WEDNESDAY. AUGUST. 13, 1930. THK FLESHERTON ADVANCE | SHINGLES and More Shingles Every Time The Price of Shingles Drop You Receive The Benefit Middle School Rosulis History 1. j SLOAN, DONALDA* Can- Hist. !l; Anc. Hist. 2; Algebra 1. Th" csults of the Middle School STEWART, DORA- Anc. Hist. C; examinations came to tho hand of Gmm. C; Physics C. Principal Thibaudeau this Wednesday THOMPSON, HAROLD* F.eneh f f. morning and wo are indebted to him Composition C. $ for his zeal in giving the aesults Co TURNER. EVELYN* - Litera. 3; { the nublic. The staff of the high Anc. HI-,t. C; Alg. 3; Geom. 2; Phys. 'f f school is to be congratulated on tho 2; Chem. 1 ; Lat. Auth. C; Lat. Com- X excellent results obtained this year. Position C. jha-3 been ploughed sufficiently early j ARTEMESIA COUNCIL to disk a couple of times and also open up proper water furrows before' Artemesia Council met at Fleaher- thc freeze-up. While it is true that all of ploughing can not be done during the jummer and early fall on account ; Following i. the list: TURNER, HAROLD* Goom. 1; A KINS. ANNIE - Comp. 3; Lit. y- 2: Lat - Al ' th " C: Lat ' Com ?' C; T^_- A *1_ O. I/ i- l^r\mT\ 't > 3; Ancient History C. -*' 1 AK1NS. HERBERT Fr. Auth. 3; Fr. Comn. 2. WILSON, JOHN All?. C; Genm. BIBIJV, MARION* Alg. C; Phys. No. 1 3x at $3.50 per cq. cash No. 1 5x at $4.10 per sq- cash No. 2 5x Sin. clear $3.40 per sq. cash A square covers 1U x 10 at Sin to weather 2; Lat. Auth. C; Lat. Comp. C; Fr. 1; Phys. l; Lit. Auth. 3; Lat. Comp. .C; Fr. Auth. 2; Fr. Comp. 2. ;. Auth. 1 ; Fr. Comp. 2. X| BLACKBURN, LOLA -Comp. C; 1 Written Pass XJ'hys. C; Fr. Comp. C. 'English Comp 22 11 BROWN, AUDREY' Comp. e;|Engiihh Lit ............... 2") Lit. C; Gcom. 2; Lat. Auth. C; Lat Canadian 13 - . . Also gal. nails at / c. per Ib. Don t Jay a 30 year root c;on , p . c . Fr . Autn . C; Fr. Comp. C. Ancient Hist ............... is with a ten vear nail and it take onlv 2 ll>s. to the {: CAMERON, square to lay X<. 1 shingles. The last car sold out in 3 days > place your order early. Telephone 24 and reverse the c H. A. McCauley Flesherton Planing & Chopping Mills Flesherton, Ont. 12 !) 10 14 14 22 11 1(1 1C 14 17 50 48 69 50 93 93 95 92 8.- 8 93 100 Free Flo win Fertilizers Here are four big reasons why we recommend C. I. L. Mixed Fertilizers to you: First: Dry, free flowing, they end that costly nuis- ance, drill-alogging! . . . Save labour! Second: When you need C. I. L. Mixed Fertilizers that 's when you get them 1 Drive up and get them right out of stock! Third: This prompt delivery service is less costly than the old-fashioned "order ami-wait " method . . . Saves you actual dollars mid-cents, as well as valu- able time! Fourth: Made in Canada. A. C. MUIR Ceylon Ontario MURIEL* Al?. 2; j Algebra 15 Chem. 2: Lat. Auth. 3; Lat. Comp. C i Geometry 15 CARSON, SADIE' Comp. 3: Can 'Physics 23 His*. C: Algebra 3; Geom. C; Phys , Chemistry 12 13 Chom. C: Lit. C. | Latin Authors 18 FAU'CETT, RETA Alg. C; Phys. Latin Composition .... 19 2; Chem. C: Latin Authors C. [French Authors 15 FENWICK, MARIE* - Comp. 3 : ;Fren?h Comp 17 Lit. C; Geom. C; Phys. 3; Lat. Auth ' C; Lat. Conm. 1; Fr. Auth. 2; French Composition 1. FERRIS, LESLIE* Lat. Auth. C; Comp. C. FISHER. EMERY Phy.i. C. OENOE. BLANCHE Can. Hist. 