I I t Vol. 50 No. 19 Resherton Ontario, October 8, 1930 W. H. Thurston& Son, Proprietors PRICEVILLE CEYLON C.UGEN1A A number of the farmers are busy. Mrj. White is visiting with friends taking up their potatoes. i in Toronto. Miss Kate McMillan of Fleshertoi: Mrs. Wilson McMullen, who for the spent '-he past week :.. Citing with her past month has been visiting her friend, Mrs. Edgar Patterson, | daughter in Toronto, has returned Mrs. Annie McEaehern returned home. home ?fter spending :. month \vith | Dr. Patterson and son, George, Mr. friendj in Toronto. Mis; Retn Patterson of Armstrong and Mr. Grant Cantley of an I'ie California, is spending ;i couple of months with her brother, Mr. Edgar Patterson. Mrs. Monn cf Owen SovnJ was a rccert o;u~8t wth the Missus Jn ;".>. Dr. and Mrs. Dixon and Mrs. Fish- Xiagara F?lh sp<~nt a few days witii Mr. and "Mrs. Den Cr-.upbLll .ir.d with Mrs. K-,te MeArthur. Miss Mary McEaehern has return- ed home after vidtins: with friends in Ower ?o"nd. Miss Mary McKinnon visited at Mr. Charles Ferguson's recently. Dr. and Mrs. Dijcjrt and Mrs. Fish- er, t' Calgary, spent a few clays at Mr. A"RUS McLausrhlin's. The engagement is announced of Miss Orma Menser of Owen Sound to Mr. Archie MeCuaig. the mar-iag;> to take place the middle of October. Miss Frarcos McEaehern. nur^-in- training in Durham hospital, spent a week with her mother, Mrs. Anna MeE-cher". We congratulate M's. Dan Camp- bell on winning sixteen fi"St prizes at Markdale fair. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McDonaM and son, Douglas, of Collirtrwood, and Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan of Fleshertor. w visit"--! the first of thr> w-k pt A. L. Hin"k'. A pnm^T from her" Pttnded the funeral f t^e l"te M-s. Herbert Love (nee Mary McQv:een) formerly of Durham. o~lv dau^htT of Mr. and Mrs. John McQueen of Durham. The funeral sp'-vico w < held at hr lat.? home and was conducted by Rev. R. G. Stewart. Interment was made in Dromore cemd'.ery. She leaves to mourn her loss " loving husband and two small children. a srirl and a boy. The funsr"! on Sunday was nne of the largest ever sen in Egrmont. Much symwthy is expressed for the Mes-,rr Alex. McEaehern. Chrl?s McKinnon. .Tosenh Black. Donnie Gil- Wm. Scktt nd - of others fr^m Toronto motored UP and took in tlip fall he 1 -' or Friday last. Th^ d?y w^s ?n ideal one and e large crowd was present. MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Priestly and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morrison visited Sunday with Mr. und Mrs. Langdon at Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Heron. Buffalo, spent the tiast week with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Heron. It is over thirty years since Mr. Heron has been back on a visit. Mr. Johnston of Dundalk spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. E. Buckingham. We are sorry to report Mr. Thos. Guy under the doctor's care. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coulter and family arc visiting Mrs. Coulter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fields. I Miss Annie Priestly spent a few j Toronto motored up for the weak end and spent it with M'-. and Mrs. D. McLeod. Dr. and <Mrs. West and two children of Angus, Mrs. Annie McKnight of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith of Sh"lburn were \veek end visito-. i with Mr. and Mrs. Richard \Vhittakcr and f-mily. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair motored to Owen Sound for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Will Walker and babe of Eugenia spent the first of tho week at Mr. S. HimohiH's. Mr. and Mrs. McGechnie and fain- , ily of Priceville sport the first of tha week "t Mr. G:o. Arrowsmith's. The service on Sunday afternoon : was taken by Pov. Mr. Lawric of Walters Falb, who gave an inspiring ' addrsss. The harvest service will be held on Sunday nest, October 12th and will bo take" bv Rev. Pone of Maxwell. Special music will be sup- ] plied f"'- the occasion. It is hoped there will be a large attendance. It wr> learned with deepest r3gret in this village on Wednesday of las: ' week of the sudd:n passing of Mrs. [ Henry Matthews (nee May Bennett), eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i Henry Bennett, who