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Flesherton Advance, 17 Sep 1930, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 30 { i * i \ < C 1 1 EUYNC ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN PURCHASING cpmmoditjes by paying "a dollar down and a dollar a week" has grown info great popu- larity. Often the object purchased is worn out before it is Jjaid for, and the purchaser continues tn pay. Buy yourself a fortune on the in- stallment plan by placing 1 ' regular installment;; of your earnings in a Canadian Bank of Commerce saving account. The money is always availnglc for use if required and there :j no depreciation, but ac- cruing interest as time goes on. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (u-i ; >i uihicti is amalgamated , f| THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Jl I I j . i Local and Personal | Sea Flea Speeds Flesherton races, September 19. Mrs. Thos. Bannon spent a few days in Flesherton visiting friends. Have you practised your duck call? Mr.-. W. J. Meads is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ferris, in Toronto. Mr. Roy McCauley was a visitor Wilcock's Lake, one mile with his mother over the week end. Flesherton station on Mr-3. G. W. Duncan of Toronto Is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Jos Duncan and Miss V. Nicholson. Mr. John Latimer of Toronto spent a few days last week with C. N. Richardson. Osprey school fair is to be at Feversham on Thursday noon of this week. Don't forget the W. E. Morgan Dies I After Lengthy illness After a valiant fight against ill- ness i'or about two years Mr. Wil- liam Ernest Morgan of Eugenia ! Hissed ruietly away in the Christie Street military hospital in Toronto on Tuesday morning, September i Kith, at the age of 50 years. The funeral v.Cll take place on Thurs- day afternoon, September 18th. Service will be held in the United church, Eugenia, at 2 o'clock p.m. , and interment will .take place in 1 the Plesherton cemetery. The mem- . bcrs of Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.F. & A.M., of which the de- ceased was a member, will have charge of the funeral. I The late Mr. Morgan was well known throughout this district and : v.-as highly regarded by all who knew him intimately and much re- gret is expressed at his untimely j death when in the prime of his life, i He leaves to mourn his wife, for- merly Daisy Smith, and two chiki- ren, Patricia and Douglas. A brother also resides in Toronto. A sea flea has made its appear- Ernie's untimely death is the result ance in town and is owned by Dr. E. of services which he freely gave to C Murray. The name of the boat his Kin * and Country in time of Ij Fleetwing and it is named true stress - both in South Africa dur - to nature. Quite a number from ' nff tne Boer War and the Great to-,'n were along with the genial War - he havin * enlisted in 1915 with doctor when ho took the flea to south of the 147th Grey Battalion. going overseas in the fall of 101G. Much sympathy is expressed for Thursday afternoon Everyone enjoyed Mrs. Morgan and family in a thrilling ride on the speed boar, Kwot loss they have sustained. the concert hall Thursday and Friday Play by local talent. Mi-3. W. E. Honer and son, Billy, left on Thursday to join Mr. Honer in England. but the event of the day was the ixcqua-p'.aning enjoyed by Dr. Brycc- Emerson Thompson, Jeannette Car- coe and the writer. Dougald Mc- 1 Killop was also along, but he de- held c i are( i the water was too cold for after- ,him and that he didn't have a swim- ming: suit anyway. Unlike most Scotchmen he didn't want to "take" a free ducking. There is more of a thrill to plan- ing along the top of the water in the nights. standing on a four foot board than rc ,j oc( | Dy tne Department of there i.t winging through upnor air u ~ a t : on Miss Helen Heard left on Monday to attend the Toronto Normal Schoul. Other graduates of Flesher- ton high school who are attending Normal are Dnnnlda Slo:m. Eugenia Beth Hincks and Margaret Sinclair oi Ct'lyon. Clifford Hincks is also returning to Normal to take his s: ; 'ond year course, \vhich N r;v- Ed- Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Berry and Mrs in an airplane. If the weather con- tinues warm this Thursday the boy:-! hope to out in a few more hours on the lake. This is Dr. Murray':-, sec- ond pilgrimage to the lake, aa he tried ont the old Shirley M. there when he first built the launch. J. V/. Armstrong ofo Toronto called oon Mi. