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Flesherton Advance, 9 Apr 1930, p. 6

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Jor the 4. > \ F. the. Fe- lt the., hop- the ten,, "W. on, chil. of .1 Mr. rto: quc-t, able To Wt<lr; clock son ' .-and , with Word-- kind phon: 1 we ( Ontar Afte them, quette friend- and t : mnii hi them ' Colqut of the as he Court Kohl n. bors ti best v W'h th many with th It I" I-..- all no N in cor Ma- to pi Shi, and i Yoi- AN lozer iitmrl yoke . inus' Jlorence Riddick Boys C O F> Y H I a H Sprucing Up To be really young and attractive looking, one must be alert and keen of mind, with an inner light shini'i:; Jrom the eyes; with on up-and-com- ing interest to learn new things, go toew places, know new people nml tackle new enterprises. Outer accoutreiii'-iit, however, has much io dii with' one's attractive and up-tO'late appearance; and, wiio knows, perhaps the outer donning of the thing reacts upon one's Inner self! and makes one really more up to-date. I A becoming coiffure and hat will subtract year from the older wo- man's age. just as an old-fashioned hat and a strubby, antique hair dress will make one look ancient. Good lu-al'.h is tho requirement of the Kpringy step, the strength and the in-rgy which are necessary to the youthful appearance. Have the doc- tor look you over ami pronounce you .sound before you dive into your pro- gram of rejuvenation. Then, watch your weight. Keep It down. Aim for that lithe line of sixteen, and though you probably will never quite get there, tin; hitching your wagon to a Mar help-. As to cloth-s, begin at the under- neath and work out. Select a corset, or M>me.lhiug on that order, which will mold your figure into good lines, and u it every day. You have to train your figure to get and hold the silhoti- >ti- you desire. Do not think black is Iteamtr, will taste ndmvt a-, wood as Iho more expensive cuts. To make a 1--..S expensive cut of meat taste good, roll it in flour and brown it on all sides In hot fat, then add a little water and simmer until it falls to P'I'I "s when a fork Is stuck into it. Try cooking onions and carrot:) with pot-roasts. Th -y improvo the flavor of the meat ntid become i thi'inselves. liuying meats nnd other foods economically may save two or three dollars a week for the average family, and this is one way to balance the budget at the end of the year, or to add a nice bit lo the bank account. " only color befitting your a You will foel and act younger with a gay touch of color now and then. Seal brown and navy blue are good choices for the street; wiih sand, old lo-e. deep (-ream, rust and soft, misty MIL s and ur'-'-ns. pinkish lavendar and warm grays for greater indulg Finally, don't fmge: iln- daily set ling up exercises, tin; walk in the .p n each day, the busyine yourself about some new and vitally important not just foolish interest, ami giv ln^ your body aches and heart aches n iiood forfeiting by focusing your jr'.-iiii'iu on others. If you actually do all this and stick to il, you will have drunk deep of the diaiiiMil sought by Police cle Leon. Fast Australian Soon to be Our Guest Creamery Tomato Soup To make a creamy, iincurdled totua tu soup, lirst cook for ten minutes one pint of tomatoes with a teaspoon ol salt, a small diced onion, n fourth tea spoon of celery seed, an eighth tea spoon ot pepper, and half u bay leaf; strain this through a sieve and set i! aside to cool. Make a while saucH by blending, in th top part of your double boiler, two level tablespoons of butter and the .same amount of flour. Add three cups of cold milk, a little at a time; sea son with salt, .>< pn i and paprika am cook until smooth. Then turn your attention to the tomato part of the .souj). 1'roceed as for white sauce blending iwo tablespoons each of but ter and flour, ml adding gradually the strained tomato sauce. Cook uiiti thickened aiii. nld one-eighth teaspoon of soda and beat well. Now combine 'THE BIG MEET AT THE AMBITION CITY WILL BE WELL ATTENDED scat on the Socialist bench In the House of Lor-ls. This was Lord Klrkley (for. .rrly Sir William Noble), tue chairman of a shipping line and a business head on| Tyneside. He is one of the six new! peers of the Sociaist Administration,! April 13. Sunday School Lesson Lesson II The Child and the Kingdom Matthew 18: 1-6, 12- 14; 19: 13-15. Golden Text Suffer little hildren, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 19:14. ANALYSIS JEM'S TREATMENT HI: 13-15. OF CHILI iliE.V. i -i'-:i:.