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Flesherton Advance, 26 Mar 1930, p. 5

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Rural Health Units The Canadian House of Commons Without Division Approves a Motion Requesting the Government to Consider Subsidizing "County Health Units", to Give Health of Rural Canada Better Protection A Last Tribute to a Faithless Woman The gigantic scope of such a pro- J*tt at first eludes one, as docs the great BifiUificance of the fact tha; by approving the motion without the organization of such a unit, in ' 1925. During: 102S there were 813 deaths in the district from general causes. In in-.'S this fiKiirt dropped 156 to H7. the house put the question of Similarly, infant deaths were reduced national Iiealtii where it belongs out from 213 to >0; deaths from tuber- of lii- field of party politics. This is extremely fortunate, for it iiubk'.-. every Canadian citizen to dis- cus.;, and to give his approval without rancour or considerations of party af- dilutions to what is probably the Si 1 ' .:i'--st piece of health-legislation this too. must have b : .ra comparative ever contemplated in the history of '- v important. Thre, "roni 5fi to 51. and deaths from contagion", diseases, from Sti to 27. fia'istic.-i. indicating lUe reduction of disease generally :ir" not yet avail- able, but a study m' ihe death rate logical th- ::-:-umi>tioM that (the world, For tlie Conniy Health Unit scheme lien i r is in working order through- 01.1 tlie Dominion, a-s it is bound "^ be eventually and as it already is in part-; of Quebec, Saskatchewan and Briti.--li Columbia, save mort Canadian! lives, ami more Canadian dollars than the majority of us realize are now beii wasted. Fpr there is no doubt that future Ken<ratiun3 will look b.iek nur present-day rural heatth i!uj;enient with horror, as beiui; lit short of criminally negligent. othi r Ucal - !i inn'.s, w re also established, following the one In Beauce County, and tn all three cases, .siii'lar excellent results have been obtained. A clear explanation of the workings of one of tlioje nits U afforded by j Dr. Alphnit e Lessard, Director, and Ji?'. Kmiie Nadean, Assistant Director, Quebec Provincial Bureau of Health. What is the 'County Health L'nit" we are presently oper- A PRESENT THAT COST THZ LIVES OF THOUSANDS Premier, Primate, Peers and Professor ating iu our Province of Quebec? It onsl.-ts in the establishment, in a I county or in two small neiglib.ium At tilt- boxinniug of this century the; COU ntiM, of what might be Cm:,,irj- was a healthier place to live ns u .. Bnre: , u cf 1{euUh Ju . iu than the rity. In fact, most of our! ! composed o n full-time medical offi- readers will probably be surprised to | CMi two ov more pubUc health nurse> learn that i I SO BO longer. Actual- a 9ani(ary ,' n s p ector charged with the Is (tiu-ial statis-.ks prove that the tnforcement ol Uw health, regulations raxc has much less chance ot hC and with. Hi* education of the m.mici- , life and health than has his city com-! pa[ officers tojeiiior with a aeoretarr aM - M ' P " in tne 1! " In. .:..! the reason U simply that the, to baa j,, tUe derlcnl , vork of the (. lice which 11 generally located iu the Napoleon necklace, ralued at $4<>0.(HM), st-rrm ce:ure of action b- Arch- [taken to eliminatir duchess Thereaa of Austria against former Britisli secret agent, who sold it ' and disappeared. It was secured from U e spoils of Napoleon's last campaigns P ennv that .:e i . . Yet the noble and learned Lonl beara no mal- ice. He ia the first to flin^ himself, so to speak, upon tlielr necks. "Personally, I am qulta lii' of soaring to he,iKhts of altruism of that description. If a man had fl^*- rantly nibbed me ;iad if, I was again called upon to associate with him I should feel rarher reluctant to do so. especially if iiot only having robbed ma in the past ha now indulged in continual vituperation of me ami my Liquor Control Gives Ontario $9,661,448 Profit for 1929 Commissioner Reoorts Sales Totalling $55,360,569; Day of Large Bootlegger is Declared Over as Regulations Broaden Scrutiny of Purchases Toronto. With sales totaling ?55,-| Sir Honry Drayton, (.