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Flesherton Advance, 20 Aug 1930, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1930 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 5; Worth the Money f >ALE j | All First Class Guaranteed | Goods I Cub Stove, special at $13.95 Aluminum Tea Kettle, large size $1.49 Scotch Grey Enamel Roaster 18x7 - 5>8c. Wnite Enamel Bowl, set of two 59c Large Enamel Potato Pot 89c Pic Platt-s, 10 inch 2 for 25c Steel Fry Pan a Real Buy 19c Tin Bread Pans 2 for 29c Grey Granite Wash Basin 12% inches 25c Large Enamel Sauce Pan 3 S 4 quarts 80c Galvanized Boiler No. 9 98c Aluminum Cocee Percolator 89c Vacuum Lunch Kit. special 89c AND MANR MORE REAL BARGAINS. DON'T PASS THEM UP COME EARLY AND DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED Frank W. Duncan pitching, races and baseball. "It takes more brains to be a far- M:er.t a few days holidaying at the this Wednesday, after spending the Mal:.l and Margaret ploomffelii, ilome ot ' their uncle, Mr. Jake Holiey, ' pt3t two mon ths at her parental home i mer than to be * hi . gh ourt J ud e -" .o little "fresh air" irirls from To- a * Vandeleur. in sn.k-ntr-hpwfln. , asserted J Lockie Wilson at a recent two little "fresh nir" girls from Tc ronto EC spending a couple of wecT.s p Mr. Ern' Hargrave of Wareham at Chas. Moore's. visited on Wednesday last at the M\f.3 Beth Hincks of Priceville vSs- 1 ''- of his undo, Mr. J. Hargrove, ited her f.iciui, Myrtle Moore, over 1 Unity U.F.W.O. held their August the week end. : meeting on Wednesday last at tlur Accidents arc tho order of the day Park in Eugenia. along Highway No. 10. Last Mon-' Visitors nt the home of Mr. and day evening a car upset on the corner Ivfrs. Alex. English recently were: at Victoria Corners. Mr. and Mrs., Mrs. Kerton from the West. Mrs. Flesherton in the local park Monday Lowrey and little son of 54 Pajr Ave.,| Myers and son of Honcsdale, Mr. and evening 13-10. Toronto, and Mrs. Lowrey'.s mother,! Mrs. Wa-d and three children of To- The y v ' M g wi u meet m gt. John's Mrs. Roadhouse, were returning :o, ronto and Mrs. McEachnie, Markdale. Unite(] c ' hurc ' h on Fri day at' 3 p.m. Toronto. Meeting a speeding car ati Mrs, Ray Woods and children are Members are requested to be prc-aent. the bend by George Ludlow's Mr. j spi-nding a time at the home of her Lowrey xwe-ved too near the ditch parent', Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fisher. in Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs. B. Chesworth of To- ronto are the guests this week of Mr and Mrs. Fred Mathewson. Mr. \\>,. White of Severn Park spent a ftw days with his parents. Mr. and Mrj. Geo. White, Springhill. Ceylon won a softball game from gathering of provincial fair judges. "There never was a greater need for co-operation between the scientist and the farmer than today. The most scientific business at the present time is farming." he added. WODEHOUSE The continued dry weather has hurrit-d the harvc.-t in and the farriers are bi'sy cutting their grain, a maj- ority of whom are finished. Some are sowing fall wheat and the sc-^nn hurries on with the appi-aniii'.T <>f thi> golden, rod. September, soon ai hand, brings in our first full month Mr. Alex. Ch.--.-ry of Epping has been in the nejghlxirhoad threshing alsikc and early grain. Mr. and M: -. .1. .1. Cher -y nf Kim- lierk-y are visiting their son. .Ins., and wi f e. Mr. and Mrs. Came.r<,n MacCnir tnee Millie Harris) and little diuigh- ' er, Joan, and her father, M>. Melvin Harris, came up from Toronto Satur- lay i-vi-ning. Mr ; McCrne and Juan -ire remaining for a visit wi'!