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Flesherton Advance, 9 Apr 1930, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1930 . . Where Do You Keep Your Valuable Papers ? The whereabouts of your valuables is nobody's business but your own, and for that very reason they should be placed beyond the reach of med- dling persons, thieves or elements which compromise their security. Use a safety deposit box in your nearest branch of the Bank of Com- merce. It is the most convenient method of safe keeping for docu- ments, jewels and other small ob- jects of value. THE CANADIAN BANK ' OF COMMERCE (ufttft tuJiictt is a/na/ami^*</ -j THE STANDARD BANK. OF CANADA jl W. Kaitting Caretaker Fishing Club Property Mr. Wm. Kaitting, auctioneer of Feversham, has received the ap- i pointment of caretaker of the Beaver 'Fishing Club on their reserve in the |va!!c-y. Mr. Kaitting was in Toron- j to last week negotiating with the I club officials and his appointmen; ! dated from the first of April. Mr. I Knitting will still continue \viih ;.'.^ auctioneer business with his heau- I qv :rers at Eugenia and telephone j connection with the Flesherton cen- jtral. The late Adam Hislop had ! been the caretaker far the pasi ' several years. Mr. Kaitting ex- j pects to move about April 20th to ;tht> property. CJ'.H. TIME TABLB Train* leave Fleshcrton Station fellows: Going Soutk Going North S.M a.m. 11.62 a.m. 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. 6.11 p.m. The mail* close at Plesberton aa follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. uth at '"f.30 For morninpr train onth mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. J A Surprise Pariy Local and Persona! Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dingwall visited at A. L. Fisher's, Flesherton. Several friends from Markdaie paid a surprise visit to Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton on Friday e ing. in honor of the former's 50th 4.33 p.m. birthday, and also of the 21st wed- ding anniversary of this esteemed couple. A presentation was made of a leather club bag to Mrs. Wei- ton and a fine pipe to Mr. Welton, i the latter thanking the friends for th-Mr tokens of good will. Mr. and i Mrs. Welton save n fowl supper to the guests and the occasion was a J happy event. Congratulations are | extended to Mr. r"d Mrs. Welton with the hope that they will havo many more years of happiness and I usefulness in the community. The Late J. H. Jamieson The funeral of the late John H. Jarnieson. who passed away in De- j troit on Monday evening, March 31st took place on Friday afternoon from the home of his sister, Mrs. Robt. JMcMastT, of Flshe-ton. Rev. W. jJ. Scott, >pastor of St. John's United church, conducted the service at the j house and gave a very comforting i message to those who mourn. Inter- ment took place in the family plot at Salem cemetery. Besides a large number of floral tributes from i'riends and relatives thero were wreathe-, fvom L. O. L. No. 207. Parkdale. Bricklayers Union and tho MungT School Detroit. The nallbearers wore Messrs. Wm. Magee, C. E. Watson, Robt. Goriey and John Lyons. WODEHOUSE This community was shocked on Monday morning to learn of the sudden death of Fred Clarke ot Msrkdalo following * few days ill- ness of pleurorpneumonia. Fred and :ii.; \vifc resided here somo four years, coming hero from Dundaik. i ?Td had <:h" stor^ at the corner, lie moved to Mirkdale three years ."i^ro to take up his old trad". th~ bar- berinsr. which h has f :llowd s'nco. !f~ \vas a genial bi<j- -hearted felicw, v.v.o was ready to lend a hand wken- t>v<v he could and both he and Ms. Clarks made many friends here whs are "ri'-ved to h">r of his suddc*. passing and extend to hia wife, his aged mother and two brothers and sister, sincere sympathy. Another fp.ll " f snow which makes j it seem Quite wintry and a sudds. *i! change from the lovely warm days' of the end of last week. ENGAGEMENT I. Mr. Georre McTavish spent the first of the week :-.t Niagara Falls, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Oliver visited friends in Flesherton one day . last , week. Order your potted plants, Easter Liliei and cut. flov:ers for Easter from, W. A. Hawken. Mrs. Herb Smith of Owen Sound, 'visited her sister, Mrs. D. McTavish , who has -Bepn ill. Mw. S. A. Ui'-rison of Meaford is the guest ofr Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Milne. Mr. Jas. Harrison of Springhill j visited in Owen Sound for a couple j of days last week. - ^ Mr and Mrs. D. McDougall spent Mr and Mrs- C . j. Cross%\ and .a low days last week with the for- )dau g hlerj Janet> of Toronto m Stored mer'a sister. Mrs. M. McCannell. l up on Saturday ar.d spent the week J. Hogarth and son have been 'end at their parental homes here, buzzing wood for several of the' lltty Communion \nt 'D. P. I ed in the United chuixh pastor, assisted by the ei- Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McMullen, Flcshert.