THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY. JUNE 4, 1930 ' 4 Success Will be Greater If We Work Together THE building of Canadian indus- try U no less our business than you's. The promotion of manu- facturing in its broad aspect, con- cerns u* ."s vitplly as it does the manufacturer. Specificially. the Canadian Bank of Commerce is as anxious to see yaur plant expand as you are. Canadian manufacturers who are ineneed of lands or other services for the legitimate develope- ment cf their busineij are invited to call upon the Canadian Bank of Commerce for any assistance con- sistent with good banking practice. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (ufith uihic/l is amalgamated ** THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA jl C.P.R. TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station follows: Going South Going North t 8.08a.m. . J 1.62 a.m. 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. 8.11 p.m. 4.33p.m. The mails close at Flesherton aa follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. euth at 3.30 For morning train oath mail closes previous evening. Local and Personal Mrs. John Phillips Died In loroato i After suffering for nearly five montns trom a broken bone in the hip, Mu. John Phillips, an old re- 1 sident of this part, passed away on ' Friday, May 30th., in Toronto. Par; of the time during her illness was ; spent in the hospital and remainiie; ' at thc home of Mr. and Mrs. Joj. 1 Phillips, where she has been re- , siding. | The ^anera! took place on Monday ! following 'he arrival of the body , from Toronto, the service being con- i ducted by the Rev. Bamford, pastor of Maxwell United church, at both i church and the grave in Maxwell ' cemetery. The pallbearers were her four sons. R. C. Phillips ana ; Thos. Grmey. The late Mrs. Phillips was born ' in Artemesia 74 years ago on the Varm now owned by Mr. Thos. Lever, 1'imiles north of Flesherton ana ' W23 a daughter of the la*e Mr. Rob- ert and Mary Ann Clark. Her early life was spent in that neighborhood and she went to public school in the old log school house, near her home, which has long since ^disappeared. ' About 41 years ago she was united On Friday Mr. R. G. Holland, in marr i age to John PhilUps of principal of the Flesherton public Qsprey township and for many years school, handed in his resignation to j; ve j on t h e i r f arm on the Colling- the school board to take efiect at WOO( i gravel road. To them were the end of his school term. As yet born f our sonSi RQJ-, George, El- at 9.00 pTm. the i th e board has not dealt with the re- dr ;jj, e an j Joseph, all of whom at- ' _-ignation, but it is likely that it will * en( j e( j the funeral on Monday. Her be accepted, as Mr. Holland has not husband predeceased her eleven yrs. been enjoying the best of health 2g0i f u ow ing the return of the boys during the past year or so and feels that it would be better if retired from active duty. We Road Oiling Three tank cars o2 oil were dis- tributed on the provincial highway five miles north and south of Flesh- er'on, a distance of ten miles. This will lay the dust raised "by the heavy nvtor traffic and travel on this stretch of road will be a joy in place of an inconvenience. The road soutli (> f Victoria Corners will not be treat- ed owing to the state of repair it is in at the present time. The annual picnic of the Ruthven- Cairns families and friends will be held on Saturday, June 14th, in the Memorial Park, Eugenia. Will ah 'he friends please take notice and be on hand for a good day'd sport. Games and races wor old and young. I Geo. Cairns, Sec.-Theas. H You Never Laughed Before You,H Laugh Now "The Cohens .->nd Kellys in Pans'" would make the Sphinxes laugh, and if you see this picture you will never stop laughing. The various episdes in this screaming 1 farce a r e just one continuous roar of laughter. Eight Reels of Fun. Don't miss it. and as an added attraction Ike and Mike will entertain you in "TAKE YOUR PICK." Princess Theatre IVIarkdale FRIDAY & SATURDAY at 8 : 15. 15c. and 25c. Coming soon that famous picture "Lilac Time." R. G. Holland Resigns As P. ne from overseaj. and since then he Phillips has made her home in To- are again heavy over the week end. ,<"" <" Jt wil1 be with some re ~ Mr. Bert Craw-ford spent the first luctance that his resignation will be of the week at his home at Goderich. accepted as during the twenty years tw) sistgr3> Robert C lark of Flesh- . 'and six months of teaching in Flesh- c ,. lon Richard o f Manitoulin, Wm. London on Thursdav. > M * J aS *" h * h commendation of Idaho. Martha, (Mrs. Martin Phil- lu a teacher, both here and through- )iDg) of pi cs heon and FrancesOirs sut the Inspectorate. Traffic on Highway No. 10 was heavy over the week end. . sure that Mr. Emerson J. Bennett Mrs. Phillips has made her home ronto. Besides her immediate family she leaves to mourn three brothers and Miss Ina Smith of Toronto was In town the Virst of the week. Mrs. VV. J. Stewart is slowly im- proving after her recent serious iil- ness. Thos c.amey) of Toronto. There has ben a good many scores Those who attended the of pupi ; 3 pass throuRh M r. Holland's fronl a diitan ce were E. aunt, Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland motored to Toronto and spent the week end with relatives there. by the pavement drain diggr-s. Fortunately they are not on tho highway. