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Flesherton Advance, 19 Mar 1930, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, MABOJEI9;.1 i 4 * V * - 5 Against That Day THE fabled years of ancient Egypt's fulness and famine the striking lessons found in other his- toric facts and natural life processes establish SAVING among the funda- mental laws upon which Nature makes her sure indictments. Follow your natural personal instinct to "lay by in store" by adding regular instal- ments to a saving account in the Can- adian Bank of Commerse. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE [[THE STANDARD "BANK! OF CANADA jl Fleshertoo Boys and The Late David Graham Girls in Toronto Form An Association I The Advance man had the extreme 1 pleasure on Wednesday evening ot j las'; week of meeting with about 400 ; ex-F!eshertonians in the Forester's Hail, College street, Toronto v.-hc: 1 There passed away at Thornhury on Sunday afternoon David Graham, an old resident of Artumesia town- ' ship, at the age of 73 years. He was born in Nottawa, Siincoe county and was the eldest of a family of six, oi whom J. I. Graham of Van- rieleur and Geo. Graham survive. ; For several years the late Mr. Gra- | hnr.-i made his home in Flesherton \vlih two of his nieces and was very' regarded as a resident. Five ' they had gathered tT discuss t':ia : ! visaLility cf continuing their orga;-.- ':-.''". ization of last summer in connection | V e " ' s a K ne moved to Thornbury. with th" Old Home week in Flesher- The funeral took place on Tuesda.v C.P.K. TIME TABLE Trains follow* : GoHig Soutk Going North S.08 a.m. 11.62 a.m. 4.10 p.m. 8.34 p.m. fc.ll p.m. . The mails ela at Pleaherton aa follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. louth at 3.3"d For morning train outh mail closet at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Edward Beecroft Died in Barrie Local and Personal New spring coats and dresses now on display at Karstedt's. Mrs. Wm. Wilcock has returned home after spending the winter In Toronto. Miss Marion Stuart of Toronto was home over the week end. Marion Is attending Toronto University. Messrs. E A. Preston, G. Welton, F. Mathewscn and C. McTavish motored to Niagara Falls over the day. After an illness of only a few 4.33 p.m. hours there passed away on Satur- day, March 8, in Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, Mr. Edward Bee- croft, aged 51 years. He was bom near Flesherton and was a son o.r George and the late Mrs. Beecroft and spent his early days in this dis- trict. In 18S8 he was married to Lillie Vesey of Euphrasia township, i who survives wi'h a family of five J children to mourn the loss of a ' loving father. The children are Mrs. (Cla-a) of iMeyronne, Sask.; Mrs. Gordon (Lena) of Toronto; EUion, ( George and Mrs. Wiggins (Grace; ol' Angus. He also leaves his rather George Bee croft of Flesher- jton, and also '.o enioy a magnificent : program. Dr. E. K. Richardson oc- cupied the chair. | Dr. Fred Murray gave a state- | mcni of , inanecs, which showtu i that the Toronto contingent haa 'collected over one thousand dollars I and had a balance on hand of $U8. Mr. Preston, manager of the i Bank cf Commerce hero reporten i that Flesherton had a balance on [hand of SI 104.51. j Reeve McTavish, representing the ' town, informed the Toronto commit.- \ I tee that Fleshevton considered that | | thpy were entitled to a portion ol j '.the balance on hnnd and asked them \ i to let us know their wishes in the! matter. Mr. Farquhav Oliv ---, M.LA. was present and delivered a neat little ' address If the organization was i continued ho was desirous of be- coming R member. A show f{ hond< w"<< taken as 10 the advisability of continuing the j Toronto organization and this was carried overwhelmingly. Dv. \ Richa:-dson explained that one oi j tho ob'ects of the "^socntion would I be to look after rases of sickness | ami want. The or<ranizs*'on was , proceeded with and 75 families Im- 'uniiately ioined -u SI nor family. ! The officers appointed last summer Stribeil wrre retained for th" new organ- ' ization. viz. Chai>-m--n, Dr. E. I. , on afternoon, when service was held at his late residence in Thornbury, interment taking place in Markdale cemetery. VALUE OF LIME It has been found through ex- periments over a period of the past 25 years that lime has direct value to apple trees. The nature of the root system of the applf. penetrating fairly deep into the soil, enables the tree to obtain all *he lime it requires from the sub- soil. The apple, furthermore, is a plant which prefers a slightly acid soil and docs best under these con- ditions. However, lime is of direct value because it enables the farm- er to grow leguminous cover crop.! in the orchard and thereby sup- ply organic matter and nitrogen which are the two constituents ab- solutely essential for the maximum production of fruit. It was decided at a metting of the Old Homo \Veok Executive on Tues- day afternoon to leave the disposi- tion ol the surplus funds from the !