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Flesherton Advance, 12 Mar 1930, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12. 39 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE >X'%^-:-vvv ::::-:-><* hi* best to serve the community. He 'is working for nothing and he de- To Please You SALE Potato Pot, self-locking cover Pair of Sturdy Pails 98c 20 qt bright tin Creamery Cans. 98c. Milk Strainer 29c. Aluminum 3-pirrt Saucepan 29c White enamel Pail, 10 quarts 89c. Stainless steel Paring Knives 15c. l /2 doz. stain resisting Dessert Fcxrks 99c. l / 2 doz. stainless steel Table Knives $1.49 Kxtra special Gala Pails 19c. Come to our store and see a lot of oilier real values. F. W. DUNCAN Flesherton Arttmesii Coneil serves considerable for his efforts. Instead ol' being under a favor to the ratepayers he is really the one who is conferring the favor, and it is up to the ratepayers to hind him and that they his public spirit in being ready to give his time and effort i serve Tne Co unc ji me t at Flesherton on Monday March 3, 1930. There were present. H. Corbett. stand be- Reeve, J. A. Davis Dep. ppreciate gm-dll J - n thg chair The minute s mec ting were read by the Reeve and of last clerk and the community. Petrolia Advertiser on motion adopted. Topic. Mr. McCallum representing the ' Adam Koad (Machinery Co. inter- r^r r a. ajv* viewed the council regarding graders I-ALI I D AIXK, A representative of the Globe Indera- nity Co. was present on behalf of Springlike weather is making i*,s Indemnity Insurance, appearance once again. Accounts presented: The "World, Mrs. Win. Semple received the sad binder for B. news <*; the death of a cousin, Mrs. Wm. Strachan of Montreal, only daughter of Mr. Peter McMillan and the late Mrs. LVLoMillan of Colling- of of & D. $6.00; County Grey, maintenance in hospitals indigent patients. J. Sloan $198.- Mary $10.00. , one haK chargeable to Artemesia wood. Mrs. Strachan was in her Karstedt Bros., asking re- 45th year and leaves to mourn the f und ' of dog tax of 19 29, pa id by great loss of a kind and loving kennc n license. wife and daughter and true friend By-law 890 granting bonus of 50c to all who were acquainted with her. per ro( ] to parties building wire fences was introduced and passed. and and Mr. and Mrs. Les. McMullen babe spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. W. T. Ellis at Kimberley. -Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKenrie spent Sunday w, h Mr and Mrs. Wm. Conn and the former's mother, Mrs. Wm. Mckenzie at Feversham. Miss Edith Semple and friend visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dob- son of the town line Collingwood recently. Mr. Jas. ..McKenzic, we understand has treated his family to a new radio le al the tme. e wse coun- an( j Mr. Ed. Hurbottle followed suit worry with an up to date graphanola. ' Mrs Wm. Semple spent Sunday Mayor Lang, of S, Mary's, g an impossible task. As long as ta the members of his council a bit ot knows he is doing his level best to to know that Mrs. Gave Good Advice | people all the time. The wise cillor, it seenu to us will not 'his head trying to accomplish such an knows he is doing The Auditors' Report for was presented and referred to 1929 the waited upon the C oun- especting the Levi Allen Drain. ^ that thc game ^ comp i e ted this year Road Superintendent Patton presented his report for February, showing expended $210.- 31. Davis - Meldrum That the ac- count of the County of Grey Artem- <*' a ' s share of maintenance of in- d 'Kent patients in hospitals $^91.75, Karstedt Brog bc rcfunded flo 00 f or dog tax Thompson is sound advice when he reminded *.hera m his inaugural addrets that it Is impossible for them to please the live up to thc oath of office, he much im P roved >" health, after an should not worry. After all, we be Heve the average councillor is doing] i operation for goitre and long illness. ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY DOMINION OF CANADA Income Tax Information Reports Due March 31st EMPLOYERS-TRUSTEESJOINT STOCK COMPANIES Are you an Employer? Are you paying a wage or salary to anyone ? If so the law requires you to make a return on Form T4of all such persons to whom you paid $1,000 or more during 1929. Are you a Trustee, an Executor, or an Assignee ? If so the law requires from you a report on Form T3. Secretaries of Joint Stock Companies are required to file on Form T5 a re- turn of dividends paid. Act Promptly and Avoid Penalties The necessary Forms can be had on application to your Postmaster THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE HON. W. D. EL'LKR, Mtrtttlrr of National Hnrnur Income T Division OTTAWA C. S. WALTERS. CommUtinnrr o/ Income Tax refunded $2.00 for dog tax in 1929. he having had no dog. carried. Burnett - Magee That the Pres- byterian congregation at Price- village remitted taxes charged on their place of worship in 1929. $26- 88 carried. Meldrum - Davis That the plans I and specifications of what is known as the Acheson drain, near Proton , Station, presented by Engineer i Christie, now before this Council, { be laid on thc table until the Coun- cil may be satisfied that the pro- ceedings are proper. carried. Meldrum - Burnett That the County Treasurer be requested to erase taxes in his books against lot 21 Raglan St. N., Eugenia, the same having been paid to Treasurer. car- ried. Meldrum - Davis That this Coun- cil meet as a Court of Revision on the J. J. Little extension of the Levi Allen drain, on Monday, the 31st inst.. at 2 o'clock p.m. and the Clerk give necessary notice. car- ried. Dan McDonald Died Suddenly Tuesday I 1HE STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OCR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY This Week's Bargains LADIES' MUSKRAT COATS $149 6 only ladies' Muskrat Coats, beautiful quality; anyone wishing to buy a line o>at this spring can save at least $50, the reg. value being $275, this week ....$149 LADIES' WINTER COATS $13.95 10 only Ladies' Winter Coats of brood- cloth, nicely furred; all colors anl new styles, reg. $25 this week $13.95 LADIES' NEW SILK DRESSES $7.93 15 only Ladies' New Silk antl silk crepe dresses, beautiful quality, all the newest shades and styles, reg. $12.95 $7.95 MEN'S WEAR DEPARTMENT Our spring wimples of made-to-meas- ure clothing are here; any man wishing to purchase a new suit will save a lot ol money on his spring suit or top coat; semi-ready samples now on display. Prices ranging from $22.50 to $35 BOYS' SUITS $5.00 with 1 and 2 pair of pants, worth while, this week the saving is $5.00 MEN'S SMOCKS 98c. Work Smocks, 10 do/en Men's all, this week bine, 98c. D !ith ramc suddenly to Mr. Daniel McDonald of thc South Line, Arte- incsia, on Tuesday, when he was found dead in hod. Deceased was a bnVhelor and was living alone on his farm. He was a brother of Mr. John McDonald of town. The funeral is to take place this Thursday after- non, interment to take place in Pricc- ville cemetery. MAXWELL SCHOOL lime present to facilitate the ac-'omesia in the County of Grey, Far- tion of the bacteria which forms mer deceased. nitrate as these can work when lime is present. Thus ensures the full effect of the nure. Mrs. FEVERSHAM Last Week's Items Robert S. McGirr and Chas. Weldrick attended the funeral of Mrs. McGirr's brother-in-law, Mr. Jos. McGirr, at Bognor on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis spent the week end with friend in Collinewood. (Mrs. Ed. Croft and babe of Rock Mills visited with Mr. and tyrs. H. Osborne over the week end. Miss Lavina Konoldg of PrioBville pnent the woek end with her sister 3>Irs. John Stonehouse an-! family. We are elad to renort Mr. Harvey Pedlar, who underwent nn operation r T npnendicitis two weeVs ago in thp G. & M. hospital at Collingwood is ~rntrre*F<!'