' c U . L 1 Why the World Must Scenic Highways A . j /-* i J r> ' in Work Program Abandon VjOld LOIII Vienua The Austrian Economic Council, representative of all branches "Lloyds Bank Monthly Review' 1 , of trade, industry, commerce and agri- makes a new departure this month by culture, recently established by the publishing a contribirion b a well- Government to advise regarding the known economist, an.; announces its . best means of overcoming the pres- intention of doing' so month by month. | ent economic crisis, has put forward a Professor Oustav Ca.se! writes on j number of definite schemes of de- "The Functions of Central Bar..i-." velopment which the Chancellor. Dr. ! * Johann Schober, declares will be act-' "Ever since the war a growing * ed on forthwith. scarcity of gold has threatened the! To alleviate unemployment several world with the consequence ot' a new important road-i will be built, tinuous lowering of commodity prices," | One of these is through the Waehau ! sa ys Professor Gustav Cassel. "re- .__ _ f _ _.. along the Danube from Melk to ; n g i n a general economic depression. lets are given on the flr'st sign of ill- j Kr ems, which is one of the favorite j The amount of n*-w gold required to nesa the baby will soon be right again, tourist resorts in lower Austria. An-jbe provided each year for the pur- Concerning the Tablets Mrs. B. G. Car- 1 otner new route is from Gratz to Kla- 'chasing power of gold to be maintain- ver, Lyndale, P.E.I., writes: "I al- [ senfurt. known as the Packerstrasse. 'ed at a constant level increases in ways keep Baby's Own Tablets in the i wnil - n wil! be an important link be- proportion to the rapid economic pro- | tween Italy and Hungary. igress of the world, whereas an already '. The third is known as Glackner- ^...sufficient production is expected to strasse along the slopes of Austria's; be reduced very considerably during: highest mountain in Salzkammergut tne next two decades. The only con- j which will considerably reduce the ; enable means of preventing this} distance for automobiles between Ba- : ca i am ;ty is a systmatic reduction oft varia and north Italy and open up a the monetary demand for gold, scenic area of unusual attractiveness, j -The gold-economising policy tha- I Further development of waterpower , have advocated ever since ltr'0 con-; plants in the "Hone Tauern" moun-| ta i ns lwo factors. Firstly, the use, tains in Sa'zkammergut and west Ty-! ot - gold co i ns as a circulating medium 1 rol are planned. When these works | should be abandoned. The introduc- 1 are completed Austria will have large t ; on o f tne new British currency not; A HELP TO MOTHERS There Is no other medicine of as great a help to young mothers as Baby's Own Tablets. These Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels; sweeten the stomach; correct constipation and indigestion; break up colds and sim- ple fevers and make the cutting of -eta painless. Mothers who keep a box of the Tab- lets in the house always feel sale from the sudden attacks of ilness that seize their little ones. If baby's Own Tab- house and find them a. wonderful help in keeping my baby well." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. DO YOU FEAR A HEARTY MEAL? Agreement at Last Capetown Argus: Mr. Havenga's an- nouncement that the Union has achieved a Customs Agreement with the two Rhodesias will be welcomed with profound relief on all sides. . . . Time was when the Nationalist Party resented the bare idea of Rhodesia joining the Union. Only seven years the utmost violence for daring so much as to offer terms which might lead to such a result. Mr. Havenga's statement marks the definite aband- onment of that little South Africa at- titude, and perhaps we may hope that h (lover . : , h ' lney , h * . been intimately associated and stores of eleotrieal power for an item which U is hoped will com- pensate in its trade balance for the coal It lacks. The large sums re- quired for these schemes must come in gold coins, and In<: . - abandonment of the idea of putting j gold coins into circulation, are the j chief features that mark the succe** ' The second measure (he effect of the new orientation will i not be lost In the north, will at auy rate know henceforth that | any approaches ;hey feel able to make ' principally from the new international : for securing economy in the use of) loan Austria expects to fioat soon. J go ;,i consists in a reduction of the ; jcentral banks* requirements of goldi reserves. The Genoa Conference in . 