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Flesherton Advance, 9 Apr 1930, p. 2

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I v Salada quality and price make premiums unnecessary I! SALADA 1 TEA 'Fresh irom the gardens* " Jungl e Breath Ben Lucien Burman THIS HAS HAPPKXKl) Poking at times as a harbor, and at ethers us Attorney l):;vis, Vilal; has come to Porto Yenlc, Brazil, to liclp his c.vsin, Klisf MuniriTy, sulve a strange mystery. Eiise, a beautiful American ijjrl. own* a cofffc i.lantation Several mys- terious ilvatl:.-, occur and sho herself is threatened, warned '.<> .- a\ " nnd her twa-year-old nephew is i.;. I napped. Vilak and Lircoln N'Jiinally, an ngtd chemist and a friend -if Vilak's, track the kidnappers and find the child un- harmed and being caivd for i.y u Rans of railroad laborers in charge of the judge who would come to Porto Verde in a month. It was, a small red brick structure consisting of two cells and a 'iny room t*. house the gendarmes who stood before it. Both cells had windows opening onto the" s f rcet, protected by heavy iron bars. A glance showed Vilak which cell the Englishman had occupied; two of the thick bars at the rear had been cut with a tile "in.l bent widely to the side, affording a ftiirly comfortable paspatfj even for one of went to visit the manganese deposit^ which had been discovered on a wide, rocky platei.u which rose a few hundred feet from the funeral level of Elise's Porto Verde properties. "I have never seen so many tiny . . . or . . . lakes," the old man said, rs he stood on an abrupt red cliff and looked at the watery surfaces (Jutting the black vista unfolded boforo him. "Judging by the . . er . . strata . . . I should say this had all been one huge volcanic lake not many . . . er . . . geological ages ago." "I don't know, but 1 do know that as Klise said it makes it awfully <lan- Kerous here in the flood seasons, par- ticularly when the rain comes down us hard as . is coming now. He looked at the huge drops falling with such force that their splash against the hard surfaces of the leaves rome- times attained two inches. "If this keeps up, we will have a bad one." The chemist took a few samples of the deposits for analysis later. The two men returned to the houFc in a downpour that showed no signs of pbating. The remainder of ihe aftev- 1100:1 and evening passed without inci- dent. 'I could really imagine that I \vjis up in our old summer house in New Hampshire," Elise remarked as she put down the cards after a game of double Canfield. In which Vilalt as us- ual won. "The jungle is so quiet In the rain, and nothing has happened to up- set us in the slightest. Outside of the flood threat, which is always with us, and which I am accustomed to, it's really the quietest day I've kn<>\vn in as ample a build HS the brawny Eng- Pol ' to v ? rtlc for 'ngr time. Per- lirhman ! na P s things are through happi-iiing Vilak turned to the huge blue and 1 ( '}' a ..): h ' le ' pt?rha P s J v ', u "' t ,'' ;ive to rod garbed negro, who. rifle ; ,t hi. | ^^ ^r ^ D'Albt-ntara. who have found it. Vilak believe:, Cayioid IVentiss is involved in all the trouble, nnd tells . K.,-.. that slit- ai d the child must leave *'<?, stood looking gloomily up at the, ,, _. ..n the next I oat. He saves ..n Indian twisted metal. from cruel treatment ui the of "Do thev trail UK- prisoner now, j lo " K '"B- 2 "-.