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Flesherton Advance, 14 May 1930, p. 1

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rtcm Vol. 49 No. 45 Flesherton Ontario, May 14, 1930 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors 1 s _.^ EUGENIA _ Last Sunday was Mother's Day. An appropriate service to commem- orate the day was held in the church here. A choir composed of mothers rendered 'some beautiful selections suitable for the occasion. Practically everyone was wearing a flower in tribute to "Mother." The church was brightened by many pretty bouquets of spring flowers. The pastor, Rev. Bamford delivered a well prepared sermon in keeping with the event. Next Sunday is Father's Day. There will likely be a "fathers choir". We hope there will be as large or even a larger at- tendance as there was on Mother's Day. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Merrick and daughter of Alliston were guests of Mr. and Mrs,. Ernie Proctor on Sun- Mrs. Etta Jamieson of Alliston and Mrs. Hammond of Toronto visi- ted at Mr. Leonard Latimer's. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe and family of Ceylon and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Genoe and three sons, of Mea- ford visited on Sunday with Mrs. Turner. Mrs. Mclnnis and son and friend, al.-,o Mr. R. Shortreed of Priceville visited with the Park family re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilson cf St.- Catherines visited with Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilford. Mr. Henderson and son, Eric and Miss Ramsey of Toronto visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob William--. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Graham and children of Toronto are visiting with Mrs. Me Mullen and the Graham fsmilies. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and family of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Root.. Purvis. Miss Searle returned to her home in Torinto on Sunday afterspending a eek with Mrs. Jos. Williams. Miss Gertrude Lever of Flesher- ton nd MISB Bertha Ottewell, teacher at Orange Valley were visi- tors at Mr. Chas. Martin's on Sun- day. We extend our sympathy to Mr. Walker Sloan and family in the los-* of his brother Mr. Wm. Sloan who passed away at his home in British Columbia. At the time of Mr. Harry Focrster's fire loss last year a con- siderable sum of money was donated towards rebuilding, but Mr. Foerster did not build a new shop, so the do- nators were handed back their money again by the collectors. Mr. Foerster does not want people to have the impression that he accepted the money and did not rebuild. Miss Mabel Williams of Flesher- ton is spending a few days with her grandmother, Mrs. Turner. Last Week's Items Fishing season has commenced. Reports are that some anglers arc landing some large fish from the hydro lake here. Postmaster Park has been trying his luck. A large trout came along and took hold of the hook but when Mr. Paik tried to land it, Mr. Fish taking part of the line with hook and bait, disap- peared into the water again. Try again. Mr. Norman Williams of Norman- dale Bird Sanctuary, visited a few days with friends here. Mr. Wesley Corey of Toronto visited over the week end with friends in the village. Mr. Harry Foerster was home from Hanover lor a few days. Miss Mildred Johnston of Portlaw visited with the Latimer and Proctor families. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Quesnel and family of Owen Sound and Mrs. Doupe of Saugeen visited with Mr. Joseph Sherwood on Sunday. Mr. Chas. Park of Detroit spent a few days with his parents, Post- master Park and wifa. Arbour Day was held at the school here on Monday. The weather was discouraging in the morning as there were a few showers of rain The children enjoyed lunch together after which Arbour day p.ctivities the Crowston and Noble families in their recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee and family and Mrs. Wm. Hislop attended the funeral of Mrs. Hislop's sister, Miss Mackenzie of Ceylon on Friday last. We extend our symp- athy to the sorrowing friends. Mrs. 3. H. Seeley and children of Markdale visited lately with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Parsons. Mrs. Beecroft and son of Flesher- ton visited the former's mother, Mrs. Turner on Sunday. Mrs. Roy MacMillan snd daughter Margaret are visiting with Mrs. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Doupe and family of Saugeen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Haney on Sunday. Mrs. Sayars of Feversham visited recently with her daughters, Mrs. Duncan Williams and Mrs. Lewis Genoe. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham and family of Clarksburg visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Genoe and fam- ily of Toronto visited friends over the week end Mr. B. Williams and boy friend of St. Catherines visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilford. FEVERSHAM Rev. Dean of the Gospel Workers church preached a very touching and interesting sermon on Sunday morning at the Mother's Day service held in their church here. His text was, "My house shall be called a house of prayer" and a solo he sang, "Angela carry the news to mother 7 ' was highly appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Forsythe am' little daughter of Owen Sound were week end visitors with Mr. and M-". Eby. Drs. Thos and Robert Henderson and brother Samuel of Toronto, were visitors with their sistor, Mrs. John Paul this week. They also visited with their brother, Joseph of Max- woll who is seriously ill at present. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Poola and Mr. Henry Coulthard motored over to Braccbridge and visited Millie, Mr. Coulthard's daughter, who has been quite ill of late. Mr. and Mrs. Francis and Mr. F. Wiley visited Collingwood friends on Saturday evening. Miss Sproule of Collingwood is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hale and other friends in this locality. Mr. Gordon Henderson of London, Ont., renewed old acquaintances here last week. Mr. Jas. Conn of Buffalo has been repairing and re-decorating his house on his farm in the suburbs and now has a tenant occupying it. Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer of Pretty River Valley were here ovor Sunday and attended the morning service in the gospel workers church. Mr. Thos. Horton and Mr. Gibson of Toronto were visitors with the former's sister Mrs. A. J. Conron other friends here last week. Mr Cecil Wiley of Collingwood was a week end visitor with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley here. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pedlar and two sons spent Sundy at Mrs. Petl- lar's parental home on the fourth lino. Mr. Ransome fnnr.sfly of Berkley has opened up a boot and harness repair shop in this village r/v^sl the post office. Mrs. Walker of Markdale visited with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Smith Ipst wo~k. Mr. Willis Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wright, of Queens College at Kingston is holidaying at hi: parental home on the tenth line Rev. Mr. Moffatt preached a very fine sermon in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening test that was highly kiteresting. MAXWELL Mr. Guy Pflllister of Thornhill spent tho week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Pallister. Dr. and Mrs. H. Guy and Marjorie and Helen of Newmarket spent the week end with relatives here. Mv. Mervyn Wright spent Sunday \vith hs parents here. WODEHOUSE Lovely eather, leaves and blos- soms are coming fast and the grass has grown in bounds. The farmers are now able to turn their stock to pasture, which is a wonderful relief after the long spell of feeding. Mrs. Cherry and Miss Verna Nes- bitt accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bus.ey of Markdale to Owen Sound on Saturday and visited Mr. nd Mrs. Harry Staples. Mr. and Mrs. William Hodgins and Nellie Gordon of Cherry Grove were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown on Sunday and at- tended service at New England. Mother's Day service was duly observed in New England church. The leaflets for the service were used and were enjoyed by all."Live to love the mothers who live and honor the mothers who have gone to rest." Many wore the white flower in honor of mother gone and others a colored one in honor of those who are yet with them. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wiley ami family visited recently with friends t Flesherton. The many i'riends of Gertie Mc- Afee met at her home on Thursday evening and presented her with a miscellaneous shower, prior to her marriage thij Wednesday to Mr. Fred Smith If Fleshertorj. A pleasant social evening was enjoyed, a short address was read and the many gifts presented to her. The best wishes of a host of friends go with her for future happiness. BORN On Wednesday, May 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Carruthers, a son (still born) Arbor day was observed on Friday of last week. A general clean up of place, after which Miss Wiley, teacher, treated all to weaners. Miss Durham from near London hs been engaged as teacher at SHgo commencing duties after Easter holi- days. began. The school yard was cleaned | Mother's Day service was observed up, flowers planted, etc. Some of , in the United church here. The the village ladies helped the teacher . choir comprised of mothers rendered and puoils with their work. j very suitable music. Next Sunday "Mr. Joe Williams Jr. and Mr. we are holding Father's Day and the Henry Tudor visited in Toronto for fathers are going to be in the choir. a few days. Miss Viola Williams - - and Aliss Sea vie accompanied them BORN ba;'k and will spend a fortnight with BUCHANAN To Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Willims. William R. Buchanan, 191 North Wo extend our