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Flesherton Advance, 13 Aug 1930, p. 4

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\VEDNESDAY. AUGUST, 13. 1930. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESNERTON ADVANCE The New Prime Minister just as good as the natural method. \ Health Service I If there is not sufficient breaa " Published on Collingwood street, Fleehtrton, Wednesday of each wek. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.60. In Interesting anecdotes regarding the I life and experiences of Canada'-^ new I I Primp Minister Hon. R. B. Bennetl aie reaching the public through ! trie industry of the correspondents a: U. S. A, $2.50 per year when paid Ottawa and elsewhere. We learn, in advance $2.00 ' for cxamp i, ( that as a boy Mr. Ben- ( Members of Canadian Weekly News- rett wag g^^g Bn d non-Combative, paper Association) ( an Omn jf erop4 reader, ard a very W. H. THURSTON, - - Editor car ly and persistent tslker and de- ". J. "BHURSTON - Assoc. Editor hater. It is alo set forth that his . -r ' father was n ullage carpenter in the p-ovince of N*w Brur.nvick, and that the aiow proudly gtves for the first timq, n Dominion Premier. Then it i> claimed that neither at COMPULSORY INSURANCE v The New Ontario Safety Responsi- bility Law comes into effect on sc j, 00 i nor since has the New 1 ,- Prime. September, 1 and it il up to every Ministe contracted any bad jhaUit.i motor'st to secure insurance or a or even become addicted to thi use of bond covering personal liability and tol ' acco - smiff ' heer or 7 hisky ' , there may be no mistake on these property damage if he or she becomes points, one of these ferriting news PORTLAW Sunday last was a red letter day - of the CANADIAN MED. ASSOC. , Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jamieson, two- sons and MM. Kerr and son of To- ronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson here. Lawrence Lyons visited some this way, the baby receives the ben- efit of all the natural food available If the nursing mother is healthy and is & iven what . ad^o 1 food week. BREAST FEEDING milk, then the proper thing t-> do is to supplement the quantity there Is for Mount Zion church, when specialj ^ t with some artificial feeding. In re-opening services were held morn- ; p^" K.U : iv. k_ ing and evening after extensive im- '' , w T provements and decorations had been' Mr. .nd Mrs. J W Lyons visited made to the exterior and interior of: with Toronto relat.ves last week. Rev. Mr. Pope preach- 1 P.ev. and Mrs. Rumble of Toronto There is no reason why ed able sermons at both services i spent the week end with Mr. and enme a distance, i Mrs. Luther Love. .Mr. Rumble was J 'Jj ' ^ jUtloBed at Mount Zion some year3 , p thoi voice , in praise , in the old! ago. and if she fa eating the proper foods ... . , thc mfant should not continue at the h,, m,K w,l, almost surely contain breast while he has supplementary all of the const.tuents her feedings, some breast milk being so Jiild requires for proper nutrition, much better than none *t all. home church . and it was Breast milk meeta the needs of Satisfactory hici|;t-feeding dr- ag tn3C old wa n s tnat had been Called to Toronto on account of the the child in a remarkable manner. P ends 1 '! )on the mother's taking care taste f u iiy beautified, resounded witn serious illness of the former's mother. This is not surprising whan w-, r -n- of her heol . th ' P articularlv ner diet - thc heartened melody of famillai j Mr. Robert Blakey had the inspiring Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walker were crn- sid?r that it is tH? r...i.ural food of mis- on her confidence and determination These people rejoiced to see fortune to have his house and con- that she can and will breast-feed her Mount Zion put on new vestments, tents destroyed by fire on Sunday infant. Breast fcodinj is not' an baby, and on her resolution that she new ac tivity and new strength. Mr. evening. No particulars are at hand, entirely foolproof metf.Vd of feeding, will fe?d with absolute regularity by Thomas Taylor of Flesherton has | Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Malcolm, confiscated until such time as striction is made and financial involved in an accident and is re- menK ,, rs , last week hied himself to tiie quired to pay for such damage there- Mar itimc Provinces, and the-e looked by caused. If such pei son has noi up a n O f p rc mier Bennett's ancient secured insrrance and if called upon rc ; a tj ns O f v.hich ho could get ar; to pay o- such accident art! is ur- olH )j enc ,,. H: ; aunt, now aged 95. able to do so the- driving and motor rc j j ct ,j that her nephew Richard had vehicle permits and car markers are ncw Dccome a prca t man, and volun- re ~ toe -ed tho information that she be- . rc ~ iieved him to be a Christian, am! sponsibility prr.ven to the satisfaction j, OIV , t | t ] u , mnn h? beat was likewise of the depa tment. The best way , thr.d'.x. She was especially nlear.ei! for the motor: ;t to establish responsl- tha . )u , r i )r jHi an t nephew had suc- bility is to fil.- with the Department rf . r( | r( | po wo ji. RR he had boon verv a certificate of insurance to show k ; lu | Jo )lpr on(] to O ther members ot his persona! n.-,ponsiHlit so that ,..,. falllilv o ," hi- fortune he in event of r. conviction for an of- ^^ .., u o v ,-.,-,, >-;ded for them fence undi the act. or failure to a hidgr.icnt. his license would pay hi-1 .. iuOy ,,,-,,, ;,|,, ( ] f r . r them for ^\, ar( | never failed to c-imo to ~ei- .(,,.,-, v !.<-n in \\\* native province. rot be immediately suspended. .N- v},, v . ... mr . ni) insm. indrc-d,. to doubt this law will see the climln- ,;,, : .i, tl.nt Mr. Pcrnett i n very ricn at ion <f i-.any < ' th- r.ltl relics of . , nn fl ... ; n ,j, ? cnl: - f p o f the cam- cars that travt-'. th' highway.', driven nA \ p , Y ir l.; n -,.:f |, ; ,'h raid it," and ', y persons ,f r.:> fir.anci?.! respoi -i- }. ha ' 3 |,,.,. n tf)! . r .,i,]y Hi,-r;-l. so fa-. Al! notcrli-.t.-.. for their f.wn ;,, ,.,,.,;-. \,\, rid)- , l.'.!, with his }r.~* politienl ;,, ' >m-f;' '"i Jy. -' onci (hat thiv arc < ered 'nv -,- ,, fv.i.iv.-p. corr : :" .'drnts r : ': '.] ! >v.-n by the De- ., - ; |,. . ;,. inent in tlie ncw ai-t. n i.iil|i ( ,n w : " li te!l i"intiii>utcd ?t least half (i'.llais t:i the Cu- iervatlve , ; . Y.vl i;i R - >it election, p. r ,l ;; - many p 'itici:'.n?, who ire v ' cvlni'v. <: Loti(r m:iy !' N.w thnl :hi' (-t<ction i< -. V :-vi." Wi- arc- fold fin ther the ver, we rvjst all t'et ready for fall , "iai!" M; ftirtiru : ;i*v. im- -. nn'y true in pa-t. TIo hnd KNITORIAL XOTFS 'oujrhini' nni! ; -. .iration for ' ifc ! f':irvi-- thi main hii-hwru -. |, r ., ' 1VC : .Tiled liy tli;- Vi ' ' : ' "- i; -.(! efforts l.avr been made to elimin- mani ' th.- : T-ir ; iif..-.^i'il^. H'.\v- ,- ; - ( ' . t! : ri the Kin 1 .-' f ' "":t')i.. ' ' '! to I);: - ', , ilk : . ' ; 'l v;-rv '!;;' - ;.