Lovers of fine tea prefer Salada quality to premiums Horizontal Tucks Uy ANNKTTK TEA *Fresh from the gardens 9 Jungle Breath ay Ben Lucien Burman TIliS HAS IIAI'I'KNKM: '.'.} Nutiiiily, f 'i. :> I'ur'. > \ ( n:., M'l.l! t. i~ . Hrazil, by Y'.i young friend, Vil;.!-. v. !i ;* e"ii- cerned f'.r the safety ef KN cousin, Eliso Marberry, ownc-i' t-f a > "fTee i-'-iili'a' '-" .~!i.".cnil my terioui ' : Vilak believes Gaylord Pren- . . l.KM'V i-ticir.y. i< in- x. .:.i-il i them. He ar.! N'.Mjnailv set <v,;l f'.r Prenti-s' hou.-v, \vhicn is guarded !> barl" d v ire- :.: ! a :ar;;e ; ', which :Ut.".ck- t i'.en). The < is kidnapped. They su-peot i I'iii- 1 , 1 ill --A .- cil ' ;lar trail ar'l ii 1 ::;'/.- . oine upon the --hild near a ia NOW UK<;IN TIM: .-IOKY Tinky And fouwl him. It's a long time since I broke down the way 1 did this afU-rnoon. Rut Tinky has Ixx'omc a part of me somehow." She leaned over and kissed Yi'.ak impul- sively. "Here, here," he said -hi-i-p'shly, taking out his cigarct case. "You cer- tainly arc upset. Have one of my strong ritrarets and quiet yo'ir ," Ho lit one. "I'd certainly like U> know how Tinky got here. 1 have n theory, but our friend the civii engineer, who is coming up now. i HAITI-:!: \v. Vila! ntlj -MI. half r i i, half thou ' K\ (turn- ed to him. still !.'>Min/ the baby. eii. "I I .i'uln't know ! ' ' :.!'!< every - tiling tiiat 1 suid about you. I was a ]>;;'. A; i ! uip i 1 < !:<! a::d completely mil ; i'i in\ - If \ 'Li said no- thiii, 1 ., made none of tin.- c:i i- ic, Bar- > N.;.rks that y>ii ir.ight have init in-iteiid "<-t a!.,>ut finding as il he might tell us a few facts." He climbed to the road attain. kurned to jrr.i-' the lu-wcoiner, who! She jumped into her saddle, eai - forward, his dark, pointed face t( '" k lle baby which Vilak aglow with pleasure. wl . to hcr - ' Mfes a <> "(Jood day. senhnrita, amigos," he Paul as the horsi ~ -"' od sl< murmured, shaking hands cordially with thu .girl. "I i gravel at the river's odtfr. "Do you I think there is going to be a flood? The i river seems to he getting higher all (the. time and I'm beginning to be wor- 1 /', illrd Collar and Cuffs, Smart Detail ried about my property over at Vill- iipa, about fifteen or twenty miles from here. It's always the first to Ret the water. I've got n good man civir lliM-c, a chap named Wilson, who is very good, but he's been quite ill lately with fever and I hato to havo him be compelled to do all the I'lari'ul work of an emergency such as a flood." D'Albentara looked surprised. "Wil- son, yuu say this is liis naim 1 . Could it bo perha|>s that 1 know him? A lit- tle man, black hair, and large feet, who once worked on this railroad as an engineer?" "Xo. It's a different man a!l"geUi er. Tht- one that works f<T me is :i blond and I I roughl him direct fr.-.iu tho States. . . . Ilii y.iu tliir:k we'll have the Hood'.'" "Tlint I wish I know, s-.-nhovita. Xo one can say and perhaps afterward not be called a teller of falsehoods. Hat to me tho rivrr .-een.s always. And if it rises there cannot hut be a fl X)d." The stunted Imlian of the enormous nose vhn liad brought them from the roa<l came forward and grunting a few guttural sentences to him, pointed olf to a group of laborers sawing some trees. He turned to the visitors. "I (rnu-a go hack to my men, arr.igos," he murmured. "It is to me a great plea- sure to have made your friendship. A 'great pleasure. Goodby, sinhorita, ' senhor." 'Don't forget to come to see me. iSoon," Klise called out blithely as they then lift- K." she toward the fazendu, and she leaned down and two men and bowing to the 1 *'* 1 *' 1 the chiM -(fain "At two o'clock see - u the baby have once l nm heartbroken, at five I am simply :. made, WRIGLEYS Alertness stores everywhere. Writ-ley's create* pep and en* eryy and keeps you alert. AS/ package may save you from going to deep at the wheel of your car. Mulci-i pep CUNARD fU THE FAMOUS <ABIN RATE! REVISED WEEKLY SAILINGS TO EUROPE ALAUNIA + AfCANIA &rfctf!A 4' AUR^NJA ANTOHIA + AUfONIA hJew Cabin Class mimimum rales to North British Ports, $130. To th Channel Ports, $135. *No change In luxury of accommodation, or excellence of menu and service. Special rebate of 12% on round trip Cabin Class bookings during the ten off-season months. Tourist Third Cabin rates also adjusted. Weekly soilings from Montreal (and Quabec) A Irom April 26ih onwurJs, * Booklhrough the Cunard line, Cornr ol Bay and Wellington Sheets, Toronlo, (lol. Elgin 3471) o- on/ ileomship ogenl. CUNARD CANADIAN SERVICE f. '.BIN + IUJMST THUD CABIN -flMltn ClA^S ItU-t .