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Flesherton Advance, 19 Mar 1930, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY. SSARCH 19, 1930 rHEFLESHERTON ADVANCE Continuing Our Sale of Hardware FLESHERTON HIGH SCHOOL FORM 1 FRENCH lion. Doris Banmm 88. Kathleen Pedlar 7U. Pass D-rothy \Volstencrott 70. Hazel \ii-Killop C5. Fred Fwc-tt C3, Joe Gib.;on 50. Burton Sli-d 5G, Lucy 54. Martha Ostrander 54. Fail Vera Mt-Mast'T 48, Isabel ' Mi-Millar. 48, Phyllis G'-aham 41, Y! Lavii-no I'iptr 41, Stanley Hunt 40. * 2.1 i-Varl. Kafles I30. John MeMHlaa 33 .OWING TO SHIPMENTS NOT ARRIVING IN | Cecil Chard 88. Jai oti>d.r as, TIME LAST WEEK WE ARE CONTINUING OUR ;(; SALE THIS WEEK i\ GET IN ON THE BARGAINS WHILE THEY LAST J t ("in1varii/t d lioiicr. X<>. l ) si/c Double Holler 1'rcad Caddies. .1 loaf si/r ('.r. iccrv vts in color, $1.59 . 98c 98c. 75c. Alma Mac-Lei"- :'>2, Ed. Pntton 22, Everct: Talbot 31. FORM II CANADIAN HISTORY .Pass > a<!i .- Car--.- n 7!. Blnnchf Gcnae 73, Herber. Akin-. 7'), Bessie Beard 09, Her!, Morten (">". Alice KeileyG, '.lcun MacCormaek 54, Ruby Kertoa Si 68. Fail Anni" Akini 44, Donald S'l.'-iloy 44. Jim McFaddcn 38.. Har- { old Bast 2'i. UPPER SHIOOL t I Hon. Alice Heard * Knaniel Diaper 19c. (lalv.'inixc'd 3'ails S ini]). quarts 19c. F. W. DUNCAN Flesherton The time toe the pruning of your npple orchard is in the .-spricg !- 'fore the growth starts, bu* if this is impossible it rany be done jm- mcdately after the trees leaf out. It if <i' .sirable to have !he wound*. large, heal as rapidly as possible GEOMETRY ;? !>',. Jii"k Jaminson !I7, Florence Allen ' S7. fi<th Hinrks 82. T"ss Mar- garet y.r.clair 08. Harold Thompson dJ. I)o*vi!da Sloan 51. FOR31 2 EXGLISH GRAMMAR 11,-n. j- '.. . rvyn Li'.tle '.'0. Elrnore Fisher 87, hr-;i SiM-11 78. P.owena Magee 70, filler Park'-r 70. Pas', J>aKv Mc- Fadd-r 74. Dor-thy SnrlJ 70. Dor- othy Oitpwi'll OS. Jcnn Hinck- 60, Aimed:'. Hind's <!!. Mr{r:vft Ferris <;::, Rub Whit.- >1. St-lla Marshall ."I 1 . Hi:! Puttr" 57, Fr'-d Gorrell r>i, x rt 53, Robert Pliii- to prevent decay. When pruning! lips M. Jim Bannon 50. Fail k dun^ in the autumn or early Env.;V'n MrKillop 48. Earl Otteweil is likely to dry' '". I>:>r<u!.y Jamiesnn 45 Mariel Knov 41, Iva Wakens 41, Edward winter the out and f 1 A'K i i - in The Advance m ==^ Sold in rieshertono by the FLKSHKRTON PI. \NINi; .V CHAIN CHOPPING Mil f.S Ferris -'. FORM 1 , ART Hon.- Ha P'-dlar 85. Pass Fred Fnv.-cett G7, iK'-i-s Bannon f>6 Dorotliy .Ti'.mieson 04. Edv.-rd Pat- t ,n "1. Dorothy \Voltencroft 64. Kutl'U'i F Podlar f". Stanley Hunt r,!. J'.hn M.-Mi'l;n 01. Laverno Piper r.O. V M> Ma tor ">0. .Io^ Gibson r>fi, ROV...-.-I Majroo 52. Fail Aiina M, I an !.!. Mervyn Johnson 48, Kv- T;;!! ' I". Civil Ch-rd (.', Marie F-i.v.i ! -12 Iva Wickcns 41, ' Os',-;i:'d. .|1 C"rd.>n Pa:- 41. r>M).'l McMillan 40, J. --<!e - ::. B'-rton Sled .10, ;;;, n- -ei .M.-KIIIOO 35. S. S. NO. li MtlKMFSlA iV -,''< - TOOB f J-?;- ; .JB/ :V ^l^J v. ,,-....;-,... ...y*,v- .._Frink Si.ulil-'i' M Ri-rthn ('.". Hnyinopd MoFaddf.' ill. 00. Charli- Tolton 55, n!<l (abs.) .1.-. :: Js.ili-1 B.yd "I. Walter ., II !'.<; K.--I B^n-m 50. I^-ssi.' ' .V: -Donald la!!-.) S;-. ! Billi- St-d('.art 8.1. Clar- encc Ko-^t-r 74. B'ttv Ti.ltnn 72. V'-lma Alr.)x 70, l!-\iv.y 'till 05, Marj T'lt.T. "n. Ji. 1 Dun Rn^pfll C2, Jean I.cver r,o. Mui-ii-l Tc.i. v r^ Pr.