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Flesherton Advance, 9 Apr 1930, p. 8

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[WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1930 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE MEN'S FINE OXFORDS $3.50 to $5.50 Fii.e class of MEN'S WORK BOOTS $3.40 to $4.35 MEN'S HIGH RUBBER BOOTS best quality $3.75 to $4.25 W. L. Morwood SHOK RKPAIRIXr, - FLESHERTON had passed I after several ! Died On The Trail Mrs. H. Stone Passes (The Timmins Advance) CEYLON The North Land lost one of its bes* 1 knowp anr! most popular old-time . , , prospectors in tho death of T. A!" . Th.s eommun.ty was shocked I when JamLon on Friday morning. He it was learned on passed away while being brought by that Mrs. Henry do R team from Kamiskotia U Tim- away about 8 a.m. nuns for medical attention. On Tues- w"ek rf ^vere day morning of last week Mr.Jamieson dropsy and other internal troumes. wTnt ouTbv airship to Kamiskotia to Death was but a happy release for work on hi claims there intending to her while all that loving hanu* return in about ten days by dog team, could do was done to ease the pam He reached his camp on Tuesday in and suffering Her maiden nam, safety and that evening Mr and Mrs. was Betsy Holman, daughter of the Billy Lcclare dropped in to see him. lat Pet-r and Anartacia Holman ( Finding him to be unwell they stayed ami was horn in the year -18 all night so that in case he proved to Woodstoch r.nd lived many I- ^eriouslv ill they could attend to m Nottawa.,aga Twn. cou' Ana-Jtacia 1859 near years Twp, county of i him. On Wednesday morning he was PSmcoe. H was married to Mr. apparently quite ill, having pains in Ross Robinson, Glen Huron, m the 32* and otherwise evidencing year 1880 serious illness. By Thursday he was ^u e ev ently v.rv ill and Mr. and M 1 UdaireVided to bring nnd to whom vw born four children. Gladyr, Herbie, Mm nio ond Rossie. Death entered him their home takmg her .usband, who There arc 122 liquor stores in op- eration by the Ontario government, and more being addd to the number. An interesting fact with retard to liquor sales is the announcement 1 pay storage that tho Dominion Govehnmert has does not communicate with me a larger profit from liquor than mediately L. R. Thistlethwait' lias tho Ontario Government which / Connor Ave, Toronto 6. Ont. jinto Timmins for medical treatment, was very kmd and of a quiet as On Fridnv a t daybreak Billy Leclaire position, leaving her with hci I ttie ami hi wife had the patient warmly family to struggle on and face Me s . \vrlpped and a, comfortable as pos- difficulties. She was one of those --r-rlsjble on the dog sleigh and started pioneer daughters who knew what I for Timmins by the trail. About nine hard work meant and so faced I FOR SALE-A quantity of house- i mile>s fro , u Kamiskotia Mr. Jamieson future bravely, thoughtful a ways hold fi-rnishinsrs left by W. Jones, I af ed for a (!r ink of water and whiia rf others and self was Placed lately occupying our farm and left! (hi- was beini; secured he uassefl Manv who knew her will long THAT GROW EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN AND FARM CATALOGUE TO INTENDING PURCHASERS | WVRENNIEC9 UNITED TORONTO ALSO AT MONTREAL- VANCOUVER mi- 1 I hi.", was- bein? i.-ccured he pas&efi pcaci.f"lly .nvay, brought out to Timmins on Saturday there by him will be disposed of to . )ca c..f"lly ."way. Th? bodv was member h 1 pay storage ;md inconvenience if he h ou .. I r c v, w ai w "w\ kl, ph.. we Oi. /'a ve>, the fri ar.<. .mo- the Col. of > as ' Cou Kolo bor>- ^ best 'House of Quality" FRESH VEGETABLES RIPE TOMATOES CELERY LETTUCE EACH WEEK ni!rv acts of kindness. Rho v.~s m-rried 'TI 1892 to Mr. by Messrs Billy Loclairn and Joe Hen y Stone, who now in his 90th, Lavellee Corona F. C. Evar.s year feels keenly the loss of a lovme , visited th- S T. W-lker undertaking wife, who was vr-.