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Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1930, p. 8

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"WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16. 1930 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE MEN'S FINE OXFORDS $3.50 to $5.50 Fine class of MEN'S WORK BOOTS $3.40 to $4.35 MEN'S HIGH RUBBER BOOTS best quality $3.75 to $4.25 W. L. Morwood SHOE RKPAIRIxr. - FLESHERTON CEYLON Mrs. Hislop of Eugenia is visiting her sister and brother, Miss Jessie and Mr. George McKenzie. Won Essay Prizes Flcsherton high school won a ' district victory, when first and sec- Miss Norton spent the week end on( j prizes respectively were awar- at her home in Chatsworth. jej to Miss Irene Martin and Herb Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart and Akins on an essay in competition family visited the first of the week w ;th eight other hi?h schools in with friends at Mclntyre. South Grey. The essay was on Mrs. Jas. Sargeant. who has spent "The Advantage of C \ operative the past week visiting Mrs. J. Me- Marketing," and the prizes oi $15 Williams and calling on her many an $10 were awarded by Miss A. C. friends, returned on Friday to her Macphail, M. P., who has made the home near Shelburne. event an annual affair. The young Mrs. Luther Duckett was called people are to .be congratulated on to Owen Sound on Tuesday noon to their atttainment in winning the the bedside of her si.iter-in-law, Mrs. prizes. Alf. Genoc, who is very ill. ' ~ Mrs. Archibald, who has been M IV p . helping to wait on her father, Mr. llCW I/JY. l/UUIl Jas. McWhinney, but now able to be up, has returned to Proton. Mr A E Bellamy of town has re- Mr and Mrs. Will Gibson motored 7eiveH the appointment of clerk of to Toronto last week. the 5th Divisio" Court of the County Mrs. . Marshall visited her daugh- of GreVi whpn his f nt her. Mr. W. J. Bellamy, resigned from that office. a Mr. Bellamy presided at the Division tc- at Holland Centre last week. Mrs. J. Clark, who has spent EUGENIA PUBLIC SCHOOL 4th class Belva Genoe, Kerton, Ronald Middleton, Bernice| Campbell, Argyle Martin, Vernlce Fawcett. Teddie Campbell. Sr. 3 Annieta Turner, Herbie Fawcett*. Jr. 3 Verda Genoe, Nancy Mid- dleton*. Morgan*, Guy, Gladys Winters. I Those marked * were Mamie every day. couple of weeks waiting on her Court hpld or Thursday after holding :' mother and who passed away, leaves that O ffj ce f nr twenty-two years. | this Wednesday for her home in p rev j ous to his appointment the late present Sault St. Marie. She spent the A s VanDusen was clerk. i week end with Priceville friends. Helen Maynard, teacher. Miss Agnes McPhail, M.P., Ottawa i spent the week end at her home CARD OF THANKS S. S. N'O. 17 4th class- Murray Fisher 85. here. i We desire to thank the friends Mr. D. D. Mt-Lauchlan is visiting and neighbors for the many kind- hi.; brother nea Priccville. nesses given to our son, Jack, Nathalie Patton* 70, Jack English' Mr - Stanley Chesney was taken to through his long illness, and for GJ, Loo Patton* 68, Stewart Foster Durham hospital the past week by sympathy extended during our be- W, Laurie Russell* 50. j Dr - Milne, where they operated on reavement' We especially wish to Jr. Jean Tudor, Percy Graham*. 