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Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1930, p. 1

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I Vol. 49 No. 44 Flesherton Ontario, April 16, 1930 W. H. Thurston & Son, Propriety PROTON STATION n. 20 S. m, od .Id n fT la !t. a D >n ' i- p- ' J. . . Rev. A. M. Oldham is having a Good Friday service In the Anglican church here on 'April 18th at 10.30 a.m. All families in the congrega- tion are invited to attend. Good Friday is a day sacred to the heart of every Christian believer and nUGENlA CELEBRATES 15th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY , On April 8th, 1915 Miss Etta Thompson of Flesherton became the ride of Mr.* Edgar Betts. That was _ happy day, so to celebrate the 15th a cnniveisary another pleasant gather- church service a fitting commemor- ( [ng ^ p , ace at their home .. Map , e a ' n ' 'Lane" farm 81h line, when about Rev. T E. Storey of Toronto re- f Iatives were t turned missionary from South Amer- , A sumptuous dinner was served ica, was a guest at the home of Mr. pbout g , dock p m in the dining K. U. Acheson. | _. u ._ u was artistically decora . The table j storey j roses. After - - everyone did ample justice to the tor m charge for the past year will delicious repast ... a mock ceremony , be back nex Sunday We under- which caused mu;h merriraent( took stand he w,ll preach his farewell place Tn this Edgar was dressed rermon here previous to leaving for as a handsomo br ; de , carryin(? roses a charge in Northern Alberta. and wearinfr white , oves and a whjte Mr I Stamsby of Toronto, visited veil . The Vei] . yards in leni , th; was Mi-. Snelgrove of Victoria College Toronto, was the student who filled the United church pulpit last Sun- day. Mr. Whitney Davis, the pas- . and whlte ROCK MILLS A large number from here attended 1 the sale of Mrs. W. A. Armstrong ' in Flesherton on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betts and ! daughters, Edith and Mabel and Mrs. W. J. Nowell and daughters, i Florence and Marjorie attended the I fifteenth anniversary of the marriage , oi their eldest son, Mr. Edgar Betts I and wi.'e, which they celebrated at | their home in Osprey on Monday, April 7th at 6.30 p.m. Friends were present from Shelburne, Maxwell, Flesherton and from cear Markdale spent b" th^o who were able to at- PORTLAW cveryone his family here. Mrs. Archibald, who has for cast two weeks been nursing the her. illness has returned to Proton. Mr. Llovd Wauchope. one of the local section men has been transfer- red -for a short period of time to a section 'at Hanovjer. Mrs, Wauch- or> is vtitine her parents at Flesh erton until .Lloyd returns. (Last Week's Items) carried by little Edgar Betts, his nephew and little Man,' Whitehead. Mrs. Betts' niece. To the strains of R. J. Morrison, the bride and groom took their places, Edgar entering on the arm of his friend, R. J. Morrison who gave him away to the groom, wife) by tellinpr faults congratulations and confetti. The remainder of the evening was spent in musie and games. All sanpr "For Deer are often seen in this vicinity, ' the y * jolly good fellows" before ni>Il herds of them gamboling they departed for their homes, after around a field or perhaps if startled the jolly time. Many lovely gifts m the-r play by travellers, will leap were received as tokens of good wowte thC r ad ai>d d ' Sappear in the . wishes and remembrance. M , 3 ' , ~. .. Friends attending from a distance Mr and Mrs. Sterling White have xvere: Mr . and Mrs. R. W. Thistle n'he viUage. eVer sout '\ Shelburne; Mr S . H. Vail and sons, Mrs. Eddy of Gravenhurst is visi- ting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Consley. Mr. Ferguson of Victoria College. and prosperous wedded life. ind daughters of Mark- dale. _ We join in extending our best Toronto took the United church work wishes f r many more years of happy here 'ast Sunday. Mrs. Bajruley and little daughter Mary were in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Quesnel and Buzzing wood is the order of the family of Owen Sound motored down day, three outfits are in operation, on Sunday to see Mr. Sherwood, who Mr. Sandy Acheson of Markdalr. is ill. was a caller in this village this Mr. Jas. Leppard accompanied by we ,. k - _ ' Mi'- Russell Park attended the fun- Mr Geo-ge