-Kaii-man of the S60,5*j9, the Ontario Liquor Control commission, also said a new plan Commission has reported to the Legis- ! would be put 'nto effWt in an en- lature a profit for 'l2il of S9,6<>1,-148. deavor to prevent abuse of the permit Commenting on operation of the ' privilege. Under the new regulation- control system, the report said: ia person buying beyond his means or "Evils resulting from the abuse of j for bootleg-jrintr purposes will be lim- liquor have ever been present. The .--in iteti to purchase* at the store nearest his home, thus t >ermittHg a closer scrutiny on his purchases. During 1 111'.!;* there were ."cl.",ii-i; permits granted. Sales from the 1'2 ! goverr.nwnt stores totaled S37,6lJ6,77'J. with the ri-niaini'.i-v from 105 brewery warehouses and breweries. The report showed that the per capita consump- tion of alcohol hi Canada had fluctu- ated from .7u:> gallons in 1'.17 to a low of .".Uo in 11)19 r.r.d to ;i high of .72:! in l:'21. TI..- consumption in 192S was A'2'> (jailors per pers a. of drunkenness is still with us and probably will remain, with hosts of other sins." The commission declared the day of the large bootlegger was ended. "He if regarded today as the common en- emy," it said. Use of rubbing alcohol and other substitutes was held by the commis- sion as responsible for a large per- centage of drunke:-v tions and said nn ?> in some sec- ^s were beinij characteristics of narrowness aud vio- lence of purpose. "It is an active will ridius rough- , shod and cruelly over every obstacle. ' r-'al or Imaginary. Persecution Is Hateful "To my colleagues as to myself re- ligious persecution ia hateful. \Ve have inherited that, hate from our own "Is th foreign Secretary aware ! stock, aud are not likely to be Lndif- that two months ago* I worshipped! ferent to any persecution in any part peacefully with a thousand other peo- of the world, or in any time ekiier Views on Russia and Religion, and the Exist- ing Situation p! in the Cathedral of th* Redeemer in Moscow?" Mr. Malcolm MacDon-! ly JINHI'S health is looked after scion- past or present. "We have recognized' Russia diplo-] matieally because we believe that that 'I have already received a sruat Is for the general good, however intri- of (-.formation which greatly In-jcate and troublesome the immediate tifl.Mlly. by m.Kl 'ni. up-to-date public , p ,. ilu . lpal town ot - th( , comity . The creases I., tli the gravity and the Ait-' problems may be. Lo.iit'i t i'iiiiiii'iiik<innuLi'<.<.'iiiiLi. *UV I i . .-v . t while the farmer wholo pO p ulatlou of tlle COUIltv u thna I "cully of ihe sabj^-r. I desire, after. To ou law a country H not to make > -' associates. " A Nonconformist Professor Professor Bernard Manning. of Jasus Colleee. Cambridge, writ ins in the Morning Post, says: "We are asked to wait still for the Brave Fighter Goes Far in Politics Ex-Colonial Secretary Has Had Hectic Career and Risen to Heights Pofnt and foremoc; ar.ioiiR those who hav.> K'liim to ni.i- : hosts of Empire Crus:,>lers is Lorit Reaverbrook'.-* old personal and poli':- ca! friend. Leopold Charles Manric" Amery, himself an apostle of empire trade. The cables quote him :is de- that he stands by B;t!>! .v:n'- a Kreat deal of money, and ou:ilry and the small town cannot af- for.l it. "oKoiy H-alih Tnit Plan, pro- and th? small-town dweller do not | ^,i, m itte,l to constant supervision on liar,- in this advantage, be, in--.- it the pan of thj , staff nc . lhu e(ltlca . lion is intensively curried on. a con- >id'-i'ali!e amount of propaganda work} is done continually, and not a single j municipal!')- escapes the atteution of there has been sreai. r opportunity, to, it amenable to world opinion, but the consider the who!- n;a;ter and to dis-' opposite. CUM it with the fullness which is im- "The only question is, what ara the possible now. to have the matter de-l facts and what ara our opportunities, bati ! asain iu yi'i.