-d in the Now Year's honors. No Allegiance. There Is something exceptional In hi-, action. Three of the six refuse to show such allegiance. One is Lord Wakefield, the familiar i!4u:.' in motoring, who was honored I. JESUS TEACHING ABOUT for "philanthropic and public ser-l 18: 1-6. 1-- vices." This former Lord Mayor ofi*'- London remains a Conservative in o the date of his peerage, and i INTRODIXTION One of the loveliest : taken a s-at on the Conservative ! features in the gospel is the way in ^i (i> j which Jesus treated children. He was Two of the nthm-Lord Trent-hard. *? f e . s in f . hTs thoughts, and kind in his actions. It is from mm late air chief, au.l Lord DIcKeiison. n that , he world has lcarne(] to aDpre . f.-rmor Liberal SUV-have been in! ciate thp true valuc o chiul life . Tht . some doubt where to sit. They have i study of his relation to the child compromised by adopting those cross- j should include, f.rst of all, a cartful hf-ui lies which admit no partisan alle- , reading of the few verses that we Kiunce (hence the word cross- b"iicher), and there they sit with such company Viscount misM'oner for Egypt, Lord Lloyd. Deputy Lord Chancellor The remaining two went straight to the Socialist Front Bench, Lord I'ou- sonby, who actually took the Wool- ' V. 1. The circumstances must be sack in the Lord Chancellor's absence note<1 -'arefully m order to get the con- w.Uln a fe, ,,,ys of entering the ^n'^.u^^^ard'^S S House, and Lord Marley (late M"Jr i hope d to receive, and their minds were D. L. Aman). who has already made excite(1 by the nape O f great material a businesslike speech for the Govern- splendor. There was considerable rivalry as to the various places of have in the gospels about his own childhood. Apparently he grew jj> in M Archbishop Davidson. a natural way. accepted the duties and Joys ot childhood, ami was Fubmusm Cecil and the late High Com- ; tf / authori , y . JesU4 WU5 i ike us in | that he knew all the stages of human life. I. JESfS TEACHING ABOL'T CHIU'RF.N*, 18: 1-6, 12-14. ment. This is something of a rarity. Lord Passfield's Joke honor. Who were to be greatest? Y. '2. The t-hil is found in most the while suuco and the tomato sauce, fi'Mu a little of the tomato suiice at a time. The so' and previous thick- ening of both sauces should keep the soup from curdling. Serve at OIU-P. One Way to Earn Money (iiven a big house and a lovely yard In a village and a necessity for cam- int; a living, two (cistern solved the inoblciii by lakhiK care of children, >lther for an afturiiooii or a few days, il th.-ir mothers wanted to go to a c-ard party, a < lull convention or to the Kindly Judgment If Mrs. Smith has no children and lives well, Madame (irundy is likely to jump at the c .nclusiou that she la selfish and cold 4nd doesn't want to be bothered wit' Iheir cure so Is prac- icing birth control. If ') Jones Is i way from ' me a great deal, the busy Dame imagines he iloetii't care for hU wife or family. Hut perhaps it is his very love of them which is making him spend all tho:e hours in Miss C'hrissie Dahui of Australia, one of fastest woman sprinters on the island continent, who is to be competitor -in Itritish Kmpire athletic meet to be held in Hamilton, Out., this summer. The Three Unhappy Leaders Hy Clou-Bencher None of the party men in London are very happy in recant to theli lead- er-hip at the . oment. Mr. Mac-Donald's Socialists are up In arms because ho will not go fast enough for them, and they bava over- borne him In one important item, the within a few hours of Mr. Baldwin's policy speech. Aud Major Colvllle de- clared that thn party would safeguard steel when they win the next election. Free Importers Hut tin-re are many Protectionists who would much rather have the safe- guarding decisions left to a commit- tee, as In the past, than to a future Coinervativo Cabinet. Why? cause. Mr. Churchill and tint Marquis of Salisbury will be members of that Cabinet. These Iwo persons flank Mr. Baldwin, and they are both deter- mined Kren Importers. Muny people believe that these two figured in the next Conservative Cab- inet would tako good care to see that There must bn n explanation?" Why I As for Mr. Baldwin, criticism of the safeguarding principles were not ap getting money o pay the mortgage, j Trades Disputes Bill. None of the If you are uncertain ot a person's motis'-s, why judge the wors. Why not get the hahit of saying, "Oh, well, perhaps he didn't mean it I int way. Craham over the Coal Mines mil. Liberals know what Mr. Lloyd is up to, except that he Is playing a private game of poker with Mr. Be not give to one. whose motives ure unknown, the benefit of the doubt v. nli Iht-ir husbands. 