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hichling on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sheppard and Mr. and Mrs. G. Stewart and son ol Sai;'. f . Ste. Marie, were visitors with Mr. and Mr::.. Porter Beard. Special for Fair Week Ladies new winter coats, dresses and hats, all reasonably priced. F. G. Kar- stedt, Flesherton. Mr. George Jamieson, who has been in England during the past . :-,nd .Mrs. CiuheHno. I. H Perigoe and Domrlas am! Per- In the East Grey pri;:3 list Class 23, Sec. 25. should read "sealer of Banned peas." Mr. and Mrs. Delbeit Patton of were visitors on Sunday with hi:; grancifathor, Mr. John Bel- lamy. igoe of Toronto, spent the week end ' with Mr. and Mrs Mr. Roy Yv'oods Ab. Stewart, haj moved Eye Sight Specialist his . Dr. J. G. Russell will again be a Fast Horses Here For Flesherton Fair summer, is visiting his mother in town. Mrs. Walter Honer and Son, Billie sailed for Ireland lat Thursday, where she will join her husband in Belfast. Dr. J. P. Ottewell and Mr. John Ottewell attended the funeral of Mr Stephen Ottewell near Wiartor. on Saturday. Mrs. C. -N. Richardson underwent a successful operation in Wellesley hospital, Toronto on Thursday last for the removal of her tonsils. See Dr. J. G Russell, one of Can- adr's Leading Eyesight Specialists, on Sept. 29th, 30th and Oct. 1st. Phone 13w and make your appoint- ment. Eev. T. D. Painting, M.A. B.D. of Meaford will officiate at Harvest Thanksgiving Services to be held in Christ Church, Markdale, on Sunday Sept. 21st. at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m Mr. and Mrs. J. E Wright ol Wingham, Mr. Cyril Wright of Gal and Mr. John Cloghome of Wing- ham were visitors with the Shiers and Boyce families over the week end. Miss L. Pattyson of Hamilton ' has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. E. C. Murray. On Sunday morning in the United church Miss Pattyson and Mrs. Bryce delighted the com- gregatioh with a duet. See Bennett's furniture exhibit at Flesherton and' have a free guess for valuable prizes. See his advertisements in this issue. The announcement of the winners will be made at tha concert on Friday evening and presentations made. The tax rate for the village ofj Flssherton for this year is 41.1 mills and for the township ci Art- emesia 32.5 mills. It won't be long now until the tax bills will be de- delivered and the worries of the tax assessment will commence. It is with deep regret t'.ia': we leern of the serious illness of Jaelc, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCauley of Toronto, with infantile paralysis. Jack has visfted in town with his parents and is a fine, manly fiUla fellow. We hope that he will com- pletely recover fvom the effects ot the dread disease. family to town and is occupying the Armstrong's store on Sept. 29ti opposite the new 30th and Oct. 1st. Phone l.'iw an .make your appointment. Meads residence town hall. Be Certain of SAFETY Build with Gyproc FIRE can hurl your home to destruction unless a fire-resistant ma- terial such as the new Ivory coloured Gyproc Wallboard is used in its construction. Inexpensive, perma- nent, easy to apply, Gyp- roc Wallboard does not burn. It is exactly what you want for fire-safe walls, ceilings and par- titions when you build, remodel or repair. Ask your dealer today for full information on Gyproc Wallboard or send for interesting free book, "Building and Re- modelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris . Ontario All arrangements have been made to assure the 1930 Flesherton Fall Fair being oi' the best in its history. The main snorting event -. !ll be three horse races, the 2:30; 2:26 and 2:18 trot or pace. Ti'-sday morning the horses com- menced to arrive and the race com- mittee of the Flesherton Driving Club expect to have 18 horses pre- ?ent for the three events. They arc coming from Wingham, Han- over. Durham, Owen Sound and Collinupvood and horse lovers are assured of a real afternoon of rac- ing. The. track is now in first class shape for the events. Secretary H. A. McCauley reports that the entries are coming in