- L.jrdships'ilouse." j a "d how can they best be used? the officers of that unit. The mJii-al officer cover* all the parishes, meets there tiiv civil and religious author!- maintains cordial relations with doctor;,, plves public lectures 'd UK preceding Sunday by Tho Archbishop of Canterbury in the of Lords. is no*, much change in the Mr. s ', A:-i-hbisliop of Canterbury, i nuy be." slates above that ho has received "in- as it does for Federal aud I'm ti:.'-: ; paym.'i't by subsidy ot two- th; ,'.N ot the cost of each Conniy Ili;::'li l : nit, the municipality K-iv-.l paying ihe third, recognizes and aetsj local UJIIM: the fa'-' that health, is a national .v . :ind that rural lives are as! His cure i: Tii!:. lii'e > Canada as urban oin .-. talks with IUUUHT. uu mo U--L .^i > v this is eminently sbitud on of pre-natal, postna-.i! and ire-oUool iu tae " K ' r dir * l ' tillu appears in Rey- t>i.i U .it. an well as humanitarian I hygiene, visits (lie school and looks ground.*. KviM-youe, regardless of po- 1 a ft or outbreaks of infectious disease*. Illiial affiliation?, agrees that Canada.] The nurses examine tb^school child- social machinery capable of r.'ti and refer those defective iu any "It would be the easiest thing in the world would add to act In such a way as to the inflictions which situation wi;h r-iwrd to the religious Christians may have to endure. That controversy and Kusslan relations. *e shall avoid whatever the agitation pulpit) has fri.'udlvi f""3>ation wliirii IncnaaM tha gravity M ou the uecssi'"y \ nt th " W^-t." and the ouly evidence ia pop-,: way to the family physician: they Rive the teachers instructions in anything else iu the, world. \Ve :irv\! hygieite which tliey. in tiirn, pass on and ar. willing to pay for Immigrants' to their pupils: they Kt) directly into of 1'ic right kind. Yet pvory year we t the horn?* of the people to make them lose rural-born, native Canadians by I iindcn-taiui tue ueiessity of following * . ' more than double her present needs pcoplo more than s. years alu-ad of their time . I the solrien rules for clean'and healthy itir< ly <li.sea^e< whick could bp en- livine. ilit-y vouiig motliers on eliminated for example diyh-j how to protect their babies or babies- then.i and typhoid, both of which to-b- 1 . et>-. Tln sanitary Inspector pr>'V'-utubla and could be wiped ou' ( visits the nriuicipul fiifonementu of wil'-.iii n generation and through ' the luaHli lavs, looks -c\v. rii;e. after water A Bishop's Suggestion Dr. Headlam, Bishop of Gloucester, a recent address, said that he "did not believe . was rUut, wise, or nolds's illustrated News, but as the , neces sary to attempt to interfere with the diplomatic relations of the two countries. He believed the presence of tha British Ambassador and proper- facts. The Soviet makes no .-ecret of | " Safe; >' F:r Its policy towards those thiu?s that I than by the adventure proposed by the we most prize; it is ouly our Knclishi Baron of FWr St. Am- - thus once sentimentalists who shut their ears wore Iu the empire spotlight, i- to what the riussian Communists say I "t the must extraordinary fK- . about their achievements and their j the stai:.- of Briti-u po: policy in matters of religion. He began with a report ~r'< not, "Dissenters like myself care not; book. He had no raarria-"i br two straws how the Russians arrant '' ''''I influence to help him. no their property; but we care very i clique ties wi:h men of ruling hou-"- greatly for those o ft he household of faith, and despite any worry that ft may cause t Miss Wilkinson and Mr. Henderson we shall go on caring. The Nonconformist conscience may eilsl as a butt for third-rate humorists: i: has never existed as a soothing miv ture for time-serving politicians." source of Information is vaguely luded to as of "hinli authority" peo- pi will form their owu conclusions. This "high authority" say s : "I have heard ! said by one who certainly ougb' to know, that not 1 per cent, of the churches In Russia j course was thar the beads of the vari-! ly appointed Consuls would have a beneficial effect. "Ha could not doubt that the right! have beeu ous religious