1 Sr. a Leslie Seeley 72, Leila Clark his throat. He is expected home thank all those who contributed Leone DucketUab.) j 68, Ruth Russell 65, Julio Croft ( ab- this wepk - flowers, the choir, Mrs. Perkins for Sr. 1 Evelyn Campbell, Reggie' sent.) [ Mr> Rbt. Parslow went to Toron- her beautiful solo. Rev. Scott for Fawcett*, Winnetta Martin*, Carmel Jr. 3 Iva English 83, Lawrence to on Saturday to see hia wife, who hj 3 vc:-y comforting message and Mr. Martin. Rody Gordon. ! Phillips 73, Jack Monaghan 70. ' very poorly in the General hospital Bennett for his attentiveness during the several days Sr. Pr. Edward Campbell, El merj Lloyd Partridge 65. Lulu Russell*, at time of writing. Colgan, Ruth Gordon, Doris Faw-|c3, Marguerite Cro^* 58. Robert M<-. Jas. McMulIen paid a business cett*. Mabel Duckett (ab.) 'Clark* 56, Mabel Shier(absent). I trio to Guelph the first nf the week. Jr. Pr. Murray Williams, Reta Sr. 2 Ilcno Rusfll 89. Roy Rev. Mr. Story, returned Mission-' Gordon*. | pj s her 87, Mnry Clark* 75, Elsmour ary, from South America, addressed indicates pupil has been absent: shier * 74 Ru , hy Mona>rnan . 73. the Sabbath school on Sunday after- F. G. Karstcdt and Family. five or more day, durin? month. S. E. Acheson .teache- CARD OF THANKS Mr. Henry Stone and family wish MAXWELL SCHOOL 4th Merlie Buckingham, Kdith Lougheed, 'Minnie Lougheed, 'Marie Fisher'~92 Chard, "Ethel Fenwick, *Anntc Laughlin, Jean Ross, Irene Parker, Isabel! Pallister, Stella Young. Sr. 3 'Muriel Bamford, 'Donald Bamford, *Billie Kerton, 'Lloyn Morrison, *Bob Priestly, 'Donald Radley. Jr. 3 'Valeria Stafford, * Mabel Bemrose, ('Hugh Laughlin, *Delmar Seeley,) Flora Morrison, 'Warren Priestly, Tom Pallister, Jim Poole. 2nd. 'Tom Bemrose, *Noreen Grummett, *Robt. F'.-nwlck, 'Jacob Loreen English 67, Fred Partridge* j noon, which was very interesling to extend their heartfelt thanks to 54. j and was enioyed bv all present. He their neighbors and friends for the Sr. Isl Russell Phillips 91 Fred alro had rhnrpe of the preaching many expressions of kindness and Belts 90, Glcnard Croft 70. | service giving a grief history of the assistance during the recent illness Jr. 1st Bessi^ Russell 85. Edna sorthcrn heathen and their customs, and death of a loving wife and Partridge 80. Edna Croft* 77. j Mr. Story is a very interesting mother. Primer Arthur Belts 95. Harry j speaker. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Miss Macphail's public speakingr , contest for the schools in SoutBie The Thankofioring meeting 01 Grey is to be held in the Flesherton the W. M. S. will be held in the high school on Saturday, May 3. United church tomorrow (Thursday) | The subject will be "The League of at 3 p.m. Mrs. (Rev.) W. H. Smith Nations," its origin, objects and and Mrs. W; R. Alder of Durham, 1 chief accomplishments. Each ad- Cor. Sec. and Sec. of Christian dress will take from 12 to 15 min- Stewardship and Finance respectively ' utes and th prizes will be $40, $25, will be present and give Lunch will be served. addresses.! $15, 510, and $5. Besides the prizes la set of books, valued at $8, will be Rev. F. Storoy, who was a mission |S' v en to the school at which the ary under the Evangelical Union ot winner of the contest attends. South America, spoke to tha S?bbth School on Sunday last in St. John'* TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY APpLI- United church on the work hfi has CATIONS WANTED heen engaged in. He also spoke at the evening service. On Tuesday! Scaled applications stating salary evening at the Y. P. S. he gave Ian- 'expected will be received by the tern slides of Missionary work which ' undersigned up to 9 o'clock p.m. wore most interesting nnd instruct- Friday. May 2nd for the position of tive. Mr. Storey has the knack ot Road Superintendent in the Township holding the interest and attention of of Osprey. Applicants will be re- his audience. ' quired to use a car for driving pur- Pure maple syrup weighing 14 poses. The lowest T any appli- Ibs. to the gal., delivered