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Flesherton Advance, 12 Mar 1930, p. 5

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; < THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 086t Tt H33VK. Jack is Twenty-one To-day JACK is twenty-one to-day. But he has more than a man's years to his credit. He has one thousand dollars in the bank. It has grown with a practical mother's love, from the initial de- posit of one dollar on the first birth- day twenty years ago. Youth and age alike bear witness to the value of steadily building a Savings Bank- Account. Your child as a depositor, will attain a higher standing in the community, family, or, most im- portant, in his own estimation. Open a savings account for the child. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (THE STANDARD "BANK" OF CANADA Jl CPJL TIME TASLB Tnini I*T Fkihertow Station folkwi: Oofec Sou* .M .m. 4.1(1 p.m. 8.11 p.m. Th* maili elM t PlMhrton follow*: For th north at 11.00 a.m. Meeting Pistptied AM Interesting Trip Through the courtesy of the i Canadian Pacific Railway we were enabled to make a visit to Mon- treal last week to attend a meeting j of the Ontario-Quebec division of I the Ontario Weekly Newspapers i Association, held in the Windsor hotel on Friday. A large number of the publishers from this part were represented, among then being the Hanover Post, WalkertAn Her- ald & Times, Markdale Standard and Thornbury Review Herald. I David Williams of the Colling-wood Bulletin presided at the meeting, which was very interesting and tn- structive. In the evening the Association members were the guests of Lord Atholstan and tho Family Herald & Weekly Star at a banquet at the Windsor hotel. Mr. C. Gordonsmith, editor of the Family Herald, pre- sided. Re*. Dr. A. P. Shatford, Rector of the church of St. James tho Apostle, was the chief speaker of the evening and delighted the gathering with his comparisons be- tween the press and the clergy, claiming they had much in common. His address was an exceptional jone that will not soon be forgotten. I He stated that the weekly press re- ceived more attention from the sub- The meeting announced in last! 3 '*** aw y fr - home than the issue to be held on Friday night daily, because it was an event. The last was postpond owing to several | arrival of each paper was antici- one being that P*ted a week ahead, was thoroughly then was talked over uth t '8.3tt For Morning train oath mail cloMH at 9.00 p.m. th previous Tning. Local and Personal Going Mortk ILBJtJt. *- 3 * p ' m - 1 circumstances. p.m. | gcveral wished to attend the chaut- , read and auqua at Markdale. It has been j until the next issue arrived, suggested that a bowling green be | Montreal is a great city and there Miss Marie McKechnie spent the week end at her home here Mr. Wes. Armstrong 1 was in To- onto on busines last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy motored to Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. Gordon \McRae left on Tues- day to work on a farm near Duudas. C. E. McTavish of Oshawa has been re-elected president of the On- tario Motor League. It is expected that several citi- zens will attend the banquet in To- ronto being given by -the Toronto Old Home Week committee. Miss Edna McCallum. nurse in training in Grace hospital. Toronto spent the week end in town whh her mother. Mrs. S. J. McCallum. Mrs. F. W. Duncan, Mrs. Gordon Warling and Mr. W. Turney are at- tending L. O. L. Grand Lodge in Brantford this week. While care are able to travel on the highways north and south of the village, the roads are covered with snow and some drifts are quite deep. Markdale junior hockey team won their scries with 1'aisiey i>-4 and are now grouped against Listowel for the finals in the Northern Hockey League Thomas Owler and son of Toronto are opening the Grey County Egg Grading station this Thursday in the old Scully egg packing plant. Mrs. J. Storey and Mrs. Chas. Flynn of Toronto were visitors last week with Mr. John Fljmn, Meaford Road. We have received two letters from Miss A. C. Macphail, M.P., on oceurances in Parliament at Ot- tawa. We expect shortly to com- mence the publication of the letters. The Ladies' Aid of the United church will hold a St. Patrick's social in the church on Monday ev- ening-, March 17th. Program and lunch. Admission 25 cents. one aim with the surplus funds and it is also proposed to have the Toron to committee suggest ways and means, since they had so much to do with the success of the big event. In last week's issue we stated that tha ladies had as much interest in any proposition as the men, since they contributed very materially to the success of the days. Chairman ( Findlay seems to think otherwise not are many places