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Flesherton Advance, 30 Jul 1930, p. 1

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Vol. 50 No. 8 Flesherton Ontario, July 1930 W. H. Thir;stcr. & Son, Proprietors CEYLON I and Mrs. A. E Haw. Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Ottewell and Mr, and Mrs. Will Crosfcen spent 'son, Jack of Los Angeles California the past week at R. Cook's, returning i accompanied by Mrs. Wilcock of Friday to their home in Toronto. I Flosherton were visitors at Mr. John Mr. Ernest Wansborough of De- ' Stewart's the past week, troit, Mr and Mrs. Wan-sborough | Mr - and Mrs - Rov pi P 1 ' an<i three of Toronto accompanied by other , Eons and Mrs - H Piper motored to iriends called on old neighbors the Wa-saga Beach and Owen Sound the past week. It will be learned with I first of th " week - regret that Mrs. Thos. Wansborough had passed away at the home of Rev. Wm. McWhinney of Camsack, Sask, who is visiting relatives here her son Roy after weeks of suffering i wil1 occu Py the P ul P Jt ht>re the firsi from cancer. The remains were j two Sundays in August in the ab- brought to Fergu-3 on Thursday for! sence of the ^ Mtor - who is on holi - burial beside those of her husbanu days. Mr. J. B. Cummins of Oshawa who died two years ago. This i community extends its sympathy to ' m * tor ** up for a couple of days the the family I first of the week and visited at Roy ,, ... .,.. . Piper's. He was accompanied back Mrs W. White spent the past u_ , . ,p to Oshawa bv Misses Jc-ssie and Bes- week in Toronto and was accompan- . , , . , . , _ ,, sie McDonald to spend their summer K-d home on Saturday by Mr. Robt. n j nr,-. , vacation. Brown and Miss Anna White who ,. ., . , Mr and Mrs. Fred LcGar.l and spent the week end here. !son. Hilhard, Mr and Mrs. Clifford Jar John Melia who spent the past r cGard am , dauffhter 1>f Toronto> two months in Toronto returned j am , Mr am] Mrs gam p cfUjlr Qt home on Monday. [ Detrojt W(?re W(?ek e|)d visitors with Mrs Pearl Sinclair, daughter Dolly : jj r- and jj rn; G CO Fi s i, er . and Master Bud of Edmonton are j visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sin- clair. Dr. Thos. McRae ami Miss Cole- house, who have been visiting at ' Mr. G. Arrowsmith's and other friends have returned to their home in Dundas. Mr Chas. Park of Toronto who is nursing a broken arm is visiting for a few weeks at his parents home. We wish Charlie a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Evans and little son, Jimmie and daughter, Miss Rhea of Gait visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick. Their son, Colin, who spent the past few weeks with the Fenwick family, re- turned home with them, accompan- j ied by Master Willie Fenwick, who will spend a few holidays in Gait. Master Billy Hanley is holidaying with friends in St. Catharines. The Misses Mary and Isabelle McKee and Mr. John Mathew-son have returned to Toronto after a pleasant vacation with the formers parents, Mr and Mrs. Thos. McKee. : tUGENIA LADY BANK BORN' On July 25, I'JSO to Mr. ;>and Mrs. W. E. Walker, a daughter, congratulations. I Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos McKee were: Mr and Mr Percy Hemphill and sister, Mrs Campion and children and Mrs. Miss Maud who have been on a four, E . Campion of Kansas City; Mr. and weeks trip to B.C. Regina and other Mrs j. w . Hahn of Kindersley, points returned home on Friday after Sask.: Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Me- 1 having a most enjoyable trip. They Kee> Mrs . Mary IIahn _ Mis . ses V erns ' were accompanied from Toronto by ^ and Elsie n ahn aml Mr . and Mrs . their nephew Master Fred Fi-sher to . j.. Douthwaite of Nottawa; Mr. ana spend his vacation. | Mrs Fred LeGard and SOIli Hilliarcl Miss Janet Campbell and Mrs. ' P * Toronto and Mr. ami Mrs. S. H. Redwin ol Winnipeg; Mr Peter Fer- Pedlar of Detroit, guson, Toronto; Mrs. W. J. McPher- \ Mrs. Wm. Hanley visited her niece son, Mrs. T. McPheson, Master Mrs. Will Sargeant of Owen Souno. John and Donald MePherson of I ono dav Inst \vc<>k. Orangeville visited with Mr and Mrs. Robt. Campbell the first of the week. Mr. Gaylard Katting of Detroit is visiting hi; parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Clarence Marshall of Wingham j Will Kaitting at the Club House. spent the week end with his parents | Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Quesnel and here. i ' imily of Owen Sound visited over Dr. Hayes of Amory anj the week end with Mr. Joseph Misses Edith and Alice Grant of To- Sherwood. ronto were visitors for a few days ' Mr. and Mr*. Sinn of Sarnia visi- with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Muir. ,ted at Mr. Len Latimer's over the Mi-ss Dunlop, who has been visiting week end. Mrs. Latimer and grand- her aunt, returned Thursday to her cHd-.