^ -trxactin,c the queen of spadea with n few deft stro'ces of the pencil changed the outlines of the tin 1 priaonei two ruffians and is himself staVued in j aniigos?" he inquired politelv. the wrist. As he is closing his barber hop up, an excited native appl'irhcs, bearing news. NOW HKC.1N THE STDltY CHAPTER XIX. The eld man, glad to r 1 teivc an- other auditor. thru>t out his f-kinny Si. si'iihor, they trail him," he mut tered. "But what will they find?" With his thick hand > pointed off the jungle. "The cascavel, the bo.i, and the crocodile with the hungry mouth. The gendarme', doom deepened. "Si. .,,hor. thev trail him." I,,- mut- i TOW "I ">ad. * JKelrnert in a few figures behind it. He gave th-? card to Eiise. "What does it mean?" she asked wonderingly. It is not good to chase in tho jungle, , cnhf , r , H e grumbled a curse. "M.iv ft SaUn ca(( . h lh . g ai.d make him suffer. Hear, s> nhor. Hear ami pity. Next r-.onth they were it menu?" "Is lhat a hearse you've drawn around the queen?" "Exactly. And th; figures behind are mourners, the family of my cher- ished cousin. Which is merely my quiet way of telling you what will hands. "He have e^. -apeA,'' he mum 11 ..: itiiu Mit%. i>c.\L i.uiuii mry wcru i ; - - "Wbc has escaped-] \ i ah Rial , m . lke me cornoraK A <. orpornl undoubtedly happen if you stay here. WM I'^led. ;, lhe hcaulifll i stl . i|)cs upon , he ! \ memory is very short, my dear. "The Engieerii. Fhe K. j arm- And now | )(>( , au . e tnis niRht . Vilak KrunttMl I.iincy was put day of quiet- or at least what ., .111* nitu uv vvi in v n 1,1 ~c hiiia u 11; 1 1 1 - i * L i '" ! ! " " " YM crawle.- has reaped, what will thev | ?.V " V* ( ' Ule !- and you * r ? SU '' e -' '""',?, d,,? Will thev mak, .ne a corpor.1? K,"? A * n ** r 1S ov "' , W ^ lln the in jail for killing Tony?" i ^,^1^ mtt , h ivo mp , d , truth is much more likely that the "Yew Yew U.-mey. ! emey. ,, r] arm? Assuredly not,' (1 " k ; Us oe "' " ''^ause the great- Ucnhor. Better -.-ill they give me red : os .I 1 ; 111 *" 1S lT nR P rc P arcd '. U in", or MI-S-- :iio:-:iiii i-a; ;y maybe, 's^jppg u . )0n nly back." However, I m not worrying about hey do not know. B;\d m;i'i. I. .ncy. ' ,.jj e must have m ' a( j o son . a n()ise j your leaving. I feel quite certain now Getting Ready For 1930 Accidents The tide of motor traffic will soon be swelling with the coming ot summer. It is some comfort to know tbat, along with "Safety Kirst" injunctions from many quarters, Bell Telephone linemen and construction chiefs wMl ba found on many highways carrying oa their big 1930 construction program. The Bell men are practically al'. skilled first-aiders. They undergo a thorough training In that useful art, and their timely aid in all parts of the province has saved the lives of many who, without skilled initial attention to injuries, would hare been in grave danger. Over 2,300 Bell employees men and women successfully passed First Aid examinations in 1929. Sixty-three per cent ot the 7,500 male workers are qualified First Aidevs. Ml Th'.v : .11 nthcr man v:> -n. t'jih You sct '. ' filing^ nuiybe. Nice Knglishman, nice; bad Kiigli:<hin:in, bad, worse than bad ilian, bad Ita'.'an. .)ad anvthing. I K: to < re t).:i' his news always purpaped that of any other inhabitant of Porto mouth onened , ut ' ' *'" the who' tom w as tranquil ON A PICTURE FOUND IN A SECOND HAND STORE Time pushed it from a parlor-table, where For long It stood, ;md with the tender- est care 'Twas handled, as some loved one viewed it there. 1 found It folded In an old brown book Among things faded, dusty and for- sook. And at the face I could not help but look. She had it takeu on a summer day; 'Twas long before Time'a thieving took away That hair's young gold done in that Kirli.-u way. She dressed for U, and tied that rib- bon so, And stood before the mirror, all day after tomorrow even you! aglow; only too glad to go. If even Tht> style Bays U was forty yt ' ars aB ! ind received a kindly I have hei rd nothing. marry you And knowing my of any other inhabitant r I'rt', during the night I have heard voicea " n l. And knowing my V,,,l,., hurried off. A short walk outsi(R> his wim)ow _ Uut whnt nr(i | feelings on that subject, and how much brought him to the jail where Limey volce8 had born confim-d to av.