Iva English 83. Lawrence Mr. Cole, who spent the past- couple Phillips 80. Robt. Clark fi7 and Lloyd of weeks here, returned with them. Partridge 57 not ranked. Mr. Rus?el Freeman had the mis- Jr. 3 M*ry CNrk 94. Ruby Mon- fortune to break a bone in his wrist About two feet of snow on the ground at time of writing. A play entitled "Beads on a String" was given by Flesherton talent in the church here on Friday evening of last week, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. It was a good play and a!! the actors took thier parts well and it was much enjoyed by thosi? present. Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston Miss Brown and Mr. Frank Davis motored to Toronto and spent the week end. aghan 87 Roy Fisher 6P. I !e ne Rus- by out of an app , e one day recently. Mr. Howard Graham attended the FEVERSHAM READ THE SMALL ADVTS. The fiist snow of the season cams here on Friday night and there has fallen abcoit eighteen inches and it :> :ill snowing on Monday. Sleighs and ci.ttrs came into the village on Monday. A very sudden chanpe from the fine weather up to Wednes- day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. L Lonjr of Toronto sfpent Sunday with friends in this locality. Mr. James Eby. whose parents lived in this village, has ! en promoted to the managership of the A. & P. -.tore in Collingwood. James' many friends here congratulate him on his promotion. Mr. John Conn of the Tenth Line got badly hurt re -ently when he .'ell off a load of logs which he was taking to a mill in Sinsrhampton. He has a rad cut on the side of his head and has severe' ribs broken. He will b: confined to his bed for for.-.e time, as he i - an elderly man. Miss Dorothy Robinson, who has been Seo.-Treas. of the Presbyi.rian Ladies' Aid here for some tiiv... anJ having resigned her pc-.ition on ac- count of leaving to attend the Orang--"- ville business college, was presented by th: Aid with an address and a lovely Bible and a ladies' wardrobe box of buffed leather. The Aid held their monthly meeting at Dor- othy's honri last week. What might have been a serious accident by two cars in collission occurred recently on the county roatl east of Maxwell when the cars of Mr. Henry Coulthard and Mr. Harry Thornhury-jideswipcd each othjr on account of one of the ears being on the wrong side of the road. Both car* were considerably damaged, but no person was seriously hurt. Mrs. Merrit Kerr of Clarksburg visited with Mrs. Colquette lash > -V-. Mr. and Mrs. William Wa!ter> nml daught:r. Lillian, and Mr. Fred Wal- and son of Toronto, jwere visit- fell and Mabel Shier and Elsmour Shier rot ranked. 2nd Russel Phillips 98. Loreen English 7!>. Fred Betts 65. and Fred Youn * Feo P Ie ' s Convention in Owen Partridge 62 not ranked. Sound and the O.S.T district meet- 1st Edna Partridge S3. Glen Croft in ? at Milk-reek, during the past 58 not ranked ,-nd Bessie RusseH week, "bsent. ________ Sr. Pr - - \rtliur Bttts PO, Chester BORN *" ; Shier 85, Cecil Shier 76. Ted Croft 75. '_ Jr. Pr. Gordon Shier 90. Phyllis Partridvro 80. Harry Fisher 60. A Hazel Wilkinson, Orville Rus- sell. Amanda Fisher. The numbers are pre cent., those ^~~~ rot ranked missed one or more exams. ST. MARY'S CHURCH SERVICES Number on roll 37. av. att. 33.7. Mrs. F. J. Seeley. Teacher. Next Sunday. Oct. 26, will be ob- served as children's and family PORTLAW Day in St. Mary's Anglican church. Maxwell. Sunday School will be Our sincere sympathy is extended to held at 6:15 p.m. and Divine Service WHITE In Artemesia on Thurs.. October ItHh, 1930, to Mr. ami Mrs. Roy White, a daughter. Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Caiv.eron in their t::re of deep sorrow through the at 7 p.m. AH children and familie are invited to this sen-ice. * > BATES BURIAL CO'Y. DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PARLORS 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 :. W. BATES. Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS. H^<^^^ "House of Quality" Purina Chows \ car of Purina Chows to arrive in ten days, consisting of Pig Chow, Cow Chow, Lay Chow, Steer Fatena, Cmolene, Calf Chow and y <* ROCK BOTTOM PRICE Cash off the car .- - Jas. A. Stewart I GROCERIES PHONE 46 WE DELIVER IN TOWN x~>-H'^:->A->A^'>w>>*<fr^