^SULNo. 10 '30 more in vour arms. I am happy. Most bubbling over with joy Simply be- , . ., ' jcau?e this 1 ttle bit of humanity we ''It 'is the senhorita who is happy," happen to call Tinky is with me. Oh, Vilak responded. "And she owes her happiness to you." The other gave a disparaging shrun Klum I know I make a fool of myself over him," she added with a half apologetic /ilak. "Hut I d.i love him. of his small, well-knit shoulders, is nothing that 1 do. It is nothing." "Where did you- find him?" Vila!; queried. Over there by the busies." He pointed oil' to the patch of vegetation from which they had just come. "It is very strange. .Most strange 1 . We were working hen-, my men and I, spread- ing gravel along the track where the water has washed the earth away we cannot do much, but we do what we can when we hear the noise <">f horses galloping up the road from which yii have come. This is nothing. Often we hear the horses gallop. Many ride past this place. Is it not so? "The horses stop for a moment, then they gallop on again. And then \\- hear (.'.her horse-! gallop. Hut this also is nothing. This also we hear' each hour. Hut soon als>> we hear something which i- not. nothing, some- thing which we wlu, work in the wild places hear i,"\vr in our wanderings, the weeping of a child. An Indian baby. 1 think, deserted by its mother. I go to the bushes to see. And there in tin- wee, Is 1 find it. a white baby. I am astonished. A beautiful baby, scnhorhn, u beautiful baby." lit; took one of Yihik's rigarets. "I know at once when 1 look that it ha not been deserted. It i.s lost or perhaps it is stolen. 1 am a stranger here. Also are my men strangers. I ask of one who passes on the road if be has ver In-fore beheld the baby, if he per- haps knows the mother. 'Ah yes!' ays he at once. 'Who in Porto Verclo Iocs not know? It is the nephew of ho Senhorita Marberry.' "At once I se".. I :. man to ride swift to your fa/.endn, for I know bow great must l>e your agony. He veturn- 1 . Yo,i are gone, he says, where your servants know not. Hut I know. You have gone to look for the child. It is not food for him to sluy there in the damp ushcs where there are mos<|ritoe< which bite and snakes which kill. So I bring him hire where I can watch. I fetch for him a blanket BO that he will not be on the cold, wet ground I have al.-o nephew- 1 , senhorita. Slill ho is not happy. He cries always, Knj'li-h words, which I cannot under stand. So 1 bring for him an orange. He eats. He is happy. At last I see V'ii conn-. And he is very happy. " % Yiiak lit the others ciguret, then his own. "Mighty decent of you. Mighty decent. Yery few men ^k'ould have' been RO thotighfiil. I want to assure you that Senborita Marberry and I aro deeply grateful." He smoked thoughtfully. "You didn't, have n hance to see the men who wen- op the hoi .'" "N'o, senhor. It is too low here. We annol sec the road.' 1 Ho. looked al his cigaret interestdly. "Yery excel- lent, these eigarets. Your spcchil brand, no doubt." "Kxactly. Oriental. I'm glad t> hear you say you like them. Senborita Marhi rry't approve." lit! glanc- ed toward her smilingly. "Incidental- ly 1 haven't introduced you. My client, Senhoriia Mavherry, I present, for nil your good wishes, Senhor " lit- paus- ed for the name. "U'Albentnrn. Carles D'Albentara," i the other responded graciously. Elise stepped forward and heartily j shook his bund. "I shall never forget what you've done for me. If there's ever anything that I can do or any- ithing that my 1'av.cnda has which, ! might help you I'll feel very much hurt if you don't ask for it. I hope 'you'll