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Flesherton Advance, 13 Aug 1930, p. 5

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\ t i i . t ' ' f THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 13, 1930. Your Business Is Related To Ours Since 1584, -when the first Euro- pean bank was founded in Venice, the story cf the world's commercial progress i3 the history of the devel- opment of banking. Since the founil- : rg of the Bank of Commerce in 187? the commercial progr-'-.s of rr.any of this Country's most suc- cessful brsiness hou-ses is closely identified with the services of th:s institution. Each local branch of the Bank of Commerce is equipped to meet the financial needs of the community. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE untfi tvhicH is asna/yama/<f -v THE STANDARD BANK. OF CANADA jl Local and Personal Ml-33 Hazel Alexander spent the past week in Collingwood. Herbert Akins is holidaying in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Latimer of To- ronto are the rruests of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson. Miss Dora Stevens of Detroit w visiting her friend. Miss Louie Car- goe. Mrs. Richard Whan and son, Mur- ray visited th.a past week with Mr. and Mrs. C. Aitken-s. Messrs. Harry Akin-, and Everett Blackburn were in Toronto on busmen ovc- the \reek end. Mr. Jos. Armstrong of Toronto? is holidaying v.-ith his family a: their summer home here. Miss Annie Howard of Toronto spent Sunday with her brother, Ilenrj Howard. Rev. M. M. Bonnctt of London spent last \vook in tnwn with hN ^n. Emerson J. Bennett, local furni- ture dealer. Mr. and Mr-. .T3. Watsin r-r.'T little ron of Toronto spent tho pn^ w?ok with Mrs. V/.iN' n'-; parent-, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wi!?. n. M ". Harry Hamnton of Vancouver vi-.itcd v.-ith Mrs. T'los. Taylor and caller! on other old acqi'ri A Cheque Artist A zlick cher-io artist has bee: working recently in the southern par? of the cornty, and Provincial Officer Denton lu. ; been called in an ci foi-t to trace the culprit. He suc- ceeded in cashing cheques, one oti [ the Durham bank for $325 and one on the Flesherton bank for ?135. T ehequci in ouestion were supposed to have been made out by local men. In one instance he is said to have given the name cf Price, which was the name of a we'.l known farmei in the community who had an ac- cent at the bank, and in the other instance he used the name of Faw- cett. The police have been diligently working on the case, but have been unable cj yet to ascertain how the man "succeeds in finding out just who have bank accounts at certain banks, and they are inclined to the belief that he has an accomplice. Up to the present time there are no traces of the man. VILLAGE COUNCIL Flesherton Village Council met on Monday evening. There were pre- sent: Reeve, McTavish and Councillor Richardson and Dargavcl. The minute-3 were read and adopted. An account from The Advance Co. for nrintingr, $11.25 was ordered paid. By-Law 169 to levy rates for 1930 was introduced and passed. Representative-, of the Hewson Plaxton Co. w*re present in the mat- te^ nf insurance. Richa-dson - Da-ravel That the fVuTioil take on a policy for Public T.inhility Insurance with the Hewston Plaxton Co. for one year at premium cf S101.00 carried. The Council adjourned. Mr. .""d M'"-. W. Thompson of Newn;arke l ar^ vint'ivr this v;:'el; with tho former's sister*, Mrs. O. V. . Phillip'' and Mi-. McDinr.M. Mr.-.. M. Phillips is on a two week? camping trip to Muskoka with hc.