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Flesherton Advance, 1 Oct 1930, p. 1

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Vo\. 50 No. 18 Fleshertofi Ontario, October I, 1930 W. H. Thurston& Sew, Proprietor* Meet Your Friends at Feversham Fall Fair on Wednesday Afternoon Next, October 8th. PRICEVILLE Miss Mabel Ni-:hol went to Orange ville MoriHay to have her other ton- sil removed, and is feeling fine. Mr. and Mrs. Smith from Durham ; were recent visitors at Mr. Dave Nichol's. Miss Catherine McMillan, who has completed her 3 year's training in Fergus hospital, is home, until aftei -Christmas. Miss Sfabcl Nichol was the guest of her friend, Miss Alma Hooper, the first of the week, ^f Mrs. H. McDonald and son, Alex, of Weston, visited recently at Mr. t AHie McLean's. Master Donald McMillan, young son of Mr. -r.d Mrs. W. M. McMillan had tho misfortune to fall off horse back arid bnak two bones above his wrist. -We hope the little fellow will soon be able to attend school and feel himeslf again. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol Jr.) on the arrival of a baby b^y on Friday. Mr. David Hincks and daughters, Almeda and Jean, spent the week tnd with friends in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Grant and baby ot Toronto were week end ^visitors at - Mr. Donald McMillan's. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Angus MeCannel and son, Dan. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McLeod and Keith and Mr. Gordon MeCannel of Swinton Park visited the first ot the week at A. L. Hinck's. ), While playing games in Flesher- ton on Thursday (Field Day) Miss Isabell McMillan had the misfortune to break her thumb. We hope It i. .may soon iv bette-. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Braiden of Shefburne. were recent guests at Mr. Donald McMillar's. The C. G. L T. will serve sandwich and tea on the fair grounds Friday, at Pricevillo show. We pro sorrv to report that Mr. " Archie Currie is not enjoying very ' good health at present. He took an- other bad spell last week and !s under Dr. Milne's care. We hope he mav soon b" restored to his usual he-lth. restored to his us MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. Herb Clark and Mori.-, of Collingwood, and Mrs. <>n-.eron, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jlorrbon. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. R. J. Morrison or Friday, OctoBer. 10th, ir.toad ot 'Thursday. 8th. The Anniversary service will be hild on Sunday, October 12th, at 7 p.m. Rev. Scott of Flesh'erton will conduct the service. The Ladies' Aid wilj meet at Mrs. E. Buchingham's on Thursday Octobejr 2.r.<l. Mr. r.nd Mrs. E. C. Pedlar were in Toronto to attend the graduation of their daughter. Miss Gertrude, as nurse, from the Bloor stree hospital which is affiliated with (he Eastern General hospital. Toronto. Mr. Burton and Miss May Pedlar, brother and sister, also attended. FEVERSHAM Mr. Samuel Roberts, one of Os- ' prey's sons of the tenth line about I two and a half miles from here pas- ] sed away at his home on Saturday ' 1 morning last aftere several months' j illness from dropsy, at the age of seventy one. He leaves to 'mourn the loss of a kind father, one so-, Milton at home and an adopted ' daughter, Mrs. Lou Leppard of tha ! village and one sister, Mrs. Jo'an j I Grifl'en of Toronto and three bro-.h- I j eors, Wra. of Winnipeg; Riajuud b; j Colling-wood and David of Lady Bank Mr. Roberts' wifo predeceased him some years ago. The remains were lav) to rest in the Presbyterian cemetery in Feversham on Monday afternoon after Service in the Gos- pel Worker's church was conducted by Revs. Armstrong of Meaford and Dean of Feversham. A very large gathering of people assembled to pay their last respects. Good conregatlfns are attending the revival services in the Gospei Worker's church here. Evangelis: Wilson of Ottawa n A wondereful speaker and the ouartette of Gospel singers from O.ttawn arc wonderful singers of the Gospel in song. