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Flesherton Advance, 9 Apr 1930, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9. 130 THE FLESHEIUON ADVANCE Kennedy's Grocery Specials This Week Orange Marmalade, lari^e jars 2 l k. Princes Soap Flakes, lni\i>v size 21c. Pure Uardr. 3 Ibs. 55c. Honey, 5 pound pails 50c. Jelly Powders. 5 packages for 25c. O'Canada Hour, cash, per bu# $4.15 To Send Radio Car ! '< Owners of radios in town circu- lated a petition last week to request I the radio department to despatch | their trouble-finding car to this lo- I'cality, in an effort to clear up some | of the interferences which have been > Iiothi'-ing radio users for some time. The inspector in Toronto has in- formed the petitioners that the car is to be here this week, so the local trouble should be satisfactorily located. Be sure to have your lic- ense to operate a radio handy when the inspector calls. APRIL 20th IS E-A-S-T-E-R ORDER YOUR NEW SPRING AND SUMMER SUIT OR TOP COAT NOW Jl -vnll pay you to look our samples over, as we have ju3t what you want at the right price. W. G. KENNEDY CARD OF^THANKS The families of the late Mrs Prank Taylor wish to extend their heart fc-lt thanks to the neighbors ar.d friends o'i Flesherton and sur- T rounding district for the many ex- .*. pressions of kindness and assistance '-* during her recent illness and death. NOTICE Owing to crowded conditions of junior rooms of the public school nrd the short time between Easter ' and midsummer holidays it is re- quested thi>t persons proposing to start pupils at Easter will net do so ur>til fall term By order W. J. Bel 1-Tiy. AUCTION SALES THE i FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on ColHngwood street, .Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price m Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In U. S. A. $2.50 per year when paid in advance $2.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association) W. H. THURSTON, - - Editor F. J. THURSTON - Assoc. Editor IN MEMOR1AM Mrs. Wm. Knitting will hold an auction sal" <>f household furniture in the villape of Feversham on Sat- urday, April 19th at 2 p.m. See bill- <"'- f "ll particulars. Auction sain of 20 good horses WOOD In loving memory of our dear sister, Bessie, who departed this life April 7th 1920. In the city of life on a hill far away Where the sun never set.* nor flow- | at Coo. McKibbop.s stabk 1 in Mark era decay. She has gone itom this wo Id free !'n!:' sor-ow a^-.l i>ai" Whore in God's o\vn c"d time we shall ^!1 moot a<rain. , dale, Friday , Ap il There will also be a llth at sale of 2 p.m. horses i at R. J. McLean's stable i Sat., April 12th at 2 p.m. i Dun: an, au-Hionpc'-. Durham. Geo. L". Golden Wedding Mi. and Mrs. K. J. Colquette cel- ebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding at their home In Fevtrsham on Monday, March .'Hst. It was iJfty yeas on that date thai. Ithey were married at Mr?. ColquetteV. home near Fovtrsham. Present for the occasion were their two daugh trs, Mr.. II. B. Horton and Mrs G. Dand of Toronto, also one on, W. R. Colquette. wife and l\\<> children of Owen Sound nnd a niece f Mr. Colciuett* and her husbami, Mr. nr.d Mrs. John Stewart of Flesh- y-ton. Thtir eldest son R. D. Coi- qui-tte of Winnipeg, Man. was un- able to be present. To celebrate the happy event ft wedding di-"icr v as served at 6 o' clock. At the dinner h'-ur their Bon W. R. presented thcr.i with a purse of tfolil from their children and friends who were assembled with them. Mr. Colnuctte in a few -wo: ds thanked one and all for their kind remembrance. Lettc s and phon-j mes: . ?es of congratulations we' i i-fivrd from diffcn n'. p-.iits o* Ontario and also from W- -u-rn After dinner in the evening n vi- 1 y plefl. 7 r\nt surprise was given them, when a procession of Mr. Col- queue's brother Foresters nn'' thoir friend* nnd neighbors i" F-vf-rshani and thi- surrounding neighborhood .march cd to their home and read to them an address and presented Mr. Colquette with n gold emblem ring of the Canadian Order of KoresterH. as he was n chart*! 1 member of Court Foversham No. 534; also n gold niece !/ th friends a"<l neigh- bors to Mr!". C.iliiuette, with the best wishes of the -ommunitv and' vr'h the hope that they would hav ' ninny iiT'i' 1 yirs of associations with their friends in that community. Save, for Travd Let your savings enable you to travel. Small regular sums will do it. Start a Savings Account today. BRANCHES MARK DALi:: A. E. Hunt. Manager FfiVERSHAlb M. C. Francis. Mana The BANK for SAVINGS EGGS Profits on Extras or Losses on Seconds WHAT RETURNS WILL THEY BRING THIS SPRING? It is up to the individual producer and shipper to decide, lie may benefit hy tlie premium pallid for Kxtrus and suffer by tin- low price paid for Seconds. T secure F.xtras observe these rules: SHIPPERS Keep i mr- covered in a cool, dry place, away from all noticeable odoura. Never expose eioirs to aun or ruin either lose or in containers. Market CKK as often nnd a quickly as possible to prevent deterioration. Ship egg* i" strong cases with whole, rlonn filler! and flats, and excelxior pads nt top and bottom. You are the guardians of your customers' VKK. Moke sure to maintain their quality. AN KXTHA^Xn ejrfr woiifhinir 21 ounces n-r '' r! 