19'J'2 recommended the co-operation of tK centra! banks for this purpose and | ja certain concentration of gold re- Clover a Honey Maker Vnlon and not merely by one. Rhodesians ' good reason - FUures supplied by the serves in some leading financial; 1 I.enuoxville Experimental Station of centres. Under the leadership of the' the Dominion Department of Agrical- Bank of England, this policy ha* un- ture show that clover leads as a dgniably attained very valuable re- ( source of nectar supplying the honey , suits, and it seems quite certain that; 3ow during the year for 40 days: without such deliberate efforts the pre- i fruit blooms supply nectar 26 days sent situation would have proved very ! of the year, the dandelion for 23 muoh more troublesome. iays, the raspberry and goldenrod "Many people do not like t. have 'a "ach for 20 days, with pussy willow ,,. ana!re j currency.' The fancy that it ! -tarting the season with a 13 day sup- should be possible for the world to, I 1 IV. *><*i***** t n a *<i f iiwa T ** f A fit tV>tn*re* tuxumous clubroom for yoo.thUToorist Third Cab- in Smoke Room on the Antonia typical of the accommodation In this popular class on all the Cunard "A" ships. You will be surprised at the :!xe and comfort of ihe Tourist Third Cabin Public Rooms when you travel Cunard. You wiil enjoy the service for which all Cunardersare famogs. : ANY SEASON Is Vacation Time In Atlantic City ANY VACATION Is An Assured Success If Y'ou Stav at the ST. CHARLES With the Finest Location and the Longest Porch on the Boardwalk Offering the ultimate in Service with Unexcelled Cuisine Weekly sailing! from Montreal (and ^ UuccsO from April 26tw * I'-*. Corner of Boy and Wellington Streols. Toronto, (Tel. tlgin 3471). or any steamship agert CUNARD CANADIAN SERVICE CA(}IN HXXIHS1 rHIRO CABIN-f THIRD ClASS I Ru - return to a 'natural state of things. where the value of gold was deter- j mined by general market condition' and not subjected to the influence of any deliberate policy. People also op- pose the idea of co-operation with other central banks, believing that ra- tional independence in monetary pol- icy could be secured by isolated af "These ideas are, however, hope- lessly rrreconcilable with present real- ities. The gold policy of the ^ad-ng countries has a very material infla- erce on the value of gold, and once j this fact is recognised this value win always in some way be 'managed.' The only question is whether it sha'l be managed in a rational or an irra- tion al way. A rational maiagement is possible only under an enlightened restriction of the monetary demand for gold. "During the , ust year the sta of the world's price level ha* also been threatened by the eagerness of some central banks to increase their I gold reserves. The Bank of France ! has accumulated a gold reserve t'ar beyond any sum for which it could under any conceivable circumstance? have a practical need. By such a the world's level of commodity pr:c:< will be forced down. "The international goid market is, wrlL'V. "Maltha'' B^an'Tl ^ the same tin, want to let you know tbat I am glad ab!t? c!:llms ansln K l>ut > f th * tfno to recommend your Ironized Yeast. n >^ foreign exchange holdings that "It gave me a good appetite. I got certain central banks, and particular- strong and pained 7 pounds In 2 iy the Bank of France, have accumu- ' weeks. I could write all day about l-ted. It is, no doubt, a sound policy i how much good Ironized