- Elmer Uu^.i-ll. Gerald Hill (abs.) 1! . Ji . V. H. Ot:?\wll. t-.-achcr. *"* I THE STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL& CHAIN STORED Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING |B POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Buyin of he F. 'I'. Hill Co. niakfs possible the combinatioins <' modish charm and ex- clusiveiK-ss \\ith surprisingly modi-rale- prices. Our buyers have recently re- turned from the leading domestic and \mcricun markets with garments and accessories selected fnm their attractive qualities. New KO ( "! S arriving daily. Coats, dresses, hats, cn>eml>les and slioes to please the most discriminating. Come and see them, you will be impress- ed will the values offered. t Ottawa Happenings Ottawa, Monday March 17th 1030 Divorce and still moro divorce has been ou- bill of f;-rc for la. week. On TueBclay Marci llth Mr- Wocdswortn'.-; bi;l which hd for iis object the providing of a Divorce Court for- Ontario was voted en a:- mc :t v.ithout debate. When the vote v.-s c-"UT'ted if. v.'as declared, yn 7S. nays 78. The r.neakcr cas 1 . his veto uoainst the bill. But upo:: r. ic-cnun'- rioro sbwly mad" it xv.-is found that a mistake had been matl-j r.ntl the vote stood vra s 78. nays 10, so 1h"t it wa" (l"f''atcd withou the r.poslicr's cas'inff votr. I r.-a- very ,._,,.,,. ,--,t to bo in th hiuso w'nen the Vot -v-.". called. Th^ro is chanc". InweVe^, it '"ill be reip-.tnted o-> the order paper and th; . L wo vrill havn n secor.d chance. I fe-.-l that r Divorce Court eoulu deal with th3 nroblem much more efficit-ntly than parliament can. A provision would be made for the children, which is not now the case and I cannot ree that having a court to dfl with divorce would :ause any increase in the number seeking divorce. On Thursday, March 13th Mr. Douras^a moved the second readinj? of bill no V to amend the Marriage & Divorco Act. He made a long anu eloquent speech which left the House- completely in the dark as to the Im- port of the bill. Thanks to the i leer reasoning oi Mr. J. T. Thorson, Winnepeg South Centre, the real pi i'0-e if the bill was disclosed lo the house. Until 1'.'26 in the four wester:, province.-, the law in respect to di- von-c was an inheritance that came to them on their entry into con- 1'eduration, and it was the law gover- ning England on J .his subject in 1857 a^.d by it divorce was much more ruit for women than for men. H :>dditioji to the usual ground for divou-e the women had to prove phyi:fl or ni'-ntal c;uelty. In the le^al a< ? of th-? w rid cruelty, na-ntal cruelty, really was insanity iv-uitin;: front cruel treatp.icn'. ami I ' ' n! cruelty impaired health re- alting from irntltv. Bo f h left tho woman in a position where it was itmwssible cv plniost impossible t > h.-v a div v grartcd. Because of the splendid work don,- by Jo" Shav.the- memb-r for I'ai- ;;ary ti: . Hoi. ie parsed a law which (Ait nifii and women on e;|ual footir.g m rrgM-d t) divorce. The purpose nf Mr. Bourassa's bill was to disallow '. I" Ai' a"d put women ni' the fou.- provir..f:; i;i tho position they had been pr-vinu; to r.'^'5. Strangely v.rouf,h th- IlnporaMo E n^st Lr.- pointe -..; p.,rted Mr. Bouras.i'a. T'ns I:..