-ait trial brf ora WRIGLEYS Life like good golf is made up of many littlr things each one of which helps the score. Better ili;;i ni'ii Dteadier nerves clearer brain, are all factor* that count and are gained from the use of Many ,,-,ss here during the that would nnn y me ' If I waked each time I }-c;\s :i voice I should have no sleep an.l grow thin and die. No, it war, the devil who has helped him, for he is the son, the father of the devil, even more, the father of the devil's father." Vilak looked at the tiny metal which covered tho drifted ! :r below the window. "Have you found the file?" The oilier shrugged his huge shoul- I ders. "I have not looked, senhor. Of ; what use, even should I (hid it? A file I is ... but a file. Is it not so?" With an appearance of being quite can I feel in my opinion. ' orious conceit!" she flash- ed. "Seriously," he went on, "don't get over confident. It's one of your few- faults. Keep close watch over Tinky "its f '" n( l over yourself. Have that pistol 'always with you. There are i casual, Vilak began kicking the After CVtry meal Kyi ".' ""> ** on getting It. I wot; N<>v gjver and receiver are orgot From home to home it went, as the owner moved, And gathered the choice things the family loved; By chance it was to this dim region shoved. This picture served its day recalled a face, A world, jogged memory a while; 1 place It back, but whose it was I have no trace. Alexander Louis Fraser. TVIInnrd's Will Kill Corns. working here which are going to reach a climax of terrific violence. That climax is coming quickly. Too quick- ly. 1 only wish that boat left tonight.' 1 . He bade her good night, played I hll " m " hei " g aml tlmt is eIovaUon of f *.] ii' : t u .. .. i . i . : . . . . . . . . . t . ,. ... i .:,... cards a few moments with '.he old man, then both retired. The torren- ELEVATION OF SOUL I know of but one elevation of a tial rain continued throughout the LAWN MOWERS CANADA'S Bear/ kln'tponibJe(o build a bclicr IAWII mower ihan Sinn rft Mower* I uw<- prove*) their superiority wherever gr*M in grown F.i\v ) llimutt) In !> guamnterd. MM VUUB HABOWARC MAN JAMU SMART PUNT ISSUE No. 14 I leaves to see what ho could dJM'over. finding nolhlng here, In the course of conversation he gained the other's per- mission to visit the inside. In a dark corner of the cell, something metallic glinted. He walked over to it. It was a file, tossed there with slight attempt at concealment after the escape had been made ready. Vilnk picked it up. It was shining with the bits of metal it had cut from the bars. He glance-l at the name of ths maker cut into the trianuglar shaft, then at a small mark hammered into the metal i a quarter of an inch from the name. j "Humph," he run mured to himself. ; "This comes frr>m Elise's fn/cn.ia.' 1 ., The file had been manufacture .1 by tlie I American factory from which she j bought all tools of this description nnd at the side of the maker's name bore hammered into the metal the ! swastika which was cut or painted 'upon all material immediately OM its arrival at th'! fcuenda. Slipping it uiiol trusively into his pocket, he walk- ed cutside again, wished the gendarme the least of punishments, and hurried back to his shop. He spent only a moment here, nnd, taking his personal possessions, locked the door ar.d walked off in tho direc- tion of Avilos. He rode only a few miles through the tangled wood*, how ever, and turned from the main roa< take a short cut which led him back unobserved to his house behind the I mango trees. Here, for what he expected woult >c the last time, ho took off the gra> .suit he wore as the barber, and put it. inside a trunk. Then in the fash ionably cut dress of the inimnculat' Attorney Davis, he rode up to the fnzenda. There he met Elise and the old man, who at her urgent request had given up his room at the hotel and established himself in the com- fortable chamber he had occupied on his first night in her house. In