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Flesherton Advance, 20 Aug 1930, p. 1

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Vol. 50 No. 12 Flesherton Ontario, August 20 1930 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor FEVERSHAM PRICEV1LLE Mr. J. W. Nesbett of Toronto was a visitor in thl; village Tast week. Mi. and Mrs. A. E. Eby and son and daughter of Red Deer, Alta., were visitors with Mr. and Mr.,. Eby and family here last week. Mastei- Don Conron of Collingwood is holidaying with h'te grandmother, Mrs. A. J. Conron, in this village. Master Tommy Smalley of Colling- wood was a visitor with his grand- parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barber, last week. Mr. and M.r-3. A. Doner of Los Angeles, Calif., are visiting with MI-. and Mrs. Frank Wiley. Mrs. Doner is Mr.-. Wiley's sister. Miss Shultz of Toronto was a holi- day visitor with her girl friend, Mis-a Irene Hudson. The ratepayers of the school sec- tion here are helping to lay a cement walk from the school to _the street, and have it completed" by gratis .vork. Mr. Harry Thornbury of Toronto is a visitor with his parents, Mr. and Thcs. Thornbury. M:'JS Jeakles and Miss Dean of Thornhu-y are visiting with the lat- ter's brother, RPV. Frank Dean, and Miss Florence Jeakles. operator' in our telephone central here. Mr. nnd M-s. Bridlccomb and three- daughters of Toronto were visitors with Mr and Mrs. Torrence Williams recently Mrs. Georg-o Ellis and Mrs. Fetch of Collingwood were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Mr. F. Buckingham of Collingwood was also a visitor with M~. and Mrs. Williams. Mi.s Violetta Davidson rvf Toronto is visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mr--. Ern. Davidson, and family. Mr. and Mr. Sam Scott of Mor- treal and Mr. Walter S<-ott of WinnT- ~>t>r and Mrs. Scott of Nottawa wer- visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wiley over Sunday. Mr. anH 'Mrs. Newhv of Toronto and Mr-:. H. Horton of Lone Branch werp visitors with Mr. anH Mrs. Col- quette over the week end. MAXWELL M1-3S Kathleen McLean is spending a week visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Esther Mclnnis returned to Toronto Saturday. aTter two weeks holidaying at her home. Miss Lizzie Campbell of Montreal is visiting with her brother, Dan, and friends. i Mr. and Mrs. George McLellan of Niagara Falk spent a few days visit- ing at the home of Dan Campbell. Miss Dorothy Carson and friend of Toronto spent the week end here On Friday evening a miscellaneous shower was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Oliver, who were recently married, at their home when a vei-y large crowd was present. The plat- form was outside and it was always kept frll They tripped tha light fantastic until the "wee sma' oors", of the morning. The bride and arroom wrre the recipients of many beautiful and cosrly pifts. A lawn social was held on the Manse grounds on Friday, August 8, when a large crowd wi- present. lee cream and cake was served, and then the program was given in the hall. Rev. R. G. Stewart acted as chairman and presided in a verv efficient man- ner. Mr. Johnston from Fleshefton sans* three solos and was accompan- ied by Mi." Jean Stewa-t on th<* piano and they were much cnj.iyed .>nd appreciated. M>-s Elizabeth | Rrown e-ave a splendid reading tn- titled "What's all th-> rushinsr for?", Mrs. R. Whittaker then gav two snlfndid recitations which were Ihor-' or?hly pnjoyer. Messrs Gordon a*?