bodies, the Archbishop "And ev-ii if it were 10 per cent., j of Canterbury, the President of the that figure would not ba higher than tha number ot which, for \ iiriom causes, hav.i of lata been closed fn Hrltaiu. "Soma of tha churcuan havo been i pathetic manner. Free Church Council, Cardinal Bourne and tha Chief Rabbi should be asked to approach the Russian Ambassador I here and discuss the matter In a sym- removed on th demand * of young Communist groups, who hava proved 'Ha believed that if they were to do so they might be able to bring Ucart disease, complaints I supplies. peculiar to infants aud their mothers.; tha- iinai.iiuiiitf Is observed in case of to tlia community in which they livo ] heme to the Ambassador, aud through that Ihe churches iyrve no useful Marlel fever, taucer, despite the fact cuntaclona diseases, oto. The secre- that proper measure^ of public health tavy attends to 'he offlce work, haad- n s;ive iind in somo centres arn au-j Ics correspond'.'!'! 1 .', answers queries. anal!;, saving many lives from all 01' thi'.n 11 'ivc has altackeil tliis nrolilcin. Slie IMS IT R'lral ll?;ilth I'nits iu keeps important ct>ll>.'<-ts from all the ministers of worship t;,t> 1'irtli. marriage and death certificates, makes corrections ^vt IIIIL-^ t -i 1 1 1 tt Hi kva vauvokWi M*IX -~ - "i i c\. vtv/n j Opcr.'l.ion. and expects soon t.) luivc ' n n!htn if neceMsary. mkcs a copy of flislit more. Consider vhat happened! each, and semis them to our nhi.sion in It'-auce County, Quebec, foilowinp of Vital Stati>llcs in Quebec. Problem in India Of "Untouchables" may .suggest the quostion why :i lw- caste man doomed to u degrading ! :r.n! should not likewise go off to i purpose. , "N'o-'do'ibi a;ii)le number of priests have b--iu d-alt with, not, however, because of the practice of him to those who sent him. the resent- ment that was widely felt, a resent- ment which might have far-reaching consequences in the future. He be- lieved that an appeal based on univer- :io ailvaui.ii:"> i i w-alih or bi. 1 Bu had que::i-hlo-.< n i ' l . i ;y. lluiitl. < am- bition and a preti-y thick sk!." from pickui; !r L > c-iil l>iis around Whi'eha!!. :..!H"d into . : ''aders .11:.: the Tiiue>. As he was !li..- kind that :..!:. .noat of every nportimity. he phumeil ri-hr into tii" njiitrovr^y, t;ini- iug out articles and pauiphle' were pr > a hard-pres<-d Toi-y- ism, aud comiu^; to \>a retarded ;i ' >'.. eucyclopacd'' 1 ni/i a a::;. lr : :is v i;ig to tnri:.'- ''"^Ji. His "Fuuda a s L >r! ot t.-\- WJMH . ivas in !-""' Wifey "Leui , .ui\ ocates. as w-;i .1- in;--. i.'.l i;: 'iiing-i military, and ; I'nok culled ;!ie Army.'' It was a g.n-.l boolf, - ' i-:;:i lii-' job nf editing the Time*' '-Mi-tor/ ut t!;,- Roer War," ta.-k uhii-h hi: i'crt'i'i!ii,'i| w I of that straiigt! cbara . rebel. Kr^kini' Chiiil-r". Whiie ins this history l:t was in .-i-vca vi>% 11:11-- 1 :i'id t'ln'.i!!^ niii lead-rs, 1]*> found tu --'inly law. and .va< c.ili''<i to liic bar at Inner T-mp'c. reliKiou, but on account of their conn- , sal principles common to humanity, of ter-revolutionary sympathies. justice, liberty, toleration and fairness "I do not think it is true tiiat there i must In the end have weight." have been actual atrocities in any | Lord real seuso of the t-irtn. aud the priests I Lords, expelled havs l)e"ii dealt with general political ?rouu,U. This l>lies to the Orthodox Church. Parmoor, in the House of took a similar Hue when he on ! told the Peers: "I take the view of ap- the present Government that if you you though what. \,c; m do?" H'-hby "Oh, I reck"u it will be as! r. r usual cut down on family e.\ ills cho : was in order to buy you an Easier otitnt. | Beaten iu tinee VALUE OF CHARACTER V\\'d.;ewood, tli m^li : !s.-u t'n>ai workman, was never satisfied t:i' .successive b; finally n:ic!i..,l t.'.n Hen-i. , '. Comiii<Mi< fri'in tlle Chambcriain stronghold of ]' a, which re- lilni in i:ll. Thereat 1 ' liad done his best. Ha \voiial to',;i- ,' prci:;-c.