at a fast rate and a hall well filled with exhibits is in prospect. He also re- ports that concessions for the mid- way have been granted, the midway always being a nonular resort. Mr. Emerson J. Bennett will have a furniture exhibit in the hall and is conducting a guessing contest on the number of revolutions a table will make between one and five p.m. See his exhibit -and make a guess. Concerts will be held in the town hall both nights of the fair, whicli will give everybody a chance to see this popular play "Beads on ,-. String" being given by the Flesher- ton Dramatic Club. All that now remains is a fine day with a big crowd in attendance, [ because they arc assured ->f an in- teresting afternoon's entertainment. ?.'!-. and Mrs. S. E McTavish of Oshawa -pent tho week end in town. Trout fishing season closed on Saturday. Mr:J. W. G. Duncan of Toronto is the guest of her ;i.-U-rs, Miss Nichol ?on and Mrs. .1. Duncan. Dr. J. G. Russell, R. O. will IK- at Armstrong'- .h v.vlk-ry store, Sept.' 2!>th, .'lOth and Oct. 1st. Open every . evening. Mr. Howard McCault-y is insta!- ling :. 2o horsepower motor in his chopping mill and expects to have it in operation on Tuesday of next week. Considerable rain fell Saturday night and again on Monday, but not enough to soak the ground deeper than four to six inches. Howe-vet- the rain was a life saver for fah gras?. which turned brown. During the storm Saturday niirht a t' in- started in the barn opposite the hotel at Chatsworth r:id before it was bi ought under ivmtrol hao r:i~i-<J threi- buildings. W. M. S. Concert i I The Women's Missionary Society 'of the United church gave an exeel- 'lent entertainment Friday night ot , last week, which was not patronized as well as it should have been. Slides were shown of our work rn Korea which we'-D very interesting 'and educational. The lecture on tlio I slides was read by Mrs. Cargoe. Rev. jW. J. Scott sang "My Ain Country, [this was followed by the Pageant i "Tired of Missions," which showed how necessary it is for the women of tne church to stand by Mission- aries, who have been sent out, it tht> y are <*> S' ve effective service in the foreign field or at home. Over thirteen dollars were taken at the FREE Be sure and visit Bennett 's Furniture Exhibit at the Flesherton Fair on September 19th, and secure your free guess on the number of revolutions the large turn-table makes during the day 3 Prizes Given 3 1ST PRIZE BED VALUED AT $8.50 2ND PRIZE - SPRING, VALUED $5.00 3RD PRIZE JARDINI ERE STAND $2.^0 Emerson J. Bennett Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director Flesherton The prize winners will be announced at the concert Friday evening. Save for the, Extras MEET YOUR FRIENDS DUNDALK FAIR Tuesday and Wednesday SEPT.23 and 24 Hores Races Splendid Exhibits Other Features TWO CONCERTS ON FAIR NIGHT Always a Real, Good Fair! A. D. McAlister, J. H. Connor. See.-Theas. President, i Place the money you earn by your own efforts from dairy, poultry cr garden in a Savings Account with us. A Savings Account helps you to obtain the extrua which make life enjoyabb. Plan to stare a Savirgs Account with your next pro- duce cjicquc. Use Bank Money Orders when sending remittances through mail. They cost very little and insurs safety from loss. BRANCHES: FEVERSHAM: H. C. Francis, Manager MARKDALE: A. E. Hunt, Manager TIzc BANK for SAVINGS 284 For Sale by Fleshej-ton Pinning & Chopping Mills Flesherton, Ont. Silk Sales 15 per cent, reduction from regular price*. All sil k s. lucbesse Satins, Crepe Flat Crepes, Crepe Back Satins and Hab de Chines, (k-orgette^. Canton Crepes, utais included without exception. Regular $1 25 Qualities for $1.06 Regular $1.50 QuaKties for $1.27 Regular $1.95 Qualities for $1 68 Regular $2.50 Qualities for $2.12 A full range of shades in the most popular colors is at your disposal FALL MILLINERY NFAV FELT HATS. XFAV VKLVKl HATS XKAY YK1.YKT TAMS NEW MATROX'S MATS All very rattsonably priced. HOLEPROOF SILK HOSIERY NEW FALL SHADES ChiiYons. Semi-Cliiffons, service wcighfs.novelty heels. \ renadine Dull Silk. All are featured in the Holeproof line. Priced at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.9 r > F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO

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