the afternoon it began to rain, but notwithstanding, Hie iwo night. The three were at bre ikfast when the kinky-haired little negress who was swing them came out from the kitchen and approached Elise timidly. "What is it, aria?" Elise asked. "There is sometheeng who wecsh to see you. A man. He have just come n n horse. From Meestcr Wilson at Villapa. He say he must see you queeck." (To be continued.) LITERATURE AND LIFE One of the greatest mistakes the moralists many of whom are literary critics make is to imagine that liter- ature is primarily a representation of life. Of course, It Is nothing of the sort. Life consists for the most part ot innumerable ordinary moments of which the lives of ordinary peoplo are made up. Literature scrupulously pushes aside the ordinary person, or takes him Into account only In some moment in which ha becomes extra- ordinarily Interesting or beautiful. Uie Mlnard's in the Stable. soul. Without this it matters nothing where a man stands or what he pos- sesses; and with it he towers, he Is one of God's nobility, no matter what place he holds in tho social scale. Channing. Great men should not aave great faults. La Kochefoucauld. Real dyes give richest colors! FOR every home use, Diamond Uyes arc the finest you can buy. They contain the highest quality anilines that can be produced. It's the anilines in Diamond Dyes that give such soft, bright, new colors to dresses, drapes, lingerie. Diamond Dyes are easy to use. They go on smoothly and evenly; do not spot or streak; never give things that re-dyed look. Just true, even, new colors that keep their depth and brilliance in spite of wear and washing. 15c packages. All drug stores. Diamond Dyes Highest Quality for SO Mara Sell yours In the highest Market Deal with in old reliable busi- ness house with a reputation of more than sixty-five years for square dealing. Best prices paid. Prompt paymenti. Case* returned quickly. Cases sup- plied, 60o each, complete, deliv- ered, payment In advance. Reference: Your Own Banker. Write for Weekly Quotations THE WHYTE PACKING CO , LIMITED ESTABLISHED OVER 65 YEARS 78-80 Front Street East Toronto 2 w will pay yon tU following' price*, or hlffh*r if market war- rant*, for Freih Extra d*livrA onr warcboni* up to and includ- ing April B, 1930: Freib. Extrai 97o Aoi. Vrmli F U t 310 III". rrh Second! and Crack* 830 dos "The European rega/Js music as a pleasure, a joy; the American looks upon It as a course ID education.'' George Jenn Nathan. Germans have developed a farm tractor powered with r Diesel motor in which almost any kind of hsavyj oil can be used for fuel. WHEN IT'S PAILS ... .... Stock Pails, Water Pails or Dairy Pails .... be sure that the ones you buy have the SMP label of quality. The shield> shape, red and green label is a guarantee of finest quality. Made for Heavy Duty "Slow Dipt" Gal- vanized Paili are strong, tturdy and will give long icrvicc. Every seam and crevice ia clean, smooth and nist-proof. WATCH FOR THIS LABEL ON GALVANIZED WARE Popular prices from 55c. to 2.85 A Product ei Q GENERAL STEEL WARES LIMITKD Branches Across Canada Nowadays, people take Aspirin for many little aches and pains, and u often as they encounter any pain. Why not? It is a proven anti- dote for pain. It works! And Aspirin tablets are abso- lutely harmless. You have the medical profession's word for that; they do not depress the heart So, don't let a cold ''run its course." Don't wait for a head- ache to !Vear off." Or regard neuralgia, neuritis, or even rheum- atism as something you must en- dure. Only a physician can cope with the cause of such pain, but you can always turn to an Aspirin tablet for relic/. Aspirin is always available, and it never fails to help. Familiarize yourself with its many uses, and avoid a lot of needless suffering. SPIRIN TRAM MARK MM.

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