-r>!(. !ir:\ri. in la:'t August to the thirty- two backers of the celebration. Dr. E. C. Murray and F. H. W. Hickling Richardson; Secretary. Burton "E. were appointed as audi'.o-s and will Field: T e-surer. Dr. F. W. Murray: Mi '):'. of Onmmitpe \V. H. Fen- '.vick. AIx Gibso-. "". N. Hemphili. T is. Armstrong. J. T. Clark and t r 'ii; one brother, John Beecroft, ot Owen Sound; one sister, Mrs. Sails- Jo.- I.tGard. bury, of Sarnia. 1'unng th.- c \;;-s" of the evening The ijneral took place on Tues- Prof. Leslie with his Gipsy Band of March 11, from the home of singe :-s <rave some of the finc::t report to the enlarged committee in a short time. The meeting was held in the Munshaw House and was a:- tended by ten iTombeis of the ex- ecutive. EVEKY BB.LU TELEPHONE IS A LONG DISTANCE 8IA.TIOW Ready Now For *er Business Long Distance telephone failities v/src never so complete so ef- fective, speedy and far-reaching as they are today. Our 1929 building programme added about 14,000 miles of talk- ing channels to our lines. The standard of service was improved is steadily iproving. And it costs less than ever before, because on January 1st reduced rates on calls to points 75 to 801 miles distant became the second year. effective reduction within a Why not lay your plans now to take advantage of this speedy, dependable, time-saving service? week c~d. I n ' 3 brother John, 1 16, 2nd avenue singing we have listened to in a long , casi, Owen Sound to Greenwood 'ime. The Band consisted of four- Mr \ViL-red McMastei ".cemetery. Floral tributes were re- teen female and six male voices,' home last week after spending U !v , lTed from th| , fBmi , father, and was enthusiastically received by past month in Toronto, where brothe .. and faini i v South Baptist the large audience. Mr. Bert Fetch urderwent an operation on his nose. ; chur( . h Messrs H Treleaven, E. gave two amusirg se!ctior 3 * hi . iMr. Go -don Warling left last | Hillsden, R. Irwin and H. Baxter. week for Bartonville. near Hamilton! Mr. and Mrs. H. Clark. United where he has taken a position in a 'church (Angus) Mr. and Mrs. Dean planing mill. I A \ so O f Angus. Pall bearers were The W. M S. will meet in St. Messrs. A. Pusey. J. L. Strattan. H. John's church on Thursday March Clark, H. Cooper. H. Baxter 20 at 3 p.m. Visitors are we!- R- Irwin. come. Mr. Fred Pedlai The Laie David Clayton of' Eugenia aS tended the funeral of the late Ed- ward Beecroft at Owen Sound on ' -- Saturday, returning home Monday, j From the Leader Rtgina is re- Mr. Lawson Whitehead and family published the following correspon- moved la*t week to their farm on the dence from Lang. Sask: Funeral west backline, Artemesia, which he 'services for DP via Clayton, pion- I eer cv Lnng, wb-> di"d of acute Bright's disease Sunday at Weyburn general hospital wre hld Wednes- , day afternoon from the United inimitable nrinn". The evening was a delightful one to all concerned. ! Those who represented Flesherton , at the meeting were D. McTavish, Reeve; C N. Richardson, Chairman and of the Hydro Commission; E. A. Preston. Treasurer of the Old Home \\"eek Committ'-o; T. W. Findlay. ' Chairman of the Committee; Alt' Down a*d W. II. Thurstcn. CAMEBON-RUSSELL 1 dence from services for purchased some weeks ago. Mr. George Armstrong son ol Rev. Bert Armstrong of Meaford has taken a position in the store of Mr. F. H. W. Hickling. Miss Tena Henderson held a sue- tended the obsequies' and"" 'followed T > Tron - Tho ceremony was performed cessful sale of furniture on Saturday the body to the grave. Many floral y Rev ' Bamfo ^- They were ai- afternoon, with Wm. Kai'ting wield- tributes covered the casket. Chu -ch to Lang Cemetery. Hun- I dreds of friends of the family a.i- A quiet wedding took place In Maxwell United church parsonage on Wednesday, March 12th, whc'n Mabel Irene, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Russell. Wareham became the bride of William Cameron son of Mrs. Donald Cameron of ordson Tractor Outstanding Improvements i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Miv power I'.asy Starting f New Couling System New Lubrication System New !;;:-.uion System Large \ir Washer Rede : v.ed Transmission Loiv . Wearing Crankshaft Imp .