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. McConnel (nee Miss Edith Semplel who have recently formed a lile partnership. Their many friena* wish them bon vovagf through life. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Thomson at- tended the wedding in Toronto of their nephew. Mr. Cha. Walters. Mr. Walters returned home and Mrs Mr. Thompson returned home and Mra. Thompson remained for a week visit. Mr. and Mrs. John Moffat of New York visited with the former's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Moffat on the *tn li-" recentlv. Miss Luella Long, who 13 attend- ing business college in Dundalk spent Sunday at her parental home her*. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. R. Colquette ana two children of Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Colouette of Fever- sham sncrt Surday with Mr. ana Mrs. John Stewart of Flesherton. Mrs Joseph Henderson of Colling- wood visited with her sister-in-law. Mrs. John Johnston at Dundalk over he week end. Mrs. John Stewart of Flesherton nni Mi-; Kelso of Barrie were cal- lers in our village last week. More Farms Sold Mr. J. G. Dew. District Manager for the National Farm Agency Lim- ited reports the sale of two or more larms in his district through the ex- tensive advertising campaign carried on by his company. The farm of Mr. Gco. Hogg in Melan.-thon town- ship has been sold to Mr. Enskott, of Toronto while the property ownca by Mrs. Eva L. Higgins of Minnes- ota, has been sold to Mrs. McCluskey Mrs. Higtrin-s' property is situated in the township of Mulmur. The owners of- this property express themselves very satisfied with the CEYLON JUMPED AT A CONCLUSION -I In this family there were a large number of small children. Little Willie, age six. was taken in one morning to see his father, who hap- pened to be laid up with influenza. Little AVillie was ouiet. almost re- verent, in the sickroom. When It was time for him to g,\ he went up to his father's bedside and said: "I bin good, ain't I? pop? ''Yes. son," the old man whispered "Well, then, kin I see the baby?* Boston Transcript. i treatment thev have received at the The business of advertising is to 4U merchandise, not tickle the van- Itv of the owner of a store. Telephones: Business 78 Residence 69. Emerson J. Bennett Furniture Funeral Service Htm Graduate of Ontario School of Embalming & Funeral Directing Ot'R SERVICES ARE REN'- DEKKD AT MODERATE CHARGES MOTOR EQUIPMENT of the National Farm Agency Limited nnd their local re- presentatives. Mr. Dew states that he expects a number of sales in the immediate future from the large advertising conducted by the com- pany and would advise all property owners wishing to dispose of their propertie-3 to get in touch with the local representative o" the National Farm Agency Limited ami profit by their srles organization. Almost everybody 5s brave it is time to go to the dentist. until A most unusual event occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Gardiner, Maple Grove, when Marg- aret Florence Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Walker, 84 Mur- ray street, Brantford, was present together -with her two great grand- mothers, Mrs. S. Gardiner of Wind- sor, and Mcs. S. Donnelly of MarX- dale. both 87 years of age; and two grandmothers. Mrs. A. L. Walker ot Markdale anj Mrs. Wm. Gardiner ot Brantford. Miss .Margaret K on of the very few who can claim four generations of ancestors, Irving, on j both sides of her family. Markdale Standard, Mr. A. C. Muir paid a business trip to Toronto last week and Mrs. Muir and little son, Kenneth visitea he; nar*nts at Berkley. M.-. .Mrs. Will Greenwood anc two daughters, Miss Margaret and Miis Clara, R. N: of Glenelg were visitors at R. Cook's past week. Mr. John Me Millar, of Owen Sound spent "Wednesday of !-s: v.-eek w'itli his r.iother, Anna McMillan. On h"l= re'.iu.