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Flesherton Advance, 1 Oct 1930, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1. 1930. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Favors Use of Tractors Fall Fair Prize Winners Safety Responsibility The Highway Traffic Amendment Act 1930. came into force September 1st. If you are not insured against Public Liability and Property Damage you may never again be permitted to drive your car. Sec us fur rates todav. -.? )' W. J. W. ARMSTRONG Representative <>f 17 of the leading Insurance Companies of the world. A well-known farmer of Western ; Ontario who has had 11 years' ex- ' perience in the operation of a pro- i minent make of tractor claims that \ in ordinary field work a tractor of modern design will do as much i work as three to six teams of horses. "As to cost," he says, "there is no feed or time lost when the ! tractor is not in use. This is a I big item. I figure the average cost for plowing as follows: Fuel and i oil, 55c. per acre; time of opera- jtion, 35c. interest and overhaul, J20c.; depreciation, 25c. This makes ja total of $1.35 per acre. The beauty of the tractor is that work can be rushed when the land is in proper 'condition for working thereby se- curing better tillage and of course, 'eventually cleaner and larger crope." FLESHERTON, ONT. ! SHINGLES and More Shingles Every Time The Price of Shingles Drop You Receive The Benefit Every time the price of shingles drop you get the Drop. A car of 5x 3x and 25x 100',' Kdjrc grain clear and 100'i no sapwood to arrive Aug 18th. 1 will deliver these shingles at the following prices: No. 1 3x at $3.50 per sq. cash No. 1 5* at $4.10 per sq cash No. 2 S\ Sin. clear $3.40 per sq. cash A square covers 10 x 10 at Sin to weather Also gal. nails at 7c. per Ib. Don't fay a 30 year roof with a ten year nail and it take only 2 Ibs. to the square to lay No. 1 shingles. The las't car sold out in 3 days so place your order early. Telephone 24 and reverse the charges H. A. McCauley Flesherton Planing & Chopping Mills Flesherton, Ont. HOLDFAST U. F. W. O. TV H"l<if-?t U. F. W. O. Club met it the home "f Mrs. G. Fisher, 12 members and 6 visitors present. I After the mial opening exercises i K. R. Oliver gave an address on , Hcmperance. A contest was held - by Mrs. G. Fisher, and prize won by Mrs. W. Beato". The r ext meeting A is to be held at the home of Mrs. J. K. McLcod, Oct. 8th MARRIED McCONNEL-SKMPLE In Osprey OP Saturday, September, 27th, when Mis." Edith \Vilhemine, second daugh i ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple, Lady Bank, became the bride of Mr. Beyrl Alexander McConnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McConnell of : Kimberley. ADVANCE ADS. PAY \ NATIONAL EARM AGENCY I Sell\our Farm! thin LIST IT with Iho Acency tht GUARANTEES YOU tha BIGGEST MARKET of Bonafido Buyer*. Iho NATIONAL FARM AGENCY rc-.ives MORE IN- QUIRIES for Canadian Farms from Canada and Other Parts ol the World then all other similar Agencies combined. EVERY FARM Lilted and Ac- cepted IS ADVERTISED in our OWN NATIONAL PUBLICA- TIONS Thousands circulated an- nually ALL OVER the World. II YOU hav Farm or Other Property You WANT TO SELL, see the nearest "NATIONAL- AGENT, or writo AT ONCE to Hexd Office, and we will tend for- ward a Special Rcpre- _ tentative of NATIONALFARM AGENCY ^ .LIMITED wow** I Toronto "* Canada FRI:D T. TAYLOR. .