of historic interest. We paid a visit to the Chateau de Ramezay which was built in 1705 by de Ramezay who was governor of Montreal at that time. In it are housed many pictures of historical characters and hundreds of relics of various kinds from the earliest days to those of the present era and it is full of interest to a lover of archaeology. and has taken us to task for printing his notice exectly aa he , dcSv , ribable bcauty and sent it in. Following is t he exact wording of the note sent to us i an Mount Royal Park is one of in- is situated * I at tho summit of Mount Royal. An ." excellent view can be secured from nouncmg the event: 'There will be | thg , wk ^ ut and one ca:1 view the a meeting in the town hall Friday evening of this week of the business men and others who contributed to- ward the starting of the Old Home Week End to try and decide wha* use the balance en hand will bo used for. T. W. Findlay, chairman." great St. Lawrence river for miles both up and down, while away to the south can be seen the >tretn mountains and from the north side o|f the mountain the Laurentians are visible from 50 to 70 miles away. On the summit of Mount Royal a Since practically aH the -to ^^5= crecSd whi^ is citizens were on the various com- can I Kvminated at night and is visible mittees for the re-union we ,,, , distance, and appears hardly see where they can be left ^ h out of any meeting that has to uo ' with the appropriation of the fur.ds ! llu ^ eross werc ***** in tho for o'her purposes. In tho above notice of the meeting we fail to sec who the ''others'' would mean if not t^ho ladies and othe>- residents of the village. However, the meeting is indefin- itely postponed until further notice. sky. also the Catholic IN MEMORIAM CONROX In loving memory of our dear son and father, Thomas W C'onron, who departed this life the third of Mreh. 1928. Let us be oatient, we who mourn, Short and sudden was the call; Ho was so dearly loved by all, But oh, how sweet the promise giv'n swing. We'll meet again with him in Heaven' It is stated that it is an in- sight for a traveler on a liner to view 'his at sijrht while roming up the river. St. James and Notre Dame cith- are well worth visiting as-is shrine on the north side of the mountain. This is a beautiful h-.iMing and is stil' Ui.der construction. With the short time at our dis- posal were unable to visit a< many places of interest as wsre available, but we were delighted with our visit and we look forward to the time when \ve will be able to visit this great ccean port in the summer season when business is in full Sadly mssed by Family (Mother, Brother, Sisters. EUGENIA PUBLIC SCHOOL Subscribe to The Advance FIDDLERS CONTEST For Old Timers AND DANCE. Eugenia Ladies' Aid will hold a | 2 CLASSES UNDER 50 & OVER 50 St. Patrick social on Friday evening, i i 5th class-- Mamie Xerton, Beiva Geiioe, Argyle Martin, Bernice , Campbell, Vernice Fawcett. Ronald Middle-ton, Teddie Campbell. Sr. u Annieta Turner. Herbie Fawcett. Jr. 3 Verda Genoe*. Sr. 2 Douglas Morgan*. Hazel Turner*. Jr. 2 Jc-an Tudor. Leone Duckotf I Percy Graham*. Sr. 1 Winneta Ma-tin. Evelyn 1 Campbell. Carmel 'Martin, Reggie March 14th, in the basement of the } church. Luncheon, frames, con- test', etc. Admission, 25 and lo cents. 10 PRIZES Mount Forest, March 17 Sr. Pr. Elinor Column. Campbell, Ruth Gordon*. ,F cett*. Mabel Duckett. | Jr. rs.._M;, iay William?. ! Gordon \ Edward Doris Rota Owin* t> recent changes in town i Applications :eceivec! to March 15.' 'indicates pupil has been absent Dr. Milne will take possession of Forms supplied by H. Steele. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong's handsome __ ______________ residence, and Dr. Bryce dentist, will move to the residence to be vacated by Dr. Milne the first of April. Edward Beecroft, son of Mr. George Beecroft vt Flesherton, dieil in Barrie on Sunday. The funeral took place 'o Owen Sound on Tues- day, March 11. - > ""*** i The three act comedy, "Clubbing a husband" will be given in Me- j Kinnon hall. Priccville on March 19, 1930 under the auspices of the Pres- 1 byterian Willing Helpers' Society., Wive's be sure to come and bring your husband along for a laugh. Ad- mission, 35 and 20 cents. Qui';e a number of radio users of town were privileged to secure the telephone conversation between Lieut. Byrd, leader of the Ontario exploration party, and New York, the reception being quite clear. One intresting 1'act was that the time of the broadcast as announced was Wednesday morning, March 12, a day ahead of us in time. The Durham high school team was nearly annihilated at the rink here on Thursday night last by the score ef -1. On Monday night the boys went to Durham for the return game and received