- son, Robert and family. of Toronto, together with other Toronto friends. Rev. Robt. Me Hardy, well known of the United church, died b Toronto last week. Rev. Me- Hardy has conducted revival services in Flesherton. The prize Kits for the East Grey fa" fair will bo in the hands of Secretary. H. A. MeCauley the fi-s: of next week. Any person not ?. member of the Society is requested to secure a copy. Messrs. Hugh Moore and Reg. Stevens of Detroit motored over and 3rK>?t the week end with M-. and Mrs. W. J. Moore, Springhill. Mrs. Stevens returned with them, alon? with Mrs. Moore and Miss Dot Stev- en-s, who will holiday in Detroit. The horseshoe enthusiasts have constructed two horseshoe courts on the vacant property between thc| telephone office and Freeman'- store. and the ring of steel on steel re- sounds from early morning to late at night. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blackbu-n ac- companied by Mrs. \V. Blackburn and son, Elgin, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Blackburn a: Lakeviow. They were acc'inipan>a ( home by Georgina Blackburn and Doreen Boland. who had spent the past week there. Quite a number from here attended tho races in Collingwood on Mo- day. Postmaster W. W. T -imbie ' wc-3 unfortunate enough to have ht | knee injured when a horse, Mar-, Sprine. sprang sideways into trie crowd, also injuring a few othe; men. Mr. T -imble was kent in Ui Collingwood hospital Monday nigh:, ' returning home Tr-sday. Rev. Mr. McWhinney of Kamsacn.j took the service in St. John's United | church en Sarba,th morning, and j carlv days of missionary work among | tho Creo and Stony Indians, mention- ing svch nnnirs as Pete;- Jonc?. Father Cace, Thomas Crosby, George 1 McDougal and his son, John, Jame.-: ; Evans, inventor of th Cree Sullabie i System, who were stalwarts in toe, earlv days of Missionary work anon:; j the Indians. He could have menti^M- j ed such Yin-mcs a' Thnjnns IIiHlnir;-. i E. R. Young. II. B. Stoiuhancv. F.G. Stcvpns, S. P. Gnndin n r,l many others, some of \vhirn are still labor- Ing: if Manitoba. W. BRO. ROBT. COUTTS f L.O.L. No. 797. Dundalk. Ont.-rio wh jias been a member of the OIX'PI- 58 yars, having joined L.O L S87 in 1872. Although in hi-, 76th year, he is still hearty and has not missed .? "Twplth" in forty ysira __ Dundalk Hpra'.H. Cadet Camp in Valley Qi:ite a number of visitois from abridge were at -the Ca.!,-r "amp on Sn:;!ay. Tho camp U l.-s- c.-u.-d in the valley ro -th of tho pr.iver hourp in V.'. A. Weber's bush. The lioj-j are in char-c cf V\". Shore, principal rf the V.". -.-(! - - hiyh school. Until he bcfr.ii mi-Ms;;? liisrh s.-iviol. Until ho bc-enn teaching M -. Shore lived on the 9th. lino of Euphrasia, near Markdalc. M:-J. Shore is spending this week with Mr. Share also his sisters. Mrs. Brown and Mi r 3 Shove of Markdale. The boys will be in camp ten days from the 6th to the 16th of Augrst. Excellent Pea Yields Every yc.-:- r. greater interest is devoted in Ontario t > growing such crop.-, as p'-as. bean-, tomu; , c:rn and cue- -filer- for the can- ning trade. Mos: of the growers find the iclurr.-- patisfactory. th'- yarr. pr-misir" 1 ; '-" I-- 1 .- -r than :!. While tho \vcathc- >.">- no: favoral'lo t:> .1!'. crop.-, it has V.r n --.iltablo fo 1 - pen?. In Lambton C IJty f>r-.nt?in rccj'vcd $52 a ton : : ami procured r 1 . yield as ; ' . per acre Ii Dur- Mr:' one farmer hat', r. yl'.''J. of 4600 rnur' 1 ; To: which b^< received "2'..."0 and cU-afMl $108..' " after -r for th- s~vl. One "rrwr in , orrr -.-,| - cl "i pr"flt ot 572-' fro;r>. thir .T;>;> -!'-no. Beans will -i IK- !' :idy f.>r canning and {ri -.