-, i- i i<\-t"d th.' bill by a heav> v : irity yt B8 "16 r.ays 1! I. The resolutions asking f >v a Dominion HiKhwuy across Canada, for further grant f to technical ed- v. -'!'; and f"r '.lie setting L-JJ of a 'special ^.wpttec to deal with the i :;tir.'ate ; '', th - dil'teient depa l- wi re quite fully The ;\.- 1 \vi-i-:: defeated . the last .!!-?d .-r. Tho Jn-avy artillery came into pi: y . :i Kri'!:iy when the Prime Min- ister iiitrod-.:.-cd hi.; bill asking that nc-: i'MjuTs lo v ^"' s ' s carryinjr 1 : , /.:< .K-.ii.ivil fur a country into h tlv i.itrame of liquor had bi.n p:..bibited by law. b^ refused. Mr Bennett very cleverly showed that 'ho government had changed its ition in rc/rard tj giving clear- Ki In- ,-tntcd the government's po- pcaitioii in regard to giving clea - ances. Cut the end U not yet. It s said in tho corridor that the Prime Minister will dissolve the House and go to th? country if his bill is de- Ivr.ted. It is likely to carrv in t)ie Commgnn. Whether it will pass through the Senat" is the question. in Owen Sound hospital, is not recov- ering as fast as hoped for. The home of Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Lyon has been brightened by the arrival of a little girl. Congratula- tions are extended. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blakey, whose family has Leon increased by another boy. Miss Reta Lintcn left last week to visit a* the home of her brother, Russell, in Toronto. We understand that Mr. L. H. Slieardown has leased the Karstcdt fa -m on the fourth lino and will operate it in connection with the home farm. tain on poorly drained soil. It is thus seen that for permanent and profitable results the soil for ap- ples and other fruit-^dfcec.i ap well should be deeply *d thoroughly drained by natural or artificial means. MUST BE WELL DRAINED The ideal soil for apples seems ts be a deep well-drained sandy bam or a litrhf clay loam with good i-ioisture holding capacity and a moderately pervious subsoil. It has bppn shown also, that apple trees will grow on so-called poor soils and v.-i)l give good -esults if prop- erly managid. Soil drainage, how- CV-T, is an important factor in re- lation to tree growth and produc- tiveness. F'-uit trees require a goon range for root developme: 1 /, arvl this Hpsirable condition does not r,V AN IMPORTANT DISCOVERY Ontario farmers will probably be saved many thousands of dol- lars by a discovery made by Dr. G. Stevenson of 0. A. C., stated the Hon. John S. Martin to the agricul- tural committee of the legislature recently. Dr. Stephenson has found ' that a certain condition of pig.; and t i-.hcep making them unfit for mar- keting has been caused by worms. This is an entirely new angle and an important discovery from the farmer';! standpoint. "The condition tions are general across the prov- ince," said Hon. Mv. Martin. "There have been large numbers of sheep and pigs that weren't fit for the- market and the farmers didn't know what was the matter with -them. Dr. Stephenson has found that theso animals are filled with worms. If not checked, this condi- tion will go right thvough the farm yards and affect the chickens and ether poultry and animals. Tests nnd PTpprimpnts arr bpina: made M -..o (hii cr.rid'Mnn of worms." Ad vts. P O R R A r. E FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE A quantity of good 100 acres, being lot 37, Con. 4, r.ecd cats Water Akitt, Flesherton. Artemesia, 80 acres under cultivation. Good house and large barn with good FOR SALE - - Seed oats. Edward sta bli,,g and out-buildings. For fur- Loucks, Flesherton. Phone 31 r 31. ther particulars apply on premises. ~ ALB ' BLACKBURN, FOR SALE Choice clover honey for sale in hulk at lOc per pound. Roy Fenwick, Maxwell. _ _ Phone 42 r. 6 Maxwell. FARM FOR SALE 100 Acres, Lot 1, Con. 5, Township FOR SALE General Purpose r.