the short end of a 5-1 tally. Durham had several outside players on the roster. The girls also played in both claces, the score here bein 2-1 in favor of the local team and m Durham the score was 0-0. Opening Announcement Grey County Egg Grading Station in the old Scully Egg House FLESHERTON opens for business THURS., MARCH 13th Thomas Owler & Son Phone 55 Proprietors The Final Debate The final debate of the debating series in group no. 1 of the Young Peoples' Union of Grey Presbytery was held in Inistiogc church on Tues- day evening of last week, March 4, between teams icpresenting the Young Peoples Soeietieg of Dundalk and Flesherton, the former being de- clared the winner. The suojectj ,... "Resolved tna;, complete <lis-j .. ainent on botn lanu and sea is lung overdue and snould be pro- ceeded with immediately. The al- firmative was supported by Miss Irene Martin and Jim Haw of Flesh- erton, while Misses Frances Carson and Evelyn Shouldicu of Dundalk upheld the negative. All the speak- ers did exceptionally well and brought out many strong arguments and the debate was exceedingly Ln-j interesting and beneficial to an 1 audience which filled the church to capacity. The affirmative took! the ground that modern armaments; are enormously costly and prepareii- r.ess was sure to lead to war with all its horrors and blood shed, while the negative maintained that envyj and jealousy, bitter ri^alrys and mis- trust were the cause of war, and; until the cause was removed there would be strife even though they had to fight with rolling pins or bows and arrows. The judges were Mr. T. R. McKcnzic of Port Law, Mrs. Patterson <rf Inistioge and Mrs. Johnston of Prton, who decided that the ne<rative had slight- ly tiio better of the argument. Dun-j dalk is now champion of this group and will enter the semifinals. Miss M. Acheson sang a solo and short addrossHs were given by Rev. Scott of Flesherton and Mr. McKenzip. Mr. Howard C^hn-n Convenor of the Literary and Social Department of Grey Presbytery presided. World's Day of Prayer Every Bell Telephone is a Lang Distance Station A Special s. - - :': i <. ' ' . : -. . . *- ,. r - '*- -. - . - far '"Long Distance" Hers is a new telephone conveni- ence. We will give you a blank book in which you can mafo a list of the people you are likely to call by long distance. We will then fill in the NUMBERS for you and return the book. When you call new names, not listed in your book, "long dis- tance" will tell you the NUM- BERS and you can add them to your list for future reference. This special long distance direc- tory will save time for you be- cause giving the NUMBER you want always gets the quickest possible connection. Tho World's Day of Prayer has was held in the United church with the piano. The collection amounteo. become, as its name signifies, a a large jratherine from the churches -<> *---5 and will be forwarded woi-ld affair, and last year was ob- in the village and country. Mrs. j the Treasurer of the Interooaru served in twenty nine countries. (Rev.) Wolstencroft presided over j Committee of the Wo men B 1 On Friday of last week the meeting the meetinc with Mrs. Blackburn at ary Societies of Canada. Fordson Tractor Outstanding Improvements i 3 4 5 o 7 8 9 T,- ig bysitm Mi'"U System ^ '" SVSKT.I r *~ ,\ :. ner >. Transmission ^riiii;' Crankshaft ('.;\ >o!ine Carburetor 10 Hot Spot Manifold 11 Ikaw Fenders and Platform 12 Sixteen Plate Transmission Brake Covered 13 Steel Sleerini;- Wheel Hard Rubber 14 Shock Absorbiiig Front Coil Spring 15 Automatic Lubrication ot the i\C\TT - . Wheel Bearings 16 One 1'iece Cast Front Wheels i he improved Fordson is a Sturdy, Reliable, Economical and Powerful Tractor H. DOWN & SONS Phone 36 j Flesherton 1 five or more days during the month. S. E. Acheson. teacher. ew Floor Coverings Special Prices for March Congoleum Rugs Floor Oil Rugs 6 x 9 $6.GO 7y 2 x 937.506 x 9 $4.25 7 l / ? x 9 $5.45 9 x 9 $9.00 9 x 10V 2 $10.50 7 l / 2 x 10V 2 $6.25 9 x 12 $1 1.<)5 9x U 1 j $13.50 I All guaranteed Gold Seal Quality) 9 x 15 $14.95 NEW DESIGNS The above are all New Spring Patterns Floor Oil Cloth Printed Linoleum In all widths Yard, Yard and a Halt, Good selection of choice new patterns Two vards and Two vards and a Halt . L c-j ~c wide. - 50 cens per square vard. 4 >' ards Wlde at $3 ' P er runnin * >' d COCOA MATS.. OILCLOTH MATS. CONGOLEUM ^lATS. RAG RUGS OR REVERSIBLE RUGS. New Spring Wallpapers A BIG SELECTION OF NEW PATTERNS. INCLUDING "SUNWORTHY" AND SEMI-TRIMMED PAFERS - - . N Vf. ^e ~~- - r - Specially priced from 7c. pter single roll upwards. DRAPERIES, CRETONNES. NEW C URTAIN NETS, LACE PANELS F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO J

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