Vol. 50 No. I Flesherton Ontario, June 4, 1930 W. H. Thurstom & Son, Proprietor Sunday there was a good congre- ' 'gallon at the church here. The Sun- day school children took the choir's place and rendered some beautiful selections. Kowena Magee and &nita Turner each gave a religious recitation and Melrose Campbell a suitable reading. Rev. Mr. Bamford took his text from chapter 3 of the . second epstle of Paul, the Apostle, j to Timothy and delivered a fine ser- ' mon. " - Mic. W. D. Staples, President of . the Grey Presbyterial if the W.M.S., ( will address the ladies of the com- ! ' munity on Mon., June 9 at 2.30 p.m. ' in the church. All ladies are cor- lially invited to attend. . Mr. Harry Kerton and lady friend , Miso Dempsey, principal of Fever- . sham continuation school were re- j cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will ' Kaitting. Mr. Ralph Large of Niagara is visiting with his grandfather, Mr. .Peter Munshaw. ' Miss Gertrude Lever and mother of Flesherton visited on Sunday with ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin. Gertrude 1 is driving a new sport roadster. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cameron and litle son, Donald, accompanied by ' Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Graham of Clarksburg have returned home after a very pleasant weeks' motor tour to visit friends in Capac, Imlay City ' and Detroit, Mich. The Hydro Commission are busy erecting .sleeping and boarding houses, preparatory to commencing ' work on the hydro dam here. Work is expec'ed to start shortly. The scarlet fever epidemic has reached the village. Ronald Middl"- ' ton has contracted the disease. Dr. Milne was out from Flesherton and examined the children. School is djosed for a lew days. Every pre- .' caution is beirp taken against the . .spread of the disease. The school was disinfected on Monday evening. Miss Acheson is Beaching her en- trance class out of doors. At first she had five entrance candidates, . Mamie Kerton dropped out of the class a couple of weeks ago, now Ron- .ald Middleton is ill and those re- maining are Belva Genoe, Vernice Fawcett and Argyle Martin. We wish the teacher success with her pupils. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Quesntl and family of Owen Sound visited on Sunday with Mr. Jos. Sherwood. ' Mr. Russell Cameron of Toronto \Jniversity spent a week at his par- ental home. Russell has joined the Game & Fisheries Dept. again this summer. He liked the work very well last year and we wish him suc- 'cess and pleasure again this aum- jner. He left last Friday to com- ( mence duties. Mr. Chas. Park of Toronto visited over the week end at his parental ' hcvnr here. '. Miss Minerva Conn of Feversham spt-nt the week end with her aunt, JVIrs. Will Kaitting. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins of Toronto visited over the week end with Mrs. lrn. Mortran. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiley. Mr. ana Mrs. Win. Conn of Feversham, Mr. end Mrs. Bert Taylor and Mr. Cecil Wiley of Collingwood were callers T.-ith Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaitting. ." Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carruthers and two sons of Toronto visited with Mr. " and Mrs. Alex. Carruthers over the 'week end. Majo' 1 Snivcly. wife and children 'and the former'.; sister-in-law of To- ronto spent a few days a'~ the club . house. Mr. and Mrs. D. Smith of Toronto ' called on Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. C\: "bell and son, Billie of Toronto visited re- cently with the Campbell families 1 and with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Graham. ; Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Williams and family. Mr. Clarence Williams and lady friend and Mr. Thos. Crow of Toronto vuited with Mr. and Mrs. , Jos. Williams. Mr. and Mu. G. C. Graham visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts, 4th line. Mr. Haney and son and Mr. John- nie Fcnwick of Paisley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Haney recently. We arc pleased to have Mrs. W. McMullen back to her home in the village aeain. after spending some months with members of the family elsewhere. Hev two granddaughters Blanche and Hazel Hammond of To- ronto visited with her for a few days. Mi>-.! Johnston of Port Law visited the LnMmer and Proctor f.:: - .'