sympathy to the Mitton St., Sarnia, Ontario, on May Flewis family in Kimberley and to 3th, a son ( Frank David). PROTON STATION A beautiful Mother's Day service in the United church was conducted by Mr. A. Huston of Victoria Col- lege. Toronto. After the apropriate sermon, Mrs. Huston, who accom- panied her husband for the day, favored the congregation with two sweetly rendered solos on the Hawaiian guitar. Dr. Marshall of Dundalk gave an illustrated lectu -e on "the teeth" in the public school on Monday night. Mr. Geo. Beamish is drilling a well for Mr. Hugh Hodgin. He has struck rock about ninety feet below the sur f ace. Mr. and Miss Mullen of CollinK- wood were guests at Postmaster Mc- Cannell's. Mr. Clarence Middaugh, who has been ill in Dundalk for some time, was a caller on old friends in this, his home village. We trust Clarence will make a speedy ecovcry. Mr. Alex Hogarth, who WPS con- valescing at the home of his parents near Cylon was a caller o- old friends in Proton Station one day last week. Miss Maud Acheson, wr.o ha- been since Easter at Essa supplying for a teacher, who was ill, has returned home. Mi. Herjrott and sons Arthur am: Roy and Mr. James Vause motoree to Waterloo on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Burton and children of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wyville last week. THE RIGHT BAIT Martin Beck, the theatrical pro- duce 1 ', was engaging one day pretty actress." "You got looks" he said "and that's very important. Let me tell you a story." "A minister and two lovely choir girls were on their way home from church one Sunda^ iv>rnin"- and they stopped awhile bcsiilo the rw?r. They stood there talking about how clear the water was and how nicely the clouds wcve reflected in it and so on, and just then a chap with a fiohing rod cirri" along. "Anv sport?" says he, for he thought they were fishing. "My frien^" says the minster in r reproachful, hurt way, "I am a fisher ?t men." The chap looked at the two (rirTs. "Well, reverend," he said, "yo,u're sure usin' the right bait." ROCK MILLS Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Sam Croft in her hour of sorrow by the death of her brother, Mr. E. Holley who passed away at his home in Toronto, Thursday, May 1st. The funeral took place in To- ronto on Saturday May 3rd. Mrs. roft had spent a couple of days at ;he bedside oi' her brother and was with him at the time of his passing. Mr Croft and sons, Haryev and Everett motored to Toronto and at- tended the funeral returning home the next day, Mrs. Croft returning home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hornby of Collinijwood holidayed the past week with the latter's cousin here, Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. There will be no service in the Baptist church here next Sabbath owing to there being anniversary services in the Flesherton Baptist church that day. Mr. and Mrs. C. Kennedy and children, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Osborne and two sons of Not- tawa and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tucker of Toronto were week end visitors ->t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Robertson. Miss Ruth Russell spent a day with her friends, Misses Melrose Campbell and Enid Gordon of Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. James Russell and family, spent Mother's Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Williams Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Osborne and babe of Owen Sound motored down on Saturday and spent the week end with his sister Mrs. Walter Russell. Unity U. F. W. 0. held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. Lewis Gcuoe on Wednesday last, with a good attendance. A splendid pro- gram was given consisting of a piano solo by Miss Reta Genoe, a humorous reading by Mrs. A. F. Pedlar and a contest was put on by Melrose Campbell and was won by Mrs. Lewis Genoe. Miss Enid Gor- don then gave a splendid talk on the opening ol' the Southam Sani- tarium at Hamilton, of which she was a patient at that time. A splendid paper was then given by Mrs. Gordon on "Beautifying tT>e Home," The meeting then closed with singing and the hostess served lunch. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Mary Hop- per on Wednesday, June 4th. LADY BANK i son ' clare o Meaford and Mr. an* _ Mrs. Harry Garner and daughter,. Ideal weather with a wonderful Irene of T <> ro n* spent the week end growth. Miss Jeannette McMullen has re- with Mr. nd Mrs. Samuel Gilbert. The sympathy of the community turned to her home here after [ is extended to Mrs. Frank Davis spending the winter in Toronto. Mr. Herb McMullen of Alliston the death of her father, Mr. John Plewis of Kimberley, who passed spent Sunday with his mother and away recently brothers here and attended the funeral of his uncle, the late Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Carson McKessock and son of Massie were recent visl- Teeter at Priceville, accompanied tors with Mr. and Mrs. D. McGee. by his mother, Mrs. Mary McMullen sister Miss Jeannette and Mr. and Mrs. Les. McMullen and babe. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple spent an evening recently with Mr. and Mrs. John Lougheed at Brewster's lake. Mr. Geo. Wilson of Collingwood ::pent Sunday with Lady Bank friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Semple and two children of Islington accom- panied by Miss Janie Semple of Tor- onto visited over the week end with Mrs. Geo. Buchanan spent :r couple of days in Toronto last week. Residents of this community were- grieved last week to learn of the death of Mr. Ed. Holley of Toronto. Ed. was born and grew to manhood? in this neighborhood and had many friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Holley spent a few days with hint during his last illness. Born recently to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Summers, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Richardson and" daughter of Chatsworth visited re- Wm. Semple and family. | <*ntly with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gil- Mr, and Mrs. Russell Allison and i Dert - two daughters, Jean and Ruby of I Rev. Harvey Howey of Owei Sound Markdale and Mr. Joe Allison of St. occupied the pulpit in the church- Catherines spent Sunday with Mr. 1 here on Sunday afternoon and and Mrs. Wm. Semple and family, j preached a fine Mother's Day ser- Miss Adell Roberts of_ Staynor la mon. the guest at her parental home at Mrs. Geo. Wright has the sym- present. pathy of the community in the re- Don't forfret to attend the fish ' cent death.-, of her brother, Mr. Wm. supper at Providence on the 23rd. Gil.ay of Rocklyn and her sister, Come along and bring yai-r friends. Miss Gilray of Toronto. Mrs. Jas. Patton of Flesherton Mrs. Wm. Reid of Michigan cal- snent a day last week with her led on friends here recently. Mr. IN MEMORIAM daughter. Mrs. Joe Sewell, Sewell and Miss Velma. Miss Wilson of Ravenna is the guest of he- uncle and aunt, Mr. BLACKBURN In ever loving and Mrs. Walter Wilson. VANDELELTR Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith and reme-nbrance of Joseph Blackburn., who died May 19th. 1925. His wife, brothers and sisters-. ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY BATES BURIAL CO'Y. DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PARLORS 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 J. W. BATES. Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS. <^'><~><^<>frC-fr^0 PRICEVILLE Beautiful flower*. mus ; " anH ser- IFT. commemorated Mother's Day. which was fittingly observed *-> Sunday last. High commendation was given Christian mothers and ro- tr~"n c c' was made to mothers' oreat opportunities and responsibilities and *hr wonderful results arising from thoir lovp and sacrifice. To many hearts came tender thoughts 01 loved or">s. Mr. Allie McLean has nurchased p. fore' fach. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mclnnis anil family visited friends at Chatsworth recently. M-. John Stotliar,, had the mis- fortune to lose cnc ut' his cattle with black lee. Miss Dorothy Carson returned to Toronto on Frida" after visiting at, her parental horn . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dixon and Annie of Rbrnezor visited the fir?t of the week at- Mr. Henry TrMce-'". Mr. Tnnis McLean hnd his tonsils removed ii Durham hospital last week and is progressing favorably. Mr. ami Mrs. Noil McLeod ami Edgar of Swinton Park visited re- cently at Mr. David Hincks'. Miss Myrtle Moore of Proron snent t.hft week end with her friend, Miss BotV> Hincfc-.. Miss Audrey Wnrlin~ of Flesher- ton and Mnrararot McLean were week ond visitors -t Mr. Alex Car- son's. On Monday night, of last week the Swinton PnrV people presented thpt'r play. "Two Days to Marry." Earfi one acted their part well. This Is humorous play from Rtn-'t t.n f>"'sh. Tho characters were Mrs. Watt Kno". Toaholl McMillan. Mrs. G. A. Black. Messrs. Art Richardson, Fred Vnor. G. A. Black and GPO. Haw They have given it at Swinton and Dromore previously. i?- GET YOUR SPRING NEEDS AT HAWS ' Fresh Formalin .Garden Seeds *[ . Onions Moth Balls . -?!f-u Wallpaper SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK .f'^j Gloss White Paint at 85c. per quart A. E. Haw, Ceylon Store closes every evening at 6 p.m., except c~ Wednesday and Saturday. a! -.* t Cost of education in Orillia is $'J4,- 931 this year. Sec A. E. Bellamy about your automobile insurant' 1 . H is repre- sentative of the Pilot Company. HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE SPECIALLY PRICED t.arden Rakes 70c. and $1.45 Ho -'s 85c. and $T.25 ^hovels $1,25 r.arden Sets 65 C Lawn Mowers $8.25, $975 and $12.50 Screen Doors and Screen Windows Paint Brushes Paint and Varnishes Floor Wax Mops Pails, etc. F. W. Duncan HARDWARE - FLESHERTON

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