- he r":s r? purser on tte Henry Pediwell transport boat. Mi-. nd ilrs. Gorge Montgomery of Toronto vrere callers on Mrs. Anna McMillr.r. l~t wek. Mrs. Royden Gibson of Toron'.o has been visiting at Mr. J. Gibson's for the past week and calling on old friends. PORN Sept. 26th, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Nichol, the gift oi' a son. Mrs. Bon McKenzie received woru on Saturday that her sister-in-law. M:-. Dave Brodie of Toronto had passed away after a long illness. Mr.s. McKenzie, Mr. Will McKcnz*: and Mr.;. Brodie left on Monday to attend the funeral which took place cr Mb-d.-'j afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A Sinclair motored to Harriston the first of the week. Mrs. A. Muir and son. Grant accom- panied them as far as Durham, where they 1 remained to visit friends. Mr .and Mrs. Robt. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White and daughter. Edna and Miss Delia White of To- ronto motored up for the week end. Mi. Erl Whit-? returned with them to Toronto for p. holiday. Dr. and Mrs. Patterson. Mr. FreiS Morrison, Mr. Armstrong. Miss Leslie and Miss Kel.o cf Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Jackson of Dundas and Mr. Oheeseman of Hamilton were visitors past week with Mr. and Mrs. Dor-Id M-Leod. Miss Agnes McPhail has returnee from duties at Ottawa. Mr. Wm. Mathewson. who spent the past week with his sons in To- ronto, has returned home. Messrs George and Jack Browr.- Ice from Maple visitol the first ot tht> week with Mr. S. Hemphill and family. Wo arc pleased to report that Miss Reta Hemphill. who haj been on the sick H.t. is now improving. Mrs. John Kennedy and three children sncnt Saturday with Owen Sound fri-'nds. Mi.*. John Mc\Tilliams and three children visited her sister in Proton the fir't of the week. Mr. Vernon Stewart of Toronto. Miss Kolso of Barrio. Mr. ar.,1 Mr-. \Y'!1 Clquetete and family cf Owen Sound and Mr. an<l Mr*. Colquette. Feversham wero visitors the past wiek with Mr. and Mrs. John Stew- art. Mrs. Carr and Mrs. Carnahan and two children of Orangeville r.ioror- ed UD the first of the week a^ul visi- ted with Mr. AP?US Whittaker. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bailey and tv, i children of Shrigley visited with .Mrs D Macphail and daughter. Miss Aenss M^cphail. M. P. the first of tK wk. Mrs. Koss Leslie and Mis 3 Marg- aret McMullen and friend of To- ronto spent the week end with thetr parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. McMullen. Mrs. McMullen accompanied her daughters bck *"> Toronto. The Ladies' Aid held their Sept. meeting at the home of Mrs. George Arrowsmith on Wednesday afternoon when 16 members and 8 visitors were present. The meeting: was opened bv sir>ring Blessed Assur- ance. Psalm 21 was read and the Lord's Prayer repeated. Then sever- al' iter.v=~"i! ite^st wew disposed of. It was decided to hold a hallow- e'en sc.-ijil on Get 31st and a com- mittee ws aopointed t l<^<k after same, Mrs. Hunt. Mrs. Smiley. Mrs. Gibcon and Mr, Littlejohns. Mrs. McWilliams then sane: a solo, "Mary of Argyle". Reading by Mrs Snell. "Nobody knows but Mother". A piano sola was given by Mrs. Hunt and a reading by Mrs. Muir. 'High Cost of Living" and a talk by Mrs. Sinclair on hec recant trip to Ottawa. Mrs. Geo. SneJ] invited the October meeting to he home. The meetip" wa s closed by simrin?. Mow Love to Thee, after which the h<ste?s served a m-\<f deK.-ious luch. Mrs. Jas. Curoy of Wingham a week end. visitor at Mr. R. Whit- tak^-'s. , Master Murray and Billie Marsh- all spent the week end with their sLr.ei ,-t Berkeley, j Messrs. Will and Neilbert Mc- Kenzie, Mrs. Ben Marshall and Lily Cpnribdl and Mrs. J. T. Bratiie or Townaend attended the funeral of Mrs. Dave Brodie a: Toronto on Monday. . UGEN!A Bor.'t fge: there's to be a chick- en pie supper on Friday evening, Nov. 7th, in the basement of the United church under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. Parrit-lars later. Mrs. Douce of Saureen is vi with Mr. Dor.aH MajDor.a! ! and family at present. Mr. Harry Kefton a::d fr'cnd. Dempsey cf Fcvei-sham visited w:th Mr. ar.d Mrs. W. Kaittinz on Sun- day. Mr. and Mr. L.iwrcn.j McKeow~ son. Vincent, Jauir'rti -. :.ary. end Sadie and MIJS Flbre-ic.