> friends 'iere, while the' gcn'.lt-mcn went to Cimbe -ley to visit the Harris family here and returned to Toronto on Sunday evening. Mrs. Clara Wiley and Mis-; Ha/.el re holidaying at the old home here. Tax.el is n-.-riving congratulations on 'he si-r-1-c-.s -he attained at her exams. he wa sii:-.-i-<sful in all <even sub- " -<:ts, and carried elf first clas lio".- rs On one subifrt. The roming ' e'Tn she starts in on fourth form ork and die has tho Ix^t wishes of 'or nunurous friends for ,ar.->ther vuccessfr' year. Mr. anrl Mrs. T. Rcntham and Mr*. r '. Wilco:-k of Fleshcrtono wciv call- rs on T IK-SI':: v la=t at the home of 'her niece. Ms -. Gordon Wiley, but ~iore particularly to_yisit Mrs. Clara 'Viley. who s making (rood prepress, after her recent operation. Born - In Mnrkdale hospital on 'aturday. Aug. Ifith to Mr. nnd M- - s "elson Wlcox n ilnm.'M'r. tion< are extende-| ti Mr. an-l Vr". 'd .Wilcov on the ar 'ivn! Of thoir rst trrandchild. ' Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Fawcvtt vis'ted their danghte-, Mrs. Geo. Cornfiolt., ' and family at Kimberley DV,?r the week end. .Mis:; Elsie McNevin of Tormto is on a fortnight's holiday with old friends here, the guest of her >:ou.-m Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wiley Jr., and family. Mr. and Mi j.GordonWilt-v, Elsif, Helen and Elva, and Miss Hazel vis- ited -ecentlv with Mr. and Mrs.Jas Wiley and family, Epping district. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Thompson pnd two sons of Harknw>iy won; viM- with friend? here j\\ Sunday ;\n 1 ;. [tended :;-rvici- in the iivirnin*. Mr. rm;l Mr.-. Fred Smith of tho K.-i l Hacklir.e. Artemesia, \vv-i? up on Sunday and attended servirr Little Misses Audrey and Doris McAffiv.' who have spent a holiday with them, returned home. Me- rs. Klmcr and lii'li,- Siwldart of Miitkdale spent tho week end with their sister. Mrs. Harold Fawcett. A i-otisin. Miss Hn-othy Akins, of O\\ ;-n S'irnd was also -,< recent vUit-i". Tho friends here of Miss Sadie \V;. i! of !-'l">hert<iii t\rr plense.l to know that she is doing well after her CM >i nit'., n. The New England Sunday School pirtiic was held nt Harrison Park, Owen Sound on Thursday lc.;t r.rd i vcry.ine b'ul an enioyable outing, VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon and family and Mn. Robinson attended lr>:- Hannnh re-union in Owen Sound last Friday. M . ?>nd Mrs Milton Bannon nnd Mr and -Mrs. Thns. Rannnn visited Mr an' 1 Mrs. Laidlnw at Shelburnc. The S. S. picnic was hcUP at EP- genin on Tuesday afternoon. A pood crowd attended and n nlendid timr 1 wns rn'ovod bv all with horsnhoe The Private Secretary A . i a woll paid confldomUI position. Tlie pre- p.tratlon for iiuoh a |H"i'.ilnn should be thorough, A good Kenernl *i\ucnl ^n and thorough practical Course In Shorth tnd, Typewriting, Bu: infss Cor- respondence and Qenornl Office Practice. The teaching profen.ilon IH mucli overcrowd..!. Trustpc from a singl" Hmal! nrtvortiRCiin nt freciuently have from 200 to 300 applicants. Why not prepare for a Secretarial position at th Northern Business College OWEN SOUND MI..I ii. nro iidiiiiiicil nt liny time. For Information urlio to C. A. FLEMING, Principal, Oxvcn 81 in ml. and in trying to get back onto the road went to the other side- upsetting the car into the ditch, so that the foi'r wheels were in the air. Mr. Lowrey was not injured but the little boy and tho grandmother were iniu-- ed. but not serioously. The ca'- had dinged fenders, etc., but was able to return to Toronto rnder it? own power. On Sunday morning about 4 o'clock a car returning to Owen Sound with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goodwin and two children and anothc gentleman ran into n foe in the hollow in the road bv Jas. Lockhart's. took to the ditch, hadlv damaging the car. but