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Flesherton Advance, 17 Sep 1930, p. 1

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. i Vol. 50 No. 16 Flesherton Ontario, September 17, 1930 W. H.Thu:ston& Son, Proprietors THE OLD STONE HOUSE Hewn stone, it stood, those gilded years Of youthful fire and dreams so sweet When laughter flirts with ready e?rs And lii'e itself is incomplete; The years their steady course have run So placid days from youth's bright dawn; And life has reached its setting sun With still a finger pointing on. Again the old stone house I saw Deserted by the life it knew; No curtain by the panes to draw No warmth or comfort there be- strew But boarded windows, creaking floors And plaster that, long-clinging falls, So sad to dream of swinging doors And silence deep when mem'ry calls. The windows loner have lost their sight, All boarded up as in despair, And dark it stands, as dark &z night CEYLON WODEHOUSE Dr. and Mrs. Patterson and ilr. Herb of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jackson and .son of Dundas and Mr. Jack Cheesman of Hamilton were v'jek end visitors with Mr. and Mi 3. D McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Robt.. Rutledge and two children of Holland Centre visited with their respective parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall and Mrs. Rutledge the past week. Mr. Roy Piper and Mr. Jas. Mc- Fri. Come to Flesherton fair on Sept. la and meet old friends. The dry spell has broken and a refreshing rain is falling Monday, doing a great amount of good to the country in general. A light shower also fell on Saturday even- ing. A serious catastrophe was nar- rowly averted on Thursday when Ernie Boyle's barn caught fire by a spark from the engine while tUGENIA Williams anniver- Wednes- Mullen motored to Toronto business trip last week. Miss Vera Marshall who on a threshing grain. Luckily I bor, Mr. Russell Graham, a neigh- saw the has smoke coming from the corner of finished her four years training as a nurse in Durham Memorial hos- pital, has returned to her home here where she will remain for a time. Mif-3 Irene Marshall, Nurse in train- ing at Whitby hospital is also spena ing a two v. J eek3 vacation at her home here. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Irwin and family for the w-jek end were: Mr. Will Hill and two sons, Kenneth and Gerald of East Back- line; Mr. and Mrs. Will Halbert and And only empty dreams are there. son Fre ddi e O f Harkaway and Mr. Fireplaces old are cobwebbed black. The ceilings sag the folk are gone! The dreams of yesterday flood back As fresh as if it still were dawn. And as the children walked today Romantic way-s their grandma knew Full lifty years, and more, away, Within their tender hearts there grew Fresh dreams and visions of their own And age looked on, and fancied there When fifty years again had flown A bit of "How, and Whom, and Where." Flesherton fair. Sept. 19th some- thing doing every minute. MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Powers of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by GEORGE DUNCAN, Auctioneer, at Public Auction on the 18th Dry of SEPTEMBER, 1930, at the hour of Two o'clock in the afternoon at the farm of Irwin A. Fawcett, R. R. 1. Feversham, Ont., the following property, namely:- ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel or tract of land and pre- mises, situate, lying and being the Township of Osprey, County of Grey, and Ontario, containing by in in the Province of admeasure- ment one hundred and sixty-four acres, be the same more or less, and being composed of lot number sixteen in the fourteenth concession of the said Township of Osprey containing one hundred and fourteen acres and the north hplf of lot number sixteen in the thirteenth concession of the said Township of Osprey, containing by admeasurement fifty acres be the same more or less, and also that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Collingwood in the County of Grey and Province of Ontario containing fifty acres more or less, being composed of the west half of the east half of lot number one, in the eighth concession of the said Township of Collingwood in the said County of Grey. MORTGAGE SALF. On the said farm there is said to be erected