Shrrson has a large c: - a i of Mr3 . Jos> Leppard ouant.ty of loes m his yard ready Markdale on Monday. (Last Week's Items) The death of Mrs. Frank Taylor of Flesherton came as a great shock ' to the friends of this community ; and the sympathy of all goes out to ' the bereaved husband and family , and other relatives in their sore af- , fliction. The sad news of the passing of iMv. John H. Jamieson in Detroit was a stunning blow to his brothei j here, Mr. W. G. Jamieson and al :> ' to his fo"mer neighbors among I whom he lived for a good many years as a young man and by whom he was very much regarded. Our sympathy is extended to all those who mourn his passing. relatives tha death tend. Owing to the stormy evening j Word \va<* received by -niny -f t 1 -- invite:' guests were un- j here from Orangavillc of able to attend. We join in wishing . r f Mrs. Thorn- ; Black who moved Mr. and Mrs. Betts many more years ' from this communitv bout a of happiness and prosperity. ago. Besides a stricken year husband a Mr. and Mrs. Walter Akitt, George fan ly of three girls and thr?e boys ' and Ruby of Flesherton. Mrs. Fred Field of Toronto and Mrs. A. English and Mrs. S. Fisher, called on Mrs. John Ha "grave recently. Mrs. Boyce is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Alex English. We aro pleased to hear that Mr. Thos. Fisher ; s ablo fo be out again after his lonjr, trying illness. Mrs. C. Newell spent a day re- cently with her aunt, Mrs. Jno. Harjrrave. who is still confined to the hon<=p. Our sincere sympathy is extended to the Karstedt family in thei deep sorrow by the passing of their dear son nnd brother. Jack. Mr. Jas. Stafford and son. Charles are preparing to build a now house this sumniT. for his saw mill. Wo understand that the new drain has greatly lessened the flood which this village always suffers from in the sprine. Some farmers making rapid progress near by are lookinsr forward to being be*pfitt"d by tho drain if it is over completed. pleased to see Mr. Jos ible to be out again, als( Mr. Jos. Sherwood, who is still in to war recovery. We are sorry to report Mr. Alber Williams on the sick list. Mr. Cha_ i Martin has also had an attack of la : grippe. We extend our sympathy to th . i Karstedt family in the loss of thei Class 4-F. Collinson 02. D. Stew- l ov i n(? son and brother> Jack art bu, i 1. r |r| er 50, R. Stewart 49, Mrs. Johnston has returned to he L. Arch^ld 47. F. Genoe 35. home at p heasant ^J has S. S. NO. JO APTEMEBIA after a Sr. 3 S. Pip*"- 75. H. Archibald 68, N. Genoe 62. M. Collinson 61. O. Marshall 60, L. White 53. M. Haw 51, J. Chesney 50, E. Mathewson 44, A. Marshall 40, J. P. Stewart 30. Jr. 3 G. Kennedy 60. . Marshall 56, M. Marshall 55, M. Duckett 47, M. ^d nrri s ^^. Sr. 2 J. Collinson 95, M. Hunt 62, B. Stewart 62, A. Chesney 57, L Genoe 57. Jr. 2 J. Ken"dy 88, I. Mathew- *on 83. A. Haw 78 D. Marshall 71. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs E. Plester 70, J. Adams 65. . Ed. Pedlar in the death of her sis 71, C. Me- ter. Mr-,. Will Cosens of Khedive Mrs. - and wfe - MAXWELL (Last Week's Items) Fred Fields of Toronto Mrs. ,,. vv illianis 70. * Jr ; Pr Vr^ Marsha11 90 - ter ,0 V. Kennedy 60. Numbe,r on roll 38. average tendance 35. Sask E - Ples - We are pleased to have Dr. , L. Gauld and Mrs. Gauld with at- onre again. w e welcome Mr and Mrs Norman L. HARE, Teacher. Cairns to our village. Mr. Cairns ic starting a garage here. sherton by FLESHERTON PLAN- ING and CHOPPING MILLS SEAMAN-KENT HtfiiDWOOD SOUTH LINE (Last Week's Items) Very much like spring weather the last of the week but more like winter the first of this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dingwall visited her parents the last of the week. Mr. S. White has moved hig wife and family to Proton. Miss Margaret McDougall went the last of the week to visit her sis- ter at Niagara. Mr. N*jl M'-Cann?! and sister Miss Mary, visited one day last weok at John Meads'. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dingwall spent an evening at Jas. Olivr's recently. Mrs. Jas. Oliver and Mrs. Jrs! Turner visited recently at Pster Miss Gladys Oliver visited at Jas. Oliver's and Jas. Turner's last week. We a-e pleased to h"a-- t^a* Mrs. t Parslow is getting along nicely. Much sympathy is expressed for the friends and relatives of the late ""s. Stone. Mr. and Mrs. J. Meads spent an afternoon with friends near Dun- dalk la=t week. Miss Jean McOinnel spent tho we<?k end at her honn- nt Prof on. Thomas Currie u <;ick with the cold, we hope he will <?