<rg favorahlv orH if is ex- "erter' that he will be nble to come home the test of this week. only) TAKE NOTICE that all those lime having claims or accounts against ma- tho estate of the above-named de- ceased are required to send particu- lars hereof to thc undersigned sol- icitor to the administratrix on or be- fore the 22nd. day of March, 1930. After that date the estate will be Mr. distributed amongst those entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been recerved. Dated the 28th day of February, A. D. 1938. C. C. MIDDLEBRO Solicitor to Administratrix OWEN SOUND, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TV THP F-5TATTT f AHAM WTQ IN THE ESTATE of ADAM HIS- ACCOUNTS All parties owing me an account are asked to settle up by March 31, otherwise interest and costs will be added. George- Sherson, Proton Station. FOR SALE 40 good breeding ewes, due to lamb from May 1st on. Time up to 12 months will be given given on bankable joint notes with * P ercent added * On lot 128-129, 2nd RETS . road> east ^ i ine _j am e s LOP, late of the Township of Art- L. Irwin. Small Advts. O R 8 A L B FOR SALE A quantity of good seed oats Water Akitt, Flesherton. | FOR SALE Seed oats. Edward Loucks, Flesherton. Phone 31 r 31. FOR SALE Collie A. Weber, phone 48 r pup, |3 W. 22, Flesherton SHOE DEPARTMENT Our stoek of Ladies', Men's, Hoys' and Children's Rubbers and Rubber Hoots is Miner rubbers to assure you of dry feet every pair guaranteed; you will find onr pries unbeatable. GROCERY DEPARTMENT Seedless Kaisins, 2 Ibs , Large Raisins with seeds, 2 Ibs Figs, new fruit, 3 Ibs; Tomatoes. Corn, Peas 2 cans Corn Starch 2 pkgs Corn Flakes, 3 for Stewed Pineapple 2 tins 25c. Me. ESc. 25c. .lie. 25c. 19c. 25 Boys' Suits in fancy tweed, sonic Pearl Naphtha Soap 5 for 17c. A Hill Bargain is a Real Bargain 4th Annie Laughlin. Merlie Buck- ingham, Edith IxuiKhPcd. 'Ethel Fonwick. .h-an Ro.m, Irene Pnrker, Marie Chard. 'Isnboll Pallister, Stella Young, Minnie Loughcod. Sr. 3 Muriel Uamford, 'Donald Bumfimh, 'Billie Kertim, 'Lloyd Morrison, Uobt. Priestly, Donald lludley. Jr. 3 Hugh I-nughlin, Mabel Ilcmrose, Jim Poole, Guy Poole, Dcjmnr iSiu'U'y, * Warren Priestly, "Tom Pallisler. Sr. 2 Flora Morrison. 'Valeria Stnfl'ord. ''Murray Morrison, 'Robt. I'Ynwick Tom Hcmrose. Jacob Ixuig- ht-ed, IsrJMl Laughlin, *Nore!n (irumnu'tt, Charlie Grummett. 1st. Bob Allison, Mat- Stephen, Violet Ducket'. Sr. Dr. Nellie Allison. Archie Laughlin, Katie Bemrosp. Jr. Pr. Jennio Ouv. 'Edith Mor- ri*on(not ranked) Gladys Winters. Thoso marked * were present every day. Helen Mnynard, teacher PASTEURtZINC RECOMMENDED When a bottle of milk is held up and observed from below, any dirt or sediment whch has settled to the bottom is clearly visible through the gla*s against tho whit - , ifth background of the milk A .heavy sediment is loon noticed by I the consumer and usually leads to : a change of dairies. Such dirt In jdlcatm carricftsneM in tho produc- tion and handling for dirt has no place In any food product, least of all milk. The practice of pasteuriz- ing mHk In the home Is strongly recommended for all localities where milk properly pasteurized Is not obtainable. LIMK AND MANURE Manure is the best fertilizer oi>- tninnMe. but manure nlone will not bring full returns to ncid soil When the anil is arid the plnnl? cannot nlitnin I ho food from mn FOR SALE About 20 tons of Timothy hay, $11 per ton at the barn. Ralph Harbottle, Duncan P. O. FOR SALE Choice clover honey for sale in bulk at lOc per pound. Roy Fenwick, Maxwell. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, being lot 37, Con. -t, Artemesia, 80 acres under cultivation. Good house and large barn with good stabling and out-buildings. For fur- ther particulars apply on premises. ALB. BLACKBURN, Phone 42 r 6 Maxwell. FOR SALE Small seed pas. Jas. Murphy, Eugenia, Phone Fever- sham 9 r 31. FOR SALE-Jcrsey bull calf el- igible for registration, also young bronze gobbler. II. Radley, Flesh- erton, phone 45 r 4. FOR SALE A quantity of timothy hay $10 per ton at the barn. M. Heard, Markdale R. R. No. 5, Phone 114 r 11. FOR SALE House and lot in Flesherton for quick sale, also dining room suite and davenport W. H. Miller, Flesherton. BABY CHICKS Baby Barred chicks for April, May and June de- ivery. Phone or write. Order now. Mrs. Chester Long, Feversham. FOR RENT A good six roomed Kouse, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, stable, hen house and garage, op- posite high Proton R.R. school. W. 3. J. Caswell, FOR SALE OR RENT Farm for sale or rent. F. G. Karstedt, Flesh- erton. FARM FOR SALE 100 Acres, Lot 1, Con. 5, Township if Artemesia; 92 acres cleared, bal- ance hard wood bush. 16V4 acres- sowed to fall wheat and 65 additional acres plowed for spring; barn 70x54, good stabling underneath; a larga roomy house. The farm is situated 2H miles from Priceville, 5\4 miles from Markdale and 4 miles from Ceylon. Possession may be had at any time. D. McTAVISH A SON Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE In the Township of Artemesia 130 acre farm, lots 143-46, 3rd range S. W.T.