\vcrs nr" b"ir,-r in!;l Z'rf "or tor. i!i.!iv -red at th? factory. Norman Wilton Dies; Was In Local Bank Tho many fripndi in Fl<?sherto:i ar.d ck"whr--e "f Mr. Normnn Wiltori were shocked to receive tff^ riews ot hi? r'eath which occurred in Walkor- ton cr. Tuesday of last week follow- an operation for hernia, from which he i'ailed to come out of the anaes- thetic. Norman was employed in thd Flesherton branch of th" Merchan: s B?nk. The Walkerton Herald&Times says "Deceased was a fine stalwart chap of six feet and being of an Pthlotic turn wns E-! ardent b?=~ball player, am' while at Fleshertor" wps ir.-otru- mrntal in getting a basohall league formed in that district. Ho was a genial, sociable nature r-nd friends whcr^vo- h" went and in his pa-ssing a fine tvpe of virtuous manhood is removed fror.i Th lato Norman Harvev Wilton waa born "n the oarent"! farm on :he 14th COP.. Oi--ick, about tfiirty- .wo yars apro, and after attending thp Otter Creek school, and the Walkerton High School, joined the old Merchants' Bank hpro in 1913. He was -subsequently transferred to the branch rt Flesherton. and later to Tisdale, Sask.. where he bft the banking business and joined the C. P. R. train staff. Returning to Ontario he took a position witTi Genera! Motors, Oshawa. for six months, and about three years ago took a position in the nurchasine dept. of the Studebaker Motor Co. in Detroit. When the latter moved their office about a year ago to South Berd, Ind.. he left their em-' p'.oy and joined the staff of the' Dime Saving-' Bank. Detroit, with whii-h he was connected at the time of hi? death." Th? funrral t^ok nlacr or> Thurs- <l.\ aft'-'-noop frnm his Barents' home ir> Carru-k township to Walkor- tnn L-emetory. the service being un<!t>r the au">ice3 of the Masonic Order, of wbi; 1 ' }>-> rr"= a pr : ':; ' One Year Ago . A n intcv^-in.- letter 1'^t v.'0-.-k f^nl Mr. J;-s. ^i. p?r-'i- of Ar.-:.-,:;u!a., in rtnf.ving for T'l" inco. ?-'r. Sti'-'n ?aid: ''V.". - - I \va ; !i;i -lc '.. ,.r- : rirl:' '''..uni-ir.", which is :'!\vavs r-.main. The Ii-!,-k ' > ire many ti.nei v. ';!' li-o'tnin? s;-..r.!. Xi tail could i--i-".act tlv. 1 doinsr- tha' a.Tain and again ha-.v r.i;s?r-d throur-v ITV mind, r'.or-sar^ -..icmoric-. Th- 1 jurely dii! put it o'.vr.'' Furniture Sale - of - New & Shopworn Pieces at Great Savings CHESTERFIELD 3 PIECE SUITE In perfect condition. Mohair covering at the Rock Bottom price of $125.00 FUMED OAK DINING ROOM TABLE Reg- S24.00. nt-w. selling- at SI 5 00. CHINA CABINET Fumed oak $18.00. DAVENPORT New. slightly shop worn. Re^. $33.00 reduced toS22.00 NEW WICKER SETTEE Xe\v, Reef. S15.00. to clear at $10.00. And numerous other artcles that you need. EMERSON J. BENNETT Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director Tele-phone 78. FLESHERTON > ^ > RESULTS OF LOWER SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS, FEVERSHAJi FALL FAIR LIST The number-, in, brackets after the name indicate that the student must re-write that number of subjects. Eunice Campbell (1), Albert P-avidson, Madge Davidson. Herb Eby (1). Marg-aret Foster. Jim GiV bin, Alda Hawton. Murray Hawton (1), Edith Heirman. Jim Heitman (2i Art I.awler (2). Kathleen Morrison Tom Stephens, lone Thornbury (1), Gulden Udell, Albert Wright. Alliston Bar:-!-; Bolton BramptoT 1 . your- Flour and Feeds from the Osprey Farmers' Milling Co. FEVERSHAM Family Bread Flour SI:i;lo ii-cn: X . 1 Wostcrn - Pas*ry Flour Jfade Frori Ch-i:-.--- Ontario V.' Cracked Rod \\'hcat. C.rit.>, I'.ran. Shirts and coarse feeds al\v;ivs on ha:id Clarkslrarg Dundalk Collnnjrwood Durham Feveriham Flesherton Grand Valley Hanrvi-r Kilsyth : \1? ' . .I Fiv-est vip'.' .-'n:-.