1C It was an evening parly or the mother was awny for a few days, they put the children to bed in < h-an little whim beds they filled their house with n supply of these in large airy moms. They fed Ibo children simple. wholesome HIHB|S for they were In- telligent women and" a study of the mutter mid did it right. In fact, tlio mothers of iii" i 'immunity bad HO much c.onlld'-ni-t. In them, and they made it MI pleasant for the little child- ren hoarder-;, lhat tt wan a general icpoBllory for the children of the vll Jane wli'-never their mothers wcut miywhei-e. for a dny or n week or a month. Tim mother* knew lhat their mi j.iiiifc would be < happy anc healthy HS at home. r. i'i'- MI-- garncH mid roc reallon which the sisters supervised, there w n! simple little lessons for those who wen- old i-iioiigh. The business grow from year to vein, UN more and more people >aiti'"l about it, nnd as city relatives of Hi" vlllai'ers. benged to send their clilldmi Iliero for a moiilli while they took trip, or just to K|VH the children Mm ci.untry out- ing. Today these Bisters have all they can do and are milking a good living, enjoying their old homestead mid thu Jollity of child companioiHup, ami. IncldenlHlly, helping muny moth- ers Homo of Hume chlliliun may hove more happiness and get holler train- ing HIT* than they would at horn*. Food Cure* A famoiiH food PM'e.'t proclaimed throe much used foodn as the three Kt-eatcMt enemies of the hoallli ot Ihu people. They are: white sugar, while flour and meat. Whim sugar In loo much conceniiuieil io he used freely nd the over us. i of Migar is n cause of Indigestion mid kidney troubles U'.ii.- flour In a deiintured product robbed of its much needed mineia sh. The too great consumption oi ugnra mid starch In thn tauHH o in. i m of our IIKIH! common and v, hlii- flour i almost wholl) larch. About nn'iit, there U iiiucl dilfcremii of opinion. One school o dlellilHiiH tciu us II I* full of bac (Pila and harmful in ills, Unit It dfl compoRCH (illicitly In tlm i-ynimn inn rause* body poisons anil IM one (IIIIMI of i .in- ! Anothur Hchonl tell* UK 1 it the most nutritive, of food*, U pitsll digested and Is very useful MA a pm veniivM ot nnanmlu uud a a hulldliu, food after wasteful diseases mirror Towing youlh mid (he pm-ion who must do vigorous inn ' Dressing Almost everybody likes dressing with fowl, or pork roast, but we for- get how easy It Is to have, it for meals when you have no meat. Prepare the usual bread crumbs, moistened and seasoned with chopped onions, salt, pepper and sage, and mix in a gener cms amount In a slow oven until browned. Conservative policy was withheld un- til the leader's speech, and now lhat he has delivered the awaited pro- nouncement it Is ditnclllt to see why he held a public meeiing or why he spoke. No Chang* Mr. Baldwin's policy of IH:',I) is pru- clsely Mr. Baldwin's policy of 1924 over again e\ lhat decisions to grant or refus safeguarding duties Lord Passfield's speech on the West , crow( .,. M | the present is no exccp- Indies debate was that of a dreamer j tj n. Vain attempts have been made utterly out of touch with the needs ofjto identify this chiid, and some say the Colonies for which he is still Sec- that it possibly was Ignatius, who retaiy of State. ' afterwards suffered the death of a "I am afraid I laughed when 1 totl*** 3 ? L 01 ' the s , ake , Jesu ^ heard of the West Indies sugar crisis V - y ; The uo " ls of , Je ? U3 , h , ,, pear strange and paradoxical. He says at the Colonial jfhce stx months ago. i gJJ onp ^^ enter the kinp . was one of his observations. dom w ; t hout becoming a child, nuch This debate, one of the most Inter- 1 i ess attain unto the chief place. ostlng of late, was due to Viscount Kli- V. 4. This verse explains a lit'l* bank, who had the cooperation of a- j more fully what is in the mind of Socialist. Lord Oliver, as well as ot; Jesus; and i; would seem as if the Conservative peers, against the Colon- quality of which he is- t humility. But there has been much i-it Se.