It I THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, JULY 30. 1930. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, t when paid in advance $1.60. In , U. S. A. $2.50 per year when paid in advance $2.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association) Confirmation Service On Wednesday. July 23rd, Right Rev. David Williams, Archbishop ot Huron Diocese, held n confirmation service in St. Mary's church, Max- well, when the following 15 people were confirmed, Marjorie, Seeley, Dorothy Badgerow, Laura Beamish Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Priestly, Miss An nie Priestly, Marvella Rice, Margare Brown, Thomas Davte A CHANGE WAS MADE The landslide which came to the. Liberal party at the polls on Mon-, day was not anticipated to such an extent, nor the failure of support for the Liberal cause in heretofore' nearly solid Liberal Quebec. No 1 dcmbt the question of the defeat ( would receive many answers buv we have no doubt but that it was 1 administered to the King Govern-, ment for their alienation from stric;, Liberal principles, as have formed their platform for years past.| Their breaking away from belovea policies to don the mantle of pro- tection of the Conservative Party could not be condoned, hence the withdrawal of support enjoyed by Premier King and his governnment during the past nine years. It is' a satisfaction to know that ther?| will be a government which will en-j joy a clear-cut working majority over all paities. It is also hoped that the Imperial Preference of the King Goveinment will !.< enlarged and cxt(-nd(d ui:h satisfaction to. Car.ada. as th:- )"< libilitie* of Em- pire trade arc tr.'inemltui-. ft will, mean buying less fiom the United State-, which has shut its markc' to iii.ich of Canada'? produce. and ( more from Gnat Britain ;ind the various countries whi'.-h form the British Kmj'irc. Hon. R. B. Ben- nett, the new Premier-elect of Can- ada we are sure will da his best for Canada and attempt to bring' back the prosperous times enjoyed the past few year?. I McMASTER-McKEOWN A pretty summer wedding wr.s olenmizcd on Wednesday, July 23rd at the home of the bride's mothe:-, Crawford Street, Toronto, Ont., when Ulene, youngest daughter of the ate Mr. Isaac and Mrs. McKeown eeame the bride of Mr. Wilfred R. A Brave Act An item of local interest to the citizens of Flesherton appeared in The New Lbkeard Speaker which stated that two young children had been saved from drowning by the ever there was a cause deserving of a Life Saving Medal, this is one. I ADDITIONAL LOCALS I.awler. Rev. M. F. Oldham, Rector of th church presented those to be con firmed and Rev. E. Hayes, Rector _o Durham, asssted in the service. ' Archbishop preached a very ap- propriate sermon on Confirmation and its significance on Acts 8:17. A good attendance wa* prisent. McMaster, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. quick presence of mind of a soldier Robt. McMaster, Flesherton. ^om the 22nd Brigade, was ... Rev N Stevenson of St. David's ?amp at New Liskeard two weeks y Presbyterian church officiated in ago. As the children were pro- } the presence of the immediate re- ceeding up the gang plank boarding f latives and friends. The bride en- the steamer "Keego" to enjoy a * tered the drawing room on the am. boat ride on July 12th when halt 3 f her eldest brother, Cecil and took way ov-r thc bo-t suddenly pulled her place beneath an arch of palms, away from the dock, plunging the ferns, ping and white streamer*, children into the water. Immediat- family are leaving on Thursday on a motor trip to Beaverton, on Lake Simcoe. The threo cyclists, Ernest Gor- rell, Geor<*p Boyd and Murray Mr. and Mrs. Chrlos Stewart Stuart left Wednesday morning on and daughter, Bessie left today on their bicycles for Owen Sound, a thee wet*s' motor trip to Quebec, where they will camp for a few Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Scott and days. EDITORIAL NOTES. i We wish t > draw the attention of thc Globe to thc fact that Bennett could win. The Globe and Star appear to !>< losing their grip as moulders of public opinion. Public opinion has takn on the job of moulding its own opinion. The next geat event will !? the' Flesherton fi-ll fair on September^ I'.t-JO, and th" horse races to be run that <!ay. Make plans to attend. CONTINENT'S AGE AVERAGE RAISED America is growing up. The day when this continent was a young Man's land is behind. Latest cen- su-. statistics reveal that wherea? 70 years ago only 9 percent of the people were over fifty years of age. today 1C per cent are older than that. While the advances made by medical science have been a factor ir this condition, lif" expectation has not been increased to such an ex- tent us these figures seem to indi- .ate. But the decline in birth rates lessening of immigration o >\:t v.-ith the matter. In i.