-y attentive to all parlours wh-re th body rested and his n-cds. To th-n was born one of the death de- daughter. Ruby, who through illnp-n further inquest was unneces- was u-ab!- to rom? tn the bedsioe sary. Death was due to pneumonia, of r-r mother. She was a mcmor Tho late T. A. Jamiesin was one of of the Baptist church aid Small Advts. tc cided BANANAS FRUIT ORAXGES T L the oldest and most popular of the prospectors of this section of country. Everyono liked "Bert." as he was omially known. ii.-ally all of recent years in prospec- ting in this district specializing in 'the Kamiskotia area where he had a : number of verv promising: claims i He was a genial, gentlemanly man I and had hosts of friends. The late I T. A. Jamieson was about 40 years j if ae;p. He went to France with the 1 first Canadian Division in 1914 gave notable service in the war. was (rassed at St. Julien. He is sur- war ANNOUNCEMENT Hear the Purina Checkerboarders' Special Dinner Hour program of . music every day. except Saturday and Sunday station CJGC, London at 12:30 noon. Jas. A. Stewart X t i GROCERIES PHONE 46 i WE DELIVER IN TOWN f was ai- I wnvs liberal in her giving to a ch-t-ti.-"i vork. She leaves be~idps her asred h'"- He had spent pract- l^r-d to mourn her loss, Olad Jiat"*) of Toronto: Mrs. (Rossie) of Sault St. Mario, Ont.. who spent the nast two weeks wth h"r mother; Mrs. Wafov (Minn^) of Sac-inaw. Mich.: Mrs. Walter Scott 'Ruby) of Delia Alberta also wo brothers and two listers, Henry of Toronto; David of Horsey, and Mi^h.: Mr*. Chard(Minnie) of West- He P'inistor. B. C. and Mrs. Strain(.Tan- r^ of V-^r -"liver. B. C. R^v. Mr. vived by a widow in Toronto and the Scott had cha'-gre of the s<?r Y Ice - a *~ Isincerest sympathy of all goes out sisted by her pastor. Rv. Mr. \voi to her in her loss and to the near stencroft. who preached a comfo relatives and friends bereaved. Two ting sermon. Th" nallbearers w< l-rothcrs live in the Porcupine camp, Messrs Jas. L. McMulIen. b. He one being Gcorce Jamieson, of South "'" G. Arrowsmith, J. J. W*, Porcupine, the noted prospector J. K. McLeod and R. Allan, whose discoveries in Knmiskotia wero casket was covered with floral oi- responsible for most of the interest Brings of nympathy from R. Allan in that camp, and Elwyn Jamieson and family, e. spray; Mrs. b.bpi of South Porcupine, the well known "<! family, a wreath; J. Uark ana hockey coach and manager. Mr. T family of Soo, Ont. a cross. ine A. Strain, of South Porcupine, an, '""oral took place on Monday at 2.30 other active prospector in this camp, to Fleshcrton cemetery, where many is an uncle of the late T. A. Jamie- followed and the remains were aiu son to rest to await the resurrection ' Tho bod v was taken to Toronto op morn. The community extends its Sunday's train for interment there, sympathy to all the bereaved ones. Mr. McKinnon of Brampton visi- ' tod his sister. Mm. George Arrow- smith the past week. LOST On April 4th, small black purse with silver, from comer of highway to the high sch"ol or United church shed. Finder please , leave at Advance office. o A i P T WHO with THE STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO. ( Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Outstandin NOTHING IS MISSING IN OUR SPRING DISPLAY TO MAKE A COM- PREHENSIVE SELECTION OF THE NEWEST FASHIONS. SPRING, OF COURSE, SUGGESTS A NEW OUTFIT AND THE WOMAN OF DIS- CRIMINATION WILL BE SURE TO VIEW JOUR UP-TO-THE-MINUTE ASSEMBLAGE OF THE LATEST SPRING STYLE-IDEAS IN READY-TO- WEAR DEPARTMENT ON THE SE COND FLOOR. il a il to a- I INTERESTING SPRING HATS Tlie new millinery is very smart with the i'ancv necks, the drooping side flares, and combinations, to provide many ex- clusive models. There is a complete range of the newest spring shades to choose from. STYLISH SPRING DRESSES- ENSEMBLES Made of Canton Crepe, Gloria. Rose, MaricCrepe, Printed Silks and Celanesc, in the newest spring shades of rose, navy, beige, sand, Corinthian, green, black, etc., new flares-, higher waist lines and soft neck lines make the styles