WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1930 THE FLESHE1UON ADVANCE Kennedy's Grocery Health Service f Bacon Lilier Competiti'n CREDIT SALE; - of the - CANADIAN MED. ASSOC. sale of Farm cut, Tiger Rake, 10-hoe Seed 14-disc Harrow, Cockshut single lur- ow Riding Plow, Walking Plow, 12-* bull iron harrows, Harrow Cart >* Specials This Week I 1'KAS 2 tins 25c. O >KX 2 tins 25c. TOMATOKS 2 tins 25c. i'< )KK it IIICAXS 2 fins 25c. SOU'S .. , 2 tins 25c. MKXTAL HOSPITALS The Bacon Litter Competition A credit auction conducted by the co-operative ef- fltock and Implements will be held on , , forts of the Dominion and Ontario Lot 5 , 3> Con . lp N . D . R ., Glene!g , half f^'^^v*, set mile west of Priceville, at 1 p.m Live Stock Branches is to be again carried on this year. Last year Mr. D. J. Mac-Donald, of R. R. 3, E!i:iwoo<l. won 3rd. prize in district No. 3 reeeivjng a prize of $-<?3.00. 0> a totn! of $1000 of prize money 4 Try .air IJU.K 'IT.A. oer lb 49c. 1 1 X '>:::: vvvv-X'-x-vvv-X'vwv^ Men's Top Coats MEN- if you are in need of a Suit or Top Coat, come aad look over our Ready- Mades, also our new samples of Made-tc- Measure Suits and Top Coats. We have just what YOU want, from that old reliable HOUSE OF HDB BERLIN, W. G. KENNEDY i There exists n general misunder- standing regarding tho activities of mental hospitals. The \jdea per- si ' that such institutions are maintained to provide for the shut- ,j; tnbutcd i" Ontario h 1929, $23.'- tintf up therein of those who are euf- , !(l .- . only a sma ]j am r, U nt f .1- a Rnng frrm mental disease. The Liv; , stock County lik-j Grey, mental hospital is thought of as a therefore, let's have mor- entries place whoro restraint is commonly am j Ploro v.'inii":"! in 1 930. THURSDAY, APRIL 3RD The property of John Stothart When the following will be sold: Harness, Double Driving Harness,"* set Single Harness, 3 Horse Coflars,. freedom is ul- and wher most rnknown. That such WPS the case in past merely means that, in those days, mental diseases were not understood. They were viewed as the result of heredity, were consid- Thii competition has as it* <'.:- \ jr t!vn ;'.\e establishment f>{ a th dr."d of excellence* for grade brood sew ke'it hv farmers. It is recog ni:;od that those brood sows 8' ^ prolific and rear large c.'. Delect bacon hogs that aro Scotch Collar Tops, Buggy Fob Skidding Tongs, Neckyoke, 2 sets of" Whippletrees, Washing Machine, smalj Bay Mare 5 years old, Aged Horse, DpLa Vail* Cream Separator. Chains red U;w 5 yrs. old with calf at .foot, Porks, Shovels and many other a* grey Cow G years old with call at itclo-: too numerous to mr-ti^n. Ev- ioot, 10 well bred' Holstein Heifers prything must be sold as the owner is lining 3 yrs. old, in calf, 2 Durham giving up farming. ' r.oifes rising 3 yrs. did, in calf; 3 TERMS: All sums of S10 ad Heii'urs rising 2 yrs., 2 Steers rising under, c?sh; over that amount ten Z yrs., C breeding ewes, 2 Ose and months' credit will be given on ap- 1 Gander, 20 Plymouth Rock Hens nroved joint notes bearing interest a} which and 1 Rooster, Frost & Wood Mower six per cent. T litters C-ft. cut, Peter Hamilton Plow 5-foot John O'Neil auctioneer. yv I'h.illO \Vc deliver in town. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on ColHngwood street, Flcsherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada ?2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In U. S. A. |2.50 per year when paid in advance $2.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association) W. II. THURSTOX, - - Editor F. J. THURSTOX - Assoc. Editor plenty of "rone," <:uite different to tho actions of the Toro-'.o police \\ith respect to tho Red gatherings here. Th" Ontario government nas brought in l<rislation that will re- quire a deposit of $200 by t-ach can- didate 'n nr-'virrial r-lc?tion. It a (andidate secure-! on n quarter of tho ' >tal vot-* tho drnosit will be retur- red. This will have the "ff"Ct, no ' 'ubt. to kp"> o''t niar:' irrespon- sible cam!id"t<>s <. v f siv'l groups. THE ANNOUNCER WAS RIGHT Th" good people of C-u~l:>h are puitc hot under the collar becaus<- on Sunday night a radio announcer in .New York claimed Edw;rd Johnson to be "the treat / mt-.'ican tenor." Johnsori xvs t>om i" Guclph and hjs prent-s reside there. Hut whut's '*- ir^ Oi etting excited? That announcer was rui^e correct. The t'riit'd Stat-'s ha~ "-> monopoly t>f the "aim- An)""ica. We in Cana-| t\f a"- f'jmicil'-l in