- . ' : icVi wi ' M! aMe rar.; tiv nintr rvr iit.> t!.- ,\<' '.-. ,,f ), r ,l |, ;:(!. in i-l.'ninin;r t; ; f -h !- i .; 't ; :-P ;au! the e^rlv year-- is life in t'-ic Xo-Mnvc-t. \vh(-re .,,,,. cs r y, i, r: l-p.vyer. to Al- , XVPI? i::.-: ;. = st-'CnUOUS as ' rnv pionee? ' 'ofi s - ; >n:il |;. : t ) u . \v.rl:rd hard and M)~- <l. was fl'Tlerl : r.:crnli< r ('f the ^.Jnn-. ',]: - ( 1- : i :i.- '.lie only .-.iitivr- M.P. iil th,- "Ci {';. -. "rdcd " ' :'' ! '1< % and ndapt- er:>ii! r h .t" rrv:i::-r.r.-l the vote? is f<.|U<\v (ielc-rnlc:; t > the Con- 1 nirv i"- i>--iv not hnve n ten- n'"- t'. i\i> 'h th cnra Imt i fve: - B th' road is dair'i" i.ri-. vn-l. ' ' ni-r i-l-a. the r'irvc -hould l>e u rvntivo convention a* Winninrg mn! thus ber-n:v.e leader. Il v.'as whlif sei \inp- in Parliament in the wn.r yt :irs tlin' his c oatest rrfs^d fortune n-! mor" s i-nt time. iiT than at the rpine to him. A -schoolmate of lu l>a<l marriul one of the big industrial magnates of the eanital. ITe died The Princinal of Vi v ir.dbridKi puii- and the widow desiring expert lezm rlit>l. v, i:h ; t'i nii'kini' npriy of advice in administering the estate leTt radf-t.'. h-vi> I rt>n s!i^"i'tiir a her, it was natural thnt she should 'liday ramninir in the Ki'o!>"r!ev turn to ht now noted schoolmate. il!-y. Thev are loud in their |.r.ii-r Th<> estate came out so well that the the scenic beauty of tins earthly widow insisted on payinjf her counsel radise. One may travel far !>e- by a Milistantial hlo^k of gilt edged -p comin<r acro'Ss a more captivating stoc!;. The sequel was even more -ritorv than which is to be found interesting, they tell us for the wid- >ne the R'aver Valley and tii" r w, dying "t a comparatively early 'linu country < i idf ff th . age. loft to her faithful friend and :it viilli.y which rives bed to lawyer the g -eater portion of her -rihiV'iMr waters that supply the.romaininK properties, unlike the ge-.- ^tric 1'iflit ard power for !>iar>-. ("rrlitv r,f p'miori o r 'he r>~?t, t'. unni'- f.f our population. Inde"'! -<-\v First Minister thin li >> o:- around us arc to hp fo>nv.! B*"""" Va--v 8tre t. belli" a ivin ol' fr-tun?, - f.. 1 cr"i|)ine fronnds f r hnlii'nv -"il ." !>*' hflor. His pt" : i 00. hi ' ' "r^. Wi' do not r.ped to fi fj.- 1 i : V.'f'll ] -eserved and does nnt loo': !l for --0011 t'> ""create. Nntn - . indf'f-'' been ki"*'l to ''i *'fiil \''* p" > -, TTTT7 c-^T^lT. AT1VTS. Ford Convertible Cabriolet FOR summer motoring, for the dash to the club or for thc shop- t ing tour, thousands of women are < losing the new Ford convertible .."Violet, according to ofllcials of ! Ford Motor Company of Can- j i, Limited. This now model, illustrated : b 'Ve, combines tho smart, youth- ', I dash of the roadster and the : g, all-weather comfort and the . lusivoness of the coupe. The . npact landau top can be raised lowered easily and quickly. A *, Me substantial rumble heat nnd cowl lights are, included as stand- ard equipment. The top of tan material, rubber interlined^ folds completely when lowered and lies flat back of tho seat. Door windows, which fit snugly into the top, arc in chrom- ium plated frames nnd nmy be raised to act as windshield wings when the ton is lowered. When tho top Is up the rear curtain may bo rnised to permit conversation with passengers! in the rumble seat. Hertford cord is used for uphols- tery nnd interior trrmming. however, and in order to carry it out th