\Kont FLESHERTON Phone 71 r 32. Dundalk. Till; STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdaie, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Ladies Coats Lavishly Trimmed With Fur FAIR DAY SPECIAL $24.75 Shoe Department New arrivals in Empress and Arch Corrective Shoes featuring new Blnck i>nd Brown Kid in the newest styles. Blankets Large Double Bed Size Blankets in grey or white Special ut $1.87 a pair. Children's Hoots With Panco Soles with Brown Kid Uppers. Sizes 8 to J3. Reg. $1.85 Special $1.4'J a pair Hoys' Hoot % s Boys' Boots in Black Kid with Pa"co Sole. Special at v 1 ! Men's Kid Oxfords and Moots All special made Shoes with steel arch simport. Rei*. viluc f3.95. Fnir Dy Special $!{.:!'. Wool Crepes and San-Toys Nw arrivals in all the season's newest shades. 24 inch wide. Kpir Day Special at 'J5c. and $1.25 per yard. Silk Crepes and (k-or^rttes All new Fall Shade in stock and priced at Extra Special Prices. Children's Hose In Fawn or Block Wool Cashmere. All sizes. 3Uc. a pair. Men's Wear Our large stock of Wool Underwear is being offered for Fair Day at the extra special prices of 95c., $1.20 and $1.89 a garment. Linoleums Our larne Block of Canadian and Srt'-h .Made Linoleums all arc Special for Tho Fair Day Snle. Scotch Wool Hlankets In all sizes nnd weights. Highest quality ob- tainable. Come in and get our prices on these splendid i;l;nii.i-t . Men's Work Shoes Special for Fair Day Heavy Black and Brown Oil Tan Shoes with P-ir-ro Soles. Regular $4.00 Boots. Special $.'!.2'J a pair. Hoys' Suits In Tweed and Serges. AH sites in lot. Special $2.!)5 a suit. Men's Suits Our large stock of Men's Suits that sell regul- arly from $:)2.00 to $37.50, Special Fair Day el $23.75. Klectric Toasters Good serviceable heavy nickle plated Toaster, guaranteed to give service. Special at 2.25. Ladies' .Shoes We have gone through our stock and are offer- ing for Fair Dxy Only Special Values in Ladies' Shoes at $1.00 and $1.40 a pair. Ladies' 1 losierv We hnvc just received n large shipment of hose in all the new shades. Regular $1.25. Special at 7S)c. a pair. Grocery Specials 1'or 1'air Day Sale (iood Brooms, 5-string ;)0c. Cocoa, 1 Ib. ppckngc lOc. Pure Clover Honey, 5 Ib. pail fiOc. Pure Clover Honey, 10 Ib $1.00 Blue Ribbon Coffee, per Ib 570. (Continued from page 5) powder, for best light layer cake, baked w if h M"gie B. powder Mrs. W. A. Beaton, Mrs. McLouchry; by Th( Saladp TCP. Co. for best tea biscuits anr' cup of Saladp. ten. Mrs. McLouchry, Mrs. W. A Beaton; by the Wm. Knctchel O., best 2 loavcr, bread Mrs. Geo. Cairns; by the Wm. Knctchel C. for best 6 buns baked with O*Canada flour Mrs. Alex McMuller; by tho Wm Knctchel Co, f-r best raisin pie, bnkei' wi* O'Onadt". flour Mrs. Chas B"st; by the St. Lawrence Starch C -.. for best collection of baking Mrs. R. Ferris; by the Gen- dron Mfjr. Co for best school lunch Mrs. G. W. Remedy; by the Wesl cm Canada Flour Mills for biscuits, layer cake and pumpkin pie Mr.