-] Alex. McCannell sang n duct. Aj nlav was then civen entitled "Fifty Ypars Ago." The characters we'-p;, Mr-,. John Nichol. Mrs. Dan Campbell J Mrs. Wm. McMillan. Mr<. Wm. 1 Hinr-ks. M'sses >Mae Stewart. Mary M<-<" 1 uai<-. Each one acted their Dart well and caused much merriment. CEYLON Burnett, of the South Line, Maste- Dick and Evelyn Barker of Toronto and Mr. Smiley of the Glen, near Durham, were visitors the Jia-st week v. ith Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Smiley. Miss Mar.'orie Stewart is visiting he^ grandmother at Mclntyre. Miss Reta Marshall \vas operated on at the Durham hospital Monday, having her tonsils removed 'The condition of the latient was fine. Miss Margaret Sinclair, who has been or a month'.? trio to the Wet, returned home on F-iday evening after a most enioyable trip. Mi. Robert Cook. Miss Millie and Mrs. IT. Piper motored to Hanover the first of th week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hemphill and fam- ily rf Tcront- are holidaying with Mr. S. HpTiphiU and family, also with Mr. anti Mi". J. J. Lyness. R orn On Aueust 18th, to Mr. ard Mr ; . Cecil Cushnie, Toronto, the gift rf a daughter, Charlotte. Con- gratulations. Mr. *id Mrs. R. J. Prttcrsor. and snn of Trr-ontn are spending a forr- ni<rh<- with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Stewart. W arc sori-T f learn that Mr. McPhail is conf : ned to her brd, but hor 10 for n speedy recovery. Mi'- Ve--a ?Tarshall. nurse at Dur- }>.-> \fpmorin 1 TTos^'tn! ") <Vie"d visited her parents the first of the week. Mrs. .T. Kennedy n~H three <-hiH''n visitpd Owen Sound friends the first of the w>k. M- And Mrs. Jack White ,H<=nd>d the Whit-o-B 'O'"n nnntial* i*i Toronto O" Saturday, of which *> ful' iccount will be given ievt week. Thev re- i<-"(\ t-> /"Won !*f"(?nv niirM The Ladir-,' Aid intc-nd to hoM n socin' nvnning at the home of Mrs. *. Srn"lir on Friday evening, for th me-nbers i n d their families. n-. Caipa'Vn of Kincardine pnM h-'siness trip to Ceylon the past LADY BANK The ve.y dry spell of over three weeks past still continues to rcigu over this district. The srvrounding community was very much shocked when word was received here of the sudden death of Mr. Jas. Smith of Hamilton on Sun- day, August 17th. The sincere sym- pathy t)f the whole neighborhood goes out to his bereaved widow, family and other relatives. The Ladies' Aid of Providence Chu -ch hejd their Augrst meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Semnle on Wednesday of last week, the weather being splendid for the occasion. Most of the members were present, answer- ing the foil cll by a verse of Scrip* ture. Tho woi'k consisted of quilt- irg a ouilt on the lawn, which was enjoyed by all in the beautiful sum- mer breeze, after which lunch was passed around by three girls. Misses Mildred Maxwell and Edith and Tanie emule and Mrs. Steve Sutton of Fkiherton. Visitors from a dist- ance were Mrs. Wm. Conn of Fever- sbair., Mrs. Lewis Ge,noe of Eugenia and Mii" Steve Sutton of Flesherton. The meeting was closed by singing "Work for the niijht is coming" The September meeting is to be at tho home of Mrs. S. Short on the second \Vi-dnesday of the month. " Mr. Fred Semple and boy friend, Mr. Gordon Clayton, of Islington spent a day last week at the formers' parental home here. They were re- turning from a holiday trip to N'ortTi Bay and other points around the lake shore. M;-. c.:-.ii Mrs. Elmer Ellis and child- re::, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ellis of Kimberiey spent Sundfcy with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McMullen. Mr. W. T. Ellis remained over for a short visit. Mrs. John Tyson of Maple Grove spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs Walter Wilson here. It isn't what a man stands for as much as what he falls for. Miss Ella Wil!>n of Chicago is visiting her aunt. Mrs. Henry Wnght on the 4th line. TV sorial eveni"* held at th<> horn* ^f Mrs. Belts, under the nusnices of the United Church Ladies' Aid, was a verv enjoyable event. Rpv. a*"! Mrs. McWbin^cv fid familv. who ha-p been visitip- rn'n- tives in this vicinitv, left on Monday for thei-- ho~ie nt Karr.r-ack, Sask. TWTS WEEK ITEMS The Women's Institute mot at the >"-me of Mrs. Ed. Scilley on Thursday last when Singhampton branch of the W. I. visited the local branch. The afternoon was taken up with contests and readings and community singing. The Misses Scilley of Toronto are visiting their cousins, Mrs. Robt. Priestly and Mrs. J. L. Morrison. Mrs. Kerby of Mt. Forest visited her grandfather. Mr. H. Stone, and cousin. Miss Lottie Whittaker. Mws Katherine Cairns is visiting: her friend, Miss Marion Miller, of Meaford for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pattison and Mr. and Mrs. Will Pattison and two child-' ren of Toronto spent a few days visit- ing relatives and old neighbors here.j Mi-js Annie Chesney is spending a fortnight with friends at Walkerton. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Echln of Thorn- 1 \ hill and Miss Moore "f Walkerton ' were visitors last week with Mr. S.j Hemphill and family. Mr. Cooey of Owen Sound and Mr.' Cooty of London visited their ster, ' Mrs. J. Kennedy, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Wine of Toronto were visit- ors the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibson. Mr. John Kennedy spentThe week end at Grand Valley. I Mr. J. Burnett and son, Mr. Archie w--. nnd Mrs. Fred LeGard and SOT. Hiliard. and Mr. Harry Pedlar of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Georire Fisher. Master Billv Pedlar and Misses Irene and Elsie Fi-sher returned with them for a holiday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Wilson and Mr Honevford nf Creemore and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eyle.* ~f the Power House we-e visitors with Mrs. Wilson Mc- Mnllpn or- Snnday. Mi Margaret Sinclair has been informed hi>* =he has nassed all her exams with honors and is now ready to enter Normal. We congratulate her upon her success. IN MEMORIAM NUHN In loving memory of our dca- wife and mother, who passed away on August 21st. 1929. IP mind, a daily thought; In heart, f silent sorrow. Husband and Family. Advance Advts. give good results. IT'S WISE TO CHOOSE A SIX A Truly Modern Car You Will be Proud to Own TT is wise to choose a Chevrolet Six ^ because this is definitely a better low-priced automobile. Priced as low as $635 at the factory, it is more modern in design, performance, ap- pearance and features than any other car in its field. It is a car to be proud of, wherever you go. More than two million owners have found that Chevrolet's modern six- cylinder design means more enjoyable motoring. That six-cylinder power is always smooth and flexible. That six- cylinder speeds are always quiet and comfortable. That "Body by Fisher" means infinitely smarter appearance and finer construction. And that six- cylinder performance, as Chevrolet provides it, is just as economical as any other kind! In selecting a low-priced car, you should also consider this fact. Be- cause the Chevrolet Six is so far ahead of its field today, it will be modern tomorrow and command a better re- sale value when you come to trade it in. Come in today. We will give you a demonstration g!adly and tell you about the General Motors Owner Ser- vice Policy, the most complete in the industry . . and the G.M.A.C., General Motors' own deferred payment plan. . Tkt Jport Xanhttr Th*Co*H 740 Th* Cofth 7fO Tilt Suptr Sport KofJUtT 793 (Si* we ROADSTER or PHAETON 635 rw 4m Tht Sfart Ctxtf* MO frictt * hcton, Tom, bumftrt *nd >**t tin e*lr. A >mpl*tt UM ot Cammtnitt Cm, end Tndu from *4*5 mp. CHEVROLET D. McTAVISH & SON, Chevrolet Dealers - Flesherton, Ont. BATES BURIAL CO'Y. DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PARLORS 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KL 4344 Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS. ' YOU CAN PREVENT FOREST FIRES a Canadian forest industries add five hundred million dollars annually to the national wealth. Their very exist- ence is threatened by forest fires, which directly or indirectly affect every citizen through their menace to the national pros- perity. Every Canadian should be careful with fire while in the woods. ! at erne I T ' S BETTER B E C A U S E I T ' S C A N A D C-1830B I A N Millions depend on them/ ^ RDREST SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR

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