a dwelling hou'se with suitable farm buildings. The lands will be sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent, of the purchase monev to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days. For further particuars ami condi- tions of sale, apply to HARRY W. PAGE. East Block, Parliament Bldgs. Toronto. Ont. Solicitor to the Mortgagee. Dated at Toronto this 26th day of August, 1930. and Mrs. John Fairburn, Master Ralph and Mr. John Wilson of Hal- stein. Mr. Donald McLeod .spent a week with relatives at Dur.iias, Hamilton and Toronto, returning home on Saturday. Miis Margaret Sinclair left on Monday to attend Normal in Toron- to. We wish her every success in her studies. Mi. .-.r.d Mrs. Pltjter and family motored to Wasajra Beach the firs: o.' the \veek Mr. and Mrs. Will Carnahan and two childi-en of Orangeville spent a few days here with Messrs Angus and Arthur Whittaker. Mrs. Jarvis Hazard of Priceville visited for a few days with her father, Mr. H. Stone, here. Quite a number here are indis- posed with a touch of summer flu. Mrs. Fred Marshall and three daughters, Misses Reta, Edna and Barbara left on Monday evening for a month's vacation v.-lth friends in the West. We wish them a most enjoyable holiday. Miss Poole of Toronto was a vis- itor the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cushnie and Mrs. Chadwick of Toronto were cal- lerj Saturday, and visitors Monday were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook, and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Cook of Ebrodale and Mrs. Victor Fair - weather and three children of To- ronto at R. Cook's. Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery of Toronto spent a few days wit* Mr. and Mrs. George Arrow-smith and family. Mr. A. Burnett of Priceville was accompanied by Mrs. C. Smiley and daughter, Margaret motoring to Toronto for a few days last v.t?ex Mr. Smiley also paid a business trip to Toronto. Mr. J. Chesney spent a few day with old friends at Priceville las week. Mrs. Lyon-i and daughter. Mrs Conlinsr of Toronto, spent the end with Mrs. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Eean and Miss Egan of Bolton. and Miss Hemohill o Kleinhure. were guests of Mr. S. Hemphill am) family. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford LeGard and daughter, of Toronto wpre week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Are-rile Fi j Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair ! on Tuesday for a motor trip to OC- tawa and other points. Rev. M*. Scott '-ill take anniver- sary services at Alliston, and Rev. Mr. Irwin of Alliston will have charge here. On Sept. 28th the Sabbath school will hold a Rally Day service from 2.30 to 3.30 p.m. when the parents and frends are expected to be pre- sent. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob ! celebrated die thirty-'. lit h jary of their wedding on day, Sept. 10. In the evening a large assemblage of invited guesij entered their home to join in tiie ' happy o:ca:ion. The evening was j spent in music and dancing. At i midnight the hostess vt'th assistants ; served a dainty lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Williams received many beautiful sifts. An appropriate addrcjs was read by Mrs. C. H. Martin. Mr. Williams on behalf oj his wife replied in a few well chosen wordj, after which all sang "For they are Jolly Good Fellows." Mr. Chas. Stewart of Flesherton who <.Us groomsman was also present at the event. We all wish Mr. and Mrs. Williams many more happy years of wedded life. Our school won fifth place this | year in the parade at the school fair. The children won several prizes for their exhibits. We con- gratulate them on their .success. We are pleased to report Mrs. W. Kaitting and Mrs. R. Purvis well again after their recent illnese. Mi. Cha:*. Park acconmanied by his .lister. Mi.;s Maggie and Miss Donalda Sloan snent the past week in Toronto. Mrj. Chas. Martin. Argylc ami funnel are iaid up with the flu. Dr. Miss Vina Wiley i* wielding the Milne u in attclu!ance . ml aorain in Wodehouse school No. _econd and Mrs Diana Long, third, oldest Fclics. Mrs. Charles Winters oldest relils. Mrs. Charles Winters won this prize. The afternoon was ronto spent the week end with Mr. tak(m u[) with read ings, solos and mock marriage, which created siderttble enjoyment at which MAXWELL Mr and Mrs. Morris Small ol 1 To- a and Mrs. Angus Morrison and fam- m ' arriage> \ vh i c h created con- siderable enjoyment at which Mrs. Mrs. Wilbert Poole, Mrs. Herb j_ L. Morri :on was groom, Mabel F. Poole and Mrs. James Winters spent Ross bridt;. and Mrs. R. J. Morrison ihe past week at Wasaga Beach. performed the ceremony. The Grandmothers' Day given last Thursday under the auspices of the Women's Institute, was a decid- In the county of Glengarry live- cd success. Prizes v.