Anr-rica as iTiuch as ait,- the people of Uncle team's dominions. A" - mattT ol fact th<> title "Amo -ica" should have been dropped long npo and the I'nited St-i'cs an<* Canada substi- tuti'd. The Unit"d States and Cana- da ar-> appmximately territorial equals on th? North American con- tinent, and should share- alike the sub-title "America." EDITORIAL NOTKS. Buy made-in-Caruua ;;oods! Spring rrrived <>n Fiidav, March One woi'ld ^evr realize R by the weather. The contented man I: severely handicapped in the race of lift; he who wants nothing will set nothing. i * * Ambition i occasionally the luxury of th" fortunate, but it is more often the consolation of tho unhapny. Jack Dempsey, former heavyweight t-hampion boxer, is contemplating a W-. 1 would rather re- Jack as he was in past years than t,hat of u defeated candidate for the heavyweight crown, defeated by a boxer who would have bom "easy" when Jack was at the height of his career. Mah-Uma Candhi th" reform"!- of India, !!?< hotn conducting a cam- pnijfn of ''Civil disobedience" against the Briti ;h government.. Hi; on - t^adc i:i failing as support f his iMfins is not forthcoming. The liritish (rovcinm"H h o s allow-d him KIMBERLEY Mr. a n d Mr-. G. Htitohin-on are spending a f'"w d->v -- "uosts of Mr. and Mr;. II. Hutchinson, Flesher- ton. Mr. d Mr-. V. Ellr and Mr. Stu- art Kllis c;f Colliiujwood, visited Sun- day evening with iMr. "nd Mrs. W. T. Ellis. Mi.--.s Kathle'-n Hutchi~s"n, who has been on a visit with her sister in Saskatchewan, h-a returned to her home here. Mi"* C. \V-bT. Mr. Fllis Weber and MJS.I K. Saul, spent nn even- ing with th-i:- rarerts hero thi' week. .Mr. G. Proctor -nd Mr. D. L. Weber >i Ha:i.->vur spent the wonk end ai .hci- respective homts here. Thn members of the "R!".. Bird" lass had another of their very en- oynble evenngs on Wednesday at -he parsonage. Games and lunch, i The Poultry Association mot Sat- u: day night for business and election , t,f o.'i'icers. Their renort shows a | good halanc'- i'i th n bank to their credit. The officers for the current year ;<re: Prcs.. Mr. Elmer Ellis; We P r es., M*. Wm. Urines; Sec.- Treas., Saul Fawcott; Directors, P. I.ondry, John Sneers, Frank Thurston, S. P. B-'rritt, ?. M.-Ausland. Wm. Grieve, John Plewcs. and R. Stafford. Ticket* will h- i" h h"nd of the members, wh-- wi'l ca\"M for new members, and greater efforts will be put forth to mke next year's show a gpnter success thin ever. The date of th n?xt show we, s^t for Dec. 17 rnd '". Also it was t''cidp<' *o ask tnr J>ifl< Rubrics of Hamilton to be Mpssra. P-sil -nd fKrk ATi-Connell havo gone to th W"^t fo- th-> -ummer Mr. Franl- Ph-rd s'-mnt th A irst of lapt week visitiny friords in Floshpr- ton. THK VALUK OV STRAW The tlk among farmcr-i that there in no straw this year and that as u rrsul' fe?d is scarce, calls for r. : tatemi-iit that it has to be prov- en that straw has any value as a feed. 1'. is good for bedding and thi i" ?.ll; tlv? s-on^r farmers re- tlize that th-y r>'u-.t deuer.d upon nlfalfn jmd corn, 'he better. Straw hn no food value whatever. Bod erc<l as inevitable and incurable, ana' f e( ,; 2r ,., m akinr good gains at a in addition, were looked upon in the ] r . co-t rr- valu"ble n^d improvers ight of a disgrace, as they suppos- ol n m m-rci'l ho^s. This competi- dly indicated some defect, of an undesirable nature, in the family. We know now that mental dis- ease is chiefly the result <> f faulty cnvironnint. The child's sur- The 1 01 .;din?:s, his early training, ihe dcvelipiv.cnt oi hi-, emotion?! life, are the determining factors as to whether or not ho secures health nn<" avoids mental Mental hygiene is now considered a of ''imm'rci'l ho'-s. tion aims to give such sews promin- ence a" breeders in their respective communities i" the hone that their fcdule urogency will b- solectod as foundation brood sows for the dis- trict. The province is divided up into zonp f^r the nurposes of this corn- mental petition. Pib."s in ^a"h zono disease.'