-:-. n .1 . steady. Ho v.'as a inili want improvement ia Russia tha way! a!e no inferior work If it did not. <ai:t Tory when ni-itaiicy was ti 1 . some place where he is unknown and i;ive himself out a ,'f a high caste. ''."' Simon Commission rei*ort will i The answer is that uuknowii strangers ba issued in the spring, and tha con- arn always objects of suspicion i.i trliii-tion by Sir Charles MarrU. j India: aud that before he was accept- K.C.H.I.; in tho India number of "The | ed ba would bo put through tests mi- jnmeaV on the Caste System, is oflder which li would break down for sp '. i:l lntor?st. Among other per- ! sheer la:k of knowledge uf the so- ciety which he sought to enter. "There Is little diffleulty about the precedenco of tha major ca-ttes. Al-i by the hundred aud Identifiable minor ways tha Krahman comes ttrst, and I bast'-s by the thousand. Caste remains | then the modern vepreaautatives ofj Us .-'M'Tigly s uver n matter of birth.; the three 'twica bom' communities. "Rut I believe that the Soviet has to obtain it is by a friendly resump- ( '" me U P to hls ! ''' " f wi!aL it dealt more severely with tha Baptists, and for the reason that they ara an international organization. Foreign tiou of ordinary normal diplomatic re-j ll0 he wou!d bl ' o:ti ""* lations, and that is the only way ia which, in the loug run, I think Hu- influence is tauj inti-oduced, and to ! sia will come int.) co-operation with this the Soviat objects." - and '.) Tory prcferm- .-::' : and whiiu he :-,. ,:n F. K. Stniih. h'.< was at !ea-i on. of ''!'.->> w-h.i rail!- 1 !! with tlnetit point* raised. Sir Charle* Th Prgmier'i View Mr. Rumsar MucDonald, tha Pr- mir, writing to a correspondent. fcr Jjsiab, \Ve,!g\v >..!." Character I Ulster aud Carsou In tUo Greot Wai- makes reputation, .!!:.! \V."ls-.vo)d pot- too, lie :is consi'ic'io.ts. n,. was en i tha general life and general outlook of l ' jry> with w *wood'a character be- the staff of t.!ie Feurth Armv Hind it. won world-wide celbrit: . ,, u ,,,,.,-ial s.-rvi,-.. | n the lli'\.nis lli:! | sen'--,! at CJ.II Q. at Salonlki. I!y 1:117 '''''"; h'j had landed into tile pest nf issi-,t other European countries." A Fact Not Generally Known ''To-day castes aro to be reckoned A ni.iri is born to honor as a llrahuiau or to dishonor a? a sweeper: the worst bf IV'.ihrakiis cannot lose Ills sanctity anil t.h noblest of sweepers cannot hrc.ilc his birth's invidious bar. ex- cept liy going right outside (lie pnle of lii< voligion. "Tn a great extent occupation i* t.ili deterniined by a. mail'* cite. tluni-iu variou.i causes, such as ndu- i 1 . 1 , t inn and travel and the development pi' i-i.!ustry ii'iil tho ilexiro for Gov- * service, have- blurred the 11110.1. "K tcli ca?to etiforce-* its own rules \>)~ vieiins of committees called pan- . ; . A caste man who breaks the IL|- s l>y I'ligii^ing lit a degradiuK oc- ii:. ' in, or oatlns: im;iroper food, or li' ->it!K lic.NDiii! tile ;\i' . is arraign- ed Ir-fove l!i,- c:'^te (rilmtial. He vi <y i;, i.if by i!:iy : :i n llnij or stamliiig a ii:!i'ii-r. Hut for major o!Toncc-s he .Will I-.- outcaste, nud then nono of his civ.-ii castc-felli'ws will have anything tu o with him; nor can lie get ac- ces -. re the tctniiles, nor service from auy o ftlio other workers, the barber, the c iVoler. tb' wasbernuui. on ^hom lie ii I'cnds t'n: mH'essai'y offices. "T > placos w!i'<re there is a demand for wives. eii!s of humble caste iro Kouictiines biM'ight liy dis'ioncst brok- er*. \.:in ilisiio '.. uf thont at a in-ofit by t picsciitiim them as of higher than they is re. This practice Relow them tlier would b uo gener- al aurwmsiu as to tho sequence. Sonia Sudras ara 'clean': others, though not clean, ar* yet not thought of as op!- lutad. "Below t'lM'e. again. r descend- ing series of 'Untouchables.' In the South, where Brahman ism is strong- est, the degree of pollution with which tha various hinds of pariah ara in- vested H measured by tha distance within which they may not approach a HrnVinian. Tha depressed classes are reckoned to number from 50 to tit) millions. They used to ba thought of .ia de- beyond the pale of Hinduism Their position is more ambiguous nowaday-, v.lien growing tension be- twciii Hindus and Moslems makes it Important to each community to in- crease ii.s r,iimeue:'l >;n until. 