(l ' Sh.-lburne T. ronto. C. - r'# F:i:! Sept. 19-20 Sept. 22-24 Oct. 3-4 Sept. 23-24 Oct. 9-10 Sept. 30. Get 1 Sept. 23-24 St-pt. 25-28 Sept. 1<>-17 Oct. 7-8 Sept. 18-11* Sept. 30, Oct 1 Sept. 10-12 Sept. 23-24 Sept. 24-25 Sept. 8-l:? :!0. Oct. 1 Si-pt. 17-10 Sept. 17-I!> l'J-20 Oc^. 2-4 Oct. 2- Oct. 7-S . 23-2(5 Sept. 30. Oct. 1 V:.'. '1'2. Sent (5 Sept. 23-2* ADDITIONAL LOCALS ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams, Eugenia, Ont., announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Margaret Viola Gertrude to Thomas R. Crowe cf Toronto, the marriage to ta:<e place in Toronto en August 30th. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Good of Buf- falo, N. Y. visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Sam McMullen. The question is not whether man descended from tho monkey, but when H he going to quit descending. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton en joyed a motor trio to B-ockviiTo and Ottawa during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. R. G Holland ar- hilidaying at Mtusellman's Lake. Mrs. Otto Clipperton and two children of Toronto are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Gaudin and Mrs. A. Cooey and Doris of Toronto attended the opening cf Mount Zion church on Sunday and on Monday called on his sister. Mv:-. Thurstpn, and family. Advertise in The Advance Boots & Shoes Work Boots Men's and Boys wo r k boots best quality, from $3.25 up. A good line of Oxfords from ?3.00 up 25c. off for cash on purchases over $2.00 W. L. MORWOOD Flesherton - Ont. The Lone Wolf's Daughter ,\ thri li drama with lU-rv [.ytell as tin- star. Merry Mix-up;:. Strange Cinnplications, Baffling Mysteries, :;r.d a clever crc.'k tr\ in^ t<> <>ut\\iv his : rs rs. A C< ':nnbi;i picture well worth seeing. The Big Pie Raid MacOouirall Allev Kids in ;i smashing: oomedy in ni.nv ways tlum one The MucDou^ill Alley Kvls have never been seen in Markdale. I. et us know \\bat you think of them. - ^ .* Princess Theatre, Markdale FRIDAY & SATURDAY at 8:15. 15c. and 25c. Next Week. The world famous MARY PICKFORD in her latest available release "THE O">(Jt"KTTK". Scoured at considerable- expense specially for our audiences. Make a point of seeing the adorable Mary. I When School Opens - WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Mow is the time to begin making plans Are you think- ing of business, if so to investigate the courses of study and the opportunity for making the preparation necessary for business lif at the MAMMAL Circulars fre to any address. Writ* (or Information or emtl Pboae 107 during biuineM boura. Phone 130 renlngi Or call %t iho office, a JL FLEMING. Prlnclpftl. Owen Sound. Oatarfi. English Semi Porcelain Dinner Ware Special Reduced Prices for August Only Regular $19.75 for : $1775 Regular $25.00 for $21.75 Regular $27. 5 for $23.75 Ivcirular $31.50 for $26.75 Regular $35.00 for $30.50 There are twelve 1 selected designs to choose from, in white and ivory bodies. They are from the best potteries and all are "Open Stock", so that you can pur- chase a lull Dinner or Tea Sett or a sing le plate and cup and saucer you may prefer. Tf you already have some of these 1 patterns and wish to add a few articles or refvbce something broken, we will allow you a special 10 perct'nt. discount on our regular prices during August. Genuine Limoges China Imported From France lleautiful new designs in Open Stock Patterns, specially prices at $39, 75 and $55.00 For the full 97 piece Dinner Sett F.H.W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO I

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