Yeast did t - or a centra i bank to keep a certain ' me. You would be surprised^ the wserve of nv}tnge on Iead ; ng nan _{ are r amazed at oial ctrse, but these reserves hou\i ' the wonderful beneflts of Ironized n<?ver exceed what is practically need- Yeast. Many write they were doubt- *d to meet the demands that may ful w!?en they started. But after arise. taking It regularly for only 3 or 4. "If they are larger they become a weeks they gained 5 to 15 pounds. mena ce to international finance and S55T *52LfSL "L^ZJSf to the stability of the world's price Dr. Wilijams Pink Pills Will Tone l"p Your Stomach Mak- ing Mealtime a Pleasure Are you afraid of meat-rime? Dos eating distress you? Wu.- er go without fool? That is tae COQ- dition of many due entirely to indiges- tion. There can be no perfect diges- tion hence no enjoyment of meal- time unless you have rich, red blood. This pure btood is necessary to tone up your stomach and make it capable of properly digesting the food. Many so-called stomach remedies merely try to digest your food for you. That is a mistake nature should do that work and if nature does not do it serious results are bound fo follow. Tone up your stomach by drivin; out the poisons tiat are in tte blood. Make new rich blood and your appe- tite and digestion will *oon be aorma' meals will on>:e more be a pleasure. The one sure aiedidne to enrich the blood, restore strength and banish stomarli trouble ami indigestion Is Dr. \Vi;;;ams' Pink PilU. Concerning them ilv*. \Vm. T. Thompson, Brus- sels. Ont.. says: "For years I suffer- ed wit'a indigestion, headaches and dizzy spells. I tried a grea'. many so- called remedies witliou: relief As a farmer'-- wife, with three little girls, it a-s almost impossible to be idle and I jusc dragged mys-'f tarougli my work. I suffered so I was actually afraid of meal time. A friend advised the use of Dr. Williams' Pink PiUa and although I had lost faith in ever being well again I purchased a supp'y and began taking them. Gradually the dizziness and headaches left me. My a[;pe'::e improved and soon I was able to enjoy my meals. I gained In weight and my health in genera! U better than it has been for years. I feel I owe much to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for they relieved me of all my - You can g- - . -. yiils from any m~dii-me dealer or by mail j: 3'.' cents a box from The Dr. W Co.. Brockrille. Ont. X-Ray Cures Weak Minds Vienna. Wolfgang \Viesrr. wtll known piiysii ian here, said that he ii.ii! .!i-,covered an X-ray treatment by which mentally defective children could be made to develop normal in- :e. He said that after a single X-ray treatment a remarkable in- crease in intelligence had been ob- served in children at an institute for imbeciles. Ttr.s had increased with further treatment until normality was reach- ed. Mmard's 50 Year Record of Success. Spring Cleaning of Car Insures Summer Trips After short and slow running under n inter conditions a thorough checkup of :h.> car is advisable a: 'his time in order to guarantee a spring and summer of carefree operation. :nlng tha: the tar has come through a hard winter's service- in fairly good mechanical shape the -> vi<-e or,Krj.'.:i)Q should proceed in this First, (lean -he engine, chassis and body thoroughly. Clean and grease steering gear: check (ron'u wheel alignment, after adjusting the wheel bearings aad rul- ing the b.ut> .-aps with fresh grease; see that the nuts holding the rear wheels to the axle are tight and fast- ened with a cotter pin. Put a couple of handf'i'-s )' sal ~oda ia 'he ra/i^aror and run the car for a few miles ntfl - A ell warmed up. The soda cleans out ' - -Ue and rust in the radia'.jr while the kero- sene will loosen and wash o. old oil in the '.raa-imission anj differ- ential. Clean the breaker points in th- tributor a.nd set them to their proper opening. Clean the spark plugs. T:) .lean -ipai-k plugs simply fill the low- er par* of the plug with alcohol and allow to stand for a few seconds, rake a piece of wire covered with on* thkkuesg of cloth and rub the.carbon from the insulator then wipe clean and dry thoroughly before re: in the engine. Clean sparking points with emery cloth or a knife. is : :.a>i'.y -^ooteij or points worn to any degree install a new set. Classified Advertising FO* SALE fiABY CHICKS V/B HATCHED 215. UUO iast year In ?our varta- :<:*. .'