'passed away on Wednesday, July 30, :i; Algebra 3; Chem. 2; Lai. Auth. 3; I at tho home of his son, W. J. Ferrli, ,Lat. Comp. "; Fr. Auth. C; Fr. C. 2 j Con. P. Mclancthon. The deceased | GORRELL, ERNEST Cnmp. Cjjwho was born in County Fermanagh, 1 1 it. C; Can. Hist. C; Alg. 2; Phys. 2\\ Irciand.came with his parnts to Can- adn when twelve years old. settling The Late John Ferris A highly respected pioneer of this i district, in the person of John Ferr!;, first at Swinton Park. On reaching iFi. Auth. C F-. Comp. 3. GORRELL, FRED Chem. C. | GRAHAM, IOLA' Anc. Hist. 2; i manhood he was married to Mar> i Chei. 1; Lat. Auth. C; Lat. Comp. C. Ann Caiff, who passed away in 188b. HEARD. ALICE* Alg. 1. | A few years later he \va.; married to JOHNSON', EARL Lit. 2; Geom- 1 Elizabeth Abbot. wh> prc<ieceasea I 2: Phys. 1: Lat. Auth. C; Lat. Comp. 2; Fr. Arth. 2: Fr. Comp. 1. MAGEE, CHRISTINA* Anc. His. him in December, 1928. Mr. Ferris followed farming as m. occupation, first in Proton Township ,C: Ale. 3: Geom. 2; Phys. 3; Chem. C., an ,i i atc r in Melancthon for a lengthy I MARTIN, IRENE* Comp. 3; Lit. period, retiring about fifteen years 1 3; Geom. 3: Phys. 2; Lat. Auth. ( '; a [-,,. He was a man of exemplary Lat. Comp. C: Fr. Auth. 2; Fr. Com 2. character, and his neighbors alway: McCORMACK, Jean Can. Hist, had a good word for him. C; Anc. Hist. C; Thya. 1; Chem. C;| The deccagcd is mou rned by four McFADDEN.^AS. Can. Hist. C; igons and four dauK hters, namely: James and William J. Ferris, Melan;- thon; Tht.-. G. Ferris, in Osprey, Joseph A. Ferris, of Toronto; Sarah (Mrs. L. D. Fallig), Torento, Algebra 3; Fr. Comp. 2. McKECHNIE, JACK Alg. C; Physics C. i MORGAN, PATRICIA* Ccmp. 2 "^ : t ^i. /--. o. MI , >. T_I *. ,4i. ( \*rs. JLit. C; Gcom. 3; Phys. 3; Lat. Auth I |C Latin Comp. C; Fr. Auth. 2; Fr. 1 ^ Competition 1 . Ruth Wm Patton)) Proton MORTON, BERT* Can. Hist. 3; T* Anc. Hist. C; Lat. Auth. C; Lat. Com. couvor. All were present at the funeral with C: FT. Auth. 3: Fr. Comp. 2. One brother, Joseph Ferris 1 of Priccvifle, and two sisters, Mrs. OF 4D REILLEY ALICE- Lit. C: : Chem. Plcstor of EBremont and Mrs . Jojcph "L^^i- S ! . : .^, t -.^- C " . loiter of Proton, also survive. SINCLAIR, MARGARET* Ane. The funeral on Friday afternoon 10E STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY The Big Sale Continues RAYON 151.00 MKRS 4!)c. PAIR In panty styles plain and trimmed with con- trasting cdlors. July sale prin> 4-lc. pair ORGANDIE & RAYON GOWNS & PYJAMAS In various color combination.! and p:;strl shades 4 July Sale Price 98c. LADIES' (OATS AM) IWKSSKS MALI' 1'KICK Come while the;" 1 wonderful vjihu-s last $l.">.(i() Coats for $7.50; $!U.r,(t ooals for $5.25. Dressei on new stylos and i-liades at half price 57.50 dress- es fo-.- $3.7'5; $3.50 Dresses for $1.75 We have both coatn and dresses here at your price and style. IIOSIKKY VALUES I'nKurpasM'd in i (ii. i lii \ and Price Fino silk ,Hosc In bicgo, suntax and lighter shades. Priced for July Sale at $1.14 pirr IMAGINE FINE SILK HOSE Full fashioned stylos in ll new shades 88c. TOWELS Fine quality Bath Towels, large size in white with contrasting trim or plain shades, 69 & 79 a pr. LADIES' FOOTWEAR These shoes come in dongolu, patent leather nnd kid, with combination trim, July Sale .... $1.95 pair LADIES' SMART FOOTWEAR Shoes prkd from $5 and $6 per pair in com- bination lasts and many differnt styles to select from. July Sale Price f2- pair TENNIS ANIX^yTING SHOES Ouv large stock of these lines have been all reduced for this outstanding sale, and we arc able to feature such prices as Girls' Tennis Shoe, boot and oxford, sizes 11 to 2. Sale Price 98l- - Boys' Tennis Shoes, boot and oxford styles, sizes 1 to !