-. R. Wer""'". FANCY WORK Quilt, pieced cotton Miss N. Johnston, Mrs. A. McMullen; quilt, fancy cuilting Mrs. A. E. McCal lum, Mrs. J. C Adams; quilt, A.O.K Mrs. L. Fisher, Mrj. A. McMullen; tufted quilt second, Mrs. J. C. Adams; homemade comforter Mrs A. Stewart. Mrs. L. Fisher; fancy bedspread Mrs. B. Ritchie, Mrs. B. Sparks; mar's negligee shirt Miss N. Johnston: ha-'H hemmed sheet Mrs. W. C. Kennedy. Mrs H. A Mc- Cauley; sleeping garment Miss N. Johnston, Mrs. F. Cairns; house dress Mrs. B. Ritchie. Mrs. L. Champ; ladv's sweater Mrj. W. H. Thurston, Mrs. W. Coburn; lamp shade Mrs. B. Ritchie, Mrs. L Champ; work apron Miss N. John- ston, Mrs. B. Sparks; shoulder shawl Mrs. H. McCauley, Mrs. G Cairns; fine socks Miss N. Johnston, Mrs. Freeman; fine mitts Miss N. John- ston, Mrs. L. Fisher; mat, wool Mrs. L. A. Fisher; foot mat, hooked or braided Mrs. McCauley. Mrs. Rite-hie; mitts, coarse Mrs. F. Cairns, Mrs. Freeman; socks, coarse Miss N. Johnston, Mrs. J. C. Adams. FANCY NEEDLECRAFT Hand hemstitching Mrs. H. Mc- Cauley, Mrs. L. Champ; Italian hem- stitchingMrs. W. H. Thurston, Mrs. H.. McCauley; drawn thread Mrs. \V. Boyd, Mrs. F. Cairns; cross stitch Mrs. B. Sparks, Mrs. W. 1 Henry; daisy loop and French knot Mrs. H. McCauley, Miss N. John- ston; centre piece for dining room Mrs. Bryce, Mrs. F. Collinson; Rom- r.- 1 cut wo-'k Mrs. L. Chnmp. Mrs. L. A. Fisher; solid white Miss N. Johnston, Mrs. L. Champ; tray cloth Miss N. Johnston, Mrs. L. Fisher; buffet set. emb., white Mrs Champ Mrs. McCauley; serviettes, emb. Mrs. Champ, Mrs. L. Fisher; tea cloth .Mrs. L. Champ; pillow slips, emb., white Mrs. Champ, Mrs. \V. Boyd; hand towels, emb., white Mr*. Bryce, Mrs. Champ; baby pil- low Mrs. Champ, Mrs. B. Sparks; night nbe, white c-mb. Mrs. Champ Mrs. McCauley; child':; dress, white emb Mrs. L. Ch-mp, Mrs. H Mc- Cauley; centrepiece, colored, emb Mrs. Champ, Mrs. Adams; luncheon tet, colored emb. Mrs F Collinson, Mrs. ('ham)); Imtiet set, colored emb. Mrs. Champ, Miss N. John- ston; table runner, colored emb. Mrs. F. Collinson; Mrs A McMullen; sofa cushion, colored emb. Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Kennedy; curtains, colored omb. Mrs. Champ, Mrs. Ritchie; guest towel J, colored emb Mrs. Champ, Mrs. F Cairns; vanity set, colored emb. Mrs. Bryce, Mrs. Champ; romper suit, colored emb. Mrs. Champ, Mrs. Ritchie; lady's lingerie colored emb. Mrs. Mc- Cauley, Mrs. Collinson; centre piece, crochet Mrs. Champ, Mrs. W H. Thurston; serviettes, crochet Mns. Champ. Mrs. Kennedy; Buffet scarf crochet Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Ken- nedy; tea cloth, crochet Mrs. Champ, Mrs. Kennedy; hot plate mat crochet Mrs. Bryce, Mrs. Kennedy; pr. towel.i, crochet Miss N. John- ston, Mrs. H. McCauley; pillow slips Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Boyd; hand- kerchiefs, crochet Mrs. R. Vause, Mrs. Kennedy; lady's lingerie set, crochet Mrs. W. H Thurston, Mrs. Vause; table runner, crochet Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. A. McMullen; hand- Vprchiefs, itattedj Mrs. MnCai^'ey, Mrs. Kcncdy; lady's lingerie, tatted Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. F. Cairns; guest towels, tatted Mrs. McCauley Mrs. Vause; pillow slips, tatted Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. Champ; centre piece, tatted Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. W. II Thurston; infant's bonnet, tatted Mrs. McCallum, Mrs. Champ convalescent jacket Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Chnmp; infant's bootees Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Champ; infant's jacket Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Champ; shop- ping hag Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Ritchie; nock scarf. Mrs. Fisher; gnrmont from 1 sq. yd goods Mrs. Chnmp, Mrs. Palmer; unlisted ar- ti-lo Miss N. Johnston, Mrs. Mc- CnuK'v; collection dead novelties Mrs. W. C Kennedy. SPECIALS By The Superior Knitting Mills