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crosslty ami teaching for thirty-six years, one of daughter, De':y daughter. Janet, of Toronto spent the week end at their parental homes here Rev. W. J. Scott left on Monday to attend the Toronto Conference of the United church of Canada being held this week and next. Miss Margaret Robertson of To- ronto spent the week end ^vith her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robert- ADDITIONAL LOCALS \ funeral Phillips. rcom during his long term in Flesh- Mr ,, ni j ji rs j os . Phillips, Mr. and 'erton and each has left with a grrea: Mrs R j Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Kenneth Ford of London spent rC3 pect for, andwith a sense of having g tan i ey Gamey. Mr. and Mrs. \Vcs. the week end with his uncle and i ean ied .something greater than just H arn jit n. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, the lesson instructions, that wouiu Mrs Thos. Gamey. Sr. all of To- fit them for a greater place in life. ronto> Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Phii- While many would enter his room | ips ot - Hamilton and Mrs. Gamey 01 with fear and trembling, it was not Brcckville. Dundalk sM-eets are being torn up very long until they would feel quite the pavement contractors and at ease (if they had their lessons learned.) Altogether Mr. Holland has been Mr. and Mrs. Lav>3on Bowles and of Toronto are which was spent in the Wejt. His holidaying with the former's par- early life was spent in the Edgely enfs, Mr. and Mrs.. Geo. Bowles, and Woodbridge districts and for a West backline. Artemesia. time conducted a store and post of- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bowler and child- fice at Penville, a corner near Tot- ren, Doris, Verna and Charlie and tenham. Ho cme to Flesher- Mr. Vic Fowler of Detroit spent the ton on January. 1st, 1910, and since week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. that time has been the head of the Crossley. public school teaching staff. Desoi'e the cold, wet weather, Much regret is exprejsed that Mr. there has been substantial srmwth Holland is forced to relinquish his of cereal crops and grass in thc last duties at this time, but it is hopeO week or two. In many districts and GRANITE WARE "Selected Seconds" at Bargain Prices BONNIE BLUE QUALITY Extra inavy muiti coat process the imperfec- tions aer so slight that the wearing qualities are n ot affected. ROASTERS TEA POTS DISH 1'AXS PIE PLATES SAUCE PLATES CEREAL MCOOKERS A LIMITED QUANTITY ONLY. TEA KETTLES MIXING BOWLS r< )TATO POTS WASH BASIXS Pl'DDIXG PAXS MAKE AN EARLY CHOICE F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO son. Mr. Albert Buchanan of Toronto that his health will improve and that tail whaat looks extremely well spent the week end with his parents, he will have many more years of near Klinberg station on the C. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buchanan, Meaford usefulness in the ommunity, where R. they are boasting that rye was R oa( j. he has faithfully served the pas: heading out 10 days ago. Alfalfa aV-o promises to be a big crop. The semi-annual meeting of Ease Grey County L. O. L. will be held in the Orange Valley hall on Thursday flt' this week, June 5, at 8:15 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McTavish and three children of Oshawa were the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. MeTavbh. ; Mr. and Mrs. II. Freeman and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perkins of Markdale spent a few days in London last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bellamy of Torbntio were thc guests of the Mc- Cauley and Kennedy families over the week end. Mr. W. \V. Trimble returned home! on Sunday after spending two weeks . with his daughter, Mrs. Hodgson, at Islington. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hearns and I little daughter of Feuton, Mich, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Otttwell last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Petch and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Petch of Toronto mo- ; tored up and renewed acquaintances over the week end. Mr. Jos. Ferris is home at present recovering from an accident to his foot received at Owen Sound a short time ago. Mr. and Mrs. W. Crossley and Mrs Bowler and three children spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. II. Quigg at Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. A'.K-rt Wegart and Mr. Pilaa Curtis of Detroit spent th* week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Margrave, West backHne, Artemes-ia. The Holdfast U. F. W. O. Club will meet at the Park hotel, Flesher- ton, June llth, at '1 oV'.x-': p.n. A'.l ladies are invited ti alteml. F. R. Oliver, M.P.P. will give an address on Temperance. years. OUR REOPENING OFFER X-RAYED Living-Room Furniture Price Reduction May 28 to June 7 Save for Luxuries Small sums saved regu- larly will provide for many of the luxuries of life. Plan to start a Savings Account with this Bank. "MNMORONTO BRANCHES: FE.YF.RSHAM: H. C. Francis. Manager MAF.KnALK: A. E. Hunt, Manner The BANK for SAVINGS K b-vi <** ra -mt-TK**".* ,; -- v., ' W V, E , 4(S"; *%UM -jfr .--.- *'- V */l i 1r f ^21* >^bk>. I V. X- Rayed Furniture is the newest invention it can easily be taken apart for cleaning beautiful colors in upholstery INVEST IN HOME COMFORT FOR GREATEST SATISFACTION Examine our stock of New Furniture. Let our values spsak for themselves. We deliver direct to your door. FURNITURE DEALER I Rannatt j. Denn&u i o FLESHERTON OREGTOR