-Mlo ."') per cent of the popu- lation of Canada and the Uniteo State; \vas under twenty years o." pid to below 40 per cent. The t-line in the birth rate was instrumental here, statisticians point out. This state of affair; will inevitably have an effect on the industrial life nf thi* i-mtinent, it is predicted. Those industries which refuse to employ people of more than fifty years will find it in?reasingly dlt- ticult to find thepeople they desire for their pay rolls. ping Lohengrin's wedding march being played by Miss Irene Goldhawk The bride wore a gown of whlce kitten-ear crepe fashioned on Prin- cess lines wth pearl ornaments. The veil of embroidered net was arranged : n cap effect and held in place by a band of orange blossoms. She wore L he gioom's gift a rope of pearls and carried a shower bouquet 01 sunset roses, baby's breath and maiden hair fern. Miss Pearl Mc- Master, R. N., sister of the groom, acted as bridesmaid and wore a frock of Angel's Breath geo.-gette with white picture hat and carried an arm bouquet of butterfly roses. Mr. Harold McKeown, brother of the bride was groomsman. Little Irene B-oughton. niece of the bride, wj.s a charming flower girl gowned, in pale preen taffeta and carried a] basket of pink roses and baby asters. ' A reception was held later. Mrs. McKeown, Mr. and Mrs. McMaster receiving with the bridal party. Mrs. Me 1 Known was attired in black can- ton crene, while the groom's mother wore grey georgette. The happy young couple (eft for Kiowana beach, the bride travelling in a navy blue suit with beige hat, shces and other accessories to match. Guests from a distance were: Mr. ard Mis. R. McMastor and family, Flesherton; Mrs. .la?. Boyd and daughter, Irene, Kirkland Lake; Misses Elsie Skelton and Muriel Swanzic, Collingwood. Mr. and M-s. McMantcr will be at homo to their friends at Sunnyside B(-ach after Aug. 1st. ely a rescuer plunged in and kept them to the surface while other help was secured. At once the re- scuer left the scene of the near fatality without making known his name. That this action will not go unknown and the rescuer not re- ceive identification of a brave act we have much pleasure in stating that Mr. Wm. Turney of town, a Lieutenant of the Grey Regiment, performed the act of rescue. If Direct Cream Shipments Wanted WHY SELL YOUR CREAM TO TRUCKS WHEN YOU CAN MAKE MORE MONEY BY SHIPPING DIRECT? Correct weights, test and grade, plus highest market prices for butterfat guaranteed. Prompt payments. Cans supplied free on application | Walkerton Egg & Dairy Co., Ltd. WA^KERTON Ms. J. L. Neilson called on his M*ter, Mrs. John McDonald, the' first of thy week. A drunken Congressman said to Hnrii:-e Grselty one ady. "I am a nelf-made man." "Then, sir," replied the philosophical Horace, "the fact relieves the Almighty of a great re- sponsibility." TIIK CROP SITUATION Cutting of fall wheat has been in full swinr throughout the prov- ince during the past week or ten days, ar.d in the majority of dis- trict . a !,'"! y'-M has been harv- ested. Reports from the various representatives indicate that spring grains are showing excellent promise and with continued favorable weather should give a splendid yield. Lack of rain in some parts resulted in the burning up of pastures. Alfalfa, clover, and hay crops were generally very satisfactory. Some remarkable returns per acre for the green pea crop for canning purposes were ob- tained. Subscribe to The Advance I */^ Sure Im well fed ! My mother trades at KENNEDY'S GROCERY 2 ll)s. 1'urc- Lard 35c. X bars purr Castile Soap 25c. 3 pkgs. Corn Flakes 29c. Fly Tox. re'. 50c. bottles 45c. 100 lb.;. St. Lawrence Sugar $5.25 O'Canada Flour $3.65 MEN'S CAPS Reg. $2 to $2. 50 $1 cash this week Mrs. Jas. Rawe and daughter, Mable, of Buffalo and Mrs. Clark of Dixie spent the past few days with Mr. and Mrs. Adams. New Ford DeLuxe Phaeton FLESHERTON "Buy-at>Home" CAMPAIGN COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE The Merchants and Business Men represented below are co-operating in an effort to prove to the resi- dents of the town and surrounding community that values equal to any of the largx-r towns or cities may be procured in local stores. A series of educational "Buy-at-Home" editorials will be reproduced weekly. The benefit of Home Buying will be shown to the general advancement and progress of the community. Read the editorials, take advantage of the weekly specials offered by he merchants, and BOOST THE TOWN YOU CALL HOME. F. H.W. H1CKLING GENERAL MERCHANT Special prices on running shoes chililrens' sizes 69c.. misses, aixe 89c.. boys' sizes $1.1!". F. W. Duncan GENERAL HARDWARE While enamel preserving kettles, 'JOc., $1.10 and $1.25 values TELEPHONE 54J A 'DELUXE phaeton, reflecting all the beauty of a cusUm built car, has just teen introduced fcy Ihe Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. This latest addition to the Ford passenger car line, pic- tured above, is distinguished by its low, rakish lines, high sides, low scats and a decided sport trea.