properly, the mother requires to give, some thought to the subject. The mother, if she intends toj niir"-c he-- baby properly must at- clonk. NOTICE not forgotten thc church of his boy-, and daughter of Collingwood visited hood and late-- years. He was down at the McKenzie home recently, last week and built a cement plat-' Master Lloyd Little gave a birth- form. He knows how to do a job o^day party on Saturday afternoon to this kind and as a final touch Mr. a number of his young friends, it I Jj j tend t^ her r-erH halth. which ofi The Artemcs 'a & Osprey Shipping an<J Mrs H y Gaudjn of Toronto bcing Lloyd's fifteenth birthday, course, include, attention to her, Associat.on u shipping stock every CDntributed mattin|f which diet, f.' the hr-.thT is careU>s^ "J Tuesday from Flesherton station. was regards her own reeds, she 1-3 doing hrrm. rot only to he-self but, in- ( directly, to her child through her| milk. The nursing mother requires fi-e.^n, sunshine, lest nnd rxerc ; ; > H ivd-^r to maintain her normnl health. | She should >>at a well balanced meal, 1 Making sure that it includes the daily t'so of milk and milk p-oducV.' green leafy vegetables, and fruit.!.' laid' Mr. Paul Churney has sold his . T, in the aisles of the church. ifarm on the centre line to Dever T.-uckmg of stock ,s also done. ; Mf Md Mrs j L Woods and Bros ? and is moving to near Hamil- F, TAYLOR, Shipper. f r ; end o f Toronto visited with Mr. ton, where he has purchased another Phone 63J to make arrangements. am , Mrg Wm Tay , or farm- hnbit^ of the 'Utention to tli" ni-oner hcr'.Uhv living is 'j r.uisinp mother a"d her child. She should feed by the clock. Kx- pi Hence has proved, beyond qur-.tion thnt regularity in feeding shovld be >ved. The time for fc-cdinfr Is the hoi-r set ns shown by tho clo;k. r >t wh"" th" mrfther ciiessr s thnt it 1^ ft .'( time, 01- when the baby "rie=. Regularity in is nec- rj r-r th'- bnbv; irregularity is tie '' "f digr-'tive upsets. Re.i'- larity i" ferdin'r P'SO help.-' to inn in- lair tl: 'u-piv of breast-milk. ''.i: luiby ! liquid be weaned unles:; t>i i..'ces>ity for deprivihir him oh hi- i-fitural fond has been careful ; Mother;-, fi-r r.i.pie ur.-| fret the known reason, very often idi-a thnt their milk is nit suitable. They do ml kn;>w, :.- llvy have for-! C'Mtn that the h< t artificial feed- ing i< only a siih.-titutc and is iu-vrr| Sui lin well fed ! My mother trades at KENNEDY'S GROCERY Ib. $1.10 pail '1'ea. rcif. 4 ( k. fir Xc\v Iliii]c\' I'lHX !,;;nl Ihinly AniMionia l ; rc-;h C.n/iind Coffee 60c.II). > 3pk<js 29c. 25c. WORK SHIRT; from$! and $1.50 For$l > . I FLESHERTON CAMPAIGN COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE I lie Merchants and Men represented below are co-operating in an effort to prove to thc resi- dents ol the town and surrounding connmmiiy that values equal to any of the larger towns or cities may be procured in local stores. A series of educational "JJuy-at-Home" editorials will be reproduced weekly. I he benefit ot Home Buying will be shown to th* general advancement and progress of the community. Read the editorials, take advantage of the weekly specials offered bv he merchants, and BOOST THE TOWN YOU CALL HOME. F.H.W. H1CKL1NG GENERAL MERCHANT Special prices on running shoes s' sizes 6!