-ret-irv Lord Kl.bauk flIU one of the mcs difference of opinion as to what Jesus up ,-, useful roles in Ihe House of Lords and prai ; e the c hild-staije. Some say \n.\- iu public life. He has had wide is the only feature he had mlnistrative experience in the West j n view. Others claim that the child Indies and in many other parts ot the is not always raimble. and they n'SC- Kmpire. and he is qualified to speak ' eest trustfulness and a readiness to with subjects special authorltv on Imperial i believe what is told him. Some say ,s. His outline of the West In- ?t lt , the ' d * , , f f the - t n ,!*;. fe" i nine of the youthful life with- its rnaB dun problem, where the planters see . * tunitv f A tl , ta | change is needed, their market knocked to pieces by ; r \ n j^'n o. ; > Y e must be b.-iru foreign tariffs and subsidies, w s , again." But say Lhat Jesus is lucid and convincing. ' considering the helplessness of the I child, its inability to earn its own liv- i ing or care for itself, and it* depend- \\hat with Lord Pas afield s laughter |en * e Qn the fatm?r an j nl< >ther. Those in the corridors of the Colonial Office . wno come to Jesus must be \villini; to No Laughing Matter and Mr. Lloyd (ieorge's laughter on their own inability to earn the If mi-:u diippnig'omrbHke _. ^ ? ' Left-overs Whim a -in. ill il.ili of anythiiiK Is left from onii meal, It saves labor If you can set them away in small alum- inum pans in which they can be warm- ed over for the ii"\t meal. The usual way i - to net ilii-iii in ih cupboard in :i sauce dish and, wli-m meal time comes, to put them Into n PHII for win inline. To set them away In Iho pan, cuts out one step in thn labor mid dishwashing. Your Color 'hook to Nature for your colors; The humming bin 1 Is clothed In vivid oloiH, But thn elephant wears taupe." If you am a small flguiv, you may WI-HI H bright red dress; bill other- wise, belter pattern after Ilia ele- iliuiil. whole if Mr. Baldwin is returned to power. Instead of by a quasi-judicial committee. It Is true that there is the promise of an IIKI ii'iili uinl policy to be devel- oped in later speech, but il hardly seems necessary to cull one public meeting In order to ail\erlisi- another. First Thought* Conservatives thought In the first place that the MHfcRUunliiiK statement was an advance. Major Colvllle, for example, OIIA of the now enumits in ,ii iiameiii whom I have tilready singled nut for his freshm>ss xud orce, happened to ndvoi-nin the safe- guarding of the steel Industry, for which he speak with knowledge. Mn. Solomon Sayi: due \\nate. basket In each saves nluo )ilc-k ups. Smiles Mother, appreciatively: "Yesterday I Haw a houaa which was turned up side down by a cyclone. Wo have so much to bn thankful for." Son, piu/.led. "I don't n"c why we sluiiild he thiiiiKl'iil for Hint." plied to the extent of Protection, sinoe they do not believe in Protection. Cracking the Whip The decision to proceed with the trad" union legislation ha* coine about suddenly. The unions looked to the (jovernment to strengthen their financial and legal position, hut noth- ing was done throughout tho summer and autumn. It WU.H only a short time ago (hat the- Inspired statement was made that thin l.-nlsl.'itlon WHS definitely post- poned until next uuttimn. Immediate- ly the strongest lutuniHl pressure was brought to bear and Mr. MaclHinald nounccment lhat the Bill will be 'in Advanced Inn in-ill. from the an- trodiiced (his session" to the promise that It will ha prosecuted with full vigor. Me warned his party at a special meeting that it will now be necessary lo iliop the Factories Bill or thn Kigbt Hours Day Hill, and their reply was, "we w it the political levy." Nw Peers It is worth noting that recently we. suw an event which may seem porten- tous. An Industrial magnate took his the floor of the House, of Commons 'kingdom. They cannot gain it as a many people are growing tired of this 'reward because of merit. They ivust attitude to serious affairs. accept it as a free gift. It is youv Laughter sounded quite pleasant in I Father's Rood pleasure to give you the kingdom. V. ."i. But his disciples must not only strive to be like children in their hu- mility, they must also learn to hav* real respect for the child. The fol- tho old da>s when i>oHtics were re- garded as a game, but a new element is comiiiK into public life which Is not given to laughter. That Is the Kmpire Kree Trade movement. jUwor of Jesus must count the child Those who lull themselves in the, as a person, worthy of consideration. ' laughter of their chiefs will tlnd them- ' This is what very few come in church. selves sternly contested it. their con- 1 ^ > S*j**9?S2fJ*l i threat step forward in advance ot m*. stiluenoies. \tot*. He tells them that if they csn-. The laugh U on the other side of not do , nis because they love children, the Liberal tuce at Sheffield, where !