1 i-' ' if the outcast, ; arc to be rec- j koncd :is Hindus it is only just and proper that. Hinduism should treat ' iHein boiler. I.ogU: and expodienc\ ' alike tend to veinf.'iv ilie t-tTovts al- j ready bi-ln'i made by the more i;encr- | otis-mimlod of tUo casta leaders to show more consideration tq those be- yond the pale. The movement has long figured on political programmes; it is now actually gaining strength: but it stil b.'is great difficulties to over An Interesting personal tribute was paid to Lord Parmoor by Lord New- "The Government is much concern-! ton, who said in the Lords' debate: ed with what is going on. We cannot ! say that wa havs got the facts. "Naws supplied from Higa should lot be believed until corroborated; a my cannot refrain from expressing admiration for the noble and Ihera was no evasiv rt .secrecy, art was his holy bride, and He e^ ed her with opeu glory. learned Lonl, Lord Parmoor. and I do i not think that, justice has ever been found is i<v n> <imivtnr uu, 13 uy i good part of tlu statement* which j done to him with regard to this par- have done duty hT ban proved to'ticular matter. Tha noble and learn- be false. j ed Lord, in the course of a long and "The history of religion In Russia, honorable career at the Bar, amassed, however, is uutortunataly full of the J j bolieve( a considerable fortuue. i record* of persecution. j largely by defending tha interests of "Persecution has nevur, in one way ; capital In the Committee rooms up- 1 j or another, beau absent from Russian i 8 t a i rSi and he invested a large portion j I religious life, and the revolutionary j O f bis haul-earned gains i:i Russia. "Tha moment the Bolshevik* came into power I believe they seized every ant .secretary of the war cabinet. BFPn5upo At ' er !hat ]li * task was clear< Tll> '" .f-UKMtHS followed promotion to th colonial of The only way to judge reformers, | flee, and when th-> Carltou club r-vot. sent Lloyd (;.':'- i ;;.> tiie wilderu''s and brought Toryism to otlice. Amery w.ts IMI t.ho r'ght i,lo of the fence - am! waikeil into tiie ;d:uir:ilty. I!-- wnt down with tin- Baldwin ministry when Labor tnn\ etlic" iu I'.V-.J, and re- turned with it in l'J2l to become seere- they're ready to do after they have addressed the meeting. Frederick V'alnier. An expert says that a really good dia- mond will niaka a hole in almost any- thing. Especially a banking account. Ia " rv ,,'.,',," dominions. mentality which generations of op- pression have created has all the Thrift Is alieyed to hava become a vice in America. !HIL little credeuce is attached to the rumor, that ninny >,.,,; ostensible snrak-ea-ii.--; are itr reality! savings-bank-:. coma 'in the shape of orthodox con- '""""I. largest and fastest ambulance plane, developed by U.S. Army Air Corps, to be tested at \: ! iaxercises at Sacramento. Calif. has been around tho world, all over the Uriiisli empire, turned once mere out of ciH.-i'. an.i .->ii of Mr. Bn'.lnin's light skirmish"rs. is auy thing hut pb.asant In ap- pearance. Middlo-as; -tl. he is short uud Ihlck-si't, looking nu'i-- like u ! pugilNt til. in :T poii'.iciiiii. :r>d with :i j limp iliat i-; a '"^acy ,>f a broken leg j in our Ko, kica li. is ; i fanatic :(!vut I physical '. ; always in p- i coiidii!,.'!'. i punched 1 ! o( Mr. I'uciiaiian. tho Soc- | radical from 'lie Clyde. No one would ; sakij him tor :i uccej-sful I'l.itt ' 'riu lie is for'r.idab'a in de- e in avsiii;!!''!!' . cepi- 119 " 'i.-ijbiil.iry. and wil:i sonielhiim "f iron in his s'.tt attr : -Jicil Is, , v.ii'.i'i, ,1 ) when he speaks. His voice !M poor wi-'; Cadences, bul lr- brain is :is il^a;- as a bell, and his ^peech extraordinarily flti-iit. And lie t'urtities all :h:.; wiib a disconcert ins incmory and an a: ing talent for figures. Amery knows Canada better than m-ist Ca:...(lians, and he married an Ontario girl -u >isicr of Sir Hamas Greenwood.

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