>c.. misses, sixe 89c.. boys' sizes $1.K. F. W. Duncan GENERAL HARDWARE White enamel preserving kettles UOc., $1.10 and S1.25 values TELEPHONE &4J FJesherion Advance f art- offering ned subscriptions In The Advance until 1 .January 1!)32 for o"ly $2.00. This ocer lasts until Sept. 1. Fiasherton Planing Mill COMPLETE LINE Bl'ILDEHS' SUPPLIES Lumber, Shingles, Lath, fiyproc Lime, Brick, Flooring, Etc. PHONF 2-1 W. A.Hawken PHOTO GALLERY AND MUSIC STORE EL CT"IC RANGETTE 830.00 Complete with ov"n TELEPHONE 17w Ei. Down & Sons FORD DEALERS i 1025 Star Sedan PHONK 38 Osprey & Artcmesia Co-Operative Co., Ltd. N--iv Hor.ey 5 IV.'. 55c. Spanish Oniotv. ". ll.' 'J!>c. TELEPHONE VO W. G. Kennedy GROCERIES. FRESH & CURED MEATS. MEN'S WEAR Try our Fresh Ground C>ffee COc. Ib. PHONE Emerson J. Bennett FURNITURE DEALER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 3- piece Wicker Suite Hep. SH7.00 for $."2.00 PHONE 78 J. A. Stewart GROCERIES. FLOUR & FEED Orangp Mnrmnlndi* large Jar 2!)c. PHONE 40 W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELLERS 15 r f off a!' Diamonds in stock. This week only. F. G. KARSTEDT STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS Special prices on Hay Fork Rope and Binder Twine PHONE 7 i V/atchmakera Opticians When Misfortune Beckons John Plester McCormack 7 ft. cut binder M. II. hay louder, in cood repair. PHONES:Office 79w; Resid. 44r4 K. FINDER The wheels of misfortune sometimes turn against us and we meet with reverses. At these times everything goes wrong. One affliction nt'tei- another and we arc- down and ot't. Probably sickness is the c::uiie. At any rate daik clouc'.-j obscure the horizon of the future. However, no matter how dark thc days are, ourselves nnd our families need o'.othintr and food to keep body and soul together. Who comes to your aid in thr.M 1 dismal periods and supplies your wants until success again shims? The mercantj in the towns out side FU'.ihei'ton know little about your circumstances and carp less, although it may have been him who received your support n few months ago. He will not come to your assistance now and tide you over the rourrh waters of misfortune. No, it is the merchants in your own town who will come to your aid.. "Whv certainly Fred, you can have whatever you want until this trouble is over. You've had a tough break. Old Man, and don't hn nfr'iiil to <>m Iwo mt pot whnt you wont." Charity? No! .lust the storekeeper's community -spirit assrrthig itself. He knows that you luive always lived in tlv community and that your honesty is (stablishod. Mingled with his conw.nity s(>h'it i". rD-tnin nmonnt r,f ntirlp i" hrnthprly Invo. Ho kiriws von better than you know him. Do you wnit for misfortune to find otit how much confidence your merchant hr. < in you. Do it now.Give him your trade nnd you will both benefit thereby. Flesherton Bakery See that thte broad that grace' vour table is made at home. CANNOT BE BEATEN EAT MORE OF IT. D. McKillop TINSMITH & PLIMBING Forks, Shovels. Hoes, Spades at right prices. C.eneral Hardware THE HOME OF Ql'ALITY MEAT M Wilson 15 I T T C II K R Jollied Tongue, Veil Picnic Hnms Smoked Meats of nil kinds. TEI lil-iKK.K I7\v Thos. Owler ar d Sen (JRI5Y COUNTY EGG GRADING STATION Eggs Graded bv Experienced Graders McTavish & Son CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE 1028 Landau Chevrolet Sedan 1927 Chevrolet Sedan TELEPHONE 9w H Freeman GROCERIES. FRUITS AND 2 pkg3. Kellogg Corn Flakes 29c. 2 Iba pure Lard 35c. TELEPHONE 60 Brack's Garage DURANT SALES & SERVICE Trend Tire- 20x4.40 5.60 Special this week.

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