- McMillan o; Glenelg, also Mr. an-1 M-s. Robt. Gorley arid Mis? Irene Martin were visitors -"ith M-. ard Mrs. Bert Maeec ~nd ?-rr.:!y rece 'tl'-. A number from Flesherton held a chicken pie supper at the Club House one evening recently and en- joyed a most nleasant time in niu-'.c and dancing. They were very grate- ful to the kind hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Kaitting, who we know would ?ive th<-m * mot delightful tin-,?. Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Todden of To- ronto visited a few days with Mr. and "Mr-. Thos. Fenwick, 8th line. Mrs. W. Sloan has gone to Toron- to to visit with friends.- She will also visit her daughter. Miss Don- alda, who is attending Normal school there. We wish Donalda every suc- cess. Mr. and Mrs. Marsh of Toronto visited with Mrs. Morgan and fam- ily fiver he -eek end. Mr. and Mrs. Evans of Durham visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foester f few d-ys recently. Mr. Chas. Park !:-is returned to Toronto again after spending sever- al weeks at home nursing a broker- s*m. Mr. Robt. Young and daughter, Mis.* Stella of Maxwell visited witri his son, Fred and wife on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Genoe <'> Ea*t Mountain visited with her cousin. Miss Dorothy J^mieson. recertlv. VANDELELTR (Last Week's Items! Mr. and Mi*. Fn-i Mincer ar.j <nd Mr. ar<i Mrs. Newt Mel- calfe of Sarnia visited rc.-er.t!;- the Johnston families. Mr. M-s. IT ;on -iitl ilausrhte: Man, nnd Mr. Douglas of P.irls were the gue;-ts o: Mis.-. ."\Iiir.iie Gra- ham recently. Mi-^* Giahani re- turned with them f-.r a cou^lo <t weeks. Mr. ami Mrs. S. H. Buch.inan and family of O\ven Sviu;ni s-.Huf the first of th" week wirh friend* here. Mr. and Mrs \\'[\-- : y ,-f Ow t :: Sound and Miss Evelyn Wiley of To- ronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnston recent ; v. Mr. James Kirkpatric\ anii sJstor Alice and Mr. Bert Graham of Kin- cardine visifd with th'ir nicv-es. Mrs. Howard Macee .-m! Miss Brown recently. Mr. ami Mr- I.ur ' .T.>r:i--.,;n rta Mr. r.nd Mrs. Goo. Paohar.a.-. vUitec friends at Sarnia. London and St. Marys foe " few days. Miss W. G'-ahan mi Mr--. C. >fc- Kessoek of Strnthav.m were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. Ma vo. A large number f ro*n h--r^ al> tended FK *hevton fcir ras^ wceir. Messrs J. I. Graham. F. Taylor. F R. Roland and H. Baker were the principal exhibitors from this section ..I:-, and Mr;. Baguley and two the ^^^ The ladies had the hildren have moved to Coldwatei charch beautifully dec-orated with. :on Station people are sorry ?rair- frjit- vegetables. flowers i lose them. Mrs. Baeuley. during an . ; a .,, u:im leaves. The service here short stay here has been a w;,- was COTuiucte d by the pastor, Rev. r. all branches oi 1 church 'WoUtencroft. who. delivered a especially ia the sen-ice 01 ; r hankAjjiyiag * r.-.ess.-e. The choir iretx/fred special music for the oc- Mr. and Mrs. Vause, Mr. Hergott eaaion. and Mrs. Archibald visited Qramp- i Mr and Mrs Robt . Qsbore, and tor frien--'--. '.family, centra line, were rcccm, Mrs. Lloyd Wauchope spent the 'visitors \vfth the "former's 'si <:?:. week end with her parents in Flesh- Mrs. Walter Russell and family. erton - Mr. Alfred Partridge is-building a >Jis3 Ite Batchelor visited irienJs fine cew house ?t present and the PROTON STATION Harvcsc Home services are ROCK MILLS Harvest Thanksgiving service was Sept. 28th in the Baptist church here. The A. convention is being held at wcather was eoW , but this however A did not deter the members and] friend*, as the'cTnirch