come ou f and cnll on me." | He bowed. "You honor me, se.nlwr- ila. You do to mo great honor." j She glanced at Hit me.a Whatever my sardonic cousin pretends to think about the folly of human emo- tions in general, and the emotion of atfection in particular. Some people tan go through life with a poker face face mid a poker face disposition, I can't." Yilak untied a knot in his horse's bridle. "A |mki-r face in my profes- sion is at times a ni-cessity. I thor- oughly approve of love. . . . applied to ... Tinky." lie watched her thoughtfully as her delicate hand car- essed the chilti. "I'm sorry. I've got bad n.'ws for you." (To be cunt: 247 The pleated collar and flaring pleat- ed cuffs add to feminine theme in street dress of navy blue silk crepe. Horizontal tucks at either side of the longwaisted bodice nip the normul waistline and hold the garment closely to the figure. Tho pointed treatment at front gives impression of length, and places the circular fulness of skirt The collar and cuffs in the origin. i! model were white crepe do chii e. They are equally as smart made of the self- fabric, crisp organdie or lace. This unusual model Style N'o. '-M 7 comes in si/es M, 1*, JO years. .'!'-. 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. It's lovely in black canton ere; . with lace in eggshell shade. Printed silk crepe with plain crepe in blending tone is effective and may b worn all through the Spring. | Orangey-red flat silk crepe seif- t rimmed denotes youthful smartne--. Purple chiffon, chiffon print, sap- phire blue crepe Elizabeth, Patou'. green wool crepe and flat silk crep. 1 in dark purple shade are chic. HOW TO OKDKK PATTKKNS Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and siv:e of such patterns as you want. Knclosc 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 7:: Wot Adelaide St., Toronto. "One niiiy well \\oinler whether the synonym buns are some! hint; one buys In u speakeasy." 'There is nutliing conm-rled with the press that has ever got me Into such Krcut trouble as tin- aeeiir: v of tin* reports of what I h.ive said." Derby. Never leave which you can Franklin. that till to-morrow do today. Jtenjamin Tim Inferiority complex f-t like wealth. It would be a blessing if the people had it. Economic Barriers .Spectator (London I : iTIm world Kconomii: Confertinco at (ieneva in 1!)L'7 vainly reconinieudod tho reduc- tion of tariff barriers in Kiirope). To- day Kuropi! Beems asi from sanity as over. M. llrland was heard with a half amused scepticism when ho talk- ed of a tarlfl'less "I'niteil States of Kuro|ii'." Mr. (iraham has proposed at tieiieva a tariff trust, or tariff holi- day, as a preparation, for economic dis- armament, but tho morbid economic I nationalism still flourishes. Mr. Hahl- win, though he Is a. parllcularly sin- cere si'eker after peace, has somehow persuaded himself that the "modern artillery" of Safeguarding Is noces- sary to shoot oilier nations into fiscal act|iiioseence, and that when they havo >ieliletl his method will bo found to have really a form of conciliation. This Is sad; nothing is moru certain than (bat tho Leu&uo by itself ia help- less. Only (ioveriuuents can act. GET INTO RADIO 2Tlin Wnrlil'8 Fastest (Innvlns In- dilstry. l)i-in:iiiil I'IT Truiiifil Mm Kur KM-ci'ilM Supply. \Vrll I'aiU 1'ositloii!) M'''n l' tHir ( Jrntliutf*. RADIO I'Oi.l.IHH: OF CAMACA LIMITED 310A YonffB Street - Toronto ANY SEASON Is Vacation Time In Atlantic City ANY VACATION Is An Assured Success If You Stay at the ST. CHARLES With Mm Flmvst Location niul tlio Long**! I'oi'i'li on thii Kou.UwulU Offei'lng Ilii 1 ulthiKilo In Sovvloa with l.'ncxcellou Cuisine ^11 yours in the highest Market Deal with an old reliable busi- ness house with a reputation of more than sixty-five years for square dealing. Best prices paid. Prompt payments. Cases returned quickly. Cases sup- plied, 60c each, complete, deliv- ered, payment In advance. Reference: Your Own Banker. Write for Weekly (Juotations THE WHYTE PACKING CO, LIMITED ESTABLISHED OVER 65 YEARS 78-80 Front Street East Toronto 2 We are paying 1 the