in gallon cation not necessarily accepted. Ap- tins at $2.75, containers not return- plicants are requested to write "Ap- able, or your own containers will be plication" on the envelope containing filed at my residence or at the camp same. H. G. Burke, Cle--k. for $2.50. W. Akitt, Flesherton. H. G. BURKE, clerk. Small Advts. LOST LOST On April 4th, small black MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Village lot to rent- purse with silver, from co-ner of 1V = acres on wnlch is house . hen - highway to the high school or hous and farage. Apply to Geo. United church shed. Finder please * Graham in care of E. A. Graham, leave at Advance office. Clarksburg. ^ i PASTURE Lot 10. Con. 9. Os- prey. 75acres for pasture or hay FOR SALE during the summer of 1930. J. J. FOR SALE Jersey heifer cp.lf. Haley, R. R. 1. Eugenia.^ Leslie Chard, phone 42 r 2. Flesherton " FOR SALE Two turkey Win. Johnston, phone 41 r 31. FOR SALE Good general pur- pose te<*m W. T. Genoe, Ceylon. Wm. Dingwall. will do custom hatchng at five . hens 1 cents per egg in advance of hatching, customers filling a machine; also sale. B. P. rocks baby chicks for Mrs. C. Hindle, Proton R. R. No. 3 Phone 32 r 31, Fleshertou. Lougheed, 'Charlie (irummett, *Mur- ray Morrison, Isabcll Laughlin. 1st. *Mao Stephen, Voilct Duck c-tt. Bob Allison. Sr. Pr. Katie Bemrose, Archie Laughlin, Nellie Allison. Jr. Pr. Kdith Mor'ison, 'Jennie Croft 89. Phyllis; Shier 79, Shier 61. Number on roll 38. Average at- tendance 34. The numbers are percentages. Those mrk<>d * mls-j s"d one or more exams. Mr*. Fr-ncis .T. Seeley, teacher. The deep sympathy of this com- munity is extended to Mr. nnd Mrs. Knrstedt and family in their be- rrnvement. AUCTION SALES Mrs. Wm. Kaitting will hold an auction sale of household furnituiv in the village nf Feversham on Snt- Iluy your Flour and Feeds from the Osprey Farmers' Milling Co, FEVERSHAM Family Bread Flour Made from No. ' Western \Vheat Pastry Flour Madi From Choice Ontario Wheat CARD OF THANKS The family of the late John H. Jamieson desire to thank the friends and neighbors for their expressions of sympathy, the floral tributes and many acts of kindness during recent bereavenment. their IN MEMORIAM unlay. April loth., at 2 p.m.-See Cracked Red Wheat. lulls for full particulars. ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY THE STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL& CHAIN STORES Markdaie, Ontario BUSKIN In fond and loving memory of our dear parents, John Ruskin and wife. Ellen Benthan, who departed this life, our mother on February 9th, 1900 and our father, ,,. , . Apiil 19th, 1929. I, ran. Shorts and coarse feeds Thc world may chanjfe from year to year ' ' " fvt '* And friends f -om day to day But never will the ones we loved, From memory pass away. Ever remembered and sadly missed by their daughlers. always on hand OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Outstanding Sprin tyles NOTHING IS MISSING IN OUR SPRING DISPLAY TO MAKE A COM- PREHENSIVE SELECTION OF THE NEWEST FASHIONS. SPRING, OF COURSE, SUGGESTS A NEW OUTFIT AND THE WOMAN OF DIS- CRIMINATION WILL BE SURE TO VIEW JOUR UP-TO-THE-MINUTE ASSEMBLAGE OF THE LATEST SPRING STYLE-IDEAS IN READY-TO- WEAR DEPARTMENT ON THE SECOND FLOOR. FOR SALE Seed oats. Edward FARM FOR SALE Loucks, Flesherton. Phone 31 r 31. | 100 acreB, being lot 37, Con. 4, i Artemesia, 80 acres under cultivation. a Good house and large barn with good 8S quantity of feed barley Otto Baker, R. R. 4. Markdale, phone 60 r 31. FOR SALE Ten thousand feet of inch and 2x8 and 2x4 spruce lumber. Mark Wilson, Flesherton. Bred ti lay Barred Rock eggs for