..,, follows: 1st, 25; 2nd. S24: X are 5 3rd, Y $23; 4th, |22;, $21; 6th. $20: 7th i part of preventive medicine and is |?2 0; 8th, $15; 9th, $15; 10th, $15. ; based upon the understanding that ( An appropriate rocord of the $ mental health can be attained just, quan titier,,' kind", pnd prices cf feeds 2 as can physical health by proper, ur;ed wi n be requ i re( i f rom ea ch'" early dcvelopmenl falmpl . n^h'n;; Pr pn trv and this rare during the years. If mental disease does and th" patient comes care of mental hospital, treatment. There 'are d at th? time the develop, jitter is isndy for marketing.! under the There arc ro restrictions on the he receives' use of any feeds or any feeding' curative' methods. methods for mental disease just as' Any farmer wishing to enter the f the-e nv c for physical disease. ' Bacon litter Competition shall rr.nko'X Modern medicine doos not neglect' or try on forms supplied by hp On-'* th mont.-l health at the exnensp of ( tario Department. When tho form'X the physical. Modern medicine i : filled out he shall forward! X treats mental disease, and the men- | same to the office of the local Asrri- " tal hn = pitp.l is an institution where cultural Representative, within curc'.'vn methods are applied, with, seven { | ays O f the date of f-rrowing the result th-t a return to normal O f the litter. Date of farrowing mental health is secured r ^ large, must be between March 1st p.nd| numb"-- of cases. M ay j5 tn- .Write Department! ot| As in other fiolds of medicine, it Agri.-ulturc, Markdale, for appli-! H preferable to prevent mental cation forms or further inform-Hon. disease than to await its appearance and then attempt t-> cure it. The i'.utur< of ni"nt?l hygiene is full of promise, and its development will go far towards making life happier. There is no reason i'o;- misconcep- tions concerning mental disease the work of mental ho.<nitls. A] d on bc-Uer public understanding will | Sf>n | help to secure cver> better facilities for those suffering from mental Presentation and Dance I* Presentation and dance in the Makdale armories Thursday, March *? and i 27th. During tho evening the Lor.-'<5 disease. AUCTION SALES Free Pr^ss Trophy will be pre- s^ntpd to our championship team by the Secretary of the N.H.L. executive. Photopraphs of the club are also bcin^ presented. Owjng to the fren- erous co-operation of the town ladies lunch will be served. SPECIAL TO-! RONTO ORCHESTRA in attendance for square and round dancing. Ad-i Everybody come. Ail , V* ,v r Sale of livery stock and equipment at Flesherton on Saturday of thisi mission 75c. week, Mnrch ?'i. A. McKechrrie arc welcome, prop.. Wm. Kaittinjr, auctioneer. ! MARKDALE EXECUTIVE Sale of Western horses t Durham on Saturday, Mirch 29, th^ property of I). B. Grant. Mr. G-an* sold different loads at Dundalk his horses have proved quiet has and and gentle. Terms 6 mon tli s credit beaiing interest a* 7 per cent. Notes must be negotiable. Geo. ?:. Dun- can, auctioneer. Sale nt 1 o'clock. ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY An old lar.lma -k in Tara. the Tara Woollen Mills, is being demolished, the work havine commenced this week. The 'buildinsr prrcted " 1887 bv the lat" T. R. Fistor, wa<! for t\ numbov nf VTS th" horn" "f a thriv- ing industry, employing twelve men the voar round. Ir 1919 it was clos- ed down and h"~ never boon re-open ed. Tnra Leader. We will give you a price on this roof put on, delivered on the jop or F.O.B. warehouse. Flesherton Planing & Chopping Mills COMPLETE BUILDERS' SUPPLIES FLOORING, OUTSIDE TRIM, INSIDE TRIM Gyproc, Brick, Shingles, Lath, Etc H. A. McCauley, Prop. .'\ f V CK~XK~XK~X~XKK~X~X~X~X^*<"fr*"fr<"M<-X"X^^ ^ A ^ A ti well earned . . < ' 'S SIX rpODAY'S Chevrolet Six *- offers two features no other car in the lowest price Held can duplicate: 50-horaepowcr six-cylinder performance 1 1 and bodies by Fisher. It is on these baoir points of comparison that the new Chevrolet Six baa earned its universal title, "Everybody's Six". At the wheel of your Chcviolet, you can command fast acceleration and breath-taking speed < 1 with the smooth- ness nothing less than a Six can give. Specific engine improvements assure unsurpassed economy. The fully-enclosed, weatherproof four-wheel brakes, and Dclco-Lovejoy shock absorbers, front and rear, are typical of the Many advancements contributing to finer offers six-cylinder performance with low first cost and exceptional economy I i performance and greater dependability. In the beauty of itg staunch Fisher bodies, the new Chevrolet Six ranks far ahead of its field. Interiors are exceptionally roomy and luxuriously complete in their appointments. Visit your dealer today. Find out how easy Chevrolet is to own at the new, extremely low prices. Ask about the G.M.A.C. General Alotors* own Deferred Payment Plan. * i i McTavish & Son, - Flesherton IT'S BETTER BECAUSE I T C-830a CANADIAN