-en. Jean and Arthur Proctor home at Wiurtoii. Mrs. J. Kennedy accompanied them hn;no to spend a and three children accompanied her few holidays. to Owen Sound. Mrs. W. Davies of Toronto spent a Mr. Cameron Smiley spent the ' fow dry? with her oarcnts, Mr. a"d week end in Toronto. Mrs. Jscob Williams. Mrs. Row and daughter,, Mabel of The Hydro men held another dance Buffalo and Mrs. W. H. Clark of in the pavilion on Fiday last A Cooksvillc are visitors this week large i ow<' "ttend"d. Sandwiches with Mr and Mrs. Dave Adams. om' coffee w"r served at midnight. Mr and Mrs Wes. Clark of Toron- Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson ana to and Mb* Edith Bayles of Hamil- daughter, Pearl also Mr. and Mrs. ton were visitors the past week at Chas. Robert? ami daughter. Kath- Mr. George Arrow-smith's. \ eer of St. Catherines visited over Mr end Mrs. D. McLeod and daugh the week end with Mr. and Mrs. ter oi 1 Detroit are holidaying with Chas. Hinley. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McLeod. | Mrs . Crew of Toronto, Mrs. Isaac Mr. and Mrs Roy Neilson and son, Turner of Winnipeg and MKss Mc- Bruce of Toronto visited the latter's Gruther of Newark. New Jersey are sister, Mrs Jas. W. McMulIen. ; visitors with Mrs. Sol. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Duckett and family M r. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson and tored to Stayner the first of the f ami i y accompanied py Miss Muriel we Cameron visited on Sunday with Mr. Mr and Mrs. Thos. Haw of Toronto and Mrs Ed. Hillock, Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haw and Mr. Miss Betty Milligan and Mis-3 Mina Edward Haw of Swinton Park were Smith 01' Toronto visited last week visitors the first of the week with Mr with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanley. To the Electors of South-East Grey: Ladies and Gentlemen, Another election has passed into history and the results indicate a change in the riding. Al- though not elected, I appreciate the change in sentiment as a desire to return to the two-party system of government. My sincere thanks are tendered to those of the electors who expressed their confidence in my candidature. I have fought a fight which I hon- estly believe to be iw the best interests of the people of Canada, and have no regrets other than the disappointment which will be felt by those who actively supported my cause. To the host of good friends and active work- ers, who rendered wholehearted service in the campaign, my thanks are especially directed. The result of the election throughout the Donvinion will be received by them as consolation for our failure to achieve success in this constituency. Yours sincerely, L. G. CAMIT.ELT, Very warm weather at time of writing. Election and berry picking is the order of the day; even in all tho hs-t. iiis- Mildred Maxwell ha- been a visitor the ast t\vo weeks with her uncle, Mr. Bravender of Detroit. Mrs Le-s. Me Mullen and little daughter, Shirley spent a few days last week with friends at Kimberley. BORN On Friday, July 18 to Mr and Mr.-. Enianuel Dobson, the gift ol' a daughter. The Ladies' Aid of Providence chinch will hold their August meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Wm. Sempie on the loth. Part of the work will consist of the quilting of a quilt for the hostess. All members please at tend and visitors welcome. Every- body bring a needle and thimble. Mr. and Mr:;. Wm. Sempie and son Ernie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark at Stayner. Mr. Albert Blackburn of Port La* had the misfortune to loose a good horse on Sunday. Some horses were in pasture on the townline, Os- prcy and Artemesia between 10 and 12 con., the poperty of Mr. Wes. Aunstrong of Flesherton. The young animal dropped into a well, hind feet first !>i.; died shortly aftei being pulled out. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sempb ann family accompanied by Mrs. D. C. McMillan, Miss Jessie McMillan and Mr. Jack McMillan of Singhampton and Mrs Ed. Lewis and two daugh- ters of Toronto and Mr.?. Clar- ence Pratt and two daughters of Fort spent a pkasan* afternoon on Monday of last woe ;> at Eugenia Falls and park. Mrs. Arthur Wilfred of Eugenia v. .1 also one of the invited guests. Mr. Alex McMillan has rulurnoo to thp hom of his daughter. Mrs \Vm. S.'mpl" hrre after visitint- friends in Toronto the past thrct. ween*. little Miss DnrntViv Pal tun of Fleshertop spent a few holid-iy ; wilh Mr. and T<! s. .!,.p Seweli h , PROTON STATION I V j The Dominion Election is over for ' another term of years and no matter ' what party wins the victory pros- ! ):* pc-rity i? assured according to tha promiscr of the candidates. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Runsman of Toronto were guests at Postmaster McCannel's. Mr. and Mrs Neil McCannel ana i daughter Jean and -,-m Arthur vi?!- | ted recently at Goderich. Mrs. Still spent last week with her mother at Mount Forest. Mr Stanle-y Carson and friend, Miss Well-s and Miss Maggie Lyons and friend all of Toronto are spend- ing two weeks holidays with friends at Proton Station. Mr. John Hanley has returned to Hamilton, after spending hib holi- days at the home of Mr. ~nd Mrs. A. S her son. Misaes Mariorie and Roberta Acheson have returned from a holi- day visit to Xewbury and Detroit. Mi< Betty Stsnsby ras been very ill. We are glad to report some improvement in her condition. The Proton Scribe and better half enjoyed a motor trip last week through the counties of Dufferin anil Peel across York and part of Simcoe aound tho beautiful lake Simcoe as fur a.-- Jackson's Point. Almost every yard of shore space is occupied b\ summer cottages,, wealthy horn. BATES BURIAL CO'Y. j DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PARLORS 122-124 AVENUE RD. TOROiNTO PHONE: Night or Day KL 4344 J. W. BATES. Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS. PR1CEVILLE tourists accomodations and places of amusement. We visited friends in Markhum, Stouffvlle and Mt. Albert. This Is the seas-in when everything is at its bwt. We dj not need to 50 far to see the beauties of nature Ontario is well worth seeing, the fields of golden wheat ready forhar- vi it and the acres of cultivated land, giving promise of a crop for next year. The wcmlerful orchards and shade tree-, th" gorgeous flowers and beautiful towi-. paved road ar.d ideal weather wait far to make thcv, drivn en'oyable. ROCK MILLS Mr and Mrs. Wn:. Moore ami daughter of Mcaford visitrd with their niece here. Mrs. Lewis Podia: and family. Mr. Robt. Young of Maxwell as- sisted Chas. Newel! for a fow days with the haying. Mr. T. Clayton and Mrs. \\i-jkens of Fcsherton. called on Mrs. Jni . Hargrave recntly. Messrs. John Porteous, Ned Cmfi. Chas. Newel! and Wes Smith, visi- ted with the former's son, Mr. Joyce Porteous. whj is a patient at present in Durham hospital. We trust that Joyce will soon be much improved. Miss Marguerite Croft holidayed the past week with relatives in Collingwood. Mr. J. Whiteman, Mr. Walter Lyons and two daughters of Kan- over, were callers at C. Newell's on Monday. and two daughters of Hanover, were callers at C. Newell's, Monday. Miss Isobel Ferris of Toronto is EAST MOUNTAIN Misr Sniny Skinpen and friends of Victoria sner.t an evening last week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smrrt. Mi. and Mrs. Walters and family of Redwing v.vre i event visitors with Mi. and Mrs. Thos. McCullough. Mr. and Mrs. C. Thompson and children spent the week end with friends at Newmarket. Mrs. Henry of Toronto and Mrs. Cameron also or Toronto spent a week at Mr. T. Allen's. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. and children motored Ills- f-prV. Mrs. T. Fawcett is week with friends at Epping. S Try ; > report ML-S. Thos. Hall or. th" .-i-.-k list. Rev. Mr. McLaughlin an.! Mrs. M'-La-.ighlin of Heutheote were re- cent eallers in this vicinity. Mr. Victor Smart of Cherry Grove spent a we'ek with friends hre and at Durham. Mrs. M. Smart o*" Duncan spent a. few days !nst week with Mr. ann Mrs. S. H. .Smart. M". and Mrs. Ceo. Richardson of Redwing vi-.-iitrd last week with Mr. ;:nd Mrs. C. Smart. McCullough to Toronto spending a Some of the farmers have finished haying and others will finish this week. Mi. and Mrs. George Gumming-:; of Orlando, Florida and Mr. and Mrs. George Mills of Orangeville spent the past week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Paterson. Mise Hazel Beaton is engaged to teach at the 0. D.R .school. Messrs. Allie McLean, Allie Mc- Innis, A!f and Clifford Hincks of Hamilton spent the week end a - . their parental homes. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Byers and son of Detroit, are spending two weeks with the latter's parents, M:. and Mrs. Thos. Tucker and other friends. Mr. Otto Konald announces tlie engagement of his youngest daugh- ter, Lavina to Mr. Alexander Stone- house' elder san of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Stonehouse, the marriage. to take place at Mrs. Flora Sin- clair's residence, who is an aunt ot tho bride to be. Mr. Sid Bartlett motored up from Toronto and visited recently at Mr. ! Ed. Everibts. Mr and Mrs. Frank Reilly ana f;:.