-'are awarded to stock are reported to be in good the grandmother with the oldest ;ondition "on account of the splen- and best shawl, Mrs. Chas. Long did pasture which we have had all winning first prize, Mrs. McCallum summer." the barn, while the threshers were in at ilinner, and by giving the alarm the fire was extinguished, which, in five minutes more, would have meant the destruction of all. The fire had started in between the silo and barn. The very dry con- dition of everything has made it dangerous for threshing by steam and many have been waiting to later, on that account. Misses Arlie Kirkpatrick and Ella Wiley entertained the Sunday school classes, the little boys and girls to a lawn party held on the chuivh grounds. The little folks enjoyed games and races of various kinds and then were treated to a ainty lunjh; returning home tired nd hanpy after their fun. ! BATES BURIAL CO'Y. DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PARLORS 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PRONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 :. W. BATES. Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS. * ^,^^*^,^.^^.^^.^,^!^^^^^,^,"*^ (j. Some of the children were off uty owing to a summer flu pro- alent. The committte in charge of the rection of the church sheds have a good start made. Mr. Will Harris if Kamberley secured the contract 'or the framework and roof, the cement work to be done by local lelp. A bee wa-3 held on Saturday, vhen some 47 loads of gravel were >laced on the ground. It is ex- pected the work will be hurried along as the season for that kind :f work is almost spent. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fawcett visited friends at Dornock on Sun- day. Mrs. Sam Wiley. Jr is on an ex- :ended visit with friends in Toranio and other points. Mr. Harry Beckerley was at Thornbi'ry on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J Cherry return- to Kimberley after a pleasant visit with his son, Jos. and family. Mrs. Arthur Bowen and children, Billie and Betty spent a week with her sister at Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wiley am! family visited with relatives at Flesherton. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns and familv. Mrs Clara Wiley and Miss Hazel ot Markdale a??omr>anied them. Miss Margaret Monteomerv of Wroxeter is assisting Mr-. Nelson Wfleox. Mr. and Mrs. Pirk Fnwcett ana Master Ted callod on friends at Mfaford on Thurclnv. Mr. T. J. Fawcett Hs been acting in the eanacity of judge at some ot th" district fairs thp r>ast 'voek. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gilbert- nno family of Kimherlev wprp visitors at the home of Mr Gordon Wiley OP Sunday. Miss Vern Fawcftt left n W"-l- wsday on n trin to t>ie West-, ^fcn omnnnietl V>v her un" 1 ". \fr. Fawcett of Cherrv Grove. Th" school rhiHre" are busy riut- tinp- " finf' t-'irhpc! for *lipTr -"Vr^l fair, "'hich * ^ ho ^ n ld at Rooklyn on Tuosdav. Sept 16tV " f r. .Tin Kii'lrintriok J-. !">* r vnlnnMo ppi- last week, by falling over the rock. IN MEMORIAM Telephones: Business 78 Residence 60. Emerson J. Bennett Furniture Funeral Service Hon Graduate of Ontario School of Embalming & Funeral Directing OUR SERVICES ARE REN- DERED AT MODERATE CHARGES MOTOR EQUIPMENT Attend Flesherton ftiir on Friday and enjoy the horse races. Di'e to dry weather and blossom rot, the tomato crop in Prince Ed- ward County will be much smaller than previously estimated. Went- wortji : s another county whore lack of ia'n has been serious, and in eonseouence all fr-iits and vege- tables as well as T""in and roat WRIGHT In lovine memory of | our dear uncle. Frcil Wright, who passed away one year ago today, Sept. 15, 1920. The blow was great, the shock sev- ere. We little thought the end so nenr Its only those who have lost can tell Th sorrn-- of parting withou' farewell . i Sleep on ilear uncle, yorr cares are ended. Rest in pcac> your work is done, YouVs gone where those who love<l vou. Will some day meet you, one by one. ^ix'lv missed by nieces, nephew, Ry Shier and Bovce families. in Mr. McDonald of Dundalk is vis-- ting with his nephew. Mr. Pona'.a McPonald an.) family. Mr. McDon- ald i- ; .