(| ICI , j e t them do it for his sake, and the hy-eleetic.i. showed the Socialist i i n his name. Let them seek to '.'uHi-' am) the. Citnsrrvatlve voles to be sub- vate this affection simply because their" stantial, while the Liberal vote fell to nothing at all. Master urges it of them. V. 6. In fact if they neglect the, child and put stumbling-lbocks in th^ way of children, then the most dnas- trous punishment will follow. Thi* was not a form of punishment common^ among the Jews, but was known to and Where the World's Fastest Schooners Come From Cheaper Cuts (Mieopur c'litn of MI--. i: If cooked n IOIIK time, III A fli.-l'-n cooker or i "lion many Inn-i-ii I m -i; r.-. -. c-ail . .ICIIIPS talk'.'" 'Well, hit KIIVM ho iinib-i-st mills everything Ills baby s.tys." I'h.V'ciclHii Hiiiiouncesi lhat child who prnclKe-c every day on the plnno; won't develop the Imbll of linker-null j bllliiK. Yeah, but won't be di\i>lop the habit of praclliing on thn piano' ever> d-'^ ' DANGERS The waves that beat against the ship j are not so dangerous to It as plank- j boring worms. Headwinds do not ""v'l^Jesus had just '"uttered (v. 10) drag ships back any more than the ! a truth of exceptional symbolic beauty' weeds nnd shells that collect uponjon th? privilege of the child in God's, their bottoms. Post* driven into the ' presence. Kach child has, as it were, water seem fair and strong while be- 1 an an^el or guardi.'.n who represents' Ing honey-combed by the worm that ! ts interest.-; and welfare vn the_ hea .-er,-. lly court. The t^uth is th*t CM, our. .heavenly Father, has a minute kn>>wl coiHiimed.-Henry ed(fe (lf - eiK . h iiul i v idual life, however obscure it may be. Now he passe* o to say that God loves eaoh one, even when it errs and wanders away. Vw> parable of the lost sheep tells of tr$ psins which the Father will^ endure tn order to rescue the sheep. Such is t'rte great compassion which the Father rm.i for all his children, and this same love is shaved by Jesus. Uod is love. . III. JKSl'S TREATMENT OK ClUl-llttKN'. eats. In silence and secrecy treasures are thus being Ward Heecher. PRIDE IN THEIR WONDERFUL FLEET IS CHARACTERISTIC OF THE NATIVES II ve l-i slionn nn mtrcHlliiK nml lypienl scene of home Indn.itries s\t LuuenberK. N.S. In forojrouud we have A 01 KOI s sjirosdlin oul tlsh lo dry, whlla lit Iho harbor. he\oiid. In the fleet of picturesque fishing smacks. V. 1.". It was no uncommon thins fr Jewish mothors to bring their iittte children to some distinguished teacheh. in order t>> get his blessing. We gnther that in this case the children \verrf very young, since Jesus takes them in his arms. The disciples represented! the usual attitude toward the child. It is not that they were cruel, or wished tn injure these little ones; but they simply thought that \hese infants did' not count. Jesus had more important things to consider. He had the sick to heal, and the crowd-* to touch. Then . children were quite unfit to receive anything from Jesus, and so thess disciples try to protect their Master from use-less interruption. V. 14. Jesus resents their ju-tion, and insists upon having the children re- called. The children are an integral part of his kingdom. In fact they nro the best typo of membership 1:1 the kingdom. They best exhibit th quality necessary for entrance into tht/ kingdom, and for excellence in it. V. 15. lu Mark this statement is given that he took them up in his arms and blessed them. Thus his tea-.'hinir ws eon firmed by his practice. "Had a puncture, my friend." ed the cheerily Imiuisi'ivo pssaer-by. The weary motorist UH>V*<| up. ''N* old man" h said n r.xlmlT < h could. "I'm Just sivin:-, the tires > change of air."

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