passed away at her home in Shelburne on Sunday, $ept:mber 28th. She was born in England 33 years ago and came with her parents and three sisters to this place, where Mr. B:nnett worked on the section and was held in the high- est esteem. About thirteen years ago ' the family moved to Shelburne, where they have since resided. She leaves \ her sorrowing husband a little son j and an infant son, to mourn the loss ; of a loving wife and mother. She also leaves h:r parents and five sis- ters: Mrs. Alwood Harrison (Ethel) of Shelburne, Mrs. Geo. Day (Alice) of Detroit. Mrs. Earl Fleming (Flor- tnce) of Toronto, Mildred an-1 Hilda of Shelburne. A short service was heir 1 at th<> home afterwards the re- mains baing taken to St. Paul's Anglican church, where the service was cnductpd by her pastor, Rev. K. F. Hurford, who gave comforting message to the bereaved. Interment took place in the Shelburne cemetery The pallbearers w:re Messrs. S. Rands. B. Moncrief, T. W. McBrHe, I A. H. Jelly, B. H. Crawford and F. G. j Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will Kaitting were Mr. and Mrs. Ernia Davidson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiley of Feversham and son, Cecil, of Collingwood, Messrs. Lloyd Moore, Rozell Conn and Frank Lyght and the Misses Mary and Ver- na Long, Minerva Conn and Emily Moor? of Feversham. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Parson and babe, 8th line, and Mrs. J. H. Seeley and children of Markdal: visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. John Parson In the village. M". and Mrs. Hopkins of Toronto visitc;! over the week end with Mrs. W. E. Morgan and family. Mi-;s Jean Young, who has spent the past few weeks with her brother, Fred, and wife, left Sunday for Pro- ton, where she will enter the Bible school. We wish Jean every success. Mr. Russell Cameron has returned to Toronto University. We wish him another successful term. This neighborhood was sorry to hear of the sudden illness of Miss Muriel Cameron, only daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cameron, with infantile paralysis. Serum was ad- ministered by the doctor as soun a: Fcssible end we are pleaded to report Muriel on the road to recovery. Paralysis located in the right kne* and the doctor has every hope thai the ^ntient will fully recover. Mur- iel is 16 years of age and a fine healthy girl and we sincerely hopt that she will have a complete re- covery. We are sorry to report that Mrs. J. Parson is not feeling very well at present. We hone she will soon be better. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Davidson and family. Miss Warder and Miss Demp- sey of Feversham and Miss Sadie Foster of Rock Mills were recent vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaittinp. Miss Gertrude Lever and mother of Flcsherton viutcd the first of tho week at Mr. Chas. Martin's. The 8th line school is closed for a week, owing to the case of paralysis in the vicinity. Miss Edith Fenwk-k is spending this week with her aunt. Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mr. and MM. Chas. Quesnel. Owen Pound, visited recently with Mr. Jos. Sherwood. PROTON STATION PORTLAW F'ieming. This community deeply sympathizes with the bereaved fan, ily ip their hour of sorrow. Mrs. Will Gibson nent th<? week pn<" Toronto. Mrs. A. Sinclair and son. James, and M'-. Albert Wright of Guclpri motored to Barrie the past v.eck ana visited wi*h ok' frienc's. Mrs. George days with her sister, Lonsr, of Dundalk. Next Sunday i3 anniversary ser- vice in the United Church at 7 p.m. Rev. Scott of Flesherton will have charge of the service. Horseshoe Pitching Tournament A horseshoe pitching tournament will be held in the Flesherton skat- ing rink on Friday, October 10th, to commence at 7 p.m. Good prizes to be awarded. A prize will also be given for the most wringers out of ten shots. Telephones: Business 78 Residence 69. Emerson J. Bennett Furniture- Funeral Service Hon Graduate of Ontario School of Embalming & Funeral Directing OUR SERVICES ARE REN- DERED AT MODERATE CHARGES MOTOR EQUIPMENT KIMBERLEY The we?th?r and woods are beau- tifrl. Many are sick with summer flu. Wo "-e sor- y to renort thf death cf the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hainc.