&S.R., half mile from station, 1% miles from Flesherton. Good buildings, 12 acres of bush. Sold on easy terms. J. L. McMULLEN. Ceylon PROPER FOR SALE OR RENT The property of the late Ella Gibson .lot 10^ Collingwood .trwt. Flesherton On this property is comfortable dwelling houso of > or ms o, with elwtri c lurhtinjr. Barn 25 x 33 ft., with stable and driving house thereon, also a good well on the premjses. This property is in a srood location and will be sold ably. ply ti -Meads. reason- For further particulars ap- the administrator, W. J. Flesherton. Ont. FOR SERVICE I Registered Yorkshire Bacon hog SALE or RENT 7-room solid brick for service on lot 136. West Back- house, good cellar, garage, hen house " ne > Artcmesin. G. H. Cairns, and stable. J. Thistlethwaite, Flesh- erton. Ont. Barley, $1.45 per 100, Ont. Wheat $1.05 per 100, Peas $1.60 per bushel. Oats COc per bushel, A. Muir, Ceylon phone 38 r 3. C'. FOR SALE Burn good frame, 4!>x6()ft. For further particulars apply to U . G. Acheson Proton Station, phone 4-1 r 5 or Oscar G. Pattc-son, Diindnlk, R. R. No. H. Phone HW r 'JJ. FOR SALE Berlin organ; parlor suite, 3 piece; parlor centre table; two small tables; dining room tnble; 2 heating stoves; 1 kitchen range; 1 single iron bed, springs nnd rnat- frefis; 2 -Xsize iron beds, springs and mattresses; dressers and washstand; rocker; coal oil stove, 3 burner with oven; kitchen table; 4 tube radio. Mrs. Wilson Mc'Mullen, Ceylon R. R. No. 1. Telephone 44 r 22. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for Ac by Fleaherton Bacon Hog ih property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agrievilture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. "CEO" R. ^DUNCAN ~~ DUNDALK LftCKNSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Termsi 1 per cent. Satisfaction gnarnteea 1 Dates made at The Advance office. SHORTHORN BULL FOR 9EHVICB Registered Shorthorn bull vice* t 'ot 8, 0Tn, 9. Osp Urquls" Tfo. yftJaB; UartHft 148.881* D >Tn . ft 181,078. TonrtT- m<fo MOO. Cows not returned *iu M Asrgt lull price. S. It HAWKINS. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A goos*- Mrs. Hanley. 9 r 12. Phone Chas. Feveshatn *titaf. /^NOTICE No hunting or trapping on lots 161 and 152, 3rd range E. T. * S. R., Artemesia. Harman Radley iFleshrton. *i -a)* H nure that they would if there were I S.Owen Sound. Will do custom hatching at five cents per egg in advance of hatching, customers filling a machine; also B. P, rocks baby chicks for sale. M.S. C. llindle, Proton R. R. No. S Phone 32 r 81, Flesherton. GOOD SMOOTH VAKM or TO acres best of lnn.1 atmos\ all under cul ti-ratlon 3Vi miles north east of ' Flesherton. Good barn 38x40, new. F "n "> 8t k *1 a specialty, garage 20x22, good brick house, newly I Terms moderate, satisfaction gumr- doeorated, 20x88. well, windmill and anteed. All arrangements and dates I.tu'fi*. Henry & l,iu\'is, .-, * . . . I Mnrkdale. or Mrs. S. Deielf. R. R. No C ontral *** % Feversham, I>r. W D, ' v S. dental verjrlty of '. ?J for extract ienoe of l>r. I.. iitreet, Klesherton. or by addressing me at Ferersham. 4 . MIDDLEBRO A BURNS Ofleea Owen Sound, Dorham nd FleshtrtOD. Flu) Saturday aNrnoen sad D. D. Prince Arthur Lodge, .^ A V A. M.meets in the Masonic ;ia.. A itrong Bloek, Fleehertnn ver> f day on or before th full moon. M, C. N. Richardson, Secretary, A. McCauley. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Gry and Simcoe i ,

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