-.n, Ont. announce the en- gagement of their elder daughter, Minnie to Mr. Charles McDermid, also of Fesherton. The marriage to tnkc place at Easter. Mr^. William Watson, Priceville, Ontario, announce the engagement of her youngest daughter, Louisa Sophia, to Norval Wellesley Braw- ky of Beeton, Ontario. The mar- riage will take place quietly the laiter part of Apiil. Mrs. James Vcuse, Proton, visited the week at Joseph PLOTHOLDERS MEETING The adjourned meeting cf the clotholtlt-rs of the co-notary willl be held in the old town hall April 15th. * p,,, ihe first of Oliver's. . Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Phillips and son, Bob. and Mr. and Mrs. Wm Gibson of Ceylon were week end visitors with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fenwick re- tiirned on Monday of this week to their farm in Osprey after residing for a year and a half in Flesherton. J 'Mr. F. Leavell and family moved | l"t week to the Armstrong residence ' west of McCauley's pond on the' station road. 'Mrs. W. A. Armstrong is holding accredit auction sale of furniture this Saturday. \V. Kaitting, auction- ear. .Mrs. Honer of South Porcupine and Mr. George Jamieson of Tim- mins are visiting wi^h their mother, Mrs. Mary Jamieson. . Mrs. C. J. Bellamy was able to re- i cWs officiated. Mrs. Jas. Cargroe returned homo ' on Thursday, after spending the JNvintt.- with her on. Walter at De- troit. I A local hockey team went to Mark- i dale Wednesday night of last week, but were only able to enme home the short end of a 4-3 score. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Have Emerson J. Bennett order your Kilter Lili-js a-d cut flowers ! Phone 78. L. O. L. Ornngo Valley hld u very successful and en'oyable ev- ; local team won hero 6-5. so the ening in the!/ lodge room on Friday i two clubs are on eoual terms again, evening. The first nart of evening was spent in progressive turn to her duties in the junior . sa i e o f room of the public school on Mon- 1 ne nag day, after an enforced absence of t*o weeks with illness. 'Miss Shirley Murray of Toronto, of the week with j operation in the Toronto and Mrs. E. C. Murray, who hospital on Wednesday. This Friday evening will be Past Masters' night in Prince Arthur Lodge No. o33, A.F. & *.M. Ail the chairs will b^ occupied by Past Masters and the fir^t degree will be exemplified. J^wota will be prc^ent^d t;> four of the Past Mas- ters an'! a very enjoyable evening Is i in prospect. Tliio week iMr. Emerson J. Ben- nett, new iurniture dealer and under- taker, announces in an advertise- ment in this issue of a great 10 day all lines of furniture which in stock. Miss Elda Karstedt visited her brother. Jack in Toronto last week., when he underwent another serious bet-n ill with the flu. ] improving nicely and his many A d:\nc will bp Iv.'ld in th L. O. trends here hooe for a complete re- L. -hall. Orange Valley, Thursday, j covery to good health. Atfril 17th. Ladies with lunch, Mr- Wilfred Patterson of New Good music in euchre, conducted by County Master, j G. W. Little-ohns of 500. Next came , s dainty lunch provided by the ladies j present, pfter \vhich Mrs. M. Irwin , and Mr. Carl Stoddart. ruchre win- 1 ners, we.-c presented with suitable sifts by Dep. Master, Alex Miller. The Alcox-Coburn oi-chestrs gave excellent music for the dance. Twin calves are becoming quite fashion .-.blc with the lady bJvincj in this district, which shows the highly productive Qualities of the stock grown here. Last week James J. Ottcwell found twin calves, maie and female, from a dairy cow and both arc thrifty representatives of their race. The i'irst arrival of trip- Genera: Iet3 3 h ou i,i be phoned to us at once. Jack Is fre. Gentlemen 40c. provided. This week we are forced to hold York will open a grocery and con- fectionery store in Uundalk a; Easter time. Several years ago ov<r considerable correspondence and Wilfred conducted a grocery store other matter, owing to an extra am- in Flesherton and sold out to W. J. ouht of advertising. Read all the Stewart & Sons. He spent a couple advertisements over, there is matter of days in town last week renewing thi ;"' vi nity"'te m them of interest to you. acquaintances. SHENSON At 106 Sivc-r Birch Avenue, Toronto, o* Wednesday. April 2. 