-. We extend to them our sympathies. Thr Ladies' Aid have decided to have their annual chicken pie supper about October 21st. They have se- cured Flesherton talent to put on their play "Beads on a String," for the concert. The aid are sparing no pains to make their evening a success. The anniversary services will be o" Octob<"- 19th. Mrs. H. Forrier of Barrie and Mr. R. R. Abprcrombie of Toronto visited for f few d"ys with Mrs. T. Aber- crombie and other friends. Miss j'yeraldine Weber alnd iir* friend of the Toronto Globe -staff spent the week end with Mr. and Mr. D. I, Weber. Mr. E. Norwood pnd Miss Ruth of Aurora visited "-ith Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hawkins. The Surday School hold their an- nual Rally Day service on Sunday morning. Rev. MeAuslan gave a fine talk on "Worshio." The picture talk wn s taken bv Mrs. S. S. Burritt. Rev. McArslan gave a special talk to the young nfonle in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. Baker assisted in the sineinc nnd all enjoyed and apprec- iated tbir help. Married In Toront?, Oct. 1st, Bessie, only daughter of Mr. Stains- by and the late Mrs. Stainsby, of To- ronto, to Lome Hodgin, eldest son of M:. and Mrs. Hugh Hodgin, Proton Station. Their many friends hsSre wish the young eouole a happy ana prosperous wedded life. On their re- turn they will reside in this village. In Durham hospital on Oct. 3rd oc- curetl the death of Doris, the 14-year- c'.d daughter of Mr. Da!. Hopkins, a former resident of Proton Station. Much sympathy is expressed for the- bereaved family. The Harvest Home services in the Anglican church were well attended. The rector, Rev. Mr. Oldham, ably conducted both services. The choir assisted by Mrs. (Rc\O Oldham and Mi-. C. Mini?, of Di-r.iialk, and Mr. Edwin Fo'.vkr of Bethel, rendered good inu_ic. A r.umbei' frs.u Proton attended the championship school fj.li- a: jiarkdaie on Satu.day. Mr. Her^ott and sons spent the wesJ: -.veek end at \Vaterloo. Mr. Joseph Hergott, wh-> has been visit- ing his uncle, returned home w;.ti th;m. Mrs. Ll-vd War-hope i-.r.d 5I.-s. Ernst Lyons .spent a few days last wev in Toronta. Mu. MeArthur and daughter, Mrs. MeArthur, Jr., and Mr. Stilhvaugh, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Still. Mr. and Mrs. A. N'tilson of Bolton visited at the home of their father here. Sr. 2 Leone Duckett, Jean Tudor j Percy Graham. Jr. 2 Reggie Faweett, Winneta Martin", Evelyn Campbell, Rotfy Gordon, Carmel Martin*. 1st Cass Elward Campbell, El- mer Colgar.*, Doris Duckett, Ruth Gordon. Sr. Pr. Murray Williams, Reta Gordon. Jr. Primer Deibert Colgan, Dor- land Campbell, Gladys Duckett*, Roy Faweett*, Raymond Gordon, Jenn Proctor*. i=L-h'jol we-; open 21 days during month. indicates pupils which .U' it ' cr i'.icre days during the montii. Sylvi" E. Acheson, teacher. Wilbert Fisher, Deibert Fisher, Mary Sheardown. Jr. 4 Florence Boyce, Bobbie Meldrum. Jr. 3 Gracie Jamieson. Sr. 2 Sadie McKee, Bernice Plantt Marjorie Pedlar, Myrtle Croft, Harry Badgerow, Mable Blakey. Jr. 2 Les Jamieson, Ruby Yates, Elda Pedlar, Louisa Boyce. * 1st Alit-e Shier. p r p r . George Boyc3, Harold Phillips. Jr. Pr. -- Stanley Taylor, Mable Bh'ckburn, Bobbie Blakey, Mary Fiiher. Number on roll 25. M. JOHXSTOK, Teacher. PORTLAW PLBLIC SCHOOL Among the world's saddest, best known, expressions is 'returned; in- Sr. 4 Bert Hopps, Clifford Taylor, sufficient funds." FEVERSHAM READ THE SMALL ADVTS. The little son of Mr. and Mr;. Harry Fisher is seriously ill. ATI are hoping for his early restoration. Sacrament was observed in Mourr. Zion church last Sfuday. We are triad to hear that Mrs. W. McKee is progressing favorably, ' r.fte: 1 h*r critical operation. Mr. Wm. Yates has purchased a | farm near Berkley and will r.iove '.o '.' before spring. Mr. r.nd Mrs. RhoJ.s and little daughter visited a few day.; with Mr. and Mr^.. Shcardnwn. Miss Malcolm of Collinerwood >; visiting with Portlav.- friends. Mr. George McMaster has purchas- ed a new tractor and has it at work turing the furrows, three at a time. Mr. :ind Mrs. A. Walker and farr.