.' : 'a for 're caialae-j*. A. H. -'.an. Cini. . . for men of business, and 'o'isiness for men of leisure, would - - aiauy complaints. Sorrow u the | mere rust of >he soul; actiriry will I cleanse and brighten it. Mr. Pi LOVE Love is "rwo soais with but a. |J though-. ; Two h^arta ifcat bu as one." TAPEWORM REMEDY Tapeworm Remedy h.ia -rs:.eI*-2Ai UK.^ - - - - i - j.iry no 5K:a.-*a -o . . Dept. A. ill On-nyon Av.. Toronto Wet Feet DEEDS I have learned to judga yf nun by their own deeds: I do not make the accideut of blr'h '.'i* tan*!arii of their nio-i- -Hale. Now It's Apple Sauce "What we- can : <sr i soon b the slogan ot ::: ';:?:>! grow- j r. The Dominioa Department of I AcrtCtltM - :: )*' developi-- and means of extendiug the aiaric" for apples and apple product* :>.as been doue by grading, d^'uyiira- i tion has be*u developrd. aad there is a good Trade in '.a<? v-auned apple; now it'* apple sauce. thresh from the on-hard, cooked. iA'jetened and Ma-v^.t ' :'.-! '. tor t'-i* 2aky in*. Already :'. . -he pie and baking - ' -.vi'.i Sn.i t | haaiiy The - - j nowada; < - - other ' YOIR HAIR NEEDS LUXO TO GIVE IT HEALTH AND LISTRE ASK YOVR B4RBER Protevl tour -iu. vjlp and hair trom inu-viioii ami .i-- >l t!i- portM io the eliminulion of '.-:. bv dail> ue o/ C ii tic* lira Soap Nurse Gains 7 Ibs. in 2 Weeks with Yeast and Iron If you retire when the r .'i'?.: 'a'.ls. you will be able to get up when the : day !>: ' - Keep Kidneys Active STOMACH TROUBU Only when Yeast Is Ironized is It cnat a substantial reduction of the more effective for Iron is needed Iftlpmnfl holdings of foreign exchange bring out the weight-building andjshould take place. Countries with a strengthening values of Yeast. Pleas-, large surprl-.s in their balance of pay- ant tablets In a handy bottle. Never met ,ts should return as soon as pos- cause gas or bloating. Safe no' siWe to the old custom of regularly harmful drugs investing such surpluses in long-term investments abroad. For Paris this is, of course, the true way of recover- ing its old position as an important financial centre of the world. "Nevertheless, it is certain that a better insight into the duties of cen- tral banks and a fuller acknowledment of their true responsibility would have, to a great extent, prevented the ecomonic depression which we are now witnessing and which we shall en- deavor in vain to overcome until we secure for the world the fundamental conditions of stable money.'" WHY SUFFER FROM YOUR LIVER? Why b handicapptd with up.s-shtly blotches on the face, eyes ::!i yellow tiiige and tl'it frcd and Ixng-aid fed- ing? This -ndicates a torpid liver Hfadachc. Dizziness and Bib'ousness surc!y tollcrvv. You must stimulate your lazy liver, start the bik- flowing with Carter's Little Liver Pills. They slso act as a mild laxative, purely vegetable, free from calomel and poisonous drugs. s:rdll, easy to swallow, and net habit forming. Tliey are not a purgative that cramps or pain?, unpleasant after effect follow- ing, on the contrary a good tcuic. All Druggists J5c and "5c red Health and life depend on tflem. Tr/ Warner Safe K ; dney and Liver Rem-:dy Th troa'ol* >l>oa: kidney iUa Is that i: briars nj waroijur uaia. E .- t]ir r .'...! that Toa do well : . witcii h<dac]ie, d-.UIaess. lack of n- *ry. bad tmpr. mcoUla'Mi TH*s; tHinji don't hapDD U yon r p*rfcUT normal. At t'! Sr'it stuviclon at tati* rsip- tonu yen aaould :ak >tc to ton* aa kidny and liver. For mor* tiian 5O year* thotuaadi of !i:v.:li aiv ie-i ucinf Wxr er' Saf* Kiilnty aad liTr Kcmcdy to tnir <xprssi atlifactioo. Tai tafa arbal rmdy originally . doctor'* v- (cripUon. aids to cltaa body poisons from tn vi:!u. vorily :..