.'ilicj over the week end. Mr. Caniwell Graham is makinj* preparations to open up an ice creeam parlor in the near future. , We were pleasd to have a letter from Mr. W. E. Morgan, written by a friend, Mr. H. W. Kemahan, Win- slow states, that Mr. Morgan Is gradually progressing and hopes his health will permit him to return to Eugenia ere the summer is ended. We would be pleased to have him back to the village again. WODEHOUSE The warm breezes are returning. Miss Elsie Sewell of Rock Mills is assisting Mrs. Wm. Clark. Wn arc glad to report John Clark who ' had his leg broken some time ago , is able to be around again vi f h the ' to ' PRICEVILLE Mr. Moon of Owen Sound was a recent visitor at the home of the Misses James. Mr. and Mrs. Brawley of Beetofl, visited with the latter's mother, Mrs Wm. Watson. Mr. David Hincks and daughters, Gladys and Ida, motored to Guelph on Saturday and visited friends over the week end. They also visited friends at Arthur on their way back. Miss Edith James returned home from Toronto. We are glad to know she is much improved in health. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Jack McMeekin visited the first of .the week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Haw, Swinton Park. Mrs. Hector McLean is spending a week visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Will Timmins, Hay- ward Falb. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rich- ardson ar.d Jackie of Swinton Park visited "he first of the week at Mr. Alex Carson's. Mr. and Mrs. (jco. McLellan and Miis Brown. Niagara Falls spent the week end at Mr. Dan Campbell's. Those v.-ho attended the Presby- terial on Wednesday last at Prices Corners were as follows: Mrs. Dan Campljll. Mrs. Dan Stewart, Mrs. Alex Carson, Miss May Stuart, Mrs. Buit. Mrs. Salter. Rev. Mrs. Suther- land, Rev. Mrs. Stewnrr, Mrs. Dan L. MeArthur. Miss Erma McLean, Miss Mary JIcEachern. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richard and son of Toronto motored up and spent the week end at her parenta! home here and Mrs. Richardson and son are spending a week visiting here. FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Crawford and babe of Whitby are visiting with friends in this locality and are now the guests of Mrs. Crawford's parcn's, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moffatt. Mi. Crawford's mother, Mrs. Jas. Crawford i also visiting her daughters, Mrs. Win. Smith and Mrs. Jas. Thompson. Mrs. Craw- ford, Sr. is a very smart old lady for her age, having attained the ad- fanced age of eighty-six years. She looks well and is bright and cheer- ful as she was forty years ago.. We also have two other elderly people living in our village, Mr. Samuel Brownridge and Mrs. John Robinson, who have both passed their eighty- fourth birthdays and are still haie and hearty. The Crawfords were former residents of Osprey Town- ship. Mr. John Brackenbury and wife oi' Flesherton wero recent ^visitors with the former's aunt, Mrs. Joseph Barber. Messrs Russcil Hudson and Ross Pavidscn and the Misses Warder Dempsey and Murella Davidso;-, motored to Brockville on Friday and \i..i!.v'il at Mi-.; YVY.rdcr's home over the week end. Mr. Iva:i Alexander of . Owe:-. Sound visited at his parental homo here. Mr. and Mrs. \Vni. Walters and daughter, Lillian of Toronto visited ovsi Sunday with Mrs. Waiter's sister, Mrs. Chris. Thompson. Mr. i-.nd Mr*. Will Colquette and two children, Betty and Allan, of Owen Sour.d were visitors over the week end with the former's parents, Mi. and Mrs. Colquette and Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander, in this village. Mr. Cecil Wiley and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor (of <Co'\'ng\vcod spent Surd:-y with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fiaiik Wiley, here. Mr. Arthur Brownridge, a farmer living near Rob Roy. met with a painful and serious accident on Sat- urday last, when he was kicked in the face by one of his horses and had his jaw bone broken. Dr. Gauld ot Maxwell was quickly on the scene and had him rushed to the hospital at t Collingwcod and he is now improving nicely, as the Xray revealed no other injuv;y. Rev. Mr. McGrath of Maple Grove Baptist church was a^ caller in the vllh :c :i M cday. aid of crutches. We are glad se Elsie in our burg again. Mi 3. Donelly of Meaford, Mrs. Falls of Alaska and Mrs. T. A. Gii- j ray of Rocklyn were the guests of the former's neice, Mrs. Nelson Wii- [ c-x. j Tbf children are being trained ( for the annual Sunday school picnic, which takes plnce Friday, June 20th. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns and fam- ily and ilro. C. Wilcock of Flesherton visit "H \vi:h friends here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Crossley and Mis-s ' Verp Neabitt accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bussey and children of Markdale to Kimberley Valley and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ward. The sawing is done i'.jr the season.-' Mr. Harry Cherry is now engaged in the saw mill at Markdale with Armstrong Bros. Miss Florence Gordon of Temple Hill wj a guest over Sunday with the Wilcox families. Mr. a"d y-.-9. Howard Dennison and little daughter. Norma and Mrs. J. Squires of Markdale were visitors I with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walsh on Sunday. The summer speaker, Miss Mc- Dermid spoke in New England church on Wednesday afternoon to the ladies of the W. I. and commun- ity. She chose for her subject, "Thine.- money cannot buy." Health, friendship, love and happiness, with- out these alone life in this storm tossed world would be a wanting situaHon, and yet to obtain and value it all is a part the majority of hu- mans fail to master; and what M possessed is not valued as u should be. Miss McDermid is an able ( speaker and spoke at ease handling her subject with deep thought and i feeling, branching out over many items of interest, giving valuable i information of the worthy, needy , ones in the far North, and also how she found conditions in various parts of the Dominion, where she had Riven of her services. While there is always good work to be done r home it is a tru" "-aying. "One half i the world doei n<^ know how the other half lives" and to be loval '" cur motto we must not forget to help those afroaii as well. There was a special meeting in the church on Thursday evening for i the election of church trustees. There is also a meeting called for Monday evening of this week to con- sider the remodelling of the church sheds. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of Flesh- ! erton were the guests of her brother, John McAfee and family on Sunday ar.d attended the afternoon service. PROTON STATION On Monday evening, June 9th, Mrs. Staples of Hanover is expeeteu to addres a joint meting of Inistioge and Proton Station in the Proton United church in the interests of the W. M. S. Mrs. McGrath of Toronto was a guest of Mrs. Neil McCannel last wee'.:. Roy Corbett of Ventry was a week enH guest of his friend, Arthur Mc- Cannell. Billy Hopkins of Wtston is visiting at hio grandfather's, Mr. James Neilson. .- * " *" ' ' The Misses Mildred and Alice Carson and Margaret Russell of Dundalk spent an evening at the hon-.e of R. G. Acheson. The annual meeting of the W. C. T. V. v,-as held last Tuesday. The following officers were elected: Pres., Mhs. Stevens; Vice Pre?. Mrs. W. Ludlow; Treas.. Mrs. Walter Achcson; Cor. Sec.. Mrs. W. Gal- acrher. Miss Kathleen Hutchiir.^on of Kimberley was a visitor in and around Proton last week. CEYLON VICTORIA CORNERS Mrs. Smith of NV.v Brunswick ana Mr. and Mrs. Dean, Dave and Bill ot Toronto visited at Jas. Best's Lawscr. aad Ivan Lockhart of De- trait, visaed at the parental home. V.'alter Corbn'.t, Toronto visited hi- mother, Mrs. Corbett at Jas. Lockhar''s. Mrs. Lockhart is stiil hi bed and n~t improving as quickly a.: we would like to see. M:. and Mrs. W:n. Cantrcll and baby, Sheila, of Toronto, visited with Mrs. Cartreil's parents, Mr. A. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Killins and son, Gordon, of Smithville visited at Chas. Moore's. The W. C. T. U. held their an- nual meeting at the home of Mrs. Ri>bt. Acheson and appointed their officers for the ensuing year as fol- and Mrs. Will Parker. Mr. Geo. Buckingham of Chicago* and Mr. Edgar Buckingham of Stay- ner visited with their brother, Mr. E. Buckingham and family on Sun- day. The Maxwell United church will hold their annual garden party on June 12 on the parsonage grounds. A good play will be given by the Swinton Park young people. We had it announced last week for the ll'h. of June, but it should have been the 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Morrison and! Kathleen visited on Sunday with re- latives at Shelburne. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mclnnis and Andrew Morrison visited on Sundaj- with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Morrison. 1 --.%: Pres. Mrs. A. Stevens; V. P.J Mrs. Wm. Ludlow; Rec. Sec., Mrs.; Wilfred Gallagher; See. Treas.. Mrs. ; \VaIiji- Acheson. The convention will be held in Flesherton on June 18th. C. P. R. official-; at Durham have movec' into th fine new station, and the Bank of Commerce folk will get into their building before the end of Julv. MAXWELL Mr. S. Hemphill attended the demonstration put on by Beatty Bros at Fergus on Monday, 26th. Mr. Henret of the British American Oil Co. at Hanover called on friends here last week, who were pleased to see him. Misa Agnes Macphail spent the week end at her home here. Mr. R. Cook and Miss Millie motor- ed to Glenelg the first of the week and visited with friends. Visitors for the week end with Mr. S. Hemphil! and family were: Mr. Joe Hemphill. Sr. Mr. Sam Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and daughter. Del! from Dundalk. Mr. McFarlane nnd Miss McFarlane and Mi.^s Wrigh- from Mclntyre. Mr. D. Mc- Kenzie and sister Miss Kate Mc- Kenzie oV Fever3ham. Mr. and Mrs. Raney and daughter. Jean of Toronto, visited with the latter's mother, Mrs. Macphail the past week Mrs. Macphail accom- panied them to Wiarton. Owen Sound went on daylight saving time this week. Miss Shirley Buchingham is home frsm Toronto University. Mr-. R. J. Morrison attended t % ." graduation of her sister. Miss Florence Stephenson at Gui/.ph on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parker motor- ed from Detroit on Sunday and visited with the former's parents, Mr. Flowers -Plants e selection of flower- ing plants on hand- also Tomato, Cabbage, Cauli- flower and other plants. W. A. Hawken Phone 17 Flesherton BATES BURIAL CO'Y. DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PARLORS J. \V. BATES. 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4314 Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS. SEED CORN IMPROVED i.KAMINT.TOX CROMPTOX'S KARLY NOTICE A play entitled, "Two Days Vo Marry," given by the Swinton Park young people, will be held in the Orange Hall, Eugenia on l-'riday, Jum of sion serving and enjoy a treat. PORTLAW SCHOOL Sr. -1 Grace F'Jiillips. Dorothy Bsdftaor, Grace Hopps, Mary S!--iuio\vn, Clara Boy.e. Jr. 4 Wilbcrt Fisher. Bert Hoppr Deibert Fisher. Clifford Taylor. 3rd Bobbie Meldrum. Florence Boyci?, John Blakey, Herb Blakey. Sr. 2 Gracic Jamie son, Vern Mc- Mullen. Jr. 2 Mar : oric Pedlar, Bernico Plantt. STORES CLOSED The following stores will be closeu on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evcninjrs at 7 p.m. <!uring June, July, August, September and Oc- tober: J. HAMMELL, Singhampton. T. HILL. Singhampton. E. ROBINSON, Feversham. G. EBR, Feversham. F. I-EELER, Maxwell. C. HERON Maxwell. i 4> Turnip and Mangel Seed Rape Seed Dwarf Kssex ' " Hose Rakes Manure Forks Special This Week Men's 01 >d quality work boots, light, weight- for $3.25 A. E. Haw, Ceylon Open every night except Tuesday and Friday Prices of Reduced READ THE SMALL A'.iVTS. Boots & Shoes Work Boots 'Men's and I'oys \\ o'k boots best quality, from $3.25 up. A 00(1 line ot Oxfords from $3.00 up 25c. off for cash on purc over $2.00 W. r. MORWCOD Flesherton - Cnt. ROADSTER $620 $20 PHAETON 630 20 COUPE 695 20 SPCRT COUPE 730 25 DELUXE COUPE :... 755 15 CABRICLET . 850 40 YuDOR SEDAN FORDOR SEDAN TOWNSEDAN IVz TOP TRUCK TRUCK Dm' Wheels $695 820 895 753 744 $25 55 43 35 35 Delivered Her< The New Ford is outselling any other car in Canada and with the new volume of business substantial price reductions are now announced. H. Down & Sons Ford Dealers * ; Flesherton