- ilv of Cannington. also Mr. T. VV. Walker and son of Toronto, visited at the home of the former'.: brother here. Mr. Geo. Blakey and sister of To- ronto were home over the week end. Congratulations to Miss Mary Sheardown in winning first prize for her droo c-ke* -it the county fair at Markdale. Anniversary services will be held next Sunday in Mount Zion church at 2:30 p.m. Rev. Scott, of FlesTr- erton will preach. Your scribe and household have en- joyed several treats of fresh ripe raspberries picked recently in their garden . TORONTO LINE NORTH We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Geo. Pritchard hod the misfortune to fall and break her right arm above the wrist, while out at her home at Vandeleur. We hope she will soon have the use of her arm again. Miss B. Ottewell, teacher near Proton Station, was a week end visit- or with Mr. and Mrs. G. Little.johns. Mr. J. A. Lever has returned home after nending tho past two months with bis daughters \it tho West and ?"". Ed., at Dvyden. MNs A"n"s T >-win ~" Ownwville <-;.ient the week end with her mother here. Miss Margart McElwain, teacher on the fourth line, spent the week end at her home at Fordwich in Huron County, and \vas accompanied by her cousin. R. J. Colquette. who spent an enjoya'fi time with his newly-found relatives. Miss Mc- Elwain was attending the celebra^ tion at her home rf the ninetieth birthday of h:r p-randmothcr. The grand old lady is still enjoying good health, can read without glasses, her hearing ij good and she H a good conversationalist. The old lady had her four daughters v.-jth h^r jeven- teen grandchildren and tv.-o great rcrandehildren and many friends. c.11 wishing Grandma Bell many returns of the day. The celebration was held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. McElwain of Fordwich, where a company of about thirty relatives sat down to a bountiful fow 1 . su/ioer. Man> gifts and flowers were nresented to Grandma Bell along with congratulations and best wishes from the whole comp- * any. Miss Annie McElwain of Fordwich is visiting with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Colauette. this week. Mrs. Ed. McKea-n and son. Roy. of Ravenna and Mr. and Mr.:. Dan Cameron of the tenth lire and Mr. Walter Dv-ming of Toronto were j visitors over the week end with Mr. and Mr*. Wm. Smith i-i 'Hi; village. BORN' In Osprey on Friday, Oct- ober 3rd. 19HO, to Mr. and Mrs. Frul Hale, a son. ROCK MILLS Mr. Samuel Holley cf Parry Sound I is visiting with his sister here, Mrs. \ Sam Croft. Mr. and Mrs. L. McCracken and family of .Flesherton wore reeem visitors with Mr. Frank Betts.. wife and family. A number from here attended the services of the Go*"el Workers a: Feversham, tast Sabbath. Master Ben and Ihiss Roberta Leavell of Flesher'.an .-.pent the week end at the home of their ur.ele, Mr. Richard Clark. The threshing i? almost completed in this neighborhood, j \ "["he Rock' Mills Baptist Ladies' \ Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. j Robt. Croft in Flejhertnn on Wednes- day, October 15th. i Mrs. Thos. Bettts and daughter. Mrs. C. Newell, visited one day the past week with Maxwell friends. EUGENIA PUBLIC SCHOOL Sr. 4 Bernice Campbell. Arcryio Martin*. Teddie Campbell'*. Veruice | Faweett*. Jr. 4 Delsa Kaitting. Hsrbie Faweett. Annieta Turner*. ?:. .T \ancy Middleton. Ven!a ' : ->, Hazel Turner, Douglas Mor- ; BATES BURIAL CO'Y. X DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST f ! XO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PARLORS 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 .'. W. BATES. Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS. v.-wX-wJ-X- "House of Quality" GROCERIES \VF-: CARRY A FL'I.L LINE OF I'Rl'.SH GROCL-:RIKS AXD COXFF.CTIOXKRV NEILSON'S FANCY BOXES ~* and Chocolate Bars FLOUR AND FEED Purity Flour, Bran. Shorts. Screenings, wheat. Barley and Chop. DOXT FORGET A RAG OF PIG CHOW FOR YOUR PIGS Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 46 g WE DELIVER IN TOWN <: V /Ev...! Guard Your Money Dairy, poultry and garden money soon disappears when used to meet petty expenses. Save this money systematically. Place it regularly in a Savings Account. Its quick growth will surprise you and give you a good sum to rely on when the need arises. Use Bank Money Orders when sending remittances through the mail. They cost very little and insure saiecy from lot*. "BAHMORONTO BRANCHES: FEVERSHAM: II. C. Francis, Manager MARKDAIrl: A. E. Hunt, Manager The BANK /or SAVINGS 963 f I