WM filled for being , held in Trinity church next Sunday, held on Sunday evening, Plan :o attend. n Owen Sound. Mrs. Goe. Hutchinson of Kimber- ' ey pent a few days last week witn triends in*this village. Mrj. J. C. Wright and daughter, Florence or Hamilton. Miss Mabel' nnie of Toronto and Miss Laura 3oyd of Flesherton were callers on Pr-ton friends laot Saturday after- roor ar j evening. Ram Attacks Mao work is progressing rapidly. Our sympathy is extended to the Wyatt family in their hour of be- reavement by the death at thaf? loving husband and fatherr Jim Sparling of Ower. Sound, spent a week with His friend, Laurie Russell. There was no school here on Moa- :;-... ^wir t-J th<> illness of :ea_'her. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher ana- lamily, visited with the latter's A Drunk Gander Mr. Davey Roadhouse, well known b resident around Meaford and town ^ : beii ringer for a great number of Unity U. F. W. 0. Club will meet years met with a very unfortunate ** tne home of Mrs. C. crcident the latter part of last weei W'odr-esday. <X-t. ?th. visitors always Mr. Roadhouae has been !i\-ing out welcome, at Mr. Isaac Johnson's home, I'th line for the past few months. Mr. Roadhoi::e was out walking around Mr. Johnston's barn, with a number of sheep running around. . He wai Recently over a period of several s-jddenly attacked from the rear days a eander on a farm in Middle- by one of the rams, and was knock- ' county T.-S seen to be- behaving ed to the ground. As he was car- i.ueer. Early in the morning it rying a cane at the time he at''uW e in f'n* health and active >nce struck the ram. and in returftias any farmyard fowl should be. Decoming angry, it made aA-ush ai; Later in the day be began to per- him several times, knoirffinjc him'^r queer antics, dragging his over each time. The unfortnuat* ' wings on the ground and walking an man was helpless, being TO years' steadily. Wnen the gander lost his >ld. and had it not been for Mr. J.. sense of appropriatness of things suf Ellis, who noticed him, he might ficiently to kill t. '.-: chickeBs. the -lave been killed. Mr. Ellis rushed farmer thought t'lat it was time ta over and drove the" ram away, and 'commence an investi^at'en. ^.> helped Mr. Rodhouse up. He was found that a drain pipe from a *flf carried into the house ami medical ,**" causing all the trouhle. Th" aid sumrmrned. Dr. T. E Benne'.: .gander was drinking 9brae of n.- attended the injure<l man. Mr. ' flui ^ drained from the corn ensilairr- Roadhouse i* recovering. Meaf.'ni ' n tne s 'l- ^< e bi/d had evident!-.- Mirror. '. become intoxicated fr-iri thi< orw" form of corn whiskey. Cu'an.i.- Val- READ THE SMALL ADVTS. lev Star. V>X^XX-sXX^XX-X-XXK-X-XKK-X^X~><^X~X->-XKKKHX-e-^X-X^C---- BATES BURIAL CO'Y. ? NERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PARLORS 122-124 AVENUE RD. ! - TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4341 W. BATES. Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS. X x~c-c-:~xx-x~:~x~x-x-x>-x~*<-c-:- : House of Quality' GROCERIES <^ < \\-J- CARRY A FL'I.I. I.1XL-: < -F 1-RF.SH (-.ROCKRIFS AND COXFKCTli \\KRY _ .. w ?. NEILSON'S FANCY BOXES and Chocolate Bars f FLOUR AND FEED SPREAD MANl'DE ON SOD In preparing land for wheat. J H. Matthews and Sons o-f Delaware do not apply manure directly be , fore sowing the vrh'e'at but the fer- j tilizer is spread on sod the year i before and : cron of hav cut. Tlio < field is then plowed ami work on ' down for wheat. This practice is followed m tho anplioation of n?l ^ manure. In addition to manure," ft ' mrxtiro- of 150 pounds per acre of 2-12-6 Fortnijcr & used fo? wheat. Purity Flour. Hrun. Shorts. Screening--:, wheat. f'urloy and Chop. ;> DONT FORGFTr A BAf. OF PIG CHO\V FOR YOUR PIGS :.-: ; > Jas. A, Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 46 * WE DELIVER IN TOWN ^W^***^?***^XX-^KnXXXXXK^>-^^ ;.'

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