-->n bo better. mourn the loss of an eifectionate wife and mother. Interment took place at Oransreville on Wednesday. Mrs. Wm. Yr-tes took their little boy, who has been suffering from after effects of pneumonia, lo Owen Sound hospital for medical ex- amination, and came home cheered by the assura-'x 1 ih"t he was im- proving as well as might be expec- ted. Mrs. Jamieso:i and Graoie have been ouite ill the past week but we are glad to hear that they are again en the way to recovery. Mr. E. K. Jamieson and Mr. W. J Jamieson of Toronto spent some days with their brother h"re, also Mr. David and Mr. John Jamieson, all of whom were up from the city to attend the funeral of the brother oi' the two former mentioned and father of the latter two. We understand that Mr. and Mrs Thos. Taylor are moving to Flesh- erton. The people of this commun- ity will part with these worthy citi- zens with genuine regret. They have been a tower of strength to the ?hurch and Sunday School.' Mrs. Taylor has geen a faithful superin- tendent for many years and both were enthusiastic workers in everv good rvise. FEVERSHAM (Last Week': Ilcms) Mrs. Ed. Crft and bar- of Rock Mills spent the week end with the .former's sister, Mrs. Harold Os- borne. Mrs. E-nest Newson of Toronto is visiting with Mr. ?>nd Mrs. R. J Colquette. Mrs. Howard McKeo visited with Mrs. Fmd H<1 hst week. .Mrs. Frank Sayers visited with brother. Chas. Weldrick last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mclntyre visi- ted with Mr. and Mrs. Colquette re- cently. Mr. Chas. Weldrick has moved Jo his home on Victoria street east. Mr. Hugh Fenwick has movec* back from Flesherton to his farm on the 8th line. Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer have moved to Mr. Bell's house in the Pretty River Valley and Mr. Frank Hollingshead has moved to the farm :hat he recently bought from Mr. Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tvler have moved to Mr. Fred Hales' house on he 8th line. Mr. and Mrs. Forsvthe of Owen ound and Mr. J*. Eby rf TV^,,,;,, rere visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G Eby here over Sundav ARTEMESIA COUNCIL Artemcsia Township Council met at Flesherton on April 7th. Mem- bers all present, the Reeve in the ^hair, Minutes read and adopted. Communications read from Clerk of Euphrasia re telephone rate. The Advanc" acc-unt for printing the Auditor's report, the Department oJ Highway statement of subsidy for l'J2'J, $4638.90. Ontario Roads As- sociation re fee for mcmbershi County Treasurer regarding lot at Eugenia. Mr. Davis gave report of his attendance at Good Roads Con- vention. Reprvt -f Supc. -intent' fit was presented. Davis - Mfldrv.:i> That Superin- tendent's report showing expended ?L?'.'!.50 in March be received and am- "unt pnid. carried. Burnett - Magee That Mr. Davis' r'uor'. of Go"d Road's Convention be ".T ; ted and that he be paid his expense."! *18.00 cnr'-j-d. Meidrum - Macee That the fol- lowing commitfop be naid: Mr. Cor- bett S4.80, M. D~vis ?2.G5, M. Clark S2.00. carried. Meidrum - Divi? Thpt Tha Ad- vnee Co. he paid Sr.3.00 for prin- ting Auditor's report. carried. Davis - Majrc: 1 That t^'s council ako on Municipal insurance on the Merchants ^m! Employes C->. at rate ouoted by their representative .'arried. Magee - Burnett That the County Treasurer b" askeH to erase taxes on the following la-ids: 8 to 13 Rap- Ian. 5. 6. 8 9, ConrobTt. 10 to 13 Napoleon, 8, 9, Raglan. 1, 4 Con- robert the same having been paid the Twp. Trens. carried. Council adjourned. LADY BANK IN MEMORIAM WOOD n loving memory of our dear riste '. Be-sie who departed this life April 7th 11)26. In the city of life on a hill far nvjiv Where the .nin never sets nor /!.> - t rs decay. She has tone from this world freo f -m sorrow n"d VMI'I o in God's own eood time we .-hall -11 nio"t swain. i|v r.'i----c'i b\ brother and rsiev. (Last Week's Items) Mr. James Wawcett died at his home on the town line, Collingwood and Euphrasia on Sunday evening the 6th of April. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Fawcett and two little girls, Edith and Mabel, aged 10 ar.d 8 yars. Interment will be made ;>t Thornburv cemetery on the "th. Th" hto M'\ Fawcett was the third son of the late Mr. !r-vin Faw- j cett. and "Irs. Mabel Fawcett, and i was 54 years of age on March 20th. 1930. Mr. Mort Sayers has been busy ir. this neighborhood and other parts of the township buzzin<r wood. He cut (hi -ty some cords of wood for M". Davj Robe-te in two and a I half hours. Mr. Josh Dobson is i busy at the same work on this line and nar R-ck Mills PIK! M-. Wai- lace G-aham saws for Mr. Wm. Semple this Tuesday. I BATES BURIAL CO'Y.f DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST I NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PARLORS t 122-124 AVENUE RD. | TORONTO % PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 | t J. W. BATES. Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS. * VICTORIA CORNERS NOTICE The few nice days last week took the frost out of the ground and the gravel road is nearly impassable for the many tracks an;! tars which are' passing over it and a great number, had to be helped out of a hole, but! we hope a few more days will see them much improved. We are glad to report that Mrs. A. Stinson is quite a bit better. Mr. Snellgrove occupied the pulpit on Sunday at Inistiog-j. Next Sun- ! day Mr. Davis will preach his fare- well sermon before going West and ( the Inistioge people are hoping that Mr. Prosser will again be our min- ! ister. Mis-; Emma Moore i.> visiting at! Mi. Ruttle's in Dundalk. Little M;'.r : ory Stevens daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Stevens, who , stays on school nights with her' grandmother, Mrs. A. Stevens, had a trying experience the other night, ! which might have proved more! se'-ious but for the presence of mind ', of her grandmother. She was sitting nutside eating an apple, one large sized piece slipped down before it; was chewed and lodged part way. M-s. Stevens used every means she j kr>i-\v for first aid, but Marjorie's : face was swollen, her eyes nearly! shut. etc. from the heavy choking.: At last a drink of cream seemed to ' start the relief and followed by aj coupie of drinks of water Marjorie j was soon much better, only a sore or row throat being the result. Owing to the arrangement of new office, it is necessary for patients to come in by rear '-west" door. Will patients kindly co-operate. Dr. J. E. Milne. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Ma -y Jamieson and Mrs. Bert Jamieson wish to thank the Flesherton overseas boys for their kind and thoughtful sympathy in their recent bereavenment. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the Maxwell Women's Institute for their nice treat also my neighbors for their many acts of kindness during my re- cent illness. Elijah Buckingham. ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY CHICKS AND EGGS Pure bred to lay Barred Rock chicks from her.s mated to L. R. Guild Rock Cockerals from high producing hens. May chicks $15.00 per 100; June chicks, $14.00 per 100; eggs 5c each. Two of these cockerels are for sale, $2.00 each. Write or phone Mrs. Edgar Patterson, F. R. 2 Priceville. Phone 22 r 41. HARDWARE Pails Tubs Boilers Whitewash Brushes Calsomine Brushes Papering Brushes Stove Brushes Harness Parts Curry Combs Eweat Pads. etc. GROCERY SPECIAL Campbell's Chicken Soup ........................ 2 tins for 21c. A. E. Haw, Ceylon Store closes every evening at 6 p.m., except c'^ Wednesday and Saturday. Save on Groceries Our Whe Oran Herr Kxtr Robi Salt Fresh Tomatoes, Celery and Lettuce Special Tea ............................................ uer Ib. 59c. at for Chickens ................................ per cwt. $1.40 ge Marmalade ................................. large jar 35c. ing in tomato sauce ., ........................ large tin 30c. a'-.i Wafers ........................................................ 25c. Fine Cheese ........................................ per Ib. 33c. n Hood Rapid Ooats .......................... per pkg. 30c. fish and cured meats ............ at reasonable prices H. FREEMAN Phone 60\v FLESHERTON Advertise in The Advance Grey County Egg Grading Station in the old Scully Egg House EGGS CANDLED AND GRADED BY EXPERIENCED GRADERS CPEN ON WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY NIGHTS COMMENCING TO-NIGHT, APRIL 16 Thomas Owler & Son Phone 55

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