>. Sale Price 98c. Children's Tennis Shoes, oxford and strap styles, sizes 5 to 10. On Salo 79c. Boys', Girls and Little gent's assorted style* and combinations, sizes 5 i.i 10 and 11 to 5. July Sulo Price 59c pair Men's Tennis Sheen, boots .xnd oxford style-*. Sale Prices 98c.. SI. 19 and $1.39 MEN'S WORK SOCKS All wool plain grey. Sale Price .... 3 for 49c. MEN'S FINK COTTON HOSE In different shades nnd designs. July Sale Price <> pairs for Sl.OO MEN'S WORVv SOCKS, 3 PAIRS 25c. Mon's Work Socks nnd fine socks, odd lines. July Salo Price 3 pairs 25c. MEN'S SUITS Our largo stock of Men's Suits are all'reducrd $1)5.00 suits arc $23.75 and a good range of tweeds, priced special for July Sale at $12.75 HARDWARE SPECIALS ODD CUPS & SAUCERS in Clover Leaf and other flower patterns. Special at Be. each & 3 for 25c SPADES! SPADES! 89e. Our entire stock of spades reduced from $1.23 to special price of 89r. SCREEN DOORS $1.69 & $2.89 We have reduced our best quality panel doors io fl.fti) and 2.80. These doors are exceptional in value and would merit their purchase now for next Reason's use. |j ( was very largely attended. A shon service at the home of his son, W. 3. Ferris in Mclancthon, was followed by service in the United Church. Dun- dalk, of which the deceased was -a faithful member, conducted by the nastor. Rev. E. Baker a-.sistcd by Kcv M.F. Oldham. of the Anglican Chun^ Interment was made in thf family nlot in Ilundalk Cemetery. The pail- bca 'ors were: James and W. H. Ru?- soll, Thomr ;on Elliott, J. P. McDow- ell, R. Neithcrcut nnd Robt. Coutts. Among the floral tributes were. Pillow, from the family; wreath, Jas Ferris and family; -.pray, Mr. ann M'.-s. L D Fallis; spray, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. Sugcnian; crr.-?s, Mr. and Mrs. E. Pat ion; fprays, Mr. ami Mrs. Gporge Rowley. Mr. and Mrs. Vcrn Pernuc, (Toronto). Mr. nnd Mrs. .las. Aitkcn. FrieruM pnv-ont from a distance. Mr. nrd M--M. Jack Ferris. Viola and Polmar Ferri* Mrs. James Campbell. Irf Toronto; Mr. nnd Mrs. Bloomfiolii Fen-:-, Mr. and Mrs. J. McMillan, Oi Floshorton; Mr nnd Mrs. Joseph Ab- bott, Hanover; Mrs. Mathcws. Mai\- ('alc; JoFpnh I'V-tv.;. PriceviKo: Mrs. HUY I-OR CASH AND SAVE MONKY of certain crops occupying the land, a( i OD t e( i | ten on .Monday, the 4th. clay of Aug- the ust, 1930. Members all present, the Reeve MI the chair. Minutes were read and nevertheless, a start should be rrade r-3 early as possible. Night pastures' and old meadows lend themselves particularly well to early ploughing. By-La\v,to authorize debenture*, for the Acheron drain was introduced and read first and second times and This not only assists materially in Iaid over for third reading at tt getting the ploughing completed, bui future meetin *' it makes possible the cultivation ol The Road Superintendent's report the land to some extent after plough- No " 8 - showin * **" e "ded on roads,. ing and thereby partly takes tho S040 - 62 was Dresen ted and adopted, place of summer-fallowing. This' The &*** payments for Co- givcs an opportunity of keeping mittee . w rk were ordered pal* weeds ur.dr control and storing up J ' Davls > * 2 ': G " Ma * ee ' $2.00; H. a supply of moisture and plant