folowiug prlcei for egg* delivered our warehouse for week ending March lit, 19301 Fresh Extra* 35o rtoz. Freeh riritl 33o dot. Freeh Second* It Oracki 300 doz. A Light Heavy- Weight A tramp callnj at a wayslrle cottage and asked for a little food to fcelp him on his way. "Jiut you're a big. strong, healthy- looking man," said the cottager. "Why don't you do some work?" "U'ell, madam,' 'said the tramp, with a shrug of his shoulders, "I'll tell you my trouble. I'm what they call an unhappy medium." "Unhappy medium!" echoed the other. "What do you mean by that?" "I'm too light for heavy work and too heavy for light work.' was the reply. / Taking The Chance Molly had been warned by her moth er not to play in the muddy road. For the fourth time the girl had | disobeyed, and her mother had! brought her back and cleaned her up. "Now, look here, Jlolly," she said, "I'll give you one last chaace. If you go out into tho road again, I'll have to put you to bed, and I'll tell daddy what a naughty girl you have been when he comes back from the office." The child disappeared, and nothing was heard of her for quite a long time. About te i minutes before her father was due home the little girl appeared at the kitchen door wet and bedraggled. "Mummy," she remarked, in a tone of cheerful resignation, "I've used up my last chance." *_! I T Gjvei'cdI!oastaf Utilize Lobster Waste Lobster meal has beer added to the menu of foxes in a number of Marl- time Provinces fox ranches. A New Brunswick lobster canning factory which recently began the manufacture of meal from lobster bodies and shells reports that it has found a market for the new product with the fox raisers who are quoted as describing the meal as excellent for feeding purposes. An SMP Enameled Covered Roaster saves many dollars every year. No need to pay high prices for the best meat. The SMP Roaster gives cheap cuts of meat the juicy tenderness of expensive ones. It'* all in the keeping of the roast covered! No shrinkage . . . No burned meat . . . Mure money saved! Saves work, *time and steps as well. Watch for the familiar SMP label. Popular prices from Si. 00 to 4.60. ENAMELED WIRE 13 Minard's Kills Dandruff. Teacher "Jakie gave a sentence us- ing the word deceit." Jakie "I wear pants with patches on de seat.", Mr. Stanley Haldwin "Money is an Invaluable servant. As a master it is the dpvil." "How could you miss that bird?" "It flew zizgza;; and whenever 1 shot, at zig he went to zag." Minard's Will Kill Corns. otected? Time brings many changes. You may be prosperous now, but will you always bo so? Decide now to protect yourself. Take advantage of the Canadian Government Annuities System. Small sums now and at 65 you can enter on a life of ease and comfort. Isn't it worth the small eSort? v Mail this Coujwn today POSTAGF. FREE ! I Annuities Branch Dcpt TWL, ' ; Department of Labuur. Ottawa 1 Pl*a .cod rae COMPLETE l.VFORMATIOH < about Canadian Government Annuitiu. CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES , Department of Labour, Ottjwa HON. PETER HEENAN, Minuter BACKED BY THE WHOLE DOMINION [ Addrci 1 Nime ; Prut Cloarly The man who wouldn't drive his motorcar half a mile when it '3 out of order, will often drive his brain all day with a head that's throbbing. Such punishment isn't very good for one's nerves! It's unwise, and it's unnecessary. For a tablet or two of Aspirin will relieve a head- ache every time. So, remember this accepted antidote for pain, and spare yourself a lot of needless suf- fering. Read tho proven directions and you'll discover many valuable uses for these tablets. For head- aches; to check colds. To ease a sore throat and reduce the infection. For relieving neuralgic, neuritic, rheumatic pain. People used to wonder if Aspirin might be harmful. The doctors answered that question years ago. It is no/. Some folks still wonder it it really does relieve pain. That's settled! For millions of men and women have found it does. To cure the cause of any pain you must consult your doctor; but you may always turn to Aspirin for uuuie- diate relief. SPI Rl N TRADEMARK RE3.