-art.' S years old. Garnet Magee, CI " Artemesia; D2 acres cleared, bal- l>honc Feversham 9 r 31. ar.-e hard wood bush. 16*2 acres :--j\ved to fall wheat and 65 additional FOR SALE- seed peas. ncreg p i owed for spr i n g ; barn 70 x54, Murphy. Eugenia, Phone FeTer- |goed sta bling underneath; a large sham r 31. ; roomy house. The farm is situated FOR SALL Yorkshire sow and 10 young pigs. C. Monaghan, Flesh- . ". P. v.. i. "" i FOH SALE Bay horse, six years old, good drivi-r. iT,id worker \V.-< Mooi-o, I'k'jherton, Phone 1C. I miles from Priceville, 5'- miles fi-om ..larkdaie and 4 miles from Ceylon. Possession may be had at any time. D. McTAVISH & SOX Flesherton. FARM FOii SALE 2 Township of Artemesia 120 FOP, SALE Two sows, due to i'..n-0-.v. Herb Betts, -R. R. 3, Flesh- ' ' " f cl . to:l- farm . !ot s M3-46, Grd range S. W.T.&S.R., half mile from station, Good FOR SALE Jersey bull ca^f el- 1 broiiro gobbler. H. Radley, .r'.'>n, i-hoiic 45 r 4. miles from Flesherton. , 12 acres of bu-.h. ^old on easy terms. . L. McMULLEN, Ceylon FOR SERVICE MILLINBRY DEPARTMENT I Our Millinery department is now com- modes showing from New York, Mon- plete with our spring showing of hats, treal and other leading markets. MEN'S WEAR DEPARTMENT SUITS MADE TO MEASURE , $23.00 $27 NO BETTER VALUE TO BE HAD ANYWHERE $23 FRIDAY and SATURDAY 28-29 ^O-^.^ An expert tailor of the Charles Tailoring Co. Toronto, will be at our store to take your measurements. S. S. N.". OSPREY ; r .l_Edna Maxwi-11 68*. Pansy Thomson 67. Ethelyn Hutchinson 64, Robert Long 62, Jean McKenzie 55, Belva Long 45*. Jr. 4 Be--ton Hutchinson 60. Sr. 3 Ella Jane 5t>a, Eddie Max- well 47a. woll 47 n. Jr. 3 Elwood Dobsnn 67, Beatrice Maxwell 64*, Burnii-e Long 60 J . Tommy McKenzie 43*. Sr. 2 Earl Maxwell 4T. Berton t Sanderson 43. Jr. 2 Lola Thomson 90*. Thclma Long 83. Alison Douglas 70. Sr. 1 Neil McKenzie 80. Tommy Jane 62. Jr. 1 Bruce Dotjela* 65. Jr. Pr. Mervin Ottewell 63. The above marks ave percentages. a denotes absent for one or more ex- amination, 'perfect attendance. No. on roll 22. average attendance, 19.12. L. Kattting. teacher. PORTLAW News was received last week by relatives here of the serious illness of Mrs. Thos. Black, Oraneeville, who with hr husband and family, removed from this part something more than a year ago. | Her sisters. Mrs. James Linton and rMYs. Wallace Fisher, nnd bvothci . Mr. V.'M. Russell, wer^ down to se" her a fow days ago. All are hoping fov better news of her condi- tion. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ship". \vh"> has been ill for some weeks, part of the time bein? spent J?J?!,TR::!KE: ri -i?r P T is B $% , c.L -U. W. A*. Ph.., Clj^ "ffT cSL'JwooIr'.S On this property is a FOR SALE Two young cows,' rooms, wi'.h ele7tric' n {ightin'jr SC B^rn due to freshen soon, also ;. quantity ' 25 x 33 ft., with stable and driving- il . ! pi as, Golden Vine variety .house thereon, also a good well on Wm. Magee, Eugenia. j the premises. This property is in a - I (rood location and will be sold reason- -House and In I ably. For further particulars ap- i-tun for cjukk sale, also dining pl.v ti the administrator. W. J. :oc:n u.:tc and davenpoit W. H. ^"''"- Fle-hcrton. Ont^ HlHer, Flesh; rt on. BABY CHICKS Baby Barred HUTV. Phone or \vrite. Order now. , , . . Chester Long, Feversham. j 'j nc - Artcn^m.