fooa for the next season's crop. 18.00. The Council adjourned. Small Advts. ACCOMMODATION FOR STUDENTS NOTICE ROOMERS WANTED -4 High A ,, Trespassers on lot 37, con. 8, Thlctleihwaitc, Fleshcrton. Good accommodation for High School Students, to cither board or ream. Mrs. Ed. Best (opposite High School.) Artemesia, will strictly be prosecut- ed. Thos. Fenwick, Eugenia P. 0. BULL FOR SERVICE WOK . V FOR SALE Mofi'att steel ranse, oale - at a bargain price. Geo Stewart, Flcshertnn. Registered Jersey Bull for service on lot 127, 2nd. Range S. W. Terras: $2 and $3. B. A. Hargrave, Mark- BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR "sALE-Choicc clover honey . Purebred Berkshire Boar for ser- wick, Maxwell. Royal Winter Fair 1929 and reserve grand champion. Fees, $2.00 FOR SALE Child's sleigh, a baby at time of service. H. C. Radley. carriage end a good washing machine. Mrs. M. Thistlethwaite, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE C(m FOR SALE Polled Angus cow, J00 acreS( Mng Jot > due to freshen last of July. Mrs. [ Artemesia, 80 acres under estivation, Partridge, R. R. 1. Flesherton, phone 'Good house and large barn with good ? 5 r 2. _ __ stabling and out- buildings. For far- FOR SALE Shorthorn bull, h.ther particulars apply on premise*. months Id, dark roan, eligible for) registration. Roy Piper, Ceylon |Phoae 42 r 6 ALB. BLACKBURN, Maxwell phor.c 44 r 31. FOR RENT A good six roomed house, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, stable, hen house and garage, op- posite high school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. 3. FOR SALE Breeding cockerels from | buildings, 12 acres of bush, bred-to lay reg'-stcred stock, priced at $1.50 and up. W. J. W. Arm- strong. FOR SALE Reg bull, "Ringleader Chief" No. 191018; dark read, born July 22, 1927; choice animal; bred by Frank Taylor, Markdale; also M.-H. FARM FOR SALE In the Township of Artemesia 120 acre farm, lots 143-46, 3rd range S. W.T.&S.R., half mile from statioa, miles from Flesherton. Good Scld on easy terms. J. L. McMULLEN, Ceylon. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT The property of the late Ella 10, Collingwood street. On this property is , .. fertilizer drill. 11-disc nearly new. comfortable dwelling house of rooms wrth electric lighting. Ban* 25 x 33 ft. with stable and driving house thereon, also a good well OB the premises. This property is in good location and will be sold reason- lot 9, con., 10, Osprey. Church will 'ably. For further particulars ap- Pjy ti the administrator. W. J. John Meads, Phone 21 r 2, Priceville. FOR SALE Frame church 28 x 40, and shed 75 x 22, situated be sold with or without For particulars apply to W. F. Dean or John Izzard, Feversham, or HugJi Wright, Eugenia. FOR SALE Bran $1.40 cwt., shorts $1.50, Low grade flour $1.90; pc;- bag, $3.70; ;salt 75c. per cwt. Barley, $26.50 per ton, also oats, Meads. Flesherton. Ont FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Bacon hog for service on lot 136, West Back- line, Artemesia. G. H. Cairns. BOAR FOR SERVICE. wheat, chop, coal, etc. Phone 38r3, Registered Yorkshire Boar for eer- A. C. Muir, Ceylon. ,'vioe by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, cabinet, Quebec heater, box stove, falling leaf table, washing machine, wringer, copper boiler, bedroom suite, single iron bedstead nnd springs, electric heater, clectris iron and other