for best piece of em- broidery by lady over sixty Mrs. W. Crossley; by the St. Lawrence Starch Co, for best collection of towels Mrs. L. C Champ; by Mor- lock Bros, best collection fancy work Mrs. L. C. Champ; by the Williard Chocolate Co for mending on fig"rl or plaid garment Miss W. Johnston by Christie Brown Co. for best lace trimmed curtains Mrs. H. A. Mc- Cauley. FINE ARTS Painting i". oils, Canadian Mrs. F. Cairns, Mrs. Ottewell; painting in water colors, landscape Mrs. F. Cairns, Mrs. G. Cairns; painting .n water colors, water scene Mrs. F. Cairns painting in water coloos, an- imal study Mrs. Ottewell, Mrs. C Martin; poster design Mrs. C. Mar- tin; crayon subject, colors Mrs. I". Cairns, Mrs. C. Martin; pen and ink study Mrs. C Martin; pencil draw- ing Mrs. C. Martin, Mrs. G Cairns. FLORICULTURE ~ Coll. sweet peas Mrs. R. Vauso, F. J. Thurston; table bouquet Mr?. L. Fisher, Mrs. Ottewell; hand bou- quet Mrs. Crossley, Mrs. McCauley double geranium Mrs McCauiey, Mrs. W. Henry; single geranium Mrs. Adams, Mrs. W. Henry; single fuschia Mrs. E. McKillop, Mrs. W Newell; amaryllis Mrs. McLouchry, Mrs. E. McKillop; Rex begonia- Mrs. W. Boyd, Mrs. McCallum; beg- onia, A. O. K. Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Fisher; coll. dahlias Mrs. L Fisher, Mrs. McCauloy; house fern Mrs. McLouchry, Mrs. R. Vause; hanging baskets-Mrs. Ottewell; hydrangea Mrs. Ottewell; unlisted plant Mrs. E. McKillop, Mrs. A. McMullen; coll. pansier Mr. Crosley, Mrs. Kennedy; Coll. asters Mrs. E. Hen- ry, Mrs. Crossley. SPECIALS By the Wm. Rennte Seed Co. frr best display of flowers Mrs. W. Bovd; By F. R. Oliver, for best coll. cut flowers Mrs. Cros- sley. Mrs. Kennedy; By F. R. Oliver for best coll. house plants -Mrs. W. I .Henry, Mrs. W .Boyd. ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY Small Advts. Lost or Strayed LOST On Friday, in Flesherton or on Fair Grounds a $5 bill. Finder kindly leave at this office. LOST Slicker, blue color, ba- twcen 8th line school and Eugenia, about Sept. 18. Finder please leave at or notify this office. Sheep came astray, about 20th of Sept., one shearling ram. lot 169 170 N.E.T. & S. R., Artemesia, one shearling ram. Owner prove prop- erty, pay expenses and take same away. Richard Allen, phone 45 r 21 Five sheep astray from Lot 31, Con. 14, Artemesia. Information as to their whereabouts thankfully re- ceived. Geo. Hutchinson, Kimber- ley. STRAYED From my premises on Monday night, Sept. 29, 1 yearling heifer, white and red, mostly white. Any information thankfully received. Levi. Duckett, Maxwell. For Sale FOR SALE Choice Oxford Down ram lambs Geo. Stewart, phone 33 r 21, Flesherton. FOR SALE Choice clover honey in bulk at lOc. per Ib. Roy W. Fen- wick, Maxwell. FOR SALE A "Crown" Victrola with good records at half price. Enquire at this office. Miscellaneous NOTICE Car of cement just ar- rived. F. G. Karstedt, phone 7. NOTICE Chopping on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. G. C. Graham, Eugenia. NOTICE Secure your deer ni3ose and trapping licenses from Geo. Mitchell, Fleshertoi. FOR SALE Pastry flour 75c. per bag; Prairie Pride pure Manitoba Hour $3.40 per 98 Ib. bag; Bran $1.35 per cwt; Shorts, $1.40 per cwt.; Middlings $1.60 per cwt; Bar- ley $22.00 per ton; Oats, Wheat, Coal. Phone 38 r 3, C. A. Muir, Ceylon., I FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, Jots 166 and 167, 1st range west of I No. 10 Highway, Artemesia Tp. 2 miles from