very charming DISTINCTIVE SPRING COATS AND SUITS Sport tweeds, dressy plain cloths and novelty materials, comprise the new spring coat materials. Plain self- trim- med and lur-tirmmed models to choose from the r:int;c is very complete in all sizes. Hollnd Centre, who was x March 13th. to Mr. and Mrs. Thon-.ns Stewart, the gift of a 'son. Congratulations. Mrs. Will Carnahan of Toronto anil Mr. and Mrs. John Whittaker of Priceville were week end visitors with Messrs Angus and Arthur Whittaker. Mrs. Bailey and two little daugh- ters of Shrigley visited her mother Mrs. 1). M.'Phail on Saturday. Mrs. Mary Rutledge spent the week end with her son and family of Holland Centro. Mr. George Jaynes left Monday to join the extra gang at Markdale, who sta -t out on the C. P. R. for the summer months. Mr. Clarence Marshall of Hanover spent the week end at his home here. Word was received by Mrs. Wm. Whittakor and Mr. Thos. Fletcher that their sister, Mrs. Tyron of Akron, Ohio had passed away March 24th after an illness of several months, which finally ended with a stroke. This community extends its deepest sympathy to the be- ;eav?d -clitivos. Quite a number of children and grown ups are laid up with severe colds. Mrs. Jas. Sarpent of near Shel- hurne visited with Mrs. J. McWil- liams the first of the week and also attended tho funeral of the late Mrs. " Stone. A message was received by Mrs. J. J. Lyness on Thursday March 27, that her eldest brother, Mr. George Jones had passed away at his home in Brampton from double pneumonia. She left at once to attend the funer- al, which took place on Saturday 29th to tho Brampton cemetery. He was a member of the Orange Order and Lodge No. 10 had charge of the burial service. He was also a member of Christ church, Brampton. He waa born at Van- drleur 58 years ago, where he was raised and educated ?4 years ago he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Shaw of near Brampton, who is left to mourn the loss of a kind and loving husband. He also leaves two sisters and two brothers, Mrs. J. J. Lyncss (Agnes) of Stone- Lino ; Mrs. John Irwin (Ida) of Re- pinn: Fred of Moose Jaw and Charles of Pas, "Manitoba. Their ninny friends extend to thorn their deepest sympathy. The casket was oovred by beautiful floral offerings of sympathy from friends far nnd near. OR SALE FOR SALE Two turkey hens Wm. Johnston, phone 41 r 31. FOR SALE Good general pur- pose team W. T. Gcnoe, Ceylon. Wm. Dingwall. FOR SALE Seed oats. Edward Loucks, Flesherton. Phone 31 r 31. FOR SALE Sow and ten young pigs for sale. C. S. Monaghan, R. R. 1, Flesherton. FOR SALE Ten thousand feet of inch and 2x8 and 2x4 spruce lumber. Mark Wilson, Flesherton. Bred ti lay Barred Rock eggs for setting, 50 c. Waiter Russell, phone Ilr24. FOR SALE (About 200 bushels of oats-^Fred Smith, R. R. 2, Flesh- crton.^ FOR SALE Bay horse, six years old, good driver',' good worker W. Moore, Fleaherton, Phon* 16. FOR SA*LE 2 good work horses Jas. McKcnzie, Feversham phone 10 r 14. FOR SALE O.A.C. Barley No. 21 75c. per bu.; Improved Banner Oats 90c. per bu. Jos. Ferris, Priceville, phone 4 on 49, Flesherton. BABY CHICKS Baby Barred chicks for April, May and June de- livery. Phone or write. Order now. Mrs. Chester Long, Feversham. FOR SAjLE 18 purebred white leghorn pullets, also purebred Leg- horn male, year old. Mrs. Wm. Semple, Eugenia, phone 10 r 42, Fovprsham. FOR RENT A good six roomed house, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, stable, hen house and garage, op- posite high school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. 3. Ont. Barley, $1.45 per 100, Ont. Wheat $1.95 per 100, Peas $1.60 per bushel, Oats 60c per bushel, A. C. Muir, Ceylon phone 38 r 3. FOR SALE Hatching eggs from purebred Barrod Rock-?, blood tested End registered under government supervision. W. J. W. Armstrong, I'.eshcrtor, nhono 13w. FOR SALE 40 Ewes mostly Ox- fords, bred to two purebred Oxford rams, young and healthy, never chased by dogs, the lot for $750 cash or will sell part J. J. Collins, Hast- ings, Ont. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, being lot 37, Con. 4, Artemesia, 80 acres under cultivation. Good house and large barn with good stabling and out-buildings. For fur- ther particulars apply on premises. ALB. BLACKBURN, Phone 42 r 6 Maxwell. FARM FOR SALE 100 Acres, Lot 1, Con. 5, Township of Artemesia; 92 acres cleared, bal- ance hard wood bush. 15% acre* sowed to fall wheat and 65 additional 'acres plowed for spring; barn 70x54, i good stabling underneath; a large [roomy house. The farm is situated 2V4 miles from Priceville, 5V4 miles from Markdale and 4 miles from Ceylon. Possession may be had at any time. D. McTAVISH 8t SON Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE In the Township of Artemesia 120 acre farm, lots 143-46, 3rd range S. W.T.&S.R., half mile from station, 1% miles from Flesherton. Good buildings, 12 acres of bush. Sold on easy terms. J. L. McMULLEX, Ceylon. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT The property of the late Ella Gibson, lot 10, Collingwood street. Flesherton. On this property is a comfortable dwelling house of 9 rooms, with electric lijfhtinsr. Barn 25 x 33 ft., with stable and driving house thereon, also a good well on the premises. This propej-ty is in a irood location and will be sdld reason- ably. For further particulars ap- ply ti the administrator, W. J. Mettds. Flsjherton. Ont. FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Bacon hog for service on lot 136, West Back- line, Artemesia. G. H. Cairns. FOR SALE Barn good frame, 45x6Wt. For further particulars apply to R . G. Acheson Proton Station, phono 44 r 5 or Oscar G. Patterson, Dundalk, R. R. No. 3. Phone 103 r 24. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog CJub, th .property of the Ontario Depart- ment oi Agriculture. C. STEWART, Cantake*. * GUO K. DUNCAN DUNDALX LDCENSKU AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Termai 1 per cent. Satisfaction guarnt4 Dates made at The Advance office. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB Registered Shorthorn boll for Mr- vice t lot .6, C^n. 9, Osprey, "Many Marquis" No. 179,135; Sin, Bonnie Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly 131,078. Term; Purebredi W-0. grades |2.0U. Cowa not returned will be enarge lull price. k. HAWKINS, MIDDLE BRO & BURNS Barrloten, tie. Oficw Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton eveiy Saturday afternoon and evening. Bt'SINF 3 CARDS Dr. W D. ' ii;o, L. D. &, D. D. S. denta. = ,..., graduate t*: Uni- versity of *.' nk>. Gaj administer- ed for extract.-M>. Gttice at tho resi- of Dr. L. 0. iffurray, Toronto , Flesherton. o ho.i' W. FOR SALE Eggs for hatching from well-culled pen of purebred S. C. White Leghorn hens, Barron strain. Eggs" grading from 90 to 969} extras. Xl.OO yier 15 Harold Thompson, R. R. 2. Flesherton. phone 31 r 21. MISCELLANEOUS"' FOR RENT Village lot to rent 1 ^ acres on which is hou-se, hen- house and garage. Apply to Geo. ' Prince Arthur Lodge 833 A. F & I Graham in care of E. A. Graham, A. M.meets in the Masonic Haa. Arm, Clarksburg. _! strong Block, Flesherton ever> Fri. WANTED Experienced farm d *y n or before the full moon. W. hand, must be qrood with stock ; young M > C. N. Richardson, Secretary, H, or middle aged; by month od half A. McCauley. yearly. Apply at farm or write 88 Beverley St.. Toronto. H. C. Radley. ' Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer ',f r tne counties of Grey and Simcoe Will d custom hatching at five Farm and stock sales a specialty, cents per egg IN advance of hatching, Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- ru^omers filling a machine; also anteed. All arrangements and dates B. P. rocks baby chicks for sale. may be made at the Advance Mrs. C. Hindle, Proton R. R. No. 8 Central telephone office, Feversham, Phone 32 r 31, Flesherton. O r by addressing me at Feversham.

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