- knows Warntr'i Sai idney aad Liver Remedy a*s told It for years. It Is defiant to take and costs lint little. Futtia? tt off doeea : help your kidneys. Oo to yoor draff?!*'. now (or a bottle. Not* tae quick :-- proT*m*nt. Warner's Safe Remedies Co.. Toronto. Oatario. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy after this generous trial you are delighted, your money back in- stantly from manufacturer. _ When Food S ours About two hours after eating many 'people suffer from sour stomachs. .They call It Indigestion. It means that the stomach nerves have been 'over-stimulated. There Is excess acid. The way to correct It is with an alkali. which neutralizes mauy times Its vol- ume In acid. The right way Is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia just a tasteless dose In water. It Is pleasant, efficient aad harmless. It has remained the stand- ard with physicians in the 50 years since its Invention. H Is the quick method Results come almost Instantly. It is the ap- I proved method. You will never use I another when you Know. Be sure to set the genuine Phillips' Milk of Maguesia prescribed by physi- clans for 60 -ears In correcting excess | acids. Each bottle contains full dlrec- 1 tlons any drugstore. THE WIND'S SONG Duly a frown! Yet it pressed a sting Into the day which had been so The red rose turned to a scentless thing: The blrd-soug ceased with discordant ring; And a heart was lieavy and sad. Only a smile! yet it cast a spell Over the sky which had been so gray; The rain made music wherever it fell: The wind suns '.he sons of the mar- ' rlage-bell: And a heart was light and gay. j Mirurd's Kills Dandruff. Children hate to take medicine as a rule, but every child loves the taste of Castoria. And this pure vegetable preparation is just as good as it tastes; just as bland and harmless as the recipe reads. (The wrapper tells you just what Castoria contains.) When Baby's cr> warns of colic, a few drops of Castoria has him soothed, asleep again in a jiffy. Nothing is more valuable in diar- rhea. When coated tongue or bad breath tel! of constipation, invoke its gen'.le aid to cleanse and regu- late a child's bowels. In colds or children's diseases, use it to keep the system from clogging. Your -lector will tell you Castoria deserves a place in the family medicine cabinet until \our child \j grown. He knows it Is safe for the tiniest baby; effective for a boy in his teens. With this special children's remedy handy, you need never risk giving a boy or jirl medicine meant for grown-ups. Castoria is sold in every drug store; the genuine always bears Chas. H Fletcher's signature. -ie -ystem. Play safe by ba'. - v nara's JE>I aot * I "I Site looks 2i years younger . - , ir ^ : -* 1 *. ! 1 I ' - I can - i cf ox." \ K. '-i- - - '. I I ; y *<;* .- - - - . r mj : - * .-' :ur 4 or i - tu; v iay. FREE TRIAL OFFER U yuu .A * M'. tr ' t now i: . : i fntt -CL*. " ulA.M " ;'oX.- wtm-h ruAiM It e**y !or v^u to pruv* ^^r d*im UT v., .- t.'w aew"i;U>T ' "S* - . . . - V .;!; TV. 0tt!r ' * s . - . - . T jbCUt v. Oiwn t*i-- -^ : :rriy v.-ro-!ncJ that Knuctven Jiw e^tn'tiintf PSS'li" II * wJ M M<f, '. : bcls. \our ir-:t;'4C B AUtbf - J juut " v xi4 without ^ \'uu IT trwl Knucftrn trr, u ur exjxm*. -Hid be iiip.T? Stinu.'actareJ t>J ... L:J^. Xi;h^ier, Eng. (StJ?. ;"-'. Impurtm: ilcuiiuvny Bna* Ltd, romto. Before Her Babv Came "I have used several bottles of Lydia E. Finkham's V^e- table Compound and find it helps me wonderfully, espe- cially before childbirth. I have five lovely children. After my last baby came 1 had a misera- ble pain in my right side so I boughc another bottle of the Compound and I feel fine now. I work outside during the fruit season in addition to my housework." Mrs. Charles Slingerkrui. R.R. 3*4, St. Cath- erines, Oncario. Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ,1,1 E kk* Mtl : l,. Man It I 1 ISSUE No. 1 4- 30