setting, 50 c. Walter Russell, phone Ilr24. FOR SALE Chevrolet car for ?ale, in good shape Mrs. W. L. Wright, 68 Elm St., Windsor, Ont. FOR SALE-^About 200 bushels of oats Fred Smith, R. R. 2, Flesh- erton. INTERESTING SPRING HATS The new millinery is very smart with STYLISH SPRING DRESSES- ENSEMBLES Made of Canton Crepe, Gloria, Rose, ' the fancy necks, the drooping side flares, Mar i e c rq >e, Printed Silks and Celanese, and combinations, to provide many ex- - n t j le newcst S p r j n} r shades of rose, navy, elusive models. There is a complete ^^ san( i ) corinthian, green, black, etc., ) range of the newest spring shade.; to ncw f | areS) choose from. waist lines and soft neck linos make tho styles very charming DISTINCTIVE SPRING COATS AND SUITS i Sport tweeds, dressy plain cloths and novelty materials, comprise the now spring coat materials. Plain self-trim- med ami fur tiruimed models to choose from tin- ranjt i:. very complete in all .sizes. EUGENIA (Last Week's Items) Among those on the sick list are, Mrs. L. Latimer, Mr. Joseph She-r- W'vul and M". J"s. Hawkins. We hope nil will be restored to their usual Rood health again. Mrs. W. E. Morgan and son, Doug- las, are spending a few duys in To- ronto. We understand Mr. Morgan has > rli"ht at to ck of pleurisy. We hope he may soon be able to icturn home with hh henlth greatly im- proved. Mr. Chas. Park of Detroit is spen- ding a few days with his parents, Postmaster and Mrs. Park. Master Argyle Martin has been out of school the past week, having accidently received a knock in the stomach by one of his school males while at play. We are pleased that Mrs. Sloan is recovering from her recent illness. We are glad to see the children of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duckett able to return to school again atier their illness with whooping cough. We understand that Mrs. Duckett is re- covering from her attach of Neuntis. Mr. Harry Foersten' of Hanover, spent the week end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett ot Maxwell visited recently at Mr. Will Duckett's. FOR SALE Bay horse, six years old, good driver, good worker W. Moore, Flesherton, Phone 16. For Sale Heavy team of horses and harness Apply at Advance of- fice. FOR SALE O.A.C. Barley No. 21 75c. per bit.; Improved Banner Oats 90c. per bu. Jos. Ferris, Priceville, phone 4 on 49, Flesherton. stabling and out-buildings. For fur- ther particulars. apply on premiass. ALB. BLACKBURN, Phone 42 r 6 Maxwell. FARM FOR SALE In the Township of Artemesia 130 acre farm, lots 143-46, 3rd range S. W.T.&S.R., half mile from station, 1% miles from Flesherton. Good buildings, 12 acres of bush. Sold on easy terms. J. L. McMULLEX, Ceylon. FOR SALE Six head of yearlings also ten or twelve tons of good hay. W. J. McFadden, R. R. 5 Mark- dp le. BABY CHICKS Baby Barred { chicks for April, May and Juno de-f livery. Phone or write. Order now PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT The property of the late Ell Gibson, lot 10, Collingwood street. Flesherton. On this property is & comfortable dwelling house of 9 rooms, with electric lighting. Barn 26 x 33 ft., with stable and drivinjr house thereon, also a good well on the premises. This property is in a good location and will be sold reason- ably. For further particulars ap- ply ti the administrator, W. J. Meads, Fle^herton. Ont. FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Bacon hog for service on lot 136, West Back- line, Artemesia. G. H. Cairns. Mrs. Chester Long, Feversham. FOR SAjLE 18 purebred white leghorn pullets, also purebred Leg- horn male, year old. Mrs. Wm. Semple, Eugenia, phone 10 r 42, Feversham. FOR RENT A good six roomed house, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, stable, hen house and garage, op- posite high school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. 3. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for vice by Flesherton Bacon Uog Qlub, the .property of the Ontario Depart- ment ot Agriculture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. Ont. Barley, $1.45 per 100, Ont. Wheat $1.95 per 100, Peas $1.60 per bushel, Oats 60c per bushel, A. C. Muir, Ceylon phone 38 r 3. BORN DUNGEY In Flesherton on Mon- day, April 14, 1930 to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dungey, a son. HUTCHINSON In Artemesia on Tuesday. April 8th. 1930, to Mi- and Mrs. Hadden Hutchinson, a son. LARGE At Niagara Falls Gen- eral hospital on Tuesday, April 1, 1030. to Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenneth G. I-arpe (nee Elizabeth (Fischer) Franklin Ave.. the gift of n son, Douglas Charles. FOR SALE Hatching eggs from purebred Barred Rock 1 ?, blood tested and registered under government supervision. W. J. W. Armstrong, Fiesherton, phono 13w. FOR SALE 40 Ewes mostly Ox- fords, bred to two purebred Oxford rams, young and healthy, never chased by dogs, the lot for $750 cash or will sell part J. J. Collins, Hast- ings, Ont. FOR SALE Barn good frame, 45x60ft. For further particulars apply to R . G. Acheson Proton Station, phone 44 r 5 or Oscar G. Patterson, Dundalk, R. R. No. 3. Phone 103 r 24. FOR SALE A o.uantity of house- hold furnishings left by W. Jones, lately occupying our farm ami left there by him will be disposed of to pay storage and inconvenience if he (iliU E. DUNCAN DUNDAXJC LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Tarmat 1 per cent. Satisfaction guarntee4 Dates made at The Advance office. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB Registered Shorthorn bull for ser- vice nt .'ot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "Merry .JLarquis" No. 178,135; Sire. Sonata Marquia 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly 181,078. Terms Purebred* $5.00. grades |2.00. Cows not returned will be cnarge lull price. ct. . HAWKINS, Bufenia. NMDDLEBRO & BURNS Barrister*. *tc. Oficet Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton every Saturday afternoon and evening. BUSiNF o CARDS Dr. W D. - .ycj. L. D. S. 8 D. IX S. denta> versity of V- .vji>, graduate t*. \Jni- u:j. Gaj ;-.dnuaister- ed for extract.">. i. Office at th-; resi- dcnce of Dr. L. street, Flcsherton. Miwray, Tcroiit- h-.)::e S'J. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333. A. K & A. M. meets in the Masonic Ilali, Arm- strong Block, Flesherton ever> Fri- day on or before the full moon. W . M, C. N. Richardson, Secretary, H< does not communicate with me mediately L. P. Thistlethwaito im- A. McCauley. 24' Phone and give us the names of Connor Ave, Toronto 6. Ont. vonr Easter visitors. FOR SALE Egnrs for hatching Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe Farm and stock safes a specialty. guar- ronlo on Monday, where Mrs. Free- strain. Eggs grading from 90 to antc< f A , 11 aement 9 and dates man will ,,nder K o an x-ray oxamln- '"I", extras. 81.00 w-r 15-llaroki may b P nia de at the Advance off 1C e,or p.tior,, as her With has not been of Thompson, R. R. 2, Flesherton. Central telephone office, Feversham, the best lately. ph::!i" 31 r 21. or y addressing me at Feveraham. Mr. and Mr3. H .Freeman and from well-culled pen of purebred S. ; T moderate satisfaction Mr. nnd Mrs. .T. Perkins left for To- C. White Leghorn hens, Barron ' _. , moa f ate ' "atislactioi*

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