^<1 Gasoline Carburetor I 10 Hot Spot Manifold 11 Heavy Fenders and Platform 12 Sixteen Plate Transmission Drake Covered 13 Steel Steering \Yheel-r-Hard Rubber 14 Shock Absorbing Front Coil Spring 15 Automatic Lubrication of the Reai Wheel Bearings 16 One Piece Cast 'Front \Yheels ing the hammer. Misses Bernice McDonald and M. King, Messrs W. G. Pace and \V. Martin, all of Toronto, motored up and spent the week end at Mr. John at Flesherton in 1863 and in McDonald's. | came to Sintaluta. and in Mrs. C. White of Waubashene spent the past week with her sisters Misses Tena and Mabelle Henderson, who are returning with her to spcnu some time at Waubashene. Mr. Preston, manager ol the Bank of Commerce here, was called to Chicago Tuesday evening when his sister was to undergo a serious op- eration to-day (Wednesday). Mr Alex McEachnie has been en- gaged by Thos. Owler and Son lo Deceased leaves t,i mourn him three sons and his widow. One son W. H. Clayton residing at Turner Valley Alta. Mr. Clayton was born 1898 190o married Miss Ethel May Patterson at Collingwood. In 1905 he settled in Lang, whe-e he has since lived. Deceased took a prominent part 1n piibli.' affairs being secretary of the town and school and has also been a Justice of the Peact for the past number of years. Mr. Clayton has belonged to the Odd- fellows and Masonic orders for 45 years. He has also been a very keen curlr and was well known through- out the province for his ability to Miss Rhoda Best and friend of Toronto motored up and spent the week end at the former's parental home. operate their truck in conection with I draw to the button when the occ- the Grey County Egg Grading asion demanded it. Station. The three act comedy, "Clubbing a husband" will be given in Mc- Kinnon hall, Priceville on March 19, 1930 under the auspices of the Pres- byterian Willing Helpers' Society. Wives be sure to come and bring your husband along for a laugh. Ad- mission. 35 and 20 cents. Cars have been travelling south and east regularly. Saturday they came from Kimberley over the high route and reported the road in good shape. The plow has been working between Dundalk and Flesherton In spasms during the past few days, but have not made much progress. The Markdale junior hockey team covered themselvs with glory last week when they won 5-4 in a final game of the Northern Hockey League to tie the round with Listowel, who won at home 3-2. Listowel had a three goal lead on the round at the commencement of the last period when the Markdale lads took the bit in their mouth and ran in three goals in quick succession to win t!ie game and tie the ~ound. Woods or Cba'sworth netted four of the five s:oal<!. John Nuhn of Flesherlon has been playing steady hockey with Markdale and had a 1<>l to do with the success of the club. The nlav- ff game is to ke in Durham, if ice can be secured. tended by Miss Olive Wilkinson of Duncan and Mr. Joseph Porteous ot Eugenia. The bride was becomingly attired in a gown of monette flat crepe with hat to match. Following the ceremony the wedding party re- turned to the home of the bride's parents, where a dainty wedding si ,5 per was served to about twenty guests. Over forty friends were entertained in the evening, Miss Mabel Cameron niece of the groom, favoring the guests with several well rendered vc?nl selections. The wedding cake which wns made and beautifully decorated by Mrs. E. Acheson. aunt of the bride tie- serves special mention. The bride and g 'oom were re- cipients of many beautiful and use ful gii'ts. The happy couple le'fl i for a short trip to Collingwooii, j where they visited the groom's sis- ter, Mrs. H. Clark. They will re- side on the farm formerly occupied by Mr. Frank Taylor, 8th line, Os- prey". i-- r r,i# ?' t*fc*, The Improved Fordson is a Sturdy, Reliable, Economical and Powerful Tractor H. DOWN & SONS Phone 36 j Flesherton Grey County Egg Grading Station in the old Scully Egg House OPEN ON WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY NIGHTS, COMMENCIEG THIS WEDNESDAY NIGHT Eggs bought and paid for on a graded basis Thomas Owler & Son Phone 55 Proprietors Men's Felt Hats Xc\v season's shades in the latest corect shapes yor.r choice of snap brims. welted IH'.J^CS or bound edges. Colors include the ncuest shades in re y s > fawns and browns, all made in finest fur felt. All sizes. KKr.KXTQl'AUTY PRICED AT $3.95 M1LTMORK QL'AF.ITY PRICED $4.50 Men's Cloth Caps All-wool tweeds in new spring shades and patterns unbreakable peaks real leather sweat bands. All sizes. A Specila assortment at $1.50 Prints for Spring Dresses F!uy your Prints now and Pftive them made up in time for spring wear. The patterns this year are exceptionally good and the color combinations are quite new and striking. Besides this they are fast colors. Priced for quick sellling at 23c, 25c, 29c and 33c. per yard. Printed Dimity 29c. per Yard Pretty floral patterns and other new designs, all folks'. Yard wide, specially priced at 29c per yard. very suitable . ' .*** for young F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO l

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