not scriopsly injuring the occupants. Rev. and Mrs. Rumble nnd babe of Toronto visited in the neighborhood. Sylvia Acheson returned to Toronto with them. Mrs. Richardson of Lau-'el i- visit- inf with her dn'ifhter. Mrs. Ernie] Stinsnn. Mrs. SHnson is in Toronto copsnlting a specialist. Master NoNnn Hill, son of Mr. and 1 Mrs. Rnssol -Hi'l. Ml off > r-nto nnd! Hislr.ratpt his shovMfr. Thov had to' hpvo jt Y-rayp'l at Markdalo. Miss Alice Smart of Mn-kdalr is| visiting her sifter, Mrs. Russel Hill Situations Guaranteed Canada is calling loudly for young men and young xvomen, who are thoroughly grounded in modern busi- " raHn Rnin<s5 Col ress science. Canada BusmessCol- lego. (College & Snadina) popularly r,r A LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Ross Thibaudeau of Detroit are visiting the latter':? par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith of Owen Sound were in town the first of the week, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Best and Rhoda Mr. and Mrs. H L. Kearns and family of Toronto spent the week end with the former's sister, Mrs. J. known as Toronto's Gratest School Ottewell, in town and Mrs. Sam Phil- O f Business has unequalled facilities I'ps of Rock Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Leade.- and Master Jimmie McGeoch of London spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fisher. Master Leo Patton ac- ;ompanied them home after spending a few holidays in London. for training the type of young per- sons sought by the rreat business concerns. Payments may be made when convenient. Those who cannov attend school may without charge studv at home by mail. Our Presi- dent, George Snotton. M. P. has suc- the week end John McComb and Mrs. T. Little, who Mr. (,ccw Jamteson. who has been were visitinf , here> and Mis8 Winona visiting his mother here, sailed for p a tton for over twenty five years. Write today for a list of our successfuf They retu 'ned home Mon- graduates from your district, day. accompanied by Miss Irene ^ re ^ Miss Gertrude Mrs. J. E. Milne is expected home Varcoe of Garden Hill. B A College St. Toronto P "' ad- ROCK MILLS Some of the farmers in this com- i.iriity finished the harvest the past week. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Holiey and three sons of Tlollaiid Centre visited --oc-' '*u!y with th(> formnr's cousin. Mrs. Sam Croft, nnd fnriilv. Mr. and Mrs. [I Dfit/ nnd Mr. and, Mr-s. Morrow of Clovdand, Ohio, vis-' iV ( ) v.-ith Mrs. Deii/'s Tinthor. Mrs. Tii'-ker Phillip;, and othe- relatives' hrvr Mi- nnd ^fr Thos. H'hitniore nni] ( . Kmilv. r.f Durham. 'Mrs.l ^^''Kinnon nn\ SOP. Archie, ofj Tort Artl.ur visited on Prulav with| th^'r broth- Vrr. V- Ch.ns NWPllj Masters Harvoy ;md Everet* Croft ? oure lin \vell fed ! My mother trades at KENNEDY'S GROCERY 5 Del.uxc Ji'llv Powders 25o. 2 Lar-v Cans Peas 25c. 1 IhM- Tea. re^. 49c. for 3 ( ) c S IJar:; Castile Soap 25?- l.artfi- Hot t If IJhby's Olives 3O. ( )'C.-ir.;i(la l-'lotir, per hajjf S3.55 WORK SHIRTS from $ I and $1.50 For$l FLESHERTON CAMPAIGN COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE The Merchants and Business Men represented below are co-operating in an effort to prove to the resi- dents ol the town and surrounding community that values equal to any of the larger towns or cities may be procured in local stores. A series of educational "liuy-at-Homc" editorials will be reproduced weekly. Mie benefit of Home Unying will be shown to the general advancement and progress of the community. Read the editorials, take advantage of the weekly specials offered by he merchants, and BOOST THE T()\YX YOU CALl, HOMK. F . H .W. H1CKLING GENERAL MERCHANT . Snecial prices on running shoes