>! year; of aare and is i;uite active and hearty yet. Mrs. McKenzie of Feversham Is spending a fe\v (iays with her daus;") ter. Mrs. Will Kaitting. Five member- of the Fisherman s Club, Toronto were up at their ciut. house for a few days to take in t!ie last of the fishing season. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and family returned to Toronto after spending the nast week with the former's parents here. They have three fine children. Little "Bobby" (Jr.) is of special mention. He is a handsome child ami was a v.'inner of a time at the exhibition. Mi. Lloyd Moore nnd Mi?- Vera Long were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Kaitting recently. Miss Jean Graham of Toronto is visiting relatives here at present. Mrs. Fred Young is on the sick list at present. We hope she is soon able to be around again. Dr. Milne is in attendance. Miss Jean Young, who has been at Flesherton the past month is with her brother, Fred and wife now. Mr. Kingsley Jobbyn. who has been driving the truck for the H. E. P. C. for the summer months, has gone to L'niversity. where he is studying for the Ministry. We wish him success. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woods and family of Markdale and Mr. Harold Lever of Flesherton visited on Sun- day at Mr. C. Martin's. Mr. and Mrs Luther Duckett and family of Ceylon visited at Mr. Fred Young's on Sunday. We are sorry to report Mrs. Will Magee laid up vrtth the flu. We hope she is soon well again. Mrs. Russell Linton of Mimleo and Miss Delmar Fenwick of Owe:* Sound are v: siting with their par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. T. Fenwick. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford LeGard and daughter Beverley of Toronto, and Master Arthur Fisher of Price- ville v.' sited ta.^ Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee. Mr. and Mr.-. Angus Mac-Arthur ofo Priceville visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. fieri Magce. Mr. and Mrs. James I.yness o: Stone's Settlement visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee. READ THE SMALL ADVTS. Electrification of Ontario farms by the Provincial Hydro Commis- sion proceeds apace. Judging by the latest monthly report, which an- j nounces that the year's construc- tion program has almost complet- ed. For 19.'tO it was nlanned to build 1434 miles o* primary lines to serve more than 3500 rural cus- tomers. So far 1434 miles have been constructed and during July 682 applications for rural service were received. These will necessi- tate ar.ither 183 miles of line. The cost of the 1030 construction pro- gram is estimated at $3,250,000. . . House of Quality GROCERIES WE CARRY A R'U. LINE < >F FRKSH (\\<( X'KKIKS AND O \\FKCTM >NKRY NEILSON'S FANCY BOXES and Chocolate Bars FLOUR AND FEED Purity Fiour, I' ran. Shorts. Screenings, wheat. Barley and Chop. DON'T FORGET A BAG OF PIG CHOW FOR YOUR PIGS Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 46 WE DELIVER IN TOWN FLESHERTON FALL FAIR FRIDAY AFTERNOON r Sept'mb'r 19 3 BIG RACES THE KING OF SPORTS Horse Races 2.18 TROT OR PACE 2.25 TROT OR PACE 2.30 TROT OR PACE Purse for each race S ( ">. divided $40. $30. $20 under auspices of the Flesherton Driving Club Horseshoe Pitching Contest Frizes of $5. l'$3 and $_! will be offered: opcli to residents of South-East Grey only School Children's Parade Prizes of $6. $5. $4, S3. and $2 offered for marching-. identity of school and deportment. All children who march in paradea dmitted free. Concert Both Nights IN THK XK\V TOWN TIAT.T. A Play "BEADS ON A STRING" will he presented by the Flesherton Dramatic Club Admission First Xi^ht : Adults 50c.. Children 25c. Second Xi^ht: 50c. and 35c. Admision to Grounds: Adults 35c-. Children 25o.

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