'on. ttoifl in shell, air ei-lls K--,-i ilinn o'ne- > quarter inch in/|li'Hli. white of <?(? (inn nnd ''ur. yoke may lie n^k-ratrlv visible when cundled, but inust I)!' i:il prraflunlly into the whiti\ PRODUCERS Produce clean <-r.u-- provide plenty of nests >>nd keep fresh litter in the and nests. Gather often. Newer wash rjrtrs. If soiled, wipe them with a dry cloth or steel wool. Fv<! pr.ain. ScavanRer or Seconds. (? U ni:ilr unless they are being used for Im'fdiius. Produce infertile ejfffs. Tr<n! CECS ns cn'rc-fullv as you would milk. They nro'-i' i :. uliifot 'to doteriorution if not r>rr>)iev'r Artemesia & Osprey Co-Operative Co., Ltd. . FLESHERTON Village of Flesherton, 1929 ABSTRACT STATEMENT RECEIPTS Balance from 1928 $ 3344 85 Taxes of 192!) collected . 7415 29 Loan from bank /; 1952 CO Miscellaneous 187 73 Credit Auction Sale FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. PAYMENTS Salaries and allowances Printing, postage and stationery l.esral services Hoacls and sidewalks .Schools Debentures Fire protection County rate Repaid loans Street lighting * Exp. town hall lights, etc Old Boys' Reunion Expenses park Amusement 'tax j'ublic library 1928 , Iiocal board of health Miscellaneous Balance $ 12900 47 $ 474 25 151 12 3 00 1029 C'J 2517 25 969 9o 128 25 1620 00 2030 57 490 00 352 80 82 10 189 519 10 16 172 00 63 79 359 90 2268 55 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES 12900 47 ASSETS Balance $ 2268 55 Arrears of taxes 426 00 Bills receivable (sheep killed) 93 00 Town hall debentures 1930 Sidewalk debentures 1930 Balance . LIABILITIES 2787 55 331 87 429 1] 2026 57 2787 55 STATEMENT OF BALANCE OF DEBENTURES By-Law 12. sidewalks $ 437 10 By-Lav. 152, sidewalks 825 94 By-Law 159. townhall 2305 83 Bv-Lnv, HO. hydro 3878 15 By-Law 7 hydro extension 825 16 Auditsd Mpirh 6th. 1930 F. W. DUNCAN C. J. BELLAMY Auditors. 8272 18 THOS. TAYLOR Lots 186-88, 2nd Con. N. E., Artemesia THURSDAY, APRIL 10, '30 when the following will be offered: HORSES 1 team of horses. CATTLE 3 Durham Cows, 1 due May 1, 1 August 1, 1 milking; 3 one yearolds; 2 two year old Steers. HOGS 5 hogs weighing around 140 Ibs.; 1 brood sow, due April 20. SHEEP 34 fine well bred ewes. HAY AND GRAIN Twenty tons well cured straw; saved hay; 150 bus. fall wheat; 200 bus. barley; 300 bus. oats; all grain good for seed. IMPLEMENTS Frost & Wood Binder; Frost & Wood Mower; Hay Loader; Manure Spreader; Cockshut Disc, 16 plate; Cockshut Drill, 15 disc; Cultivator; Democrat; Buggy; Steel Wheel Truck; 2 No. 2 Cockshut Plows; Rake; Heavy Plow; Gang Plow; Harrow Cart; Set 5 section .Harows; Grindstone; 2 hives Bees; Set 250 Ib. Counter Scales; Sugar Kettle; Buckets and Taps; Aladdin Lamp; Parlor Lamp; Cupiboard Glass; chairs, grain bags; 2 horse collars, one never used; sot plow harness and numerous other articles. 1 TERMS Hay, grain and all sums of S10 and u^der cash; over that amount ten months credit will be friven with interest at 6 per cent. Notes subject to approval. ! GEORGE DUNCAN. Auctioneer. - ) I . . . ' ~ . i ' \g$$$m& - '- - -: Dominion of Canada Income Tax Returns .. .> DUE APRIL 30th - ACT PROMPTLY Accept the help offered by Income Tax Inspectors and Avoid Penalties ' ' . % . ' '.'., ' . ! -.- - \ I ' S I I S- ' . ." . ' ' - . ' \ ' .' - . H , i ' ; Where Income Tax Inspectors r^f are Located OTTAWA. ONT. Daly Building . BELLEVILLE, ONT. i 2749 Campbell Street KINGSTON, ONT. Cuitotns Building TORONTO, ONT. > i 21 Lombard St. HAMILTON. ONT. Lennox Building LONDON, ONT. Curling Block FORT WILLIAM, ONT. t 'usio.u> Building * ' * . V Every person who during the year 1929 had an income, from any source, of as much as $1,500, if single, or $3,000 if married or supporting a family, is required to make an income ta:; return. If you are situated as above described, failure to make this return by midnight, April 30th, to- gether \vith cheque or cash for at least 25% of amount of tax, will render you liable to a penalty equal to 5% of the total tax payable. (Limit of penalty $500.) To avoid incurring this penalty, obtain NOW, from your postmaster, or from the Inspector of Income Tax in your district, the necessary forms and make your returns at once. These forms are as follows: Form Tl Form TlA Form T2 For Individuals other than Farmers and Ranchers. For Farmers and Ranchers only* For Corporations and Joint Stock Companies. Each form contains in itself instructions for filling out. By making your return by April 30th you gain in two ways : First, you avoid penalties for delay* Y Sccoa^ you 'qualify yourself for tK I privilege of paying in instalments. INCOME TAX INSPECTOR WILL HELP YOU MAKE OUT YOUR RETURNS If there is anything in the income tax' return which you do' not understand, any Income Tax Inspector will be glad to explain what is required; ><- ' . te ' .' I The Department of National Revenue Income Tax Division OTTAWA I ^';\-. HON. \V. D. EULER. of National Retvnue c!s. WALTERS, Commisiionei of Income Tax e-o - . . . . . . .. ', 4

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