childre.ns' sizes CDc., misses, sixf 8Hc.. bovs' sizes. SI. 19. F. W. Duncan GENERAL HARDWARE While e-naniol preserving kettles J'Uc.. 81.10 and $1.25 values TELEPHONE 54J Fiesherton Advance We are offering ned -subscriptions tn The Advnnce until 1 January I'.i.'ili for o-il*' ?L'.00. This occr lasts until S t 'i>t. 1. Planing Mill COMPLETE LINK lil'ILDERS SUPPLIES Lumber, Rhincles, Lath, Gyproc, Lime, Brick. Flooring, Etc. PHONF 21 W. A.Hawken PHOTO GALLERY AND Ml .SIC STOKE EL CT"IC RANGETTE $30.00 Complete with oven TELEPHONE 17\v H. Down & Sons FORD DEALERS 1!>20 Chevrolet Counp in first claws condition PHONE 30 Osprey & Artemesia Co-Operative Co., Ltd. Co-Opi rative Special Flour $:!.'. ()'( anada Flour !f;!.60 per bag TELEPHONE 70 W. G. Kennedy GROCERIES. FRESH & CIRED MEATS. MEN'S WEAR Men's Trousers, rog. $5.00 Clearing at $3.S)5 PHONE 37 Emerson J. Bennett Fl RNITIRE DEALER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Furiture Repaired and upholstered PHONE 78 J. A. Stewart GROCERIES. FLOUR & FEED Orange Marmalade large Jar 2Dc. PHONE 46 W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELLERS I'l'J off all Diamonds in stock. This week only. V.'atchmakers Opticians The Back-Seat Driver We all know <>i the iuiisncp who guides the destiny of the nutniniil ile from the rear scat, the person who always thinks he could bundle the machine much more cnpnble than the driver. He like the man who stand:; in the sitlclim .; of the game of life 1 1 itici'/.inj; the actions of those who are doine; thins ;, but who fails to tvet into tin' liattl" biiu<elt'. Kvevy office h'\s one but the boss tired and chucks him out. Then- arc people like this in every community. You know will the man who cnmnlains nbor.t condir ns. who is always ooposed to evei'ytbinu 1 . who docs not work because ho says there is no work to do and the community is ^mriir to the dnirs. 1I stands out in eontrnst to the person who yets into the fi^ht, makes the best of every condition and when he is not satisfied with conditions makes an honest-to-tr ii'dnos ; effo -t to improve them instead of standing itround and whining. No man can In happy if ho is always running away from the problems of life. What can you do to enliven activities in Flesher- ton and make il a better ninipuiiiity in which to live? Start any- where but do somothinp:. '.iim't leave the work to someone eke. (let that, community spirit and fi'rht. Every sincere effort at com- munity bettermevt on ynrr part makiM you so much bijtKev. Boost your community that you may br able to boast it. Have no sympathy toi the habitual knocki'f. Buy your troods in Kleshcrton. This will moan the success of your merchant and a bigger and better Flesherton, THE HOME OF QI T \MTY MEAT M Wilson BUTCH ER Jellied Toncup, Veil Picnic Hams Smoked Meats of all kinds. TELEPHONE 47w Thos. Owler ard Sen (JRKY COUNTY EGG GRADING STATION Graded by Experienced Graders F. G. KARSTEDT STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS Special prices on Hay Fork Rope and Binder Twine PHONE 7 John Plester McCormack 7 ft. cut binder M. H.hav loader, in good reuair. PHONES:Office 79w; Resid. 44r4 K. KINDER Flesherton Bakery See that thte bread that gracv your tablo is made at home. CANNOT BK BKATEN EAT MORE OF IT. ' D. McKiliop INSMITH & PLUMBING ka, Shov-ls, Hoes, Spades at right prices. General Hardware McTavish & Son CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE 1928 Landau Chevrolet Sedan 1927 Chevrolet Sedan TELEPHONE 9\v H. Freeman GROCERIES, FRUITS AND 2 Pk#.s. Kellogg Corn Flakes 29c 2 Ibs pure Lard 35c. TELEPHONE 60 Brack's Gerage DURANT SALES & SERVICE Tread Tiro 29x4.40 5.60 Special this week. - .

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