-Q. H. Ca.rns. FOR RENT-A good six roomed <>-* FOU SERVICE. houso, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, R6 S'^ereJ Boar for er- stable, hen house and garage, op- ' vi " h y Flrsherton Bacon Hog Club, posite high school. W. J. Ca wll. j the property of the Ontario Depart- Proton R.R. 3. rnent of Agriculture. ~SALE or RENT 7-room solid brick ! . - C - STE WART^CamUkBr. GEO K. DVKCAlT DI;NDALK I DCENSEO AUCTIONEER Far the County of Grey. Terasi t per cent. Satisfaction gnarntee* Datei made at The Advance office. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB Registered Shorthorn bull for wr- vice'(; 'ot * "' yarquJs 1 house, good cellar, garage, hen house and stable. J. Thistlethwaite, Flesh- i'i\-n. Ont. Barley, $1.45 per 100, Ont. Wheat $1.!'5 per 100, Peas $1.60 per bushel, Oats COc per bushel, A. C. j Muir, Ceylon phone 38 r 3. FOR SALE 40 good breeding ewes, due to lamb from May 1st on. Time up to 12 months will be given given on bankable joint notes with a percent added, on lot 128-129, 2nd R.E.T.S. road, east back line James L. Irwin. FOR SALE Barn good frame, 45x60ft. For further particulars apply to R . G. Acheson Proton Station, phone 44 r 5 or Oscar G. Patterson, Dundalk, R. R. No. 3. Phone 103 r 24. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A goose Mrs. Chas. Phone Feveham Hanley, 9_r 12. NOTICE No hi-.iting or trapping on lots 151 and 152, 3rd range E. T. & S. R., Artemesia. Harman Radley Fleskerton. Will do custom hatching at five cents per egg in advance of hatching, customers filling a machine; also "A. McCauley. B. P. rocks baby chicks for sale. I t ot 8, Con. 9, Osprey, " tfo. 179,135; Sjra. Marqnl* 142.381; D*m, Red 151,078. Temtf^- Putell Srradep $,2.00. Cows not return** *1u b charjr* mil price. 8. ft HAWKINS. Entente. MIDDLE BRO & ^ Barrbtcn. etc. Ofice* Owen Sound-, Durban* nd Flesherton. Flesjierton eveiy Saturday Mttarnoon and evening. BU5JNF T LARDS" Dr. W U. * ic J.. denta. <, . versity Of! od for extract:- , dence of Dr. L. atrcet, Flcsherton. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333 A V & A. M. meets in the Masonic ila/i A, ii* strong Block, Flesherton ever> Frj-. day on or before the full moon. W. M, C. N. Richardson, Secretary, a Mrs. C. Hindle, Proton R. R. No. s> Wm - Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer Phone 32 r 31, Flcshertoa. | for the counties of Grey and Simcoe "' ' pF*rm and stock sales a specialty. ACCOUNTS All parties owing Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- j me an account are asked to settle anteed. All arrangements and dates j up by March 31, otherwise interest may be made at the Advance office.or i and costs will be added. George Central telephone office, Feversham, Sherson, Proton Station. or by addressing me at Feversham. . > . ?, D. 3, D. D. gn,." Ua t0 r Uni- OR, ^jBkij.Jgter. Offics as t>3 resi- '. -wi:,;.. >

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