artice*. Terms, cash Yv. G. Shannon, Flesherton. FOR SALE House and lot in Proton Station. The lot is a good ono and on it is comfortable dwel- ling house, a good stable and a never ment of Agriculture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. e ... t i "' ' ov - . sprey, errv failing w.'ll. also a eood sod plough j Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire, Bonni. GEO K. DUNCAN DUNDALK LfCKXSED AUCTIONEER Fjr the County of Grey. Terms: I per cent. Satisfaction guarnteed Dates made at The Advance office. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICE o . Osprey, "Merrv housohold furniture that Coulter, Flesherton, and Mrs. Plestcr, | to be sold privately Egremont. ne ll, Administrator. furniture that is going Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly ivately. Neil McCan- ! 131,078. Termj Purebreds 8500 The Advantage of Early Fail Plowing Fall ploughing is generally con- sidered a goood practice in most parts of the cor*itry. if best result are to | " bo obtained. In n section such as I FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, Northern Ontario where the growing ! lots 166 and 167, 1st range west of Res-ion is aomparatively short it Is not only advisakle, but it is impera- tive that the greater part of the ploughing be done in the summer or fall. At the Dominion Experimental Kapuskasing. Ontario, It haa been found that midsummer or early fall-ploughing has materially facilitated the coompletion of* this work before the ground becam* too wet or was frozen. Experiments have shown thf.t Purebreds $5.00. Rrades 12.00. Cows not returned will be charge lull price. FOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT, 8. R. HAWKINS, Engenta. situated in Ceyln village on high- j way. good frame house, well built. MIDDLE BRO & BURNS ' containing six rooms, nicely located Barristers, etc. one and a quarter acres of well [ ' ice * Owen Sound, Durham cultivated land with barn; makei and FI e* n rton. Flesherton evesy offer. Charles Melia, 79 Caithness i S>turday '""noon and e7enir.jf. momr s CARDS Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. Di S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray. Torontrt street, Flesherton. Phone 69. No. 10 Highway, Artemesia Tp. 2 miles from Flesherton, U mile from school, 70 acres under culti- vation, balance swamp and pasture. Any reasonable offer will be con- sidered. For particulars apply to L. R. Thistlethwaite, Ave., Toronto 6. 24 Conner MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE Any percons trespas- sing on lots 4 and 5, con. 3, Euph- rasia, do so at their own risk. practically all tho common farm Fawcett BTO>M R . R 1( Duncan . c.ror\< should be sown as parly in the spring as the condition of the soli Prince Arthur Ixxfee, 8SS. A. F. A A. M. meets in the Masonic Hail, Arna, strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the fall moon. W. M, C. N. Richardson, Secretary, B. A. McCauley. . FOR RENT Village lot to rent- - ^4 acres on which is house, will permit nnd this m only possible house and wraKe . Apply when the land ha* been ploughed the j Graham in care of E. A. Graham] previous fall, and better still if ItClarksburg. Wm. Kaittin*. Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- hen. anteed- All arrangements and dates may be made at the Advance offlee.or addressing me at Eugenia. 1 telephone 43 r 11, Flesherton or by * >