Flesherton, U mile from school, 70 acres under culti- vation, balance swamp and pasture. Any reasonable offer will be con- .sidered. For particulars apply to j L. R. Thistlethwaite, 24 Conner Ave., Toronto 6. BOAR FOR SERVICE Boar for service at Lot 177, King's Highway, purebred Yorkshire hog, bred from prize winning stock. RUSSELL HILL ~FOR SALE Good big work horse about 1000 Ibs. Jas. Ferris, phone 49 r 4. FOR SALE About 20 bred-to-hy Barred Rock pullets. Walter Russell Flesherton, phone 11 r 24. FOR SALE Shingles, prompt delivery. uDoly to Thomas Harrison, Varney, R.R. 1, phone Durham 61h2 Sawmill 4 miles west of Priceville. FOR SALE Two Oxford Down ram lambs, well bred, also 20 cords of dry wood. George Thompson, phone 31, Feversham. FOR RENT A good six roomed house, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, stable, hen house and garage, op- posite hich school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. 3. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Berkshire Boar for ser- vice at lots, 151-153, 1st in 15 months class at Royal Winter Fair 1929 and reserve grand champion. Fees, $2.00 at time of service. II. C. Radley. FARM FOR SALE In the Township of Artemesia 130 acre farm, lots 143-46, 3rd range S. W.T.&S.R., half mile from static, 1% miles from Flesherton. Good buildings, 12 acres cf bush. Sold on easy terms. J- L. MCMULLEN, Ceylon. FOR SERVICE I Registered Yorkshire Bacon ho* for service on lot 136, West Back- I line. Artemesia. G. H. Cairns. FQR SALE Purebred Hereford bull calf and purebred Leicester ram lamb. Laurie Pedlar, phone 42 r 3, Flesherton. FOR SALE Breeding cockerels from bred-to lay registered stock, priced j at $1.50 and up. W. J. W. Arm- j strong. FOR SALE One 11 year old cow ' due to freshen on March llth, 1930 and one 5 year old cow, due to | freshen on March 12th, 1931. Mrs. I W. E. Morgan, Eugenia, phone 43 r 1-2. Registered Yorkshire Boar for eer- ivioe by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- iment of Agriculture. ' C. STEWART. Caretaker. GEO E. DUNCAN~ DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Ternw 1 per cent. Satisfaction guarnteed _ J* . n ! ade at _ The Aan ce office. FOR SALE Number of purebred Oxford Down ewe lambs, ono ram lamb, yearling ram and a reg. 2 year old am, also number of cattle. G. S. Grummett, phone Feversham 11 r 13. _ _ MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barrister* etc. ; Ofices Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton Saturday afternoon and evening. FARM FOR SALE In the 19th con. Proton and the second lot. This farm has a lot of good timber and there arc 15 acres of cleared land. Apply to Mrs. Catherine Stewart, Proton Station, for price anil terms. BVSJNF S CARDS Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 833, A. P. 41 A- M. meets in the Masonic Hall, Arm* strong Block, Flesherton every Frt day on or before the full moon. W. M, C. N. Richardson, Secretary, Hi A, McCauley. f Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and dates ' may be made at the Advance office,^ ; offer. Charles Mclia, 79 Caithness addressing me at Eugenia. j telephone 43 r 11, Flesherton or by FOR SALE Reg bull, "Ringleader j Chief" No. 191018; dark read, born July 22. 1927; choicu animal; bred by] Frank Taylor, Markdaie; also M.-H.i fertilizer drill, 11-disc nearly new. cultivated l&nd with barn; make Ave., Toronto.

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