1330, Muriel, infant daughter oi Mr. and Mrs.. W. G. Shenson, (nee Lolita Beattie) ase.l three months. The Advance and many friends in SHINGLES Edge Grain XXXXX Extra Heavy Butts $4.50 per square Edge Grain XXX Shingles at $4 per sq. No. 2 XXXXX Shingles at $3.75 per sq. .All prices cash delivered TRUCKING Long Distance and all kinds of moving at any time. Special prices for hauling stock to the Toronto market Flesherton Planing & Chopping Mills COMPLETE BUILDERS' SUPPLIES FLOOEING, OUTSIDE TRIM, INSIDK TRIM Gypruc, Brick, Shingles, Lath, Etc H. A. McCiUiley, Prop. Be sure to attend the meeting of the plotholders of Flcshertcn ceme- tery in the old town hall on April loth at 8 p.m. On the evert ol thn celebration 01 Saturday of his fiftieth anniversary fs clerk of the Townshp of Artemesia Mr. W. J. Bellamy was the recipient' of a beautiful bouquet of roses from the Toronto Old Boys and Girls. He was also the recipient of congratula- tions f-om - host of friends. Rev. D". D. M. Solant. Assistant Book Steward of the United Churc.i Publishing House, Toronto, spoku be-, fore a combined meeting f the Men's Club and Women's Institute in the basement c2 the United Church on Monday evening on the subject ot 'The Farmer and the Natioin." His address was an exceptional one ana he stated that mo re reading shouM Jo done as tho culture of the mind >-nust precede the stressful culture*'* the soil. Space forbids the makln- 'f as detailed a report as we wouuld deure. There was a large audience out to greet him and they we -e well pleaded with his observations as he has travelled extensively and studied cor.ditions in other countries. Sale of House Furnishings will be held by Mrs. W. A. Armstrong SAT'DAY, APRIL 12, 1930 when the following will bu sold- LIVING ROOM Chesterfield- ' > Chairs; Large Leathe- Roi-kmg Chair: 3 Upholstered Chair/: Scvtec;; Old English Library Tabte- 4 Elrcu-u: Tabi,, Laa , ps . Ek . ctri . Bridge Lamp; Electrij Floor Lamp- Genuine Oil PaintingB; v> Framt-J P^tures; 5-Tube A. C. Daytona Kadio. i battry model DINING ROOM-9 Leather Seatw! hr.lid Oak Chairs: Sideboard: Oak Dl " i , n rCOm Table; China Cabinet. BEDROOM 3 Dossers; Chiffon- ier; 7 Small Tables; Brass Bed' Iron Bed; Wooden Bed; 3 Sets Springs. KITCHEN-BREAKF'^T ROOM- New Small Kitchen T.ange; Small 'Chen Tnble; P,- -ikfaot Room Suite, Tcble and :' Chairs ; Kitci-..-:; Cabinet (Hoosier' Kitchen Ult-nsiii- Kitchen Rocker. n ; MISCELLANEOUS _ 2 Saving ..i LIC nines. 1 nearly new; p; U sh Couch Clothes B-^kets; Boiler: Veraiula Furniture; Wish Tubs and Stands; N~L.-r.bor of Jardiniere Starv.i.s; dm- polcum Rug 7x10; Hall Beat (oak); Numerous othe articlc-s. TERMS All -urns of ?10.00 and under, cash: over tH"t amount 10 months' cr?d!t will be given on ap- privrd joint notes beRriii" interest at 6 r ;. No reserve; everything must be sold. Sale to commence at 2 p.m. W. KAITTING, Auctioneer. 10 Day Sale Commencing this Wednesday. April 9th. and continu- ing to Saturday, April 19th 20 p.c. Reduction will be given on all furniture and other lines in stock. This stock has to be cleared to make way for altera- tions and new lines to be stocked. Emerson J. Bennett Furniture Dealer Funeral Director SUCCESSOR TO THOS. W. FINDLAY Phones : Store 78 : Residence 69 FLESHERTON New Beauty See the new FORD CARS at our showrooms -The Canadian Car" H. DOWN & SONS Phone 36 j Flesherton FOR APRIL DAYS Ladies ready-to-wear Millinery Special showing this week of Spring Styles Popular prices A NEW ASSORTMENT OF MISSES AND CHILDREN'S SPRING HATS LADIES' SILK SCARFS NEWEST DESIGNS AND COLORINGS SPECIALLY PRICED Holeproof Silk Hosiery NEW SPRING SHADES Priced $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.95 BILTMORE FELT HATS FOR MEN $4.50 and $3.95 PEERLESS CLOTH CAPS FOR MEN SPECIAL $1.50 A Special Work Boot at $3.95 Damp resisting oil tan grain leather, black or brown, blucher cut. soles sewn and nailed, smooth insoles for comfort, s^lid leather throughout, neatly cut and shaped to the foot, correct working weight. wn.. Just the boot you have been looking for! SPECIAL $3.95. Rubber boots for wet days. Men's wofnen's and children's sizes. Rubbeig to fit all sizes and lasts, F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO -

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