- ment throughout. A single wide door on each side ifives easy access to both front and war seats. There nrc two tadMd- ual seats in front, both of the fold- ing type, and both being adjual- nble. The rear seat, with an arm rest on either side, is on the same level as those in front, so that oc- cupants sit well down in the car. A depression in thc floor insures nmple !CK room. The seats rre all upholstered in Bedouin grain tan color genuine leather with n:imv ph'"' lowing the latest Bvropwn mode of trimming. Tho sport appaarance. of Iho rai' is moa:'iral)ly enhanced by the smart, trim lines of th..- top, which ie light in we'iRhi, wUhsniaUnat- ural wood trimmed bows and an, attractive coloring of tan rubber interlined fabric. The rear quarter of the body is slightly pressed be- low the belt to receive the top when it is folded, thus preserving the straight lines of the car. Side cur- tains are of the same material as the top and have large window openings of heavy celluloid. Other features include a special low Bhattorless windshield with windshield wings to conform, chro- mium plated windshield frame and rustless steel stanchions, vacuum windshield wiper, spare wheel in fender well and trunk ruck at tho rear. Remote control chromium nlalcd handles well forward on tho doors make them easy to open by front seat occupanta. The rear view mirrrr extends out fror. tho \unilt-liield stam'hion and i3 ,K BdJV ! I when the wind- i i : ' V.. ;'Cd. (' ,'.vl lamps nnd a top dnst cover '.'.miiu-d equipment, Tools are iVi' vo.if si :it uml ijdo cm-lain ; nre in a sprciul com- partiucnl Uhiml the back i Ion ,he rear Beat. W.L. Morwood SHOE REPAIRS r.iecial in Men's Oxfords, reg. $4.75, selling this week at only $4 patent toe and trim W, G. Kennedy GROCERIES. FRESH & CURED MEATS. MEN'S WEAR 2 Ibs. lard. 35c. PHONE 37 Emerson J. Bennett FURNITl RE DEALER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 3- niece Wicker Suite Reg. $37.00 for $32.00 PHONE 78 J. A. Stewart GROCERIES. FLOIR & FEED "Flv Exit" Reg. $3.75 for $3.39. PHONE 46 F. G. KARSTEDT STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS Dress Lengths. Silk Crepe. $1.75 to $2.75 per yd. PHONE 7 W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELLERS 1-2 doz. plain silver plated forks, ree $5.00 for $3.50. 20 piece Bird of Paradise reg $30.00 for $19.50 Watchmakers Opticians John Plester McCormack 7 ft. cut binder M. H.hay loader, in good repair. PHONES :Office 79w; Resid. 44r4 You Get What You Pay For F. FINDER Flesherton Planing Mill COMPLETE LINE BUILDERS- SUPPLIES Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Gyproc Lime, Brick, Flooring, Etc. PHONE 24 A.Hawkcn PHOTO GALLERY AND MUSIC STOUE EL CT"IC RANGETTE $30.00 Complete with ovn TELEPHONE 17w Flesherton Bakery See that thte bread that grace' vour table is made at home. CANNOT BE BEATEN EAT MORE OF IT. H. Down & Sons FORD DEALERS 1P25 Star Sedan PHONE 36 Chprey & Artcmesia Co-Operative Co., L*d. Co-Operative Special S3.75 O'Caniula Flour $3.60 TELFi'HONF. VO Trade is based on the old system of barter in which one person exchanged articles of which he owned a surplus for others which he needed. Both parties m the deal secured what they needed and both paid for it. Neither got anything for nothing. The same system is et411 in practice. No person gets anything for nothing. Things of quality demand high prices and and cheap artices tend to demoralize .arts and manufacture. You cannot buy silk for the price you pay for cotton. The same applies to every article of merchandise. The resident who gocj outside of Flesherton hunting for bar- gains fools nobody but himself, although he does hurt his own town. If outside merchants sell bread cheaper than local store- keepers they charge more for butter. They give nothing away, and tho-ae who patronize tham arc disillusioned. Remember you get moie value fo your money in Fesherton than anywhere else. You do not pay any more in the loni; lu.i and your money remains in Flesherton and comes back to you. Your community will bo bem> fitted and this co-operation finally spells success. D. McKillop TINSMITH & PLUMBING Flo-Glaze Paints & Enamels 'The Best Paint Made." General Hardware THE HOME OF QUALITY MEAT M Wilson BUTCHER Toncuc, Veil PL'nic Hams Smoked Meats of nil kinds. TELEPHONE 47\v Thos. Owler a d Sen GREY COUNTY EGG GRADING STATION Eggs Graded by Experienced Graders McTavish & Son CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE 1928 Landau Chevrolet Sedan 1927 Chevrolet Sedan TELEPHONE 9w H. Freeman GROCERIES, FRUITS AND Ice Cream and Bricks. Corn Flakes, 8 boxes 29c. TELEPHONE 60 Brack's Gfrage DURANT SALES & SERVICE Tread Tire 29x4.40 5.60 Special this week. . . ' '