-!-.;.y journeyed to the fine summei- rescrt at Leith on the Lake Shore. They enjoyed their trip immensely. I Preparations are being made for) the United garden party to be held on Aug. 4. See bills for particu- lars. Mrs. Win. Ramage spent a : week visiting her cousins at Annan, To the Electors of South-East Grey: We won n h^rd fight in 9 busy time in the fare of a land- slide over the Dominion and in spite of < vercomidcnce. We did 11. I dceplv appreciate the support of the rnujuritv of the Electors of Suuth-Kast Grey and the faithful wirk "I th'-ve who bore the bur- den and heat of the day. 1 shall try to he worthy. Sincerely. AGNES C. MACPHAIL PROPER STABLING CAPACITY While h<? L">VS ar? out on pas- Miss Mary Hill returned home with j -''"<-' ' s a ood time to make any her to visit with them. ' necessary alterations in the cow Mr. John Scott announces the en-j stable. The length and width or ivagement of his only daughter. | cow stalls should be adapted to Catherine Mildred, to Mr. James the size of the cows in the heriT. In most stable.* there are cows that are uncomfortable from standing In stalls that are too short and others that are needlessly dirty from stand- ing in stalls that are too long. Here a:-e a few general dimensions for cow stables: For Ayr-shires the stall ) length should he from 54 to 58 inch- es. A good plan is to have th platform gradually lengthened from Ernest Cleminson, son of Mr. John Cleminson, of North Bay The marriage will take place Satur- day. Aug. 2 at I pm in Westminster Central church, Toronto. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Peter wishes to Munshaw of Eugenia thank the> people of Eugenia and district and the Hydro men fo- the use of their truck in helping save his residence. nil-. enil of ihi- stable to the other and then stable the cows according to length. BORN NOTICE V.'.ilki-r In Artemesia on Friday. The 1 Artemesia & Osprey Shipping- July 2">th, 1930, to Mr. and .Airs. Asrociation is shipping stock every W:,i. Walker, the gift of a daugh-e-r. T-:. s,!;;v fmni Flosherton station. Margaret Blanche. T -uckins oi sts:ck is also dono. _ K. TAYLOR. Shipper. THK SMALL ADVTS. Phone <i:!,J to make arrangements. The Loyal Orange County Lodge of East Grey will hold a holidayed with he cousin here, the Misses Croft. Miss Mary Wyville of Proton visi- ted the week with Mrs. Lome Atkinson. Mrs. Wm. Pedlar. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar and son, Jim. anr> daughter. Its. motored to Wasaga ; Beach on Saturday. They also visv- ' ted friends at Creemore and Avening returning home on Sunday evenmjr. Mrs. Robt. Croft and family visi- ted for a week in Toronto. Mr-. Howard of Owen Sound *' with her daughter, Mrs. Robt. Croft at present. MOLASSKS FOR HKX.S Almost t-v;>ry poultryman riiii':- it necessary to give th>- birds e,> som salts ocec 'bnally. in order t'i cvercomo tonstipation, as the re- sult of heavy grain feeding nn<i close confinement. The bad fea- ture of giving salts is that it tears down the calcium in the body. Mo- j lasses in the poultry ration will tf.i the same thing as epsom salts, ana will not have the bad effects of salts. Besides molasses is extremely rich in vitamin B, rich in miner- als, and ranks high in digestibility. It ii rich"- i" vitamin B than some yeasts, and is one of the few in- gredients used in poultry wtions noi deficient in potash. z CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Eli/.apeth Boyce wish to extend their sincerest thanks for the assistance given by their many friends during the illness of their mother, also for the many beautiful floral tributes. and program in the Town Hall, FLESHERTON WED., AUG. 6th commencing at 8:^0 p.m. Addresses \\ill be sjiven by the following: Rt. Wor. Bro. L. H. SAUNDERS, Grand Master of Ontario West. Rt. Wor. Bro. Rev. EDWARD BAKER, Past Prov. Grand Chaplain of Ontario West. Rev. Bro. B. G. GOSSE, Grand Organizer Ont. West This will be followed with a banquet in honor of our Grand Master. ADMISSION TO BANQUET 50c. Come and enjoy a real treat in behalf of our Association G. W LITTLKJOHN. Countv Master An English pedestrian was re- i. COM M ITTEK :\V. Turney. Dist. Master, Artemesi-, cently struck by two automobiles '? p p.,-, .-con T^cf M ,-.. D*' . 1 M T- TX- ' .... . , v ui rrearson, i/isi. Jaster, xrotoa as. McKen/ie within ten minutes. He should v have stayed down for the 'count the first time. * > MO MaStCT, Usprev.

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